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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

「シャリーアの目的」論の変遷 : 信教の自由をめぐって / シャリーア ノ モクテキ ロン ノ ヘンセン : シンキョウ ノ ジユウ オ メグッテ / シャリーアの目的論の変遷 : 信教の自由をめぐって

浜本 一典, Kazunori Hamamoto 20 September 2017 (has links)
「シャリーアの目的」論は、啓示による定めのない事柄についての行為規範を導き出すための理論として10世紀に誕生したが、今日では、時代の変化に応じて柔軟にシャリーアを解釈するための理論と目されている。イスラームの伝統的な価値観と国際人権法が衝突する問題の一つに信教の自由が挙げられるが、この問題について近代以降の「シャリーアの目的」論者たちは革新的な解釈を提唱してきた。彼らによれば、クルアーンはイスラーム国家の枠内で信教の自由を保証している。しかし、イスラーム的な信教の自由と西洋的なそれは同一ではなく、前者を後者に近づけようとすれば、啓示に反する解釈が必要になる。そのような解釈を正当化するため、「シャリーアの目的」論者たちは、儀礼行為(イバーダート)に関する規範と社会行為(ムアーマラート)に関する規範を区別し、後者の可変性を主張することがある。この区別は、彼らが言うように、中世においても認められていた。だが、近代以降の「シャリーアの目的」論は、中世のものに比べ、啓示と理性の役割分担を曖昧にする傾向がある。 / The theory of maqāṣid al-sharī‘ah, born in the 10th century as a theory about how to know rules that are not explicitly given by God or the Prophet, is considered today as a theory about adapting interpretation of sharī‘ah to the needs of the times. Modern and contemporary reformers who adopt this theory have been presenting fresh interpretations with regard to freedom of religion, which is among issues about which Islamic traditional values contradict international human rights law. According to these reformers, the Qur'ān teaches that freedom of religion should be protected within the framework of an Islamic state. Yet the Islamic version of freedom of religion is not the same as its Western version, and therefore, if they try to make the former more similar to the latter, they cannot help going against the scriptural texts. They occasionally do so, maintaining that sharī‘ah's rules relating social acts (mu‘āmalāt), rather than devotional acts (‘ibādāt), are changeable. As they say, the distinction between ‘ibādāt and mu‘āmalāt has been acknowledged by Muslim jurists since the Middle Ages. In recent times, however, the theory of maqāṣid al-sharī‘ah tends to be less clear about what to do with conflicts between divine revelation and human reason than it used to. / 博士(一神教研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Monotheistic Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Concepts of Divine Action for a Theistic Approach to Psychology

Melling, Brent S. 27 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Recent years have seen increased interest in using theism (the perspective that assumes that God is currently actively in the world) as a conceptual framework for scientific inquiry. This interest has built particular momentum in psychology where several scholars have expressed that traditional naturalistic approaches limit understanding and investigation of psychology's subject matter and thus are insufficient to fully account for human phenomena. Others have previously made the case for the consideration of theism as a legitimate alternative basis for psychological theory, research, and practice. This dissertation begins with that consideration and examines what would be required to move a theistic approach to psychology forward. In other words, if God is assumed to be active in the world (including the psychological world-theism), what difference would that make for the ideas, methods, and practices of psychology? As the current activity of God is the foundational assumption of theism, clarity about what that activity would entail is especially essential for those seeking to develop a theistic approach to psychology and to describe how their discipline would be different from that perspective. Unfortunately, there is currently a lack of clear and explicitly articulated conceptions of God's actions in and for psychology. This dissertation provides a conceptual analysis of the activity of God that synthesizes disparate approaches to divine action into a tentative conceptualization or taxonomic schema. This schema organizes the scholarly literature from across several major traditions into six major heads and elucidates multiple subordinate concepts. The conceptualization serves as an orientation to important issues such as strong v weak theisms, the limitations of naturalism, and practical theistic applications for psychology. Detailed illustrations of these concepts as applied to psychological theory, research (both in the qualitative and quantitative modes), and practice further demonstrate the utility of such a conceptualization. These examples provide a specific focus on the unique contributions of a theistic perspective over and against those of naturalism.


DIEGGO FERREIRA BENTO 03 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa é uma abordagem dos aspectos históricos e teológicos da compreensão atual dos dogmas marianos, por meio de algumas representações de Maria presentes na iconografia cristã. Trata-se de um diálogo entre a arte e o pensamento dogmático mariano. Aborda sistematicamente temas sobre o desenvolvimento da mariologia, mais especificamente dos seus dogmas no decorrer dos séculos, correlacionando-os pedagógica e reflexivamente à luz da iconografia cristã. Os dogmas são essenciais na compreensão acerca da pessoa de Maria. Pela iconografia, Teologia em cores, é possível apresentar temas centrais do pensamento dogmático mariano. Este trabalho também busca mostrar a vivência dos dogmas de Maria por meio da piedade popular latino-americana e brasileira, observando a possibilidade do conhecimento que há na interação entre Teologia e Arte. / [en] This research is an approach to the historical and theological aspects of the current understanding of the Marian dogmas, through some representations of Mary present in Christian iconography. It is a dialogue between art and marian dogmatic thinking. Systematically addresses themes about the development of mariology, more specifically of the Marian dogmas during the centuries, correlating them pedagogical and reflexively in the light of Christian iconography. Dogmas are essential in understanding about the person of Mary. By iconography, color theology, it is possible to present central themes of the Marian dogmatic thinking. This work also seeks to show the experience of the dogmas of Mary through Latin American and Brazilian popular piety, trying to show the possibility of knowledge that there is in the interaction between theology and art.

Il commento di Benvenuto da Imola a Valerio Massimo. Edizione critica dell’Expositio

Dassi, Umberto 04 July 2023 (has links)
The dissertation presents an annotated critical edition of Benvento da Imola's Expositio to the first of Valerius Maximus' books, flanked by a service edition of the recollectae of Benvenuto's Bolognese course (Part II). The Introduction (Part I), in addition to explaining criteria and methods of the edition, brings order within the manuscript tradition of the Expositio and the recollecte; special attention is given to those manuscripts that seem to convey an "intermediate" redaction of the commentary, which the present work seeks to attribute to the Paduan Ludovico Buzzacarini. The long-held view that a commentary on Valerius Maximus by Giovanni Conversini exists, preserved in ms. Correr 855, is also refuted. The Observations (Part III) highlight the differences between the Expositio and the recollecte and the structural features of the commentary. Part IV updates the relationships between Benvenuto, on the one hand, and Petrarch and Boccaccio, on the other, in light of quotations and mentions of the two Corone made in the commentary on Valerius Maximus, which are more often implicit than explicit. Finally, we note the complete absence of quotations from Dante and the Commedia in the Expositio, significant of the author's desire to root his exegesis in classical antiquity. / La tesi presenta un'edizione critica commentata dell'Expositio di Benvento da Imola al primo di libro di Valerio Massimo, affiancata da un'edizione di servizio delle recollecte del corso bolognese di Benvenuto (Parte II). L'Introduzione (Parte I), oltre a spiegare criteri e metodi di edizione, mette ordine all'interno della tradizione manoscritta di Expositio e recollecte; una particolare attenzione è data a quei manoscritti che paiono trasmettere una redazione del commento “intermedia”, che il presente lavoro cerca di attribuire al padovano Ludovico Buzzacarini. Viene inoltre confutata l'opinione a lungo invalsa che esista, conservato nel ms. Correr 855, un commento a Valerio Massimo di Giovanni Conversini. Le Osservazioni (Parte III) mettono in rilievo le differenze tra l'Expositio e le recollecte e i caratteri strutturali del commento. La Parte IV aggiorna i rapporti tra Benvenuto, da una parte, e Petrarca e Boccaccio, dall'altra, alla luce di citazioni e menzioni delle due Corone fatte nel commento a Valerio Massimo, più spesso implicite che esplicite. Si rileva infine la completa assenza di citazioni di Dante e della Commedia nell'Expositio, significativo della volontà dell'autore di radicare l'esegesi nell'antichità classica.

Love of God and Love of Neighbor: Thomistic Virtue of Charity in Catherine of Siena's Dialogue

Norris, Laura Sharon January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Fishing for Fish and Fishing for Men: Fishing Imagery in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East

Yoder, Tyler R. 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Changing Shape: The Evolution of Fat Female Characters in Contemporary American Film

Pohlman, Laura E. 22 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.


GISLENE DANIELSKI 30 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa que realizamos fundamenta-se na herança espiritual-carismática de santo Aníbal Maria Di Francia e na doutrina espiritual de santa Teresa de Jesus. Aníbal Maria, através do carisma do Rogate, consagrou sua vida a Deus por meio de uma intensa vida de oração e união a Cristo expressa na caridade em prol dos mais necessitados. Fundou o Instituto das Filhas do Divino Zelo e deu o Rogate como caminho de salvação às suas religiosas e à messe que lhes é confiada. O fundador buscou iluminação para sua vida e para a vida de seu Instituto na espiritualidade carmelita. Em muitos de seus escritos aponta para os santos carmelitas como modelo de vida espiritual e apostólica. Dentre estes, damos destaque à proximidade com santa Teresa de Jesus, doutora da Igreja. Nos escritos da santa de Ávila, Aníbal encontra aspectos que impulsionam a espiritualidade e missão do Rogate. No percurso deste trabalho evidenciamos alguns destes aspectos que incidiram na vida do fundador e que hoje incidem diretamente na vida espiritual-carismática da Filha do Divino Zelo, ressignificando e iluminando o processo de conformação a Cristo dessas religiosas. Destacamos: a oração em santa Teresa, sua profunda contemplação sobre a Sagrada Humanidade de Cristo, o Matrimônio Espiritual, a caridade como reflexo do profundo trato de Amizade com o Divino Esposo, o amor à eucaristia e a Maria. Elementos que colaboram para que a Filha do Divino Zelo esteja sempre mais unida ao Divino Esposo e com Ele possa entregar a própria vida pela salvação das almas e para que a Ele se juntem sempre mais fortes amigos. / [en] The study we carry out is based on the spiritual-charismatic heritage of Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia and on the spiritual doctrine of Saint Teresa of Jesus. Hannibal, through the charism of Rogate, consecrated his life to God through an intense life of prayer and union with Christ expressed in charity for the most needy. He founded the Institute of the Daughters of Divine Zeal and offered the Rogate as a way of salvation to his sisters and to the duty that is entrusted to them. The founder sought enlightenment for his life and for the life of his Institute in Carmelite spirituality. In many of his writings, he demonstrates the Carmelite saints as a model of spiritual and apostolic life. Among these, we highlight the proximity to St. Teresa of Jesus, Doctor of the Church. In the writings of the Saint of Avila, Hannibal finds aspects that boost Rogate s spirituality and mission. In the course of this study, we highlight some of these aspects that influenced the life of the founder and which today directly affect the spiritual-charismatic life of the Daughter of Divine Zeal, redefining and illuminating the process of conformation to Christ of these nuns. We highlight: prayer aspects in Saint Teresa, her profound contemplation of the Sacred Humanity of Christ, the Spiritual Marriage, charity as a reflection of the profound treatment of Friendship with the Divine Spouse, the love for the Eucharist and Mary. All these listed elements have collaborated so that the Daughter of the Divine Zeal is always more united to the Divine Spouse and with Him can surrender his own life for the salvation of souls in order to allow potential friends to seek God.

La névrose de Thérèse de Lisieux et le salut en Jésus-Christ (1873-1887)

Marcil, Ivan 22 June 2021 (has links)
Ce mémoire se veut une approche théologique de la vie de Thérèse de Lisieux, de 1873 à 1887, sous l’angle de la sotériologie. En ces années, Thérèse manifeste une névrose importante. Toutefois, cette fragilité psychologique n’empêche pas la sainte d’avoir une intense relation spirituelle avec la personne du Christ. De lui, elle reçoit, à partir de Noël 1886, une guérison de sa névrose qui possède une signification psychologique, spirituelle et théologique. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire s’ouvre sur une herméneutique thérésienne de l’année 1887 à partir de son expérience de la miséricorde en 1895. De l’année 1887 sont dégagés ensuite des axes christologiques majeurs. Le dernier chapitre est consacré exclusivement à la question sotériologique : sur les déviations de la théologie catholique des derniers siècles en ce domaine ainsi que sur la réponse originale qu’apporte Thérèse à cette question, surtout par sa vision personnaliste de la rédemption.

Narrative reflections on charismatic discursive practices

Christodoulou, Esther 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose for this research journey was twofold: (1) to discover the power of certain discourses in the charismatic church context and (2) to challenge disrespectful discursive practices in order to co-operate respectful, ethical and caring ways of being. Seven leaders in charismatic churches committed themselves to this qualitative research project. The research process resulted in a confirmation by the participants that some charismatic discursive practices can be abusive and also to the acknowledgement that they too have at times fulfilled the role of abuser, even in unknowingly. This research journey ended in Hope. Hope for more transparency and trust between leaders and members, resulting in more respectful practices. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

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