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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Perspectives on Digitalisation in Work Environments : A Systematic Literature Review and Thematic Synthesis in the Field of Business Administration

Stark, Max, Morina, Butrint January 2022 (has links)
Background: While the positive sides of digitalisation in work environments have been highlighted in academic research in the field of business administration, there seems to be a lack of representation regarding the negative sides. By systematically identifying, evaluating, and summarising peer-reviewed articles in the field of digitalisation in work environments, this systematic literature review and thematic synthesis, aims to provide a nuanced and applicable overview of the scope in which the potential effects of digitalisation within work-related office contexts are researched in the field of business administration. Methods: Ontology - Relativism; Epistemology - constructionism, inductive approach; Methodology - Qualitative research design, systematic literature review; Data collection - systematic 12-step guideline; Data analysis - thematic synthesis Findings: The findings uncover several patterns in the relevant literature through a summary of the content of the analysed batch in descriptive themes and synthesising patterns through the creation of analytical themes, in which perspectives of organisational as well as employed actors were analysed. The results illustrate the motivations for digital transformations for organisational actors and employees as well as their respective drawbacks. Discussion: The study suggests that digitalisation in work environments is typically portrayed positively in research within the field of business administration. There is an implicit unanimous perception among academics in business administration that depict digitalisation in work environments as desirable and portray a view where digitalisation is not questioned. As a consequence, the papers show an absence in terms of alternatives beyond the digitalisation scope through the retrieved literature batch. Conclusion: As there are clear patterns of the favourable depiction of digital technologies visible in this study, implications of a one-sided representation of digital technology are valid in the context of the analysed data. Other: The papers were subject to no external funding, meaning that the two authors covered all costs derived throughout the writing process.

Digitala verktyg som stöd i den tidiga läs-och skrivundervisningen för elever med läs-och skrivsvårigheter : En studie med utgångspunkt ur speciallärares/specialpedagogers perspektiv

Magnusson, Sandra, Löfstedt, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie presenterar speciallärares/specialpedagogers erfarenheter och kunskaper om digitala verktyg inom specialundervisningen, med fokus på elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Studiens resultat baseras på kvalitativa semistrukturerade interjuver med fem speciallärare och en specialpedagog. Studiens resultat visar att de digitala verktygen används i den dagliga specialundervisningen av elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Enligt studiens respondenter är både pedagoger och elever positivt inställda till användningen av digitala verktyg i undervisningen. De mest framträdande positiva effekterna som de digitala verktygen bidrar med är den inkluderande effekten, dess flexibilitet och förmågan att motivera elever i läs- och skrivundervisningen. De negativa aspekterna handlar om att de digitala verktygen är en bristvara på många skolor och att det råder en viss kunskapsbrist om hur man hanterar digitala verktyg och dess applikationer/program. Den typen av digitala verktyg som presenteras i studien är datorer och Ipads. Ipads framställs som det populäraste verktyget hos både pedagoger och elever tack vare dess lätthanterlighet, snabbhet och det stora utbudet av olika applikationer. Ett urval av applikationer/datorprogram som presenteras i studien är ClaroRead, Bornholmslek och Stjärnsvenska.

Verso una comunicazione sistemica nei musei archeologici : Il ruolo degli strumenti digitali : caratteristiche e modelli / Vers une communication systémique dans les musées archéologiques : Le rôle des outils numériques : caractéristiques et modèles

Campetella, Paolo 31 May 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d’étudier les processus d’intégration topologique et narrative des technologies numériques de communication au sein des expositions proposées par les musées archéologiques de site. Alors que les techniques numériques sont d’utilisation courante dans les pratiques de recherche, leurs réelles implications dans les processus communicationnels des musées archéologiques restent encore peu identifiées. Le musée de site se présente comme un contexte muséal particulier, synthèse entre exposition muséale, où il est possible d’intervenir sur l’écologie de l’espace d’exposition, et vestiges archéologiques qui sont au centre d’un processus de valorisation du patrimoine. La recherche sur le terrain s’est concentrée sur deux musées archéologiques de site : les Musées du Capitole, et tout particulièrement la Section consacrée au Temple de Jupiter Capitolin, et le Musée Archéologique de Grenoble Saint- Laurent. Prenant en considération les formes d’intégration des dispositifs de médiation par rapport à l’exposition, à l’orientation du visiteur entre la réalité archéologique et la reconstitution proposée et à l’organisation des contenus, cette recherche identifie certains éléments jugés fonctionnels c’est-à-dire servant à la création de sens de la part du visiteur au cours de son expérience de visite. Ces éléments sont mis en évidence grâce à une analyse spatiale et pragmatique des différentes sortes de dispositifs présents dans les expositions. Cela permet de comprendre l’importance de l’apport des technologies numériques dans les processus de médiation culturelle, au-delà du sens commun qui leur attribue une valeur positive sans tenir compte de leur effet réel sur le fonctionnement communicationnel du musée. La recherche met en outre en évidence certains aspects pouvant distinguer des types de stratégies de communication indépendamment des caractéristiques spécifiques des dispositifs intégrés. Cette recherche propose une définition des différents degrés d’intégration topologique et narrative des outils numériques par rapport aux autres outils de médiation culturelle utilisés au sein des expositions archéologiques. Ce modèle d’analyse peut donner aux professionnels du secteur muséal la possibilité d’évaluer la communication des musées et d’introduire, d’une façon pondérée, d’éventuelles modifications. / This research focuses on the spatial and narrative integration of information and communication technology (ICT) applications within archaeological site museums. While the use of new technologies in the archaeological research and the adoption of digital tools in museum exhibits are widely spread, their real implications in the communication processes of archaeological museums are less defined. The site museum is as a peculiar museum context where an archaeological site is communicated as the final outcome of a preservation and enhancement cultural heritage process. The research was carried out through the analysis of exhibitions in two site museums: the Capitoline Museums (Section dedicated to the Temple of Capitoline Jupiter) and the Archeological Museum of Grenoble, Saint-Laurent. The ways ICT are integrated in the exhibitions are analyzed focusing on their spatial positions, the visitor orientation both in the real archeological site and the virtual reconstructions displayed, and the organization of the content. The research aims at identifying functional elements that can enhance an active role of the visitor in meaning making. These elements are detected through spatial and pragmatic analysis of different exhibition devices. This approach allows the understanding of ICT role in cultural mediation strategies, overcoming the common sense that assigns a positive value to digital devices, regardless of their actual effects on museum communicative functions. The research also highlights some aspects that can help in identifying the application of specific communication strategies despite of the devices characteristics. This research suggests a definition of different levels of spatial and narrative integration for ICT, in relation to other cultural mediation tools used in archaeological exhibitions. This analysis model can provide museum professionals with an assessment tool for their museum communication actions.

Proverbial Language Of American Presidents (1945-2008) : A Digital Methods Approach of the Use of Proverbs in Political Discourse / Linguaggio Proverbiale dei Presidenti Americani (1945-2008) : Un Approccio con Metodi Digitali all'Uso dei Proverbi nel Discorso Politico

Koutroumpi, Eirini January 2023 (has links)
Political language's power to influence public opinion drives the present investigation into proverbs used by presidents during 1945-2008. The study’s purpose is to explore the proverbial language of American presidents, employing a digital methods approach. In addition to the predominant use of quantitative and comparative analyses, qualitative analysis is also occasionally employed. The research examines proverb frequency, patterns, and shifts in political speeches, revealing shared trends and distinctive usage of the proverbs. It also considers presidency duration and political circumstances, uncovering the presidents that favored proverbs in their discourses. Adopting computational means and tools, the study intends to cover gaps in existing research by quantifying proverb usage, focusing on the nuanced sociopolitical fabric. The research is based on vast bibliographic references including studies conducted by old paremiologists, as well as modern computational endeavors. Although the proverbs’ nature involves challenges such as metaphoricity, and existence of variants can cause difficulties in their identification by the tools, the research has been completed, answered all research questions that spanned proverb presence, evolution, and disparities among presidents' speeches, and produced interesting results. Overall, the research enhances understanding of proverbs' role in political discourse, revealing how politicians shape leadership communication through language. Due to the fact that all data was retrieved by open accessed sources, the research has not encountered any copyright issues. Some of the findings were expected, while others were unpredicted. The alternating sequence of challenges and achievements resulted in an understanding of previously raised questions as well as the need to tackle new ones.

Identità e mutamento nelle storie degli attivisti del Partito Democratico

VERGANI, MATTEO 04 March 2011 (has links)
Questa tesi presenta un’indagine sugli attivisti del Partito Democratico, condotta tra il 2009 e il 2010 nei circoli di quattro città italiane (Milano, Perugia, Roma e Napoli) attraverso etnografie e interviste biografiche. L’identità degli attivisti è studiata attraverso il metodo dello storytelling, ampiamente utilizzato negli studi dei fenomeni politici. Partendo dal presupposto teorico che ogni attivista possiede tante identità quanti sono i suoi flussi stabili di relazioni verso altri attori (individuali o collettivi), ne vengono individuati essenzialmente due: il primo verso l’interno dell’organizzazione e il secondo verso l’esterno. Nel primo caso, l’identità degli attivisti viene studiata attraverso le relazioni che essi intrattengono all’interno del partito (con leader, dirigenti e altri attivisti). Nel secondo caso, vengono analizzate le relazioni che gli attivisti intrattengono con elettori e realtà associative dei territori. Infine, si presenteranno gli aspetti dinamici delle identità degli attivisti, le scintille del mutamento che attraversano le loro storie. Il quadro generale che emerge dalla ricerca è un attivismo che viene definito, con una metafora informatica, “1.5”: un attivismo contemporaneo che sta esperendo un mutamento dalla militanza tradizionale dei partiti elettorali di massa, in una direzione che però è ancora per molti aspetti nebulosa. Un mutamento incompiuto: una rivoluzione “1.5”. / This work presents field research on the activists of the Italian Democratic Party, developed between 2009 and 2010 in four Italian cities (Milan, Perugia, Rome and Naples) through ethnographies and in-depth interviews. The identity of the activists is studied through the method of storytelling, widely used within the field of political studies. Starting from the theoretical assumption that social identities are stable steams of relations between actors, this work identifies two relevant steams for party activists: the first is toward the organization itself, and the second is toward the territory. In the first case, the identity of the activists is examined through the relationships with party leaders, managers and other activists. In the second case, it is analyzed the relation that activists maintain with the territory: voters, associations, and other political organizations. Finally, it is presented the dynamic aspect of the activists’ identities, the spark of change that run through their stories. The overall picture that emerges from the research is a “1.5 activism”: a contemporary form of activism that is experiencing a shift from traditional electoral mass parties, yet still remaining unfinished. A “1.5” revolution.


LA MARTINA, ANDREA 20 April 2020 (has links)
La presente ricerca intende affrontare due questioni tra loro interconnesse. La prima potrebbe definirsi, ormai, un esercizio ineludibile per tutti coloro che intendono confrontarsi con le categorie fondamentali del diritto del lavoro: alludiamo, quindi, alla nota questione della collocazione sistematica e, prima ancora, del modo d’essere delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente. Si tratta, infatti, di un tema che ha visto cimentarsi l’intera “accademia” del diritto del lavoro e, tuttavia, sembra adesso possibile svolgere una sintesi ragionata sulle opinioni presentate dalla dottrina, grazie alla visuale privilegiata di chi si approccia a tale esercizio “a valle” dell’intervento di interpretazione “autentica” dell’art. 15 del d.lgs. 81 del 2017 nonché dei primi pronunciamenti giurisprudenziali. Il secondo quesito che si intende affrontare è ben espresso dall’ultimo spunto ricostruttivo offerto in merito alla vicenda delle collaborazioni etero organizzate, e cioè se la nuova disciplina offra «maggiore tutele alle nuove fattispecie di lavoro che, a seguito della evoluzione e della relativa introduzione sempre più accelerata delle recenti tecnologie, si stanno sviluppando». L’art. 2 del d.lgs. 81/2015, disponendo che “si applica” la disciplina del rapporto di lavoro subordinato “anche” ai rapporti di collaborazione che si concretano in prestazioni di lavoro esclusivamente personali e continuative, a condizione che le modalità di esecuzione siano organizzate dal committente anche in relazione ai tempi ed al luogo di lavoro, è destinato ad operare nell’area assai controversa del lavoro personale continuativo prestato nell’altrui interesse. E ciò, allo scopo di mettere ordine al noto problema delle prestazioni di lavoro sulla frontiera tra subordinazione e autonomia, al quale il lavoro a progetto non aveva saputo dare una risposta adeguata. Nel presente elaborato, si procederà, anzitutto, alla ricostruzione dello summa divisio che caratterizza la nostra materia e con la quale devono, sempre, confrontarsi tutte le “nozioni” che intercettano e descrivono un modo d’essere di una prestazione di lavoro. 4 In secondo luogo, ripercorreremo, sinteticamente, le vicende del lavoro coordinato che hanno preceduto l’introduzione della figura delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente e ciò, per un duplice ordine di considerazioni: da un lato, è la formulazione della norma dell’art. 2 del d.lgs. 81 del 2015 a richiamare elementi di fattispecie delle collaborazioni “autonome” ex art. 409 c.p.c., per cui è ineludibile riferirsi al modello genetico per chiarire il significato e le divergenze della nuova disciplina; dall’altro, da un punto di vista certamente “cronologico” e, come si vedrà, anche “logico”, la disciplina delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente eredita l’ingrata funzione anti elusiva del lavoro a progetto. Allo scopo di comprendere il terreno elettivo delle collaborazioni etero organizzate, e quindi la “zona grigia”, sarà opportuno spiegare, brevemente, i mutamenti avvenuti nei paradigmi economico – produttivi che hanno contribuito allo scollamento del modo di prestare lavoro rispetto al binomio oppositivo accolto nel nostro codice civile. Allo stesso tempo, si dovrà dare conto delle diverse “stagioni della giurisprudenza” nazionale sulla subordinazione perché, in un sistema a «categorie mutualmente esclusive e complessivamente esaustive», le flessioni di un polo comportano ripercussioni complementari all’altro capo. A questo punto, si affronterà in dettaglio la prima questione del presente elaborato. Si tenterà di delineare i tratti fisionomici delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente e, conseguentemente, si analizzeranno partitamente i requisiti costitutivi della fattispecie fotografata dal primo comma dell’art. 2 del d.lgs. 81 del 2015: esclusiva personalità della prestazione; continuità ed etero-organizzazione “anche” dei tempi e del luogo della prestazione. Dopo aver qualificato il modo d’essere collaboratori etero organizzati, si potrà affrontare con maggiore consapevolezza la questione dell’inquadramento teorico, non prima però di aver svolto qualche considerazione sulla tecnica legislativa impiegata dal Legislatore. La questione dell’inquadramento teorico delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente è stata ed è tuttora al centro del dibattito segnalato in apertura, anche a seguito della prima applicazione giurisprudenziale della disposizione. 5 Conseguentemente, non si potrà fare a meno di fornire e incasellare le principali letture proposte dagli operatori del diritto, osservando come le stesse si risolvono, in ultima analisi, nella riconduzione delle collaborazioni ex art. 2 del d.lgs. 81 del 2015 ora all’area del lavoro subordinato ora a quella del lavoro autonomo. A prima vista, siffatta diatriba potrebbe sembrare prima di risvolti pratici posto che, a prescindere da qualsivoglia ricostruzione dogmatica si scelga, alle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente si applicherà, comunque, la disciplina del rapporto di lavoro subordinato come stabilito espressamente dall’art. 2, d.lgs. 81/2015. E, tuttavia, è bene sin d’ora ricordare che secondo alcuni orientamenti, di cui si darà conto, la scelta esegetica inciderebbe in ordine alla selezione delle norme dello statuto del lavoro subordinato concretamente estendibili alle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente. Una volta fornita l’interpretazione “autentica” delle collaborazioni etero organizzate e chiarito il quantum di disciplina della subordinazione che si applica a mente dell’art. 2, si potrà procedere all’indagine sulla seconda questione oggetto del presente elaborato: si metterà l’interpretazione raggiunta alla prova del mondo del lavoro digitale. Specificatamente, si analizzerà il modello operativo ed organizzativo del lavoro prestato nelle piattaforme digitali, identificandone elementi comuni e tratti differenziali sia rispetto al tradizionale lavoro “sconnesso” e sia tra le differenti ed eterogenee realtà che lo “rappresentano”. Si procederà, quindi, a verificare se le tradizionali categorie dell’autonomia e della subordinazione siano in grado di “intercettare” tale fenomeno lavorativo e di produrre un sistema di tutela soddisfacente, sperimentando altresì la nuova disposizione delle collaborazioni organizzate dal committente. Da ultimo, anticipando gli esiti deludenti della verifica sopra tratteggiata, si prenderà posizione sulle tecniche di regolazione del lavoro digitale e sulle modalità di imputazione delle tutele al prestatore di lavoro nella piattaforma. / This thesis aims to address two interrelated research questions. The first one has now become an inescapable intellectual exercise for anybody dealing with the fundamental categories of labor law. Specifically, we allude to the well-known topic of the systematic effects and, before that, of the way of being of the collaborations hetero-organized by the client introduced by art. 2, Legislative Decree n. 81/2015. Indeed, the entire "academy of labor law” has been offering multiple interpretations since the introduction of this legal category without coming to an agreed solution. However, it is now possible to carry out a final synthesis of the doctrine thanks to the privileged view of whom investigates this research question after the "authentic" interpretation provided by art. 15 of Legislative Decree 81 of 2017 and the first rulings. The second research question that we will address concerns the analysis of the provisions governing the hetero-organized work and, specifically, if this new category offers a better (or, at least, sufficient) protection on the new digital work scenarios in comparison with the traditional rights of subordinate work. Article. 2 of Legislative Decree 81/2015, by establishing that "subordinate work protective statute" also "applies" to collaborative work performed continuously and exclusively by an individual worker, providing that the methods of execution are hetero-organized by the client “also in relation to time and place of work”, will intercept the activities falling in the very controversial area of continuous personal work in the interest of a second party. By doing this, this new legal category should address the “ancestral” question of the qualification of the workers performing on the frontier between subordination and autonomy, to which the so called “project work” category had proven not to be able to give an adequate solution. Consequently, we will proceed first to a brief historical analysis of the traditional labor law categories of subordinate work and autonomy against which any new legal category has to be compared. Secondly, we will review the main stages and regulations of the work carried out under a coordinate way with the client that precede the legal category of the collaborations hetero-organized by the client for the following purposes: on the one hand, the legal words used by the art. 2 of Legislative Decree 81 of 2015 inevitably recall requirements of the “old” category of the autonomous collaborations pursuant to art. 409 c.p.c. Therefore, it is mandatory to investigate the “genetic model” to clarify the meaning of the new discipline. On the other hand, both from a "chronological" and "logical" point of view, the provisions for the collaborations hetero-organized by the client “inherit” the anti-elusive spirit and goal of the “project work”. In order to understand the targeted work performances of the hetero-organized collaborations, it will be useful to explain the changes that have taken place in the economic-productive paradigms that have contributed to the detachment of the way of working with respect to the binary system model between subordinate work and autonomy accepted in our civil code. At the same time, we will analyze and categorize the main historical stages of the Italian Jurisprudence on qualification of works since in a system of "mutually exclusive and overall exhaustive categories", the decline of a legal category generates a complementary effect on the other. At this point, the first research question will be discussed in details. We will attempt to outline the key “features” of the collaborations hetero-organized by the client and, consequently, we will analyze the requirements of the work scenario “portrayed” by the first paragraph of art. 2 of Legislative Decree 81 of 2015: an exclusively personal work; continuity and hetero-organization "also" of the time and place of the collaboration. Once identified the key features of the new category, it will be possible to challenge the research question concerning the theoretical framework where the collaborations hetero-organized by the client should fall. To address this question, we will first provide the principal interpretations proposed by the legal practitioners which, eventually, link the new category of the collaborations pursuant to art. 2 of Legislative Decree 81 of 2015 to one of the traditional binary categories of subordinate work or self-employment. At first glance, such radical opposition does not seem to yield any practical implications given that, the collaborations hetero-organized by the client will be ruled according to the provisions set for subordinate work as established expressly by the art. 2, Legislative Decree 81/2015. Nevertheless, it has to be acknowledged that according to some doctrines the theoretical framework choice affects the provisions that can be concretely extended to the collaborations hetero-organized by the client. Once provided the "authentic" interpretation of the new legal category and clarified the “quantum” of discipline of the subordination work that applies to hetero-organized works as per art. 2, it will be possible to proceed with the second research question: we will test the new category against the digital work scenario. Specifically, we will analyze the operational and organizational model of the work performed within a “digital work platform”, identifying common elements and differential traits with respect to both traditional "offline-work” and all the multiple forms in which the digital works take place. We will therefore proceed to verify if the traditional binary categories of autonomy and subordination are able to "intercept" and “qualify” this recent work phenomenon and contribute to a fair protection of digital workers. Finally, anticipating the disappointing outcomes of the above mentioned investigation, we will take a position on digital job regulation techniques thus suggesting a possible way to protect the employee in the working platforms.

Alcuni insight nel definire le strategie di marketing nel settore food & beverage / SOME INSIGHTS IN DEFINING MARKETING STRATEGIES IN THE FOOD AND BEVERAGE INDUSTRY / Some insights in defining marketing strategies in the food and beverage industry

SEPE, GIORGIA 28 March 2018 (has links)
Il presente lavoro di tesi ha l’obiettivo di approfondire la conoscenza dei diversi aspetti del marketing del food & beverage, in considerazione dei molteplici cambiamenti occorsi e derivanti non solo dalla tecnologia ma anche dalle preferenze dei consumatori. A tal proposito, la ricerca adotta una triplice prospettiva, prendendo in considerazione l’analisi degli attori fondamentali esperti delle dinamiche del settore: gli insegnanti di educazione alimentare nelle scuole italiene; i professionisti di marketing, trade marketing e vendite nei loro processi di integrazione; le startup digitali coinvolte nello sviluppo di progetti che innovano i canali e le modalità distributivi. Pertanto, ogni capitolo di questo lavoro si focalizza in modo indipendente su ognuno degli attori proposti, presentando evidenze empiriche e spunti di ricerca futuri. L’obiettivo dell’intero studio è dunque di analizzare l’evoluzione del settore food & beverage a livello empirico e di fornire degli avanzamenti dal punto di vista teorico. / This research project deepens the knowledge around many aspects of the marketing of the food and beverage industry to address the new challenges deriving from both incremental and disruptive changes and more unpredictable consumers’ preferences. The research adopts different perspectives of three fundamental actors: consumers, established firms, and new ventures. The first study examines teachers’ perceptions and feelings around nutrition education, to what extent these professional figures can affect students’ behavior and how they perceive the relationship with families. The second study focuses on the integration of marketing, trade marketing, and sales functions within established firms. The third paper analyzes digital startups, and it contributes to the entrepreneurial literature on startups development and survival and the development of dynamic capabilities. The aim of the study is twofold, both empirical and theoretical. At a more empirical level, the goal is to provide an in-depth understanding of the evolution of marketing in the changing and complex environment of the food and beverage system, regarding competition, channels and institutions and consumers. At a theoretical level, it tries to provide some explanatory propositions for each analyzed setting.

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