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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interviewer effects in quantitative surveys using a door-to-door approach

Soeker, Naadir 25 February 2021 (has links)
Interviewers are a principal source of error in quantitative surveys. While surveys are often self-administered (e.g. in online surveys), it is often required to administer these face-to- face. This is the case, for example, in census surveys in low-income areas where there is little internet penetration, like that of the quality-of-life surveys presently being conducted in multiple countries through a residential door-to-door approach (Carr et al., 2018). In such situations, the social interaction between the interviewer conducting the survey and the interviewee is likely to introduce bias into the survey data collected. Interviewer effects (IE) can influence both item non-response and answer quality, i.e., participants not providing the true answer (Harling, et al., 2019). In an attempt to gain more representative data, this study conducted an exploratory analysis on the possible antecedents and consequences of interviewer effects using the Living Wage survey presently being conducted in South Africa, as the study context. To this end, I examine the systematic biasing effects associated with deploying the same group interviewers (n = 10), of the same ethnicity, age, and of equal gender distribution across five sampling areas in Cape Town in a quasi-experimental design (n = 282). This study highlighted that each interviewer is associated with a unique set of systematic bias that varies dependent on the survey item type. Sensitive items requiring respondents to disclose personal information were the most prone to bias, followed by interviewer-referencing and attitudinal items sequentially. Furthermore, this study found that gender differences in the interview had a marginal influence on the attitudes respondents are willing to share. I hope to contribute to an understanding and critical consideration of the antecedents and consequences of deploying human interviewers for collecting quantitative surveys, especially in a context where ethnic, gender and political differences are loaded in social interactions and are likely to contribute to respondents obscuring their responses.

The Relationship Between Strength, Power, and Sprint Acceleration in Division I Men’s Soccer Players

Bellon, Christopher 01 August 2016 (has links)
The purposes of this dissertation were three-fold. The first was to identify the approximate distances characterizing early-, mid-, and late-acceleration in a population of Division I men’s collegiate soccer players. The secondary purpose was to investigate the relationships between various strength-power variables and key sprint characteristics during early-, mid-, and late-acceleration in a population of Division I men’s soccer players. The final purpose of this dissertation was to compare the spatiotemporal characteristics of “strong” versus “weak” and “more powerful” versus “less powerful” Division I men’s soccer players during early-, mid-, and late- acceleration. The following are the major findings of this dissertation. The early-, mid-, and late-acceleration zones within this sport population coincide with distances of approximately 0-2.5, 2.5-6, and 6-12m, respectively. Peak power (PP) and rate of force development (RFD) at 90ms appear to be strongly related to shorter ground contact times in each of these zones, while PP and RFD at 200 and 250ms showed strong relationships with step frequency during mid-acceleration. Not surprisingly, athletes who were characterized as “strong” or demonstrated “higher power outputs” appeared to achieve greater sprint velocity by expressing higher step frequency, particularly during mid-acceleration, as well as abbreviated ground contact times across each sub-section of acceleration. These results support the importance of developing high levels of maximal strength, PP, and RFD to enhance sprint acceleration. Additionally, these findings may also be used to strategically integrate speed development and resistance training practices into the annual training plan. The amalgamation of these training variables may allow practitioners to better manage fatigue and elicit desired performance adaptations at the appropriate times of the training year.

Frågan om den samhällsnyttiga medborgaren : En analys av diskursen i utredningarna som föregick Lgy 70 och Lpf 94 / The question about the socially good citizen : An analysis of the discourse in the investigations that preceded Lgy 70 and Lpf 94

Nilsson, Jonas, Regin, Tommy January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftade till att undersöka skolpolitiken som låg till grund för Lgy 70 och Lpf 94. Specifikt fokus låg på att i utredningsmaterialet undersöka politikens styrande effekter genom att utifrån argumenten blottlägga dess människo- och kunskapssyn. Metoden som har använts var Carol Lee Bacchis What’s the problem represented to be?-approach. I uppsatsen har en analys av diskursen genomförts på det material som ligger till grund för de nämnda läroplanerna. Undersökningen har funnit att den övergripande problemtiken gällande gymnasieskolorna var att gymnasiet framställdes som omodernt och icke-anpassningsbart till samhället. Dock var det en specifik grupp elever som utgjorde problemet och som skolan var tvungen att anpassas till. Gruppen varierade mellan de olika tidsperioderna, men innefattade dem som inte klarade av skolan i dess dåvarande form. Lösningarna på den av utredningarna antagna problematiken riktades oftast mot den här gruppen och medförde att elevernas valfrihet ökades. Denna valfrihet var dock en strategi som staten använde för att styra in eleverna mot en av staten sedd ”rätt” utbildning. Den underliggande människo- och kunskapssynen i samtliga utredningar var behavioristisk. Utredningarna antog att ungdomarna till stor del påverkades av sin bakgrund och sociala klass i valet av utbildning. Slutsatser som dras är att gymnasieskolan anpassas för arbetsmarknadens behov. Utbildning anses göra ungdomarna mer kvalificerade för yrkesverksamhet. För dem som inte klarar av detta måste skolan anpassas. Således reformerades gymnasieskolan efter de lågpresterande eleverna. / The purpose of this paper was to examine the Swedish school policies that formed the basis for the curriculums Lgy 70 and Lpf 94. Specific focus was on finding the governing effects in the exanimated material by extracting its view on humans and knowledge. The method used was Carol Lee Bacchi’s What’s the problem represented to be?-approach. With this method authors conducted an analysis of the discourse in the material. The investigation of the material found that the overall problem concerning the Upper secondary school was their portrayal as outdated and non-adaptive to the society of that time. However, a group of students were represented to be the problem to which the school needed to adapt. The content of the group differed between the two time-periods (the 1960s and the 1990s), but the group included those who were not capable of managing the school of that time. The solutions to the, by the investigations assumed problem, were directed towards this group of student and resulted in an increased freedom of choice for them. This freedom of choice was however a control strategy used by the government to direct student towards a, by the government considered, “proper” education. The underlying view of humans and knowledge was a behavioural one. The exanimated investigations assumed that young people were largely influenced by their background and social class in their choice of education. In conclusion the Swedish upper secondary school were adapted to the demands of the labour market. Education was considered to make the students more qualified for their future life as workers. The school needed to adapt to those who were not capable of this.

Mouvements verticaux des marges passives d’Afrique australe depuis 130 Ma, étude couplée : stratigraphie de bassin : analyse des formes du relief / Post-rift vertical movements of the southern African passive margins since 130 Ma : a combined approach : basin analysis, landforms study

Baby, Guillaume 23 March 2017 (has links)
Le plateau sud-africain (ou Kalahari) est le plateau anorogénique le plus grand au monde. Sa très grande longueur d’onde (×1000 km) et son altitude moyenne élevée (1000-1500 m) impliquent des processus mantelliques. La cinétique et l’origine de ce relief sont mal comprises. D’un côté, les études géomorphologiques le considèrent comme un relief mis en place à la fin de l’intervalle Cénozoïque (<30 Ma). A l’inverse, les données thermochronologiques montrent deux phases de dénudation pendant l’intervalle crétacé, corrélées à des phases d’accélération du flux silicoclastique sur les marges, qui suggèrent qu’il s’agirait d’un relief plus ancien hérité du Crétacé supérieur. Peu d’études ont porté sur l’évolution du système terre-mer depuis le bassin versant en érosion aux marges en sédimentation. Ce travail de thèse repose donc sur une double approche : une analyse géomorphologique des formes du relief (surfaces d’aplanissement) à terre, basée sur leur (i) cartographie, (ii) chronologie relative, (iii) relation avec les profils d’altération et (iv) datation au moyen des placages sédimentaires et du volcanisme datés qui les fossilisent ; une analyse stratigraphique de l’intervalle post-rift des marges, basée sur l’interprétation de données de sub-surface (lignes sismiques et puits), réévaluées en âge (biostratigraphie), pour (i) identifier, dater et mesurer les déformations des marges et de leur relief amont , (ii) mesurer les flux silicoclastiques, produits de l’érosion continentale. Un calendrier et une cartographie des déformations ont été obtenus sur les marges et mis en relation avec les différentes générations de surfaces d’aplanissement étagées qui caractérisent le relief du plateau sud-africain. Au moins deux périodes de déformation ont été identifiées au Crétacé supérieur (92-70 Ma) et à l’Oligocène (30-15 Ma). L’évolution est la suivante : 100 - 70 Ma (Cénomanien à Campanien) : plateau à très grande longueur d’onde, peu élevé (0-500 m), bordé à l’est par des reliefs plus hauts et plus anciens le long des marges indiennes, qui agissent comme une ligne de partage des eaux entre l’océan Atlantique et l’océan Indien. La déformation est initiée à l’est avec une flexuration brève, à grande longueur d’onde, des marges indiennes aux alentours de ~92Ma. Cette première surrection marque un paroxysme d’érosion enregistré par la mise en place d’un delta géant sur la marge atlantique (delta de l’Orange). La déformation migre ensuite vers l’ouest avec la croissance du bourrelet marginal atlantique entre 81 et 70 Ma. Le relief acquiert sa configuration actuelle comme l’indique une diminution du flux silicoclastique sur la marge atlantique qui traduit un changement majeur du système de drainage ; 70-30 Ma (Crétacé terminal-Paléogène) : période d’apparente non déformation. Le relief est fossilisé et intensément altéré (latérites) ; 30-15 Ma (Oligocène - Miocène inférieur) : deuxième surrection du plateau sud-africain qui acquière sa topographie actuelle. La déformation semble plus importante à l’est du plateau - flexure des marges nord indiennes initiée à ~25 Ma qui alimente les grands deltas de l’océan Indien (Zambèze, Limpopo, Tugela) ; le relief est fossilisé à partir du Miocène moyen, synchrone d’une aridification majeure de l’Afrique australe. / The South African (Kalahari) Plateau is the world's largest non-orogenic plateau. It forms a large-scale topographic anomaly (×1000 km) which rises from sea level to > 1000 m. Most mechanisms proposed to explain its elevation gain imply mantle processes. The age of the uplift and the different steps of relief growth are still debated. On one hand, a Late Cretaceous uplift is supported both by thermochronological studies and sedimentary flux quantifications. On the other hand, geomorphological studies suggest a Late Cenozoic uplift scenario (<30 Ma). However few attentions were paid to the evolution of the overall geomorphic system, from the upstream erosional system to the downstream depositional system. This study is based on two different approaches : onshore, on the mapping and chronology of all the macroforms (weathering surfaces and associated alterites, pediments and pediplains, incised rivers, wave-cut platforms) dated by intersection with the few preserved sediments and the volcanics (mainly kimberlites pipes) ; offshore, on a more classical dataset of seismic lines and petroleum wells, coupled with biostratigraphic revaluations (characterization and dating of vertical movements of the margins - sediment volume measurement). The main result of this study is that the South African Plateau is an old Upper Cretaceous relief (90-70 Ma) reactivated during Oligocene (30-15 Ma) times. Its evolution can be summarized as follows : 100-70 Ma (Cenomanian to Campanian): low elevation plateau (0-500 m) with older and higher reliefs located along the Indian side, acting as a main divide between the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. First uplift occurred in the east at ~92 Ma, with a fast flexuration of the Indian margins. This initiates a paroxysm of the erosion (90-80 Ma) with the growth of a large delta along the Atlantic margin (Orange delta). Deformation migrated progressively westward and resulted on the growth of the Atlantic marginal bulge between 81 and 70 Ma. Most of the present-day relief was probably created at this time. This is supported by the decrease of the sedimentary flux which suggests a reorganisation of the interior drainage pattern ; 70-30 Ma (Uppermost Cretaceous-Paleogene): most of the relief is fossilized and weathered - relative tectonic quiescence ; 0-15 Ma (Oligocene-Early Miocene): second period of the South African Plateau uplift. Most of the deformation took place along the Indian side of the Plateau (strike flexure) feeding the Zambezi, Limpopo and Tugela deltas ; since at least Middle Miocene times, all those reliefs have been fossilized, with very low erosion rates (x1m/Ma), in response to the major aridification of southern Africa.

Modelling and Advanced Control of Fully Coupled Wave Energy Converters Subject to Constraints: the Wave-to-wire Approach

Wang, Liguo January 2017 (has links)
Ocean wave energy is a promising renewable source to contribute to supplying the world’s energy demand. The Division of Electricity at Uppsala University is developing a technology to capture energy from ocean waves with a wave energy converter (WEC) consisting of a linear permanent magnet generator and a point absorber. The linear generator is placed on sea bed and is driven directly by the floating absorber. Since March 2006, multiple wave energy converters have been deployed on the Swedish west coast outside the town of Lysekil. The technology is verified by long-term operation during at sea and satisfactory reliability of the electricity generation. This thesis focuses on developing advanced control strategies for fully coupled wave energy converters subject to constraints. A nonlinear control strategy is studied in detail for a single WEC subject to constraints under regular and irregular waves. Besides, two coordinated control strategies are developed to investigate the performance of a wave energy farm subject to constraints. The performance of the WECs using these control strategies are investigated in case studies, and optimal PTO damping coefficients are found to maximize the output power. The results show that these control strategies can significantly improve the performance of the WECs, in terms of mean power, compared to a conventional control. Besides these control strategies, a wave-to-wire simulation platform is built to study the power generation control of the WEC subject to constraints.  The wave-to-wire simulation platform allows both nonlinear and linear control force. The results show that there is a good agreement between the desired value and the actual value after advanced control.

The Influence of Reading-Writing Connections on Korean EFL College Students’ Reading Process and Reading Comprehension during a Summarization Task

Kim, Jeung Deok January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

“Equality, Development and Peace for All Women Everywhere”? : An Analysis of Sexual Violence Against Women and Concurring International Conventions Concerned with Protecting the Rights of Women

Müller, Annika Sophie January 2020 (has links)
Violence against women continues to be an issue that severely impacts women worldwide. Since the global spread of the #MeToo movement in 2017, debates regarding this issue significantly increased. Yet the precise ways in which women are impacted by violence, heavily influenced by their unique and diverse aspects of identity, are often disregarded. By focusing on two of these aspects of identity, namely gender and nationality, and comparing the circumstances of sexual violence against women in Germany, Nigeria, and South Korea, this thesis aims to showcase the diverse experiences of ‘being a woman’ and what this implies regarding the issue of sexual violence against women. With an additional analysis of four important international conventions aimed at ameliorating women’s lives (UDHR, CEDAW, DEVAW, and BPfA) regarding their acknowledgement of this diversity and guided by three theories, namely Multi-Ethnic Feminism, Feminist Postcolonialism, and Intersectionality, this thesis highlights the necessity of including everyone and their unique experiences with all kinds of discrimination to adequately tackle an issue such as sexual violence against women.

A hybrid framework for assessing the cost of road traffic crashes in South Africa

Moyana, Hlengani Jackson 02 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Tsonga and Zulu / Mitlumbo ya mifambafambo ya le magondzweni i xin’wana xa miringeto (risks) yo biha ku tlula hinkwayo ya swifambo swa le gondzweni emisaveni hinkwayo, leswi yimelaka xiphiqo lexikulu xa swohanyaswin’we-ikhonomi ngopfu-ngopfu eka matiko lama ya ha hluvukaka tanihi Afrika-Dzonga. Ku va ku nyikiwa masungulo yo tiya ya xiikhonomi eka swiboho swa mbekiso ku tirhana na ntlhontlho lowu, i swa nkoka swinene ku hlela ndhurho wa mitlumbo leyi. Mipimanyeto leyi yi tirha tanihi nxopaxopo wa swinghenisiwa swa mbuyelo wa ndhurheriwo ku endlela ku kuma mphakelo wa switirhisiwa wo tirha kahle eka ku nghenelela eka ku tirhana na mitlhontlho leyi vangiwaka hi mitlumbano ya le magondzweni. Tiko ra Afrika-Dzonga a ri nga ri ku pfuxeteni ka mahungu ya mipimanyeto ya midurho ya mitlumbano ya le magondzweni nkarhi na nkarhi, naswona leyi a yi endliwa a yi tirhisa maendlelo lamo soriwa ngopfu yo languta nkoka wa vanhu (human capital). Hikwalaho, mipimanyeto leyi nga kona a yi nga ta va leyi tshembekaka eka ku kunguhata na ku pimaniseka na mipimanyeto ya matiko man’wana. Hi le ka ku landzelela vundzhaku lebyi laha dyondzo leyi yi nga tumbuluka na ku kombisa matirhiselo ya rimba ra ntirho wo katsa (hybrid) ku kambela ndhurho wa mitlumbo ya swifambo swa le magondzweni eAfrika-Dzonga. Rimba leri ri tirhisa endlelo ro kongomisa eka nkoka wa vanhu na ku pfumela ku hakela (willingness-to-pay), eka dyondzo yi ri yin’we. Mipimanyeto ya midurho ya nkoka wa vanhu ya laveka ku va yi pfuna eka ku kunguhata leswaku yi tlakusa swinenenene swihumesiwa swa rixaka, loko hala tlhelo mipimanyeto yo pfumela ku hakela yona yi ri yona yi fanelaka swinene eka ku pfuneta minghenelelo yo tlakusa nhlayiseko wa vanhu hi ku hunguta ku vaviseka na ku fa. Endlelo ro pfumela ku hakela ri tirhisa maendlelo ya swo ka swi nga ri swa makete (contingent valuation) na ya maendlelo yo langa (preference). Khwexinere yo valanga leyi a yi ri na maendlelo yo ka ya nga ri ya swa makete na swilangiwa leswi a swi boxiwile, yi tirhisiwile hi magoza mambirhi ku sampula vaanguri va 273 eka ntirho wa swo tleketla. Eka mhaka ya endlelo ro kongomisa eka nkoka wa vanhu, mipimanyeto ya ndhurho eka xiviko xa 2016 xa Cost of Crashes in South Africa yi hundzuluxiwile hi ku katsa inifulexini, ku tirhisiwa mpimo wa 2017 wa 5.3% ku kuma mipimanyeto ya ndhurho ya 2017. Dyondzo leyi yi paluxile leswaku endlelo ro kongomisa eka nkoka wa vanhu ri kayiveta ku vona ndhurho wa mitlumbo ya le magondzweni. Dyondzo leyi yi hoxa xandla eka ntsengo wa vutivi hi ku tirhisa endlelo ro languta nkoka wa vanhu na endlelo ro pfumela ku hakela eka dyondzo yi ri yin’we ku kombisa ntirhiseko wa endlelo leri ra nkatso (hybrid)/nhlanganiso eka xiyimo xa Afrika-Dzonga. Ndzavisiso wa nkarhi lowu taka wu fanele ku engeta dyondzo leyi hi sampulu leyi humaka eka swifundzakulu hinkwaswo swa nkaye swa Afrika-Dzonga, leswaku mipimanyeto ya ndhurho yi yimela vanhu va tiko hinkwaro. / Road traffic crashes are one of the worst risks of road mobility worldwide, representing a huge socio-economic problem particularly in developing countries such as South Africa. In order to provide a sound economic basis for investment decisions to address this challenge, it is critical to assess the cost of these crashes. These estimates serve cost-benefit analysis inputs to facilitate a more efficient resources allocation for interventions to address the challenge posed by road crashes. South Africa has not been updating crash cost estimates on a regular basis, and those that were conducted used the much criticised human capital approach. Therefore, the available estimates could not be relied upon for planning purposes and comparison with the estimates of other countries. It is against this background that this study developed and illustrated the application of a hybrid framework for assessing the cost of road traffic crashes in South Africa. The framework uses the human capital approach and the willingness-to-pay approach in one study. Human capital approach cost estimates are needed to inform planning to maximize the national output, while the willingness-to-pay estimates are more suitable when the main concern is to inform interventions to increase social welfare by reducing injuries and fatalities. The willingness-to-pay approach uses the contingent valuation and the stated preference methods. A survey questionnaire with contingent valuation and stated preference questions was administered in two phases to a sample of 273 respondents within the transport industry. For the human capital approach, the cost estimates in the 2016 Cost of Crashes in South Africa report were adjusted for inflation using the 2017 rate of 5.3% to obtain 2017 cost estimates. This study revealed that the human capital approach underestimates the cost of road crashes. The study contributes to the body of knowledge by using the human capital approach and the willingness-to-pay approach in one study to illustrate the applicability of this hybrid/ combination within the South African context. Future research needs to replicate this study on a sample drawn from all nine provinces of South Africa, so that the cost estimates are representative of the country’s population. / Ukuphazamiseka komgwaqo kungenye yezingozi ezimbi kakhulu zokuhamba komgwaqo emhlabeni jikelele, ezimele inkinga enkulu yenhlalo nezomnotho ikakhulukazi emazweni asathuthuka njengeNingizimu Afrika. Ukuze unikeze isisekelo sezomnotho esizwakalayo ezinqumeni zokutshala izimali ukubhekana nale nselele, kubalulekile ukuhlola izindleko zalezi zingozi. Lezi zilinganiso zisebenza njengeziphakamiso zokuhlaziywa kwezindleko zokuhlomula ukuze kube lula ukunikezwa kwezinsiza ezenzelwe ukuxazulula inselele ebangelwa ukuphazamiseka komgwaqo. INingizimu Afrika ayizange ibuyekeze ukulinganisa izindleko zezingozi njalo, futhi lezo ezenziwa zisebenzise indlela enkulu yokugxeka ukusebenzisa abantu. Ngakho-ke, izilinganiso ezitholakalayo azikwazanga ukuthenjelwa kuzona ngezinjongo zokuhlela nokuqhathaniswa nezilinganiso zamanye amazwe. Lokhu kuphikisana nalesi sigaba ukuthi lolu cwaningo lusungulwe futhi luboniswe ukusetshenziswa kohlaka oluxubile lokuhlola izindleko zokuphazamiseka komgwaqo eNingizimu Afrika. Uhlaka lusebenzisa indlela yokusebenzisa abantu kanye nendlela yokuzimisela-ukukhokha ocwaningweni olulodwa. Ukulinganiselwa kwezindleko zokusebenzisa abantu kuyadingeka ukuze kwaziswe ukuhlela ukwandisa umkhiqizo kazwelonke, kanti ukulinganiselwa kokuzimisela-ukukhokhela kukulungele kakhulu ukwazisa ukungenelela ukwandisa inhlalakahle yomphakathi ngokunciphisa ukulimala nokubulawa kwabantu. Indlela yokuzimisela-ukukhokha isebenzisa ukuhlaziywa kwesilinganiso kanye nezindlela okukhethwa ngazo. Imibuzo yokuhlola ngokuhlaziywa kwesilinganiso kanye nemibuzo ekhethwe ngayo yenziwa ngezigaba ezimbili embonakalisweni yabaphendulile abangama-273 embonini yezokuthutha. Ngokwendlela yokusebenzisa abantu, izindleko ezilinganiselwa ku-2016 Izindleko Zokushayisana eNingizimu Afrika kubikwa ukuthi zalungiselwa ukwenyuka kwamandla emali, kusetshenziswa isilinganiso sango-2017 esingu-5.3% ukuthola izindleko zango-2017. Lolu cwaningo luveze ukuthi indlela yokusebenzisa abantu ithatha kancane izindleko zokuphazamiseka komgwaqo. Ucwaningo lunomthelela emzimbeni wolwazi ngokusebenzisa indlela yokusebenzisa abantu kanye nendlela yokuzimisela-ukukhokha ocwaningweni olulodwa ukukhombisa ukufaneleka kwalesi sivumelwano / inhlanganisela ngaphakathi komongo waseNingizimu Afrika. Ucwaningo lwesikhathi esizayo ludinga ukuphindaphinda lolu cwaningo embonakalisweni othathwe kuzo zonke izifundazwe eziyisishiyagalolunye zaseNingizimu Afrika, ukuze ukulinganiswa kwezindleko kummele abantu bezwe / Business Management / D. Phil. (Management Studies)

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