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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge Organisation and Contemporary Art : Cataloguing Practices in two Libraries in Sweden, Umeå universitetsbibliotek and Konstbiblioteket / Kunskapsorganisation och samtida konst : katalogiseringspraktiker på två bibliotek i Sverige, Umeå universitetsbibliotek och Konstbiblioteket

Avraam, Elsa January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis examines the cataloguing practices of two art libraries in Sweden in relation to contemporary art. The aim of this study is to show how classification systems and other forms of controlled vocabulary correspond to contemporary art and reveal the factors that influence the everyday practice of cataloguing. The qualitative methods of semi-structured interviews and an analysis of bibliographic records have been used for the purposes of this study. The study is based on domain analysis as conceived by Hjørland and Albrechtsen and some concepts and principles of Knowledge Organisation in the field of Library and Information Science. A total of three interviews of cataloguers has proved that perceptions concerning classification and subject indexing differ among cataloguers and cataloguing practices depend on local policies concerning acquisition, shelving and user perspectives, but also each library’s resources and the institutional context (academic vs museum). Through the analysis of eleven bibliographic records, no consistent pattern has been detected, in relation to indexing and classification. The libraries do not use special systems for subject analysis. The classifications provided by universal systems have been considered insufficient to express all the concepts found in documents. The use of subject headings is, therefore, important and complements the process of subject analysis. The classification systems and subject headings lists analysed include the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), the Swedish Sveriges Allmänna Biblioteksförenings Klassifikationssystem (SAB) and the Svenska ämnesord (SAO). This is a two-year master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies. / Denna masteruppsats handlar om katalogiseringspraktiker på två konstbibliotek, nämligen Umeå universitetsbibliotek och Konstbiblioteket, i relation till samtida konst. Syftet med denna studie är att visa hur samtida konst återspeglas i klassifikationssystem och andra former av kontrollerad vokabulär och ta reda på vilka faktorer påverkar katalogiseringsarbete. Metoden som har använts i studien består av halvstrukturerade intervjuer med katalogisatörer och en analys av bibliografiska poster. Studien baseras på domänanalys som har utarbetats av Hjørland och Albrechtsen samt vissa begrepp och principer från Kunskapsorganisation inom ramen för Biblioteks- och Informationsvetenskap. Analysen av tre intervjuer visade på att uppfattningar om klassifikation och ämnesordsindexering skiljer sig åt bland katalogisatörer och att katalogiseringspraktiker beror på varje biblioteks riktlinjer med avseende på förvärv, hylluppställning, användarperspektiv, bibliotekets resurser samt institutionell kontext (akademisk vs museal). Elva bibliografiska poster har analyserats och genom analysen har inga mönster i relation till ämnesordsindexering och klassificering identifierats. De undersökta bibliotek använder inte något specialsystem för klassifikation eller ämnesordsindexering. Klassifikationskoder från universella system ansågs otillräckliga för att uttrycka alla begrepp i dokumenten. Ämnesordsindexering är därför viktig och anses vara mer effektiv för ämnesanalys. Klassifikationsssystem och ämnesordlistor som har analyserats är Dewey Decimal Klassifikation (DDK), Sveriges Allmänna Biblioteksförenings Klassifikationssystem (SAB) och Svenska ämnesord (SAO). Detta är en tvåårig masteruppsats i Arkiv-, Bibliotek- och Museumstudier.

Sorting Tangles and Recognising Patterns : A Domain Analysis of Knowledge Organisation at Ravelry.com / Att reda ut härvor och känna igen mönster : En domänanalys av kunskapsorganisationen på Ravelry.com

Östbye, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Introduction: Ravelry is a website offering information and social media functions for people interested in knitting. All content is user-supplied, including thousands of searchable records of knitting patterns and yarns. The aim of this thesis is to describe the way these are organised and classified and how this relates to systems used in other contexts and to the expectations of site members regarding both presentation and search functions. Method: Based in domain analysis theory and the concept of serious leisure, the knitting community on Ravelry and its information databases were studied through content analysis of the website, a literature review of pattern and yarn presentation, and a user survey. Results and analysis: The presentation of products on the website contains the information expected within this domain. Users are generally satisfied with the information given but have come to expect more details here than from other sources. The search function enables specific searches, but is too complex for certain users and is sometimes seen as old-fashioned or hard to understand. Members express varying degrees of understanding of the website’s community base. Conclusion: Ravelry has set up a knowledge organisation system and presentation pages that meet its members’ expectations in terms of information content. The search function and layout is not as popular, but efficient for many respondents. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science. / Inledning: Ravelry är en webbplats med information och sociala mediefunktioner för stickintresserade. Allt innehåll kommer från användarna, inklusive beskrivningar av tusentals sökbara stickmönster och garner. Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur dessa organiseras och klassificeras i förhållande till system som används i andra sammanhang och till medlemmarnas förväntningar. Metod: Utifrån domänanalysteori och begreppet ”serious leisure” undersöktes Ravelrys medlemmar och databaser genom innehållsanalys av webbplatsen, en litteraturstudie av mönster- och garnpresentation samt en användarenkät. Resultat och analys: Presentationen av produkter innehåller den information som förväntas inom domänen. Användarna är generellt sett nöjda med informationen som presenteras. Sökfunktionen möjliggör specificerade sökningar, men är för komplex för vissa användare och kan ses som gammaldags och svår att förstå. Medlemmarna uttrycker olika grader av förståelse för att allt material kommer från användarna. Slutsats: Ravelrys kunskapsorganisation och presentationssidor möter medlemmarnas förväntningar. Söksystemet och dess layout är inte lika populära, men effektivt för många respondenter.

Kiš, Kish or Kiški? : A Bibliometrics study of the domain Assyriology / Kiš, Kish eller Kiški? : En bibliometrisk studie av domänen assyriologi

Larsson, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine how the domain Assyriology can be analyzed with bibliometrics. It uses the domain analytic perspective by Birger Hjørland and Hanne Albrechtsen. The metadata was collected through the Web of Science and the dataset covers the years 2016-2020 from the journals Akkadica, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Ancient Near Eastern studies, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions and Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie. The domain was studied by analyzing citations, the documents, languages, place of publication, the age of references and the authors by visualizing patterns in figures and tables. Co-authorship analysis was used to display collaboration between countries. The content was analyzed with co-citation analysis of references and co-word analysis of title words to visualize the knowledge structures within the domain. The study found that Co-word analysis did give a general idea of different knowledge patterns but there were few clear structures. The co-citation analysis was found to reveal more clear structures though the references had a low citation rate and so might not be representative of the whole domain. It was found to be effective to use tables and figures to visualize certain aspects and patterns within the domain. In conclusion, bibliometrics was found to be effective to gain knowledge about the domain Assyriology. This is a two years master's thesis in Library and Information Science. / Den här uppsatsen ämnar att analysera hur domänen assyriologi kan analyseras med hjälp av bibliometri. Uppsatsen använder ett domänanalytiskt perspektiv av Birger Hjørland and Hanne Albrechtsen. Metadatan har samlats in från Web of Science och datasetet består material från tidsperioden 2016-2020 från tidskrifterna AkkAncient Near Eastern studies, adica, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions and Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie. Domänen studerades genom att analysera citeringar, materialet, språken, vart materialet publicerades, åldern på referenserna och författarna genom att visualisera mönster i figurer och tabeller. Forskningssamarbeten analyserades för att visa samarbeten mellan länder. Innehållet analyserades med en cociteringsanalys av referenser och en cowordanalys av titelord för att visualisera kognitiva strukturer inom domänen. Studien fann att cowordanalys gav en generell bild av olika kongnitiva strukturer men det fanns få tydliga strukturer. Cociteringsanalysen hittade fler tydliga strukturer men referenserna hade få citeringar och det är därmed möjligt att det inte representerar hela domänen. Det var effektivt att använda sig av tabeller och figurer för att visualisera olika aspekter inom domänen. Sammansfattningsvis, bibliometri var användart för att få nya kunskaper om domänen assyriologi.

Domänspecifik kompetens : Vad författargivna nyckelord bidrar med i ämnesindexering av resurser i litteraturvetenskap / Domain specific competence : The contribution of author-assigned keywords to indexing of dissertations in literature

Vahlne, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to contribute to knowledge of what author-assigned keywords add to the indexing of Swedish dissertations in literature. This study had two research questions: 1) What types of keywords do the authors choose? 2) How do the author-assigned keywords compare to the cataloger-assigned subject headings from the controlled vocabulary Svenska Ämnesord (SAO) regarding types of terms, exhaustivity and specificity? Theoretical perspectives for this study come from Domain analysis which is a core paradigm within the research area Knowledge Organization (see e.g. Smiraglia 2015). Within Domain analysis the focus for indexing is the domain, and it is the needs of the domain that shall direct the indexing practice. The dataset of the study contained 34 dissertations in literature published in the Swedish university repository DiVA between 2012 and 2022, that had both author-assigned keywords in Swedish and were assigned sao-subject headings in the Swedish national catalogue Libris. In total 431 author keywords and 195 sao-subject headings were analysed using a modified version of thematic analysis as described by Braun & Clark (2006). The results reveal that the author-assigned keywords show more themes than the subject headings, and indicates higher exhaustivity and specificity. For example, one main theme for the keywords were discipline-related terms, that were often connected to theory/methodology for the dissertations, but the subject headings were lacking this as a main theme. Also names of philosophers and theorists formed a theme for the keywords, but the subject headings did not have this theme. Furthermore the findings show that the subject headings tended to be more general in character than the keywords. From the point of view of Domain analysis it is problematic if the indexing used in the university library databases does not meet the needs of the academic domains. Therefore it is argued in this thesis that either the author-assigned keywords should be better utilised within the national catalogue Libris, or that the policy for professional indexing should be adjusted to better meet the needs of the academic domains.

Enhet eller mångfald? : En dekonstruktion av samernas biblioteks bibliotekskatalog / Unity or Diversity? : A Deconstruction of the Saami Library Catalogue

Holmquist, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
Introduction. This thesis is set in the field of critical knowledge organization and indigenous knowledge organi- zation. Building on the theory of domain analysis I chose the Saami Library in Sweden as the domain for this thesis. The purpose was to identify the structures of power affecting how the lives and experiences of the Saami people are represented in the library catalogue and in the classification systems used, and to examine the views on knowledge expressed in the classification systems. Theory and method. This thesis builds upon the writings on deconstruction. I seek to deconstruct the cata- logue and the classification system using tools derived from the writings of Jacques Derrida. Analysis. Nine posts from the catalogue, and the classification codes entered there were analysed. Emphasis was put on analysing the DDC classification as this is the primary classification system used. Results. From analysing the classifications and the catalogue posts I found that the representations of the Saami experiences varied depending on which subject class the book belonged to. A majority of the posts analysed were classified as social sciences in DDC whereas the classifications were more varied in the Swedish SAB- system. Conclusion. Two structures have been identified. The first structure places the Saami experiences as some- thing that is other, in relation to which the mainstream is defined. The second structure places the Saami experi- ences as part of a diversity, separate from the unity of the mainstream society. This structure only acknowledges the existence of diversity if this means that the position of the unity is strengthened. Concerning the second purpose of the thesis I find that a western knowledge perspective has got a hegemonic position in the DDC, which means that other knowledge systems such as indigenous knowledge is not seen as such but as something only related to a specific group. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

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