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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Rengifo Saavedra, Carlos 29 July 2014 (has links)
El presente resume las acciones de investigación realizado en el desarrollo de la Tesis Doctoral Titulado: ¿Efecto de la aplicación de enmienda orgánica y mineral sobre la fertilidad de un suelo ácido ultisol de la amazonía peruana¿, el mismo que se ejecutó en los denominados ¿Shapumbales¿, zona del bajo mayo, región San Martín, Perú. Estos suelos tienen bajos niveles de nitrógeno, fósforo, potasio, calcio y magnesio, necesarios para los cultivos y a su vez poseen altos niveles de aluminio que son tóxicos para las plantas y que los hace improductivos para la agricultura. Se ejecutaron dos trabajos experimentales durante un período de 03 años consecutivos en el Fundo Aucaloma, propiedad de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, ubicada en el distrito de San Roque de Cumbaza, provincia de Lamas. En estos se evaluaron dosis de humus de lombriz, roca fosfórica de bayovar y la enmienda calciomagnésica denominada ¿Magnecal¿, aplicadas a suelos ácidos con el propósito de recuperarlos para desarrollar una agricultura económicamente rentable. Como cultivos de referencia para el caso del experimento con el uso de humus de lombriz y roca fosfórica, fueron variedades tradicionales de maíz (Zea mays L. Var. Marginal 28-T), frijol cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. var. San Roque) y soja (Glycine max Merril. var. Nacional), bajo un sistema de rotación en los que se evaluaron el rendimiento de los cultivos y el efecto de las enmiendas en la fertilidad del suelo. Para el caso del experimento con el uso de magnecal se sembró la variedad mejorada de Maíz INIA 602 con tolerancia a la acidez, en rotación con el cultivo de soja var. Cristalina, donde también se evaluaron los rendimientos y el efecto de la enmienda sobre las características químicas del suelo. Se usó el diseño estadístico Bloques Completos al Azar (BCA) para los experimentos y los resultados se analizaron mediante el Analisis de Variancia (ANOVA) y la Prueba de Duncan. / Rengifo Saavedra, C. (2014). EFECTO DE LA APLICACIÓN DE ENMIENDA ORGÁNICA Y MINERAL SOBRE LA FERTILIDAD DE UN SUELO ÁCIDO ULTISOL DE LA AMAZONÍA PERUANA [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/39103

Utilisation of traditional and indigenous foods in the North West Province of South Africa / Sarah Tshepho Pona Matenge

Matenge, Sarah Tshepho Pona January 2011 (has links)
AIM AND OBJECTIVES The main aim of this thesis was to explore the possibilities of promoting the cultivation, utilisation and consumption of indigenous and traditional plant foods (ITPF) among urban and rural communities in the North West Province of South Africa that could possibly lead to increased IK and dietary diversity. The objectives were the following: Assess consumption of TLV in the rural and urban communities. Compare nutritional status of consumers and non-consumers of TLV using data obtained from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE-SA) study. Assess the availability, cultivation and consumption patterns of ITPF. Assess indigenous knowledge (IK) within the rural and urban communities. Assess consumers’ views of ITPF in the rural and urban communities. Assess consumers’ acceptance of, preference for and consumption intent of dishes made from cowpea leaves. To compile recipes for the most important ITPF commonly consumed in the study areas in order to promote the cultivation and consumption of ITPF (see Addendum D). STUDY DESIGN Health profile study: For the health profile study, a comparative study was conducted on the baseline data of the population that participated in the PURE-SA study (1004 urban and 1006 rural participants) which follows the health transition in urban and rural subjects over a 12 year period. The baseline data for the North West Province of South Africa were collected from October to December 2005. Utilisation of ITPF study: The study on the utilisation of ITPF used a sequential explanatory study design which involved the collection of quantitative and qualitative data and analyses. The consumer acceptance study consisted of an explorative and experimental phase. Participants were male and female, aged older than 20, residing in the selected communities and knowledgeable on the indigenous and traditional foods of the area. METHODS A variety of quantitative and qualitative research techniques were used. Data were generated through questionnaires, focus groups and individual - and group interviews. Health profile study: Demographic characteristics and frequency of consumption of TLV data were collected by the researcher from 396 randomly selected subjects from participating subjects in the PURE-SA study. An extensive nutritional profile of these subjects was compiled including blood samples, blood pressure, anthropometric measurements and total dietary intake by means of a quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Utilisation of ITPF study: A comparative study was conducted in rural and urban populations of the North West Province. Data were collected by the researcher using a questionnaire (n=396 households), key informant interviews (n=4), and four focus groups. Consumer study: Four focus groups were conducted by the researcher, two in rural and two in urban communities, to investigate consumers’ views about ITPF. Eighty-seven participants were recruited based on a specific purpose rather than randomly. Consumers’ acceptance of, preference for and intended consumption of products made with cowpea leaves were assessed. A 5-point hedonic scale and a 7-point food action rating scale were used for sensory evaluation. RESULTS Health profile study: As expected, rural inhabitants were more likely to consume TLV. However, no household reported to consume TLV more than ten times a month. Factors such as price (affordability) and availability and easy-to-get-to points of purchase were found to be major constraints in the consumption of TLV, especially in urban communities. Urban respondents had significantly higher macronutrient intakes than rural subjects. There was no significant difference between the selected micronutrient intakes between consumers and non-consumers of TLV. Non-consumers of TLV had higher blood lipid levels than consumers from both the rural and urban areas. In the urban subjects the relative risk to develop high blood pressure was higher in non-consumers of TLV than in the consumers. However, the risk ratios of raised serum cholesterol and triglycerides were not significantly different. Utilisation of ITPF study: More plant foods were available and consumed in the rural area than the urban area. However, fewer species were available than expected due to insufficient rainfall, poor soil quality, deforestation and over harvesting. Consumption of indigenous foods was influenced by price, culture, seasonality/availability, accessibility and diversity in markets. A lack of markets for indigenous crops, insufficient rainfall and diseases and pests were cited as the major cultivation problems, followed by a lack of capital to buy farming implements, veld fires and poor soil quality. Consumer study: Based on the qualitative focus group discussions, factors that influence the consumption of ITPF were identified. These factors included benefits and barriers of ITPF consumption. Ways to increase ITFP consumption were also identified. Health and nutrition; tradition and culture; and food safety emerged as drivers for ITPF consumption. A lack of knowledge and skills of food preparation and negative images and unfamiliarity of ITPF acted as barriers. Differences in views existed between older and younger consumers. In general younger consumers found ITF rather revolting and undesirable, humiliating to consume. Sensory evaluation of food samples for the pooled data of the total study population showed that significant differences existed between the acceptability of all attributes, overall acceptance and consumption intent. Socio-demographic backgrounds such as place of residence (urban or rural), levels of education and age were shown to influence the acceptability of food samples and consumption intent. There was no positive association between acceptability of food and gender. CONCLUSIONS Health profile study: This study showed the possibility of beneficial effects of rural diets, however, the lack of knowledge concerning the bioavailability of nutrients from TLV and lack of information on food consumption database, of these vegetables constitute main barriers to obtaining information on nutrient intake. The low frequency of consumption of TLV is of concern. Taking into consideration safe agricultural practices, the promotion of TLV might be a solution towards healthier diets and combating poverty. More research is needed to investigate the health effects of these vegetables. Utilisation of ITPF study: It is evident that there was a limited number of ITPF species cultivated and consumed. Consumers, especially older people, were found to possess extensive knowledge regarding the availability of ITPF species, their habitat and uses, seasonality and potential health benefits. There is a need to intensify education on conservation of natural resources and more studies should be undertaken to document and disseminate traditional food systems. In addition, there is a need to integrate existing health and nutrition interventions with traditional food promotion. Consumer study: The results highlighted the importance of making use of a mixed method approach which made it possible not only to identify factors that influence the consumption of ITPF but also to understand the dynamics thereof from focus group discussions and how they influence acceptability, preference and consumption intent. Important benefits (drivers) of and barriers to ITPF consumption as well as suggestions on how to increase ITPF consumption were identified. Barriers to ITPF consumption and low scores of acceptability provided by younger participants can be connected to misconceptions about ITPF and lack of familiarity with the products. Therefore, a combination of strategies aimed at enhancing individual awareness of the health benefits of ITPF, decreasing barriers and conducting more acceptability studies may have a positive impact on the younger segment of the population. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Consumer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Desenvolvimento de funções de pedotransferência e sua utilização em modelo agro-hidrológico / Development of pedotransfer functions and their application in agrohydrological models

Barros, Alexandre Hugo Cezar 25 August 2010 (has links)
Foram desenvolvidas funções de pedotransferência (PTF) para estimar os parâmetros (\'alfa\', n \'teta\'r e \'teta\'s) do modelo de Van Genuchten (1980) utilizado para descrever curvas de retenção de água no solo. Os dados utilizados foram provenientes de diversas fontes, principalmente de estudos realizados na região Nordeste pelas Universidades, Embrapa e Codevasf, totalizando 786 curvas de retenção, as quais foram divididas em dois conjuntos de dados: 85% para desenvolvimento das PTF; e 15% para teste e validação, considerados como dados independentes. Além do desenvolvimento das PTF de caráter generalizado para todos os solos, foram desenvolvidas PTF específicas para as classes Argissolos, Latossolos, Neossolos e Planossolos. As PTF foram desenvolvidas utilizando técnicas de regressão múltipla, utilizando o procedimento stepwise (forward e backward) para selecionar os melhores preditores. Duas PTF foram desenvolvidas: a) incluindo todos os preditores, densidade do solo, teores de areia, silte e argila e de matéria orgânica e b) apenas com os teores de areia, silte e argila. A avaliação estatística das PTF foi feita de acordo o coeficiente de determinação (R2), o índice de Willmott (d) e o índice confiança (IC). Para avaliação da estimativa do teor de água em potenciais matriciais específicos foi utilizado a raiz do erro médio quadrado (RMSE). A avaliação funcional das PTF paramétricas foi realizada examinando o seu desempenho no contexto do modelo SWAP (Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant). Os parâmetros s, r, e n desenvolvidos por meio de PTF para o modelo de Van Genuchten foram introduzidos no modelo SWAP para verificar a viabilidade da utilização de funções de pedotransferência para descrever atributos físico-hídricos do solo e previsão do rendimento agrícola. Essa viabilidade foi avaliada pelo desempenho do modelo comparando suas estimativas da produtividade agrícola com valores observados. Para os parâmetros e n da equação de Van Genuchten, as PTF demonstraram baixa capacidade preditiva, no entanto, para o parâmetro r a predição foi melhor. Em potenciais matriciais específicos (-10, -33 e -1500 kPa), a capacidade preditiva das PTF foi maior, o que possibilita a utilização em modelos de simulação que requerem apenas aproximações da capacidade de campo, ponto de murcha permanente e água disponível. O desempenho das PTF específicas por classes de solo foi similar ao da PTF Geral, evidenciando que o agrupamento de solos para desenvolver as PTF por classe foi pouco vantajoso. O desempenho na estimativa do teor de água no solo foi melhor para as PTF desenvolvidas com teores granulométricos, matéria orgânica e densidade do solo. Os resultados das simulações de rendimento agrícola utilizando PTF não diferem muito daquelas que empregam outros métodos. Além disso, aplicados em séries de dados mais prolongadas, os erros são reduzidos devido à inerente variabilidade espaço-temporal da produtividade. Palavras-chaves: Pedotransferência; Modelo; Simulação; SWAP; Feijão caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.); Milho (Zea mays L.); Sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) / Development of pedotransfer functions and their application in agrohydrological models Pedotransfer functions (PTF) were developed to estimate the parameters (,\'alfa\', n \'teta\'r and \'teta\'s) of the Van Genuchten (1980) soil water retention model. Data for 786 retention curves were obtained from several sources, mainly from studies from the Northeastern region of Brazil performed by universities, Embrapa and Codevasf. The data were divided in two groups: 85% of data for PTF development; and 15%, considered to be independent, for testing and validation. Besides development of general PTFs for all soils, for the classes Ultisols, Ferralsols, Entisols and Planosols specific PTFs were developed. Techniques of multiple regression, specifically the procedure stepwise (forward and backward) were used to select the best predictors. Two PTFs were developed: a) including all predictors (soil density and contents of sand, silt, clay and organic matter) and b) including only the contents of sand, silt and clay. The statistical performance of each PTF was evaluated from the coefficient of determination (R2), the Willmott index (d) and the confidence index (IC). To evaluate the prediction of soil water content at specific pressure heads, the root mean squared error (RMSE) was used. The functional evaluation of parametric PTFs was done examining performance of PTF estimated parameters in the context of the model SWAP (Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant). The parameters , n, r and s estimated through PTF were introduced in the model to evaluate, by comparison to observed yields, the performance of the PTF when its predictions were used to estimate agricultural productivity. The PTFs showed a low predictive capacity for parameters and n, however, for parameters r and s the fits were better. At specific pressure heads (-10, -33 and -1500 kPa), the predictive performance of the PTF was better, allowing the use in simulation models that require only values of field capacity, permanent wilting point and available water content. The performance of the specific PTF for soil classes was better than the general PTF, but the difference was small, showing that grouping of soils to develop PTF per class seems to be of little advantage. The results of the simulations of agricultural productivity, using PTF, are similar to those that use more traditional methods. Moreover, when applied in long data series the errors are reduced due to the inherent space-temporary variability of the productivity. Keywords: Pedotransfer; Model; Simulation; SWAP; Corn (Zea mays L.); Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.); Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)

Caracterização morfo-agronômica e molecular, processamento mínimo e utilização de raios X em sementes de feijão-caupi [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] / Morpho-agronomic and molecular characterization, minimally processing, and use of X-ray in cowpea seeds [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp]

Melo, Roberto de Albuquerque 10 December 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo foi realizado com os seguintes objetivos de (a) caracterizar morfo-agronômica e molecularmente cinco genótipos de feijão-caupi; (b) avaliar a preservação da qualidade de grãos de feijão-caupi minimamente processado empacotado em três tipos de embalagens (PVC, PP e PEBD) sob temperaturas de armazenamento de 1, 5 e 10 °C, durante nove dias e, (c) identificar os danos causados por caruncho [Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabr.)] e sua relação com a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de feijão-caupi, por meio da análise de raios X. Na caracterização morfo-agronômica os genótipos analisados foram: IPA-206, BRSPAJEU, BRS-POTENGI, L 281.005 e L ESP 10 e na caracterização molecular foram utilizados 26 primers de RAPD e 37 primers de ISSR. Foram construídos três dendrogramas baseados em marcadores moleculares RAPD, ISSR e RAPD+ISSR. Na caracterização morfo-agronômica, as características que apresentaram maior poder discriminante para os cinco genótipos avaliados, foram: cor das folhas; comprimento e largura do folíolo apical; vigor da planta; número de dias à floração, cor das flores; número de dias para maturação da primeira vagem, e ainda, o comprimento, a largura e o número de lóculos por vagem, como também o número de vagens por plantas; e na semente, massa de 100 sementes, comprimento, largura e espessura. A caracterização molecular demonstrou a utilidade do método, não só para avaliar o conjunto da diversidade no germoplasma, mas também para permitir aglomeração potencial dos genótipos com base nas suas afinidades entre si em características de desempenho agronômico. No ensaio de processamento mínimo foi utilizado como matéria prima grãos de feijão-caupi, linhagem L ESP 10. Foram realizadas as seguintes análises: perda de massa fresca, composição gasosa, aroma e aparência. Os dados foram analisados através da construção de gráficos. Constatou-se que a perda de massa dos grãos foi muito reduzida. A temperatura de 1°C e o uso do filme de PVC foi mais eficientes na conservação da qualidade pós-colheita do feijão-caupi minimamente processado, propiciando melhor manutenção da cor verde, aparência, odor e menor oxidação na região próxima ao hilo. Com relação à identificação dos danos causados por caruncho por meio da análise de raios X foram utilizadas três cultivares: IPA-206, BRS-Pajeu, BRS-Potengi e duas linhagens, L 281.005 e L ESP 10. As amostras foram submetidas ao teste de raios X e ao teste de germinação, a fim de determinar a relação de causa e efeito entre os danos provocados pelo caruncho e a germinação das sementes. Para os danos classificados como severos, localizados no eixo embrionário e, ou nos cotilédones, as sementes originaram plântulas anormais ou as sementes estavam mortas. O teste de raios X se mostrou eficiente para a avaliação de danos causados por caruncho em sementes de feijão-caupi, permitindo relacionar os eventuais danos com os prejuízos causados à germinação. / This study was undertaken with the following objectives: (a) to characterize, morphoagronomic and molecularly, five genotypes of cowpea beans, (b) to evaluate the preservation of grain quality of cowpea minimally processed in three types of packaging (PVC, PP and PEBD) under storage temperatures of 1, 5 and 10 ° C for nine days, and (c) to identify the damage caused by the weevil [Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabr.)] using the X-ray analysis and evaluate its relationship to the physiological quality of the cowpea seeds. The genotypes used in this morpho-agronomic characterization were IPA 206, BRS-PAJEU, BRS-POTENGI, L 281.005 and L ESP 10. For the molecular characterization, it was used 26 primers of RAPD and 37 primers of ISSR. Three dendograms were constructed based on molecular markers RAPD, ISSR and RAPD+ISSR. Concerning to morpho-agronomic characterization, the characteristics which presented the highest discriminating power were: color of the leaves, lenght and width of the apical leaflet, plant vigor, number of the days for flowering, color of the flowers, number of the days for first ripe pod, and number of beans per individual plant. For seeds were evaluated, mass of 100 seeds, lenght, width and thickness. The molecular characterization showed the efficiency of the method not only to evaluate all the diversity conditions in the germoplasm but also to allow the potential agglomeration of the genotypes based on their similarities for their characteristics regarding to the agronomic behavior. To set up the trial of cowpea grains minimally processed it was used the line L ESP 10. The following traits were analysed: mass loss, gas composition, odor, and appearance. The results were evaluated by the graphs construction. The results showed that temperature at 1 0C and use of PVC were the most efficient process to preserve the postharvest quality of minimally processed cowpea beans, keeping its green color, appearance, odor, and lowest oxidation level near the hilum. As regards the damage caused to the cowpea seeds by weevil were used the cultivars IPA-206, BRSPajeu and BRS-Potengi, and two lines (L 281.005 and L ESP 10). The samples were exposed to X-ray and germination test to determine the cause-effect relationship between weevil damage and seed germination. Seed damage classified as severe, located in the embryonic axis or in the cotyledons, resulted in abnormal seedlings or dead seeds. The X-ray test, therefore, is efficient for evaluating weevil damage in cowpea seeds.

Supressividade natural de solos do Nordeste brasileiro à murcha-de-fusário e rizoctoniose do caupi

ANDRIÓN, Eddy Enrique Barraza 31 July 2009 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2017-03-16T12:53:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Eddy Enrique Barraza Andrion (1).pdf: 947495 bytes, checksum: aa5e0f6002d19bd71d54a71eae9dc237 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-16T12:53:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eddy Enrique Barraza Andrion (1).pdf: 947495 bytes, checksum: aa5e0f6002d19bd71d54a71eae9dc237 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-31 / The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) is one of the main crops in the Northeast of Brazil especially for the small farmers. The Fusarium wilt and Rhizoctonia canker caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. tracheiphilum and Rhizoctonia solani, respectively are the cowpea diseases showing more frequency and intensity in the Northeast of Brazil. This work aimed to evaluate the natural suppressiveness of 66 soils of this region to the Fusarium wilt and Rhizoctonia canker, and to analyze the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of this soils associated with disease suppressiveness or conducivity. The evaluated soils were grouped from highly suppressive to highly conducive in relation to Fusarium wilt and Rhizoctonia canker severities. The main variables involved in Fusarium wilt suppressiveness were high levels of phosphorus and potassium, basal respiration (CO2 evolution) and indexes of microbial diversity and equitability. For Rhizoctonia canker important correlations were determined with levels of phosphorus, potassium and sodium, basal respiration and enzymatic activity of fluorescein diacetate. There was no correlation between physical factors and suppressiveness to Fusarium wilt, but it was possible to correlate the levels of sand, clay and silt with suppressiveness and/or conducivity of Rhizoctonia canker. Three soils previously classified as highly supressive to Rhizoctonia canker were evaluated in relation to eight strains and three inoculum densities of R. solani. There was significant difference among soils and strains in relation to levels of disease severity. In the three soils the severity levels induced by the strain CMM-1053 were similar to those observed in former studies. Most of the strains showed different behavior in relation to soils, except for CMM-1064 and CMM-1066. There was significant difference among disease severity levels and different inoculum densities. The three soils presented good stability in relation to the different R. solani strains, but the inoculum density may be a limiting factor in the implementation of the natural soil suppressiveness or the supressivity induction in conducive soils. / O caupi (Vigna unguiculata L.) é uma das culturas mais importantes da região Nordeste do Brasil, principalmente na economia de pequenos produtores rurais. A murcha-de-fusário e a rizoctoniose, causadas pelos fungos Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. tracheiphilum e Rhizoctonia solani, respectivamente, são as doenças mais freqüentes e de maior intensidade em caupi no Nordeste brasileiro. Esta tese teve como objetivos avaliar a supressividade natural de 66 solos do Nordeste brasileiro à murcha-de-fusário e rizotoniose do caupi, analisar as características físicas, químicas e biológicas dos solos associadas com a supressividade ou conducividade às doenças, bem como avaliar a estabilidade da supressividade de três solos à rizoctonose do caupi, considerando diferentes isolados e densidades de inóculo de R. solani. Em relação à severidade da murcha-de-fusário e da rizoctoniose do caupi, os solos avaliados foram agrupados desde fortemente supressivos a altamente conducivos. As principais variáveis envolvidas na supressividade da murcha-de-fusário foram elevados teores de fósforo e potássio, respiração basal (CO2 evoluído) e os índices de diversidade e eqüitabilidade microbiana. Para a rizoctoniose, foram determinadas correlações importantes com os níveis de fósforo, potássio e sódio, respiração basal e atividade enzimática de diacetato de fluoresceína. Não foram correlacionados fatores físicos com a supressividade à murcha-de-fusário, porém foi possível correlacionar os teores de areia, argila e silte com asupressividade e/ou conducividade da rizoctoniose. Três solos classificados como fortemente supressivos à rizoctoniose foram avaliados em relação a oito isolados e três densidades de inoculo de R. solani. Houve diferença significativa entre os solos e os isolados quanto aos níveis de severidade da doença. Nos três solos os níveis de severidade induzidos pelo isolado CMM-1053 foram similares aos verificados nos estudos prévios. A maioria dos isolados apresentou comportamentos diferente em função dos solos, com exceção dos isolados CMM-1064 e CMM-1066. Foi verificada diferença significativa entre os níveis de severidade da doença e as diferentes densidades de inoculo. Os três solos evidenciaram estabilidade em relação aos diferentes isolados de R. solani, porém a densidade de inóculo pode ser um fator limitante na implementação da supressividade natural dos solos ou da indução da supressividade em solos conducivos.

Caracterização morfo-agronômica e molecular, processamento mínimo e utilização de raios X em sementes de feijão-caupi [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] / Morpho-agronomic and molecular characterization, minimally processing, and use of X-ray in cowpea seeds [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp]

Roberto de Albuquerque Melo 10 December 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo foi realizado com os seguintes objetivos de (a) caracterizar morfo-agronômica e molecularmente cinco genótipos de feijão-caupi; (b) avaliar a preservação da qualidade de grãos de feijão-caupi minimamente processado empacotado em três tipos de embalagens (PVC, PP e PEBD) sob temperaturas de armazenamento de 1, 5 e 10 °C, durante nove dias e, (c) identificar os danos causados por caruncho [Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabr.)] e sua relação com a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de feijão-caupi, por meio da análise de raios X. Na caracterização morfo-agronômica os genótipos analisados foram: IPA-206, BRSPAJEU, BRS-POTENGI, L 281.005 e L ESP 10 e na caracterização molecular foram utilizados 26 primers de RAPD e 37 primers de ISSR. Foram construídos três dendrogramas baseados em marcadores moleculares RAPD, ISSR e RAPD+ISSR. Na caracterização morfo-agronômica, as características que apresentaram maior poder discriminante para os cinco genótipos avaliados, foram: cor das folhas; comprimento e largura do folíolo apical; vigor da planta; número de dias à floração, cor das flores; número de dias para maturação da primeira vagem, e ainda, o comprimento, a largura e o número de lóculos por vagem, como também o número de vagens por plantas; e na semente, massa de 100 sementes, comprimento, largura e espessura. A caracterização molecular demonstrou a utilidade do método, não só para avaliar o conjunto da diversidade no germoplasma, mas também para permitir aglomeração potencial dos genótipos com base nas suas afinidades entre si em características de desempenho agronômico. No ensaio de processamento mínimo foi utilizado como matéria prima grãos de feijão-caupi, linhagem L ESP 10. Foram realizadas as seguintes análises: perda de massa fresca, composição gasosa, aroma e aparência. Os dados foram analisados através da construção de gráficos. Constatou-se que a perda de massa dos grãos foi muito reduzida. A temperatura de 1°C e o uso do filme de PVC foi mais eficientes na conservação da qualidade pós-colheita do feijão-caupi minimamente processado, propiciando melhor manutenção da cor verde, aparência, odor e menor oxidação na região próxima ao hilo. Com relação à identificação dos danos causados por caruncho por meio da análise de raios X foram utilizadas três cultivares: IPA-206, BRS-Pajeu, BRS-Potengi e duas linhagens, L 281.005 e L ESP 10. As amostras foram submetidas ao teste de raios X e ao teste de germinação, a fim de determinar a relação de causa e efeito entre os danos provocados pelo caruncho e a germinação das sementes. Para os danos classificados como severos, localizados no eixo embrionário e, ou nos cotilédones, as sementes originaram plântulas anormais ou as sementes estavam mortas. O teste de raios X se mostrou eficiente para a avaliação de danos causados por caruncho em sementes de feijão-caupi, permitindo relacionar os eventuais danos com os prejuízos causados à germinação. / This study was undertaken with the following objectives: (a) to characterize, morphoagronomic and molecularly, five genotypes of cowpea beans, (b) to evaluate the preservation of grain quality of cowpea minimally processed in three types of packaging (PVC, PP and PEBD) under storage temperatures of 1, 5 and 10 ° C for nine days, and (c) to identify the damage caused by the weevil [Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabr.)] using the X-ray analysis and evaluate its relationship to the physiological quality of the cowpea seeds. The genotypes used in this morpho-agronomic characterization were IPA 206, BRS-PAJEU, BRS-POTENGI, L 281.005 and L ESP 10. For the molecular characterization, it was used 26 primers of RAPD and 37 primers of ISSR. Three dendograms were constructed based on molecular markers RAPD, ISSR and RAPD+ISSR. Concerning to morpho-agronomic characterization, the characteristics which presented the highest discriminating power were: color of the leaves, lenght and width of the apical leaflet, plant vigor, number of the days for flowering, color of the flowers, number of the days for first ripe pod, and number of beans per individual plant. For seeds were evaluated, mass of 100 seeds, lenght, width and thickness. The molecular characterization showed the efficiency of the method not only to evaluate all the diversity conditions in the germoplasm but also to allow the potential agglomeration of the genotypes based on their similarities for their characteristics regarding to the agronomic behavior. To set up the trial of cowpea grains minimally processed it was used the line L ESP 10. The following traits were analysed: mass loss, gas composition, odor, and appearance. The results were evaluated by the graphs construction. The results showed that temperature at 1 0C and use of PVC were the most efficient process to preserve the postharvest quality of minimally processed cowpea beans, keeping its green color, appearance, odor, and lowest oxidation level near the hilum. As regards the damage caused to the cowpea seeds by weevil were used the cultivars IPA-206, BRSPajeu and BRS-Potengi, and two lines (L 281.005 and L ESP 10). The samples were exposed to X-ray and germination test to determine the cause-effect relationship between weevil damage and seed germination. Seed damage classified as severe, located in the embryonic axis or in the cotyledons, resulted in abnormal seedlings or dead seeds. The X-ray test, therefore, is efficient for evaluating weevil damage in cowpea seeds.

Desenvolvimento de funções de pedotransferência e sua utilização em modelo agro-hidrológico / Development of pedotransfer functions and their application in agrohydrological models

Alexandre Hugo Cezar Barros 25 August 2010 (has links)
Foram desenvolvidas funções de pedotransferência (PTF) para estimar os parâmetros (\'alfa\', n \'teta\'r e \'teta\'s) do modelo de Van Genuchten (1980) utilizado para descrever curvas de retenção de água no solo. Os dados utilizados foram provenientes de diversas fontes, principalmente de estudos realizados na região Nordeste pelas Universidades, Embrapa e Codevasf, totalizando 786 curvas de retenção, as quais foram divididas em dois conjuntos de dados: 85% para desenvolvimento das PTF; e 15% para teste e validação, considerados como dados independentes. Além do desenvolvimento das PTF de caráter generalizado para todos os solos, foram desenvolvidas PTF específicas para as classes Argissolos, Latossolos, Neossolos e Planossolos. As PTF foram desenvolvidas utilizando técnicas de regressão múltipla, utilizando o procedimento stepwise (forward e backward) para selecionar os melhores preditores. Duas PTF foram desenvolvidas: a) incluindo todos os preditores, densidade do solo, teores de areia, silte e argila e de matéria orgânica e b) apenas com os teores de areia, silte e argila. A avaliação estatística das PTF foi feita de acordo o coeficiente de determinação (R2), o índice de Willmott (d) e o índice confiança (IC). Para avaliação da estimativa do teor de água em potenciais matriciais específicos foi utilizado a raiz do erro médio quadrado (RMSE). A avaliação funcional das PTF paramétricas foi realizada examinando o seu desempenho no contexto do modelo SWAP (Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant). Os parâmetros s, r, e n desenvolvidos por meio de PTF para o modelo de Van Genuchten foram introduzidos no modelo SWAP para verificar a viabilidade da utilização de funções de pedotransferência para descrever atributos físico-hídricos do solo e previsão do rendimento agrícola. Essa viabilidade foi avaliada pelo desempenho do modelo comparando suas estimativas da produtividade agrícola com valores observados. Para os parâmetros e n da equação de Van Genuchten, as PTF demonstraram baixa capacidade preditiva, no entanto, para o parâmetro r a predição foi melhor. Em potenciais matriciais específicos (-10, -33 e -1500 kPa), a capacidade preditiva das PTF foi maior, o que possibilita a utilização em modelos de simulação que requerem apenas aproximações da capacidade de campo, ponto de murcha permanente e água disponível. O desempenho das PTF específicas por classes de solo foi similar ao da PTF Geral, evidenciando que o agrupamento de solos para desenvolver as PTF por classe foi pouco vantajoso. O desempenho na estimativa do teor de água no solo foi melhor para as PTF desenvolvidas com teores granulométricos, matéria orgânica e densidade do solo. Os resultados das simulações de rendimento agrícola utilizando PTF não diferem muito daquelas que empregam outros métodos. Além disso, aplicados em séries de dados mais prolongadas, os erros são reduzidos devido à inerente variabilidade espaço-temporal da produtividade. Palavras-chaves: Pedotransferência; Modelo; Simulação; SWAP; Feijão caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.); Milho (Zea mays L.); Sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) / Development of pedotransfer functions and their application in agrohydrological models Pedotransfer functions (PTF) were developed to estimate the parameters (,\'alfa\', n \'teta\'r and \'teta\'s) of the Van Genuchten (1980) soil water retention model. Data for 786 retention curves were obtained from several sources, mainly from studies from the Northeastern region of Brazil performed by universities, Embrapa and Codevasf. The data were divided in two groups: 85% of data for PTF development; and 15%, considered to be independent, for testing and validation. Besides development of general PTFs for all soils, for the classes Ultisols, Ferralsols, Entisols and Planosols specific PTFs were developed. Techniques of multiple regression, specifically the procedure stepwise (forward and backward) were used to select the best predictors. Two PTFs were developed: a) including all predictors (soil density and contents of sand, silt, clay and organic matter) and b) including only the contents of sand, silt and clay. The statistical performance of each PTF was evaluated from the coefficient of determination (R2), the Willmott index (d) and the confidence index (IC). To evaluate the prediction of soil water content at specific pressure heads, the root mean squared error (RMSE) was used. The functional evaluation of parametric PTFs was done examining performance of PTF estimated parameters in the context of the model SWAP (Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant). The parameters , n, r and s estimated through PTF were introduced in the model to evaluate, by comparison to observed yields, the performance of the PTF when its predictions were used to estimate agricultural productivity. The PTFs showed a low predictive capacity for parameters and n, however, for parameters r and s the fits were better. At specific pressure heads (-10, -33 and -1500 kPa), the predictive performance of the PTF was better, allowing the use in simulation models that require only values of field capacity, permanent wilting point and available water content. The performance of the specific PTF for soil classes was better than the general PTF, but the difference was small, showing that grouping of soils to develop PTF per class seems to be of little advantage. The results of the simulations of agricultural productivity, using PTF, are similar to those that use more traditional methods. Moreover, when applied in long data series the errors are reduced due to the inherent space-temporary variability of the productivity. Keywords: Pedotransfer; Model; Simulation; SWAP; Corn (Zea mays L.); Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.); Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)

Patossistema caupi X Macrophomina phaseolina: método de detecção em sementes, esporulação e controle do patógeno. / The pathosystem cowpea x Macrophomina phaseolina: detection in seeds, esporulation and pathogen control.

Athayde Sobrinho, Candido 14 January 2005 (has links)
Apesar da espécie Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. ser bastante rústica e estar adaptada às condições adversas de clima e solo brasileiros, seu rendimento é muito baixo. Diversas causas têm sido levantadas para explicar esse comportamento; entre elas destacam-se as doenças fúngicas, sobretudo aquelas cujos patógenos são transmitidos por sementes, em especial a podridão cinzenta do caule, causada por Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. A abordagem analítica desse patossistema revelou alguns problemas emergentes. Entre eles, destacam-se: a) desconhecimento da qualidade sanitária das sementes de caupi, utilizadas para semeadura; b) desunifomidade na metodologia usada para detectar os patógenos presentes nas semente; c) dificuldade na esporulação do patógeno, máxime de alguns isolados reticentes em esporular em meios artificiais de cultivo, cujo comportamento dificulta os trabalhos de seleção de genótipos resistentes; d) carência de medidas de controle do patógeno, que empreguem práticas naturais, como uso de sementes sadias, de indutores de resistência e de cultivares resistentes, de fácil uso e passível de adoção por parte dos produtores. Na estruturação da matriz lógica do presente estudo, referidos problemas foram transformados em objetivos. Os trabalhos foram conduzidos no Departamento de Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola da ESALQ/USP, em Piracicaba-SP. Os resultados indicaram o teste de sanidade de sementes de caupi empregando o método do papel de filtro com restrição hídrica utilizando NaCl a -0,8Mpa, como o mais adequado para detecção dos fungos presentes nas sementes de caupi, especialmente M. phaseolina. A análise sanitária das amostras de sementes originadas de vários estados brasileiros revelou que, em 62% das amostras analisadas, o fungo M. phaseolina estava presente, sendo as amostras originadas do estado da Paraíba, Piauí, Pará e Bahia as que apresentaram maiores níveis de incidência do patógeno. Os melhores níveis de esporulação do patógeno foram conseguidos com a combinação de sobreposição de discos de folhas de trigo ao meio BDA, com temperatura de 25oC. Quanto à identificação de indutores de resistência, capazes de controlar M. phaseolina, os resultados revelaram que o acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM) foi o mais eficiente, quando comparado com quitosana e com um produto silicatado derivado de rocha micronizada (PSiM), apresentando um controle residual por mais de 40 dias após a semeadura. A maior eficiência verificada pelo ASM ocorreu devido a sua capacidade de ativar mecanismos bioquímicos de defesa, configurando-se em efetivo ativador da resistência induzida nas plantas de caupi, por atuar na cinética de importantes enzimas relacionadas à defesa, como a fenilalanina amônia-liase, peroxidase e quitinase. Quanto à reação de cultivares de caupi à doença, foi possível verificar razoável nível de resistência de algumas cultivares, tendo sido consideradas resistentes Mulato, Guariba e Maratauã. / Notwithstanding the specie Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp is sufficiently rustic and adapted to the adverse conditions of the Brazilian soil and climate, its improvement is very low. Many causes have been raised in order to explain such behavior; among them the fungal diseases stand out, over all those whose pathogens are transmitted by the seeds especially the charcoal rot disease caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. The analytical approach of such pathosystem has revealed some emerging problems. Among them, it stands out: a) the ignorance of the sanitary quality of the cowpea seeds used for sowing; b) the non-uniformity in the used methodology in order to detect the pathogens, which are present in the seed; c) the difficult in pathogen sporulation, principally of some isolated reticent in forming spores in cultivation artificial environments whose behavior hampers the selection works of the resistant genotypes; d) lack of pathogen control measures, which utilize natural practices, such as the use of healthy seeds, resistance inducers and resistant cultivars of easy utilization and liable to adoption by the producers. In structuring the logical matrix of this study, such problems were transformed into objectives. The works were conducted at the Entomology, Phytopathology and Agricultural Zoology Departments of ESALQ/USP, in Piracicaba-SP. The results have pointed out the sanity test of the cowpea seeds through the method of filter paper with hydric restriction using NaCI - 0,8Mpa, as the most suitable for detecting the current fungus in cowpea seeds, especially M. phaseolina. The sanitary analysis of the seeds samples originated from several Brazilian states has revealed that in 63% of the analyzed samples, the fungus M. phaseolina was present, and the samples originated from the states of Paraíba, Piauí, Pará and Bahia were those that have presented higher incident levels of pathogen. The best levels of sporulation were obtained with the combination of the superposition of wheat leaves disks in the middle of BDA in 25ºC. As to the identification of the resistance inducers, capable of controlling the M. phaseolina, the results have revealed that the acinbezolar-S-methyl (ASM) was more efficient when compared to chitosan and with a silicate product originated from micronized rock (PsiM), presenting a residual control for more than 40 days after the sowing. The greatest efficiency ascertained by ASM has occurred due to its capacity of activate the defense biochemistries mechanisms, forming itself in an activator effect of the induced resistance in cowpea plants because it acts in the kinetic of important enzymes related to the defense, such as the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, peroxidase and chitinase. As to the cowpea cultivars reaction to the disease, it was possible to ascertain a reasonable resistance level of some cultivars, and BR 14 Mulato, Guariba e Maratauã were considered as resistant.

Utilisation of traditional and indigenous foods in the North West Province of South Africa / Sarah Tshepho Pona Matenge

Matenge, Sarah Tshepho Pona January 2011 (has links)
AIM AND OBJECTIVES The main aim of this thesis was to explore the possibilities of promoting the cultivation, utilisation and consumption of indigenous and traditional plant foods (ITPF) among urban and rural communities in the North West Province of South Africa that could possibly lead to increased IK and dietary diversity. The objectives were the following: Assess consumption of TLV in the rural and urban communities. Compare nutritional status of consumers and non-consumers of TLV using data obtained from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE-SA) study. Assess the availability, cultivation and consumption patterns of ITPF. Assess indigenous knowledge (IK) within the rural and urban communities. Assess consumers’ views of ITPF in the rural and urban communities. Assess consumers’ acceptance of, preference for and consumption intent of dishes made from cowpea leaves. To compile recipes for the most important ITPF commonly consumed in the study areas in order to promote the cultivation and consumption of ITPF (see Addendum D). STUDY DESIGN Health profile study: For the health profile study, a comparative study was conducted on the baseline data of the population that participated in the PURE-SA study (1004 urban and 1006 rural participants) which follows the health transition in urban and rural subjects over a 12 year period. The baseline data for the North West Province of South Africa were collected from October to December 2005. Utilisation of ITPF study: The study on the utilisation of ITPF used a sequential explanatory study design which involved the collection of quantitative and qualitative data and analyses. The consumer acceptance study consisted of an explorative and experimental phase. Participants were male and female, aged older than 20, residing in the selected communities and knowledgeable on the indigenous and traditional foods of the area. METHODS A variety of quantitative and qualitative research techniques were used. Data were generated through questionnaires, focus groups and individual - and group interviews. Health profile study: Demographic characteristics and frequency of consumption of TLV data were collected by the researcher from 396 randomly selected subjects from participating subjects in the PURE-SA study. An extensive nutritional profile of these subjects was compiled including blood samples, blood pressure, anthropometric measurements and total dietary intake by means of a quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Utilisation of ITPF study: A comparative study was conducted in rural and urban populations of the North West Province. Data were collected by the researcher using a questionnaire (n=396 households), key informant interviews (n=4), and four focus groups. Consumer study: Four focus groups were conducted by the researcher, two in rural and two in urban communities, to investigate consumers’ views about ITPF. Eighty-seven participants were recruited based on a specific purpose rather than randomly. Consumers’ acceptance of, preference for and intended consumption of products made with cowpea leaves were assessed. A 5-point hedonic scale and a 7-point food action rating scale were used for sensory evaluation. RESULTS Health profile study: As expected, rural inhabitants were more likely to consume TLV. However, no household reported to consume TLV more than ten times a month. Factors such as price (affordability) and availability and easy-to-get-to points of purchase were found to be major constraints in the consumption of TLV, especially in urban communities. Urban respondents had significantly higher macronutrient intakes than rural subjects. There was no significant difference between the selected micronutrient intakes between consumers and non-consumers of TLV. Non-consumers of TLV had higher blood lipid levels than consumers from both the rural and urban areas. In the urban subjects the relative risk to develop high blood pressure was higher in non-consumers of TLV than in the consumers. However, the risk ratios of raised serum cholesterol and triglycerides were not significantly different. Utilisation of ITPF study: More plant foods were available and consumed in the rural area than the urban area. However, fewer species were available than expected due to insufficient rainfall, poor soil quality, deforestation and over harvesting. Consumption of indigenous foods was influenced by price, culture, seasonality/availability, accessibility and diversity in markets. A lack of markets for indigenous crops, insufficient rainfall and diseases and pests were cited as the major cultivation problems, followed by a lack of capital to buy farming implements, veld fires and poor soil quality. Consumer study: Based on the qualitative focus group discussions, factors that influence the consumption of ITPF were identified. These factors included benefits and barriers of ITPF consumption. Ways to increase ITFP consumption were also identified. Health and nutrition; tradition and culture; and food safety emerged as drivers for ITPF consumption. A lack of knowledge and skills of food preparation and negative images and unfamiliarity of ITPF acted as barriers. Differences in views existed between older and younger consumers. In general younger consumers found ITF rather revolting and undesirable, humiliating to consume. Sensory evaluation of food samples for the pooled data of the total study population showed that significant differences existed between the acceptability of all attributes, overall acceptance and consumption intent. Socio-demographic backgrounds such as place of residence (urban or rural), levels of education and age were shown to influence the acceptability of food samples and consumption intent. There was no positive association between acceptability of food and gender. CONCLUSIONS Health profile study: This study showed the possibility of beneficial effects of rural diets, however, the lack of knowledge concerning the bioavailability of nutrients from TLV and lack of information on food consumption database, of these vegetables constitute main barriers to obtaining information on nutrient intake. The low frequency of consumption of TLV is of concern. Taking into consideration safe agricultural practices, the promotion of TLV might be a solution towards healthier diets and combating poverty. More research is needed to investigate the health effects of these vegetables. Utilisation of ITPF study: It is evident that there was a limited number of ITPF species cultivated and consumed. Consumers, especially older people, were found to possess extensive knowledge regarding the availability of ITPF species, their habitat and uses, seasonality and potential health benefits. There is a need to intensify education on conservation of natural resources and more studies should be undertaken to document and disseminate traditional food systems. In addition, there is a need to integrate existing health and nutrition interventions with traditional food promotion. Consumer study: The results highlighted the importance of making use of a mixed method approach which made it possible not only to identify factors that influence the consumption of ITPF but also to understand the dynamics thereof from focus group discussions and how they influence acceptability, preference and consumption intent. Important benefits (drivers) of and barriers to ITPF consumption as well as suggestions on how to increase ITPF consumption were identified. Barriers to ITPF consumption and low scores of acceptability provided by younger participants can be connected to misconceptions about ITPF and lack of familiarity with the products. Therefore, a combination of strategies aimed at enhancing individual awareness of the health benefits of ITPF, decreasing barriers and conducting more acceptability studies may have a positive impact on the younger segment of the population. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Consumer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Vicilina de sementes da leguminosa selvagem Anadenanthera macrocarpa: purifica??o, caracteriza??o, efeito delet?rio e mecanismo de a??o para Callosobruchus maculatus

Fran?a, Anderson Felipe J?come de 29 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:03:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AndersonFJF_DISSERT.pdf: 1523854 bytes, checksum: fcaa34d5302cf667d8de6933e27ac7c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Grains and legume seeds are foods that form the basis of the diets of many cultures around the world, winch contritbute to the daily nutrient requirements of humans. Vicilins (7S globulin) are storage proteins found in legume seeds, and may have an additional function constitutive defense of the embryo against pests and pathogens. In this work the vicilin from Anadenanthera macrocarpa - AmV (red-angico), was purified and partially characterized, its effect on development and larval survival and adult emergence of Callosobruchus maculatus was evaluated by determination of LD50, WD50 and ED50 in system bioassay. Purification of vicilin was initiated by the chitin affinity chromatography and then gel filtration (Superdex 75 Tricorn 10x300 mm) FPLC system followed by reverse phase chromatography (C8 phenomenex) on HPLC system. Bioassays WD50 and LD50 for larvae were 0.32% and 0.33% (w:w) respectively, since the ED50 for adults was 0.096%. The probable mechanism of action was evaluated by testing digestibility of AmV in vitro, and observed for the involvement of two fragments vicilins immunoreactive against polyclonal Anti-vicilin from Erythrina velutina (Anti-EvV) about of 22 and 13 kDa chitin binding. The AmV in its native form has been recognized by the anti-EvV, indicating that there is a conserved region in the vicilin and is probably corresponding to the chitin binding domains. These results point to a new vicilin chitin binding that can subsequently be used as a possible biopesticide protein source, in order to control insect pest C. maculatus and confirm literature findings that demonstrate vicilin in the presence of different kinds of ligands to conserved regions chitin not yet characterized / Sementes de leguminosas s?o alimentos que comp?em a base das dietas de diversas culturas ao redor do mundo, tendo uma importante contribui??o nas necessidades di?rias de nutrientes dos seres humanos. As globulinas 7S (vicilinas) s?o prote?nas de reserva encontradas em sementes de leguminosas, e podem apresentar uma fun??o adicional de defesa constitutiva do embri?o contra pragas e pat?genos. Neste trabalho uma vicilina de Anadenanthera macrocarpa - AmV (Angico-vermelho), foi purificada e parcialmente caracterizada. Seu efeito sobre o desenvolvimento, sobreviv?ncia larval e emerg?ncia dos adultos de Callosobruchus maculatus foram avaliados pela determina??o das LD50, WD50 e ED50 em sistema de bioensaio. A purifica??o da vicilina foi iniciada por cromatografia de afinidade ? quitina e posteriormente em cromatografia de gel filtra??o Superdex 75 Tricorn 10x300 mm no sistema de FPLC, seguida por cromatografia de fase reversa C8 phenomenex em sistema HPLC. Por SDS-PAGE, AmV dissociou-se em quatro subunidades principais com aproximadamente 73, 70, 43 e 41 kDa, e quando submetida ? eletroforese a 12% em condi??es nativas apresentou uma banda ?nica de caracter?stica eletrofor?tica ?cida. Nos bioensaios, a WD50 e a LD50 para as larvas foram de 0,32% e 0,33% (p:p) respectivamente, j? para os adultos a ED50 foi de 0,096%. O prov?vel mecanismo de a??o foi avaliado por ensaios de digestibilidade da AmV in vitro, sendo observado o envolvimento de dois fragmentos de vicilinas imunorreativos contra anticorpo policlonal Anti-vicilinas de Erythrina velutina (Anti- EvV), de aproximadamente 22 e 13 kDa ligantes ? quitina. A AmV na sua forma nativa foi reconhecida pelo anticorpo anti-EvV, indicando que existe uma provavel regi?o conservada nas vicilinas, que pode corresponder ? dom?nios de liga??o ? quitina. Estes resultados apontam para uma nova vicilina que pode vir a ser utilizada como um poss?vel bioinseticida de origem proteica, de maneira a controlar o inseto praga C. maculatus, bem como corroborar com achados da literatura que demonstram em vicilinas de diferentes esp?cies a exist?ncia de regi?es conservadas ligantes ? quitina ainda n?o caracterizados

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