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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Shop with Heart: Entwicklung und Evaluation eines emotionsbasierten Interfaces

Meyer, Michael, Helmholz, Patrick, Robra-Bissantz, Susanne 17 December 2019 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, wie durch digitale Unterstützung eine bessere und nachhaltigere Beziehung zwischen Händler und Kunden im lokalen Einzelhandel erreicht werden kann. Dabei soll die persönliche Beratung als eine der Stärken des Einzelhandels durch die Interpretation von Kundenemotionen weiter ausgebaut werden. In diesem Zuge werden ein Konzept, ein erstes Design und eine explorative Bewertung eines Interface-Prototypen präsentiert. Der Prototyp soll die emotionale Situation des Kunden erfassen sowie bewerten und den Händler bei seiner Kundenberatung unterstützen. Diese emotionale Beratung bietet die Möglichkeit, die Interaktion – und langfristig die Beziehung – zwischen Kunde und Händler zu verbessern (Frijda, 1993; Heyes & Kapur, 2012). Die zentrale Forschungsfrage dieser Arbeit lautet: Ist es möglich, mit dem vorgeschlagenen Prototypen einen Mehrwert für den Kunden und Händler zu schaffen? [... aus der Einleitung]

Wilhelm von Bode a medzinárodný trh s umením: nepublikovaná korešpondencia s Rudolphom Kannom a Josephom Duveenom / Wilhelm von Bode and the International Art Market: the Unpublished Correspondence with Rudolphe Kann and Joseph Duveen

Watrelot, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
Wilhelm von Bode and the International Art Market: the Unpublished Correspondence with Rudolphe Kann and Joseph Duveen This dissertation explores changing trends in the European and American art market in the late 19th and beginning of the 20th Centuries, in particular their influences, presented from the perspective of Wilhelm von Bode, renowned connoisseur and, at the time, director general of the Berlin Museums and explored predominantly through his relationship with the private collector Rudolphe Kann and art dealer Joseph Duveen. At the time, the collection of Rudolphe Kann was considered to be one of the most refined among the European private collections, yet it hasn't received much attention by contemporary scholars. This dissertation therefore offers the most systematic review of Kann's collection since 1907, the year when Bode compiled the revised catalogue. Wilhelm Bode was actively involved in building the Kann collection, as shown by the extensive numbers of private, previously unpublished, correspondence, which provided the foundation of this research. After the dealer Joseph Duveen bought the entire art collection of this prominent Parisian collector in the summer 1907 and subsequently sold almost all of the artworks to American collectors, the competitiveness of European private...

Simulating market maker behaviour using Deep Reinforcement Learning to understand market microstructure / En simulering av aktiemarknadens mikrostruktur via självlärande finansiella agenter

Marcus, Elwin January 2018 (has links)
Market microstructure studies the process of exchanging assets underexplicit trading rules. With algorithmic trading and high-frequencytrading, modern financial markets have seen profound changes in marketmicrostructure in the last 5 to 10 years. As a result, previously establishedmethods in the field of market microstructure becomes oftenfaulty or insufficient. Machine learning and, in particular, reinforcementlearning has become more ubiquitous in both finance and otherfields today with applications in trading and optimal execution. This thesisuses reinforcement learning to understand market microstructureby simulating a stock market based on NASDAQ Nordics and trainingmarket maker agents on this stock market. Simulations are run on both a dealer market and a limit orderbook marketdifferentiating it from previous studies. Using DQN and PPO algorithmson these simulated environments, where stochastic optimal controltheory has been mainly used before. The market maker agents successfullyreproduce stylized facts in historical trade data from each simulation,such as mean reverting prices and absence of linear autocorrelationsin price changes as well as beating random policies employed on thesemarkets with a positive profit & loss of maximum 200%. Other tradingdynamics in real-world markets have also been exhibited via theagents interactions, mainly: bid-ask spread clustering, optimal inventorymanagement, declining spreads and independence of inventory and spreads, indicating that using reinforcement learning with PPO and DQN arerelevant choices when modelling market microstructure. / Marknadens mikrostruktur studerar hur utbytet av finansiella tillgångar sker enligt explicita regler. Algoritmisk och högfrekvenshandel har förändrat moderna finansmarknaders strukturer under de senaste 5 till 10 åren. Detta har även påverkat pålitligheten hos tidigare använda metoder från exempelvis ekonometri för att studera marknadens mikrostruktur. Maskininlärning och Reinforcement Learning har blivit mer populära, med många olika användningsområden både inom finans och andra fält. Inom finansfältet har dessa typer av metoder använts främst inom handel och optimal exekvering av ordrar. I denna uppsats kombineras både Reinforcement Learning och marknadens mikrostruktur, för att simulera en aktiemarknad baserad på NASDAQ i Norden. Där tränas market maker - agenter via Reinforcement Learning med målet att förstå marknadens mikrostruktur som uppstår via agenternas interaktioner. I denna uppsats utvärderas och testas agenterna på en dealer – marknad tillsammans med en limit - orderbok. Vilket särskiljer denna studie tillsammans med de två algoritmerna DQN och PPO från tidigare studier. Främst har stokastisk optimering använts för liknande problem i tidigare studier. Agenterna lyckas framgångsrikt med att återskapa egenskaper hos finansiella tidsserier som återgång till medelvärdet och avsaknad av linjär autokorrelation. Agenterna lyckas också med att vinna över slumpmässiga strategier, med maximal vinst på 200%. Slutgiltigen lyckas även agenterna med att visa annan handelsdynamik som förväntas ske på en verklig marknad. Huvudsakligen: kluster av spreads, optimal hantering av aktielager och en minskning av spreads under simuleringarna. Detta visar att Reinforcement Learning med PPO eller DQN är relevanta val vid modellering av marknadens mikrostruktur.

„Zur Erhöhung der Valuta-Erlöse ist vorgesehen, Kunstgegenstände aus den Museen zum Verkauf gegen freie Devisen anzubieten.“: Abgaben der Porzellansammlung Dresden nach 1945: Exkurs: Die bevorzugte Kunsthändlerin der Dresdner Porzellansammlung in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren – Andreina Torré, Zürich

Bechter, Barbara 16 January 2025 (has links)
Umfangreiche Veräußerungen aus Dresdner Sammlungen sind schon seit dem 19. Jahrhundert nachweisbar, auch in der Porzellansammlung wurden vermeintliche „Doubletten“ des Bestandes zum Verkauf und Tausch genutzt. Schon seit Anfang der 1960er Jahre wurden die Museen der DDR über Jahrzehnte von Staatsseite bedrängt, Kunstgegenstände aus den Museen zum Verkauf anzubieten, um mit den erzielten Gewinnen den Staatshaushalt zu unterstützen. In einem Exkurs wird auf die Schweizer Kunsthändlerin Andreina Torré (auch Schwegler-Torré) eingegangen, die seit Anfang der 1960er Jahre in engem Kontakt mit den Dresdner Sammlungen stand. Wegen ihres seit Ende der 1990er Jahre aufgedeckten Verhaltens in der NS-Zeit ist sie als eine mehr als kontrovers einzuschätzende Person anzusehen. / Extensive sales from Dresden collections have been documented since the 19th century. Even in the Porcelain Collection, supposed „duplicates“ of the holdings were used for sale and exchange. Already since the beginning of the 1960s, the museums of the GDR were pressured by the state for decades to offer art objects from the museums for sale in order to support the state budget with the profits made. The Swiss art dealer Andreina Torré (also Schwegler-Torré), who had been in close contact with the Dresden collections since the early 1960s, is discussed in an excursus. Due to her behaviour during the Nazi era, which has been uncovered since the late 1990s, she must be regarded as a more than controversial figure.

An evaluation of the impact of the Non-ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee on copper cable theft

Liebenberg, Andre Sarel 11 1900 (has links)
English, Zulu and Northern Sotho summaries / This study aims to evaluate the Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee's impact on combating copper cable theft in South Africa. Data was collected via in-depth interviews with awaiting trial detainees charged with copper cable theft at the Pollsmoor Correctional Centre in the Western Cape; members of the Mpumalanga and Gauteng Provincial Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee; members of Business Against Crime South Africa; and investigators attached to Combined Private Investigations who investigate copper theft nationally. The in-depth interviews provided a comprehensive understanding of participant experiences relating to the impact of the Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee on the combating of copper cable theft in South Africa. Moreover, the researcher performed a thorough literature study of the phenomenon locally and internationally. Research findings indicate shortcomings in the Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee's effectiveness, limiting its impact on preventing copper cable theft. Based on these findings, the study recommends that the Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee be replaced with a specialised South African Police Service Non-Ferrous Metals Theft Unit. Consequently, this study puts forward a set of recommendations proposing a systematic pro-active plan to address and minimise copper cable theft in South Africa. The proposed plan convincingly presents practical solutions to minimise copper cable theft and contributes to the current body of scholarship on copper cable theft in South Africa. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukuhlola umthelela wohlelo lwe-Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee mayelana nokuqedwa kokutshontshwa kwentambo yogesi (copper cable). Idatha iqoqwe ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezijulile ezenziwa ngokusebenzisa iziboshwa eziboshelwe izintambo zikagesi ezisamele ukugwetshwa ejele lase Pollsmoor Correctional Centre ngaseNtshonalanga Kapa, amalunga eMpumalanga and Gauteng Provincial Non-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee, amalunga eBusiness Against Crime South Africa kanye nabaphenyi abahambisana nophiko lweCombined Private Investigations oluphenya ukutshontshwa kwezintambo zikagesi ezweni lonke. Lezi zinhlolovo ezijulile zinikeze ulwazi olubanzi lwabadlalindima olumayelana nomthelela weNon-Ferrous Metals Crime Combating Committee mayelana nokuqedwa kokutshontshwa kwezintambo zikagesi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, umcwaningi wenze ucwaningo olunzulu lombhalo wobuciko mayelana nokutshontshwa kwezintambo zikagesi lapha ekhaya kanye nasemhlabeni wonke jikelele. Ulwazi olutholakele lukhombisa iziqi ezikhinyabeza ukusebenza kahle kweKomithi mayelana nokuvimbela umthelela walo mayelana nokutshontshwa kwezintambo zikagesi. Ngezizathu ezisuselwa phezu kwalolu lwazi, lolu cwaningo lubeka phambili isethi lezincomo ezinganceda iKomiti ekuqiniseni umthintela walo ngokuhlongoza uhlelo olugqugquzelayo lokunciphisa izinga lokutshontshwa kwezintambo zikagesi eNingizimu Afrika. Lolu hlelo oluhlongoziwe ngaphandle kokungabaza lwethula izixazululo ezenzeka empilweni yangempela ukunciphisa ukwetshiwa kwezintambo zikagesi kanti lokhu kunegalelo kwiziko lamanje futhi luqhubekisa iziko lamanje lwezifundo esimayelana nokwetshiwa kwezintambo zikagesi. / Maikemisetso a thutelo ye ke go lekola khuetso ya Komiti ya Twantsho ya Bosenyi bja Dimetale tse di Sego tsa Tshipi ka ga go lwantsha kutso ya megala ya koporo. Datha e kgobokeditswe ka mokgwa wa ditherisano tse di tseneletsego tseo di sepeditswego le mahodu a megala ya koporo ao a golegilwego ao a letetsego go sekiswa Senthareng ya Tshokollo ya Pollsmoor go la Kapa Bodikela, maloko a Diprofense tsa Mpumalanga le Gauteng a Komiti ya Twantsho ya Bosenyi bja Dimetale tse di sego tsa Tshipi, maloko a Dikgwebo tsa Kgahlanong le Bosenyi tsa Afrika Borwa le banyakisisi bao ba dirisanago le Dinyakisiso tsa Praebete tse Kopantswego tseo di nyakisisago kutso ya koporo kemong ya bosetshaba. Ditherisano tse di tseneletsego tse di file kwesiso ka botlalo ya maitemogelo a batseakarolo ye e sepelelanago le khuetso ya Komiti ya Twantsho ya Bosenyi bja Dimetale tse di sego tsa Tshipi ka ga go lwantsha kutso ya megala ya koporo. Gape, monyakisisi o dirile thutelo ya dingwalo ka botebo ya kutso ya megala ya koporo tikologong ya leagong le kemong ya boditshabatshaba. Dikhwetso tsa dinyakisiso di supa mafokodi ao a lebanego bokgoni bja Komiti tshitisong ya khuetso ya yona go kutso ya megala ya koporo. Go ya ka dikhwetso tse, thutelo ye e hlagisa sehlopha sa dikeletso tseo di ka thusago Komiti go tswetsa khuetso ya yona pele ka go sisinya leano la go itokisetsa seemo se ka diregago ka mokgwa wo o beakantswego go fokotsa kutso ya megala ya koporo ka Afrika Borwa. Leano leo le sisintswego le hlagisa ka mo go kgodisago ditharollo tse di ka phethagatswago go fokotsa kutso ya megala ya koporo ka gona la ba la seabe go le go tswetsa pele popego ya bjale ya borutegi ka ga kutso ya megala ya koporo. / Criminology and Security Science / Ph. D. (Criminal Justice)

Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach. Sammler – Stifter – Wissenschaftler / Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach. Collector - Donor - Scientist

Meyerhöfer, Dietrich 28 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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