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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ist Kausalität mit Freiheit vereinbar?

Seige, Leander 12 January 2015 (has links)
Die Diplomarbeit vergleicht die Positionen von Immanuel Kant und Augustinus von Hippo zur Vereinbarkeit von Kausalität und Freiheit, zum Widerspruch zwischen dem "intelligiblen" Charakter des menschlichen Willen und den kausalen Abfolgen oder dem göttlichen Willen.

Nemožnost (morální) odpovědnosti u Galena Strawsona / Galen Strawson's impossibility of (moral) responsibility

EDL, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis I attempt to introduce Galen Strawson's position, which he adopts in the free will debate followed by the debate about his Basic Argument. While giving a de-tailed account of responsibility as a reflective rational responsiveness, I show that re-sponsibility is in no respect causa sui and therefore it is not impossible for human beings to reach it, explained with the reasons given by Strawson. I refuse steps B, C, 8, 9 and 10 of the Basic Argument. I claim that undetermined self-determination consists in the ability to make a decision in the light of actually revised principles of choice. Such revision is granted by actual ability to reflect the validity and adequacy of principles of choice in relation to motivating values in question by using methodical doubt as a universal tool do to so. Such reflection, with respect to what matters for decision making in question, is potentially ultimate. I claim that Strawson underestimates the uniqueness of reflective rationality especially, when missing the crucial difference between Fido the dog and Nemo the man in the situation of choice. Moreover, I suspect Strawson of excluding the subject of action or choice and its actual principles of choice from the realm of intelligible things. This leads to disruption of request to conception of the world as internally consistent and in principle attainable by human beings. Finally, I show why I find sophisticated fatalism problematic in both of its versions, deterministic as well as indeterministic.

Biologický determinismus a rasismus v myšlení H. S. Chamberlaina / H.S.Chamberlain: visionary of biological realism.

VRÁNEK, Matěj January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis delay with H. S. Chamberlain's thinking as a representative of biological determinism and racism, which id presented in the context of modern progress of secular thinking. Thesis further describes eugenics as the outcome of this way of thinking, which is presented in it's theory and the practice of Nazi "racial hygiene", but also at present, where eugenics practice in a certain measure still persists, under other names only.

Determinismus, path-dependence a nejistota pohledem postkeynesovské ekonomie / Determinism, Path-depedence and Uncertainty: A Post-Keynesian Perspective

Máslo, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with analysis of conceptual-methodological issues examined in the framework of post-keynesian economics. The author´s goal is to supply a solution to the problem of a definition of determinism/non-determinism for both deterministic and stochastic systems and also to the problem of the prevailing confusion which surrounds the notion of reversibility/irreversibility in both path-dependent and traditional-equilibrist systems. The author regards the determinism/non-determinism problem as essentially linked to the problem of a definition of fundamental uncertainty. The key issues are being identified in the "problem of a generator of endogenous shocks" and the "selection - creation problem". Finding solutions to these enables us to take a stand on the validity/invalidity of the classical dichotomy, in the eyes of the author. Davidson´s interpretation of ergodicity and O´Donnell´s critique of this are being presented and, drawing on the latter, along with Álvarez-Ehnts´ critique, the author rejects a simplifying pattern of Davidson´s, according to which neoclassical economics is based on the ergodic axiom. The author suggests a solution to the "selection - creation problem" consisting in distinguishing epistemological determinism from ontological determinism on the one hand, and epistemological determinism from epistemological non-determinism on the other hand. While selection is a characteristic feature of epistemological determinism and, in effect, the realm of "fundamental certainty", creation is referred to by the author as a characteristic feature of epistemological non-determinism, i. e., in effect, the realm of fundamental uncertainty. The author regards the "problem of a generator of endogenous shocks" a self-contradictory notion, based on the principle of causality and the law of non-contradiction, and suggests a solution to the problem consisting in rejection of the concept of shock endogeneity. At the same time, the author rejects Davidson´s "fundamental neoclassical article of faith" rhetoric, based on the first cause argument implied by the principle of causality. In opposition to Davidson, the author regards fundamental uncertainty being of a basically epistemological nature, consisting in our ignorance of the "ultimate law of change", the "Devine formula". Unlike O´Donnell, however, who puts stress on the element of epistemological uncertainty in his epistemological approach to uncertainty, the author also puts stress on the element of ontological certainty, consisting in our knowledge of the existence of the "Devine formula", apart from our epistemological uncertainty.

Syntaktická analýza založená na systémech hlubokých zásobníkových automatů / Parsing Based on Deep Pushdown Automata Systems

Šoustar, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates deep pushdown automata and introduces their modification called controlled deep pushdown automata. Distributed deep pushdown automata systems and parallel communicating deep pushdown automata systems are described. Their accepting power and properties are investigated and several variants are introduced. This thesis proves that the accepting power of one such variant of parallel communicating deep pushdown automata systems is equal to the accepting power of Turing machines. A method for syntactical analysis based on the previously introduced automata systems is described.

Die Einzelnen und ihre Energie: Der Blick auf den Menschen in der Sicht der Wissenschaft Das Familienstellen, die Verschränkung und die Epigenetik

Fischer, Ernst Peter 29 January 2019 (has links)
Das Familienstellen, das Stellen von Familienkonstellationen, das auch als System- Aufstellung bezeichnet wird, stellt ein therapeutisches Verfahren dar, das seit den 1970er Jahren immer mehr Zuspruch und Anwendung in der Psychiatrie findet und inzwischen auch in Unternehmen eingesetzt wird, um Entscheidungen in komplexen Situationen und in sich permanent wandelnden Kontexten zu treffen oder den Sand im Getriebe ausfindig zu machen, der die Betriebsabläufe stört. Der vielfach angemerkte Erfolg des Familienstellens bringt die Herausforderung von wissenschaftlichen Erklärungen mit sich, wobei in diesem Beitrag Vorschläge gemacht werden, die sich vor allem in der Quantenphysik umschauen und bei der Epigenetik bedienen. Es gehört zu den spannenden Fragen der Gegenwart, wie man „Von der Quantenphysik zum Bewusstsein“ und damit zu den Einflüssen der Familienkonstellation auf den Einzelnen in der Gruppe kommt. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt dabei das Konzept der Energie, deren Eigenschaft, unzerstörbar zu sein, mehr Aufmerksamkeit im humanen Bereich verdient, als ihr bisher zugestanden wird.

Obrazy jednoho sídla: Nymburk očima svých obyvatel / The Images of a City: the Resident's View of the Town of Nymburk

Malá, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis The Images of a City: the Resident's View of the Town of Nymburk deals with the issue of why people behave differently. The thesis is inspired by the approach of behavioral geography, which is represented by Kevin Lynch's work. Lynch has proposed the concept of the image of the city, the people's vision about the surroundings of a place where they live. The image of the city consists of its visible features evoking a strong impression and having an effect on people's sensory perception. Moreover, the direct influence of the city represented by architectural-urbanistic determinism and environmental psychology is also taken into account. I have found out during the research that both of theoretical approaches are important for identifying the relation between the town and his residents which relates to the behavior in the town. The aim of the diploma thesis is to find out which images of the town of Nymburk its inhabitants have, which components create their images and what is the composition of these components. The thesis focuses both on universal image of Nymburk and on images of the town with regard to the current lifecycle stage and respondents' sex. The research is made by the qualitative method using the mental maps and the semi-structured interview with sixteen respondents...

Syntaktická analýza založená na párových automatech / Syntactic Analysis Based on Coupled Finite Automata

Zámečníková, Eva Unknown Date (has links)
Master's thesis is dealing with translation based on coupled finite automaton model. Coupled finite automaton contains input and output automaton. The input automaton makes syntactic analysis with an input string. Used rules from the input automaton control the output automaton, which generates an output string. In thesis is described a way of determinisation of the input automaton without loss of information about rules used in original automaton. The determinizitaion is divided into two parts - for finite and infinite translation specified by transducers. Then is presented a new pair automaton with increased computing power. This increased computing power consists in replace of input or output or just a part of automaton by context free grammar.


Kalmbach-Özdem, Monika 12 1900 (has links)
Die Medizintechnik Tiefe-Hirnstimulation ist nicht nur als naturwissenschaftlich-technisches Produkt zu sehen, sondern vor allem auch als kultur-technische Leistung mit historischen Wurzeln. Dieserart Schnittstellenhandlungen nehmen einen festen Platz in der Medizingeschichte ein und sind nicht losgelöst von dieser zu bestimmen. Ein- und zugreifende Praktiken wie Trepanationen und Schädelkulte sind vielfältig verankert und offenbaren einen menschheitsalten Wunsch nach Einflussnahme und Bemächtigung. Hierüber lässt sich der Mensch als verknüpf-, einstell- und gestaltbare Entität im Rahmen 'eutoper' Welt- und Technikbilder sowie deterministischer Menschenbilder darstellen. Mit der Integration aktiver, technischer Elemente in den menschlichen Körper verschieben wir die Grenzverläufe zwischen biologischen und artifiziellen Entitäten. Sowohl die Hardware-Software-Relationen als auch die Körper-Geist-Relationen unterliegen dabei Verknüpfungs- und Gestaltungsprozessen. Aus der Interaktion zwischen menschlichen und nicht-menschlichen Handlungsteilnehmern resultieren neuartige Wechselbeziehungen, welche unter Zuhilfenahme der Embodiment- und Embedded-Theorie nachgezeichnet werden. Den schwerwiegenden Aus- und Nebenwirkungen dieser Interkation wird mit einem empirischen Fallbeispiel nahegekommen. Dass diese Entwicklung hin zu einer konfigurierenden Gestaltungskultur risikobehaftet ist, wird unter Zuhilfenahme des Terminus 'Experimentalsystem' dargelegt. Dabei ist festzuhalten, dass die Tiefe-Hirnstimulation nicht trotz sondern wegen experimenteller Faktoren erfolgreich und faszinierend ist. Neurostimulationen in erster Linie als Konzept zu begreifen bedeutet, den Fokus auf kulturelle Anschichten und Handlungen zu lenken. In welchem Ausmaß wir zu ein- und zugreifenden Gestaltungen unserer Selbst bereit sind, hängt in letzter Konsequenz an unserem menschlichen Selbstverständnis. / Medical technology deep brain stimulation is not only a scientific and technical product, but also a cultural and technical achievement with historical roots. This kind of interface actions occupy a firm place in medical history and cannot be determined separately from it. Interfering practices such as trepanations and cults of the skull are rooted in many different ways and reveal an ancient human desire for influence and empowerment. In this way, man can be represented as a connectable, adjustable and configurable entity within the framework of 'eutoper' world and technology images as well as deterministic human images. By integrating active technical elements into the human body, we are shifting the boundaries between biological and artificial entities. Both the hardware-software-relations as well as the body-spirit-relations are subject to connection and design processes. The interaction between human and non-human action participants results in novel interrelationships, which are traced with the aid of the Embodiment and Embedded Theory. The serious side effects of this interaction are approached with an empirical case study. The fact that this development towards a configuring design culture entails risk is explained with the help of the term 'experimental system'. It should be noted that deep brain stimulation is successful and fascinating not despite but because of experimental factors. Understanding neurostimulation primarily as a concept means focusing on cultural strata and actions. The extent to which we are prepared to embrace and intervene in shaping ourselves depends ultimately on our human self-conception.

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