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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podpora cestovního ruchu na Českobudějovicku / Promotion of tourism in Českobudějovicko

LEXA, Stanislav January 2011 (has links)
Thesis called "Promotion of tourism Českobudějovicko" is focused on the Borovany, Trocnov and surroundings. The work was carried out field research, which revealed weaknesses in various areas of sites. It was created a product package, design of the offer innovation and a way to promote tourism.

Možnosti dalšího rozvoje cestovního ruchu regionu Sedlčansko / Possibilities of the further tourism development in the region Sedlčansko

PŠENIČKOVÁ, Iva January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes the possibility of further development of tourism in the region Sedlčany. The basis for processing the information obtained from local budgetary organizations and the Association of Municipalities Sedlčany interviews focused on the municipalities that cooperate with this organization. The goal is to analyze the current situation in managing the development of the region Sedlčany and suggest possible further steps towards achieving the objectives using the tools of marketing management destination.

La copropriété dans les immeubles bâtis : partage des bienfaits et des dommages - Etude comparative / The Co-ownership of buildings : the sharing of benefits and damages - A comparative study

Najem, Melhem 03 December 2014 (has links)
La copropriété des immeubles bâtis revêt une importance particulière, étant donné qu’elle est influencée par plusieurs facteurs. Le facteur socio-culturel de la composition de la société libanaise et celui du problème de déplacés de guerre, occupent une part considérable dans l’étude de la copropriété. On relève des problèmes, issus de la confusion entre le juridique et le réel. L’expansion économique et immobilière, depuis la fin de la guerre, a poussé un grand nombre de libanais à se concentrer dans les grandes villes et leurs banlieues dans l’objectif du travail ou d’éducation. Cette concentration a provoqué une activité dans le domaine des bâtiments. Divers problèmes sont rencontrés dans ce domaine, d’une part à cause de l’absence des réglementations opportunes et d’autre part, suite à des divergences dans la jurisprudence. En prenant en considération tous ces facteurs, nous tenterons de trouver des solutions à des gros problèmes en se référant, quand le cas se présente, aux lois et jurisprudences françaises. / The co-ownership of buildings has a particular importance, given the fact that it is influenced by many factors. The socio-cultural factor of the composition of the Lebanese society and that of the problem of the displaced persons (DP) during the Lebanese war, occupy a considerable part in the study of co-ownership. We note several problems that arise from the confusion between law and reality. The economic and real-estate expansion, since the end of the war, caused a large part of the Lebanese population to concentrate in large cities and their suburbs either for education or work. This concentration provoked an activity increase in the construction field. Diverse problems are encountered in this field, due to the absence of appropriate regulations on one hand, or due to divergences in the jurisprudence on the other hand. By taking into consideration all these factors, we attempt to find solutions to major problems, by referring, when the case arises, to the French laws and jurisprudence.

Analýza cestovního ruchu Norska ve vztahu k České republice / The analysis of Norway tourism and it's relationship to the Czech Republic

Kotašková, Pavla January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with an analysis of tourism of Norway and relationship with the Czech Republic. A common charakteristic of destination Norway and it's corporate environment and approximation to marketing of destination as a general concept are part of the diploma thesis. The analysis of incomming and outgoing tourism of Norway, relationship with Czech Republic and promotion of Norway in our country is a practical part of the diploma thesis. The purpose of these thesis is to set apart Norway from statistics, analyses and charakteristics all of the Scandinavien countries and to make an analysis of the situation of Norway tourism with reference to the Czech Republic.

Filmový cestovní ruch / Film induced tourism

Čepková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis deals with new phenomenon in tourism film induced tourism. The main objective of the master thesis is to characterize film induced tourism which could be used as a tool to increase the attendance of the destination where the film was shot. Next main objective of the thesis is evaluation of film induced tourism in Europe, more precisely in Great Britain and Northern Ireland where the film induced tourism is at relatively advanced level. The master thesis is divided into the eight main chapters. The first part briefly defines term tourism, its importance and tips related to the place of realization. In the second chapter there is described management of destination, following with marketing direction in the fourth chapter. In the fifth part, there is definition of film-induced tourism, related history, supply, the opportunities of marketing promotion and typology of the film induced tourist. Next parts of thesis show significance and efficiency of film induced tourism, film induced tourism in Czech Republic and in the Europe where the main attention was focused on Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The last chapter refers to own research where the potential of film induced tourism was investigated by using quantitative and qualitative methods from respondents which were based in Czech Republic.

Kallbad som turistattraktion : En studie om destinationsutveckling av Stockholms stad

Monaxios, Susanna, Ekwall, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
Stockholm is considered as a tourist destination which has a lot of offers to attract tourists and if it utilizes it water better it can give a wonderful and unique experiences and cold baths may become an image to it. The aim of this study is to shed light on the open-air swimming-baths and shores of Stockholm. Also how to use this advantage as it’s a city based on many islands, the purest water in Europe and this makes Stockholm as a destination a very attractive place for tourism. For a better understanding of our study, we have studied the quality and quantity to see how people began to exploit open-air swimming-baths throughout history everywhere in Europe and specifically of Stockholm city sea shore. We did a study on the history traditions of open-air swimming-baths and how it can be a tourist attraction through books and interviews, scientific articles and our personal observation, so that we can analyze how to develop sustainable tourism in the future and how Stockholm city can make development of opportunities for the future. Research has shown that the City does not focus specifically on cold baths, their marketing is on permanent attractions focusing on culture and events to attract tourists. Equally important is the range of secondary and tertiary attractions at your destination and give a greater value for the tourist. The growth of the tourism benefits the city, local businesses and local people including contributing to more jobs. Some players feel that the demand for swimming in Stockholm's city center has risen and some not, but they agree that demand is high. It is interesting to know whether the open-air baths in the future could become part of Stockholm's image or not.

Утицај личности на бренд дестинације и туристичко понашање на примеру локалитета културне руте / Uticaj ličnosti na brend destinacije i turističko ponašanje na primeru lokaliteta kulturne rute / The impact of tourist personality on destination brand and tourist behavior on example of the sites of the cultural route

Božić Sanja 01 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Личност дестинације као и њена веза са личношћу туристе још увек је релативно<br />неистражена област којом се бавио мали број аутора. Такође, у литератури се не&nbsp; проналазе радови који повезују личност туристе и његову перцепцију&nbsp; имиџа дестинације. Слично је и са утицајем личности туристе на понашање и одабир<br />понуде активности на дестинацији. Ово је прво истраживање које проучава везу између личности туристе мерене моделом Великих пет и избора односно занимљивости активности на дестинацији. Важан теоријски допринос ове тезе<br />је и у креирању нове скале личности дестинације, која је у потпуности&nbsp;&nbsp; прилагођена туристичкој дестинацији као производу, и садржи ајтеме који<br />се односе искључиво на личност, у овом случају приписану туристичкој дестинацији.&nbsp; Нова скала базирана је на 5 основних димензија оригиналног<br />модела личности бренда (Искреност, Узбудљивост, Компетентност, &nbsp; Софистицираности и Сировост), али су ставке сваке димензије сада прилагођене специфичности туристичке дестинације као производа.&nbsp; У&nbsp; тези је истражено такође и&nbsp; како одабир активности на дестинацији, као и занимљивост активности повратно утичу на перцепцију личности бренда и имиџа туристичке<br />дестинације. Такође, један од циљева био је и утврдити да ли се перцепција имиџа и личности дестинације од стране туриста разликује од перцепције туристичких стејкхолдра.</p><p>Истраживање је спроведено на 502 посетиоца&nbsp;различитих локалитета културне руте &bdquo;Пут римских царева&ldquo;. У истраживању су тестирана 3 структурална модела&nbsp; -структурални модел одабира активности (модел 1), структурални модел занимљивости потенцијалних (модел 2) и&nbsp;структурални модел занимљивости постојећих активности (модел 3). Такође, тестиран је један мерни модел (нове скале BPS). Сви модели су на крају показали прихватљиве индикаторе фита (CFI, NNFI&gt;0.9 и RMSEA, SRMR&lt;0.08).</p><p>Истраживање је показало да постоји утицај личности и соцеиодемографских&nbsp; карактеристика испитаника на перцепцију имиџа и личности бренда. Такође, потврђен је утицај социодемографских карактеристика на избор активности, док су резултати указали на то да личност туристе не утиче на избор активности на<br />дестинацији. За разлику од тога, на занимљивост активности утичу и личност туристе и социодемографске карактеристике. Личност дестинације не утиче на&nbsp; избор активности на дестинацији, а такође ни да избор активности не утиче на перцепцију личности дестинације. Међутим,&nbsp; начин на који видимо дестинацију као особу може утицати на то које ће нам активности бити занимљиве, али исто тако и да занимљивост активности на дестинацији може утицати на то да ми доживимо дестинацију на одређени начин. Имиџ дестинације утиче на избор активности, док избор активности не утиче на перцепцију имиџа.За разлику од тога, постоји обостран утицај занимљивости активности и перцепције имиџа&nbsp; дестинације. Истраживање је показало и имиџ утиче на перцепцију личности&nbsp; бренда, као и да туристички радници имају позитивнију перцепцију&nbsp; имиџа и личности бренда у односу на туристе.&nbsp; Сазнања до којих се дошло&nbsp; кроз овај рад<br />ће омогућити маркетинг стручњацима али и осталим запосленима у туристичкој индустрији јасне смернице шта све утиче на перцепцију личности и имиџа дестинације, чиме ће се олакшати формирање конкурентске предности дате дестинације као и њено позиционирање на туристичком тржишту.</p> / <p>Ličnost destinacije kao i njena veza sa ličnošću turiste još uvek je relativno<br />neistražena oblast kojom se bavio mali broj autora. Takođe, u literaturi se ne&nbsp; pronalaze radovi koji povezuju ličnost turiste i njegovu percepciju&nbsp; imidža destinacije. Slično je i sa uticajem ličnosti turiste na ponašanje i odabir<br />ponude aktivnosti na destinaciji. Ovo je prvo istraživanje koje proučava vezu između ličnosti turiste merene modelom Velikih pet i izbora odnosno zanimljivosti aktivnosti na destinaciji. Važan teorijski doprinos ove teze<br />je i u kreiranju nove skale ličnosti destinacije, koja je u potpunosti&nbsp;&nbsp; prilagođena turističkoj destinaciji kao proizvodu, i sadrži ajteme koji<br />se odnose isključivo na ličnost, u ovom slučaju pripisanu turističkoj destinaciji.&nbsp; Nova skala bazirana je na 5 osnovnih dimenzija originalnog<br />modela ličnosti brenda (Iskrenost, Uzbudljivost, Kompetentnost, &nbsp; Sofisticiranosti i Sirovost), ali su stavke svake dimenzije sada prilagođene specifičnosti turističke destinacije kao proizvoda.&nbsp; U&nbsp; tezi je istraženo takođe i&nbsp; kako odabir aktivnosti na destinaciji, kao i zanimljivost aktivnosti povratno utiču na percepciju ličnosti brenda i imidža turističke<br />destinacije. Takođe, jedan od ciljeva bio je i utvrditi da li se percepcija imidža i ličnosti destinacije od strane turista razlikuje od percepcije turističkih stejkholdra.</p><p>Istraživanje je sprovedeno na 502 posetioca&nbsp;različitih lokaliteta kulturne rute &bdquo;Put rimskih careva&ldquo;. U istraživanju su testirana 3 strukturalna modela&nbsp; -strukturalni model odabira aktivnosti (model 1), strukturalni model zanimljivosti potencijalnih (model 2) i&nbsp;strukturalni model zanimljivosti postojećih aktivnosti (model 3). Takođe, testiran je jedan merni model (nove skale BPS). Svi modeli su na kraju pokazali prihvatljive indikatore fita (CFI, NNFI&gt;0.9 i RMSEA, SRMR&lt;0.08).</p><p>Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji uticaj ličnosti i soceiodemografskih&nbsp; karakteristika ispitanika na percepciju imidža i ličnosti brenda. Takođe, potvrđen je uticaj sociodemografskih karakteristika na izbor aktivnosti, dok su rezultati ukazali na to da ličnost turiste ne utiče na izbor aktivnosti na<br />destinaciji. Za razliku od toga, na zanimljivost aktivnosti utiču i ličnost turiste i sociodemografske karakteristike. Ličnost destinacije ne utiče na&nbsp; izbor aktivnosti na destinaciji, a takođe ni da izbor aktivnosti ne utiče na percepciju ličnosti destinacije. Međutim,&nbsp; način na koji vidimo destinaciju kao osobu može uticati na to koje će nam aktivnosti biti zanimljive, ali isto tako i da zanimljivost aktivnosti na destinaciji može uticati na to da mi doživimo destinaciju na određeni način. Imidž destinacije utiče na izbor aktivnosti, dok izbor aktivnosti ne utiče na percepciju imidža.Za razliku od toga, postoji obostran uticaj zanimljivosti aktivnosti i percepcije imidža&nbsp; destinacije. Istraživanje je pokazalo i imidž utiče na percepciju ličnosti&nbsp; brenda, kao i da turistički radnici imaju pozitivniju percepciju&nbsp; imidža i ličnosti brenda u odnosu na turiste.&nbsp; Saznanja do kojih se došlo&nbsp; kroz ovaj rad<br />će omogućiti marketing stručnjacima ali i ostalim zaposlenima u turističkoj industriji jasne smernice šta sve utiče na percepciju ličnosti i imidža destinacije, čime će se olakšati formiranje konkurentske prednosti date destinacije kao i njeno pozicioniranje na turističkom tržištu.</p> / <p>Destination personality and its&nbsp; relationship with tourist personality is still unexplored area which hasn&#39;t been a subject of many scientific publications untill now. Moreover, in the existing body of literature, there are no scientific papers connecting tourist personality and its destination image perception. The similar case is also with the impact of tourist personality on tourist behaviour, especially its choice of tourist activities on destination.Thus, this is the first study to examine the relationship among tourist personality, measured by Big Five Traint model, and the choice and&nbsp;preference of activities on destination. The important theoretical contribution od this thesis is in creation of a new scale of destination personality, which is completely adapted to tourist destination, as a specific tourist product. This scale contains items which refer only to personality traits, in this case personality traits of tourist destination. The new scale is based on five dimensions of original Brend Personality Scale (Sincerity, Excitement, Competetivness, Sofistication and Rugidness), but each&nbsp; of these dimensions contains items adapted to tourist destination. In this thesis, it is also explored how can choice and preference of tourist activities on destination affect tourist image and brend personality perception. In addition, the aim was to determine whether there is a difference in image and destination personality&nbsp; perception among tourist and tourism stakeholders. The research was carried out on a sample of 502 tourists who have visited different sites on the cultural route &ldquo;The trail of Roman Emperors&rdquo;. In this research, the three structural model have been tested &ndash; Structural model of choice of tourist activities (Model 1), Structural model&nbsp; of preference of potential activities (Model 2), and Structural model of preference of existing activities (Model 3). Moreover, model of a new scale of destination personality has also been tested. All tested model have showen satisfactory fit indexes (CFI, NNFI&gt;0.9 и RMSEA, SRMR&lt;0.08).</p><p>The research has shown that there is an impact of tourist personality and its sociodemografic features on image and destination perosnality percepction. In addition, It is confirmed that sociodemografic features affect a choice of tourist activities on destination. On contrary, tourist preference of activities is affected by both tourist personality and sociodemografic features. Destination personality does not affect tourist choice of activities, and tourist choice of activites does not affect tourust perception of destination personality. However, the way we pereceive tourist destionation can affect our preference of activities, and vice verca. The study have shown that destination image affects choice of activities on destination, which choice of activities doesn&rsquo;t affect tourist image perception. On contrary, there is a mutual influence between preference of tourist activities and image perception. The study has &nbsp; also shown that image affects destination personality, as well as that tourist stakeholders have more positive perception of image and brend personality than tourist. The results obtained through this thesis could provide marketers and other employees in tourism with detailed information about what affects image and destination personality perception. This could positively influence the positioning of this cultural route and obtaining of the competetive position on tourism market.</p>

Seeing Like a Tourist City / Governance-Techniken der (Ent-)Problematisierung stadttouristischer Konflikte – das Fallbeispiel Berlin

Sommer, Christoph 31 March 2021 (has links)
Die Dissertation zeigt am Fallbeispiel Berlin, wie stadttouristische Konflikte politisch-administrativ (ent-)problematisiert werden. Die Forschung zur Governance konflikthafter touristischer Phänomene (z. B. Gewerbe-Monostrukturierung) betreibt bislang v. a. good governance-Kritik, oder sie thematisiert die Konflikt-Governance zeitdiagnostisch als Ausdruck unternehmerischer/postpolitischer Stadtpolitiken. Demgegenüber greift die Dissertation das konzeptuell etablierte Postulat auf, bereits die Deutung zu bearbeitender Probleme als zentralen Aspekt von Governance zu verstehen. In der empirisch-analytischen Anwendung wird der Governance-Begriff als „Sehhilfe“ zur differenzierten Beschreibung von problembezogenen Governance-Arrangements herangezogen. Mittels einer Dokumentenanalyse und einer Ethnografie der Tourismusmanagement-Praxis werden sechs einschlägige Techniken der (Ent-)Problematisierung tourismusbedingter Konflikte herausgearbeitet: 1. die geschichtliche Naturalisierung von Interessenskonflikten, 2. die moralische Begrenzung von Debattierbarkeit, 3. die statistische Definition von Problemwahrnehmung, 4. die konzeptuelle Regulierung von Rechenschaftspflichten, 5. die partizipatorische Thematisierung von Problemen und 6. die begriffliche Konsensualisierung von Lösungen. Das Zusammenwirken dieser Governance-Techniken wird in Anlehnung an Mariana Valverde als ein Seeing Like a Tourist City betitelt: Probleme eines konflikthaften Tourismus sind nicht gegeben, sie werden politisch-administrativ mit diversen (teils widersprüchlichen) komplexitätsreduzierenden Mitteln geformt (u. a. moralisch, statistisch, geschichtlich), kontextspezifisch artikuliert (u. a. öffentlich-medial, in Partizipationsforen), verfahrensförmig negiert und nicht zuletzt in Abhängigkeit verfügbarer Lösungen hervorgebracht. Anwendungsorientiert gewendet macht die Dissertation das Zusammenwirken der o. g. Techniken als aktives Verwalten tourismusbedingter Konflikte (an-)greifbar. / The thesis explores how conflictive urban tourism phenomena (e. g. commercial gentrification) are (de-)problematized by governmental actors in Berlin. Hitherto, research on “overtourism”-governance has been dominated by good governance criticism; alternatively, governance of conflict-prone urban tourism is discussed as manifestation of an entrepreneurial or post-political urban governance. The thesis, however, seizes on the conceptual claim to understand the way in which tourism conflicts are framed, constructed or contested by governmental bodies as key aspect of governance. Employing the notion of governance as analytical lens to comprehensively describe problem-oriented governance settings, six key techniques used to (de-)problematize tourism-induced conflicts haven been identified (building on document analysis and an ethnography of destination management practice): 1. Mobilising history to naturalise conflicts; 2. Limiting the debate about conflict-prone tourism under moral aspects; 3. Defining the perception of problems statistically; 4. Adjusting accountability conceptually; 5. Addressing problems by means of participatory forums; 6. Achieving consensual solutions by notions (e. g. “sustainability”). Referring to Valverde the combination of the governance techniques is dubbed as Seeing Like a Tourist City: problems of conflictive tourism do not exist a priori, but are constructed in an active political-administrative way. Problems of conflictive tourism are framed by (in part contractionary) ways of knowing (morally, statistically, by legends); conflicts are represented in highly context-specific manners, they are denied by administrative proceedings and intimately linked to the availability of solutions. The combination of the above-mentioned governance techniques represents an “active administration” of tourism conflicts; the „busy“ but noncommittal governance remains in well-established patterns of (discursively) reconciling problems and solutions.

Fields of dreams or diamonds in the rough: unconventional retirement migration

Bolender, Benjamin C. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work / Laszlo Kulcsar / Retirement age migration is not new. However, it has recently been garnering the attention of both researchers and local policy makers. Older migrants present the possibility of economic stimulus without creating additional pressure on the labor market. That said, a majority of works on retirement migration come to the same conclusions. Conventional theories state that older people move to places based on natural amenities and recreation opportunities. Further, these findings are often utilize a binary dependent variable based on whether a county has achieved a certain level of growth from inmigration of all people age 60+. I argue that this view is too narrow. Older age migrants move for a variety of reasons. These motives also vary across different age, sex, and race-ethnicity characteristics of the migrants in question. Further, not all counties that attract older migrants have bountiful natural or recreation amenities. Not only have these unconventional retirement destinations (URDs) had different historical trajectories, they also possess a different kind of amenities that appeal to older people who have relocated to the area. Finally, a focus on binary retirement classifications misses both diversity in retirement patterns and fails to explicitly account for the influence of space in county desirability. The goal of this work is to address these issues. First, I discuss the history and theories of retirement migration. Second, I develop models accounting for variation across older age migrant groups with varying demographic characteristics. Third, I identify and describe URD counties. Fourth, I present the results of a small-scale survey, community leader interviews, and a new model with additional variables to get at what other kinds of things should be labeled as “amenities.” Finally, I examine the role of space in migration research. My analysis demonstrates that there is much to be learned from looking at spatial models, micro-regional effects, and relative advantage between neighboring counties. Results indicate that conventional theories of retirement migration, while not necessarily wrong, are at least incomplete. The addition of diversity, new amenities, and space may greatly enhance our understanding of older age migration and migration research as a whole.

International market potential of avitourism in South Africa

Conradie, Nicolene 06 1900 (has links)
Despite rapid growth of avitourism globally, the international market potential of avitourism in South Africa, which has remarkable birdlife, is not fully utilised. This research aimed to profile international avitourists by investigating their behavioural involvement, motivations, preferences, agreement to ecotourism principles, and awareness of avitourism in South Africa. Primary data were gathered by distributing questionnaires at the British Birdwatching Fair and Dutch Vogelfestival. Exploratory factor analyses (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were applied. The results indicated that avitourists differ in terms of behavioural involvement, motivation and preferences for each fair and birder type (casual, active or committed), but agreed on ecotourism principles. A second-order CFA model for avitourist motivation revealed three new constructs – wellbeing, intellectual activity and engagement. Respondents indicated relatively low awareness but high interest in visiting South Africa as a birding destination. The results support the South African avitourism industry potential in product development and destination marketing. / Transport, Logistics & Tourism / M.Com. (Tourism Management)

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