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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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El uso de la identidad cultural en los anuncios publicitarios para afianzar la relación consumidor - marca. Campaña Tenemos Barrio, Tenemos Mundial de cerveza Cristal / The use of cultural identity in advertisements to strengthen the consumer-brand relationship. Campaign Tenemos Barrio, Tenemos Mundial of Cristal beer

Sheen Moreno, Maria Jose 09 December 2020 (has links)
Usualmente, con el fin de atraer a consumidores y generar sentimientos de pertenencia, los anuncios publicitarios recurren al imaginario colectivo que identifica a un país o región para construir un mensaje eficiente que vincule los valores de dicha cultura con determinadas marcas. En este aspecto, la publicidad de bebidas alcohólicas ha destacado por su constante creación de universos simbólicos y experienciales que aluden al lugar de procedencia del producto, con el fin de construir narrativas de identidad y motivar sentimientos de pertenencia en sus consumidores. Se ha podido apreciar que los anuncios publicitarios de las marcas peruanas de cerveza no han sido ajenos a esta tendencia, y constantemente han recurrido a estereotipos culturales materializados en anuncios que descansan en una base de significación orientada a construir una perspectiva de representación cultural. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido analizar, mediante entrevistas focalizadas, cómo los estudiantes universitarios peruanos interpretan las referencias culturales mostradas en los spots publicitarios como estímulos para incentivar la identidad cultural. Se ha podido distinguir cómo en los participantes de esta investigación se manifiesta una relación estrecha entre el reconocimiento de elementos culturales en los mensajes publicitarios y el bienestar subjetivo. Este fenómeno es modulado por diversos factores del individuo, específicamente su necesidad de pertenencia, la cual se forma desde su entorno social y adopta los mensajes comerciales como un conducto hacia sus vínculos grupales. / Usually, in order to attract consumers and generate feelings of belonging, advertisements use the collective imagination that identifies a country or region to build an efficient message that links the values of that culture with certain brands. In this regard, the advertising of alcoholic beverages has stood out for its constant creation of symbolic and experiential universes that allude to the place of origin of the product, in order to build identity narratives and motivate feelings of belonging in its consumers. It has been seen that the advertisements of Peruvian beer brands have not been immune to this trend, and have constantly resorted to cultural stereotypes materialized in advertisements that rest on a basis of significance aimed at building a perspective of cultural representation. The objective of this study has been to analyze, through focused interviews, how Peruvian university students interpret the cultural references shown in advertising spots as stimuli to encourage cultural identity. It has been possible to distinguish how in the participants of this research a close relationship is manifested between the recognition of cultural elements in advertising messages and subjective well-being. This phenomenon is modulated by various individual factors, specifically their need for belonging, which is formed from their social environment and adopts commercial messages as a conduit to their group ties. / Tesis

Främling i mitt egna land : En kvalitativ studie om identitetsskapandet hos andra generationens invandrare / Stranger in my own country : A qualitative study of the identity creation of second-generation immigrants

Kazem, Hedil, Maida, Cucovic January 2021 (has links)
Socialt arbete inkluderar ofta individer som på något sätt lever utanför det normativa samhället. Fall som berör perosner med utländsk bakgrund kan ofta missförstås eftersom den Eurocentriska ideologin inte alltid är rådande för alla. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur vuxna födda på 90-talet med två utrikes födda föräldrar skildrar sin identitet smat vilken inverkan miljön har haft på deras identitetskapande. Med denna studie vill vi även få en ökad kunskap om fårgor som rör identitet i förhållande till etnicitet och hur andra generationens invandrare påverkas av benämningen invandrare. Vi har genomfört kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer födda i Sverige med olika kulturell bakgrund. För att få ett bredare perspektiv har vi ställt frågor om hur deras etniska bakgrund har påverkat deras skapande av identitet i det svenska samhället. Vår analys bgger på det empiriska materialet som även vidare kopplas till den tredje identiteten och andra relevanta teoretiska begrepp som; attributionsteorin, människans behov av tillhörighet och kulturell identitet och dess tillhörighet. Resultatet av vår studie har visat att omgivningen spelar en viktig roll i repondenternas identitetsbildning. Respondenternas etnicitet var avgörande i vilken utsträckning de känner tillhörighet till det svenska samhället. Den etniska bakgrunden bidrog således till en känsla av utanförskap då samhället inte tillät dem att identifiera sig som de ville. Sammanfattningsvis visade den insamlade empirin på att intervjupersonerna växt upp med två kulutrella världar som varit betydande för processen av identitetsskapandet. Deras dubbla kulturella band har varit en kärn faktor i hur dem skildrar sin identitet. Respondenterna ansåg deras dubbla kulturella band som en svårighet i deras unga dagar då ett sökande efter tillhörighet aldrig upphörde. Men beskrev den som en tillgång i dagens läge då de funnit sig själva och sin plats i samhället. / Social work often includes individuals who in some way live outside the normative society. Cases involving people with a foreign background can often get misunderstood because the Eurocentric ideology is not always prevalent for everyone. The purpose of this study is to investigate how adults born in the 90s with two foreign-born parents portray their identity and what impact the environment has had on their identity creation. With this study, we also want to gain a increased knowlegde of issues concerning identity in relation to ethnicity and how second-generation immigrants are affected by being referred to as immigrants. We have conducted qualitative semistructured interviews with six people born in Sweden with different cultural backgrounds. To get a broader perspective, we have asked questions about how their ethnic background has affected their identity creation in swedish society. Our analysis is based on the empirical material which is also further linked to the third identity and other relevant theoretical concepts such as; the attribution theory, man's need for belonging and cultural identity and its belonging. The results of our study have shown that the enviroment plays a significant role in the respondents' identity formation. The respondents' ethnicity was decisive in the extent to which they felt a sense of belonging to swedish society. The ethnic background thus contributed to a feeling of exclusion as society did not allow them to identify themselves as they wished. In summary, the collected empirical evindence showed that the interviewees grew up with who cultural worlds that were significant for the process of identity creation. Their dual cultural ties have been a core factor in how they portray their identity. The respondents considered their dual cultural ties to be a difficulty in their young days when a search for belonging never ceased. But described it as an asset in today's situation when they have found themselves and their place in society.

Gross-gender and gross-generational communication in Siyabuswa

Ramakgoakgoa, Mmametsi Zebedius 11 March 2010 (has links)
The problem addressed in this study is the difference in patterns of verbal and non-verbal communication across gender and generational groups, specifically between members of traditional and urban communities. These differences, it is argued, are linked to differences in values, attitudes, beliefs, views, etc., i.e. cultural differences, between the groups. Misunderstanding in such communicative interaction arises because people are unaware of the role of cultural differences in the construction and interpretation of texts/cases of language use, for example, the gender differences in the way men and women from different age groups and different habitats (rural vs. urban) can generate misunderstanding. In the Ndebele community, there is a marked diversity in communication patterns and practices by gender. These differences in communication patterns between men and women are socially constructed and are related to power. For example, women are not expected to maintain eye contact with their male counterparts in mutual conversation. Where they disregard these communicative norms, it would be regarded as socially unacceptable and such behaviour would be regarded as disrespectful by the traditional members of the society. Non-verbal behaviour may also impede effective communication because there are different systems of using and understanding gesture, posture, silence, touch and physical appearance in different gender, age and rural/urban communities. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Afrikaans / unrestricted

Centro Cultural y Turístico en Ica / Cultural and tourist center in Ica

Concha Pérez, Wilavit 19 August 2020 (has links)
La esencia del trabajo consta de estudios y análisis de la cultura y la educación propia de la ciudad de Ica, para un desarrollo integral que fortalezca aquello que se va perdiendo, usando métodos que vinculen a la sociedad y su identidad. Al investigar más acerca de las necesidades y problemáticas de la ciudad, sale a flote la gran demanda de visitantes nacionales, residentes y extranjeros a sectores cuyas características están ligadas a la falta de infraestructura cultural. Seguidamente el número excesivo de estudiantes en instituciones pedagógicas en relación a la cantidad de colegios, universidades, institutos, etc. Esta información se va ver reflejado en la propuesta multianual de inversiones del Ministerio de Cultura, que propone el desarrollo de un Centro cultural en Ica, vinculado a solucionar las 2 problemáticas con mayor demanda. Por este motivo se propone dicha tipología que aborde un programa consecuente a la falta de ambientes que tienen las instituciones cercanas al proyecto, al igual que la factibilidad para vincular una ruta cultural, que ofrece salas de exposición pertenecientes a restos arqueológicos de Paracas, donde actualmente se exponen en edificaciones no adecuadas para su conservación. Bajo estas circunstancias es como se desarrollará el proyecto cumpliendo un rol que vincule los lazos de la identidad Iqueña, como también ser pionero al marcar pautas acerca del correcto emplazamiento, sistemas de asoleamiento, materialidad a través del mimesis con el entorno, etc. Siendo un punto de partida para hacer arquitectura pensada para el lugar. / The essence of the work consists of studies and analysis of the culture and education of the city of Ica, for an integral development that strengthens what is being lost, using methods that link society and its identity. When investigating more about the needs and problems of the city, the great demand of national visitors, residents and foreigners to sectors whose characteristics are linked to the lack of cultural infrastructure comes to the fore. Then the excessive number of students in educational institutions in relation to the number of colleges, universities, institutes, etc. This information will be reflected in the multi-annual investment proposal of the Ministry of Culture, which proposes the development of a Cultural Center in Ica, linked to solving the 2 problems with greater demand. For this reason, this typology is proposed that addresses a program consistent with the lack of environments that the institutions near the project have, as well as the feasibility to link a cultural route, which offers exhibition halls belonging to archaeological remains of Paracas, where currently They are exhibited in buildings not suitable for conservation. Under these circumstances it is how the project will be developed, fulfilling a role that links the ties of the Iqueña identity, as well as being a pioneer in setting guidelines on the correct location, sunning systems, materiality through mimesis with the environment, etc. Being a starting point to make architecture designed for the place. / Tesis

Kulturologický pohled na vývoj vizuálních a audiovizuálních reprezentací domorodých kultur / A cultural studies perspective on the evolution of visual and audiovisual representations of indigeneous cultures.

Porybná, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
English Summary This dissertation primarily aims to synoptically place the theme of audiovisual representations of indigenous cultures within the context of cultural studies. With its interdisciplinary overlapping, the cultural studies approach is well suited to understanding the complex significance of visual representations of culture, which are both cultural artefacts and cultural interpretations and have an impact that is as artistic as it is scientific and political. The first part of the work describes the manner in which native cultures are audio-visually represented, especially in ethnographic photographs and films which emerged in the North American and European context. The mapping of "exotic others" intensified with the first modern overseas discoveries, first by means of exhibitions of living natives, illustrations and figurines, later through photographs, films and videos. These representations were significantly influenced by the socio-cultural conditions in which they arose. As late as the turn of the 20th century, there was a dominating conviction about the capability of photographs to present an objective record of reality. This technology was therefore used as an instrument for recording and classifying physical and cultural differences. The widespread acceptance of the doctrine of...

Centro de interpretación de la producción cultural indígena shawi a través de la arquitectura fenomenológica en la ciudad de Yurimaguas / Interpretation Center of Shawi Indigenous Cultural Production through Phenomenological Architecture in the city of Yurimaguas

Beltran Gala, Maria Fernanda Damaris 09 November 2021 (has links)
La comunidad Indígena Shawi, es parte del distrito de Yurimaguas, además de una de la más representativa de la Región Loreto, ya que parte de la población Amazónica, desciende a partir de esta cultura. Además, generan recursos económicos y una representación cultural hacia la zona. Pese a esto, se encuentran en peligro de extinción, debido a que sus territorios y modo de vida se ven afectados por las industrias que los invaden, así como también, la falta de identidad cultural en esta zona, respecto a esta comunidad. De este modo, se pretende contribuir con el desarrollo y sensibilización mediante la apreciación de sus expresiones culturales. Asimismo, incentivar a la concientización, aprovechando también, la potencialidad Shawi para el crecimiento turístico en el distrito. / The Shawi Indigenous community is part of the Yurimaguas district, in addition to one of the most representative of the Loreto Region, since part of the Amazonian population descends from this culture. In addition, they generate economic resources and a cultural representation towards the area. Despite this, they are in danger of extinction, because their territories and way of life are affected by the industries that invade them, as well as the lack of cultural identity in this area, with respect to this community. In this way, it is intended to contribute to the development and awareness through the appreciation of their cultural expressions. Also, encourage awareness, also taking advantage of Shawi potential for tourism growth in the district. / Trabajo de investigación

“Vart kommer du ifrån?” - egentligen : - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnor med dubbel kulturtillhörighet och deras identitetsskapande

Fredriksson Rapp, Emma, Lugnehav, Maria January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to examine how identity creation in young women is affected by living in an in-betweenship state. In addition, with the help of our interviewees' stories, we also want to highlight the advantages and disadvantages that the women themselves see in this phenomenon. The purpose of the study is to examine how women who experience in-betweenship and dual cultural affiliation describe that it affects their identity. To investigate this, a qualitative research method with semi-structured interviews is used. The interviewees consist of seven women between twenty and thirty years old with origins from the Middle East, who were all born or raised in Sweden. All interviews were thematized in connection with the transcript and the important themes selected have been limited to what answers the study's purpose and question.The results of the study showed that all interviewees have at some time felt various difficulties in finding and creating their identity between two cultures, which in many cases has led to some form of identity crisis. Several of the interviewees mention that there is a kind of rootlessness and an expressed wonder of "who am I". Another result that this study has shown is that the benefits of living in an intermediate relationship and with dual cultures are a deeper understanding of other people and cultures. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur unga kvinnors identitetsskapande påverkas av att leva i ett mellanförskap. Utöver det vill vi med hjälp av intervjupersonernas berättelser och erfarenheter också lyfta fram de för- och nackdelar som kvinnorna själva ser med detta fenomen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kvinnor med dubbel kulturtillhörighet som upplever ett mellanförskap beskriver att det påverkar deras identitet. För att undersöka detta används en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjupersonerna består av sju kvinnor mellan tjugo och trettio år med ursprung från mellanöstern, alla är födda eller har spenderat större delen av sin uppväxt i Sverige. Alla intervjuer transkriberades i samband med intervjuerna och de teman som valts ut relaterar till studiens syfte och frågeställning.Studiens resultat visar att alla intervjupersoner någon gång har känt svårigheter i att hitta och skapa sin identitet mellan två olika kulturer, vilket i många fall har lett till någon form av identitetskris. Flera av intervjupersonerna nämner en känsla av rotlöshet och en uttryckt undran över ”vem är jag”. En av de största fördelarna som gemensamt nämns av intervjupersonerna är att de tack vare en dubbel kulturtillhörighet har fått en djupare förståelse för andra människor och kulturer.

Hatun Mayo Lodge

Martínez Zuasnábar, Karen 15 February 2022 (has links)
La presente tesis propone el desarrollo de un ecolodge que permita a los turistas mantener una relación directa con la naturaleza del lugar y la cultura de la comunidad. Para ello, se ha optado por una construcción bio sostenible que logre la integración con el entorno y ofrezca el confort adecuado. Se decidió por esta tipología ya que ha demostrado ser la respuesta más idónea del cuidado climático e identidad cultural. El proyecto se caracteriza por promover la conservación de la naturaleza y la promoción de actividades turísticas que no generen un impacto alto. El terreno elegido se encuentra en el km 75.5 de Huancayo a 7km del pueblo de Izcuchaca y presenta una accesibilidad óptima. Está dentro del distrito de Ahuaycha, Provincia Tayacaja, departamento de Huancavelica. Como énfasis se toma el reciclaje y la gestión racional del agua como condicionante de la arquitectura, es así que el reciclaje del agua condiciona la arquitectura del ecolodge adaptándolo con parte del diseño de este. Asimismo, esta agua reciclada durante su recorrido crea con su presencia distintos espacios que generan diversas sensaciones en las personas. / This thesis proposes the development of an ecolodge that allows tourists to maintain a direct relationship with the nature of the place and the culture of the community. For this, a bio-sustainable construction has been chosen that achieves integration with the environment and offers adequate comfort. This typology was decided upon as it has proven to be the most efficient response to climate protection and cultural identity. The project is characterized by promoting the conservation of nature and the practice of low-impact tourist activities, through forms, materials and construction resources of the place. The chosen land is located at km 75.5 of Huancayo, 7 km from the town of Izcuchaca and has optimal accessibility. It is within the district of Ahuaycha, Tayacaja Province, department of Huancavelica. As an emphasis, recycling and rational management of water is taken as a conditioning factor for architecture, so water recycling conditions the architecture of the ecolodge, adapting it with part of its design. Likewise, this recycled water during its journey creates with its presence different spaces that generate different sensations in people. / Tesis

Centro educativo público con espacios comunitarios en Villa María del Triunfo

Romero Solis, Cesar Augusto 03 January 2022 (has links)
El presente documento tiene como finalidad desarrollar el proyecto de tesis de un centro educativo público con espacios comunitarios en Villa María del Triunfo. Este busca brindan una respuesta a la inadecuada infraestructura de los centros educativos y la carencia de espacios y actividades que lo vinculen con la comunidad. Adicionalmente, el proyecto brindará una solución a un problema particular en la zona de intervención, se retornará área pública que fue privatizada. / The purpose of this document is to develop the thesis project of a public educational center with community spaces in Villa María del Triunfo. This search provides a response to the inadequate infrastructure of educational centers and the lack of spaces and activities that link it with the community. In addition, the project will provide a solution to a particular problem in the area of intervention, it will return a public area that was privatized. / Tesis

Centro de difusión de Cultura Viva Comunitaria

Ramírez Fajardo, Leslie Zulay 22 January 2022 (has links)
El Centro de Difusión de Cultura Viva Comunitaria es un proyecto ubicado en Lima-Perú, en el distrito de Villa el Salvador. Se trata de un equipamiento cultural-comunitario encargado de identificar, promover y difundir la cultura existente de su pueblo según su historia, costumbres y tradiciones. Tiene como función principal impartir la enseñanza de actividades artísticas, culturales y laborales, satisfaciendo la demanda existente del distrito por medio de una infraestructura y espacialidad adecuada. Alberga actividades y espacios que permiten el desarrollo personal y social de cada poblador, tales como: danza, música, teatro, psicología, carpintería, costura, biblioteca, comedor, áreas de encuentro colectivo, etc. Asimismo, se brinda a la zona aportes a nivel cultural, urbano y económico. Los cuales, se complementan para desarrollar un punto de participación social, cuyo fin es ayudar a que la comunidad se integre, mejoren sus condiciones de vida y logren identificarse con su cultura, el proyecto y el lugar. / Center for the diffusion of Cultura Viva Comunitaria is a project located in Lima-Peru, in the district of Villa el Salvador. It is a cultural-community facility responsible for identifying, promoting and disseminating the existing culture of its people according to their history, customs and traditions. Its main function is to teach artistic, cultural and labor activities, satisfying the existing demand of the district through adequate infrastructure and space. It houses activities and spaces that allow for the personal and social development of each inhabitant, such as: dance, music, theater, psychology, carpentry, sewing, library, dining room, collective meeting areas, etc. Likewise, the area is provided with cultural, urban and economic contributions. These are complemented to develop a point of social participation whose purpose is to help the community integrate, improve their living conditions and identify with their culture, the project and the place. / Tesis

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