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Mateřská škola / Nursery schoolKociánová, Nikol January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the nursery schools project, which has two floors with a partial basement. Project documentation is at the level of construction execution. The building is located in the district of Frýdek-Místek, in the cadastral Palkovice. Part of the nursery are four units for children and facilities for the operation of the school. Nursery school is a brick of ceramic shaped Porotherm Profi on a masonry foam DRYFIX. The perimeter and interior bearing walls has a thickness of 300 mm, indoor walls are made of bricks PTH 11.5 Profi TL. 115 mm. On the basement walls are concrete block used shuttering tl. 300 mm. Foundation line are made of plain concrete. Ceiling creates the filigree plate with over concrete and the total thickness. is 250 mm. The roof of the buildding is a single-layer flat-lined brick parapet height of 500 mm. There are three prefabricated double staircase and a passenger lift. Lots of flat character is located at an altitude of 314,000 m above sea level Access to land is from the north side. The two main entrances to the building on the north and east facade. In the central part of the building are located facilities for staff and kitchen facilities. Staff entrance is on the south side. Preparing meals is two floors with windows facing north. Between the first and second above ground floor are designed 3 lifts. At the central part directly linked to the two wings of the building. In each wing there are two departments that can accommodate 20 children. The total capacity of the nursery school will therefore be 80 childdren.
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Perceptions of Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, and Job Satisfaction among Selected Human Resource Development PractitionersOmar, Abduljabar A. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role ambiguity, role conflict, and job satisfaction perceptions among selected Human Resource Development (HRD) practitioners. The study's target population was the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)—Dallas Chapter. The independent variables used in this study consisted of HRD practitioners' gender, age, length of HRD experience, educational level, and HRD role category.
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Videointervjuers påverkan vid urval i rekryteringsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie utförd i kommunala verksamheter / The impact of video interviews in selection and recruitment : A qualitative study conducted in municipal departmentsLarsson, Karin, Löf, Camilla January 2021 (has links)
Rekryterare inom kommunala verksamheter har tidigare använt sig av fysiska anställningsintervjuer vid rekrytering, men har på grund av covid-19 pandemin ersatt dessa med videointervjuer. Enligt tidigare forskning begränsas den icke-verbala kommunikationen i samband med videointervjuer vilket riskerar att påverka rekryterarens uppfattning och omdöme av kandidaten. Forskning visar även att kandidater som intervjuas via videolänk tenderar att bli rankade lägre än de som intervjuas via ett fysiskt möte. Den teoretiska referensram som används i studien består av Media Richness Theory och Social Presence Theory som båda analyserar hur den icke-verbala kommunikationen går att avläsa i olika kommunikationskanaler. Studiens syfte är att bidra till ökad kunskap och förståelse för hur rekryterare inom den offentliga sektorn, som har växlat om från att arbeta på en fysisk arbetsplats till att arbeta på distans, upplever användandet av videointervjuer. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka vilken påverkan videointervjuer har på urvalet av kandidater i en offentlig rekryteringsprocess samt hur negativa effekter som uppkommer i samband med videointervjuer kan förebyggas. Studien har genomförts via kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med HR-medarbetare från mindre kommuner i Sverige som arbetar med rekrytering. Studiens slutsats visar att den begränsade icke-verbala kommunikationen vid videointervjuer underlättar beslutsfattande baserat på den sökande kandidatens kompetens och erfarenhet. Vidare visar studien att användningen av olika kommunikationsmedel under rekrytering ger olika förutsättningar för rekryteraren att inhämta information om den sökande kandidaten, vilket understryker vikten av att sökprocessen utformas på ett liknande sätt för samtliga sökande kandidater. Studien visar även att det finns ett samband mellan hur kandidater hanterar det digitala mötesrummet och hur de blir bedömda i urvalet för tjänsten. Detta på grund av att ickeverbal kommunikation, på ett särpräglat vis, även påverkar samtalen i en videointervju, men på ett annat sätt än i den traditionella fysiska intervjun, såsom genom en kandidats datorvana, ljussättning och bakgrund i rummet. Avslutningsvis konstaterar studien att det finns ett behov av att kombinera fysiska intervjuer med videointervjuer för att optimera framtida rekryteringsprocesser samt främja lika förutsättningar hos de sökande kandidaterna, studien mynnar således ut i ett förslag på en uppdaterad modell av den traditionella sökprocessen för rekrytering. / Recruiters working in different municipal departments have previously used face-to-face job interviews when recruiting new employees, due to the covid-19 pandemic however, these have been replaced with video interviews. Non-verbal communication is reduced in video interviews, affecting the recruiter's perception and assessment of candidates. According to previous studies, candidates interviewed via video link risk being ranked lower than those interviewed in person. The theoretical framework supporting the study consists of Media Richness Theory and Socia lPresence Theory, both of which analyze how non-verbal communication may be perceived through different communication channels. The purpose of the study is to contribute to increasing the knowledge and to further the understanding of public recruiters experiences of recruitment via video link. The study focuses on recruiters who have shifted from working in a physical workplace to working from home. Furthermore, the aim of the thesis is to investigate the impact of video interviews on the selection of candidates in the public recruitment process and how negative effects that arise in connection with video interviews may be prevented. The study was conducted via qualitative semi-structured interviews with ten HR employees, working with recruitment in smaller municipalities in Sweden. The thesis conclude that the limitation of non-verbal communication in video interviews facilitates recruiter’s decision-making in terms of basing the decision made on competence and experience. It also shows that different means of communication provide different conditions for the recruiter to obtain information, which emphasizes the importance that the search process looks the same for all candidates. The study also shows that there is a connection between how candidates handle the digital meeting room and how they are assessed in the selection for different positions. This is because there is a distinctive form of non-verbal communication that affects the conversations in a video interview in a different way than in the traditional face-to-face interview, such as a candidate's computer skills, lighting and background in the room. The results show that in order to optimize future public recruitment processes and to promote equal opportunities for all applicants, there is a need to combine face-to-face interviews with video interviews, the study thereby concludes with presenting an updated model of the traditional search process.
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Patienten betraktas som ett nummer och inte som en människa : En integrerad litteraturstudie om crowding / Patienten ses som ett nummer och inte som en person : En integrerad litteraturstudie om trängselMartinez, Camilla, Thern, Suzanne January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Crowding är ett fenomen som innebär en stor ansamling av personer på en och samma plats. På akutmottagningar blir crowding en utmaning då antalet patienter överskrider antalet sjuksköterskor. Under sitt arbetspass träffar sjuksköterskan många patienter men för patienterna är besöket på en akutmottagning något utöver det vardagliga. Därför är det viktigt att sjuksköterskan sätter den enskilda patienten i centrum. Syfte: Att undersöka vilka erfarenheter sjuksköterskor och patienter har av crowding på akutmottagningar. Metod: Magisterarbetet är en integrativ litteraturstudie. Databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed har använts i studien. Totalt omfattar resultatet 16 artiklar och både patienter och sjuksköterskor har inkluderats i undersökningen. Resultat: Sex huvudkategorier framkom i resultatet. "Svårt att upprätta patientsäkerhet", "stressig arbetsmiljö påverkar arbetstillfredsställelsen", "att känna sig otillräcklig", "ökad teamkänsla vid samarbete", "påverkan på vårdrelationen" och "när omgivningen blir icke-vårdande". Slutsats: Crowding medför en påverkan på vårdrelationen, patientsäkerheten, sjuksköterskors arbetsmiljö och patienternas vårdmiljö. Vidare forskning av erfarenheter av crowding behövs för att belysa problemet och minska dess negativa konsekvenser för sjuksköterskor och patienter. / Background: Crowding is a phenomenon that involves a large gathering of people in one place. In emergency departments, crowding becomes a challenge as the number of patients exceeds the number of nurses. During the work shift, the nurse meets many patients. But for the patients the visit to an emergency department is something out of the ordinary. Therefore, it is important that the nurse puts the individual patient at the center. Aim: To investigate what experiences nurses and patients have of crowding in emergency rooms. Method: An integrative literature study. The Cinahl and Pubmed databases were used in this study. A total of 16 articles were included in the survey. Experiences of both patients and nurses have been included in the study. Result: Six main categories were identified in the result. "Difficult to establish patient safety", "stressful work environment affects job satisfaction", "feeling inadequate", "increased team spirit in collaboration", "impact on the care relationship", and "when the environment becomes non-caring". Conclusion: Crowding has an impact on the care relationship, patient safety, nurses´ work environment and patients´ care environment. Further research on crowding experiences is needed to shed light on the problem and reduce its negative consequences for nurses and patients.
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Optimisation des opérations dans les services d’urgence / Operations optimization in emergency departmentsGhanes, Karim 29 April 2016 (has links)
Un Service d’urgence (SU) est le service hospitalier ayant comme responsabilité de fournir des soins non programmés à une grande variété de patients, 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. Les SU sont actuellement confrontés à un problème international et récurrent, à savoir la saturation des urgences qui résulte de l’actuelle inadéquation entre les capacités médicales et la demande des patients. L'objectif est de développer des solutions internes et économiques permettant d’atténuer le phénomène de saturation des urgences et d’améliorer leur performance, à l'aide de méthodes issues de la Recherche Opérationnelle/Gestion des Opérations (RO/GO). Ces solutions sont d'un grand intérêt pour les gestionnaires. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, nous abordons trois ensembles de questions de recherche.La première catégorie comprend des questions prospectives portant sur les indicateurs clés de performance (ICP) ainsi que sur les différents facteurs contribuant à l’encombrement des urgences. La deuxième catégorie est constituée de questions liées au dimensionnement de la capacité des ressources humaines dans un SU. Un modèle réaliste de simulation à événements discrets des urgences est élaboré. En utilisant l'optimisation basée sur la simulation, la durée moyenne de séjour des patients (LOS) est minimisée, en intégrant une contrainte budgétaire ainsi qu’une contrainte assurant que les patients les plus critiques accèderont à un médecin dans un délai déterminé. Les résultats obtenus permettent de fournir aux gestionnaires des urgences des indications utiles sur l'impact du budget sur la performance et sur la manière dont les investissements devraient être priorisés et répartis entre les ressources, ainsi que sur l'effet de la prise en compte de deux principaux ICP différents. Nous proposons également une heuristique pour l'optimisation de la structure des shifts (roulements) du personnel dans la journée. La méthode combine l'optimisation basée sur la simulation avec de la programmation linéaire. La troisième catégorie de questions porte sur le processus de soins des patients. Nous analysons des modifications et des alternatives innovantes dans le parcours du patient (à budget fixe). Typiquement, dans les pratiques actuelles, chaque patient dans un SU est affecté à un seul médecin qui en sera exclusivement responsable pendant toutes les étapes du processus (règle du "Même Patient Même Médecin", MPMM). Dans un premier temps, nous menons une enquête auprès des praticiens qui confirme que MPMM représente la pratique standard dans la plupart des SU à travers le monde. L’enquête révèle également que la suppression de cette règle est très controversée parmi les urgentistes. Nous utilisons ensuite une modélisation en réseau de files d’attente Erlang-R contenant une complexité additionnelle. Nous montrons et quantifions les avantages potentiels de la suppression de la restriction MPMM en fonction des paramètres du système. Une seconde étude portant sur le processus est menée, à savoir la prescription des examens par l’infirmière chargée du tri (PIT) avant la consultation initiale. Nous comparons le fait d’autoriser l’infirmière à prescrire certains examens complémentaires, avec la procédure standard consistant à attendre que le médecin examine le patient et lui prescrive des examens. Nous démontrons l'efficacité de PIT sur la performance du SU en fonction de paramètres clés, tels que le niveau de compétence de l’infirmière, la charge du système et l'extension de la durée du tri.De manière générale, cette thèse aborde d’innovantes questions de recherche dans la gestion des opérations des SU. Elle fournit aux décideurs des recommandations et des outils permettant d’améliorer la performance des urgences. Cette thèse ouvre également la voie pour de futurs axes de recherche liés à l'optimisation des opérations dans les SU. / Emergency Department (ED) is the service within hospitals responsible for providing unscheduled care to a wide variety of patients over 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a result to the existing mismatch between available caring capacity and patients demand, EDs are currently facing a recurrent worldwide problem, namely overcrowding. The objective of this thesis is to develop internal and cost-effective solutions to alleviate overcrowding in EDs and improve their performance, using Operations Research/Operations Management (OR/OM) methods. Such solutions are of great interest for managers. In order to achieve this objective, we address a series of research questions.The first category of research questions include prospective questions about ED Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and about the diverse factors contributing to overcrowding. We first conduct a detailed literature review on the commonly used KPIs from an OR/OM perspective. The review summarizes the advantages and drawbacks of each KPI and provides several useful insights. In addition, a series of statistical analysis are performed in the purpose of identifying the main influencing factors of performance.The second category consists in resource-related questions that are associated to the dimensioning of ED resource capacity. A realistic ED discrete-event simulation model is thus proposed. The model accounts for the most essential structural and functional characteristics of EDs thanks to a close collaboration with practitioners. Using simulation optimization, we minimize the patient average length of stay (LOS), by integrating a staffing budget constraint and a constraint securing that the most severe incidents will see a doctor within a specified time limit. The obtained results allow us to provide useful insights to managers about the impact of the budget on performance and how investments priorities should be allocated among resources, as well as the effect of combining two different major KPIs. Furthermore, we propose a heuristic for the optimization of the shifts of human resources. The method combines simulation optimization and linear programming.The third category of questions deals with process-related issues. We investigate potential alternative and innovative ED patient flow designs (with fixed budget). Typically in current ED practices, each patient is assigned to a single physician who will be exclusively responsible of him/her during all stages of the process (“Same Patient Same Physician”, SPSP rule). We conduct a survey which confirms that SPSP stands as the standard practice in most EDs worldwide, and that removing SPSP rule is very controversial among practitioners. We next use a complexity-augmented Erlang-R queueing network modeling. We show and quantify the potential benefits of removing the SPSP restriction as a function of the system parameters. For a second process-related issue, we compare the Triage Nurse ordering (TNO) diagnostic tests against the standard procedure, i.e., waiting for the physician to examine the patient and order tests. We demonstrate the efficiency of TNO on ED performance as a function of key parameters, such as triage nurse ability, system load and triage time extension.In summary, this thesis addresses innovative OM research questions for EDs. It provides decision makers with recommendations and tools in order to improve ED performance. It also highlights various avenues for future research related to the optimization of ED operations.
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Police Education: An Analysis of the Effects of Educational Requirements for Police Officers On Citizen ComplaintsBoss, Daniel L. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Faculty Work: Moving Beyond the Paradox of Autonomy and CollaborationHower, Mark A. 16 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A dissertação teve o objetivo de documentar as ações adotadas pelos governos de
Acre, Pará, Amazonas, Roraima, Bahia, Pernambuco, Sergipe e Piauí para fornecer
educação aos alunos de suas redes de ensino médio durante o período de suspensão
das aulas presenciais, no contexto da pandemia da Covid-19. Recupera, assim, a
história de parte das ações de oito secretarias estaduais de educação, a partir de estudos prévios e do levantamento das medidas legais e das ações educacionais
emergenciais divulgadas nos sites institucionais das secretarias desses estados e no Portal do Consed (Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Educação), no período de suspensão das aulas presenciais entre março de 2020 e julho de 2021. Nesse
período, foram registradas inclusive iniciativas que, mesmo sendo anteriores ao
contexto da pandemia, tiveram continuidade nos dois anos de fechamentos das
escolas. Os estados selecionados formam quatro pares com indicadores
socioeconômicos e educacionais contrastantes e fazem parte das duas regiões com
menores índices de desenvolvimento. As ações educacionais promovidas por esses
oito estados durante a pandemia foram organizadas em dois eixos que reúnem,
respectivamente, políticas e programas de natureza pedagógica e de natureza social e socioemocional. O eixo que reúne as iniciativas estaduais de natureza pedagógica contempla oito dimensões, com subdivisões, que exprimem conteúdos próprios a cada estado, a saber: suspensão das aulas; acesso a tecnologias para o ensino
remoto; formação de profissionais da educação; busca ativa; educação inclusiva;
educação e diversidade; ações envolvendo o currículo escolar e avaliação. Em
conjunto, essas dimensões dizem respeito a iniciativas estaduais voltadas para
questões curriculares e de ensino que estão no centro dos esforços pedagógicos para garantir a aprendizagem dos alunos. O segundo eixo reúne iniciativas estaduais de natureza social e emocional e contempla seis dimensões que exprimem o apoio das secretarias de educação e dos governos estaduais a alunos, familiares e professores durante o fechamento das escolas, a saber: apoio a famílias vulneráveis; alimentação; relação família-escola; apoio emocional; segurança; transporte escolar. A pesquisa teve como hipótese que, mesmo no contexto de regiões com menor desenvolvimento, estados mais ricos e com melhores índices de desenvolvimento e de resultados no Ideb tenderiam a mobilizar mais cedo e a promover mais iniciativas educacionais durante o fechamento das escolas, em contraste com estados com mais baixos índices socioeconômicos e educacionais. Os resultados não confirmaram nossa hipótese já que há variações importantes na oferta de ações educacionais emergenciais que não estão relacionadas com o nível de desenvolvimento socioeconômico e educacional do estado em análise. Por exemplo, na retomada das aulas na modalidade remota, o Pará, maior PIB da Região Norte, e Piauí, segundo menor PIB da Região Nordeste, demoraram quase o mesmo tempo, menos de 10 dias. A Bahia, o estado mais rico do Nordeste, demorou mais
de três meses em oferecer ensino remoto. Sergipe e Piauí, os dois estados mais
pobres do Nordeste, foram os que mais desenvolveram ações de formação de
professores, ultrapassando os estados mais ricos, ou seja, Pernambuco e Bahia.
Pernambuco foi o estado que mais investiu em ações de Busca Ativa,
contrastando com Sergipe, Piauí, Roraima e Pará. Pará foi o estado que menos
apresentou ações de apoio envolvendo recursos tecnológicos para alunos e
professores, seguido pelo estado de Amazonas, ao passo que o Piauí fez maiores
investimentos nessa dimensão, seguido por Pernambuco e Sergipe. No entanto, para
além dessas variações, a constatação mais importante desta pesquisa diz respeito ao número significativo e à dupla natureza ao mesmo tempo social e pedagógica das
ações que as secretarias estaduais foram capazes de promover no contexto de
fechamento das escolas. / [en] This thesis aims to document the actions taken by the governments of Acre, Pará,
Amazonas, Roraima, Bahia, Pernambuco, Sergipe and Piauí to provide education
to students in their high school networks during the period of suspension of faceto-face classes, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, it recovers the
history of part of the actions of eight state departments of education, based on
previous studies and the survey of legal measures and emergency educational
actions published on the institutional websites of the departments of these states and
on Portal do Consed (Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Educação), in the period
of suspension of face-to-face classes between March 2020 and July 2021. During
this period, initiatives were even registered that, even before the context of the
pandemic, continued in the two years of school closures. The selected states form
four pairs with contrasting socioeconomic and educational indicators and are part
of the two regions with the lowest development rates. The educational actions
promoted by these eight states during the pandemic were organized into two axes
that bring together, respectively, policies and programs of a pedagogical nature and
of a social and socio-emotional nature. The axis that brings together state initiatives
of a pedagogical nature includes eight dimensions, with subdivisions, which
express content specific to each state, namely: suspension of classes; access to
technologies for remote teaching; training of education professionals; active search;
inclusive education; education and diversity; actions involving the school
curriculum and assessment. Taken together, these dimensions concern state
initiatives focused on curricular and teaching issues that are at the heart of
pedagogical efforts to ensure student learning. The second axis brings together state
initiatives of a social and emotional nature and includes six dimensions that express
the support of education secretariats and state governments to students, family
members and teachers during school closures, namely: support for vulnerable
families; food; family-school relationship; emotional support; safety; school bus.
The research has hypothesized that, even in the context of less developed regions,
states that are richer and with better development indicators and results in the Ideb
would tend to mobilize earlier and promote better educational initiatives during
school closures, in contrast to states with lower socioeconomic and educational
indicators. The results did not confirm our hypothesis, since there are important
variations in the offer of emergency educational actions that are not related to the
level of socioeconomic and educational development of the state under analysis.
For example, in the resumption of classes in the remote modality, Pará, the highest
GDP in the North Region, and Piauí, the second lowest GDP in the Northeast
Region, took almost the same time to implement online learning and resume
classes, less than 10 days. Bahia, the richest state in the Northeast, took more than
three months to offer distance learning. Sergipe and Piauí, the two poorest states in
the Northeast, were the ones that developed teacher training measures the most,
surpassing the richest states, Pernambuco and Bahia. Pernambuco was the state that
most invested in Busca Ativa actions, in contrast to Sergipe, Piauí, Roraima and
Pará. Pará was the state that least presented support actions involving technological
resources for students and teachers, followed by the state of Amazonas, while Piauí
made greater investments in this dimension, followed by Pernambuco and Sergipe.
However, in addition to these variations, the most important finding of this research
concerns the significant number and the dual nature, both social and pedagogical,
of the measures that state departments were able to promote in the context of school
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Retention and recruitment of research -based highly qualified teachers in suburban, urban, and rural secondary mathematics departments across northern CaliforniaWoodbeck, Raymond A. 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Title II of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is intended to increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher quality and increasing the number of "highly qualified teachers" (HQTs) in the classroom. This Federal policy relies on educational research that demonstrates a connection between student achievement and teacher quality. Although NCLB considers each route that teachers may take to meet HQT requirements as equivalent, research demonstrates that some routes may foster higher student achievement than others; those teachers, who met HQT requirements through these routes, are referred to in this study as "research-based HQTs" (RB-HQTs). The quantitative phase of this mixed methodology explores how northern California secondary mathematics teachers in suburban, urban, and rural schools meet "highly qualified teacher" requirements. The subsequent qualitative phase explores the challenges and promising practices in retention and recruitment of RB-HQTs used by those mathematics departments identified as having a "common" or "distinguished" profile of each respective suburban, urban, or rural sub-sample. This study identifies and reports eight strategies used by mathematics departments that have demonstrated success in retention and recruitment of RB-HQTs. The eight identified strategies, when implemented individually or collectively, may increase the proportion of RB-HQTs and improve student academic achievement in each mathematics department across northern California secondary schools, be it suburban, urban, or rural.
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The Role of Agency in Community Health Outcomes: Local Health Departments and Childhood Immunization Coverage RatesRansom, James Anthony 28 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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