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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Avaliando o impacto da estratégia de design em negócios digitais. / Evaluating the impact of a design strategy on digital business.

Garbulho, Gabriel Santos 04 July 2017 (has links)
Com a expansão dos serviços digitais por meio de tecnologias móveis na última década observa-se a importância crescente da atitude de design para compreender o contexto de uso e as emergentes necessidades funcionais e emocionais dos usuários nas quais se baseia a percepção de uma boa experiência do usuário (UX). Levando em conta que a estratégia de negócio e a estrutura organizacional são determinantes para o resultado da experiência percebida pelo usuário e o consequente sucesso do serviço, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal investigar as práticas de design nas dimensões operacional, tática e estratégica em diferentes empresas prestadoras de serviços digitais tendo em vista a identificação de padrões relacionados com a adoção da gestão de design e da estratégia de design, e qual o impacto desta adoção nas medidas de desempenho. Para isto, foi adotada como estratégia de pesquisa o levantamento teórico preliminar seguido da realização de estudos de casos múltiplos. Neste estudo de caso, foram investigadas empresas com designers e UX designers trabalhando no desenvolvimento de serviços digitais. As evidências compiladas a partir da teoria, combinadas com os padrões obtidos com os casos, resultaram em um modelo de referência sobre a geração de valor através do design, e em quatro proposições teóricas principais que mostram que as práticas de design executadas pelas áreas de experiência do usuário possuem um potencial de integração interdisciplinar e geração de novas ideias propício para melhorar a sinergia e o resultado de uma equipe ágil de projetos, gerando insumo para decisões estratégicas e potencialmente valorizando a determinação de métricas de uso e engajamento. / With the expansion of digital services through mobile technologies viewed on the last decade, it can be observed the growing importance of the design attitude to understand the context of use and the emerging functional and emotional needs of the users on which the perception of a good user experience (UX) is based on. Taking into account that the business strategy and the organizational structure are determinant to the result of the experience perceived by the user and the consequent success of the service, this research had as main objective to investigate the practices of design in the operational, tactical and strategic dimensions on different digital service companies in order to identify the standards related to the adoption of design management and design strategy, and the impact of this adoption on performance measures. Following this purpose, the preliminary theoretical survey followed by multiple case studies was adopted as a research strategy. In this case study, we investigated companies with designers and UX designers working on the development of digital services. Evidence compiled from the theory combined with the patterns obtained with the cases resulted in a reference model on value generation through design, and in four main theoretical propositions that shows that design practices performed by the user experience departments have the potential for interdisciplinary integration and generation of new ideas conducive to improving the synergy and the result of an agile project team, generating input for strategic decisions and potentially valuing the determination of metrics to follow use and engagement.

La naissance de l'éco-conception : acteurs, raisonnements, enjeux de pilotage et horizons d'une rationalisation industrielle (1990-2010)

Abrassart, Christophe 09 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La crise environnementale et ses enjeux constituent un défi majeur pour le capitalisme du XXIe siècle : comment en effet les entreprises peuvent-elles devenir à la fois " vertes " et compétitives ? Une réponse originale apparait au cours des années 1990 chez les ingénieurs et les designers avec la pratique dénommée " éco-conception ", qui s'est diffusée depuis dans la majorité des grandes entreprises et des PME innovantes. Cette démarche, qui vise à reconcevoir les biens et services pour les rendre plus durables, s'accompagne de multiples innovations comme l'Analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) qui introduit une rupture dans la manière de cartographier les enjeux environnementaux d'un objet en passant du territoire au cycle de vie. Mais quels sont les horizons stratégiques en jeu dans cette rationalisation industrielle ? Y a-t-il différentes manières de pratiquer l'éco-conception ? Et si oui, quelles sont leurs rationalités et leurs effets ? En s'appuyant sur différents modes d'investigation (recherches-interventions, généalogies professionnelles) et dans une logique de " prospective du présent ", cette thèse montre que les démarches d'éco-conception en entreprise sont traversées par deux mythes rationnels (Hatchuel) celui des ingénieurs, à partir des raisonnements de l'ACV, et celui des designers autour de la reconception critique des relations usagers-objets, mythes rationnels qui sont eux-mêmes ordonnés à deux horizons stratégiques. Le premier est celui de l'évaluation sur les marchés : son objectif est d'équiper les " marchés verts " de dispositifs de prescription comme les écolabels, en utilisant l'ACV comme une nouvelle norme de vérité. Dans cet horizon marqué par des approches d'éco-conception réglée et des stratégies de compétition par les normes environnementales (ex. règlement de l'écolabel), l'ingénieur ACV apparaît comme un acteur dominant. Le second horizon est celui de la transformation de soi, à travers des outils permettant d'optimiser ou de reconcevoir les styles de vie (manuels de consommateurs durables, catalogues critiques et fictions de designers). Ces démarches sont ici thématisées à l'aide des concepts de techniques de soi de Foucault et d'identité narrative de Ricœur. Dans cet horizon où la stratégie joue comme conception de scénographies (Aggeri) on constate que le designer déploie une radicalité critique plus grande à travers des démarches d'éco-conception innovantes permettant de modifier conjointement l'identité des objets, des marchés et des individus. C'est donc en prenant en compte la variété de ces problématisations que l'éco-conception pourra apporter des réponses innovantes aux enjeux du développement durable.

Continuity of Service in Design for a Specific Platform : Combining service- and interaction design perspectives in a multiple platform environment

Nilsson, Linus January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents a design work in which one platform specific User Interface (UI) is redesigned to fit into the multiple platform range of a software application. Among other design methods a service design analysis and a platform general UI framework are used. The thesis aims to study the impact of these methods.</p><p>The service design analysis starts with a workshop which outcome is used as reference point during the design process and later in the analysis of the results. The general framework is extracted from existing mobile implementations of the software and is used as a guideline in the design of the platform specific solution.</p><p>The results presented show that the service design perspective added high level priority tools to the process, and there are indications that this method can be even more valuable in earlier stages of adaptation of software to new platforms. The general framework is shown to have contributed on a more detailed level and there is indication that this method can facilitate the work of obtaining continuity between platforms.</p>

Skilda världar : Ett gemensamt språk och visualisering för implementering av designtänkande genom strategisk ekonomistyrning.

Kjellin, Åsa, Stridsberg, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>”The language of management is money”, har någon sagt. I affärslivet gäller det att veta vilka åtgärder som lönar sig. Vi har i vår uppsats fokus på design som en strategisk resurs; skapande av mervärde. Kunskapsbaserade tillgångar, är mycket viktiga för företagens framgång i dagens hårda konkurrenssituation. Mer än 75% av det genomsnittliga företagets marknadsvärde kommer från immateriella tillgångar som traditionella redovisningssystem inte klarar av att värdera. Vilka resurser har företag i form av kapital, fysiska tillgångar, människor, teknik, varumärke och relationer?</p><p>Den ökade fokuseringen på immateriella tillgångar förändrar synen på ekonomi och utmanar inrotade lednings- och organisationssynsätt. Som en följd av globalisering och hårdare konkurrens blir det svårare för företag att differentiera sig. Nya mervärden måste adderas till produkten eller tjänsten för att locka kunden och möta förändrade behov som uppstår.</p><p>Att implementera design på en strategisk nivå handlar först om att fastställa ansvaret och ledarskapet som har hand om design. Därefter kommer sökandet efter det design kan göra för organisationskulturen; möjligheterna till nyskapade produkter och ökat identitetsskapande.</p><p>För att uppnå framgång i ett företag krävs det idag mer än att styra med ekonomiska mål och nyckeltal. Det behövs en balans mellan finansiella- och ickefinansiella mått. Vi vill ta reda på hur design och designers kunskap bidrar strategiskt och skapar konkurrensfördelar — designens förmåga att differentiera, anpassa sig, förändra och bidra till ett företags ”bottom-line”-resultat. Vi har fördjupat oss i detta och vill undersöka om det går att arbeta med något gemensamt konkret och visuellt verktyg för att förstärka designens roll som strategisk resurs. En hjälp att överbrygga klyftan mellan designers och företagsledares skilda världar.</p>

Skilda världar : Ett gemensamt språk och visualisering för implementering av designtänkande genom strategisk ekonomistyrning.

Kjellin, Åsa, Stridsberg, Anna January 2007 (has links)
”The language of management is money”, har någon sagt. I affärslivet gäller det att veta vilka åtgärder som lönar sig. Vi har i vår uppsats fokus på design som en strategisk resurs; skapande av mervärde. Kunskapsbaserade tillgångar, är mycket viktiga för företagens framgång i dagens hårda konkurrenssituation. Mer än 75% av det genomsnittliga företagets marknadsvärde kommer från immateriella tillgångar som traditionella redovisningssystem inte klarar av att värdera. Vilka resurser har företag i form av kapital, fysiska tillgångar, människor, teknik, varumärke och relationer? Den ökade fokuseringen på immateriella tillgångar förändrar synen på ekonomi och utmanar inrotade lednings- och organisationssynsätt. Som en följd av globalisering och hårdare konkurrens blir det svårare för företag att differentiera sig. Nya mervärden måste adderas till produkten eller tjänsten för att locka kunden och möta förändrade behov som uppstår. Att implementera design på en strategisk nivå handlar först om att fastställa ansvaret och ledarskapet som har hand om design. Därefter kommer sökandet efter det design kan göra för organisationskulturen; möjligheterna till nyskapade produkter och ökat identitetsskapande. För att uppnå framgång i ett företag krävs det idag mer än att styra med ekonomiska mål och nyckeltal. Det behövs en balans mellan finansiella- och ickefinansiella mått. Vi vill ta reda på hur design och designers kunskap bidrar strategiskt och skapar konkurrensfördelar — designens förmåga att differentiera, anpassa sig, förändra och bidra till ett företags ”bottom-line”-resultat. Vi har fördjupat oss i detta och vill undersöka om det går att arbeta med något gemensamt konkret och visuellt verktyg för att förstärka designens roll som strategisk resurs. En hjälp att överbrygga klyftan mellan designers och företagsledares skilda världar.

Bankkontorens nya roll : En uppsats om att skapa kundmötesplatser med hjälp av design

Andersson, Matilda, Edelsvärd, Maria January 2011 (has links)
Avregleringen som skedde på mitten av åttiotalet medförde att fler aktörer etablerade sig på marknaden vilket genererade en hårdare konkurrens. En branschglidning uppstod som innebar att bank och försäkring blev ett. Förändringar av de befintliga tjänsterna inom finanssektorn har resulterat i att den mänskliga faktorn i bank- och försäkringsbolagen till stor del har fallit bort och ersatts av mer automatiserade tjänster. Fler bankkontor har slagit igen portarna och de som finns kvar har fått en ny roll i samhället och fungerar idag främst som rådgivningsplatser. De tjänster som kontoren idag erbjuder är av mer komplex karaktär och får därigenom en högre betydelse för kunden. Utformningen av kontor har således visat sig bli ett allt viktigare komplement vilket bank- och försäkringsbolagen kan differentiera sig med och sända ut signaler till sina kunder, detta på en marknad som präglas av mycket hård konkurrens. Utformningen av den fysiska mötesplatsen blir förutsättning för bank- och försäkringsbolagens framtida överlevnad. Syftet med denna uppsats var att analysera och utvärdera två bank- och försäkringsföretag som differentierar genom utformning av den fysiska mötesplatsen. Studien visade att det finns en designstrategisk tanke bakom implementeringen av den fysiska mötesplatsen i bank- och försäkringskontoren. Men är inte personalen nöjd med utformningen finns det en risk att detta kan påverka den service företaget levererar. Det framkom att kunderna hade höga förväntningar på den service som ges av bank- och försäkringskontoren och att omgivningen inte är det primära för kunden i servicemötet utan kommer sekundärt efter den service som ges men att omgivningen ändå har en betydelse. Studien visade även att det finns en koppling mellan utformningen av bankkontoren och den levererade servicekvaliteten. Design kan stärka intrycket och uppfattningen om den service som ges. Rätt arbetsmiljö gör att företagen kan leverera en bättre kvalitet till kund. En god servicekvalitet leder till nöjda kunder vilket i sin tur leder till lojala kunder. Det är således viktigt att företagen ser till både service och miljö när de ska utforma den fysiska mötesplatsen och inte utesluter miljön även om detta inte är det huvudsakliga för kunden. / The deregulation that occurred in the mid-eighties meant that more companies established themselves on the market which generated a fiercer competition. An industry shift occurred whereby the banking and insurance became one unit. Changes of the existing services in the financial sector has led to the human factor in the banking and insurance companies have largely disappeared and been replaced by the more automated services. Many bank offices have closed down and those that are left have been given a new role in society and work today mainly as advisory sites. The services provided by offices today offers is more complex in nature and therefore have a higher importance to the customer. Design of the office has thus proved to be an increasingly important complement which the banking and insurance companies can differentiate themselves and send out signals to its customers, that in a market characterized by strong competition. The design of the physical location is becoming essential for banking and insurance companies future survival.  The purpose of this paper was to analyze and evaluate two banks and insurance companies that differentiate through the design of the physical meeting place. The study showed that there is a design-strategic thinking behind the implementation of the physical meeting place in the banking and insurance offices. But is not the staff satisfied with the design, there is a risk that this may affect the service company delivers. It was found that customers had high expectations of the service provided by the banking and insurance offices and the surroundings is not the primary for the customer in the service meeting but are secondary after the service that is provided, but nevertheless the atmosphere still has a significant. The study also showed a connection between the design of bank offices and the delivered service quality. Design can enhance the impression and perception of the service provided. The right working environment enables companies to deliver a better quality to the customer. A good quality of service leads to a happy customer which in turn leads into loyal customers. It is therefore important that companies ensure both service and environment when designing the physical meeting location and do not exclude environment, although this is not the principal for the customer.

The impact of input during the design of an assistive technology product

Choi, Young Mi 11 January 2010 (has links)
The design of Assistive Technology (AT) products that are highly functional as well satisfactory is presents many challenges. Various types of input are used in design of AT products to help overcome them. A study was conducted to gather data on the impact that different types of input (from simulation tools, a professional therapist, and end users) during the design of an AT product has on the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction of the final design. The results show that input from stakeholders (end users or a therapist) can be very effective. However, effectiveness of the input is influenced by many factors and its impact on the design can be highly variable. Input from simulation tools was also found to be equally effective. Implications of these findings for the process of designing AT products are discussed.

Paslaugų dizaino galimybės. Nidos dizaino vadybos kūrybinių dirbtuvių atvejo analizė / OPPORTUNITIES OF SERVICE DESIGN. STUDY OF NIDA DESIGN MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP CASE

Juozulynas, Deividas 05 August 2013 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. 70% pasaulinio BVP sukuriama paslaugų sektoriuje, todėl atkreipiamas dėmesys į netechnologines inovacijas, kurios gali pasireikšti per verslo modelių pokyčius, geresnį dizaino ir procesų organizavimą. Paslaugų ekonomikos augimas buvo paspartintas informacijos amžiaus pokyčių, kurie atvėrė naujas galimybes, todėl paslaugų inovacijos ir paslaugų dizainas sulaukia vis daugiau dėmesio. Darbo tikslas. Nustatyti paslaugų dizaino taikymo galimybes ir praktiką skirtinguose sektoriuose ir pateikti galimų sprendimų bei įrankių rinkinius. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištyrinėti paslaugų dizaino istorines aplinkybes, siekiant pateikti koncentuotą informaciją, padedančią suprasti paslaugų dizaino ištakas. 2. Išnagrinėti dizaino vadybos ir paslaugų dizaino sąsajas, atskleidžiant veiklos principų tapatumą. 3. Išnagrinėti paslaugų dizaino praktikoje naudojamus metodus ir specifinius įrankius, siekiant išsiaiškinti paslaugų dizaino proceso principus. 4. Išnagrinėti paslaugų dizaino praktikos atvejus užsienyje, siekiant išryškinti paslaugų dizaino teikiamą konkurencingumo potencialą. 5. Praktiškai išbandyti paslaugų dizaino metodus kūrybinių pratybų metu, norint realiai patikrinti paslaugų dizaino veiksmingumą. Darbe taikyti metodai. Kompleksiškai taikyti kiekybiniai ir kokybiniai, teoriniai bei empiriniai tyrimų metodai: literatūros ir empirinių tyrimų duomenų rinkimas, sisteminimas ir analizė; teorinių modelių, dokumentų ir empirinių faktų analizė, interviu, stebėjimas, atvejo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the work. 70% of the world’s GDP is created in service sector, thus attention is drawn to non-technological innovations that may manifest in the changes of business models, better design and process organization. The development of service economy was accelerated by the changes of the Information age, which created new opportunities and consequently, service innovation and service design attracts more attention. Aim of the work. To identify the application and practice opportunities of service design in different sectors and offer possible solutions as well as sets of tools. Work tasks: 1. To investigate the historical circumstances of service design in order to present concentrated information, which helps to perceive the origins of service design. 2. To investigate the connections between design management and service design revealing the sameness of the operating principles. 3. To investigate the methods and specific tools applied in the practice of service design in order to find out the principles of service design process. 4. To investigate the cases of service design practice abroad in order to emphasize the potential for competitiveness provided by service design. 5. To test service design methods during workshops in practice so that the real effectiveness of service design could be verified. Methodology. Quantitative and qualitative, theoretical and empirical research methods were complexly applied: literary and empirical research data were... [to full text]

Gestão do Design em empresas do setor 2,5: análise do processo de design de artefatos em negócios de impacto a partir da abordagem Design Thinking. / Design managment in hybrid organizations: an artifacts's design process analysis in social business throught Design Thinking.

SOUZA, Lamunyel Luis de. 10 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-10T18:34:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LAMUNYEL LUIS DE SOUZA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGDesign 2017..pdf: 6283631 bytes, checksum: 28699dd7b30358bc11fb8536e77284fe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-10T18:34:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LAMUNYEL LUIS DE SOUZA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGDesign 2017..pdf: 6283631 bytes, checksum: 28699dd7b30358bc11fb8536e77284fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-26 / O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o Processo de Design de artefatos projetados por Negócios de Impacto a partir das fases projetuais da abordagem Design Thinking, no intuito de caracterizar como se dá o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos, serviços e artefatos digitais em Empresas do Setor 2,5 (dois e meio). Com abordagem qualitativa e finalidade exploratória e descritiva, esta pesquisa foi realizada por meio de estudos de casos múltiplos, os quais foram suportados por levantamento bibliográfico e documental. Para isso, desenvolveu-se um framework do processo de Design Thinking, composto por 6 (seis) fases: Contexto, Empatia, Insights, Ideias, Protótipos e Artefatos. A elaboração deste modelo de referência teve como fundamento 8 (oito) processos, publicados entre os anos de 2007 e 2014. A amostra investigada foi composta por 5 (cinco) Negócios de Impacto, os quais foram identificados, mapeados e selecionados de acordo com os critérios delimitados neste trabalho. Os dados foram coletados virtualmente em 3 (três) etapas, por meio de 2 (dois) questionários publicados no Formulários do Google, entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas via Skype™ e levantamento documental e bibliográfico sobre cada negócio. Os instrumentos utilizados nesta pesquisa foram apreciados e aprovados pelo Comité de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Alcides Carneiro (HUAC/UFCG), tendo como Certificado de Apresentação para Apreciação Ética (CAAE) o registro n° 63084316.7.0000.5182. Os dados obtidos foram registrados, organizados e categorizados com o suporte dos softwares MP3 Skype Recorder v.4.29 e Microsoft® Groove, Word® e Excel®, assim como foram transcritos, revisados, codificados e interpretados à luz da abordagem de Creswell (2010) para estudos qualitativos. Como resultados, viu-se que cada negócio possui uma configuração processual bastante singular, influenciada pelas particularidades do projeto, pela cultura organizacional e experiência da empresa, bem como pelo repertório, expertises e aporte metodológico da equipe. Assim como o Design Thinking, o processo projetual nos Negócios de Impacto se caracteriza principalmente pelo foco no ser humano, pela colaboração multidisciplinar e pela experimentação de soluções. Isto posto, concluiu-se que o Processo de Design de Artefatos em Negócios de Impacto não somente se assemelha com o Design Thinking, mas que este é também utilizado deliberadamente como metodologia projetual pela maioria dos empreendimentos investigados. Ademais, viu-se que algumas de suas características se revelam difusas, em maior ou menor intensidade, de maneira consciente ou não intencional, entre os estágios projetuais das empresas pesquisadas, até mesmo naquelas que não utilizam o pensamento de design como método ou que não possuem um processo metodológico mais rigoroso. / This study aimed to analyze the Design Process of artifacts designed by Social Business through the design phases of the Design Thinking approach, in order to characterize how the development process of products, services and digital artifacts in Sector 2.5's Companies occurs. With a qualitative approach and exploratory and descriptive goal, this research was carried out through multiple case studies, which were supported by a bibliographical and documental research. For this, a framework of the Design Thinking process was developed, composed of 6 (six) phases: Context, Empathy, Insights, Ideas, Prototypes and Artifacts. The elaboration of this reference modelwas based on 8 (eight) processes, published among the 2007 and 2014 years. The sample investigated was composed of 5 (five) Social Business, which were identified, mapped and selected according to the criteria delimited in this study. The data was virtually collected through 3 (three) steps: 2 (two) surveys published in Google Forms, a semistructured interview via SkypeTM, and the documental and bibliographical research. The data was recorded, organized and categorized with MP3 Skype Recorder v.4.29 and Microsoft® Groove, Word® and Excel®, as well as transcribed, revised, codified and interpreted through CreswelLs (2010) approach for qualitative studies. This research was appreciated and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Alcides Carneiro (HUAC / UFCG), having as Certificate of Presentation for Ethics Assessment (CAAE) the number 63084316.7.0000.5182. As a result, each business has a singular process configuration, influenced by the particularities of the project, organizational culture and company experience, and the know-how of the team. As Design Thinking, the Social Business design process is characterized mainty by the human-centered approach, the multidisciplinary collaboration and the experimentation of solutions. Therefore, it was concluded that the Social Business design process not only resembles the Design Thinking approach, but that it is also deliberately used as a design methodology by the most of the enterprises investigated. Thus, some of its characteristics have been diffused, to a greater or lesser intensity, in a conscious or unintentional way, between the design stages of the companies researched, even by those that do not use Design Thinking as a method, or that do not have a more rigorous methodological process.


LUIZ ANTONIO DOS SANTOS BARROS 02 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa partiu do problema da dissonância entre a descontinuidade dos programas de políticas públicas de design no estado do Rio de Janeiro e a consistente atuação profissional dos designers fluminenses. O objeto de estudo foi a participação dos designers profissionais do estado do Rio de Janeiro na política de promoção do design. Desta forma, a hipótese defendida relaciona-se ao fortalecimento da política pública de promoção do design, através do apoio e articulação das ações dos designers fluminenses em seus processos de atuação profissional e política. Para corroborar tal hipótese, o objetivo geral do estudo foi a proposição de um modelo de política pública de promoção do design, no qual os designers desempenham um papel central. Portanto, com o objetivo de compreender este papel, foram analisadas as ações do Programa Rio é Design do governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, buscando compreender a atuação dos designers promovendo a atividade do design como expositores das mostras Rio(mais) Design e participantes das Rodadas de Negócios de Design. Além disso, foram identificados modelos de políticas públicas para relacioná-los às atuações dos profissionais do design fluminense como promotores do design local do estado. Destaca-se como contribuição original desta pesquisa a proposição de um modelo de política pública de promoção do design baseado na participação dos profissionais do design como atores principais. / [en] The research started from the problem of discrepancy between the discontinuity of the public policies programs of design in the state of Rio de Janeiro and the solid professional performance of fluminense designers. In this way, the hypothesis defended is related to the strengthening of the public policy to promote design, through the support and articulation between actions of the fluminense designers in their processes of professional and political activities. Consequently, we argue that the professional activity of designers is relevant in the definition and execution of these policies. To corroborate such hypothesis, the general objective of the study was the proposition of a model of a public policy to promote design, in which the designers plays a central role. Therefore, in order to understand this role, the object of study was the participation of designers from the state of Rio de Janeiro in state design policies. The actions of the Program Rio é Design, from the State Government of Rio de Janeiro, were analyzed, seeking to understand the performance of the designers promoting the design activity as exhibitors of the Rio(more)Design exhibitions and participants in the Design Business Rounds. Moreover, public policy models were identified to relate them to the actions of designers professionals as promoters of local state design. The original contribution of this research is the proposal of an innovative public policy model of design promotion based on the participation of design professionals as main actors.

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