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An exploratory study on new technology and associated psychosocial risks in adolescents : can digital media literacy programmes make a differenceVan der Merwe, Petro 11 1900 (has links)
This study centres on the psychological effects new digital media, like the internet and cellphones, have on adolescents. Although the internet has enormous benefits, it also poses a host of risks that can make adolescents vulnerable to victimisation and/or developing associated psychosocial problems. Characterisations of adolescents’ social relationships in the internet medium, as well as the investigation of the continuity between digital media literacy and online social behaviours, carry high relevance for developmental psychology. It is during the adolescent period that peer interactions arguably hold the greatest importance for individuals’ social and behavioural functioning.
Using a logic model for evaluation, the researcher conducted an exploratory research study on digital media use among adolescent learners aged 13 to 15 years to determine whether schools could guide them to think critically for themselves about the entire realm of these new media. The data were gathered from school principals, teachers, parents and learners from three secondary schools in Gauteng Province, which were purposely selected to represent different socio-economic circumstances. A total of 230 people (n=230) participated in the research. Mixed research methods were employed in this study. The quantitative research methods supported the qualitative research methods.
The literature review suggested that current media literacy education, which forms part of the Life Orientation curriculum, does not enable learners to think critically or make informed choices about their behaviour in the digital world – because it incorporates neither ethics nor responsibility. One of the main aims of the study therefore was to investigate the importance of expanding existing media literacy education, namely by incorporating two additional learning categories in the curriculum: Digital Safety and Security, and Digital Citizenship.
These additional learning categories were introduced in the form of lessons by the teachers participating in the study. A think aloud strategy was used whereby learners verbalise what they were doing and learning while engaging in the digital media literacy lesson activities. The learners’ verbalisations were used to ascertain what learning was occurring in the classroom.
The experimental group demonstrated an increase in critical thinking from pre- to post-evaluation.
This research therefore proposes that the signature element of intervention strategies for inappropriate online behaviour be to create a “culture of critical thinking”. This implies greatly reducing the risks cyberspace pose, and at the same time enhancing adolescents’ abilities to use it in ways that create and deepen healthy relationships – in the digital as well as the real world. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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Presents of the Midlands : domestic time, ordinary agency and family life in an English townMorosanu, Roxana January 2014 (has links)
Focusing on the everyday lives of middle-class English families in a medium size town situated in the Midlands, this doctoral thesis contributes to anthropological debates on the topics of human agency, time, domesticity, mothering, and kinship. Organized upon the idea that cultural models of time are inextricably linked to understandings of agency (Greenhouse 1996), the thesis links Moore s (2011) post-vitalist theoretical framework and the work of Foucault (1990, 2000) on ethical practices, with Gershon s (2011) critique of neoliberal agency . The concept of ordinary agency is proposed for situating everyday actions as significant actions that contribute to social transformation. Three cultural models of time are identified spontaneity, anticipation and family time and the types of ordinary agencies that they engage are described in three dedicated chapters. The first chapter discusses the theoretical framework of the thesis. The second chapter addresses methodological issues, and discusses the methods that the author developed during her ethnographic fieldwork for looking at people s relationships with time. The third chapter addresses the time mode of spontaneity, presenting ethnographic examples of digital media use at home, and introducing theoretical tools for situating the forms of agency engendered by spontaneity. The fourth chapter looks at the time mode of anticipation in relation to mothering, motherhood and care. This chapter is accompanied by a video component, titled Mum s Cup and situated in the appendix of the thesis. Based on material that the participants filmed in solitude, for a self-interviewing with video task, Mum s Cup is a visual point of departure for theorising the Mother-Multiple ontological position that is described in chapter IV. Alongside providing a visual ethnographic lever for endorsing a theoretical concept, the video project also reflects on the relationship between the researcher and the participants, a relationship that, for various reasons (some related to length limitations), is not fully described in the textual corpus of the thesis. Discussing two types of domestic sociality, the fifth chapter looks at family time and at the forms of agency engendered by the idea and by the experience of having a family-style lifestyle (Strathern 1992), and it draws on, and contributes to, bodies of literature on English kinship. The last chapter addresses the context of the research which is an interdisciplinary project looking at domestic energy consumption ; it situates the position of the author in relation to the domestic sustainability agenda and to debates on interdisciplinarity, and it formulates ideas about possible applications that the anthropological knowledge gained by the author through her research could have in relation to the context that originally framed and facilitated the research.
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Public digital media and democracy : constructing instruments for measuring expressions of support for democracy on TwitterLutz, Barend Frederik 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The constant growth in information and communications technology (ICT) broadens the capabilities of researchers to understand and interpret the social world. New multidisciplinary methods of measuring social realities are constantly being developed and improved. This methodological study aims to incorporate novel methods of automated, computerised content- and sentiment analysis software in order to produce a usable instrument for measuring public expressions on democracy from the social network site, Twitter. Adapting methods developed by O‟Connor et al. (2010) and using an online platform called Chatterbox Analytics Ltd., this study attempts to complement traditional survey research data on democracy. The creation of this method allows researchers to automatically and without deep programming knowledge, extract and analyse opinionated data from a substantial segment of the population, namely Twitter users. This is the first study, as far as this researcher is aware, that develops automated instruments for the measurement of expressions on democracy from online social networks.
The rationale for the development of this instrument lies in the apparent recent rise in negative sentiment on democracy in academic spheres and political realities alike. Throughout history support for democracy has swayed, which in turn placed democracy on a rocky path of development. As negative opinions on democracy became overwhelming this system of governance was forced to adapt by changing its core structure. This could be the case again today. Authors such as Crozier, Huntington and Watunaki (1975) have already warned of a crisis of democracy in the 1970s. More recently authors such as Dalton (2004) and van Beek (2012) expressed opinions indicating that globally citizens are steadily becoming more critical of political parties, politicians, political policies and the whole democratic process. These negative sentiments might be indicative of what van Beek (2012:12) calls “an erosion in support for democracy”.
Traditional survey projects examining opinions on democracy, such as the World Values Survey, offer insights into global expressions on democracy, but are time consuming, costly and complicated to conduct. The method developed in this study allows researchers to complement traditional survey data with insights that are automatically gathered and analysed from the influential social media network, Twitter.
This introductory study finds that automated analysis of expressions on democracy from Twitter is indeed feasible. In order to express the extent to which the developed method is feasible, this study offers an example case, examining expressions on democracy from Twitter for the period of 1 May to 31 July 2012. Furthermore the study offers a quantitative manual evaluation of the accuracy of the developed measurement instrument. With the present level of content- and sentiment analysis technology this study finds that the accuracy of the results from this method, though informative, is still limited. The study therefore concludes with an advisory section highlighting methods for future studies to improve on the accuracy of this measurement instrument. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Deur die konstante groei in inligting- en kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) word die veld waaruit navorsers kan put om die sosiale wêreld te verstaan en te interpreteer al groter. Nuwe multidissiplinêre metingsmetodes om die sosiale werklikheid te verstaan, word konstant ontwikkel en verbeter. Hierdie metodologiese studie beoog om nuwe metodes van geoutomatiseerde, gerekenaariseerde, inhouds- en sentimentanalisesagteware saam te voeg om 'n bruikbare instrument vir die meting van publieke uitsprake oor demokrasie, op die sosiale netwerk Twitter te skep. Metodes wat deur O'Connor et al. (2010) en die aanlyn platform, Chatterbox Analytics Ltd ontwikkel is, is aangepas om 'n instrument te skep wat gebruik kan word om by te dra tot tradisionele opname-navorsingsdata oor demokrasie. Hierdie nuwe metode sal navorsers toelaat om outomaties en sonder veel programmeringsvaardighede opiniegelaaide data van 'n beduidende segment van die samelewing, naamlik Twitter gebruikers, te verkry en te analiseer. Hierdie is die eerste studie, sover hierdie navorser bewus is, wat geoutomatiseerde instrumente ontwikkel vir die meting van uitsprake oor demokrasie op sosiale netwerke.
Die beweegrede vir die ontwikkeling van hierdie instrument vloei uit die oënskynlike onlangse styging in negatiewe sentiment oor demokrasie in sowel akademiese- as politieke sirkels. Die ondersteuning vir demokrasie het dwarsdeur die geskiedenis sy hoogte en laagtepunte gehad en hierdie onsekerheid het die ontwikkelingspad van demokrasie taamlik met dorings besaai. Die hele kernstruktuur van híérdie regeringsisteem was geforseer om hewig aan te pas elke keer wanneer die negatiewe opinies oor demokrasie oorweldigend geraak het. Dit wil voorkom asof demokrasie weer op die rand van verandering is. Skrywers soos Crozier, Huntington en Watunaki (1975) het alreeds in die 1970's gewaarsku teen 'n krisis rondom demokrasie. Meer onlangs het skrywers soos Dalton (2004) en van Beek (2012) opinies gelug dat burgers reg oor die wêreld stadig maar seker besig is om meer krities op politieke partye, politici en oor politieke beleide en die demokratiese proses in geheel raak. Hierdie negatiewe sentimente mag dalk 'n aanduiding wees van “'n erosie in die ondersteuning van demokrasie,”, soos Van Beek (2012:12) dit noem.
Tradisionele opname-navorsingsprojekte wat na opinies oor demokrasie kyk, soos die „World Values Survey‟, bied wel 'n blik op globale uitsprake oor demokrasie, maar is duur, tydsaam en moeilik om deur te voer. Die metode wat in hierdie studie ontwikkel is, kan bykomende insigte tot tradisionele opname-navorsingsprojekte bring. Díé insigte word outomaties ingesamel en geanaliseer vanuit die invloedryke sosiale netwerk, Twitter.
Hierdie inleidende studie bevind dat geoutomatiseerde analise van uitsprake oor demokrasie op Twittter inderdaad moontlik is. Ten einde die mate van sukses van hierdie metode wat ontwikkel is te illustreer, analiseer hierdie studie 'n datagreep van uitsprake oor demokrasie uit Twitter oor die tydperk 1 Mei tot 31 Julie 2012. Hierbenewens bied die studie ook 'n kwantitatiewe waardasie per hand wat die akkuraatheid van die ontwikkelde meetingsinstrument toets. Met die huidige ontwikkelingsvlak van inhouds- en sentiment-analisetegnologie vind hierdie studie dat die akkuraatheid van hierdie metode, alhoewel informatief is, tog beperk is. Die studie sluit af met 'n afdeling wat advies oor hoe verdere studies die akkuraatheid van hierdie meetinstrument kan verbeter, toelig.
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Sleep in Early Adolescence: an Examination of Bedtime Behaviors, Nighttime Sleep Environment, and Parent-set Bedtimes Among a Racially/ethnically Diverse SampleMarczyk Organek, Katherine D. 08 1900 (has links)
Early adolescence (e.g., 10-14 years old) is a time during which health habits and behaviors first develop that carry over into adulthood. This age range is also a time when changes are often first observed in typical sleep patterns, such as a delay in bedtimes, decreased total sleep times, and increased sleep problems. Electronic media and social networking have become essential to adolescent interpersonal communication and are negatively associated with adolescent sleep. Room and/or bed sharing practices and having a parent-set bedtime are still common in this age range, though no study has examined the relationship between these culturally influenced practices and the sleep of racially/ethnically diverse early adolescents. The current study examined if differences exist between 1272 Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, and African American early adolescents (ages 10-14 years) on self-reported bedtime, SOL, TST, and sleep efficiency, and whether these differences persist when taking into account presence of electronic media in the bedroom (i.e., TV, videogame console, computer, cellphone), media use at bedtime (i.e., watching TV, playing video/computer games, social networking, texting), room sharing, and parent-set bedtimes. Preliminary results showed that females reported worse sleep than males (i.e., longer sleep onset latency, shorter TST, and lower sleep efficiency, with a trend for having a later bedtime), and that African Americans and Hispanics reported later bedtimes than Caucasians, Hispanics reported shorter sleep onset latency and longer sleep efficiency than Caucasians, and African Americans reported shorter total sleep time than Caucasians. Presence of any type of media in the bedroom or use of any type of electronic media at bedtime was associated with later bedtimes and shorter total sleep times, but not with SOL or sleep efficiency. Parent-set bedtimes were associated with earlier bedtimes, longer sleep onset latency, longer TST, and lower sleep efficiency. After controlling for significant bedtime factors, only the main effects for TST became non-significant, while the interaction became significant. Hispanic females reported shorter TST than Hispanic males, African American females reported shorter TST compared to Caucasian females, and Caucasian males reported shorter TST compared to Hispanic males. Intervention strategies such as parent education and sleep education in schools targeting the bedtime behaviors and sleeping habits of adolescents are discussed.
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Modèle économique de l'information écrite à l'ère numérique. Peut-on encore créer de la valeur ? / Economic model for print media in the digital age. Is it still possible to create value ?Lablanche, Pascal 02 April 2012 (has links)
Alors que la création de valeur demeure un objectif légitime et naturel de l’évolution d’une firme, cette recherche a montré que les éditeurs de presse d’information se trouvent, depuis le début du XXIe siècle, d’une part, dans une situation financière dégradée et subséquemment dans une spirale de destruction massive de valeur au point de mettre en péril leur pérennité – certains étant d’ailleurs en faillite virtuelle – et, d’autre part, dans l’incapacité à l’horizon 2016, au-delà du simple équilibre opérationnel, d’inverser la tendance, dès lors que le raisonnement se conduit à périmètre structurel constant. Pour autant, en considérant une interdépendance systémique de plusieurs facteurs d’influence – des déterminants de la performance qui puisent leur origine dans l’histoire et la nature même du bien informationnel et qui s’enrichissent d’éléments structurels et environnementaux –, et en acceptant que chaque industrie ne soit plus que le maillon d’une chaîne de valeur globale dans laquelle l’éditeur n’a plus le monopole, il ressort, par une mise en scène de différents scenarii construits, entre prévision et prospective, sur une période allant de 2010 à 2020, que les différentes conditions requises pour une dynamique vertueuse, malgré les pierres d’achoppement possibles, s’articulent autour de trois axes majeurs – reconquête des marchés, recherche de marges de manoeuvre opérationnelles et financières, changement de référentiel. La dynamique se construit dans un enchaînement de circonstances contraint, ajusté et structuré en trois grandes étapes, qui permet finalement à quelques groupes de se réorganiser pour constituer des firmes de taille critique et ainsi dégager, grâce à une équation de valeur efficiente, simplement réajustée et différenciée, les moyens de migrer vers ce nouveau paradigme informationnel né de cet univers numérique. / Creating value is the natural aim of any private company. This study shows however that from the beginning of the 21st century print media publishers have been losing money and getting into a spiral of value-destruction so vicious as to jeopardise their very survival. Some are practically bankrupt. Nor is there any sign they will have turned the corner or even be breaking even by 2016 if the industry doesn’t restructure. There are three ways for print media firms to turn this round and regain positive momentum: recapturing market-share, improving their operational freedom and their margins and changing market perception. To do this however they will need to understand and take account of some big and interrelated themes – the ways in which the new uses of data, its ‘history’, its location and its very nature have enriched the value of information itself. They will also need to accept that publishers no longer have a monopoly of information and that they are only a link in a global value chain. To reach this conclusion the study runs a range of scenarios comparing confident short term forecasts and foresights for the longer term, from 2010 to 2020. We find that there will probably be three key stages of constraint, change and restructuring. A few publishers probably will manage to reorganise themselves, reach critical size and create value in this new world. To do so they will have a profoundly new and efficient value-creation ‘equation’, readjusted and differentiated from what has gone before. It is this that will allow them to migrate into and flourish in the new informational paradigm born from this digital universe.
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Flow and Friction : On the Tactical Potential of Interfacing with Glitch ArtGrundell, Vendela January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze how interfacing affects viewer experiences and viewer positions, and how glitch art online makes that effect visible. Glitch art is concerned with disruptions in the systems that govern how for instance photography is produced, circulated and displayed in a digital image flow. The system’s usually undisrupted operation emerges through the friction created between the key components of the study: the viewer, the photo-based mediation, and the interface where the two meet. These components are encircled by the relation between individual and system, whose increased integration with one another requires a sharper eye: a tactical spectatorship in response to how the interface of the image flow can turn the individual into a part of the system. The unfolding of such a spectatorship is investigated through three questions: What can a viewer see and do by interfacing with the website, and with what means? How is the photo-based material on the website produced, displayed and conceptualized? How does the website and its photo-based material – glitched and not glitched – position the viewer haptically and epistemologically? With a cross disciplinary approach, three media phenomenological case studies present glitch artworks in an online environment. The case study on Phillip Stearns’s project Year of the Glitch concerns the website’s index and archive pages as well as still images with a focus on camera reconstruction, verbal conceptualization, and image materiality. The case study on Rosa Menkman’s website Sunshine in My Throat includes index and artwork pages, two artworks with still and moving images as well as a thematization of the entire online environment being glitched. The case study on Evan Meaney’s project Ceibas Cycle focuses on the index page and an interface-based artwork, two video works as well as a portfolio of photographs that are not glitched. The timeliness of the case study materials – created between 2004 and 2012 – is anchored in systems aesthetics, in which technical problems are explored as a cultural critique since the 1960s. The qualitative analysis both emphasizes and problematizes experience, as a complement to quantitative studies about images in relation to a digital flow. The study analyzes how glitch art shapes experiences both by following the interface and by disrupting it. The effect of the underlying system thus appears in a material that has not yet been given an in-depth art historical analysis with a particular focus on the individual viewer. With such a focus, glitch is conceptualized as systemic friction in this study, which clarifies how the artworks online produce knowledge about the interface by providing the individual with a possibility of creating tactical breaks into the image flow. The results of the study consist of the ways of seeing that develop such a possibility – and they gain relevance as they make visible how the flow usually operates in invisible ways. These results point out that the experience of the artworks – and by extension, other experiences of images online – can alert viewers to their own activity within the image flow. If the system sets boundaries for experiences of and through the interface, a tactical spectatorship becomes possible when a glitch gives the individual an opportunity to try different positions towards these boundaries.
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Experiences of the community television sector in the migration to digital terrestrial television in South Africa 2007 - 2014Diseko-Biagini, Fumane January 2016 (has links)
A research report is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in ICT Policy and Regulation
to the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, 2016 / South Africa has a nascent community television sector, which is legislated as a tier
of broadcasting. This sector is important in deepening democracy, creating access to
information, giving communities the space to share information, and expanding
media ownership to communities beyond the public and commercial television
broadcasting sectors. Since 2007, when Soweto TV was the first community
television station to be licensed, the processes towards migrating analogue to digital
terrestrial television have been beset with delays and the experience of the
community TV sector with respect to this migration have been not well understood.
The conceptual-analytical framework for this historical study of the period 2007 to
2014 drew on the key themes of sector and institutional governance including the
effectiveness of policy and regulation, technological advancement, content and
services. Using a constructivist methodology the key documents pertaining to
broadcast digital migration were reviewed and interviews were conducted with
three community TV stations, Soweto TV, Bay TV and Cape Town TV, as well as with
the policy-maker, the regulator and sector experts.
The findings revealed that the community television (CTV) sector was faced with
problems of sector and institutional governance not being effectively addressed in
legislation and regulation, stagnation as a result of lack of spectrum in the analogue
television-broadcasting dispensation and limitations on content provision. Using
McConnell’s 2010 framework, analysis of the data led to the conclusion that the
DTTM programme has failed with respect to the community TV sector. Advances for
the CTV sector will require revision to legislation and future regulation to guide the
governance of the CTV sector and the digital terrestrial television migration should
be concluded without further delay, in order to enable the sector to grow. Although
CTV stations are providing content to communities, the opportunity for them to
make a greater impact, if digital terrestrial television (DTT) is finally launched, should
be prioritised as the new technology can provide them with the scope to expand
their content offerings. / MT2017
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Tracing a Technological God: A Psychoanalytic Study of Google and the Global Ramifications of its Media ProliferationUnknown Date (has links)
This dissertation makes the connection between the human drive, as described by psychoanalysis, to construct God and the construction of the technological entity, Google. Google constitutes the extension of the early Christian period God to the twenty-first century. From the examination of significant religious and theological texts by significant theologians (Augustine, Thomas, Luther, Calvin, etc.) that explain the nature of God, the analogous relationship of God to Google will open a psychoanalytic discourse that answers questions on the current state of human mediation with the world. Freud and, more significantly, Lacan’s work connects the human creation of God, ex nihilio, to Google’s godly qualities and behaviors (omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, and omnibenevolence). This illustrates the powerful motivation behind the creation of an all-encompassing physical / earthly entity that includes the immaterial properties of God. Essentially, Google operates as the extension or replacement of the long reigning God in Western culture. Furthermore, the advent of science and technology through rationalism (as outlined by Nietzsche) results in the death of the metaphysical God and the ascension of the technological God. Google offers an appropriate example for study. Moreover, the work of Jean Baudrillard and Marshall McLuhan will further comment on Google as the technological manifestation of God, particularly in its media formulations. Finally, this dissertation concludes with a review that highlights future research with an exploration that foresees the death of Google from the same rational method of inquiry by which the death of God occurred at the end of the nineteenth century. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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BelongingsUnknown Date (has links)
Belongings hybridizes photography, sculpture, and printmaking through new laser
technology. The exhibited work communicates a lingering sense of homesickness and
maps a path through the objects discovered in my father’s wallet shortly after his passing. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.F.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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As correlações entre os sistemas generativos e a fabricação digital no contexto das artes visuais / -Henno, Juliana Harrison 29 June 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa pretende examinar a imagem digital decorrente da aproximação das artes visuais com as tecnologias CAD/CAM e os sistemas biológicos de criação. Essa imagem de base computacional e de característica emergente encontra na fabricação digital a oportunidade de se materializar tendo em vista a compatibilidade tanto no sentido da concretização da complexidade da forma quanto da possibilidade de sua singularização seriada. Mais especificamente, pretende-se abordar como os processos e as técnicas de produção digital, ao viabilizarem a geração e materialização da imagem complexa, têm interferido no modus operandi do artista visual, ampliando as formas de operar e representar no campo das Artes ao servirem como instrumento para o desenvolvimento e a representação de novas poéticas. Por meio da referência teórica, da leitura de obras e dos trabalhos práticos experimentais, pretende-se explorar de que forma o artista se apropria dos meios de produção digitais e dos processos generativos de criação, explorando-os como uma linguagem inovadora, que por sua vez amplia e potencializa, a níveis antes insuspeitáveis, as formas de expressão e execução de sua obra. Intenta-se avaliar de que maneira o processo de caráter numérico pode interferir no processo criativo e poético do artista visual de modo a promover novas possibilidades expressivas e, dessa forma, explorar potenciais até então pouco usuais no campo das artes. A tese usa como principais fundamentações teóricas para lançar as bases para o entendimento da relação cada vez mais estreita entre arte e tecnologia as discussões de Taylor (2014), Machado (1997b), Couchot (2003), Lévy (1996), Laurentiz (1991), Moles (1990) e Plaza & Tavares (1998), que investigam a introdução do numérico no campo artístico. Já as discussões de Manovich (2010), Galanter (2010), Couchot (2010), Johnson (2001), Whitelaw (2006) e McCormack (2014) abordam teorias a respeito da complexidade da imagem e esclarecem processos e modelos de sistemas naturais passíveis de emergência. Para apresentar a tecnologia de fabricação digital e seu potencial criativo, a tese se apoia nos autores Kolarevic (2001), Mitchel & McCullough (1995), McCullough (1996), Todd & Latham (1992) e Ganis (2004). Reflexões a respeito da convergência entre os conceitos de emergência e de fabricação baseiam-se nas discussões de Labaco (2013), Whitelaw (2006; 2015) e Moura (2013). / This research aims at examining the digital image that originates from the proximity of the visual arts with CAD/CAM technologies and the biological systems of creation. Such computer-based image, that is emergent, can be materialized in the digital fabrication owing to the compatibility both in the sense of making the complexity of the form concrete and of enabling its serial singling. More specifically, we intend to approach how the digital manufacturing processes and techniques have interfered with the visual artist´s modus operandi as they enable the generation and the materialization of the complex image, thus enlarging the ways to operate and represent in the arts field because they work as instruments to develop and represent new poetics. By means of theoretical reference, work reading and experimental practical works, we intend to explore how the artist takes over the means of digital production and the generative processes of creating and he/she explores them as an innovative language, which, in turn, amplifies and potentiates the forms of expression and accomplishment of his/her work to levels unimaginable before. We intend to evaluate how the numerical character process can interfere with the visual artist´s creative and poetic process to promote new expressive possibilities, thus exploring the potential which has been unusual in the arts field so far. The main theoretical support to launch the bases to understand the ever closer relation of art to technology was derived from the discussions by Taylor (2014), Machado (1997b), Couchot (2003), Lévy (1996), Laurentiz (1991), Moles (1990) and Plaza & Tavares (1998). Those researchers investigate the introduction of the numerical in the artistic field. The discussions by Manovich (2010), Galanter (2010), Couchot (2010), Johnson (2001), Whitelaw (2006) and McCormack (2014) bring information of theories related to the complexity of the image, since in those discussions the processes and models of natural systems that are liable to emergence are elucidated. To present the digital manufacturing technology and its creative potential, the theoretical support was derived from Kolarevic (2001), Mitchel & McCullough (1995), McCullough (1996), Todd & Latham (1992) and Ganis (2004). The concepts about the convergence of the concepts of emergence and manufacturing reflect the discussions by Labaco (2013), Whitelaw (2006; 2015) and Moura (2013).
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