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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A televisão na era da convergência digital das mídias. Uma reflexão sobre a comunicação comunitária / Television in the era of digital media convergence: a reflection about community communication

Feitosa, Deisy Fernanda 02 July 2015 (has links)
Com o sistema binário e a convergência digital das mídias, dispositivos de comunicação como celulares, computadores e até mesmo aparelhos receptores de televisão deixam de desempenhar apenas a função principal para a qual foram desenvolvidos e passam a se constituir, devido à interoperabilidade de sistemas e à internet, em meios para os quais confluem serviços e linguagens. Se olharmos especialmente para a televisão, notaremos imediatamente que a forma de vê-la ganha novos moldes. O aparelho separa-se do conteúdo. O sinal da TV deixa seu corpo físico e passa a navegar pelo horizonte binário. Ela fica, assim, emancipada do seu corpo material - o aparelho televisor -, e pode ser acompanhada em outras plataformas e dispositivos, aumentando, desse modo, a sua difusão e as possibilidades de canal de retorno para emissores e receptores. Esta pesquisa acompanha o cenário de implantação da TV digital no Brasil e no mundo e reflete acerca das influências e transformações trazidas ao cotidiano da sociedade e aos espaços públicos pelo sistema digital e pela internet. A tese foi estruturada em cinco capítulos, que perpassam diferentes aspectos relacionados à televisão: a sua história e cronologia, os princípios tecnológicos que regem o seu funcionamento, as linguagens que a caracterizam, a sua colocação no cenário convergente e a sua influência no cotidiano das pessoas. No trabalho, trago o resultado de um estudo de caso realizado no ano de 2014, durante um Estágio de Pesquisa no Exterior na Universidade Sapienza de Roma e uma visita técnica às universidades de Brighton e Portsmouth. Essa etapa da pesquisa permitiu-me conhecer in loco o panorama atual desses países, dois anos após a conclusão do switch off, analisar a relação dos italianos e ingleses com a mídia televisiva e com as outras mídias de comunicação digital e a relação/abertura das suas emissoras televisivas para com as novas modalidades de transmissão de conteúdos nas plataformas digitais. Para isso, além buscar fontes bibliográficas, entrevistei pesquisadores e profissionais da área de radiodifusão e telecomunicações que participaram diretamente do processo de transição analógico-digital da TV. Na tese, também faço o relato de uma pesquisa de campo realizada na zona leste de São Paulo, desenvolvida em conjunto com educadores e educandos do Intermídia Cidadã, um coletivo pertencente ao Núcleo de Comunicação Comunitária da Fundação Tide Setubal. A experiência, realizada com base na Produção Partilhada do Conhecimento, serviu para divulgar a chegada da televisão digital e do apagão analógico, refletir sobre os conteúdos da TV aberta brasileira e observar as possibilidades trazidas pela TV digital para o exercício da comunicação comunitária. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo e quantitativo, empregou os métodos de procedimento experimental e comparativo e levantou dados através de questionário, entrevistas em áudio e vídeo, oficinas, debates e consultas bibliográficas. Dentre os autores citados, posso destacar: Mikhail Bakhtin, Lúcia Santaella, Sérgio Bairon, Arlindo Machado, Jesús Martín-Barbero, Gérman Rey, Nicholas Negroponte, Arlindo Machado, Eugênio Bucci, Manuel Castells, Clay Shriky, Henry Jenkins, Alberto Marinelli, Néstor García Canclini, Almir Almas, Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin, Walter Benjamin, Rafael Ruiz e Márcia Tiburi. / With the emergence of the binary system and the convergence of digital media, communication devices such as cellular phones, computers and even television receivers have now taken on more than just the main functions for which each was developed. They are now part of, due to the interoperability between systems and the Internet, systems of which services and languages are now integrated to as well. If one was to focus entirely on television, it can be observed that television watching has now received new forms. The device itself is separate from the content. The TV signal moves away from its physical form and begins to navigate on the binary field. Thus, it is emancipated of its material form - the television device - and can now be seen on other platforms and devices, hence raising the signal\'s distribution and the possibilities of return channels to transmitters and receivers. This research has closely followed the digital television implementation scenario in Brazil and in the world, and observes the influences and transformations in introduced to society\'s daily routine and to the public arena by the digital system and the Internet. The thesis is structured in five parts that run through the different aspects related to television: its timeline and history, the technological principles that command its operation, the languages that distinguish it, its placement in the converging scenario, and is influence in society\'s daily routine. This project presents the result of a case study performed in 2014, during my Research Internship at the University of Sapienza, in Rome. It also includes data gathered during technical visits to the universities in Brighton and Portsmouth. This stage of the research allowed me to observe the current panorama of these countries in loco, two years after the switch off. It also gave me the opportunity to analyze the relationship of the Italians and the English with television media, as well as with other digital communications media and the relationship/opening of the television transmitters of each country to new transmission modalities of content on digital platforms. In order to perform this leg of the research, in addition to searching in bibliographical sources, I interviewed researchers and professionals of the radio broadcasting and telecommunications fields, who had directly participated in the analogue-digital TV transition process. In this thesis, I also present a report of a field study done in the East Side of São Paulo city. This study was developed with the help of educators and pupils of Intermídia Cidadã, a collaboration that belongs to the Community Communication Nucleus of the Tide Setubal Foundation. The experience, based on the Shared Production of Information, was helpful to showcase the arrival of digital television and the analogue blackout. It was also useful to consider the content of public TV in Brazil and to analyze the possibilities now available through digital TV for community communication. This research, of qualitative and quantitative intent, applied comparative and experimental methods and collected data through surveys, audio and video interviews, workshops, debates and bibliographic research. Among the authors mentioned, I would like to make special reference to the following: Mikhail Bakhtin, Lúcia Santaella, Sérgio Bairon, Arlindo Machado, Jesús Martín-Barbero, Gérman Rey, Nicholas Negroponte, Arlindo Machado, Eugênio Bucci, Manuel Castells, Clay Shriky, Henry Jenkins, Alberto Marinelli, Néstor García Canclini, Almir Almas, Jay David Bolter, Richard Grusin, Walter Benjamin, Rafael Ruiz and Márcia Tiburi.

Telas em toda parte: um novo lugar de pesquisa da recepção de telenovela

Arruda, Neide Maria de 11 September 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação é o resultado de uma investigação sobre o processo de recepção da telenovela brasileira exibida por uma nova categoria de mídia digital móvel - a out of home - no transporte público da cidade de São Paulo. Buscou-se identificar os tipos de experiências, comunicativa, cultural, estética e social que emergem nesse novo lugar de assistência da teledramaturgia brasileira. Pretendeu-se ainda compará-la com a experiência tradicional do espectador e do fã que recepciona a telenovela no conforto de sua casa. Por meio da observação etnográfica e da coleta de dados primários, procurou-se conhecer como se dá a relação entre essa mídia digital móvel e suas audiências; salientando que essa nova forma de produção da telenovela (de fato, pós-produção) é exibida de forma condensada, sem áudio e com legenda. A tentativa de compreender o papel exercido pelos meios de comunicação televisivos no cotidiano da sociedade contemporânea nos levou à necessidade de repensar a recepção do modo tradicional, dentro de casa para este momento em que ela acontece em outra plataforma, como narrativa transmídia. Nossa pesquisa trouxe resultados interessantes, entre outros, os de que, nesse novo lugar de recepção da telenovela, a mesma é utilizada como \"recurso comunicativo\", pois inúmeros passageiros do transporte coletivo compartilham e interagem sobre variados temas que fazem parte do contexto social e que estão inseridos nas novelas, a partir do momento em que são exibidas no ambiente de dentro acionando assim dispositivos de comunicação e de reflexão. / This dissertation is the result of an investigation into the process of reception the Brazilian telenovela displayed for a new category of mobile digital media, the out of home, on public transport in the city of São Paulo. Sought to identify the types of communicative, cultural, aesthetic and social experiences, that emerge in this new place assistance of Brazilian soap telenovela. Still, wanted to compare it with the traditional experience of the viewer and the fan who welcomes the telenovela in the comfort of the house. Through ethnographic observation and collection of primary data, tried to know how is the relationship between this mobile digital media and its audiences, emphasizing that this new form of production of soap telenovela (in fact, post-production) is displayed in a condensed form, without audio and withsubtitle. The attempt to understand the role played by the media in television everyday contemporary society has led us to the need to rethink the reception from the traditional way, inside the house until the moment it happens on another platform, such as transmedia storytelling. Our research has brought interesting results, among others, that in this new place of receipt of the soap opera, it is used as \"communicative resource\" because many passengers of public transportation share and interact on various topics that are part of the social context and that are present in the soap telenovela, from the moment they are displayed within the environment, triggering devices of communication and reflection.

Handlungsleitende Kognitionen beim Einsatz digitaler Medien

Schmotz, Christiane 25 August 2009 (has links)
Aus gesellschaftspolitischer und wissenschaftlicher Perspektive wird die Bedeutung digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) für Schule und Unterricht diskutiert. Dabei wird vor allem das Potenzial digitaler Medien zur Unterstützung konstruktivistischer Lehr-Lernprinizipien im Rahmen kooperativen und verständnisorientierten Unterrichts betont. Empirische Ergebnisse zeigen allerdings, dass das vorhandene Potenzial keineswegs ausgeschöpft wird. Im Rahmen der Lehrerkognitionsforschung wird angenommen, dass bewusste und weniger bewusste Kognitionen das unterrichtliche Handeln der Lehrpersonen determinieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden handlungsleitende Kognitionen von Lehrpersonen als Bedingungsfaktoren der Medienintegration in den Unterricht angesehen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden handlungsleitenden Kognitionen von Lehrpersonen beim Einsatz digitaler Medien im Unterricht rekonstruiert und das Verhältnis dieser zueinander analysiert. Im theoretischen Teil erfolgt die Beschreibung und Diskussion handlungsleitender Kognitionen von Lehrpersonen sowie von Unterricht. Dieser wird sowohl aus pädagogisch-psychologischer als auch didaktischer Perspektive beschrieben. Auf der Grundlage von Video- und Interviewdaten von Lehrpersonen der Sekundarstufe II, werden mithilfe inhaltsanalytischer und typisierender Verfahren drei differenzierte Überzeugungs- und drei Skriptmuster identifiziert. Die Unterrichtsskripts der Lehrpersonen unterscheiden sich in Bezug auf das Ausmaß der Lehrerlenkung, die Medienfunktion und -steuerung sowie hinsichtlich der Lehrer-Schüler-Interaktion. Die Überzeugungen der Lehrperso-nen unterscheiden sich in Bezug auf die angestrebte Lehrer- bzw. Schüler-Rolle und hinsichtlich der angestrebten Nutzung digitaler Medien im Unterricht. Es zeigen sich Übereinstimmungen zwischen Überzeugungen und Skripts, die auf zentrale lehr-lerntheoretische Vorstellungen zurückgeführt werden. / From a socio-political as well as scientific perspective the relevance of information and communication technology (ICT) for teaching and learning is often discussed. These discussions mostly center on the issue of the innovation of teaching and learning by the use of digital media. However, empirical studies indicate that teachers do not take advantage of the full potential of ICT in their teaching. Within the framework of teacher cognition research it is often assumed that the realized teaching behavior of teachers is determined by cognitions that guide the teaching. These cognitions have been further differentiated into beliefs on the one hand and automated cognitions (so called scripts) on the other. Thus, both constructs can serve as important indicators for the quality of media integration in teachers’ teaching. This study aims at the identification of guiding cognitions of teachers when using digital media at school. In the theoretical section the construct of teacher cognition is discussed and a framework for the reconstruction of teacher cognition is developed using both didactical concepts as well as results of instructional research. Based on interview and video data three different configurations of beliefs and scripts have been identified using typifying methods as well as content analysis. These scripts differ from each other with respect to the extent of teacher direction, the function and control of media in instruction and the type of teacher-student-interaction. The analysis of the teacher interviews indicates that the classroom behavior of teachers is based on a complex belief-system. The three types of teachers beliefs differ mainly in the perspective of the teacher- and student-role and in the perceived benefit of ICT for instruction. Overall, this study shows that teachers’ use of ICT in instruction is based on and directed by different guiding cognitions which can be described and typified from the perspective of teaching and learning.

Coming Soon From a Screen Near You: The Camera’s Gaze in the Age of Surveillance

Unknown Date (has links)
Within the past thirty years, privacy concerns among American citizens are rising with counter-terrorist surveillance going beyond targeting people of interest. These concerns are reflected in American cinema where many contemporary films have explored surveillance in society. The textual analyses presented in the thesis will focus on three such films, Strange Days (1995), Southland Tales (2005), and Nightcrawler (2014). Throughout this thesis, I examine how each of these films offers a unique, reflexive take on surveillance, adhering to generative mechanisms that evoke differing attitudes about surveillance through their form. My analysis draws on Laura Mulvey and Patricia Pisters’ theories on the gaze to understand the politics of looking in contemporary surveillance cinema and highlight how cinematic scopophilia evolved into a networked perspective. My analysis suggests that the politics of surveillance cinema is reflected in these films as their differences mirror the changing perception of surveillance and the gaze over time. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Like, Follow, Share

Unknown Date (has links)
My intention for this show is to explore the effect of alienation that ironically is being produced by social media. The principal concept is developed around shame, sharing, and notoriety on three different social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram. This show explores the social media perception of myself in the realms of human interaction, identity, and memory in social media through the critical appropriation of the languages of design and photography. The installation with four Facebook profile pictures in large scale and framed looks at the way a personal image can convey the impression of widely different personalities. The selections of personal exchanges over Facebook and Instagram show the degree to which social media creates its own visual language and mode of communication, which sometimes becomes separated from reality and intention. The show extends its reach to performance and direct interaction with the viewer through the availability of stickers for comments by the profile pictures and a third area, where viewers can write or draw their own messages through the simple medium of chalk, which can then be rendered in virtual form through posts on a specially created webpage. The viewer should thus be challenged to ask, to what degrees do words and images communicate the essence of our selves and our own will. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.F.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Video transcoding using machine learning

Unknown Date (has links)
The field of Video Transcoding has been evolving throughout the past ten years. The need for transcoding of video files has greatly increased because of the new upcoming standards which are incompatible with old ones. This thesis takes the method of using machine learning for video transcoding mode decisions and discusses ways to improve the process of generating the algorithm for implementation in different video transcoders. The transcoding methods used decrease the complexity in the mode decision inside the video encoder. Also methods which automate and improve results are discussed and implemented in two different sets of transcoders: H.263 to VP6 , and MPEG-2 to H.264. Both of these transcoders have shown a complexity loss of almost 50%. Video transcoding is important because the quantity of video standards have been increasing while devices usually can only decode one specific codec. / by Christopher Holder. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2008. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2008. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Sentidos sobre Beleza Feminina no Blog Blogueiras Feministas.

Oliveira, Thais de Camargo 19 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:20:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thais de Camargo Oliveira.pdf: 2439038 bytes, checksum: c1633e94bf8e2b7548b7c4260bb12537 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-19 / This study proposes an analysis of discourse about feminine beauty of a feminist blogs more accessible in Brazil, the Feminist bloggers, and aimed to identify the meanings produced about women s bodies and the social standards of beauty imposed by means of production analysis discourse of blog authors and comments raised throughout 2014. Therefore, as methodology, we used the theoretical framework of social constructionism, feminist theories, media and discursive practices, understanding, so the speech as action that produces and modifies reality through discursive interactions. The results indicate productions body senses and feminine beauty that materialize the mechanisms of social control, generating discourses of resistance and transgression, like, often to current feminist acadêmic discourses. / O presente estudo propõe uma análise dos discursos sobre beleza feminina de um dos blogs feministas mais acessados no Brasil, o Blogueiras Feministas, e objetivou identificar os sentidos produzidos sobre os corpos das mulheres e os padrões sociais de beleza impostos, por meio da análise da produção discursiva das autoras do blog e dos comentários suscitados ao longo de 2014. Para tanto, na metodologia, foram utilizados o arcabouço teórico do Construcionismo Social, das teorias feministas, de mídia e de práticas discursivas, entendendo, portanto, o discurso como ação que produz e modifica realidades por meio das interações discursivas. Os resultados indicam produções de sentidos de corpo e beleza feminina que materializam os mecanismos de controle social, gerando discursos de resistência e transgressão, semelhantes, muitas vezes, aos discursos acadêmicos feministas atuais.


Nascimento, Neuvani Ana do 13 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:53:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NEUVANI ANA DO NASCIMENTO.pdf: 1360623 bytes, checksum: aefbe6d7b4d2a8d8fef8a1d58c5a28b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-13 / The present work which is linked to the Research Line Educational Theories and Pedagogical Processes of the Program of Postgraduate in Education of the PUC Goiás University investigated the children s digital practices, comprehending these kids under the perspective of the historical-cultural approach, taking them as concrete agents which give form to their humanity in the relations established in their social-historical-cultural context. The guide-question of the research was: what are the forms of appropriation of the digital media performed by children aged 4 to 5 years old. The specific objectives were: identifying their technical domain, as well as the finalities of the using of digital media by these kids, and also comprehending how do the media can be integrated into the child s process of development, as being cultural tools of learning. For such a thing, it was made a qualitative research, which was developed in two steps. The first one consisted in a review of the bibliography concerning the theme, and the second one was an empirical research which was executed in two public kindergartens. The data was collected by the observations of the activities developed in the computer lab and in some pedagogical workshops, through the using of different digital artefacts. The research s subjects were children aged 4 to 5 years old and enrolled in these institutions. The research was based in the assumptions of the Historical-Cultural Theory, based in the studies of Vygotsky (2007), Leontiev (1988), Pino (2005), Freitas (2012), Libâneo (2005), Freitas (2009), Duarte (2001) and Wertsch (1998), as well as in the theoretical approaches which analyse the relations between the subjects and the Technologies of Information and Communication (TIC), substantiated in the studies of Belloni (2010), Cardon (2005) and Peixoto (2008). The data analysis was executed in a qualitative approach, taking as the epistemological base the theoretical referential which was adopted and also the social-historical-cultural reality of those children. The data showed that the digital media s appropriations performed by the children are all directly linked to their real living conditions, so these data cannot be realised under a determinist perspective. / O presente trabalho, vinculado à linha de pesquisa Teorias da Educação e Processos Pedagógicos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da PUC Goiás, investigou as práticas digitais das crianças, compreendendo-as na perspectiva da abordagem histórico-cultural, como sujeitos concretos que formam sua humanidade nas relações estabelecidas em seu contexto sócio-históricocultural. A pergunta norteadora da pesquisa foi: Quais as formas de apropriação das mídias digitais por crianças de 4 e 5 anos de idade da rede pública de Educação Infantil? O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi conhecer as formas de apropriação das mídias digitais por crianças de 4 e 5 anos. Os objetivos específicos foram: identificar o domínio técnico, os tipos e as finalidades de uso das mídias digitais por crianças de 4 e 5 anos, além de compreender como as mídias podem integrar-se ao processo de desenvolvimento da criança como instrumentos culturais de aprendizagem. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida em duas etapas. A primeira consistiu em uma revisão da literatura sobre o tema e a segunda foi uma pesquisa empírica em duas instituições públicas de Educação Infantil. Os dados foram coletados por meio da observação de atividades desenvolvidas no laboratório de informática e de oficinas pedagógicas, com o uso de diferentes artefatos digitais. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram crianças de 4 e 5 anos matriculadas nessas instituições. A pesquisa fundamentou-se nos pressupostos da Teoria Histórico-Cultural, com base nos estudos de Vygotsky (2007), Leontiev (1988), Pino (2005), Freitas (2012), Libâneo (2005), Freitas (2009), Duarte (2001) e Wertsch (1998), bem como nas abordagens teóricas que analisam as relações dos sujeitos com as TIC, fundamentadas nos estudos de Belloni (2010), Cardon (2005) e Peixoto (2008). A análise dos dados foi realizada dentro de uma abordagem qualitativa, tomando como base epistemológica o referencial teórico adotado e a realidade sócio-históricocultural das crianças. Os dados mostraram que as apropriações das mídias digitais pelas crianças estão diretamente ligadas às suas reais condições de vida, logo não podem ser apreendidas em uma perspectiva determinista.

O local digital das culturas: as interações entre culturas, mídias digitais e territórios / The digital local of cultures - the interaction between cultures, digital media and territories

Pereira, Eliete da Silva 10 April 2013 (has links)
No interior do amplo processo de digitalização, que se caracteriza como um qualitativo fenômeno de dinamismo e de transformação sociocultural, difunde-se, em diversos contextos e por diversas modalidades, um importante processo de digitalização de grupos étnicos. Tal realidade é responsável não somente por um processo de tradução digital de saberes e culturas locais, mas, ao mesmo tempo, pela instauração de um importante processo de alteração da condição habitativa dessas culturas. De fato, ao conectar-se às redes digitais, uma comunidade expande seu território e seu ecossistema, estendendo-o por meio de um dinamismo metageográfico que o conecta aos outros contextos e culturas e a outros mundos. Criase, assim, um complexo ecossistema que une reticularmente os grupos envolvidos, suas culturas, seus territórios, aos circuitos informativos digitais através de um singular dinamismo tecno-comunicativo-habitativo. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa da qual resultou esta tese objetivou investigar o processo de digitalização decorrente das relações entre \"culturas, mídias digitais e territórios\" - inspirada no conceito do habitar (HEIDEGGER, 1951; ABRUZZESE, 2006; DI FELICE, 2009). Para isso, realizamos uma pesquisa experimental baseada na imersão, na interação, na observação, na interpretação e na comparação de experiências que se desenvolvem reticularmente, propondo, portanto, uma leitura teórica em torno dos significados do \"local digital das culturas\". Tal objetivo foi alcançado pela descrição dos dinamismos associativos dos seus atores-redes (LATOUR, 2004, 2012) mediante o estudo comparativo de dois casos exemplares. A Rede Povos da Floresta compreende o processo de digitalização das culturas e das territorialidades de comunidades situadas na região amazônica e a \"e-diáspora\" dos povos cabilas, originários dos povos berberes (Amazigh) do norte da Argélia, atualmente espalhados no mundo e reunidos nas redes digitais. No primeiro caso, a digitalização significou, além da disseminação dos saberes tradicionais dos Povos da Floresta, a criação de um complexo ecossistema informativo emergente (MORIN, 2001), que estende sua rica biodiversidade a uma dimensão tecno-informativa. No caso da \"e-diáspora\" cabila, a digitalização proporcionou um ecossistema informativo que tornou possível a reunião, a disseminação, a tradução da cultura amazigh (berbere) nos fluxos informativos das redes digitais. O estudo e a análise desses dois casos nos permitiram problematizar o conceito de social, abrindo-nos a uma perspectiva reticular e conectiva do mesmo. / In the interior of the extensive process of digital conversion, which is characterized by a qualitative dynamic phenomenon and by socio-cultural transformation, an important process of digital transformation of ethnic groups is diffused, in various contexts and by diverse modalities. Such reality is responsible not only for a process of digital translation of wisdom and local cultures, but, at the same time, for the implementation of an important process of alteration of the dwelling conditions of these cultures. In fact, in connecting with digital networks, a community expands its territory and ecosystem, extending it by a means of a dynamic metageography which connects it to other contexts and cultures and to other worlds. Thus is created a complex ecosystem which reticularly unites the involved groups, their cultures, their territories, to digital informational circuits through a singular dynamism of techno-living-communication. In this sense, the object of the research which resulted in this thesis was the investigation of the process of digital transformation, deriving from the relationship between \"cultures, digital media and territories\" - inspired by the concept of Dwelling (HEIDEGGER, 1954; ABRUZZESE, 2006; DI FELICE, 2009). For this we realized an experimental research based on immersion, interaction, in observation, in interpretation, and the comparison of the experiences which are reticularly developed, proposing, therefore, a theoretical reading in terms of the \"digital local of cultures\". Such objective was reached by the description of the associative dynamisms of its actor-networks (LATOUR, 2004, 2012), by means of a comparative study of two exemplary cases. The Network of the People of the Forests understand the digital transformation of cultures and territories of communities situated in the Amazon region; and the e-diaspora of the Kabyla people, descendants of Berbers (Amazigh) of the north of Algeria, actually spread throughout the world and connected by digital networks. In the first case, this transformation signified, besides the dissemination of the traditional wisdom of the People of the Forest, the creation of an emerging complex informational ecosystem (MORIN, 2001), which extends its rich biodiversity to a techno-informational dimension. In the case of the Kabyla \"e-diaspora\", this transformation provided an informational ecosystem which made possible the reunion, the dissemination, and the translation of the information flows through digital media. The study and analysis of these two cases permits us to problematize the social context, opening us to a reticular perspective and connection of this social context.

Cabelo crespo, o espelho da raça: as interações entre as novas mercadorias de consumo e a beleza da mulher negra

Rocco, Aline Tusset De 29 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-06-16T16:30:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Aline Tusset De Rocco_.pdf: 700422 bytes, checksum: ea20b01c5059be46fd77ff6607506d4c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-16T16:30:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aline Tusset De Rocco_.pdf: 700422 bytes, checksum: ea20b01c5059be46fd77ff6607506d4c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-29 / Nenhuma / Esta dissertação visa tratar sobre as interações entre novas mercadorias de consumo e a beleza negra, mais especificamente o cabelo crespo, levando-se em conta os estudos já realizados sobre a estética negra, assim como a agenda do feminismo negro. Através de uma etnografia em eventos como o CacheiaSul e a Marcha do Orgulho Crespo em Porto Alegre, assim como uma etnografia digital em canais do Youtube que tratam sobre cabelos crespos, busca-se compreender a relação entre o consumo de produtos para o cabelo crespo e a construção de uma beleza negra pelas mulheres negras. Interessa contextualizar o processo de busca das mulheres negras pelo reconhecimento nas dimensões estética, política e social, além de observar e analisar a possível construção da identidade estética das mulheres negras através das novas mercadorias de consumo para cabelos crespos. Deste modo, busca-se analisar a possível construção e afirmação estética das mulheres negras através da possibilidade de criação e interação em vídeos disponíveis no Youtube. O intuito de fazer uma etnografia digital, que se relaciona também a militância fora das redes sociais, é de compreender os usos dos produtos, além das relações entre as mulheres negras, as mídias, e as novas mercadorias estéticas, a fim de perceber possíveis espaços de visibilidade para a beleza negra através do consumo. Por fim, visa-se analisar esta interação na tentativa de compreender dimensões da estética negra percebidas também como resistência política e social pelas mulheres negras. / This dissertation aims to deal with the interactions between new forms of consumption and black beauty, more specifically curly hair, taking into account the studies already carried out on black aesthetics, as well as the agenda of black feminism. Through an ethnography in events such as CacheiaSul and the Marcha do Orgulho Crespo in Porto Alegre, as well as a digital ethnography on YouTube channels that deal with curly hair, we seek to understand the relationship between the consumption of products for curly hair and the building of a black beauty by the black women. It is interesting to contextualize the process of black women's search for recognition in the aesthetic, political and social dimensions, besides observing and analyzing the possible construction of the aesthetic identity of the black woman through the new aesthetic consumer goods. In this way, we seek to analyze the possible construction and aesthetic affirmation of the black women through the possibility of creation and interaction in videos available on Youtube. The purpose of making a digital ethnography, wich also relates to militancy outside social networks, is to understand uses of products, relations between black women, media, and new aesthetic products, in order to perceive possible new spaces of visibility for black beauty through consumption. Finally, it aims to analyze this interaction in the attempt to understand dimensions of the black aesthetics also seem as political and social resistance by black women.

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