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Strategie rozvoje problémových oblastí městské části Brno - ŽideniceNovotná, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with marketing strategic development in problem areas of the municipal district Brno-Židenice. These key areas were determined based on analytical processing of outputs obtained from the questionnaire survey and SWOT analysis. The main aim of the diploma thesis is to propose concrete measures that will contribute to the future development of the municipal district Brno-Židenice. Planned development assets are proposed with regard to the competences conferred upon the Municipal city of Brno. These activities are complemented by the recommended funding options.
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Crossover / CrossoverTejnorová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation entitled CROSSOVER, between the layers of my own staging experience, on the boundaries of forms, genres and not only those, is divided into three parts. All sections are primarily based on my own theatre experience and are interlaced with numerous examples from performances and theatrically performative thinking of selected foreign ensembles. Given the subject matter, the first part primarily deals with Gob Squad and Shunt ensembles and the director Mike Leigh. In the second part, Rimini Protokoll and again Gob Squad are mentioned. The third part is dedicated mainly to the director Tim Etchells and his Forced Entertainment ensemble. My theatre experience is presented in the introductory part of this dissertation; starting with complex shows which represent a symbiosis of all components and are linked by their staging style and formerly discovered drama methods to authorial/devised projects to theatre which implements documentary and technological elements. In the first part of this dissertation, differences and subtle nuances between authorial and devised theatres are examined with focus on the specific devising creative method. The second part of the dissertation is focused on documentary and technologies. The third part consists of subtopics introduced in the previous chapters with respect to crossing boundaries between forms, genres and methodologies, which are more closely related to the phenomena of boundaries between theatre performances/events, fiction/reality, spectator/witness, actor/performer. The methods or the optics with which I work are based on the phenomenon of the mentioned areas and topics. The manner of addressing the issue can be likened to a phenomenological insight.
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Zhodnocení nauky o manželství v Gaudium et spes a v Amoris laetitia / The development of the conception of marriage in the documents of the Catholic Church with focus on Gaudium et Spes and the Synod of Bishops 2015JANOUŠEK, Petr January 2018 (has links)
This thesis concerns with the Church doctrine of marriage and family. Chapter 1 includes a small outline of the historical development since the beginning of the existence of the Church until the Second Vatican Council. Chapter 2 introduces the Second Vatican Council´s Constitution Gaudium et Spec. Chapter 3 reflects the impact of the Constitution Gaudium et Spec and the new themes in the Church doctrine about marriage. Chapter 4 summarizes the results of the Synods in 2014 and 2015 while Chapter 5 provides an analysis of the Apostolic exhortation about love in family Amoris Laeticia written by the Pope Franciscus. The aim of this work is to describe the changes in the approach of the Catholic Church to the institution of marriage.
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Arkeologers användning av utgrävningsdokumentation : en studie av användningen av forskningsdokumentation från Labraunda / Archaeologists’ use of excavation documentation : a study of the use of research documentation from LabraundaPettersson, My January 2018 (has links)
This essay deals with the use of archival excavations documents among archeologists, with the focus on the Swedish excavation in Labraunda, Turkey. The purpose with this study was to facili- tate the work at archival institutions with excavation documents, and to create more knowledge about the use of archival excavation documents. This study can also help the archival institutions to preserve and mediate this type of documentation. In addition, this study also adds more knowledge about what type of archival documentation the users prefer to use. Method that have been used are interviews, which six persons that have or are working with documentation from Labraunda. In addition with, document studies are used as a complement, where publications, based on archival document from Labraunda, written by the interviewed individuals have been studied. Con- cluding of this study is that the archeologists using archived excavation documentation needs to process the documents before any contemporary analysis can be made. Moreover, it seems that it is a patchwork between using their own and others documentation, to fill in the information gaps or find similarities. Furthermore, some of the most used document types is, according to this study, photographs and drawings of ceramics.
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Dokumenthantering inom företag / Document Management within companiesJohansson, Martin, Konstantinovic, Simon January 2015 (has links)
För många företag är hanteringen av dokument en stor del av vardagen. Dokumenten är viktiga och måste hanteras. Detta är viktigt för att säkerställa att dokument inom verksamheter är under kontroll och kan hanteras effektivt. Dokumenthantering kan utföras på olika sätt. Det finns den traditionella fysiska pappershanteringen och den digitala dokumenthanteringen som har blivit vanligt förekommande till följd av utvecklandet av effektiva digitala verktyg. Denna studie undersöker hur företag generellt hanterar dokument och hur de förhåller sig till elektronisk hantering av dokument jämfört med fysisk och varför. Om företag efterfrågar en förbättring av nuvarande dokumenthantering studeras även. Studien genomförs med djupintervjuer på olika utvalda företag. Från dessa djupintervjuer insamlas information om de utvalda företagens dokumenthantering. Informationen analyseras och jämförs. Resultatet av studien är att företagen förhåller sig positivt till digital dokumenthantering och att det är denna som används till största del. Den fysiska hanteringen föredras att behållas till en viss nivå av olika skäl. De intervjuade företagen upplever att det finns ett behov av förbättring av deras nuvarande dokumenthantering. Baserat på detta resultat ges en rekommendation för dokumenthantering på företag. / For many companies, the handling of records is a daily routine. The records are important and must be managed. It is important for ensuring that records within businesses is under control and can be managed efficiently. Records management can be done in different ways. The ways are traditional physical paper handling and the digital records management which has become more usual as a result of the development of efficient digital tools. This study investigates how companies generally are handling records and how they relate to electronic handling of records compared to physical and why. If companies request an enhancement of the current records management is investigated as well. The study is accomplished through in-depth interviews at selected companies. From these in-depth interviews, information about the selected companies records management is collected. This information is analyzed and compared. The result of the study is that the businesses relates positively to digital records management and that is what is mostly used. The physical handling of records is preferred to be kept to a certain level for various reasons. The interviewed businesses is experiencing that it exists a need of enhancing of their current records management. A recommendation for records management at companies is presented, based on the result.
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Pilotní zavádění DMS v bankovním prostředí / DMS pilot implementation in banking environmentŽáček, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of a document management system (DMS) pilot implementation in the environment of a Czech bank. The thesis is divided into three parts; the first part is theoretical and remaining two parts are practical (analytical). The theoretical part is devoted to summarization of basic theoretical knowledge in the field of DMS and in a pilot deployment of information systems. The second part describes the EMC xCP 2.1 platform and evaluates its advantages and disadvantages compared to competing products. The third part describes the technological implementation and deployment of a new DMS pilot solution in a bank. Further it analyzes and describes the follow-up activities and related projects that increase the DMS usability in a real business applications. The diploma thesis concurrently focuses on the business requirements analysis including constrains of a new solution deployment, as well as the DMS technological aspects description and the solution design. The author of this thesis has been working as an analyst in the IT company and has been in a long-term cooperation with the DMS team in the bank. The motivation for choosing this topic is to make a summary and clarification of knowledge gained on projects in the the bank and to take an advantage of it in the future cooperation.
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Zavedení elektronické podatelny ve společnosti E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o. / Implementation of electronic registry into the company E.ON Czech republicVaněk, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the processes associated with receiving and sending postal items of E.ON Czech Republic followed with the effective development of the life cycle of documents with use of the digitization and data mining. The aim is to develop the project "Electronic Registry", which can be implemented into current information systems of the company and which will contribute to the optimization of processes of the registry. To achieve this objective it was developed an extensive analysis of the current state of registry and records management system in E.ON Czech Republic. Based on analysis it was proposed a specific solution for improvement. The first part deals with the analysis of current legislative requirements and theoretical analysis of the document lifecycle, which is demonstrated on the example of E.ON Czech Republic in the second part of the thesis. In the second part there is the introduction of company E.ON Czech Republic, which is followed by description of the current state of registry and processes in relation to the rece-iving of postal items. In the analysis of the current situation there are identified issues that arise when receiving and processing postal items to the registry. To the identified problems are offered individual solutions, which are elaborated in the overall solution in the final part of the thesis. The last part is a custom suggestion of optimization of existing processes by using of digi-tizing paper documents and data mining for automatic sorting, which helps to streamline existing processes. This section describes specific solution that is introduced into the E.ON Czech Republic. The solution system provides a single place for the digitization of docu-ments received and their subsequent management.
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Vem stoppar våldet? : En tematisk analys av kommuners arbete mot våld i nära relationer / Who ends the violence? : A thematic analysis of municipalities’ work against domestic violenceJansson, Elinda, Larsson, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Enligt Socialtjänstlagen (SFS 2001:453) 5 kap § 11 hör det till socialnämndens uppgifter att se till att de som utsätts för brott och deras närstående får stöd och hjälp, behoven hos kvinnor som utsätts för våld av närstående ska särskilt beaktas. Socialtjänsten är vidare skyldig att bedriva intern och extern samverkan i arbetet mot våld i nära relationer. Emellertid saknas det i dagsläget en övergripande bild av kommunernas arbete mot våld i nära relationer. Denna studie undersöker hur ett urval av svenska kommuner organiserar arbetet mot våld i nära relationer med fokus på mönster gällande samverkan och ansvarsfördelning. Analysen baseras dels på en kategorisering av de styrdokument vilka tillgängliggjorts av de aktuella kommunerna och dels på en kvalitativ, tematisk dokumentanalys av kommunövergripande styrdokument. Studien har en hermeneutisk och abduktiv ansats vilket innebär en pendelrörelse mellan tema och helhet samt mellan teori och det empiriska materialet. Vidare har de teoretiska begreppen systemnivåer, energier och kalibrering från det systemteoretiska perspektivet samt samverkansdynamik och principiellt engagemang från det governanceteoretiska perspektivet använts vid analysen av empirin. Studiens resultat visar att kommunerna organiserar arbetet på olika nivåer: regional- och kommungemensam-, kommunövergripande- och organisationsspecifik nivå. Resultatet visar också att nationella dokument användes vid organiseringen. Resultatet tolkas som att organisationen skiljer sig mellan kommunerna, gällande såväl omfattning som innehåll och anpassningen till de lokala förutsättningarna. Resultatet visar också att kommunerna är i processen att etablera komplicerade samverkansstrukturer med såväl interna som externa aktörer, såsom polis, sjukvården, skolan, den privata sektorn, frivilligsektorn och civilsamhället. Emellertid har kommunerna kommit olika långt i arbetet kring en gemensam ansvarsfördelning och samsyn bland dessa aktörer. Avslutningsvis krävs mer forskning på ämnet för att säkrare slutsatser ska kunna dras. Studien väcker också frågor om det preventiva arbetets utbredning och effektivitet samt kommunernas uppfattning om behoven av kunskapsutveckling.
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Webová aplikace redakčního systému pro správu dokumentů / Web Application for Document Management SystemPohner, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is a development of advanced web application for. The purpose of the application is extended .docx files management including import, editing, storage and creating new documents. The development comprises analysis, setting the requirements for the application, analysis of the Java Enterprise Edition and Office Open XML standard for the .docx file format. The thesis further deals with design, implementation and testing the application.
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Role investigativní žurnalistiky v demokratické společnosti na příkladu Güntera Wallraffa / The Role of Investigative Journalism in a Democratic Society on the Example of Günter WallraffHubeňáková, Monika January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of investigative journalism in a democratic society, on the example of Günter Wallraff, a pioneer of German investigative journalists. His work and methods are controversial and questioned, so I focused on what ethical and legal obstacles his two selected works had to overcome. I chose two reports - Informationen aus dem Hinterland and Ganz unten, from the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century. Both reports were filmed with a hidden camera and were therefore not accepted by the public at first, but after the Federal Constitutional Court's decision, the hidden camera search method was just recognized if it leads to the detection of misstatements. To answer the research questions, I worked with period archival articles and secondary literature. I have connected concrete information from the articles with the knowledge from secondary literature. Reconstructing the link between the two works, the motive of the whole work was journalism as the fourth power in the state, which ensures respect for human rights and freedoms and thus contributes to the maintenance of a democratic society.
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