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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

InstituiÃÃes escolares e formaÃÃo de professoras no Cariri (1923 A 1960): o ColÃgio Santa Teresa De Jesus e a Escola Normal Rural de Juazeiro do Norte em perspectiva histÃrico-comparada / Educational institutions and training of teachers in Cariri (1923 1960): the Colegio Santa Teresa De Jesus and the Rural Normal School of Juazeiro in historical and comparative perspective

Tania Maria Rodrigues Lopes 09 July 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este estudo tem por finalidade compreender os princÃpios polÃticos e as concepÃÃes pedagÃgicas que nortearam a formaÃÃo da professora para a instruÃÃo primÃria pÃblica, no perÃodo compreendido entre 1923 a 1960, na regiÃo do Cariri cearense, por meio de duas instituiÃÃes escolares proeminentes na referida regiÃo: 1) ColÃgio Santa Tereza de Jesus (CSTJ), localizado na cidade do Crato; 2) Escola Normal Rural de Juazeiro do Norte (ENRJN). A pesquisa tem perspectiva comparada e natureza qualitativa, apoiada em estudo bibliogrÃfico, documental e tÃcnica de histÃria oral sobre a vida, formaÃÃo e trabalho de dezesseis ex-alunas das duas instituiÃÃes, com o objetivo geral de comparar e relacionar as concepÃÃes polÃticas e pedagÃgicas que fundamentaram a formaÃÃo de professores, em cursos Normal e Normal Rural, desenvolvida pelas referidas instituiÃÃes escolares, implantadas no Cariri cearense. Teve apoio nos estudos e reflexÃes de Della Cava (1976), Cortez (2000), Santos (2010), Cavalcante (2000), entre outros, o entendimento da especificidade das histÃrias locais, assim como, as tensÃes polÃticas envolvendo as duas mais importantes cidades do Cariri cearense. Dentre os estudos relativos à histÃria da ENRJN, foram consultadas as teses de AraÃjo (2006) e Barros (2011); as dissertaÃÃes produzidas por Nogueira (2008), Silva (2010) e Varela (2012); consultou a primeira monografia sobre a ENRJN, desenvolvida por Sousa (1994), intitulada Escola Normal Rural de Juazeiro do Norte: uma experiÃncia pioneira, publicada pelo IPESC. A busca de fontes historiogrÃficas sobre o CSTJ mostrou estudos escassos, que abordam de maneira simplificada as experiÃncias da primeira instituiÃÃo de formaÃÃo de professoras, a exemplo de Santos (2010) e Cortez (2000); em artigos publicados por Queiroz (2008, 2011, 2012, 2013). Como resultados, a tese coloca em evidÃncia os seguintes aspectos: 1) as duas instituiÃÃes foram inspiradas em outras experiÃncias similares de ensino normal, vividas por suas diretoras, modelo apreendido quando elas foram alunas de colÃgios confessionais de Fortaleza, regulados pela Escola Normal do Cearà â que serviram de baliza na organizaÃÃo das duas primeiras instituiÃÃes criadas no interior cearense, para formar os primeiros professores da regiÃo; 2) na memÃria das suas ex-alunas, as duas instituiÃÃes deixaram marcas profundas, enquanto experiÃncia escolar e formativa marcante, jamais superada por sua qualidade, diversidade e possibilidades de crescimento, em atmosfera favorÃvel à disputa historicamente constituÃda entre as localidades de Juazeiro do Norte e Crato; 3) a escola normal no Cariri foi formada em termos de um mesmo padrÃo nacional, em relaÃÃo ao referencial pedagÃgico e institucional por ela utilizado, o que evidencia o valor social dessa aÃÃo, capaz de favorecer, em parte, a superaÃÃo de desigualdades sociais, sobretudo em relaÃÃo à criaÃÃo de oportunidades para instruir mulheres e formar para o magistÃrio, para fomentar o crescimento da oferta educacional naquele espaÃo regional; 4) o desnÃvel quanto Ãs condiÃÃes de desenvolvimento, entre a Capital e as cidades interioranas do CearÃ, no perÃodo tratado, em relaÃÃo aos seus processos de estruturaÃÃo administrativa e de recursos disponÃveis, revelando fragilidades acentuadas, sobretudo, no tocante aos obstÃculos encontrados para a organizaÃÃo das suas instituiÃÃes escolares, em especial, as que foram destinadas à formaÃÃo de professores; 5) o pioneirismo e a lideranÃa das diretoras do CSTJ e da ENRJN, apoiadas por representantes da elite polÃtica e cultural das duas cidades, ao organizar as duas instituiÃÃes escolares, em condiÃÃo de garantir a oferta educacional almejada para as suas localidades, sabendo-se que a sua organizaÃÃo teve por base um conjunto de normatizaÃÃes e ordenamentos, com o objetivo de regularizaÃÃo da oferta da instruÃÃo pÃblica nacional, a criaÃÃo e funcionamento de instituiÃÃes escolares, a adoÃÃo de princÃpios pedagÃgicos e prÃticas educativas de referenciais de sucesso, na perspectiva de obter resultados mais significativos para a modernizaÃÃo pretendida, no Brasil, a partir dos anos 1930. Conclui que as influÃncias pedagÃgicas e culturais recebidas pelas duas instituiÃÃes escolares advinham de modelos educacionais do contexto nacional e internacional, de teor laico e confessional, sendo adaptadas para promover a instruÃÃo feminina e a formaÃÃo de professoras no Cariri cearense. / This study aims to understand the political principles and pedagogical concepts that guided the training of teachers to public primary education in the period 1923-1960, in Cariri (CearÃ), by means of analyzing two important educational institutions in that region: 1) St. Teresa of Jesus College (STJC), located in the city of Crato; 2) Rural Normal School of Juazeiro do Norte (RNSJN). Research has comparative perspective and qualitative nature, based on survey historical documents and collecting interviews about life, education and work from sixteen former students of these two institutions, with the main objective to compare and relate political and pedagogical conceptions that based the training of teachers in Normal and Rural Normal courses developed by these educational institutions established in Cariri. This study was supported by studies and reflections of Della Cava (1976), Cortez (2000), Santos (2010), Cavalcante (2000) among others, understanding the specificity of local context as well as political tensions involving the two most important cities of Cariri. Among the studies on the history of RNSJN, we focus on theses of AraÃjo (2006) and Barros (2011); dissertations of Nogueira (2008), Silva (2010) and Varela (2012); and the first monograph written in RNSJN developed by Sousa (1994), entitled âRural Normal School of Juazeiro do Norte: a pioneering experienceâ, published by IPESC. The search for historiographical sources on the STJC showed few studies that address in a simplified manner experiences of first training center for teachers, as stated by Santos (2010), Cortez (2000) and Queiroz (2008, 2011, 2012, 2013). As a result, the thesis points out the following aspects: 1) the two institutions were inspired by similar experiences in mainstream education coming from their heads, when they were students of denominational schools in Fortaleza, guided by the Cearà Normal School â that served as reference to organization of first two institutions created in the countryside of Cearà to train the first teachers of that region; 2) in the memories of its former students, both institutions have left deep feelings, considering educational and training experiences with quality, diversity and the growth of professional possibilities in a favorable atmosphere in the middle of historical competition between Juazeiro do Norte and Crato; 3) normal school in Cariri was constituted following national standards to educational and institutional framework, which reveals the social value of this institution in order to overcome, at least in part, social inequalities, creating opportunities to educate women and training them as teachers to promote the growth of educational need to that region; 4) the different conditions of development between the capital and the countryside of Cearà in this period, in relation to their processes of administrative structure and available resources, showing serious fragilities, especially regarding to obstacles to organize those educational institutions for teacher training; 5) the pioneering leadership of the heads of STJC and RNSJN, supported by figures of political and cultural elite of the two cities, to organize the two educational institutions providing conditions to ensure the desired educational service to their localities, knowing that this organization was based on a set of norms and rules, in order to regulate the need to public national education, the establishment and operation of educational institutions, adopting pedagogical principles and educational practices of successful experiences looking for good results to the required modernization in Brazil in the 1930s. At last, we found that the educational and cultural influences received by both educational institutions was based in models of national and international context of secular and denominational content being adapted to promote education and training to women in Cariri.

La frontière incertaine : recomposition de l’identité chrétienne à Vienne au XVIe siècle (1522-1595) / Uncertain Boundary : reconfiguration of Christian identity in the 16th century Vienna (1522-1595)

Roche, Clarisse Sophie 20 November 2015 (has links)
Le topos d'une Vienne « bastion de la Chrétienté » naquit, au début du XVIe siècle, d'une menace turque toujours imminente depuis la bataille de Mohács (1526) et le siège de 1529. Ce leitmotiv imprégna pendant près d'un siècle les représentations de la cité mais aussi la pastorale urbaine. Alors que les idées de la Réformation rencontraient à Vienne un réel succès, les princes Habsbourg tentèrent de trouver une voie de compromis déterminée à la fois par leur admiration pour Erasme et les nécessités de la lutte contre la Sublime Porte. Le péril ottoman amena l'archiduc Ferdinand (1522-1564) puis son fils Maximilien (1564-1576) à adopter une politique de compromis religieux face aux Ordres de Basse-Autriche passés majoritairement du côté de la Réformation. La dépendance fiscale accrue du prince face aux Ordres l'incita à exalter l'identité chrétienne commune de ses sujets pourtant divisés religieusement. L'unité demandée par les mandats territoriaux fut relayée par la pastorale et repensée par les membres de l’Eglise établie. La prédication devint le vecteur d’une identité chrétienne adiaphorique qui connut son apogée à Vienne sous Maximilien II. La coexistence qui s'instaura jusqu'au début des années 1580 fut scandée toutefois d'inévitables scandales qui traversèrent la communauté urbaine au rythme des affrontements avec les Ottomans ou selon le calendrier de l'Église établie. Le compromis élaboré dans la cité se fissura alors peu à peu sous l'effet d'une reconquête catholique de plus en plus virulente, pour n'être remis en cause qu'à partir des années 1580 sous l'influence conjuguée des jésuites, de l'évêque Kaspar Neubeck (1574-1594) et de l'archiduc Ernst (1576-1592). / The topos of Vienna as a “bastion of Christianity” emerged in the early centuries of the sixteenth century in the context of the Turkish threat, ever-present since the battle of Mohács (1526) and the siege of 1529. This leitmotif permeated the representations of the city but also urban pastoral for nearly a century. Although Reformation ideas found considerable success in Vienna, Hapsburg princes attempted to find a compromise shaped both by their admiration for Erasmus and the necessity of combatting the Sublime Porte. The Ottoman question prompted Archduke Ferdinand (1522-1564) and then his son Maximillian to adopt a politics of religious compromise concerning the Orders of Lower Austria which had largely sided with the Reformation. The financial dependence accrued by the prince on the Orders forced him to exalt the common Christian identity of his subjects however religiously divided they were. The unity demanded by regional mandates was disseminated by pastoral and spread by members of the established Church. Preaching became the vector of an adiaphoric Christian identity which reached its apogee in Vienna under Maximilian II. The coexistence which held until the start of the 1580s was nonetheless affected by the inevitable scandals that visited the urban community amidst clashes with the Ottomans and disputes concerning the calendar of the established Church. The devised compromise also fractured bit by bit on account of the increasingly virulent Catholic reconquest not to be activated until after the 1580s under the joint influence of the Jesuits, Bishop Kaspar Neubeck, and Archduke Ernst (1576-1592).

Exodus of clergy : a practical theological grounded theory exploration

Joynt, Shaun 27 August 2013 (has links)
There is a shortage of clergy, at least in the Roman Catholic Church (cf Schoenherr&Sorenson 1982:23; Heilbronner 1998:11; Tentler 1998:348; Carroll 2001:1; Fernandez 2001:ix-x; see Seidler 1979:764; Berger 1987; Hoge et al 1988:264, 280). The Protestant Church in general is experiencing more of a distribution problem than a shortage (cf Chaves 2001:36; see Jud et al 1970:59). The two greatest hindrances to addressing this clergy distribution problem among Protestant churches is a lack of adequate compensation for clergy and the undesirable location, as perceived by clergy, of the church (Chaves 2001:36; see Jud et al 1970:59). Challenges such as secularization, duality of vocation, time management, change in type of ministry, family issues, congregational and denominational conflict, burnout, sexual misconduct, divorce or marital problems, and suicide, affect clergy. Studies on the shortage of clergy have been conducted mostly in the USA and Europe and not in South Africa. This study seeks to address this research gap by means of a practical theological grounded theory exploration of the exodus of clergy. Grounded theory methodology is used to identify the reasons why clergy trained at a Bible College of a Protestant Charismatic mega church leave full-time pastoral ministry. Findings correspond to previous studies with two reasons appearing more frequently than others: responding to a call and leadership related issues. Firstly, respondents differed in their replies with respect to reconciling their leaving full-time pastoral ministry to their call with responses of: not being called, a dual call, or called but left anyway. Secondly, respondents indicated that leadership influence was mostly negative with regard to affirming their call. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Att främja likvärdig religionsundervisning i årskurs 4–6. : Pedagogiska utmaningar och möjligheter. / Promoting equitable religious education in grade 4–6 : Educational challenges and opportunities.

Gallardo, Cajsa-Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka didaktiska verktyg och arbetssätt lärare använder samt vilka didaktiska utmaningar de upplever och hur dessa kan bemötas för att främja likvärdig religionsundervisning i årskurs 4–6 utifrån ett lärarperspektiv.  För att besvara studiens två frågeställningar har kvalitativa intervjuer med fem legitimerade lärare i religionskunskap genomförts. Studien utgår från en grundad teori samt teorin om interkulturalism med inriktning på det teorispecifika begreppet symbolisk interaktionism. Resultatet av studien visar att lärare förespråkar ett varierat arbetssätt med olika didaktiska verktyg, en integration av olika ämnen för att utöka elevernas förståelse för religionens betydelse samt ett kooperativt lärande för elevernas kognitiva förmåga. De utmaningarna som studiens resultat visade var elevernas skiftande förkunskaper, hanteringen av samhällsförändringar i undervisningens samt likvärdighetsuppdraget i relation till läroplanen.

Impartialité, objectivité et neutralité? : étude de pratiques enseignantes en Éthique et culture religieuse au Québec

Gravel, Stéphanie 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse fut réalisée en codirection avec la Faculté des sciences de l'éducation de l'Université de Montréal. Elle fut produite grâce à l’importante contribution financière de nombreux organismes subventionnaires, soit le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FRQSC); aussi financés par le CRSH, le Projet religion et diversité (dir. Lori G. Beaman, Université d’Ottawa), le projet IRTG-Diversité (Groupe international de formation en recherche sur la diversité) (dir. Laurence McFalls, Université de Montréal; dir. Ursula Lehmkuhl, Université de Trèves), la Chaire en gestion de la diversité culturelle et religieuse (CGDCR) dont Solange Lefebvre est titulaire ainsi que la Faculté de sciences des religions et théologie de l’Université de Montréal. / Le programme québécois non confessionnel d’Éthique et culture religieuse (ECR) exige de ses enseignants une posture professionnelle d’impartialité et d’objectivité. Cette dernière suscite une controverse sociale et des poursuites judiciaires. Les détracteurs du programme, comme ses défenseurs, invoquent l’impartialité de l’enseignement pour justifier leur position, mais en y conférant un sens différent. Malgré l’importance de cette question, aucune recherche empirique ne propose d’analyser l’impartialité des enseignants. Sur le plan théorique, on rencontre une diversité d’usages des concepts. Cette thèse propose une clarification de la question, tant sur le plan théorique que pratique. Une analyse approfondie de la posture professionnelle d’impartialité exigée en ECR est effectuée en première partie. S’ensuit une clarification des concepts d’impartialité, d’objectivité et de neutralité. Si le terme neutralité semble dominer la littérature en éducation et en politique, l’objectivité est principalement utilisée pour définir la posture du chercheur scientifique et le savoir qu’il produit. De son côté, l’impartialité est le parent pauvre de la littérature, particulièrement en éducation. Elle se trouve mieux définie dans le domaine de la justice et du droit, qualifiant surtout l’impartialité du juge. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, la méthodologie, les résultats d’analyse d’entrevues et ceux des observations sont présentés en examinant comment les enseignants d’ECR problématisent et négocient avec l’exigence d’impartialité professionnelle. La thèse innove aussi en analysant tant le propos que la mise en pratique de cette exigence d’impartialité en ECR chez 12 enseignants « typiques » ou « exemplaires » au secondaire provenant de milieux socioculturels différents (écoles privées confessionnelles ou publiques non confessionnelles de milieu multiculturel ou non multiculturel), répondant aux questions suivantes : Comment les enseignants conçoivent-ils l’impartialité exigée en ECR? Comment l’impartialité exigée en ECR est-elle mise en pratique dans l’enseignement d’ECR au secondaire? Réalisées à partir d’une approche déductive thématique, les analyses transversales des observations non participantes en classe et des entrevues semi-directives d’enseignants permettent de cerner les liens existant entre l’analyse théorique des prescriptions du programme ECR réalisée en première instance et les données qualitatives recueillies en deuxième instance. Dans la discussion sont présentés les six principaux résultats se dégageant des analyses des 12 enseignants participants. Proposant une réflexion critique sur l’impartialité exigée en ECR, les résultats empiriques sont approfondis par les analyses théoriques, contribuant aussi à éclairer la question dans les domaines préoccupés par des défis professionnels similaires. Le premier résultat indique qu’il n’y a aucune influence des variables personnelles ou professionnelles des enseignants participants sur leur compréhension et leur mise en pratique de l’impartialité professionnelle exigée en ECR. Le deuxième rappelle qu’il existe une polysémie et une confusion conceptuelle entre les termes neutralité, impartialité et objectivité, tant chez nos enseignants que dans la littérature. La thèse propose à ce sujet des voies de clarification utiles. S’appuyant sur une typologie de l’impartialité élaborée en première partie, le troisième résultat explique que l’impartialité absolue ou « axiologique » est généralement rejetée. Le quatrième résultat rappelle que la notion de distance critique s’avère être le fondement de l’impartialité exigée en ECR. Le cinquième montre les différences entre l’impartialité religieuse et éthique, les questions d’endoctrinement religieux et d’expression ou non des croyances religieuses personnelles dominant la question de l’impartialité. Quant au sixième résultat, il résume les nombreux problèmes associés à l’exigence d’intervenir à partir des finalités du programme, ces finalités renvoyant à des concepts polysémiques et flous pour les enseignants. / The non-denominational Quebec program Ethics and Religious Culture (ERC) requires that its teachers adopt a professional stance that is both impartial and objective. The program has provoked social controversy and lawsuits, with its critics appealing to teacher impartiality to justify their position, but interpreting it differently than do its advocates. Despite the importance of this issue, no empirical research has been put forward to analyze teacher impartiality. As for theory, we find these concepts used in a wide variety of ways. This dissertation proposes to clarify the issue, from both a theoretical and practical perspective. In the first section, we present an in-depth analysis of the professional stance of impartiality required in ERC. Following that is an explanation of the concepts of impartiality, objectivity and neutrality. While the term ‘neutrality’ seems to dominate educational and political literature, objectivity is mainly used to describe the stance of scientific researchers and the knowledge they produce. As for impartiality, it is the ‘poor cousin’ in literature, especially in education. It is more clearly defined in the domains of justice and law, characterizing in particular a judge’s impartiality. In the second section of this dissertation, we present the methodology used and the results of analyzing interviews and observations, by examining how ERC teachers problematize and negotiate the requirement of professional impartiality. Our innovative approach analyzes not only the implementation of this ERC impartiality requirement, but the discourse of 12 ‘typical’ or ‘exemplary’ secondary school teachers from different sociocultural settings (private denominational or public non-denominational schools, with multicultural or non-multicultural environments). The teachers replied to the following questions: How do teachers conceptualize the impartiality required in ERC? How is the ERC impartiality requirement put into practice in ERC teaching in secondary schools? The use of a thematic deductive approach (transversal analyses of non-participant observations in class and semi-directed teacher interviews) allows for the identification of existing connections between a theoretical analysis of the ERC program in the first case and the qualitative data gathered in the second case. Six primary conclusions emerging from these analyses are discussed. Proposing a critical reflection on the impartiality required in ERC, empirical results are clarified by theoretical analyses, which also aids in understanding the issue in fields where similar professional challenges are faced. The first outcome indicates that personal or professional variables in teachers have no influence on their understanding and implementation of the professional impartiality required in ERC. The second emphasizes the existence of polysemy and conceptual confusion concerning the terms neutrality, impartiality and objectivity, in teachers’ minds as well as in literature. In this regard, this dissertation suggests some useful paths of clarification. Next, based on a typology of impartiality developed in the first section, the third result explains that absolute or ‘axiological’ impartiality is generally rejected. The fourth conclusion reminds us that the idea of critical distance proves to be the foundation of the impartiality required in ERC. The fifth outcome demonstrates the differences between religious and ethical impartiality, with issues of religious indoctrination and the expression or non-expression of personal religious beliefs dominating the issue of impartiality. Finally, the sixth result summarizes the numerous difficulties associated with the requirement of intervening in accordance with program goals, as these goals refer to concepts that teachers find to be polysemous and vague.

Lidé bez církevní příslušnosti jako pracovníci diakonických organizací - současná situace v katolické a protestantské tradici / People with no religious affiliation as workers of diaconia - Current situation in Catholic and Protestant traditions

Hrdličková, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The thesis named "People with no religious affiliation as workers of diaconia - Current situation in Catholic and Protestant traditions" deals with stances of chosen Churches and diaconal organizations towards the employment of workers who are not members of any Church or not religiously defined. At the beginning the thesis deals with a definition of basic terms and their Biblical origins, then the thesis shortly describes important milestones in history of diaconia with closer look at the implementers. The main part of the thesis presents specific attitudes of the Roman Catholic Church, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren and their diaconial organizations to cooperating with non denominational people and their employment. This part also presents these attitudes in the light of documents of Second Vatican Council. A chapter about spirituality and religiosity of the present time brings up a topic of the current situation in the field of employment of non denominational people in chosen church organization and fields which may appear problematic. Finally, the thesis concludes with opinions of current Czech and world theologians about what employment of non denominational people in Church organization might mean and where it might lead. There are also highlighted areas of discussion, especially these...

Instituições escolares e formação de professoras no Cariri (1923 a 1960): o Colégio Santa Teresa de Jesus e a Escola Normal Rural de Juazeiro do Norte em perspectiva histórico-comparada / Educational institutions and training of teachers in Cariri (1923 1960): the Colegio Santa Teresa de Jesus and the Rural Normal School of Juazeiro in historical and comparative perspective

LOPES, Tânia Maria Rodrigues January 2015 (has links)
LOPES, Tânia Maria Rodrigues. Instituições escolares e formação de professoras no Cariri (1923 a 1960): o Colégio Santa Teresa de Jesus e a Escola Normal Rural de Juazeiro do Norte em perspectiva histórico-comparada. 2015. 229f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2015. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-12-08T12:35:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_tese_tmrlopes.pdf: 1947064 bytes, checksum: 5e505c6fa0676e03d65775dab05cffee (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-12-08T17:04:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_tese_tmrlopes.pdf: 1947064 bytes, checksum: 5e505c6fa0676e03d65775dab05cffee (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-08T17:04:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_tese_tmrlopes.pdf: 1947064 bytes, checksum: 5e505c6fa0676e03d65775dab05cffee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / This study aims to understand the political principles and pedagogical concepts that guided the training of teachers to public primary education in the period 1923-1960, in Cariri (Ceará), by means of analyzing two important educational institutions in that region: 1) St. Teresa of Jesus College (STJC), located in the city of Crato; 2) Rural Normal School of Juazeiro do Norte (RNSJN). Research has comparative perspective and qualitative nature, based on survey historical documents and collecting interviews about life, education and work from sixteen former students of these two institutions, with the main objective to compare and relate political and pedagogical conceptions that based the training of teachers in Normal and Rural Normal courses developed by these educational institutions established in Cariri. This study was supported by studies and reflections of Della Cava (1976), Cortez (2000), Santos (2010), Cavalcante (2000) among others, understanding the specificity of local context as well as political tensions involving the two most important cities of Cariri. Among the studies on the history of RNSJN, we focus on theses of Araújo (2006) and Barros (2011); dissertations of Nogueira (2008), Silva (2010) and Varela (2012); and the first monograph written in RNSJN developed by Sousa (1994), entitled “Rural Normal School of Juazeiro do Norte: a pioneering experience”, published by IPESC. The search for historiographical sources on the STJC showed few studies that address in a simplified manner experiences of first training center for teachers, as stated by Santos (2010), Cortez (2000) and Queiroz (2008, 2011, 2012, 2013). As a result, the thesis points out the following aspects: 1) the two institutions were inspired by similar experiences in mainstream education coming from their heads, when they were students of denominational schools in Fortaleza, guided by the Ceará Normal School – that served as reference to organization of first two institutions created in the countryside of Ceará to train the first teachers of that region; 2) in the memories of its former students, both institutions have left deep feelings, considering educational and training experiences with quality, diversity and the growth of professional possibilities in a favorable atmosphere in the middle of historical competition between Juazeiro do Norte and Crato; 3) normal school in Cariri was constituted following national standards to educational and institutional framework, which reveals the social value of this institution in order to overcome, at least in part, social inequalities, creating opportunities to educate women and training them as teachers to promote the growth of educational need to that region; 4) the different conditions of development between the capital and the countryside of Ceará in this period, in relation to their processes of administrative structure and available resources, showing serious fragilities, especially regarding to obstacles to organize those educational institutions for teacher training; 5) the pioneering leadership of the heads of STJC and RNSJN, supported by figures of political and cultural elite of the two cities, to organize the two educational institutions providing conditions to ensure the desired educational service to their localities, knowing that this organization was based on a set of norms and rules, in order to regulate the need to public national education, the establishment and operation of educational institutions, adopting pedagogical principles and educational practices of successful experiences looking for good results to the required modernization in Brazil in the 1930s. At last, we found that the educational and cultural influences received by both educational institutions was based in models of national and international context of secular and denominational content being adapted to promote education and training to women in Cariri. / Este estudo tem por finalidade compreender os princípios políticos e as concepções pedagógicas que nortearam a formação da professora para a instrução primária pública, no período compreendido entre 1923 a 1960, na região do Cariri cearense, por meio de duas instituições escolares proeminentes na referida região: 1) Colégio Santa Tereza de Jesus (CSTJ), localizado na cidade do Crato; 2) Escola Normal Rural de Juazeiro do Norte (ENRJN). A pesquisa tem perspectiva comparada e natureza qualitativa, apoiada em estudo bibliográfico, documental e técnica de história oral sobre a vida, formação e trabalho de dezesseis ex-alunas das duas instituições, com o objetivo geral de comparar e relacionar as concepções políticas e pedagógicas que fundamentaram a formação de professores, em cursos Normal e Normal Rural, desenvolvida pelas referidas instituições escolares, implantadas no Cariri cearense. Teve apoio nos estudos e reflexões de Della Cava (1976), Cortez (2000), Santos (2010), Cavalcante (2000), entre outros, o entendimento da especificidade das histórias locais, assim como, as tensões políticas envolvendo as duas mais importantes cidades do Cariri cearense. Dentre os estudos relativos à história da ENRJN, foram consultadas as teses de Araújo (2006) e Barros (2011); as dissertações produzidas por Nogueira (2008), Silva (2010) e Varela (2012); consultou a primeira monografia sobre a ENRJN, desenvolvida por Sousa (1994), intitulada Escola Normal Rural de Juazeiro do Norte: uma experiência pioneira, publicada pelo IPESC. A busca de fontes historiográficas sobre o CSTJ mostrou estudos escassos, que abordam de maneira simplificada as experiências da primeira instituição de formação de professoras, a exemplo de Santos (2010) e Cortez (2000); em artigos publicados por Queiroz (2008, 2011, 2012, 2013). Como resultados, a tese coloca em evidência os seguintes aspectos: 1) as duas instituições foram inspiradas em outras experiências similares de ensino normal, vividas por suas diretoras, modelo apreendido quando elas foram alunas de colégios confessionais de Fortaleza, regulados pela Escola Normal do Ceará – que serviram de baliza na organização das duas primeiras instituições criadas no interior cearense, para formar os primeiros professores da região; 2) na memória das suas ex-alunas, as duas instituições deixaram marcas profundas, enquanto experiência escolar e formativa marcante, jamais superada por sua qualidade, diversidade e possibilidades de crescimento, em atmosfera favorável à disputa historicamente constituída entre as localidades de Juazeiro do Norte e Crato; 3) a escola normal no Cariri foi formada em termos de um mesmo padrão nacional, em relação ao referencial pedagógico e institucional por ela utilizado, o que evidencia o valor social dessa ação, capaz de favorecer, em parte, a superação de desigualdades sociais, sobretudo em relação à criação de oportunidades para instruir mulheres e formar para o magistério, para fomentar o crescimento da oferta educacional naquele espaço regional; 4) o desnível quanto às condições de desenvolvimento, entre a Capital e as cidades interioranas do Ceará, no período tratado, em relação aos seus processos de estruturação administrativa e de recursos disponíveis, revelando fragilidades acentuadas, sobretudo, no tocante aos obstáculos encontrados para a organização das suas instituições escolares, em especial, as que foram destinadas à formação de professores; 5) o pioneirismo e a liderança das diretoras do CSTJ e da ENRJN, apoiadas por representantes da elite política e cultural das duas cidades, ao organizar as duas instituições escolares, em condição de garantir a oferta educacional almejada para as suas localidades, sabendo-se que a sua organização teve por base um conjunto de normatizações e ordenamentos, com o objetivo de regularização da oferta da instrução pública nacional, a criação e funcionamento de instituições escolares, a adoção de princípios pedagógicos e práticas educativas de referenciais de sucesso, na perspectiva de obter resultados mais significativos para a modernização pretendida, no Brasil, a partir dos anos 1930. Conclui que as influências pedagógicas e culturais recebidas pelas duas instituições escolares advinham de modelos educacionais do contexto nacional e internacional, de teor laico e confessional, sendo adaptadas para promover a instrução feminina e a formação de professoras no Cariri cearense.

Hmong Americans in Higher Education: Exploring their Sense of Belongingness and the Concept of the American Dream.

Daugherty, Janet 01 January 2015 (has links)
I conducted this study to examine Hmong American college students' perspectives on sense of belongingness and their idea on the American Dream. The college experience can serve as a precursor to improving the social and economic situation of the Hmong students when aligned with the personal desire to gain upward mobility and motivation to circumvent social and academic inconsistencies. The methodology of the study was designed for one-on-one phenomenological informal interviews with Hmong American college upper-classmen using a two-part interview protocol to elicit demographic and experiential information. Moustakas' approach to the analysis of data provided guidelines to review individual transcripts and to group, remove, cluster, and thematize lived experiences. The findings of this study indicated that Hmong college students: (a) enrolled out of obedience to the parents, especially their fathers, regardless of the educational level of the parents and (b) thrived when authority figures on campus reached out to help their humble situation. . . it not only made them belong to the campus family but it strengthened their self-esteem.

A DIVERSIDADE RELIGIOSA NO ESPAÇO ESCOLAR ADVENTISTA DO ABCD PAULISTA / The religious diversity in adventist school space in the ABCD Paulista

MARQUES, IGOR EMANUEL DE SOUZA 27 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2016-09-14T18:52:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IGORMARQUES.pdf: 1484987 bytes, checksum: 222e9ad06f9f0aead873e9543fe463b9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-14T18:52:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IGORMARQUES.pdf: 1484987 bytes, checksum: 222e9ad06f9f0aead873e9543fe463b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-27 / Against the backdrop of the denominational status of network Adventist education present in a remarkable way in the school space and the intense religious diversity students, this research analyzes the relationship of possible tensions between the denominational school status and religious diversity present. It takes into account the process of modernity causing significant change in education, in religion and in the form of the two institutes relate to each other. It took into account the socio-economic and religious profile of the students and how is the reception of religious education in Adventist school space, including students who declare themselves Adventists. The area chosen for this research was the Adventist schools located in the ABCD Paulista context, which offer high school. These school units are located in the cities of Diadema, Santo Andre and Sao Caetano do Sul, cities located in the same micro region, but with different socioeconomic realities. / Tendo como pano de fundo a confessionalidade da rede adventista de educação presente de maneira marcante no espaço escolar e a intensa diversidade religiosa discente, esta pesquisa analisa a relação de possíveis tensões entre a confessionalidade escolar e a diversidade religiosa presente neste espaço. Leva em consideração o processo de modernidade causadora de importantes transformações na educação, na religião e na forma dos dois institutos se relacionarem. Levou-se em consideração o perfil socioeconômico e religioso dos alunos e possíveis tensões na recepção do religioso no espaço escolar adventista por parte dos discentes, inclusive por aqueles que se declaram adventistas. O espaço escolhido para esta pesquisa foi o de colégios adventistas localizadas no contexto do ABCD Paulista, que ofertam o Ensino Médio. Estas unidades escolares estão situadas nas cidades de Diadema, Santo André e São Caetano do Sul, cidades localizadas na mesma microrregião, mas com distintas realidades socioeconômicas.

HISTORIE FARNÍHO SBORU ČESKOBRATRSKÉ CÍRKVE EVANGELICKÉ V JABLŮNCE V 18.-20. STOLETÍ / History of the Congregation of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren in Jablůnka from the eighteenth through the twentieth centuries

TOMEŠEK, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the origins and subsequent historical development of the Congregation of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren in Jablůnka, particularly from the eighteenth through the twentieth centuries. The first part describes the period before the issuing of the Patent of Toleration and its announcement and implementation, particularly in the context of Protestants in Jablůnka. The second part focuses on the nineteenth century; the transformation of a filial church in Jablůnka into an independent Parish church is also discussed. Another event mentioned is the founding of a confessional school and its transformation into a state-run primary school. The third part is devoted to the twentieth century, the pastors of the church and the specific spiritual trends that have influenced the functioning of the community. Future prospects of the congregation are outlined in interviews with its members.

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