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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gabriel Bounoure (1886-1969) : poétique et politique en Méditerranée / Gabriel Bounoure (1886-1969) : poetics and politics in the Mediterranean

Karaki, Élodie 14 December 2015 (has links)
Gabriel Bounoure (1886-1969) a été durant plus de trente ans un acteur important de la vie littéraire française, collaborateur régulier de nombreuses revues prestigieuses. Il fut même, selon d’excellents juges, l’un des plus grands critiques littéraires de son temps. Il fut par ailleurs diplomate. Il vécut ainsi près de 30 ans à Beyrouth (1923-1952) avant de s’installer au Caire puis à Rabat. Au cours de sa carrière diplomatique, il a assumé de hautes responsabilités dans les domaines de la culture et de l’éducation. Gabriel Bounoure, garda, dans son exil oriental, des relations étroites avec la France. Par ses fonctions diplomatiques mais également par ses critiques qui, loin de s’attacher exclusivement aux écrivains les plus en vue de l’époque (Claudel, Gide) ou aux figures littéraires marquantes du XIXe siècle (Rimbaud, Nerval) ont contribué à faire découvrir des poètes alors jeunes comme Henri Michaux. Parallèlement, il éprouvait pour l’Orient une attirance et une affinité profondes. Il révéla ainsi au public français de jeunes auteurs francophones arabes comme Georges Schéhadé.Les liens entre Bounoure et l’espace méditerranéen sont complexes. La Méditerranée était alors le lieu de changements historiques décisifs. Quel rôle politique Bounoure a-t-il joué ? Quel acteur de la vie littéraire française fut-il à cette même époque ? De quelle façon ces deux facettes de sa personnalité, poétique et politique, ont-elles évolué ? Enfin, dans quelle mesure la réflexion politique et la réflexion critique se sont articulées ? Cette thèse rassemble ses articles critiques éparpillés dans les revues, donne à lire des témoignages et exploite de nombreuses archives inédites. / For more than thirty years, Gabriel Bounoure (1886-1969) played a major role in the French literary life, a regular contributor to many prestigious journals. According to excellent judges, he was even one of the greatest literary critics of his time. He was also a diplomat. He lived for nearly 30 years in Beirut (1923-1952) before moving to Cairo and Rabat. During his diplomatic career, he held positions of high responsibility in culture and education. During his eastern exile, Gabriel Bounoure remained closely linked with France, as a diplomat but as a critic as well, who did not focus exclusively on the writers most popular at the time (Claudel, Gide) or on prominent literary figures of the nineteenth century (Rimbaud, Nerval). He helped to discover young poets like Henri Michaux. Meanwhile, he felt an attraction for and a deep affinity with the East. He thus introduced to the French audience young Arab francophone writers like Georges Schéhadé.The links between Bounoure and the Mediterranean area are complex. The Mediterranean was then the place of decisive historical changes. What political role did Bounoure play? What was his role in the French literary life at the time? How did these two facets of his personality, poetic and political, evolved? Finally, to what extent did his thoughts and views both as a diplomat and a critic meet?This thesis gathers his critical articles scattered in journals, offers testimonials and uses numerous unpublished archives.


MARCELO NEVES DE MELLO RAPOSO 11 September 2003 (has links)
[pt] Esse trabalho busca responder à seguinte questão: é possível uma Filosofia do Direito a partir da utilização dos conceitos, dos métodos e da filosofia de Michel Foucault? Ou seja, essa questão não é idêntica àquela que busca na trajetória do pensador francês o conjunto transformado de suas formulações, colocações e enunciações de problemas relativos ao direito. Aqueles que o conhecem sabem da importância desse objeto nas preocupações filosóficas de Foucault. Assim, apostando numa afirmativa, dirigi meus esforços no sentido de determinar a forma específica a ser dada ao que chamei, pelo menos provisoriamente, nova filosofia do direito, cujo distanciamento em relação às filosofia instituídas do direito seria equivalente àquele que se verifica entre a arqueologia e a genealogia relativamente ao conjunto das filosofias acadêmicas. Admitida essa hipótese inicial, era preciso então definir a arqueologia e a genealogia como instrumentos críticos de interpretação (abstraindo-me de toda problemática envolvendo as relações desse método específico de Foucault, elaborado para dar conta dos discursos das ciências humanas, com a hermenêutica em geral e seus postulados filosóficos) e transformação da realidade histórica e política (e de nós mesmos), pois o uso que dela estamos legitimado a fazer no âmbito de construção de uma outra filosofia do Direito está condicionado à orientação imprimida por Foucault em seus trabalhos históricos. Como poderíamos fazer valer os postulados nietzsheanos do autor de As Palavras e as Coisas, Vigiar e Punir, A Vontade de Saber, tomando como referência o conjunto dos discursos, dos procedimentos e das práticas jurídicas no interior de formações históricas específicas que o arqueologista e genealogista deve recortar e descrever. Uma filosofia do Direito, construída em oposição à uma Filosofia do Estado de Direito; um pensamento pragmático, orientado criticamente (busca do a priori do conhecimento e da ação) pela história, cuja característica pós-moderna está em recusar qualquer tipo de antropologismo transcendental, e cujo objetivo é a descrição do funcionamento das práticas jurídicas sem se valer jamais dos universais históricos, a não ser para denunciá-los, desmascará-los. O contrário, portanto, de uma crítica que pressupõe a transcendência desses universais históricos em seu próprio interior, prisioneira de uma tensão permanente entre as estruturas transcendentais do sujeito e suas formas empíricas de existir, ou seja, aquilo que Foucault chamava de sono antropológico, nosso novo sono dogmático. Assim, aproveitei-me estrategicamente de um texto que se tornou central para o desenvolvimento das hipóteses dessa dissertação de mestrado. Em O Que São as Luzes?, Foucault busca inserir seu pensamento crítico, o tipo específico de crítica histórica que ele buscou desenvolver, em relação ao conjunto das filosofias modernas que buscaram, de formas diferentes, responder à questão kantiana lançada em 1784 por um periódico alemão, a Berlinische Monatsschrift: Was ist Aufklärung? O pensamento que ele descreve como constituindo o tipo de crítica que ele propõe abandonar é justamente o de Habermas1. Ao defini-la como um ethos filosófico, uma ontologia histórica de nós mesmos, Foucault aponta para a necessidade de se transformar a crítica kantiana tradicionalmente transcendental, antropológica, cujos limites são negativos, interditórios, numa crítica históricagenealógica do próprio sujeito que assuma uma atitude positiva diante dos limites historicamente (não mais transcendentais) configurados que nos determinam como sujeitos do que pensamos, dizemos e fazemos; uma crítica direcionada, portanto, para uma ultrapassagem possível desses limites historicamente arbitrários. Podemos dizer que esta dissertação é essencialmente um trabalho de método, de planejamento metod / [en] This paper aims answering the following question: is it possible a Philosophy of Law starting from the use of concepts, methods and Michel Foucault s philosophy? That is, this question is not identical to that which searches in the French philosopher s path, the transformed group of his formulations, statements and enunciation of problems related to Law. Those who know him are aware of the importance of this object in Foucault s philosophical concerns. Thus, betting on this statement, I focused my efforts in the sense of determining the specific form to be given to what I called, at least temporarily, new philosophy of Law, whose distance towards the instituted philosophies of Law would be equivalent to those seen between archeology and genealogy relatively to the group of academic philosophies. Admitting this initial hypothesis, it was necessary to define archeology and genealogy as critical interpretation instruments (abstracting me from the whole problem involving the relationships of this specific method of Focault, elaborated to fit the discourses of human sciences, as hermeneutics in general and its philosophical postulates) and transformation of historical and political reality (and of ourselves),since the its use from which we are legitimated to do in the field of the construction of na other philosophy of Law is linked to the guidelines highlighted by Foucault in his historical trials. How could we make Nietzshe s postulates worth by the autor of Les Mots et les Choses, Surveiller et Punir, Volonté de savoir takin as reference the group of discourses, procedures and juridical practices inside the formationof specific histories which the archeologist and genealogist must cut out and describe? Other philosophy of Law erected in opposition to a Philosophy of the Rule of Law; a pragmatic thought, critically guided (searching for the a priori of knowledge and action) by history, whose post-modern characteristic lies in refusing any kind of transcendental anthopologism, and whose objectives is the functioning description of juridical practices without considering the historical universals, only if it is to denounce and expose them. The contrary, however, of a critic which presupposes the transcendence of those historical universals in their inner selves, prisoner of a permanent tension between the subject s transcendental structures and its empiric forms of existing, that is, what Foucault called anthropologic sleep, our new dogmatic sleep. Thus, I strategically took chance of a text that has become central for the development of the hypothesis of this Master s degree dissertation. In Qu est-ce que les Lumières?, Focault attempts to insert his critical thought, the specific type of historical critic that he aimes to develop, regarding the group of modern philosophies which tried, in different ways, to answer to Kant s issue introduced in 1784 by a German newspaper, the Berlinische Monnatsschrift: was ist Aufklarung? The line of thought which he describes as constituting the type of critic that he proposes to abandon is just the same as Habermas. When defining it as a philosophical ethos, na ontology of ourselves, Foucault points out the need of turning Kant s critic traditionally anthropologic, whose limits are negative, into a historical genealogical critic of the individual who assumes himself a positive attitude about historically configured limits which determines us as subjects of what we think, say and do; na addresses critic, therefore, to possibly exceed these historically arbitrary limits. It could be said that this paper is essentially a work of methods, methodological planning of a line of though which seeks production, adapting new concepts to this new philosophy of Law that it is not only supposed to be possible, but could truly be found in classes, lectures, interviews, in the works of a French historian. It is in this sense that the name critic mus be understood, fundam

O processo de comunicação na criação do carnavalesco Raul Diniz / The communication process of carnavalesco Raul Diniz creation

Luderer, Cynthia Arantes Ferreira 26 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:16:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cynthia Arantes Ferreira Luderer.pdf: 12197386 bytes, checksum: 03c2732148ebc829d9075bb8e4ef3104 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-26 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This text has the objective to analyze the communication process of carnavalesco Raul Diniz creation and point how much the limits and restrictions that come from mass media and communications network of Samba s school from São Paulo, interfere on this professional s procedures and choices for the Samba s school parade show creation and assembly. The carnavalesco is the main Samba s school professional responsible to conceive a carnival parade. He must receive, analyze and share pictures converted in symbols. Raul Diniz, specifically , was choose the best carnavalesco of twenty century besides Joãozinho Trinta and is also plastic artist. To best understand his communication process and creation, this study was made based on critic genetic methodology study, based on Peirce semiotic approaching. Dealing with carnival, an hybrid festival with cultural manifestation, we can use theory that analyze Morin and Lotman complex cultural aspects. The selected focus was the 2006 Abre Alas car from the Vai-Vai Sanba s school from São Paulo. It was also analyzed the complement like Comissão de Frente, that in this specific parade had total interaction with studied and created by Raul Diniz allegory. We study this professional creation process documents (drafts and drawing) and the car s mounting pictures and others that contributes for this creation (institutional rules, synopsis, objects, research books and media critics). With this study, we could observe that even the carnavalesco that has been responsible by the show, the communications between him and the people that surround him, as the rules and restrictions that came from the different groups of this hybrid environment from where he take part, interfere on his creative process, with special notability for the mass media television. We could also know better the carnival phenomenon and specifically the Samba s schools parade / Essa dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o processo de comunicação na criação do carnavalesco Raul Diniz e apontar o quanto os limites e restrições, oriundos da mídia e da rede de comunicação das Escolas de Samba de São Paulo, interferiram nos procedimentos e escolhas deste profissional para a criação e montagem do espetáculo do desfile de uma Escola de Samba. O carnavalesco é o profissional da Escola de Samba que é tido como principal responsável e mediador para conceber um desfile de carnaval. A ele cabe receber, analisar e partilhar linguagens que são transformadas em símbolos. Raul Diniz foi escolhido como o melhor carnavalesco do século XX junto com Joãozinho Trinta e além de ter esta profissão, atua como artista plástico. Para compreendermos melhor seu processo de comunicação e criação, este estudo foi feito com base nos estudos metodológicos de crítica genética, com abordagem semiótica (Peirce). Por se tratar de carnaval, uma festa híbrida e de manifestação cultural, coube aqui o diálogo com teorias que analisam os complexos aspectos culturais (Morin e Lotman). O foco selecionado foi o Carro Abre Alas da Escola de Samba Vai-Vai, de São Paulo, elaborado para o desfile de 2006. Junto ao carro, foram também analisadas as composições que o complementam, assim como a Comissão de Frente, que no caso específico deste desfile, teve total interação com a alegoria aqui estudada e criada por Diniz. Observamos documentos do processo de criação deste profissional (esboços e desenhos) como também os da montagem do carro (fotos) além de outros que se tornaram pertinentes para contribuir para esta criação (regras das instituições, sinopses, objetos de apoio, livros de pesquisas, críticas da mídia). Pudemos observar com este estudo que mesmo o carnavalesco sendo o responsável pelo espetáculo, a comunicação entre ele e as pessoas que o cercam, assim como as regras e restrições, vindas dos mais diferentes grupos deste ambiente híbrido, o qual ele faz parte, interferem em seu processo criativo, dando destaque especial para o papel da mídia televisiva. Também pudemos conhecer melhor o fenômeno do carnaval, mais especificamente, os desfiles das escolas de samba e contribuir para preservar a memória desta festa popular e cultural na cidade de São Paulo

Reflexões sobre uma crítica de dança: o Balé da cidade de São Paulo na visão dos cadernos culturais da Folha de S. Paulo e de O Estado de S. Paulo / Reflections about dance critics: the Balé da cidade de São Paulo at the culture newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo

Benvegnu, Marcela 01 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:16:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcela Benvegnu.pdf: 413544 bytes, checksum: 8448b557954f68789e1b4d974751fc5e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-01 / The goal of the current research is to understand the various forms given to the Balé da Cidade de São Paulo's (BCSP) - Companhia 1 - of Theatro Municipal de São Paulo (TMSP), through specialized dance critics. It is meant to describe, analyse and compare this material to underline it concepts and how it is presented in the brazilian contemporary critical. The selected corpus is from two important newspaper available in the entire country: Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo, from 2001 to 2006. The research is based in a collection of pieces about the Balé da Cidade de São Paulo produced in this period. This collection will have the critical analysed and assessed in its concept and in the role of connecting people and artwork. Also, this connection could be classified as critical act comunication dimension as wrote Jacques Leendhard. For Baudelaire, the critical must be partial, passionate and political. This study also tries to introduce the critical concept, considering the time that it was written, the concepts introduced by the critics in the publication, the point of view and the freedom of analyse, which many experts claims that is the reason of the critical to have the role of inform and create opinion. According to Graham McFee, the dance's critical that is presented in newspapers has a deeper meaning and the words must be transformed in motion. As result, it is expected that this research will be able to reveal the importancy of BCSP in TMSP and of its pieces path; reflect about the role and dance's critical quality produced in the brazilian's media; understand better the point of view of each newspaper and the role and thoughts of various dance critics / O objetivo da presente pesquisa é compreender, a partir da visão da crítica jornalística especializada, os diferentes tratamentos dados, num mesmo momento, à Companhia 1 do Balé da Cidade de São Paulo (BCSP), corpo estável do Theatro Municipal de São Paulo (TMSP). Trata-se de descrever, analisar e comparar esse material, de modo a assinalar seus pressupostos conceituais e a maneira como se insere na crítica brasileira contemporânea. O corpus selecionado constitui-se de dois grandes jornais paulistas de circulação nacional, Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo, tomados no período de 2001 a 2006. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa deverá apoiar-se num conjunto de trabalhos em torno das coreografias do Balé da Cidade produzidas no referido período, em obras de história da dança e em obras teóricas, graças às quais enfrentará a questão da conceituação da crítica e, inseparavelmente desta, a de sua função como mediadora entre obra de criação e o público a que se dirige. Essa mediação faz da crítica, para Jacques Leenhardt, por exemplo, uma atividade da ordem da comunicação, que se inscreve dentro do que ele chama de dimensão comunicativa do ato crítico . Para Baudelaire, ela deve parcial, apaixonada, política isto é, concebida de um ponto de vista exclusivo, mas que descortina o máximo de horizontes. O estudo também visa a uma introdução ao conceito de crítica, buscando a compreensão do momento em que as críticas analisadas foram escritas, a análise reflexiva dos conceitos criados por esses críticos nestas publicações, o distanciamento e a liberdade de análise segundo diversos estudiosos, nos quais a crítica assume o papel mediador entre obra e leitor para formá-lo e informá-lo, transformando-se assim em elo entre o momento em que a obra foi escrita e o momento em que o texto está sendo lido. Para Graham McFee, a crítica de dança em jornais vai muito além do texto que ali está impresso, ela deve se transformar em movimento. Como resultados, espera-se, além dos apontados, que este estudo permita revelar a importância do BCSP como corpo estável no TMSP e de sua trajetória coreográfica; refletir sobre o papel e a qualidade da crítica de dança produzida no jornalismo brasileiro e entender melhor o papel e o pensamento de diversos críticos da área em atuação no país

L'écoute en ligne. Figures du sujet écoutant et mutations des espaces musicaux sur Internet / Online listening. The Figures of the Listening Subject and The Transformations of Musical Spaces on the Internet

Gras, Stéphan-Eloïse 11 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge les figures du sujet écoutant en jeu dans les mutations des espaces musicaux sur Internet de 2007 à 2014, afin de penser l’écoute en ligne dans ses spécificités philosophiques et communicationnelles. On étudie un dispositif industriel et logiciel de recherche et de recommandation musical complexe, l’interface de programmation d’ Echonest, pour en saisir les effets esthétiques, c’est-à-dire pour comprendre dans quelle mesure la culture numérique contemporaine façonne l’expérience musicale. Trois angles sont successivement abordés : une archéologie de l’écoute montre les héritages de son expérience en ligne, une étude des politiques de l’archive et de l’algorithme incite à penser les axiologies industrielles de machines du goût, enfin une analyse sémio-pragmatique met en exergue le régime fictionnel de l’écoute à l’écran. Face à l’émergence d’une forme médiatique, le streaming, ces trois temps décrivent un régime numérique contemporain de la perception (sensorium digital) comme une discipline de l’écoutable qui s’appuie sur des modes fictionnels de production de sens en ligne. / This research questions the figures of the listening subject in the context of the transformations of musical spaces on the Internet from 2007-2014, in order to consider the question of online listening from the perspective of the fields of philosophy and communications. I study the industrial and logical disposition (dispositif) of the API of The Echo Nest, a complex musical search and recommandation engine. I seek to grasp the aesthetic effects of this technoogy as a means of understanding the extent to which contemporary digital culture shapes musical experience. This is approached from three perspectives: an archeology of listening, which shows what is inherited in the online listening experience; a critical reading of the politics of digital archiving and algorithms,which incites us to think about the industrial axiologies of « machines of taste » ; and lastly, a semiotic-pragmatic analysis, which draws attention to the fictional modalities involved in mediated listening. With the emergence of music streaming as a new form of radio, this dissertation traces a contemporary regime of digitized perception (digital sensorium) that becomes a « discipline oflistenable » supported by the fictional mode of online production of meaning.

O tema do excesso sexual em Gilberto Freyre : Casa Grande & Senzala e Sobrados e Mucambos / The theme of sexual excess in Gilberto Freyre: Casa Grande & Senzala and Sobrados e Mocambos

Helena Simões Bocayuva Cunha 19 May 2000 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação tem por objeto a imagem da sexualidade excessiva do brasileiro, como um dos elementos de caracterização da identidade nacional. Toma as obras CasaGrande & Senzala, e Sobrados e Mocambos de Gilberto Freyre como centrais para a difusão dessa crença. A narrativa freyriana combina de forma já observada por diversos críticos, uma alternância entre ênfases mais naturalizantes e outras enraizadas na esfera cultural. No primeiro caso, por exemplo, estabelece nexos entre raça, sexo e clima. No segundo caso, valoriza o papel da escravidão para caracterizar aspectos da miscigenação e da sexualidade, presentes na sociedade brasileira. Salienta-se o modo como o autor construiu seu discurso sobre as relações entre homens e mulheres, negros, índios, mulatos e brancos. Estas são fundadas em categorias opositivas que revelam uma constante na atribuição de predicados que conectam sexo e gênero, raça e etnia, a partir de um viés assimétrico. Tal procedimento analítico sugere um persistente idioma de gênero.

Inclusão social e as pessoas com deficiência: uma análise na perspectiva crítica

Carvalho, Alfredo Roberto de 19 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T16:17:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alfredo.pdf: 1803108 bytes, checksum: 66df7f6358603f8a523abe15ef635fe0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-19 / This work is inserted in the perspective of establishing a critic reflection about the proposal of social inclusion and people with disabilities, particularly those people who belong to the exploited social class. On this perspective, the starting point of the analysis is the understanding of the conditionings which took humanity to develop, historically, different practices and conceptions related the this segment, mainly: extermination or abandon, institutionalization, integration, inclusion, mystic and biologic or naïve. On the sequence, it is analyzed the uprising of the inclusive proposal, demonstrating that the mentioned proposal is an answer to the pressures made by excluded and marginalized segments, articulated with the new necessities imposed by capital´s need for expansion. Finally, there are presented and analyzed the main principals which are sustaining this proposal, especially: equal opportunities; respect for the diversity and valorization of the differences; and of concept relativist of knowledge, showing that these same principals have been responding fundamentally to the needs of the actual capitalist´s development model. Along the work, it is sustained the hypothesis that the social inclusion proposal, because it is based on those principals, cannot put itself as an effective instrument to combat the main determinants of the problems historically lived by the people with disabilities, but, on the contrary, it has been used to hide the classist nature of the capitalist society, which, nowadays, constitute the fundamental basis that sustain the whole process of generating inequality, exclusion and marginalization. On the perspective pointed by those principals, the concepts of classes' contradictions are discarded and fights between exploited and explorer are substituted for the proposition of a new attitude facing the social problems, involving changes specially on the formal plan. In order to the fight of people with disabilities can go over and above the denunciation of the traditional practices and conceptions, allowing the comprehension and the confrontation of the real determinants which, historically, have been excluding them, it is necessary that the fight does not remain restricted to the formal/ideal plan. However, this task must involve everyone who can formulate a critical analysis about the problems historically faced by humanity, contributing to put in doubt the conditions of existence of all marginalized segments from the materiality present in some historical moment. This comprehension will allow, surely, the denaturalization of the segregational practices and conceptions related to the people with disabilities, and insert the confrontation against them in the fighting process to overcome the capitalistic mode of production and the construction of a society without explorers and exploited, meaning a new social formation where every individual contributes according to its possibilities and receives according to its needs. That is the society in which can be established the necessary conditions so the defect, by itself, does not make a person with disability the individual who carries it. / Este trabalho insere-se na perspectiva de se estabelecer uma reflexão crítica a respeito da proposta de inclusão social e as pessoas com deficiência, particularmente aquelas pertencentes à atual classe social explorada. Nessa perspectiva, o ponto de partida da análise é o entendimento dos condicionantes que levaram a humanidade a desenvolver historicamente diferentes práticas e concepções relativas a esse segmento, principalmente as do extermínio ou abandono, institucionalização, integração, inclusão, mística e biológica ou ingênua. Na sequência é analisado o surgimento da proposta inclusiva, demonstrando que essa significa uma resposta às pressões dos segmentos excluídos e marginalizados, articulados com as novas demandas impostas pela necessidade de expansão do capital. Finalmente são apresentados e analisados os principais princípios que vêm sustentando essa proposta, em especial, os da igualdade de oportunidades, do respeito à diversidade e da valorização das diferenças e do conceito relativista de conhecimento, demonstrando que os mesmos têm respondido fundamentalmente às necessidades do atual modelo de desenvolvimento capitalista. Ao longo do trabalho sustenta-se a hipótese de que a proposta de inclusão social, por estar alicerçada nesses princípios, não pode ser colocada como um instrumento efetivo no combate aos principais determinantes dos problemas historicamente vivenciados pelas pessoas com deficiência, mas, pelo contrário, vem sendo utilizada para ocultar a natureza classista da sociedade capitalista, que, na atualidade, se constitui na base fundamental que sustenta todo um processo gerador de desigualdade, de exclusão e de marginalização. Na perspectiva apontada por tais princípios, são descartados os conceitos de contradição de classes e as lutas entre explorados e exploradores, propondo, em substituição, uma nova atitude diante dos problemas sociais, envolvendo principalmente mudanças no plano formal. Para que a luta das pessoas com deficiência possa ir além da denúncia das tradicionais práticas e concepções segregativas, permitindo a compreensão e o enfrentamento dos verdadeiros determinantes que historicamente as têm colocado na condição de excluídas, é necessário ultrapassar o plano formal/ideal e envolver todos aqueles que conseguem formular uma análise crítica a respeito dos problemas historicamente enfrentados pela humanidade, contribuindo para problematizar as condições de existência de todos os segmentos marginalizados a partir da materialidade presente num determinado momento histórico. Essa compreensão certamente permitirá a desnaturalização das práticas e das concepções segregativas relativas às pessoas com deficiência e inserir o enfrentamento contra as mesmas no processo de luta pela superação do modo de produção capitalista e a construção de uma sociedade sem explorados e exploradores, isto é, uma nova formação societária onde cada indivíduo contribua com a mesma conforme suas possibilidades e receba segundo suas necessidades. É nesta sociedade que se podem estabelecer as condições necessárias para que o defeito por si só não transforme alguém que o possui numa pessoa com deficiência.

Multiscale Relationships in Polymer-Based Heterogeneous Systems: Experiments and Simulations

Lionel, Flandin 27 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
I have worked on many projects, but there are several things that they all had in common. First, nearly all projects involved searching for the structural parameters that governed the macroscopic properties of the polymers and composite materials. A second common denominator is that even though my work was performed in an “academic context”, the goals were targeted toward industrial needs. Lastly, the methods and procedures were similar; they were all based on experimental results obtained for various scales of measurement (see Fig. 1). Hence, multi-scale modeling was very useful and beneficial for these projects. The models developed (mainly numerical and sometimes analytical) were initially derived from experimental evidence and then validated and improved with further experimentation. The refined models provided an efficient means of: (i) optimizing the composites according to specific needs, (ii) better understanding the hierarchical relations between the different scales, (iii) controlling the micro or meso structure and thereby the macroscopic properties. This study of the relations between structure and properties was performed on a wide variety of physical properties and materials. However, the electric and dielectric properties of composites constituted the major- ity of it and will be presented in this report. The remaining property investigations provided supplemental but valuable information. This work often requires altering various conventional experimental techniques or using well-known techniques for new purposes. I also developed, when needed, several unconventional but necessary measurement techniques. This report contains two major parts which are separated according to the nature of the fillers: Part I : Conducting fillers. In the first part, the main interest both for application and fundamental point of view, is related to the changes in properties in the vicinity of the sharp percolation transition. After a brief introduction to the percolation theory, this part will be subdivided in three chapters: Chapter 1. presents a numerical method that correlates the mesostructure to the macroscopic electrical properties both in two and three dimensions. Chapter 2. will show that an external variable (the mechanical stress) may largely alter the microstruc- ture of the percolating network within composites as revealed the macroscopic conductivity. The understanding of the mesoscale changes will be based on the chemical structure of the polymer matrix. Chapter 3. is devoted to the description of a unique case in term of percolation behavior, which made possible the control of the phase arrangement within the composite and thereby the control of the macroscopic resistivity. p. 2 Multiscale relationships in polymer–based heterogeneous systems. . . Part II : Insulating fillers. In the second part, the main interest is to obtain good electrical insulators, i.e. that can withstand large electric fields. This part thus starts with a brief introduction to the common failure mechanisms, associated with the dielectric breakdown and is also divided in three chapters: Chapter 4. is devoted to the description of a numerical simulation of the relationships between mesostructure and dielectric breakdown. Chapter 5. reveals the influence of the processing conditions of a composite utilized in the industry on the microstructure and the quantitative consequences on breakdown properties. Chapter 6. presents the aging of these composites under “real word” conditions which will further be compared to accelerated aging performed in controlled conditions, in the laboratory. A comparison of the two aging situations will furnish a quantitative understanding of the relative influence of the chemical and physical contributions to the aging process. This report will then be concluded with a description of the current and future projects.

In Wien kann man zwar nicht leben, aber anders wo kann man nicht l e b e n : Kontinuität und Veränderung bei Raoul Auernheimer

Weiss, Lennart January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the nowadays largely unknown Austrian author Raoul Auernheimer (1876-1948). It is an attempt at a presentation of his life and work, the main part dealing with four of his works, the play Talent (1900), the long story Laurenz Hallers Praterfahrt (1913), the novel Das Kapital (1923) and the autobiographical report Die Zeit im Lager (1939). My purpose is to investigate to what extent his works reflect time, Auernheimers life and the city of Vienna. An introductory chapter on life and work deals with the most important events in his life. It is clear, that he was one of the major personalities in the field of culture in Vienna before and after World War I and an outstanding intellectual who stood for democratic values. When he was 61 the Nazis forced him to leave Austria, after first having put him into the concentration camp Dachau for five months. He was then in exile in the USA where, in spite of a heart condition, he lived on for nine more years. A section on secondary literature and an almost complete catalogue of his works show their versatility, scope and scale. In this context, his significant role as a drama critic, journalist and essayist becomes evident. The city of Vienna is a central theme in the four works I examined and each date of origin (1900, 1913, 1923, 1939) is significant for the work itself. Work and date indicate radical changes in his literary production and constitute a step in the direction of becoming a person who thinks politically. However these changes meant very little to his literary style, which shows continuity. In his works he basically remains a Feuilletonist and playwright. More and more Auernheimer shows his solidarity with the vulnerable groups of society. This is conveyed indirectly, virtually through ‘participating observation‘. By each time describing conditions accurately and exactly, he criticizes current deficiencies. Concerning language it is apparent, that irony is important to his style. Since he views his world critically, he uses it to make social conditions clear. The style of the Feuilleton, in which linguistic brilliance and harmony of text are important components, is characteristic of this author. It is the style of the journalist and critic. Keywords: Raoul Auernheimer, continuity, change, life, work, journalist, critic, Talent, Laurenz Hallers Praterfahrt, Das Kapital, Die Zeit im Lager, time influence, social conditions, participating observation, criticism of current deficiencies, city of Vienna, style of the Feuilleton, irony   Lennart Weiss, Department of Modern Languages, Box 636, Uppsala University, SE-751 26 Uppsala, Sweden   © Lennart Weiss 2010

Wind energy and power system interconnection, control, and operation for high penetration of wind power

Liang, Jiaqi 08 March 2012 (has links)
High penetration of wind energy requires innovations in different areas of power engineering. Methods for improving wind energy and power system interconnection, control, and operation are proposed in this dissertation. A feed-forward transient compensation control scheme is proposed to enhance the low-voltage ride-through capability of wind turbines equipped with doubly fed induction generators. Stator-voltage transient compensation terms are introduced to suppress rotor-current overshoots and torque ripples during grid faults. A dynamic stochastic optimal power flow control scheme is proposed to optimally reroute real-time active and reactive power flow in the presence of high variability and uncertainty. The performance of the proposed power flow control scheme is demonstrated in test power systems with large wind plants. A combined energy-and-reserve wind market scheme is proposed to reduce wind production uncertainty. Variable wind reserve products are created to absorb part of the wind production variation. These fast wind reserve products can then be used to regulate system frequency and improve system security.

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