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A publicidade abusiva direcionada à criança nas mídias digitaisChiantia, Fabrizio Cezar 15 December 2015 (has links)
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Fabrizio Cezar Chiantia.pdf: 1012296 bytes, checksum: 27c8f159f597b763934cd26ebe7c6006 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-12-15 / The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze the role of business in digital media with regard to advertising directed at children. We realize the amplitude, speed and the immediate reach of advertising when it comes to the public concerned in the face of communication formats used by suppliers, through digital media, when they transmit the advertising of your products or services. The research hypothesis is that, because of the wide children's vulnerability, communication techniques considering those used in digital media for the realization of advertising, the protection of the rights of the inserted child the fundamental rights list becomes a paradigm to be observed by the suppliers of products or services when they transmit advertising directed to children, so as not to focus on the practice of abusive advertising. Patent, therefore, the need to examine possible affront to the rights of the child, which does not hold the insight needed to understand the charge that was made subject, due to the abusive practice of advertising in digital media. In addition, case studies is analyzed and reflected in the applicability of the laws governing advertising, focusing on the child audience and digital media. Is adopted in this study, although the method of hypothetical-deductive approach, since, by checking, we intend to corroborate or refute the hypothesis. As research method is adopted the rules of research and literature, in books, journal articles, dissertations, theses etc. Stands out , finally, the importance of designing effective fundamental rights of children in digital media, to be fostered sustainable consumption , this guided social responsibility and consumer education in order to ensure full sustainability among generations, focusing on the preservation of health and well-being of children. / O objetivo principal desta dissertação é analisar o papel das empresas nas mídias digitais no que tange à publicidade direcionada ao público infantil. Percebe-se a amplitude, a rapidez e o alcance imediato da publicidade quando se trata do público em questão, em face dos formatos de comunicação utilizados pelos fornecedores, por meio das mídias digitais, ao veicularem a publicidade de seus produtos ou serviços. A hipótese de pesquisa é a de que, em virtude da ampla vulnerabilidade da criança, técnicas comunicacionais considerando as utilizadas nas mídias digitais para a realização da publicidade, a proteção aos direitos da criança inserida no rol dos direitos fundamentais passa a ser um paradigma a ser observado pelos fornecedores de produtos ou serviços ao veicularem a publicidade direcionada à criança, de forma a não incidir na prática da publicidade abusiva. Patente, desta forma, a necessidade de se analisar eventual afronta aos direitos da criança, a qual não detém o discernimento necessário para compreender a imposição a que ficou sujeita, em razão da prática da publicidade abusiva nas mídias digitais. Além disso, analisa-se estudos de casos e pondera-se sobre a aplicabilidade da legislação que regulamenta a publicidade, com enfoque no público infantil e mídias digitais. Adota-se no presente trabalho, ainda, o método de abordagem hipotético-dedutivo, uma vez que, por meio da verificação, pretende-se corroborar ou refutar a hipótese levantada. Como método de pesquisa será adotado a pesquisa de legislação e bibliográfica, em livros, artigos científicos, dissertações, teses etc. Destaca-se, por fim, a importância de se conceber efetividade aos direitos fundamentais da criança nas mídias digitais, para que seja fomentado o consumo sustentável, este pautado na responsabilidade social e na educação para o consumo, de modo a garantir a plena sustentabilidade entre as gerações, com enfoque à preservação da saúde e do bem estar do público infantil.
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Digital advertising on a regulated market : A multiple-case study in the Swedish alcohol industryBorgstam, Wilhelm, Koido, Dimitri January 2021 (has links)
In regulated markets companies must comply with various rules, standards, and approval protocols to avoid expensive lack-of-compliance costs. Such regulations often limit the ability of companies to advertise and thereby reach out to consumers. This paper uses a qualitative multiple case-study approach to explore, from an industry perspective, how three different companies (a whisky producer, a microbrewery, and an alcohol importer) use digital advertising to raise brand awareness on the Swedish alcohol market. The firms are relatively similar in their approaches, unanimously preferring the use of social media advertising and conducting all activities through the lens of the regulations. However, the degree to which the firms are willing to take risks and find innovative solutions to the unique problems inherent to the regulated market in question differs. Although the study is context-specific, previous research has suggested that features and market practices in one regulated market can influence another. This thesis contributes to the literature on the broader topic of advertising on regulated markets, where research is primarily written from a public health perspective.
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Adaptace televize na principy nových médií / Adaptation of television to new media principlesSoukup, Norbert January 2021 (has links)
This paper focuses on the changes in distribution of television content which emerged during the process of convergence between television and digital media. Nowadays it is possible not only to access television broadcasting online, but also to access individual programs through Video on Demand services. The precondition this topic was picked on is that the very existence of such services has a direct impact on the form of today's television broadcasting. Therefore the aim of this paper is to examine and describe alterations which can be found not only in the broadcasting itself but also in receiving of that broadcasting on television screens. The latter can be affected by the existence of HbbTV. The analysis and description of changes in broadcasting and receiving television content in Czech republic are the primary focuses of this paper.
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The Semantic Saturation of Labor Strikes: Internal Organizing Processes and the Political Influence of Public School Teachers on StrikeEric C. Wiemer (11408111) 29 October 2021 (has links)
<p>Work stoppages have had a recent upsurge in the American
educational sector. Since 2018, teachers across the country have participated
in record-breaking labor strikes using innovative communication technologies to
skirt more traditional, offline organizing spaces in order to keep their
organizing communication private and/or secret. This dissertation presents two
studies that address the organizing communication done behind virtual closed
doors as well as the public-facing strike communication intentionally meant for
relevant stakeholders. In addition to this distinction between intended
audiences, I also consider how differing legal contexts may influence the
communication possibilities for teachers participating in a strike.
Specifically, right-to-work (RTW) laws serve as a legal backdrop in both
studies to examine how state-level policy helps or hinders workers organizing
in the public sector by comparing one strike in a RTW state to another strike
in a state without RTW laws.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The internal organizing communication was done in private
Facebook groups for both teachers groups. I used the two spectra from the
Collective Action Space theoretical framework (Flanagin et al., 2006) to plot
the internal organizing communication according to the posts and comments in
each Facebook group. The RTW teachers’ internal organizing communication is
near the personal and institutional ends of the mode of interaction and mode of
engagement spectra, respectively. This placement indicates that the RTW
teachers valued and utilized deliberative engagement in their channels of
communication while also exhibiting communication patterns more indicative of
top-down, hierarchical power structures. The unionized teachers’ internal
organizing communication is closer to the impersonal and entrepreneurial ends
of the mode of interaction and mode of engagement spectra, respectively. This
combination of placements on the two spectra indicate that the unionized
teachers valued equitable channels of communication while devaluing
conversation and back-and-forth deliberation.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The external organizing communication was observed and
analyzed on Twitter. Building largely on network agenda-building theory (Guo
& McCombs, 2011a, 2011b; Guo, 2012), I employed semantic saturation as a
class of semantic network analyses to compare and contrast the public
communication about each strike from each legal context. These techniques
involve capturing the language structure used by various group to discuss the
strike and analyzing and comparing how much of one group’s messaging ends up in
another group’s messaging (Wiemer & Scacco, 2018; Wiemer et al., 2021). In
general, the teachers in the RTW legal context were more effective at getting
their messaging into the local press’s reporting about the strike. The teachers
in both contexts also appeared to be communicating toward different audiences
when specifically talking about one of their strike demands and that difference
was also reflected in the local press’s reporting on each strike.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Overall, this dissertation extends collective action and
media effects theories by analyzing two strike events in two very different
legal contexts that both used the same communication technology to organize
their respective strikes. The findings presented here have important
implications for organizing communication, interest group politics, and the
role of local news media in labor actions.</p></div>
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Die Kompetenzen der Lehrenden an Schulen im Umgang mit digitalen Medien und die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Lehrtheorien und mediendidaktischem HandelnBrandhofer, Gerhard 01 December 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit der Frage der Kompetenzen der Lehrenden in Zusammenhang mit dem Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien und über digitale Medien an Schulen auseinander.
Notwendige Voraussetzungen für die Erstellung eines Kompetenzmodells für Lehrende werden theoretisch abgeleitet und empirisch untersucht. Die Frage der schulorganisatorischen Umsetzung, die der Legitimation von digitalen Medien im Unterricht und die Auseinandersetzung mit Lehrtheorien sind Prämissen für das Design des Kompetenzmodells. Das Rahmenmodell TPCK wird zum Ausgangspunkt für die Ausformulierung der Kompetenzen.
Im Rahmen der empirischen Untersuchung wird der vermutete Zusammenhang zwischen konstruktivistischer Sichtweise und dem verstärkten Einsatz digitaler Medien untersucht. Aber auch die Korrelationen zwischen Anwendungskenntnissen und pädagogischen Kenntnissen bei Lehrenden sowie die Relation zwischen Unterrichtserfahrung und den Kenntnissen der Lehrenden sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der quantitativen Forschungsarbeit.
Es werden folgende Forschungsfragen behandelt: Inwiefern bestehen Wechselwirkungen zwischen der lehrtheoretischen Sichtweise von Lehrenden an Schulen und dem Einsatz digitaler Medien im Unterricht? Inwiefern ist die Verwendung digitaler Medien im Unterricht abhängig von den Anwendungs-kenntnissen der Lehrenden und welchen Stellenwert haben informatische Kenntnisse sowie Kompetenzen im Umgang mit Social Media bei den Anwendungskompetenzen der Lehrenden? Inwiefern ist das Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien und über digitale Medien abhängig von der Unterrichtserfahrung der Lehrenden und welche Bedeutung hat in diesem Zusammenhang die Art der Kommunikation und Kooperation am Schulstandort und über den Schulstandort hinaus?
Das Ziel dieser Abhandlung ist es, mit der Erstellung eines Kompetenzmodells für Lehrende einen bislang fehlenden Grundstein sowohl für die Ausbildung künftiger Lehrerinnen und Lehrer zu setzen, aber auch eine Zielvorgabe für die Fort- und Weiterbildung bereitzustellen. / The present work discusses the question of the competences of teachers in conjunction with teaching and learning using digital media, and via digital media at schools.
The necessary prerequisites for the creation of a competence model for teachers are theoretically deduced and empirically analyzed. Premises for the design of the competence model are the question of the organizational implementation, the legitimation of digital media for teaching and the discussion of teaching theories. The framework model TPCK is the starting point for the formulation of the competences.
The assumed correlation between a constructivist approach and the increasing use of digital media is analyzed within the framework of the empirical examination. However, the correlations between the application knowledge and pedagogic knowledge among the teaching staff, and the relation between teaching experience and knowledge of the teachers are also a main part of the quantitative research.
The following research questions are covered: To what extent are there interactions between the theoretical view of teaching at schools and the use of digital teaching media in teaching? To what extent does the use of digital media in teaching depend on the application knowledge of teachers, and how important are computer knowledge and competence in the use of social media for the application competence of the teachers? To what extent are teaching and learning with digital media and using digital media dependent on the teaching experience of the teachers, and what is the significance in these in relation to the means of communication and cooperation within and beyond the school premises?
This works aims to create a missing corner stone through the creation of a competence model for teachers for the training of future teachers and also for the further and advanced training of teachers.
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The topic of video games is expansive, encompassing numerous domains that have yet to be thoroughly examined within a scholarly context. Modern games, especially those in the adventure and role-playing genres, are oftentimes heavily laden with text, and therefore serve as excellent subjects when formulating hermeneutical models for simulated virtual contexts. Furthermore, many games belong under the umbrella of literary studies due to their reliance upon text to forge interactive, fictional narratives. While this means many games possess qualities that render them germane to academics within the sphere of English studies, they remain neglected outliers due to manifold factors, ranging from outmoded biases against the medium, to a lack of established evaluative methodologies. As a result, the field is largely bereft of consensus strategies for engaging digital works featuring literary exposition and dialogue in the form of on-screen text; however, existing theories, including more abstruse ones relating to ergodic literature, hypertext and cybertext, provide a foundation on which to construct new modalities for assessing texts that exist within virtual environs. Research indicates that audience experiences in text-driven games are markedly different than those offered by analog texts due to their interactivity and non-linearity, thus reinforcing the need for the expansion of existing models. Of additional concern, analyses of modern text-oriented games prefigure some important implications for the areas of pedagogy and textual information conveyance in general. These considerations all coalesce to illustrate the exigency for a new or updated theory for understanding and interpreting text in digital substrates, ultimately allowing for inchoate and emergent art facilitated by technology to be recognized as academically relevant.
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Uses and Gratifications of Scientific Subreddits: An Examination of Online Message Typologies and Their ImpactJessica R Welch (9143522) 30 July 2020 (has links)
<p>This study uses Incivility Spirals and
Uses and Gratifications frameworks to explore how people discuss scientific
topics on the social media site Reddit. Specifically, the goals of this project
were to develop a new typology of online messages, examine how different
factors influence online discourse, and determine whether uses and
gratifications vary between Subreddits. The dataset consisted of comments on the
top ten posts of 2019 from r/EverythingScience and r/Science. These Subreddits were examined
because, although they both focus on science, they differ in terms of group
rules and moderator style. Human coders and the text analysis software
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count were used to evaluate the comments on a
series of dichotomous and continuous variables. These variables were used in a
two-step cluster analysis to identify message typologies. Results indicate that
there were three types of messages in the dataset: Polite Participation,
Emotional Interrogation, and On Topic Information. Further analysis
demonstrated that group norms and the first comment in a conversation impact
the quality of discourse that takes place. Conversations on r/Science (the more
strict Subreddit) that begin with an On Topic Information comment are more
likely to be extremely deliberative, while conversation on r/EverythingScience
that begin with an Emotional Interrogation comment are more likely to result in
incivility spirals. Results also suggest differences in gratifications between
Subreddits, with Redditors using r/Science for productive discussion and
r/EverythingScience for heated debate. Theoretical and practical implications
of these findings are discussed, along with avenues for future research. </p>
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Relationsmarknadsföringens betydelse för digitala nischbankerCarlbom, Thea, Magnusson, Pontus January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur digitala nischbanker i Sverige använder relationsmarknadsföring. Metod: Studien är genomförd med hjälp av en kvalitativ multipel fallstudie med en deduktiv ansats. Empirin är insamlad genom semistrukturerade intervjuer utförda via Zoom hos fyra svenska digitala nischbanker. Intervjuerna har sedan transkriberats för att möjliggöra en tematisk analys. Resultat och slutsats: De digitala nischbankerna satsar i helhet på att skapa en plattform som är användarvänlig och tillförlitlig för de befintliga kunderna vilket är deras främsta målgrupp med relationsmarknadsföringen. En digital plattform som främjar användarupplevelsen samt efterlevnad av lagkrav möjliggör skapandet förtroende. Genom att uppdatera och ständigt modernisera gränssnittet samt erbjuda nya tjänster hålls kunderna engagerade vilket över tid leder till lojalitet och gör dem immuna mot konkurrenter. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse gällande hur digitala nischbanker använder relationsmarknadsföring för att skapa förtroende och lojalitet. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: En kvantitativ studie med kundperspektivet för att få en annan synvinkel på vad som är viktigt för bankernas relationsskapande. Även en kvalitativ studie likt denna fast med större urval för att få en ökad generaliserbarhet. / Aim: The aim with this study is to investigate how digital niche banks in Sweden use relationship marketing. Method: The study was conducted using a qualitative multiple case study with a deductive approach. The empirical data is collected through semi-structured interviews conducted via Zoom at four Swedish digital niche banks. The interviews have since been transcribed to enable a thematic analysis. Results and conclusions: The digital niche banks invest in creating a platform that is user-friendly and reliable for the existing customers, which is their main target group with relationship marketing. A digital platform that promotes the user experience and compliance with legal requirements enables the creation of trust. By updating and constantly modernizing the interface and offering new services, customers are kept engaged, which over time leads to loyalty and makes them immune to competitors. Contribution of the thesis: The thesis contributes to a greater understanding in how relationship marketing is used by digital niche banks to create trust and loyalty. Suggestions for future research: A quantitative study with the customer perspective to get a different point of view on what is important for relationship building in the banking sector. Also, a qualitative study, similar to this one, but with a larger sample to increase the generalizability.
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The Confessional Voice of The Female Poet and The Rise of Insta-PoetryGawrieh, Yara January 2019 (has links)
This essay investigates the prospect of confessionalism’s potential resurgence in contemporary poetics through female poets on Instagram and discusses its relevance and likeness to mid 20th century confessional poetry. Two case studies of highly popular Insta- poets Rupi Kaur and Alicia Cook are presented and a close reading of a few of their poems is introduced in order to investigate their adaptation of what I call an over-confessional style that addresses issues such as mental health, family, sexuality, and the perception of the female body. Kaur and Cook employ visual strategies and forms in their poetry in order to achieve an over-confessional style which is not simply individualistic but carries such larger social and public concerns. Studies of Insta-poetry are scarce due to its newness and partly due to the widespread dismissal of the genre by academics and researchers. However, because of the growing popularization of digital media and Insta-poetry as a literary mainstream more studies of the genre are needed and there has been a rising critical interest in the genre. The public nature of Instagram and the autobiographical lyric style of confession have made Insta- poetry very accessible and relatable to readers, resulting in a new relationship between the poet and the reader. I demonstrate that Kaur’s and Cook’s writing displays autobiographical, aesthetic and thematic tendencies commonly associated with confessional poetry, but also pushes the confessional mode to its limits. Apart from broader structural comparison, I attempt a literary analysis of Insta-poetry in order to provide an understanding of the social aspect and the visual strategies of Insta-poets.
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Challenges Of Work-Life-Balance During The Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic : Case study: Female professionals and their digital media practicesOkeyo, Ditte Marie Rørup January 2021 (has links)
The concept of work-life-balance has gained significant attention during the coronavirus pandemic. There are challenges in keeping solid boundaries between Danish female professionals work and private life. There have been previous studies that have demonstrated gendered roles of females that interrupt work and private life. This thesis builds on these qualitative studies. This is done by providing new insights into the challenges experienced by Danish females in balancing their work-life due to varying degrees of media dependencies when exposed to new digital practices (current pandemic). Therefore, the main research question is, “How and why do Danish female professionals experience fluid transitions between professional work and private life, with the increase of new forms of media dependencies?” The study consisted of eight semi-structured interviews with Danish female participants followed by a qualitative approach. Thoroughly employing social design in a mediatization framework, key themes in the experiences of the participants; work-life-balance, flexibility at work, virtual fatigue and self-care practices were extracted. The study also found that there are gendered roles during the coronavirus pandemic, with women shouldering a greater burden due to unpaid labour. The findings of this work provide deeper insights into the challenges females may endure during national lockdowns. It is envisioned that this work will allow for deeper reflections on the usage and consumption of digital media in keeping boundaries between work-private life. This includes Denmark and other countries. /p>
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