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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modulation des fonctions des cellules dendritiques humaines par des fragments d'anticorps / Modulation of human dendritic cell functions by antibody fragments

Lamendour, Lucille 20 March 2018 (has links)
Le système immunitaire protège un organisme du développement de pathogènes et participe activement au maintien de la tolérance immunitaire. Les cellules dendritiques (DC) sont des cellules spécialisées dans l’équilibre pro et anti-inflammatoire de la réponse immunitaire. Les DC jouent un rôle important dans de nombreux contextes pathologiques notamment la transplantation d’organes, en oncologie et dans les pathologies inflammatoires. Elles sont modulables grâce à divers facteurs, intrinsèques et extrinsèques. Parce qu’elles sont capables d’induire une réponse tolérogène, ces cellules représentent des cibles intéressantes pour moduler la réponse immunitaire dans le contexte de la transplantation d’organes et des pathologies inflammatoires. Certains agents pathogènes utilisent des mécanismes d’échappement au système immunitaire en favorisant l’induction d’une tolérance immunitaire. Cette modulation est réalisée par le ciblage des récepteurs de reconnaissance des pathogènes (PRR) sur la présence des DC, induisant la synthèse d’une cytokine antiinflammatoire IL-10, un des inducteurs de la tolérance immunitaire. Notre stratégie a été de construire un anticorps bispécifique ciblant deux PRR différents à partir d’une banque d’anticorps anti-PRR. Notre travail montre que cet anticorps bispécifique est capable d’orienter les DC vers d’un profil tolérogène. Cet anticorps bispécifique induit un phénotype de DC semi-mature avec un profil de sécrétion pro-tolérogène avec de l’IL-10 et peu de cytokines inflammatoires. Le profil de tolérance immunitaire induite par ces cellules reste à explorer. Nos travaux ouvrent de perspectives intéressantes sur l’association des PRR en vue d’obtenir la modulation des cellules de l’immunité. / The immune system protects an organism from the development of pathogens and actively participates in maintaining immune tolerance. Dendritic cells (DC) are specialized cells in the balance and anti-inflammatory immune response. DC play an important role in many pathological contexts, including organ transplantation, oncology and inflammatory diseases. Various factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic, can modulate. Because they are capable to inducing a tolerogenic response, these cells represent interesting targets for the immune response in the context of organ transplantation and in inflammatory pathologies. Some pathogens use mechanisms of escape to the immune system by promoting the induction of immune tolerance. This modulation is achieved by targeting the pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs) present on the surface of DC, inducing the synthesis of an anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, one of the main inducers of immune tolerance. Our strategy was to construct a bispecific antibody targeting two different PPRs from an anti-PRR antibody library. Our work shows that this bispecific antibody is able to direct the DC to a pro-tolerogenic profile. This bispecific antibody induces a semi-mature DC phenotype with a secretion profile of pro-tolerogenic cytokines such as IL-10 and few inflammatory cytokines. The immune tolerance profile of these DC remains to be explored. Our work opens interesting perspectives on the association of PRRs in order to obtain the modulation of the cells of the immunity.

Signalisation intercellulaire et rôle du récepteur purinergique P2Y11 en réponse à l'Ischémie/Reperfusion myocardique : entre immunomodulation et cardioprotection / Intercellular signaling and P2Y11 purinoceptor implication after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury

Lefort, Claudie 12 October 2018 (has links)
Les lésions d’Ischémie/Reperfusion (I/R) contribuent à la physiopathologie de l’infarctus du myocarde. Le stress induit par l’I/R entraîne la mort des cardiomyocytes, une forte réponse inflammatoire de type stérile et la mise en place d’un processus de réparation impliquant les fibroblastes cardiaques. Il a précédemment été montré au laboratoire que l’activation du récepteur purinergique P2Y11 par l’ATP diminuait la sécrétion d’IL-6 et d’IL- 12 par la cellule dendritique (DC), permettant une diminution de la polarisation vers une réponse adaptative Th1. Nous avons donc émis l’hypothèse que la signalisation purinergique pouvait également moduler la mortalité des cardiomyocytes et l’activation des fibroblastes cardiaques après I/R, en diminuant la mise en place de réponses cellulaires délétères à long terme pour l’organe. L’objectif de cette thèse a été de déterminer in vitro le rôle de la signalisation purinergique sur la réponse des cardiomyocytes et des fibroblastes cardiaques à l’Hypoxie/Réoxygénation (H/R). Nous avons pu montrer que l’activation des récepteurs purinergiques au moment de la réoxygénation, en particulier du récepteur P2Y11, permettait de réduire la mortalité des cardiomyocytes après H/R. Nous avons ensuite montré que la stimulation de P2Y11 au moment de la réoxygénation diminue la prolifération des fibroblastes cardiaques et leur switch phénotypique en myofibroblastes, mais aussi diminue leur sécrétion de facteurs pro-inflammatoires. Le sécrétome des fibroblastes cardiaques a également induit une diminution de la sécrétion d’IL-6 et d’IL-12 par les DC, ainsi qu’une diminution de la mortalité des cardiomyocytes soumis à une H/R. Ces effets immunomodulateurs et cardioprotecteurs étaient dépendants de l’activation du récepteur P2Y11 sur les fibroblastes cardiaques. Ces résultats suggèrent fortement que le récepteur P2Y11 est au centre des réponses cellulaires post-H/R, et que le cibler in vivo à la reperfusion pourrait améliorer le pronostic clinique des patients atteints d’infarctus du myocarde. / Ischemia/Reperfusion injuries are involved in the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction. I/R-induced stress leads to massive cardiomyocyte death, an acute inflammatory response and the establishment of a repair process by cardiac fibroblasts. Previous work in the laboratory showed that P2Y11 purinergic receptor activation by ATP decreased IL-6 and IL-12 secretion by dendritic cells (DC), inducing a decrease in polarization towards Th1 response. We hypothesized that purinergic signaling could also modulate cardiomyocyte death and activation of cardiac fibroblasts responses to hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R). We showed that the activation of purinergic receptors at the onset of reoxygenation, especially P2Y11 receptor, improved cardiomyocytes survival following H/R. We then showed that P2Y11 stimulation at the onset of reoxygenation decreased cardiac fibroblasts proliferation and their phenotypic switch into myofibroblasts, but also decreased their secretion of pro-inflammatory factors. Cardiac fibroblasts secretome reduced IL-6 and IL-12 secretion by DC, and cardiomyocyte mortality. These immunomodulatory and cardioprotective effects were dependent on P2Y11 receptor activation in cardiac fibroblasts. These results suggest that P2Y11 receptor is strongly involved in post- H/R cellular responses, and that targeting this receptor in vivo could improve the clinical prognosis of patients with myocardial infarction.

Etude de l'effet de mutations du gène SHANK3 dans les TSA à partir de neurones corticaux humains dérivés de cellules souches pluripotentes induites / Study of the effect of SHANK3 gene mutations in TSA from human cortical neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells

Gouder, Laura 18 November 2016 (has links)
Les Troubles du Spectre Autistique (TSA) affectent un individu sur 100 en France et sont caractérisés par des déficits de la communication et des interactions sociales ainsi que par la présence d’intérêts restreints et de comportements répétitifs. Le laboratoire a démontré l’implication de protéines synaptiques dans le développement des TSA et en particulier celle des protéines SHANK. Ces protéines sont des protéines d’échafaudage présentes au niveau de la densité post-synaptique (PSD) des neurones glutamatergiques et interagissant avec différents partenaires. Dans le cadre de mon projet de thèse, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à la protéine SHANK3. Des mutations au sein du gène SHANK3 ont été détectées chez environ 1 à 2% des patients, selon le degré de sévérité du retard mental. Un déficit de SHANK3 altère le fonctionnement synaptique. En effet, des analyses sur modèles de souris invalidées pour le gène SHANK3 ont montré une diminution de la densité des épines dendritiques, de la taille de la densité post-synaptique et de l’expression des partenaires protéiques de SHANK3. Mon modèle principal d’analyse a consisté en la reprogrammation de fibroblastes en cellules pluripotentes induites (iPSC « induced pluripotent stem cells »). Les iPSCs ont ensuite été sélectivement dérivées en neurones corticaux. Nos études se sont focalisées sur l’analyse des conséquences fonctionnelles de mutations de novo du gène SHANK3 retrouvées chez 4 patients à l’état hétérozygote et présentes au sein de l’exon 21. Ces mutations conduisent à un codon stop prématuré. En parallèle, nous avons obtenu des cellules de 4 individus témoins ne présentant aucun trouble psychiatrique identifié. L’analyse a porté d’une part sur des aspects morphologiques et d’autre part sur des aspects fonctionnels. Nous avons étudié l’effet des mutations sur la maturation et les caractéristiques morphologiques des épines dendritiques. Nous avons établi un protocole permettant une analyse détaillée de la morphologie en 3D des épines dendritiques et suivi leur maturation. Un résultat majeur est l’observation d’une diminution de la densité des épines sur les dendrites des neurones pyramidaux issus des patients par rapport aux témoins. Comme attendu, la maturation des épines n’est pas complètement achevée mais varie peu dans son évolution d’un individu à l’autre (témoins vs. patients). Nous avons poursuivi ces études par deux approches fonctionnelles : l’imagerie calcique et des études d’électrophysiologie. Les données électrophysiologiques sont en cours d’analyse. En conclusion, nous avons pu obtenir des cultures de neurones corticaux glutamatergiques et les maintenir en culture durant 40 jours pour effectuer différentes analyses à un stade de maturation suffisant pour la mise en évidence de phénotypes morphologiques et fonctionnels. Nous avons principalement observé une diminution de des densités synaptiques et de maturation des épines dendritiques au sein des neurones issus de patients liée à des altérations d’oscillations calciques spontanées. / Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting 1% of population ; characterised by impairments in social interaction and reciprocal communication as well as repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. The work of the laboratory lead to the identification of several genes associated with ASD, among which genes of the synaptic pathway such as SHANK. The SHANK proteins are scaffolding proteins of the post-synaptic density (PSD) of glutamatergic neurons and interact with several partners. In my thesis project, we were particularly interested in SHANK3 mutations. First, Shank3 mutations represent up to 2.12% of ASD cases with moderate to high ID. A SHANK3 deficit leads to the alteration of the synaptic functioning. Indeed, studies of mice KO for SHANK3 gene showed a decrease of the dendritic spines density, of the PSD size and of the expression of SHANK3 partners. My principal model of analysis consisted in the reprogrammation of fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Then, the iPSCs were selectively derived into cortical neurons. Our studies were focus on the analysis of functional consequences of SHANK3 de novo mutations found within 4 patients. These mutations are heterozygous and within the exon 21. They result in a premature stop codon. In parallel, we obtained cells from 4 healthy individuals. The work was about the morphological and functional aspects. We analysed the mutations effects on the maturation and morphological caracteristics of the dendritic spines. We finalized a protocol that enabled a detailed analysis of the spine dendritic 3D morphology and their maturation follow-up. A important result was the observation of a decrease of the spine density on pyramidal neurons dendrites from patients compared to those from controls. Moreover, spines maturation was not fully accomplished but was not much different in its evolution between individuals (controls vs patients). Then, we used two functional skills : calcium imaging and electrophysiological experiments. The electrophysiological data are in progress. To conclude, we succeeded in the obtention of glutamatergic cortical neurons and to maintain them in culture during 40 days in order to realize some analysis at a sufficient maturation stage to observe morphological and functional phenotypes. We mainly observed a decrease of the dendritic spines density and maturation for the neurons from patients, with alterations of the spontaneous calcium oscillations.

Células Natural Killer na modulação da imunidade celular em humanos. / Natural Killer cells in the modulation of cell-mediated immunity in humans.

Salomon, Maria Alejandra Clavijo 17 August 2016 (has links)
Células dendríticas (DCs) são componentes centrais da imunidade celular, responsáveis pelo priming de linfócitos T naïve. A polarização de linfócitos T é restrita aos sinais fornecidos durante a apresentação do antígeno. Além desses sinais, a origem e natureza de DCs que induzem diferentes perfis de linfócitos T não é totalmente compreendida. Foi investigada a capacidade de células Natural Killer (NK) de modular estágios iniciais da diferenciação de monócitos em DCs e de impactar na sua função de primar e polarizar linfócitos T naïve. DCs derivadas de monócitos pré-co-cultivados com células NK favorecem o priming de linfócitos T CD8 do tipo Tc1/Tc17, com potente capacidade de produção de IFN-γ. Este fenômeno foi dependente de interações longas via NKp30 e da maquinaria citotóxica de células NK desencadeada nas etapas inicias da sua interação com monócitos. Esta interação pode ter implicações na compreensão da imunidade mediada por linfócitos T CD8 e pode ser explorada para imunoterapia em que a produção de IFN-γ por células T CD8 é necessária ou exacerbada. / Dendritic cells (DCs) are central components of cellular immunity, responsible for the priming of naïve T cells. The polarization of T cells is restricted to signals provided during antigen presentation. Besides such signals, the origin and nature of DCs that induce different T cell profiles is not fully understood. The ability of natural killer cells (NK) to modulate early stages of monocytes differentiation into DCs and to impact on DCs function to prime and polarize naïve T cells was investigated. DCs derived from monocytes co-cultured with NK cells support the priming of type Tc1/Tc17 CD8 T cells with potent IFN-γ production capacity. NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity triggered at early stages of NKp30-dependent long-lasting monocytes-NK-cells interactions, mediated the mechanism by which this phenomenon occurred. This interaction may have implications in the understanding of CD8 T cell-mediated immunity and can be exploited for immunotherapy in which IFN-γ production by CD8 T cells is required or exacerbated.

Geração in vitro de células T efetoras e células T reguladoras mediada por células dendríticas pulsadas com vírus autólogo de pacientes infectados pelo HIV-1 / In vitro generation of effector T cells and regulatory T cells by monocyte-derived dendritic cells from HIV-1-infected patients pulsed with autologous virus

Finazzo, Claudia 09 May 2012 (has links)
Imunização terapêutica utilizando células dendríticas derivadas de monócitos (MoDCs) pulsadas com antígenos de HIV constitui um meio promissor de potencializar a resposta imune específica anti-HIV em pacientes infectados. Neste contexto, é importante ressaltar que células dendríticas além de estimular a resposta imune específica, podem ser capazes de promover a tolerância periférica em linfócitos T CD4+ e T CD8+ ao induzir deleção, anergia ou através da expansão de células T reguladoras (T regs). Experimentos in vitro foram conduzidos para avaliar a capacidade de MoDCs pulsadas com HIV autólogo inativado em induzir apoptose celular, respostas celulares específicas e a geração de T regs. Os pacientes avaliados neste estudo foram indivíduos infectados pelo HIV, sem uso de tratamento antirretroviral (n = 14) com número de células T CD4+ acima de 350 células/L. MoDCs foram geradas a partir de células mononucleares de sangue periférico e em seguida foram pulsadas com vírus autólogo inativado por Aldrithiol-2, tratadas com estímulo para maturação e então cultivadas com linfócitos autólogos. A apoptose de linfócitos T e MoDCs e a frequência de células efetoras e reguladoras foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que não houve diferença nos níveis de apoptose de células T CD4+, T CD8+ ou MoDCs entre os grupos pulsadas e não pulsadas com HIV inativado. Foi observado que tanto MoDCs pulsadas quanto aquelas não pulsadas com o vírus autólogo inativado foram capazes de induzir células T CD4+ secretoras de IFN-, enquanto que apenas MoDCs pulsadas levou a um aumento no percentual de células T CD8+ efetoras. Pacientes com contagem de células T CD4+ acima de 500 células/L apresentaram um percentual maior de células T CD4+ secretoras de IFN após estimulo de MoDCs pulsadas. Esta diferença não foi observada em células T CD8 +. T regs também foram induzidas in vitro após cocultivo com MoDCs. Níveis basais mais elevados de T regs foram encontrados em pacientes com carga viral plasmática baixa. Em conjunto, os resultados indicam que MoDCs pulsadas com HIV-1 são capazes de induzir linfócitos T efetores, mas também aumentam a frequência de T regs in vitro. Além disto, pacientes com maior contagem de células T CD4 + foram capazes de responder de forma mais eficiente ao estímulo com MoDCs pulsadas. Viremia persistente na infecção crônica pelo HIV pode estar associada significativamente à perda de T reg / Therapeutic immunization using inactivated autologous HIVpulsed dendritic cells (DCs) is a promising strategy to enhance specific anti-HIV immune responses in infected patients. In this context, it is important to note that DC besides stimulate a specific immune response, may be able to promote tolerance in peripheral CD4 + and CD8 + T cells inducing deletion, anergy or through expansion of regulatory T cells (T reg). In vitro experiments were conducted to evaluate the capacity of autologous HIVstimulated DC to induce apoptosis, effector cellular T cell responses and T reg generation. For these purposes, we used peripheral blood from HAARTnaïve HIVinfected patients (n=14) with CD4+ T cell counts above 350 cell/L for generation of monocytederived DC (MoDC). MoDC were pulsed with aldrithiol-2 (AT-2)-inactivated autologous virus and matured. MoDC were then cocultured with autologous lymphocytes and the apoptosis, production of IFN- and T reg cell frequency were evaluated by flow cytometry. There was no difference in the rate of apoptosis of CD4, CD8 T cells or MoDC between the groups pulsed and not pulsed with inactivated HIV. MoDC pulsed or not with inactivated autologous virus induced IFN- +CD4+ T cells, whereas only pulsed MoDC were able to increase effector CD8+ T cells percentage along the time culture. Patients with CD4+ T cell counts above 500 had an increased percentage of CD4 + T cells secreting IFN- upon DC pulsed with HIV. This difference was not observed in CD8 + T cells. Interestingly, T reg were also induced in vitro after MoDC cocultivation. Higher baseline T reg counts were found in patients with lower plasma viral loads. These results show that MoDC pulsed with HIV-1 are able to induce effector lymphocyte but also elevate the frequency of T reg in vitro. Patients with higher CD4+ T cell counts are able to respond more efficiently to the stimulation with pulsed MoDC, and persistent viremia in chronic HIV infection is associated with significant loss of T reg

Análise do perfil transcricional de células dendríticas derivadas de monócitos utilizadas na vacina terapêutica anti-HIV-1 / Transcription profile of monocyte derived dendritic cells used in therapeutic HIV-1 vaccine model

Oliveira, Rafael Martins de 27 May 2010 (has links)
Aplicando tecnologia de microarray, objetivamos traçar o perfil do programa de maturação das Mo-DC pulsadas com HIV autólogo inativado por AT-2, a fim de identificar marcadores específicos de ativação funcional e sugerir um perfil de expressão de genes úteis na identificação de respostas ao modelo in vitro das Mo-vacina DC. Essas informações podem ajudar a estabelecer assinaturas moleculares das funções celulares mais relevante para a melhoria das vacinas terapêuticas. O perfil transcricional foi analisado com base das vias celulares moduladas das Mo-DCs no estado imaturo, transitório e maduro. O HIV-1 inativado por AT-2 induz ativação de genes associados à apresentação de antígenos. Os conjuntos de genes do citoesqueleto podem influenciar a mudança de comportamento migratório das Mo-DCs ativadas. O aumento na expressão dos receptores celulares contribuem para o recrutamento de monócitos, DCs e macrófagos para o local da infecção. Além disso, modulam a resposta imune inata e adaptativa, incluindo a polarização das células Th e sub-regulação da resposta inflamatória, que pode interferir significativamente com a resposta imune. Coletivamente, o perfil transcricional das Mo-DCs induzido pelo HIV-1 inativado com AT-2 reflete uma significativa reprogramação imunológica e celular das células envolvidas na resposta imune do hospedeiro. Os resultados deste estudo focaram na interpretação de genes específicos dos perfis de transcrição das Mo-DCs como modelo terapêutico utilizado na vacina anti-HIV. As análises de assinaturas gene associado e sua correlação as respostas funcionais simplificam a identificação de indivíduos susceptíveis a vacina e a compreensão de eventuais falhas em ensaios clínicos. Microarray permitiu a análise quantitativa e simultânea da expressão de um elevado número de genes. Os estudos do perfil de expressão foram extremamente úteis para identificar os eventos moleculares e vias envolvidas nas funções de celular induzida por estímulos específicos. Em particular, os resultados sobre o padrão global da expressão dos genes subjacentes as modificações induzidas pelo HIV-1 inativado por AT-2, na fase inicial da administração do antígeno, pôde ser extremamente útil para a identificarmos marcadores de ativação e avaliar os efeitos biológicos que poderiam estar envolvidos para modificação e otimização de estratégias vacinação com Mo-DC / Applying microarray technology, we intend to profile the program to mature Mo-DC pulsed with autologous inactivated HIV by AT-2, in order to identify specific markers of functional activation and suggest a profile of expression of specific genes, useful identification of responders to in vitro model of Mo-DC vaccine. Such information may help to establish detailed molecular signatures of cellular functions most relevant to improving the therapeutic vaccines. The transcriptional profile was analyzed on the basis of the cellular pathways modulated in immature MoDC, transitional MoDC and mature MoDC. The AT-2-inactivated HIV-1 induction of MoDC results in the activation of genes associated with antigen presentation functions. A set of cytoskeletal genes that may potentially mediate shape change and migratory behavior of activated MoDC is also observed. The increase in the expression of immune receptors contribute to the recruitment of monocytes, DCs, and macrophages to the site of infection. Moreover, they modulate both innate and adaptive immune response, including the polarization of Th cells, and the down-regulation of the inflammatory response, which may significantly interfere with the immune response. Collectively, the transcriptional profile induced by AT-2-inactivated HIV-1 in MoDc reflects a significant cellular and immunological reprogramming of cells directly involved in the host immune response. The results of this study focused on the interpretation of specific genes of transcription profile of MoDC used in therapeutic HIV vaccine model. Supplementing the analyses with examination of associated gene signatures and their correlation to functional responses will simplify the identification of responsive vaccine individuals and the understanding of eventual failures in individuals enrolled in clinical trials. Microarray approach allows quantitative and simultaneous analysis of gene expression of a large amount of genes and the systematic studies of expression patterns are extremely useful for identify molecular events and key pathways involved in cellular functions induced by specific stimuli. In particular, data on the global pattern of gene expression underlying the modifications induced by AT-2-inactivated HIV-1 in MoDC, at early stages of antigen administration, may be extremely helpful for the identification of exclusive activation markers to trace the biological effects of modifications/optimizations of the MoDc vaccination strategy

Avaliação imuno-histoquímica de elementos da resposta imune e metaloproteinases em lesões cutâneas verrucosas na cromoblastomicose / Immunohistochemical evaluation of elements of the immune response and Metalloproteinases in Verrucous skin lesions on Chromoblastomycosis

Silva, Aline Alves de Lima 17 January 2019 (has links)
A cromoblastomicose (CBM) é uma micose crônica cosmopolita muito comum em regiões rurais de países subdesenvolvidos, que compõe o grupo de doenças tropicais negligenciadas. Apesar de seu conhecimento centenário muitas são as questões a serem aclaradas, especialmente do ponto de vista imunológico. Em um estudo transversal retrospectivo, avaliamos por imuno-histoquímica células dendríticas, macrófagos polarizados (M1 e M2) e marcadores de matriz extracelular e os comparamos com espécimes hígidos, além de avaliação intragrupal separando as espécies F. pedrosoi e F. nubica; duas das tantas causadoras de CBM. Os achados evidenciaram participação de CD206+, células CD207/IL-17+, predomínio de macrófagos M2, degradação da matriz extracelular através de alta expressão de MMP-2, MMP-9, Fibronectina e Laminina, entretanto, os níveis de colágeno IV estão preservados. O compilado de dados nos leva a crer que mediante ao invasor as células de Langerhans e CD207/IL-17+ possivelmente se mobilizam para sinalizar a infecção, enquanto macrófagos polarizados contribuem para a captura do patógeno e juntos, células dendríticas e macrófagos, orquestram o estabelecimento da resposta de defesa. Ademais, as incessantes tentativas de contenção da infecção não só não conseguem eliminar o fungo como provocam a degradação da matriz extracelular, contribuindo para a formação de lesões exuberantes e a cronicidade da doença, mantendo tal padrão de resposta quer o patógeno seja a espécie F. pedrosoi quanto a F. nubica. O presente estudo espera contribuir com a melhor compreensão da imunopatologia da CBM e fomentar a discussão sobre opções terapêuticas mais efetivas em um futuro próximo / The Chromoblastomycosis (CBM) is a chronic and cosmopolitan mycosis very common to rural regions in underdeveloped countries, which makes up the group of neglected tropical diseases. Despite the centennial discovery of the disease, there are many issues to be clarified, especially from the immunological point of view. We evaluated by immunohistochemistry dendritic cells, polarized macrophages (M1 and M2), markers of extracellular matrix from CBM human skin lesions and compared with healthy specimens. In addition, the group of lesions was compared between F. pedrosoi and F. nubica; two of the many cause of CBM. The findings showed participation of the CD206+, cells co-expressing CD207/IL-17+, predominance of macrophages M2, degradation of the extracellular matrix through the high expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, Fibronectin and Laminin. However, there is preservation of the levels of Collagen IV. The compiled data leads us to believe that, in contact with the invader, Langerhans cells and CD207/IL-17+ cells possibly mobilized to signal infection, while macrophages polarized contribute to the capture of the pathogen and together, dendritic cells and macrophages, orchestrate the establishment of the defense response. Moreover, the incessant attempts to containment of infection not only is unable to eliminate the fungus but also cause the degradation of the extracellular matrix, contributing to the formation of exuberant lesions and the chronicity of the disease, maintaining this pattern of response against both F. pedrosoi or F. nubica. We believe that our study can contribute to the better understanding of the immunopathology of CBM and encourage the discussion on more effective therapeutic options in the near future

Avaliação fenotípica e funcional de células dendríticas inflamatórias na dermatite atópica do adulto / Phenotypical and functional evaluation of inflammatory dendritic cells in atopic dermatitis of adults

Santos, Vanessa Gonçalves dos 15 March 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A dermatite atópica (DA) é uma enfermidade cutânea inflamatória de caráter crônico, na qual o prurido é constante, e com marcada xerose. Dermatose que geralmente se inicia na infância, e pode surgir em indivíduos com história pessoal ou familiar de asma, rinite alérgica e/ou DA. A pele com DA apresenta colonização por Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) em 80-100% dos casos, sendo responsável pela produção enterotoxinas, capazes de exacerbar a resposta inflamatória na DA. Nesta enfermidade, existem distintos subtipos de células apresentadoras de antígeno ou dendríticas (DC), tanto na pele quanto circulantes. As DC exercem papel relevante na inflamação da DA, em especial um subgrupo de células dendríticas mieloides (mDC), as chamadas células dendríticas inflamatórias epidérmicas (IDEC). Objetivo: Avaliar o fenótipo e a função das mDC (IDEC-like) em células mononucleares do sangue periférico (PBMC) na DA do adulto. Métodos: Foram selecionados 21 pacientes com DA (idades entre18 e 65 anos, sendo 13 homens e oito mulheres) e 21 controles (idades entre 21 e 41 anos, sendo oito homens e 13 mulheres), nos quais foram realizadas as avaliações fenotípica e funcional das mDC (IDEC-like) em PBMC. Para tal, foram analisadas as expressões de: Fc?RI, TNF, IFN-y, IL-10, CD36 e CD83 nas mDC, estimuladas com enterotoxina estafilocócica B (SEB), agonistas de TLR2 (Pam3CSK4), TLR4 (LPS) e de TLR7/8 (CL097) através da citometria de fluxo. Resultados: Os principais achados nos pacientes com DA foram: aumento da frequência de células IDEC-like frente ao estímulo com agonista de TLR2 (Pam3CSK4); aumento da frequência de IFN-y em condição não estimulada, e de IL-10 frente a estímulo com agonista de TLR7/8 (CL097) nesta população de células dendríticas. Conclusão: A caracterização das mDC circulantes na DA evidencia perfil pró-inflamatório em condição não estimulada, impactando na resposta imune adaptativa. O aumento significativo na frequência de células IDEC-like nos pacientes com DA sugere sua participação na perpetuação do processo inflamatório da DA / Introduction: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is an inflammatory skin disease with a chronic course, with constant pruritus and marked xerosis. It usually starts during childhood, and a personal or familial history of skin and/or respiratory allergy may be present. Around 80-100% of the patients show a cutaneous colonization of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), which produces enterotoxins that may exacerbate the inflammatory response in AD. In this disease, there are distinct subtypes of antigen-presenting cells or dendrytic cells (DC), either circulating or present in the affected tissue. DC exert a relevant role in AD inflammation, especially a subgroup of myeloid cells (mDC), known as epidermal inflammmatory dendritic cells (IDEC). Objective: To evaluate the phenotype and function of mDC (IDEC-like) in mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood (PBMC) of adults with AD. Methods: Twenty-one adults with AD (age 18/65; male/female: 13/8) and 21 healthy controls (age 21/41; male/female: 8/13) were selected for the current study. Phenotypical and functional analysis of mDC (IDEC-like) of PBMC were performed, through the expression of Fc?RI ,TNF, IFN-y, IL-10, CD36 and CD83 in mDC, stimulated with enterotoxin B (SEB) and with agonists of TLR2 (Pam3CSK4), TLR4 (LPS) and TLR7/8 (CL097) by flow cytometry. Results: Main findings of AD patients included: elevation of IDEC-like cell frequency with TLR2 (Pam3CSK4) agonist, augmented unstimulated frequency of IFN-y, and of IL-10 with TLR7/8(CL097) agonist of this population of dendritic cells. Conclusion: Characterization of circulating mDC on AD shows proinflammatory profile in unstimulated conditions, therefore causing impact on the adaptive immune response. The significant increase in the frequency of IDEC-like cells in AD patients suggest a role in the maintenance of inflammation in AD

Efeito do microambiente tumoral sobre as características funcionais e fenotípicas de células dendríticas geradas in vitro a partir de monócitos do sangue periférico de voluntárias saudáveis e de pacientes com câncer de mama. / Effect of the tumor microenvironment on the function and phenotype of dendritic cells generated in vitro from monocytes obtained from healthy volunteers and breast cancer patients.

Santos, Ana Paula Silva de Azevedo dos 03 September 2010 (has links)
No câncer de mama, o metabolismo tumoral, ação dos moduladores de estrógenos são fatores que podem influenciar as células dendríticas (DCs). Neste trabalho avaliou o fenótipo de DCs em amostras tumorais, a diferenciação de DCs a partir de células mononucleares do sangue periférico (PBMCs) das pacientes e comparou com voluntárias saudáveis. Os resultados mostraram que há alteração na capacidade de geração, no fenótipo, na capacidade aloestimuladora, maior produção de interleucina 10 e expressão de HSP27 nas DCs de pacientes, comparadas com as DCs de voluntárias saudáveis que produzem mais Interferon-gama. A via p38MAPK parece ser importante na diferenciação de PBMCs em DCs, entretanto, estímulos estressantes podem ativar esta via e induzir a síntese de HSP27 inibindo este processo. O tratamento com tamoxifeno parece modular a expressão de algumas moléculas de membrana. Desta forma, os resultados sugerem que as DCs diferenciadas de pacientes com câncer de mama apresentam alterações fenotípicas e funcionais causadas pelo microambiente tumoral. / In breast cancer, the tumor metabolism, the action of estrogens antagonists can influence dendritic cells (DC) generation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the frequency of DCs in tumor tissue and the differentiation of DCs derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and compared the phenotypic and functionally of these cells from healthy individuals and breast cancer patients. The results showed that patients PBMCs were unable to generate phenotypicaly, functionally mature DCs and presented larger production of interleukin 10 and higher expression of HSP27 when compared with healthy volunteers\' DCs, presented higher production of Interferon-gamma. The p38 MAPK signaling pathway seems to be important in PBMCs differentiation into DCs, and its activation by stress can induce the synthesis of HSP27, that inhibits DC generation. The tamoxifen treatment caused modulation of membrane DC markers expression. Therefore, these results show that patients\' DCs present phenotypic and functional alterations which can be caused by tumor microenvironment.

As vias de p53/ARF e interferon beta como alvos de terapia gênica de carcinoma colorretal / P53/Arf and interferon beta pathways as colorectal cancer gene therapy targets

Del Valle, Paulo Roberto 26 October 2018 (has links)
O câncer colorretal é o terceiro em mortalidade, e apesar das classificações moleculares, entre 30% e 40% dos pacientes apresentam recidiva após quimioterapia, o que aponta a necessidade de novas estratégias terapêuticas. É crescente o estudo de vetores virais para a terapia gênica do câncer, e dados do nosso laboratório mostraram que a entrega combinada dos genes Arf (supressor tumoral e parceiro funcional de p53) e interferon-beta (IFNbeta, citocina imunomodulatória), via vetores adenovirais sob o controle do promotor responsivo à p53 causou indução de morte celular massiva e um efeito imunomodulatório importante. Entretanto, esses resultados foram observados em modelos murinos. O presente trabalho avalia como a combinação da modulação das vias de p53 e IFNbeta impacta células de carcinoma colorretal humano em ensaios in vitro. Para isto, utilizamos nosso adenovírus para transferir p53 (p53) e IFN? como uma estratégia combinada para induzir a morte celular na presença de um modulador imunológico. As linhas celulares HCT116, HCT116p53-/- toleraram uma MOI (multiplicidade de infecção) de 25, enquanto uma MOI de 100 foi suportada por HT29 (mutante p53 R273H). O promotor PG, dependente de p53, como esperado, proporcionou níveis de expressão de GFP reduzidos em HCT116 p53 - / - e HT29, mas a expressão foi aumentada em todas as linhas celulares quando co-transduzida com o vetor codificando p53, mas não com IFNbeta. Em geral, HCT116 e HCT116p53-/- foram mais sensíveis à transferência de p53, enquanto o HT29 foi particularmente afetado pela combinação de p53 + IFNbeta. Esta tendência reflectiu-se na viabilidade celular (curva de crescimento, MTT), formação de colónias e acumulação de células hipodiplóides. Os níveis de morte celular correlacionaram-se com a atividade da caspase 3/7 e coloração com o Anexina V. Os marcadores de morte imunogênico ATP e calreticulina também foram aumentados, especialmente para o HT29 tratado com INFbeta sozinho ou em combinação com p53. Além disso, observamos aumento da expressão de TP63, TP73, bem como alvos transcricionais de p53, como p21 e NOXA, enquanto SESTRIN foi reduzido em ambas as linhagens HCT, mas aumentou em HT29. Adicionalmente, testamos a combinação p53 + IFNbeta em associação com quimioterápicos, revelando cooperação entre a transferência gênica e a doxorrubicina ou 5-FU, mesmo nas menores doses testadas. Ensaios em andamento incluem a avaliacao da ativacao de celulas dentriticas humanas expostas para as celulas tumorais tratadas com os vetores portadores de p53 e/ou IFNbeta. Com este projeto, nossa abordagem de transferência gênica revelará a resposta aos transgenes em modelo humano e também abrirá o caminho para estudar o envolvimento do sistema imune humano / Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death and despite new molecular classifications, 30% to 40% of all patients will relapse after chemotherapy, pointing the need for new and innovative therapeutic strategies. The number of studies about viral vectors for gene therapy is growing, and previous data from our laboratory indicates that the combined delivery of Arf (a tumor suppressor gene and functional partner of p53) and interferon beta (IFNbeta, an immunomodulator cytokine), under a p53 responsive promoter, induced massive cell death and an important immunomodulatory effect. However, these results were only observed in murine models. Here we present an RGD-modified adenovirus whose transgene is under the control of a p53 responsive promoter (PG), used to transfer p53 (p53) and IFNbeta as a combined strategy to induce cell death in the presence of an immune modulator. Cell lines HCT116, HCT116 p53 -/- tolerated a MOI (multiplicity of infection) of 25, while a MOI of 100 was supported by HT29 (mutant p53 R273H). The p53-dependent PG promoter, as expected, provided reduced GFP expression levels in HCT116 p53 -/- and HT29, but the expression was increased in all cell lines when co-transduced with the p53 vector, but not with IFNbeta . In general, HCT116 and HCT116p53-/- were more sensitive to p53 gene transfer while HT29 was particularly affected by the combination of p53 + IFNtbeta. This trend was reflected in cell viability (growth curve, MTT), colony formation and accumulation of hypodiploid cells. Levels of cell death correlated with caspase 3/7 activity and staining with Annexin V. Immunogenic markers were also increased, especially for HT29 treated with INFbeta and p53/IFNbeta, as we detected exposure of calreticulin and release of ATP. Also, we observed increased expression of TP63, TP73 as well as p53 transcriptional targets, such as p21 and NOXA; SESTRIN was reduced in both HCTs but increased in HT29. Additionally, we tested the p53+IFNb combination in association with chemotherapeutics, revealing cooperation between gene transfer and doxorubicin or 5-FU even at the lowest doses tested. Ongoing studies include the evaluation of human dendritic cells exposed to tumor cells treated with the vectors for p53/IFNbeta. In conclusion, our combined gene transfer approach has potentiated the killing of colorectal cancer cell lines and may provide an immunomodulatory effect

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