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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detaljplaneprocessens tidsåtgång:En djupanalys av två detaljplaner i tre kommuner / The time-cost of the planning processes:An in-depth analysis of two detailed development plans in three municipalities

Lindblom, Agnes January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrunden till detta examensarbete har sin grund i den bostadsbrist som finns i Sverige idag och den allmänna debatten om ökat bostadsbyggande och långsamma planprocesser som pågår. I studien har två detaljplaner, med huvudändamål bostäder, i var och en av de tre kommunerna Botkyrka, Norrköping och Västerås djupgående analyserats, i syfte att bringa klarhet i vilka aktiviteter och komponenter som faktiskt ger upphov till tidsåtgång i detaljplaneprocessens olika skeden. Av studien, vars tillvägagångssätt baserats på dokumentanalyser och intervjuer, framgår att detaljplaneprocessen utifrån sin utformning samt uppbyggnad via plan- och bygglagen (PBL) tar ”tid”. Hur lång tid en process tar beror enligt studien på flera olika anledningar som kan ha med den specifika planen och/eller kommunen att göra. Resultatet av undersökningen visar på att det i ett tidigt skede är väldigt svårt att uppskatta tidsåtgången för en detaljplan, då alla planer till viss del är unika och då oförutsebara komponenter och aktiviteter vanligtvis dyker upp under processens gång. Tidsåtgången för detaljplaneprocessen, räknat från det att ett formellt planuppdrag ges till det att detaljplanen vinner laga kraft, har för de planer som studerats i arbetet kraftigt varierat mellan 21 månader till 7 år. I snitt har dock processen för samtliga planer endast aktivt bedrivits under 1,5 – 3 år. Anledningen till att arbetet med vissa detaljplaner avstannat eller fördröjts har bland annat med oerfarna byggherrars brist på kunskap, politisk oenighet, sena inspel och bristen på resurser att göra. Enligt studien är de aktiviteter som ger upphov till störst tidsåtgång i detaljplaneprocesserna framförallt kopplade till utredningsarbetet. Det handlar både om att det är många utredningar som behöver tas fram och att de tar tid. Av studien framgår att tidseffektiviseringar i planprocessen är önskvärt så länge kvalitén kan bibehållas och detaljplanernas genomförbarhet kan säkerställas. Bostadsbristen i regionerna och det höga trycket i kommunerna lyfts fram som aspekter till varför det är viktigt. De förslag till förbättringsåtgärder som framhålls i denna studie handlar bland annat om att få till stånd bättre former för tidig samverkan mellan involverade parter, att ge den strategiska planeringen större tyngd och att utreda mer i ett tidigt skede, att skapa tydliga kommunövergripande mål och prioriteringsordningar för detaljplaner samt förbättra kommunens system och arbetsrutiner. Utöver det omnämns även ett behov av att utöka kommunens resurser och att öka tydligheten i vilka beslut som behöver fattas politiskt och på vilken nivå samt om det finns beslut som kan delegeras till kommunernas förvaltningar. / The background of this master thesis stems from the housing shortage that exists in Sweden today and the general debate on increased housing and slow planning processes that are currently taking place. In this study an in-depth analysis of two detailed development plans in each of the three municipalities of Botkyrka, Norrköping and Västerås has been carried out, in order to shed light on which activities and components that give rise to time consumption in the various stages of the planning process. The study, which is based on document analysis and interviews, concludes that the Swedish planning process due to its overall design and by being regulated by the Swedish planning and building act (PBL) takes "time". How much time the process takes depends, according to the analysis, on several different reasons that may have with the specific detailed development plan and/or the municipality to do. The result of the case studies carried out in this master thesis shows that it’s very difficult in an early stage to estimate how much time that will be required in order to create a detailed development plan. The reason for this is that every plan is somewhat unique and that unforeseeable components and activities usually emerge during the process. The time-cost of the planning process for the detailed development plans studied in this master thesis varied greatly from 21 months to 7 years. On average, however, the process for all the plans was only actively pursued during 1,5 - 3 years. The reason that the development of some of the plans was delayed or postponed has to do with, among other things, inexperienced developers lack of knowledge with regards to the planning process, political disagreements, belated demands for additional investigations and shortage of staff. According to this study, conducting surveys and investigations are the most time consuming activities within the planning process. It is a combination of many surveys needed to be carried out and that each one of them takes time to complete.    The result of this study shows that more time-efficient planning processes are desirable as long as the quality can be maintained and the feasibility of the detailed development plans can be guaranteed. The housing shortage in the regions and the high pressure to draw up plans and build homes in the municipalities are brought up as aspects of why it is important. The improvements that are suggested in the study involves, among others things, establishing better forms of early collaboration between all parties involved, giving the strategic planning greater weight and conducting more surveys in an early stage, creating clear common goals and priorities within the municipality's and furthermore improve the municipality's systems and working practices. In addition, it is suggested that the municipality's resources should be extended and that there should be an increased transparency regarding which decisions in the planning processes that need to be made politically and at what level, and if there are decisions that can be delegated to the municipality’s administrations.
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Librarians’ book selection practices and budget fluctuations in the City of Cape Town, South Africa

Chanderdeo, Kerisha January 2019 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / One of the main purposes of a library is to disseminate information to the community it serves. Collection development, which is the process of building and maintaining a library’s collection is, thus an essential part of library services. The selection of materials that align with community needs and interests is an especially important aspect of collection development. With reference to the Helen Haines theory of book selection which is community-centred and highlights the role of lifelong learning in book selection, this research investigated the book selection practices of librarians from the City of Cape Town Library and Information Service

Policy Development in the Tripartite Alliance, 2007-2012: An application of the Multiple Streams Framework

Cupido, Simone 26 January 2022 (has links)
The tripartite alliance is an unusual structure of governance which consolidates the rule of the African National Congress (ANC) as a dominant party through three parties each with a unique ideological trajectory and constituency base. The structure is a unique space for policy formulation and agenda setting and often finds itself in conflict about policy approaches and directives. In 2012 the National Development Plan (NDP) came into fruition and the period prior to its production saw policy consensus on developmental policy approaches within the Tripartite Alliance as a structure. Using this instance of policy making within the Tripartite Alliance this thesis asks: How does policy happen with in the Tripartite Alliance. To answer this question, the public policy scholarship framework known as the Multiple Streams Framework as founded by John Kingdon, breaks policy processes into three distinct themes, analysing exactly how policy occurs in the structure. This analysis will therefore test the theory of the Multiple Streams Framework on the case study of development policy making within the tripartite alliance between 2007 and 2012, discerning how useful it is in answering how policy happens within the structure.
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Till nytta eller börda? : Medborgarinflytandets betydelse vid samråd till detaljplan / Benefit or Burden? : The Significance of Civic Influence During Consultation for Detail Development Planning

Jonasson, Alva, Graveley, Jolin January 2023 (has links)
När en detaljplan upprättas måste kommunen enligt lag hålla samråd som en del av processen. Kommunen har en skyldighet att samråda med lantmäterimyndigheten, länsstyrelsen och andra berörda kommuner. Kommunen måste även ge tillfälle till samråd med bland annat kända sakägare, bostadsrättshavare, hyresgäster och boende som berörs av planen. Syftet med samrådet är att skapa ett bättre beslutsunderlag, vilket i sin tur ska leda till en bättre plan. Vidare syftar samrådet till att ge medborgare insyn i planprocessen och även möjlighet att påverka den slutliga planen. Syftet med denna studie är att kvalitativt undersöka hur väl medborgarinflytandet fungerar vid samråd till detaljplan. För att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna används två metoder; dokumentstudie och intervjustudie. I dokumentstudien undersöks 18 samrådsredogörelser från totalt nio olika kommuner. Syftet är att undersöka vad privatpersoner generellt sett har åsikter om vid samråden samt hur kommunerna hanterar och bemöter dessa yttranden. Vidare undersöks vilka brister samråden har idag. Intervjuerna användes för att konfirmera resultatet från dokumentstudien samt för att besvara funderingar som uppkommit vid dokumentstudien. Resultatet visar att vid samråd har privatpersoner generellt sett har åsikter om natur, infrastruktur, utseende eller utformning, otydlig information om planen samt personlig påverkan. Efter samrådet försöker kommunen att ändra planen efter synpunkterna i de fall de anser att det är möjligt. I de flesta fall har det dock inte ansetts möjligt, vilket visar att lagstiftarens syfte med samråd inte uppfylls. Slutligen visar studien att det finns flera brister med hur kommunerna informerar om samråden; dels är sättet ineffektivt, dels behöver kommunerna göra mer än vad lagen kräver för att skapa förutsättningar för ett lyckat samråd. / When a detailed development plan is established, the municipality must conduct consultations as part of the process. The municipality has an obligation to consult with lantmäterimyndigheten, länsstyrelsen and other affected municipalities. The municipality must also provide an opportunity for consultation with, among others, known stakeholders, apartment owners, tenants and residents affected by the plan. The purpose of the consultation is to create a better decision basis, which in turn will lead to a better plan. Moreover, the consultation aims to give citizens insight into and influence on the detailed planning process. The purpose of this study is to qualitatively research how well civic influence functions in consultation for detailed development planning. Two methods have been used to address the purpose: document analysis and interview studies. In the document analysis, 18 consultation reports from nine different municipalities have been studied. The purpose is to analyze what opinions citizens generally have during the consultations and how the municipalities handle and respond to these opinions. Furthermore, the study analyses what flaws the consultations have. The interviews were used to confirm the results from the document analysis and to answer any further questions that had occurred during the document analysis. The results show that citizens generally have opinions about nature, infrastructure, design and shape, unclear information, and personal interests. After the consultation, the municipality try to change the detailed development plan according to received opinions, whenever they find it possible. In most cases, however, it has not been considered possible, which shows that the legislator’s purpose of the consultation is not fulfilled. Finally, the study has shown that there are several flaws with the informing of the plan, such as it is being ineffective and that the municipalities need to do more than what is required by law to create conditions for a successful consultation.
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Use of Digital Detailed Development Plans and GIS in New Development Projects / Användning av digitala detaljplaner och GIS i samhällsbyggnadsprocessen

Gärds, Joacim January 2021 (has links)
Digitalisering av samhällsbyggnadsprocessen är något som myndigheter i Sverige arbetar mycket med. Den långsiktiga målbilden är att skapa ett öppet, obrutet digitalt informationsutbyte genom hela samhällsbyggnadsprocessen för att göra den mer effektiv. Det finns även en vision om att möjliggöra automatisering av beslutsprocesser som upplåtelser av mark och rättigheter, samt prövning av bygglov med hjälp av digitala detaljplaner. Digitalisering av planeringsprocessen sker både på nationell, regional och kommunal nivå, där Boverket utvecklar regler om nya digitala detaljplaner och vägledning om digitalisering av befintliga detaljplaner. Denna studie syftar till använda digitala detaljplaner i tidigt skede och i planprocessen av nybebyggelseprojekt för effektivisering av processer i projekten. Utöver det, identifiera möjligheten att införa automatiserade processer i beslutsstöd genom digitala detaljplaner och belysa svagheter och begränsningar med digitala detaljplane-data i dagsläget.En fallstudie har utförts där digitala detaljplaner har använts och bearbetats i QGIS, ett geografiskt informationssystem (GIS), för att effektivisera processer genom digitalisering och belysa svagheter och begränsningar med digitala detaljplane-data. Intervjuer har utförts för att identifiera vilka egenskaper hos digitalisering och automatisering som kan vara till fördel för kommuner och fastighetsutvecklare, samt diskutera begränsningar.Utvärdering av resultat från fallstudier har visat att digitala detaljplaner kan utföra grundläggande uppgifter kopplade till planprocessen och ersätta nuvarande manuella uppgifter i olika faser av projektprocessen, som att hitta byggrätter och effektiv tolkning. Slutsatsen är att processer i idé-fasen och i planprocessen kan effektiviseras med hjälp utav digitala detaljplaner. Med automatiserade processer kan tid och resurser sparas på kommunal nivå. Fördelen är framförallt att flera planområden, egenskaps- och områdesbestämmelser kan analyseras samtidigt om detaljplanerna görs tillgängliga digitalt, vilket möjliggör kvantifiering av areor, exploateringsgrad och effektiv identifiering av obebyggda byggrätter på regional nivå istället för att manuellt analysera en plan i taget. Problemet med att införa automatiserade beslutsstöd i processer är att det uppstår tolkningsfel vid digitalisering av äldre detaljplaner och de begränsningar som finns beträffande bestämmelser som inte kan representeras av geografiska objekt i nuvarande detaljplaner. Många av dessa felkällor som uppstår kan potentiellt lösas med en uppdatering av standarder och införda rutiner vid tolkning och digitalisering. / Great work has been done to achieve Swedish authorities’ long-term goal of an open, continuous digital exchange of information throughout the entire urban development process to make it more efficient. The use of digital information in physical planning is proceeded on a national, regional and municipal level, where the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning develop regulations for new digital detailed development plans and guidelines in the digitising of old detailed development plans. Further, the vision is to enable automated decisions to support administration, such as assessment of building permit applications. This study aims to find tasks in initiation and physical planning phases of new development projects that can be carried out digitally, to make them more efficient, identify possibilities of implementing supporting automated tasks using digital plan data and address limitations of translating regulations of current detailed development plans into geospatial data in digital plans.A case study is performed where data of digital detailed development plans is processed in QGIS, a geographic information system (GIS), to try carry out tasks digitally to make them more efficient, further finding limitations with the current data of digital detailed development plans. Interviews are conducted to identify benefits of digital information and automated processes and discuss data limitations.Evaluation of the results of the case study has shown that digital detailed development plans are able to perform simple tasks related to the physical planning process and replace manual tasks in new development projects, such as finding development rights.It is found that some tasks in initiation and physical planning phases of new development projects can be facilitated using digital detailed development plans. The strength is that time and resources can be saved and used for other work on a municipal level since zoned regulations of several plans can be analysed simultaneously if the data is stored in a common database, enabling quantification of areas, development rates and effective identification of unused development rights on a larger scale instead of one plan at a time. However, because of interpretational issues when plans are digitised and limitations of regulations that cannot be represented by geometric objects, automated decision support may not be proceeded with the current digital plans. It can potentially be solved with updated standards and introduced routines for interpretation and digitisation.
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Portfolio som arbetsverktyg i förskola och skola - barns beskrivningar av sin portfolio

Delander Adnerhill, Marie January 2008 (has links)
The study sheds light on pupils individual plans of development and portfolios from the perspective of children. It has an ethnographic standpoint. It was carried out on children and pupils in pre-school, pre-school class and third grade. By further investigating how children and pupils use their individual development plans and portfolios, in which settings and to whom they communicate them, this study is able to grasp the discourse that is created around the instrument itself. This study is also interested in and aims to find the theoretical frame, in essence, which envelops both the construction of childhood and children’s own activities within the limitations and opportunities that this structure offers. By focusing on micro, hereby meaning the thoughts and perceptions of children and pupils themselves, and on macro, such as the structure around the children and pupils, the aim of finding the previously mentioned theoretical space is fulfilled. The study was carried out by means of an ethnographic method, with conversations, interviews, surveys, observations and filming. The results show that children and pupils view their individual developmental plans and portfolios as an affordance, both in a physical sense and as an offer of a symbolic space, a space shared by others but with the same significance for all. It is also apparent that the children and pupils use their individual development plans to ascertain their positions, to show who they are.
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KANNEL, CHRISTOPHER M. 02 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Tidiga dialoger i detaljplaneprocessen : i kommuner med 35 000 – 75 000 invånare / Early dialogues in the detailed development plan process : in municipalities with 35 000 – 75 000 citizens

Pettersson, Emil, Kullén Dansarie, Ludvig January 2021 (has links)
Samrådet, som är lagstadgat enligt plan- och bygglagen (2010:900) (PBL), äger rum i ett sent skede av detaljplaneprocessen, när det är förhållandevis svårt att på riktigt påverka besluten som invånare. Arbetet med att, utöver och före samrådet, genomföra tidiga dialoger med invånarna kan vara ett sätt att förbättra den slutgiltiga planen samt främja en mer levande demokrati i samhällsbyggnadsprocessen. En bra dialog innebär för invånarna ett deltagande som kan öka både förtroendet och förståelsen för kommunens möjligheter och utmaningar, samt i slutändan för de beslut som fattas i den fysiska planeringen. Arbetet med tidiga dialoger före samrådet är förenligt med utmaningar. Tidiga dialoger är, till skillnad från samrådet, inte lagstadgat i plan- och bygglagen och de genomförs således på flera olika sätt, och i vissa kommuner inte alls. Kommunerna jobbar inte med någon genomgående strategi eller efter en uttalad modell, varje enskild tidig dialog tenderar att ha sina egna förutsättningar och målsättningar vilket bidrar till blandade resultat. Kommunerna lägger ner mycket tid och energi på att förbereda, annonsera och genomföra sina tidiga dialoger med invånarna men har i regel ingen utbildning eller teoretisk grund att stå på. Utvecklingsarbetet i kommunerna fungerar ofta som en utveckling av senast genomförd tidig dialog där man tittar på vad som går att förbättra och vad som redan fungerar. Slutsatsen är att kommunerna behöver utbilda sig i större utsträckning och framför allt ta fram en genomgående strategi som är gemensam för samtliga tidiga dialoger i kommunernas arbete med fysisk planeringen. / The statutory consultation takes place at a rather late stage of the planning process, when it’s relatively difficult to influence the decision as a municipal citizen. The work of conducting early dialogues with municipality citizens in addition to, and prior to, the statutory consultation can improve the final plan and promote a more vivid democracy in the community building process. A well conducted early dialogue with the citizens leads to a participation that could increase both the citizens' trust and understanding of the opportunities and challenges municipalities face, and ultimately the final decisions as well. The work with early dialogues before the consultation is compatible with both challenges and possibilities. Unlike the consultation, early dialogues are not statutory in the Planning and Building Act and they are thus carried out in several different ways, and in some municipalities no early dialogues are conducted at all. Municipalities don’t work with any consistent strategy or according to a state model; each individual early dialogue has its own prerequisites and objectives, which contributes to assorted results. The municipalities do spend a lot of time and energy preparing, advertising and carrying out their early dialogues with the citizens, but usually have no education or theoretical basis to start from. Instead, the municipalities tend to rely on the individual official’s own experience and improve their early dialogues by constantly analyzing what worked well and less well during the previous dialogue.  The conclusion is that the municipalities need to educate themselves to a greater extentand, above all, develop a comprehensive strategy that is common to all early dialogues inthe municipalities' planning.
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Capacity building programmes for the skills development of employees at the Gauteng Department of Education / D.M. Machika

Machika, Dimakatjo Mokgaetji January 2014 (has links)
Since the inception of the National Skills Development Framework for Employees in Public Education in 2006, every organisation has its own WSP to offer skills development training to employees. This study aims to analyse the implementation challenges of the capacity building programme/s at head office of the Gauteng Department of Education. These programmes, including internships, workplace skills plan and short courses were explored from the circumstantial status at the national level (general) and will focus on the Gauteng Department of Education (specific context). In this context, the study sets out to explore the following specific problem exploring that there are challenges in the effective implementation of capacity-building programmes for job-related skills development of employees at Gauteng Department of Education at managerial levels. In the search for answers to the research problem, a hypothesis was formulated, and various primary and secondary sources were utilised. The findings from the literature review and empirical research undertaken in this study indicate that there are significant challenges to overcome in the effective implementation of capacity-building programmes. The study offers relevant recommendations to improve the challenges. / MA (Public Management and Administration), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2014
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The alignment of social and labour plan (SLP) commitments with municipal integrated development plans (IDPs) / Jacob Thobatsi Thobatsi

Thobatsi, Jacob Thobatsi January 2014 (has links)
According to s 23, 24 & 25 of the MPRDA, mining companies must submit a Social and Labour Plan (SLP) when applying for mining rights, and the local economic development (LED) of the SLP must be aligned with the local and district municipality Integrated Development Plan (IDP). The alignment between the SLP and IDP local economic development initiatives provides a platform for investment opportunity, economic growth, poverty reduction and infrastructure development (ICMM, 2006). The main objective of this research was to determine the extent to which the mining SLPs are aligned with municipal IDPs. The research was conducted using a qualitative method for three case studies, a literature review, a documents review (of the SLPs and IDPs), questionnaires and interviews. The mining industry charter gives mining companies targets for the development of local communities through their SLPs. The King reports on corporate governance also give the industry ways to report on corporate social responsibility and sustainability. The local government Municipal Systems Act governs the development of local communities through the development of IDPs as per s 29.There are also debates on the increase of local beneficiation by mining companies, thereby creating jobs and accessing incentives in the form of royalty payments and tax relief. In addition there is a growing demand for a portion of such royalties and taxes to be paid directly into the municipalities to improve the LED and infrastructure challenges. The main challenge with alignment is how mining companies deal with related community grievances and risks, capacity constraints at local government and the DMR, poor stakeholder engagement and the backlog of service delivery. Overall, in the three case studies the KPIs were generally aligned (criteria B) with the municipal IDPs, which indicates that there is a general compliance with the DMR regulations and guidelines. The SLPs, socio-economic background and key economic activities were aligned (criteria A) with the IDPs, while projects and programmes were also generally aligned (criteria B). The negative social impacts were just aligned (criteria C) with the IDPs while no KPI was found to be not aligned (criteria D) with IDP. Some of the initiatives to improve the positive social impacts were the continuous Social Impact Assessment (SIA) throughout the life of mine. Most importantly the research identified that there is a need to improve capacity in local government for dealing with local economic development as this will also aid/improve the alignment of IDPs and SLPs. / M Environmental Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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