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No religion is an I(s)land : En kvalitativ studie om religionsundervisningens kursplan på IslandKallio, Maarit January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to see how religion is reflected upon in the curriculum of the compulsory school, years 1–10, in Iceland with special emphasize on how religious diversity can be seen in it. From a religious didactics perspective, the question of whether the curriculum on religion reflects on learning about- or learning from religions will be examined through a concept first used by Michael Grimmitt and Garth Read (1975). Furthermore, Beckford’s (2003) concept of religious diversity is analyzed in relation to the religious affiliation in the Icelandic society and his concept on religious pluralism is discussed with regards to the analyzed curriculum. Iceland, seen from a religious point of view, has changed profoundly the last decades in regards to a decline of members in the National Church. In 1976 the first instructions for learning about other religions than Christianity were introduced to the curriculum. The study analyzes the curriculum of the subject called Social studies, which includes several subjects including religion and also the religious affiliation map. Firstly, the words religion and religions were used in order to detect the references to religion in the curriculum. A qualitative content analysis was used on the data in describing the subject content of these references. Beckford’s concept on religious diversity was then analyzed in relation to the statistics on religious affiliation in Iceland. In a third step, religious diversity was used as a search word to find how it is reflected in the curriculum. Beckford’s concept of religious plurality was applied on the result in order to discover how it is reflected on. The results show that, if using Beckford’s definitions on religious diversity, the Icelandic religious affiliation does not mirror a societal situation characterized by religious diversity. The study also shows that the curriculum includes religious diversity, but does not necessarily include religious plurality when Beckford’s concept is applied. The focus in the curriculum is on Christianity, and it is based on the concept of learning about religion with a very little amount of learning from religion. Previous research shows that there is a need for more student centered education and more discussion about the diversity of religions. This study shows that the society and curriculum is attuned with Christianity as the superior religious tradition, but it also shows that the Icelandic society, through the curriculum, teaches about religious diversity, although not necessarily with a religious pluralistic point of view.
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Den livsviktiga kören VaajmoeHerlitz, Elin January 2013 (has links)
Mitt arbete handlar om körsång och att stärka sitt jag genom att sjunga. Men det handlar inte om körsång generellt utan en speciell kör som jag arbetat med under många år, den samiska kören Vaajmoe –sjung för livet. Det här projektet har två ingångar, dels att kören finns för ungdomar med samma samiska tillhörighet och dels för att skapa ett sätt för dessa ungdomar att träffas och må bra genom att sjunga. Den andra ingången har att göra med körens syfte. Den startades för att det är så många samiska ungdomar som mår dåligt och för att det är många som tagit sitt liv. Vaajmoe vill lyfta denna tunga fråga och synliggöra de problem som finns, men göra det på ett glädjefyllt sätt. Jag vill med denna uppsats undersöka vilka psykosociala effekter som projektet Vaajmoe haft på såväl deltagare som publik och även politiskt. / My work is about choral singing and to reinforce his ego by singing. But it's not about choral singing in general but a special project that I worked with for many years, Sami choir Vaajmoe-sing for life. This project has two inputs, and the choir is for young people with the same Sami belonging and to create a way for these young people to come together and feel great by singing. The second input has to do with the choir's purpose. It was started because there are so many Sámi youth who feel bad and that there are many who have taken their lives. Vaajmoe want to lift this heavy question and visualize the problems that exist, but do it in a joyful way. I want this essay examine the psychosocial effects of the project Vaajmoe had on both participants and audience and also politically.
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Främling i mitt egna land : En kvalitativ studie om identitetsskapandet hos andra generationens invandrare / Stranger in my own country : A qualitative study of the identity creation of second-generation immigrantsKazem, Hedil, Maida, Cucovic January 2021 (has links)
Socialt arbete inkluderar ofta individer som på något sätt lever utanför det normativa samhället. Fall som berör perosner med utländsk bakgrund kan ofta missförstås eftersom den Eurocentriska ideologin inte alltid är rådande för alla. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur vuxna födda på 90-talet med två utrikes födda föräldrar skildrar sin identitet smat vilken inverkan miljön har haft på deras identitetskapande. Med denna studie vill vi även få en ökad kunskap om fårgor som rör identitet i förhållande till etnicitet och hur andra generationens invandrare påverkas av benämningen invandrare. Vi har genomfört kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer födda i Sverige med olika kulturell bakgrund. För att få ett bredare perspektiv har vi ställt frågor om hur deras etniska bakgrund har påverkat deras skapande av identitet i det svenska samhället. Vår analys bgger på det empiriska materialet som även vidare kopplas till den tredje identiteten och andra relevanta teoretiska begrepp som; attributionsteorin, människans behov av tillhörighet och kulturell identitet och dess tillhörighet. Resultatet av vår studie har visat att omgivningen spelar en viktig roll i repondenternas identitetsbildning. Respondenternas etnicitet var avgörande i vilken utsträckning de känner tillhörighet till det svenska samhället. Den etniska bakgrunden bidrog således till en känsla av utanförskap då samhället inte tillät dem att identifiera sig som de ville. Sammanfattningsvis visade den insamlade empirin på att intervjupersonerna växt upp med två kulutrella världar som varit betydande för processen av identitetsskapandet. Deras dubbla kulturella band har varit en kärn faktor i hur dem skildrar sin identitet. Respondenterna ansåg deras dubbla kulturella band som en svårighet i deras unga dagar då ett sökande efter tillhörighet aldrig upphörde. Men beskrev den som en tillgång i dagens läge då de funnit sig själva och sin plats i samhället. / Social work often includes individuals who in some way live outside the normative society. Cases involving people with a foreign background can often get misunderstood because the Eurocentric ideology is not always prevalent for everyone. The purpose of this study is to investigate how adults born in the 90s with two foreign-born parents portray their identity and what impact the environment has had on their identity creation. With this study, we also want to gain a increased knowlegde of issues concerning identity in relation to ethnicity and how second-generation immigrants are affected by being referred to as immigrants. We have conducted qualitative semistructured interviews with six people born in Sweden with different cultural backgrounds. To get a broader perspective, we have asked questions about how their ethnic background has affected their identity creation in swedish society. Our analysis is based on the empirical material which is also further linked to the third identity and other relevant theoretical concepts such as; the attribution theory, man's need for belonging and cultural identity and its belonging. The results of our study have shown that the enviroment plays a significant role in the respondents' identity formation. The respondents' ethnicity was decisive in the extent to which they felt a sense of belonging to swedish society. The ethnic background thus contributed to a feeling of exclusion as society did not allow them to identify themselves as they wished. In summary, the collected empirical evindence showed that the interviewees grew up with who cultural worlds that were significant for the process of identity creation. Their dual cultural ties have been a core factor in how they portray their identity. The respondents considered their dual cultural ties to be a difficulty in their young days when a search for belonging never ceased. But described it as an asset in today's situation when they have found themselves and their place in society.
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