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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etablierung molekulargenetischer Methoden zur Mutationsanalyse des TBX1-Gens unter Verwendung der denaturierenden Hochdruck-Flüssigkeits-chromatographie (DHPLC)

Mehmet Mugayer, Boral 11 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Mit dem Ziel, die denaturierende Hochdruck-Flüssigkeitschromatographie (DHPLC) als standardisierte Methode in der molekulargenetischen Diagnostik des TBX1-Gens einzuführen, wurde an 35 Patienten mit begründetem klinischen Verdacht oder Nachweis eines congenitalen Herzfehlers die Mutationsanalyse etabliert und durchgeführt. Die erzielten Ergebnisse bestätigten die kosteneffiziente und zugleich einfache Durchführung des Verfahrens. In der Evaluation wurde für die DHPLC zudem eine hohe Sensitivität und Spezifität nachgewiesen, womit der zukünftige Einsatz dieser Methode im routinemäßigen Mutationsscreening gerechtfertig ist. Mittels DHPLC konnten im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation insgesamt 14 verschiedene Veränderungen im TBX1-Gen identifiziert und in der anschließenden Sequenzanalyse als Polymorphismen (Normvarianten) charakterisiert werden.

Etablierung molekulargenetischer Methoden zur Mutationsanalyse des TBX1-Gens unter Verwendung der denaturierenden Hochdruck-Flüssigkeits-chromatographie (DHPLC)

Mehmet Mugayer, Boral 11 June 2012 (has links)
Mit dem Ziel, die denaturierende Hochdruck-Flüssigkeitschromatographie (DHPLC) als standardisierte Methode in der molekulargenetischen Diagnostik des TBX1-Gens einzuführen, wurde an 35 Patienten mit begründetem klinischen Verdacht oder Nachweis eines congenitalen Herzfehlers die Mutationsanalyse etabliert und durchgeführt. Die erzielten Ergebnisse bestätigten die kosteneffiziente und zugleich einfache Durchführung des Verfahrens. In der Evaluation wurde für die DHPLC zudem eine hohe Sensitivität und Spezifität nachgewiesen, womit der zukünftige Einsatz dieser Methode im routinemäßigen Mutationsscreening gerechtfertig ist. Mittels DHPLC konnten im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation insgesamt 14 verschiedene Veränderungen im TBX1-Gen identifiziert und in der anschließenden Sequenzanalyse als Polymorphismen (Normvarianten) charakterisiert werden.

Identification de la sumoylation de ZNF74 et de l'interaction de cette protéine à multidoigt de zinc avec UBC9 et PIAS1

Abenhaim, Samantha January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

The Role of Sonic Hedgehog in Outflow Tract Development

Dyer, Laura Ann January 2009 (has links)
<p>The two major contributing populations to the outflow tract of the heart are the secondary heart field and the cardiac neural crest. These two populations are responsible for providing the myocardium that supports the outflow tract valves, the smooth muscle that surrounds these valves and the outflow vessels themselves, and the septum that divides the primitive, single outflow tract into an aorta and pulmonary trunk. Because the morphogenesis of this region is so complex, its development is regulated by many different signaling pathways. One of these pathways is the Sonic hedgehog pathway. This thesis tests the hypothesis that Sonic hedgehog induces secondary heart field proliferation, which is necessary for normal outflow tract development. To address this hypothesis, I took advantage of small chemical antagonists and agonists to determine how too little or too much hedgehog signaling would affect the secondary heart field, both in in vitro explants and in vivo. I have determined that Sonic hedgehog signaling maintains proliferation in a subset of secondary heart field cells. This proliferation is essential for generating enough myocardium and smooth muscle and also for the cardiac neural crest to septate the outflow tract into two equal-sized vessels. Up-regulating hedgehog signaling induces proliferation, which is quickly down-regulated, showing that the embryo exhibits a great deal of plasticity. Together, these studies have shown that Sonic hedgehog promotes proliferation in a subset of the secondary heart field and that the level of proliferation must be tightly regulated in order to form a normal outflow tract.</p> / Dissertation

Etude du rôle de la signalisation rétinoïde lors de la cardiogenèse chez la souris / Study of retinoid signaling during cardiogenesis in mouse model

Ryckebüsch, Lucile 05 July 2010 (has links)
L’acide rétinoïque (AR), dérivé actif de la vitamine A, agit comme un morphogène dans de nombreux processus de développement. Des études antérieures chez l’embryon de poulet (Hochgreb et al., 2003) ont montré que l’ AR est impliqué dans la régionalisation antéro-postérieure du tube cardiaque. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai cherché à définir le rôle de l’AR dans le développement du coeur et plus particulièrement dans la régionalisation antéropostérieuredu territoire cardiaque. Pour cela, j’ai utilisé les mutants souris déficients pourl’enzyme RALDH2 permettant la synthèse d’AR. L’utilisation de marqueurs spécifiques des progéniteurs cardiaques nous a permis de montrer que l’AR est requis pour établir la bordure postérieure du second champ cardiaque (mésoderme splanchnique).Dans le but de mieux comprendre comment la voie de l’AR agit sur la spécification cardiaque, nous avons voulu identifier ses cibles dans le mésoderme splanchnique. Pour la première fois, nous montrons l’implication des gènes Hox dans la cardiogenèse précoce.L’analyse du lignage des cellules exprimant Hoxa1, Hoxa3 et Hoxb1 nous a permis demontrer que les pôles artériels et veineux ont la même origine au niveau du territoire cardiaque.Nous avons aussi étudié le rôle de l’AR dans la morphogenèse des arcs aortiques et de sesdérivés, en particulier son influence sur le développement de la quatrième artère des arcspharyngés. Cette étude a mis en évidence l’interaction génétique de Raldh2 et du facteur àboîte T, Tbx1, lors de la morphogenèse du quatrième arc aortique. En effet, la diminution de l’AR accélère la récupération des défauts de la quatrième artère des arcs pharyngés chez le modèle murin pour le syndrome de Di George (Tbx1+/-). Nos résultats suggèrent que l’AR estun modificateur de la micro-délétion 22q11 (syndrome de DiGeorge) chez l’homme, ceci pouvant expliquer en partie la grande variabilité des malformations cardiaques des patients DiGeorge.J’ai aussi participé à l’étude du rôle de l’AR dans la différenciation des progéniteurs du myocarde ventriculaire. Ces résultats montrent que l’AR est nécessaire à la différenciation de la population de cellules progénitrices du myocarde. La portée de ces résultats est importante et pourra conduire à plus long terme à la thérapie et la réparation du muscle cardiaque. Enfin,la dernière partie de l’étude se concentre sur le rôle de l’AR dans le développement de la vasculature coronaire. Ce morphogène semble influencer le positionnement des ostia coronaires à l’aorte. / Retinoic acid (RA), the active derivative of vitamin A (retinol), acts as a morphogen inseveral developmental processes. Previous studies in the chick embryo (Hochgreb et al.,2003) have indicated that RA signaling is required to antero-posterior patterning of the cardiac tube. The aim of my thesis was to define the role of RA signaling in heart development and in particular in the establishment of antero-posterior identity of the cardiac field. Thus, we used Raldh2 (Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2) mutants that are deficient for RA synthesis. To understand the role of RA, we examined the contribution of the second heart field to pharyngeal mesoderm, atria and outflow tract in Raldh2-/- embryos. Our findingsshown that embryo lacking RA synthesis enzyme RALDH2 have expansion of the secondheart field (splanchnic mesoderm).To better understand the mechanism by which RA signaling regulates the cardiac progenitors,we have identified its targets in the splanchnic mesoderm. We have shown for the first timethat Hox genes contribute to cardiogenesis. Moreover, genetically labeled cells analysis reveals a common origin of the arterial and venous poles in the cardiac field.Then, we have analyzed the role of RA in aortic arch remodeling, in particular its influence onfourth aortic arch arteries. This work demonstrates a genetic interaction between Raldh2 and the T-box factor, Tbx1, during fourth aortic arch formation. Our results shows that decreasedon RA level accelerates recovery of fourth aortic arch artery defects seen in Tbx1-/-, which is amodel of DiGeorge syndrome. Moreover, this study suggests that RA is a modifier of 22q11microdeletion (DiGeorge syndrome) in patient.In a collaborative work, we have analyzed the role of RA in differentiation of ventricular myocardium progenitors. Our results showed that the differentiation of the myocardial progenitor cells required RA. The impact of these results is crucial and would lead to therapyand cardiac muscle repair.The last part of my thesis focuses on the role of RA on coronary vascular development. This morphogen seems to influence the position of coronary ostia to the aorta.

Étude du promoteur de ZNF74 et des séquences d'ADN reconnues par ce répresseur transcriptionnel

Bensmina, Imene January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Working Memory Impairments in Chromosome 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: The Roles of Anxiety and Stress Physiology

Sanders, Ashley F. P. 13 May 2016 (has links)
Stress and anxiety negatively impact the working memory system by competing for executive resources. Broad memory deficits have been reported in individuals with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS). We investigated anxiety and physiological stress reactivity in relation to visuospatial working memory impairments in 20 children with 22q11.2DS and 32 typically developing children (M = 11.10 years, SD = 2.95). Results indicate reduced post-stress RSA recovery and overall increased levels of cortisol in children with 22q11.2DS. Additionally, anxiety mediated the relationship between 22q11.2DS and visuospatial working memory impairment. However, there was no indication that stress response physiology mediated this association. Results suggest that anxiety exacerbates impaired working memory in children with 22q11.2DS. Thus, treatment and intervention methods for children with 22q11.2DS should address anxiety related symptomology.

Microarray-Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization in Neurofibromatoses and DiGeorge Syndrome

Mantripragada, Kiran K. January 2005 (has links)
<p>Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) has emerged as a versatile platform with a wide range of applications in molecular genetics. This thesis focuses on the development of array-CGH with a specific aim to approach disease-related questions through improved strategies in array construction and enhanced resolution of analysis. In <b>paper I</b>, we applied an array covering 11 Mb of 22q, encompassing the <i>NF2</i> locus, for deletion detection in sporadic schwannoma. Hemizygous deletions and tumor heterogeneity were identified. Array-CGH was established as a reliable platform for detection of DNA dosage alterations. <b>Paper II</b> described the construction of the<i> NF2</i> gene-specific microarray for high-resolution scanning of deletions in the <i>NF2</i> locus. We report a novel PCR-based non-redundant strategy for microarray fabrication, which considerably improved the sensitivity and reliability of deletion detection. <b>Paper III</b> reported the first tiling-path array comprehensively covering a human chromosome. The usefulness of the 22q-array was demonstrated by applying it to detect DNA dosage-alterations in 22q-associated disorders. In <b>paper IV</b>, we optimized array-CGH protocols for deletion detection in 22q11 deletion-syndrome. We showed that genomic and cDNA clones are not optimal for analysis of 22q11 locus and that PCR-based non-redundant strategy is reliable for deletion detection in such regions. In <b>paper V</b>, we utilized the 22q-array for understanding the genetic basis of schwannomatosis. Two commonly deleted regions were identified within the <i>IGL</i> and the <i>GSTT1/CABIN1</i> loci. Further investigations using high-resolution arrays, bioinformatic analysis and mutational screening were performed. Missense mutations, specific to the schwannomatosis- and NF2 samples, were identified in the <i>CABIN1 </i>gene. <b>Paper VI</b> described the first array-CGH study for comprehensive and high-resolution profiling of deletions spanning the 17q11 locus. Both typical and atypical deletions were identified in NF1 samples. Bioinformatic analysis revealed novel segmental duplications, which can potentially mediate 17q11 deletions.</p>

Microarray-Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization in Neurofibromatoses and DiGeorge Syndrome

Mantripragada, Kiran K. January 2005 (has links)
Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) has emerged as a versatile platform with a wide range of applications in molecular genetics. This thesis focuses on the development of array-CGH with a specific aim to approach disease-related questions through improved strategies in array construction and enhanced resolution of analysis. In <b>paper I</b>, we applied an array covering 11 Mb of 22q, encompassing the NF2 locus, for deletion detection in sporadic schwannoma. Hemizygous deletions and tumor heterogeneity were identified. Array-CGH was established as a reliable platform for detection of DNA dosage alterations. <b>Paper II</b> described the construction of the NF2 gene-specific microarray for high-resolution scanning of deletions in the NF2 locus. We report a novel PCR-based non-redundant strategy for microarray fabrication, which considerably improved the sensitivity and reliability of deletion detection. <b>Paper III</b> reported the first tiling-path array comprehensively covering a human chromosome. The usefulness of the 22q-array was demonstrated by applying it to detect DNA dosage-alterations in 22q-associated disorders. In <b>paper IV</b>, we optimized array-CGH protocols for deletion detection in 22q11 deletion-syndrome. We showed that genomic and cDNA clones are not optimal for analysis of 22q11 locus and that PCR-based non-redundant strategy is reliable for deletion detection in such regions. In <b>paper V</b>, we utilized the 22q-array for understanding the genetic basis of schwannomatosis. Two commonly deleted regions were identified within the IGL and the GSTT1/CABIN1 loci. Further investigations using high-resolution arrays, bioinformatic analysis and mutational screening were performed. Missense mutations, specific to the schwannomatosis- and NF2 samples, were identified in the CABIN1 gene. <b>Paper VI</b> described the first array-CGH study for comprehensive and high-resolution profiling of deletions spanning the 17q11 locus. Both typical and atypical deletions were identified in NF1 samples. Bioinformatic analysis revealed novel segmental duplications, which can potentially mediate 17q11 deletions.

Sphère oro-faciale des enfants porteurs de microdélétion 22q11 recherche de liens entre troubles de succion-déglutition précoces et troubles d'articulation et/ou des praxies bucco-linguo-faciales à l'acquisition du langage oral /

Israël-Sarfati, Nathalie Montaudon, Manon January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Mémoire d'orthophonie : Médecine : Nancy 1 : 2009. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr.

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