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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Discrete gate sizing and timing-driven detailed placement for the design of digital circuits / Dimensionamento de portas discreto e posicionamento detalhado dirigido a desempenho para o projeto de circuitos digitais

Flach, Guilherme Augusto January 2015 (has links)
Ferramentas de projeto de circuitos integrados (do inglˆes, electronic design automation, ou simplesmente EDA) tˆem um papel fundamental na crescente complexidade dos projetos de circuitos digitais. Elas permitem aos projetistas criar circuitos com um n´umero de componentes ordens de grandezas maior do que seria poss´ıvel se os circuitos fossem projetados `a m˜ao como nos dias iniciais da microeletrˆonica. Neste trabalho, dois importantes problemas em EDA ser˜ao abordados: dimensionamento de portas e posicionamento detalhado dirigido a desempenho. Para dimensionamento de portas, uma nova metodologia de relaxac¸ ˜ao Lagrangiana ´e apresentada baseada em informac¸ ˜ao de temporarizac¸ ˜ao locais e propagac¸ ˜ao de sensitividades. Para posicionamento detalhado dirigido a desempenho, um conjunto de movimentos de c´elulas ´e criado usando uma formac¸ ˜ao ´otima atenta `a forc¸a de alimentac¸ ˜ao para o balanceamento de cargas. Nossos resultados experimentais mostram que tais t´ecnicas s˜ao capazes de melhorar o atual estado-da-arte. / Electronic design automation (EDA) tools play a fundamental role in the increasingly complexity of digital circuit designs. They empower designers to create circuits with several order of magnitude more components than it would be possible by designing circuits by hand as was done in the early days of microelectronics. In this work, two important EDA problems are addressed: gate sizing and timing-driven detailed placement. They are studied and new techniques developed. For gate sizing, a new Lagrangian-relaxation methodology is presented based on local timing information and sensitivity propagation. For timing-driven detailed placement, a set of cell movement methods are created using drive strength-aware optimal formulation to driver/sink load balancing. Our experimental results shows that those techniques are able to improve the current state-of-the-art.

Infinite system of Brownian balls : equilibrium measures are canonical Gibbs

Roelly, Sylvie, Fradon, Myriam January 2006 (has links)
We consider a system of infinitely many hard balls in R<sup>d</sup> undergoing Brownian motions and submitted to a smooth pair potential. It is modelized by an infinite-dimensional stochastic differential equation with a local time term. We prove that the set of all equilibrium measures, solution of a detailed balance equation, coincides with the set of canonical Gibbs measures associated to the hard core potential added to the smooth interaction potential.

Infinite system of Brownian Balls: Equilibrium measures are canonical Gibbs

Fradon, Myriam, Roelly, Sylvie January 2005 (has links)
We consider a system of infinitely many hard balls in Rd undergoing Brownian motions and submitted to a smooth pair potential. It is modelized by an infinite-dimensional Stochastic Differential Equation with a local time term. We prove that the set of all equilibrium measures, solution of a Detailed Balance Equation, coincides with the set of canonical Gibbs measures associated to the hard core potential added to the smooth interaction potential.

Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis With Detailed Design: Reformulation As A Shortest Path Problem By Temperature Discretization

Kirkizoglu, Isil 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study presents an optimization approach to heat exchanger network synthesis (HENS). HENs are widely used in industry and bring several fluid streams into their desired temperatures by using available heat in the process for efficient usage of energy. Our aim is to provide a network design coupled with a detailed equipment design for heat exchangers. The suggested approach involves discretization of temperatures based on heat load equalities and reformulation as a shortest-path problem, rather than dealing with a nonlinear model and a previously structured HEN, which are common methods in the literature. We generate a shortest path network whose every node corresponds to a heat exchanger alternative and each path represents a HEN design alternative. A mixed-integer nonlinear programming model is solved to design each exchanger alternative in detail, considering all thermo-physical and transport properties of streams at their temperatures and pressures. Our approach has modeling flexibility and successfully finds the required number of heat exchangers and their connections. In addition, one can control the solution quality by deciding on the heat load steps between stream inlet and outlets. Several HEN examples from the literature are solved to assess the performance of our approach and comparable results are obtained.

Behovsbedömning av detaljplaner i Östergötlands kommuner.

Jahic, Alma January 2010 (has links)
In Sweden, detailed development plans (DDPs) go through a screening process to decide whether their implementation could cause significant environmental impact or not. The criteria in the legislation were studied to see if an environmental impact assessment was needed. This study also investigated 26 DDPs from 12 out of 13 of the municipalities in Östergötland and how they meet up to the demands in relevant legislation, for example the rules for Environmental Impact Assessments. Plans that concerned suburban communities and new housing were selected. The environmental issues highlighted in the plan documents were compared to selected topics from the GIS data base 'Östgötakartan' to see if the assessments made by the municipalities were reasonable judged. The results showed that in 54% of the municipalities, the screening processes corresponded with the Environmental Impact Assessment criteria. The most common flaws were that neither the national environmental goals nor the motivation of the decision was given any significant attention. The results of the questions that were sent to the municipalities showed that the working procedures vary among the municipalities. 73% of the municipalities used checklists as a basis for their assessments, whereas the rest worked in workgroups. Further the results indicated that there was a correlation between screening processes which had large flaws, according to the legislation criteria, and the lack of a county ecologist. In Sweden there is no real monitoring of how the legislation is implanted in the screening processes in different municipalities, which means that the processes can have flaws.


Josefsson, Simon January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine whether law reforms in the detailed planning process can be an aspect that gets in conflict with the citizens rights to participate in the Swedish planning through dialogue, and how five chosen municipalities are working with citizen participation. To be able to answer the aim of the thesis a literature study and five semi-structured interviews was performed in purpose to get wide-ranging information from municipal officials working with detailed planning handling.   Law changes that aims to make the detailed planning process more efficient has been implemented partly to satisfy the needs of dwellings since the detailed planning process among master builders seems to be slow and inefficient, which to the them means higher costs. The requirement on having a detailed planning program was taken away when the new planning law was adopted year 2011. The planning program was including a moment of citizen dialogue. The case studied municipalities have not been affected in this law change arguing that it’s still possible to bring a program if needed. 1st of January 2015 new procedures were implemented in the planning process in purpose to make the process more efficient, where most of the respondents argue that the process don’t have to be more efficient because of the reform, but that the room for citizen dialogue will probably be smaller. The best way of dialogue among municipalities is to include citizens early in the communication process. Nevertheless there are divided meanings whether how there is enough room for dialogue.

Large eddy simulation of TiO₂ nanoparticle evolution in turbulent flames

Sung, Yonduck 03 February 2012 (has links)
Flame based synthesis is a major manufacturing process of commercially valuable nanoparticles for large-scale production. However, this important industrial process has been advanced mostly by trial-and-error based evolutionary studies owing to the fact that it involves tightly coupled multiphysics flow phenomena. For large scale synthesis of nanoparticles, different physical and chemical processes exist, including turbulence, fuel combustion, precursor oxidation, and nanoparticle dynamics exist. A reliable and predictive computational model based on fundamental physics and chemistry can provide tremendous insight. Development of such comprehensive computational models faces challenges as they must provide accurate descriptions not only of the individual physical processes but also of the strongly coupled, nonlinear interactions among them. In this work, a multiscale computational model for flame synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles in a turbulent flame reactor is presented. The model is based on the large-eddy simulation (LES) methodology and incorporates detailed gas phase combustion and precursor oxidation chemistry as well as a comprehensive nanoparticle evolution model. A flamelet-based model is used to model turbulence-chemistry interactions. In particular, the transformation of TiCl4 to the solid primary nucleating TiO2 nanoparticles is represented us- ing an unsteady kinetic model considering 30 species and 70 reactions in order to accurately describe the critical nanoparticle nucleation process. The evolution of the TiO2 number density function is tracked using the quadrature method of moments (QMOM) for univariate particle number density function and conditional quadrature method of moments (CQMOM) for bivariate density distribution function. For validation purposes, the detailed computational model is compared against experimental data obtained from a canonical flame- based titania synthesis configuration, and reasonable agreement is obtained. / text

Direct numerical simulation and reaction path analysis of titania formation in flame synthesis

Singh, Ravi Ishwar 03 February 2014 (has links)
Flame-based synthesis is an attractive industrial process for the large scale generation of nanoparticles. In this aerosol process, a gasifi ed precursor is injected into a high-temperature turbulent flame, where oxidation followed by particle nucleation and other solid phase dynamics create nanoparticles. Precursor oxidation, which ultimately leads to nucleation, is strongly influenced by the turbulent flame dynamics. Here, direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a canonical homogeneous flow is used to understand the interaction between a methane/air flame and titanium tetrachloride oxidation to titania. Detailed chemical kinetics is used to describe the combustion and precursor oxidation processes. Results show that the initial precursor decomposition is heavily influenced by the gas phase temperature field. However, temperature insensitivity of subsequent reactions in the precursor oxidation pathway slow down conversion to the titania. Consequently, titania formation occurs at much longer time scales compared to that of hydrocarbon oxidation. Further, only a fraction of the precursor is converted to titania, and a signi cant amount of partially-oxidized precursor species are formed. Introducing the precursor in the oxidizer stream as opposed to the fuel stream has only a minimal impact on the oxidation dynamics. In order to understand modeling issues, the DNS results are compared with the laminar flamelet model. It is shown that the flamelet assumption qualitatively reproduces the oxidation structure. Further, reduced oxygen concentration in the near-flame location critically a ffects titania formation. The DNS results also show that titania forms on the lean and rich sides of the flame. A reaction path analysis (RPA) is conducted. The results illustrate the di ffering reaction pathways of the detailed chemical mechanism depending on the composition of the mixture. The RPA results corroborate with the DNS results that titania formation is maximized at two mixture fraction values, one on the lean side of the flame, and one on the rich side. / text

Kauno apskrities žemės fondo kaita 1998 - 2008 metais / Change of Kaunas district land fund in the period of 1998 - 2008

Polianskytė, Aistė 03 June 2009 (has links)
Lietuvos istorijoje vyko daug žemės pertvarkymo procesų, kurie turėjo įtakos žemės naudojimui, naudmenų kitimui, kuriuos lėmė nuosavybės formų pokyčiai bei gamtinės sąlygos. Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe analizuojama žemės fondo kitimas ir pagrindinės tikslinės žemės naudojimo paskirties keitimas Kauno apskrityje 1998 – 2008 metais. Tyrimas atliktas išanalizavus literatūros šaltinius, norminius bei teritorijų planavimo dokumentus, surinktus statistinius duomenis. Kauno apskrityje didžiausią žemės fondo dalį užima žemės ūkio paskirties žemė – 61,54 %, kuri nuo 1998 – 2008 m. padidėjo 2 tūkst. ha. Mažiausiai yra konservacinės paskirties žemės – 0,18 % apskrities žemės fondo. Žemės savininkas ar kitas naudotojas privalo naudoti žemę pagal pagrindinę tikslinę naudojimo paskirtį. Tačiau žemės ūkio paskirties žemės, naudojamos ūkininkavimui, ir kitos paskirties žemės, naudojamos gyvenamųjų namų statybai, kaina labai stipriai skiriasi, todėl žmonės yra suinteresuoti keisti žemės naudojimo paskirtį. Per 2005 – 2008 metus įregistruotų žemės sklypų skaičius, kuriems buvo pakeista pagrindinė tikslinė žemės naudojimo paskirtis, visoje Lietuvoje išaugo 1,6 karto, Kauno apskrityje – 2,6 karto. Kauno apskrityje daugiausia rengiami detalieji planai žemės ūkio paskirties pakeitimui į kitos paskirties (mažaaukščių gyvenamųjų namų statybos ir komercinės paskirties objektų teritorijos/pramonės ir sandėliavimo objektų teritorijos). / A number of land reform processes took place in Lithuanian history, which influenced land use and landed property change, which were conditioned by changes of property’s forms and natural conditions. Change of land fund and main purpose change of purposive land use in Kaunas district in the period 1998 – 2008 are analysed in the final Master studies paper. Research has been carried out after analysing literature sources, regulative and territory planning documents, collected statistical data. Most part of land fund in Kaunas district is occupied by agricultural purpose land – 61,54 %, which from 1998 – 2008 enhanced by 2 thousand ha. There is least of conservation purpose land – 0,18 % of district land fund. Land owner or other user is obliged to use land in accordance with main targeted land use purpose. However, the price of agricultural purpose land used for farming and other purpose land, used for dwelling houses construction, differs a lot thus people are interested in changing the purpose of land use. During the period of 2005 – 2008 the number of recorded land sites, the purpose of which was changed, increased in Lithuania by 1,6 times, whereas in Kaunas district by 2,6 times. Detailed plans for changing land use purpose into other kind of land use (low floor dwelling house construction and commercial purpose objects territory and storage object territories) are mostly prepared in Kaunas district.

Detaliųjų planų rengimo analizė Kauno mieste / Detailed plans preparation analysis in the Kaunas city

Mikelskytė, Diana 30 May 2012 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamąjį darbą sudaro 52 puslapių, 5 lentelės, 12 paveikslų ir 28 literatūros šaltiniai. Tyrimo objektas: Kauno mieste 2009-2011 m. patvirtinti detalieji planai. Tyrimo tikslas: išanalizuoti 2009-2011 m. Kauno mieste patvirtintus detaliuosius planus ir jų rengimo tvarką. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti mokslinę ir probleminę literatūrą bei teisės aktus teritorijų planavimo klausimais; 2. Ištirti detaliųjų planų rengimo tvarką, nustatytą norminiuose dokumentuose; 3. Ištirti žemės sklypo plano, prilyginamojo detaliojo teritorijų planavimo dokumentui, rengimo tvarką, nustatytą norminiuose dokumentuose; 4. Atlikti 2009-2011 m. Kauno mieste patvirtintų detaliųjų planų analizę; 5. Palyginti žemės sklypo plano, prilyginamojo detaliojo teritorijų planavimo dokumentui, ir detaliojo plano efektyvumą Kauno mieste. Pagrindiniai tyrimų metodai: teisės aktų ir mokslinės literatūros analizė, statistinių duomenų analizė bei grafinio vaizdavimo metodai. Pirmoje dalyje analizuojama teisės aktai bei mokslinė literatūra teritorijų planavimo klausimais. Antroje ir trečioje dalyje nustatoma tyrimo tikslas ir uždaviniai bei aprašomi pagrindiniai tyrimo metodai. Ketvirtoje dalyje išsamiai aptariamos detaliojo plano rengimo procedūros Kauno mieste. Penktoje dalyje aptariama žemės sklypo plano, prilyginamojo detaliojo teritorijų planavimo dokumentui rengimo tvarką. Šeštoje dalyje aptariamas Kauno miesto bendrasis planas ir atliekama detaliųjų planų analizė 2009-2011 m... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Final work of University Master Studies consist of 52 pages, 5 figures, 12 tables, 28 references. Object of the research: Approved detailed plans in 2009-2011 in the Kaunas City. Aim of the research: to analyze approved detailed plans and their preparing procedures in 2009-2011in the Kaunas City. Objectives of the research: 1. To analyse the scientific and the problematic literature and the legislation of territory planning issues; 2. To investigate the preparing procedures of detailed plans, which is determinated in normative documents; 3. To investigate the plan of land parcel which is equivalent to a detailed territory planning document, preparing procedures determinated by normative documents; 4. To analyze the Kaunas City approve detailed plans in 2009-2011; 5. To compare the plans of land parcel which are equivalent to a detailed territory planning document and detailed plans effectiveness in Kaunas city. The methods of research: the legislations and scientific literature analysis, statistical analysis, graphical imaging techniques. The first part of analysis consists of the legislation and the scientific literature about the territory planning issues. In the second and third part the aim and object of the research are determined and the main research methods are described. In the fourth part the preparing procedures of detailed plans in the Kaunas city are discussed. The fifth section discusses the preparing procedure of the plan of land parcel as equivalent to a... [to full text]

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