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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur många ska vi tappa? : En kvantitativ studie om varför unga flickor slutar med organiseradfotboll

Arthursson Höglund, Jonathan, Sundström, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Över 80 % av alla barn och ungdomar har någon gång varit aktiva i enidrottsförening men i 20-årsåldern är bara hälften kvar. Flickors drop outinom fotboll tenderar till att vara högre än vad det är för pojkar. I förlängningen lederdet till att ungdomslag får lägga ned då lagidrotter som fotboll kräver ett visst antalspelare för att kunna bedrivas. Organiserad idrott bidrar, specifikt för flickor, till en merpositiv framtidssyn och idrottande ungdomar har också visat sig hantera motgångar påett bättre sätt än de som inte idrottar. Syftet är att undersöka vilka orsaker som ökar risken för drop out från organiseradfotboll för flickor i åldern 10-17 år. Metod: Datainsamlingen bygger på enkätdata och för att besvara frågeställningarnaanalyserades svaren kvantitativt. Det stratifierade urvalet bestod av 275 flickfotbollsspelare från fotbollsklubbar i Sverige deltog. Resultat: Huvudfynden i studien är att det finns en skillnad i drop outs när det gällerålder då det är tydligt att äldre slutar i högre grad än yngre. Av de spelare som harmindre än 10 minuters resa till träning slutar 11,4% att spela, medan de som har 10minuter eller längre slutar 30,9%, alltså att om en spelare behöver resa 10 minuter ellerför att ta sig till träning så ökar risken för att spelaren slutar. Det är en större risk att enspelare slutar med fotboll om denne endast utövar fotboll. Det vill säga att om enspelare utövar minst en annan idrott så är det en mindre risk att individen slutar medfotboll. De spelare som har skattat lägre på skalan support slutar i högre grad att spela,medan de spelare som skattat högre är mer benägna med fortsatt utövande. Slutsats: Sammantaget verkar den här undersökningen visa att då det finns en konflikthos en aktiv så främjar det drop out. Konflikten kan gälla tidsåtgång, svårighet att kunna ta sig till och från träning eller huruvida vems ambition som ska styra antalet träningstimmar i veckan. Bristen på flexibilitet kan med stor sannolikhet vara en bidragande faktor till drop out. Nyckelord: Drop out, drop outs, Flickfotboll, Fotboll. Ungdomsidrott.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Perspectives on Community College Stop-Outs

Beccaris - Pescatore, Jill, 0000-0002-9402-9124 05 1900 (has links)
The student retention behavior of stopping-out is widely misunderstood and yet very important in explaining community college student enrollment patterns. Stopping-out remains understudied in higher education literature as it is challenging to collect data from students who discontinued their enrollment. Since these students are not retained, they may be categorized as dropping-out within institutional data. The behavior of students who temporarily discontinue their enrollment and intend to re-enroll in the future is characterized as stopping-out. A clear distinction between stopping-out and dropping-out is vital to understanding the characteristics of students who stop-out and the student-level, institutional, and economic factors that influence their decision to discontinue their enrollment. By identifying the characteristics of these students and the factors that lead them to stopping-out, this study provides a foundation for shifting resources to programs that specifically target students who stop-out. Previous retention studies primarily utilized quantitative designs, lacking a student perspective. This mixed-method study, informed by rational choice and prospect theory, analyzed quantitative and qualitative data collected through a fall 2023 student survey administered in partnership with the community college research site. Quantitative analysis revealed that stop-out students at the community college are disproportionately Black, African-American, or Hispanic, of non-traditional age, and Pell Grant eligible. The students who stopped-out for economic reasons were most likely to be part-time enrolled and full-time employed and were more likely than students who stopped out due to institutional factors to discontinue enrollment due to COVID-19. The qualitative analysis of student responses to open-ended survey questions revealed the following themes, which described the factors influencing students' stop-out decisions. These were academic goal attainment, dual enrollment, institutional policies and academics, economic or life events, and ongoing student identity. The qualitative findings corroborated the quantitative findings that economic factors predominantly drive stopping-out decisions and stop-out students still identify as college students. The qualitative findings also confirmed that a number of students included in the stop-out survey did not stop-out. The students who reached their academic goals and dual enrollment students discontinued their enrollment because they met their academic goals. In order to analyze the students who stopped-out, these students were categorized as not-stopped-out for data analysis. The categorization allowed for the focus to be on students most closely aligned with the definition of stopped-out at the research site. My research contributes to the existing literature by including the experiences of stop-out students through their perspective. The research results provide a foundation for community college administrators and policymakers to advocate for reallocating resources toward programs supporting the retention of this unique group. Since the research revealed that many students who stop-out still self-identify as college students, there is an opportunity to provide a pathway to re-enrollment. College leaders can create an environment that lowers the economic barriers driving these students out of the classroom, thereby increasing the student success initiatives associated with community college missions. / Educational Administration

Varför slutar svenska ungdomsfäktare att tävla? : En kvalitativ studie om före detta fäktares upplevelser / Why do Swedish youth fencers drop out from competing? : A qualitative study of former fencers experiences

Lewin, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med detta arbete var att ur före detta tävlings-fäktares perspektiv undersöka orsakerna bakom de omfattande avhopp som sker i övergången mellan ungdoms- och seniorklass i svensk fäktning, samt vad föreningar och förbund kunnat göra för att motverka dessa avhopp. Studien syftar även till att undersöka vilka åtgärder föreningar och förbund kan göra för att främja återupptagandet av tävlande enligt före detta tävlings-fäktare. Vilka orsaker ser före detta värj-fäktande ungdomar till varför de slutade tävla? Vilka åtgärder kunde föreningar och förbund vidtagit enligt före detta värjfäktare för att förhindra deras avhopp ifrån tävlande som ungdomar? Vilka åtgärder kan enligt före detta värjfäktare föreningar och förbund vidta för att främja återupptagande av tävlande? Metod Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är motivationsteorin self-determination theory (SDT) och är genomförd med en kvalitativ ansats. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med före detta fäktare. Intervjuerna har analyserats med tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultat Respondenterna upplevde ett kompetensbekräftande genom tävlandet samt en stark känsla av tillhörighet och när dessa faktorer försvann eller minskade i omfattning ledde det till avhopp. Vidare framkom att avhoppen hade kunnat förhindrats. Därutöver framkom att fäktarna kan ställa sig positiva till att återuppta tävlandet som motionärer ifall det skulle finnas en attraktiv breddverksamhet vad gäller både tävlingar och träningar. I ett återupptagande av tävlandet hade det sociala sammanhanget varit högt prioriterat men också möjligheten att få mäta sig mot fäktare på liknande nivå som de själva i anpassade tävlingsformer. Slutsats Det fanns ett starkt samband mellan avhoppen och att de psykologiska behoven upphörde att uppfyllas av deltagande i sporten. Svensk fäktning kunde under ungdomsåren starkt uppfylla behoven kopplade till att känna samhörighet och kompetens och även i viss mån autonomi men misslyckades med att tillgodogöra de grundläggande psykologiska behoven när fäktarna blev äldre. Vidare visar detta vikten av att föreningar och förbund arbetar aktivt med att tillgodose de grundläggande psykologiska behoven för motivation ifall avhoppen ska minskas och för att främja till återupptagandet av tävlande. / Aim The aim of this study was to investigate, from the perspective of former competitive fencers, the reasons behind the high level of drop outs that occur in the transition between youth and senior levels in Sweden, as well as what clubs and federations could have done to counteract these drop outs. The study also aimed to investigate what measures clubs and federations can take to promote the resumption of competing according to former competitive fencers. - What reasons do former épée fencing youths give as why they stopped competing? - According to former épée fencers, what measures could clubs and federations have taken to prevent youth drop out? - According to former épée fencers, what measures can clubs and federations take to promote the resumption of competing? Method The study's theoretical framework was the self-determination theory (SDT) and the research body was qualitative. Six semi-structured interviews have been conducted with former fencers. The interviews have been analyzed using thematic content analysis. Results The results showed that the former fencers had experienced a confirmation of competence through competitions, as well as a strong sense of belonging to their teammates and friends in the sport. When these factors disappeared or decreased, it led to drop outs. It also emerged that these drop outs could have been prevented. In addition, it emerged that the fencers are positive about resuming competition recreationally if there is an wide range of activities in terms of both competitions and training targeted at recreational fencers. For the resumption of competing, social context has been identified as a high priority. Another high priority is the opportunity to compete against fencers of a similar level to themselves in adapted forms of competition. Conclusions There was a strong correlation between the drop out of youth fencers and their psychological needs not being fulfilled in the sport. During childhood of the respondents, participation in fencing strongly fulfilled the need for a sense of belonging and feeling of competence, and to a certain extent autonomy. Fencing in Sweden however failed to provide this as the fencers got older. Furthermore, if drop outs are to be reduced and the competing is to be resumed, the study demonstrates the importance of clubs and confederations working actively to meet the psychological needs of the athletes.

Att hoppa av; plugga annat eller flytta. : En beskrivande studie av avhoppade studenter på fem samhällsvetenskapliga program vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet / To drop-out; study other subjects or move away. : A descriptive study of student drop-outs from five programs within social science at Luleå University of Technology

Karlsson, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
I denna uppsats försöker jag att fylla ett tomrum inom forskningen om studenter som väljer att hoppa sina programutbildningar inom samhällsvetenskapliga program riktade mot en kandidatexamen. Syftet med detta arbete är att presentera en bild av avhoppade studenter inom kandidatprogram, och därmed utgöra en beskrivande studie för fortsatt forskning och fördjupning inom området. Jag har samlat in och analyserat statistik om avhoppade studenter från fem samhällsvetenskapliga program vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Med hjälp av statistisk analys ger jag en detaljerad bild av studenterna som väljer att hoppa av sin samhällsvetenskapliga universitetsutbildning. Resultaten visar på en skillnad mellan könen, där männen generellt är underrepresenterade inom de flesta program men har samtidigt högst sannolikhet att lämna programmen. För båda könen är det inte ovanligt att de fortsätter studera ett annat program eller kurser vid samma universitet efter att de har hoppat av. Denna sannolikhet ökar ännu mer ifall de ursprungligen kommer från närliggande orter till universitetet. För avhoppade studenterna som kommer från andra delar av Sverige råder det omvända förhållandet, om dessa individer fortsätter att studera sker det oftast vid ett annat universitet eller högskola. Med de tillgängliga data som använts går det dock ej utläsa ifall de avhoppade studenterna väljer att studera liknande program eller kurser vid nya utbildningsorter. Det finns även en skillnad mellan könen när man gör en åldersindelning, där äldre kvinnor oftare forsätter att studera än män. Jag diskuterar mina resultat med hjälp av etablerad forskning inom utbildningssociologi, där man studerat hur kulturellt kapital, habitus, könsskillnader påverkar engagemang gentemot skolan och hur väl man lyckas prestera inom skolväsendet. Genom att koppla resultaten mot teorier inom utbildningssociologi kan detta arbete vara en utgångspunkt för att utveckla nya frågeställningar och hypoteser om avhoppade kandidatprogram studenter. Och därmed bidra till fortsatt forskning inom området. / In this paper I try to fill a gap in the studies of students who drop out of higher education in Sweden. The gap consists of students who choose to drop out of educational programs aimed towards bachelor degrees in the social sciences. The aim of this study is to present the reader with a picture of students who drops out of bachelor programs and by doing so I hope to provide a stepping stone for further research in this area. I collect and analyze statistical data on drop outs from five programs at the University of Technology in Luleå. With this I provide detailed presentation using statistical analysis of the students who choose to drop out of higher education in the social sciences. The analyzed data shows a discrepancy between the genders, where even though men are typically underrepresented at the programs at a whole, they are still the most likely to leave the programs. But even when they drop out of a program there is a high probability that they continue to study at the same university, this is true for both gender but slightly more so for women. This also increases greatly if you are from the surrounding area of the university to begin with. For students who drop out and originated from other parts of the country, they are more likely to continue their studies at a different university. With the current data available in this study, there is no way to know what type of programs or courses they choose to study at their new choice of university. There is also a difference between the genders when accounting for age, where older women have a slightly higher tendency to continue to study after they drop out.  I discuss my results with established research in the field of sociology of education, on how culture capital, habitus, and differences in gender effect how students engage and perform in education. By using theories of sociology of education, this study can be used to further develop research questions and explore new premises within the subject area.


AKTAS, KORAY 26 January 2017 (has links)
Questa tesi è una raccolta di due capitoli che indagano due temi distinti di ricerca in economia del lavoro e dell'istruzione. Nel primo capitolo, si studiano gli effetti causali di una nuova politica di ammissione selettiva introdotta presso il Dipartimento di Economia di una importante università private situata nel nord d'Italia. Si trovano significativi miglioramenti nei risultati accademici degli studenti del primo anno che sono esposti alla nuova politica di ammissione in termini di una riduzione del tasso di abbandono scolastico e di un aumento dei crediti compiuti. Nel secondo capitolo di questa tesi, da un'altra parte, si fornisce un'evidenza recente sulla struttura dinamica e di autocovarianza del reddito di lavoro maschile italiano e si caratterizzano gli shock sul reddito del lavoro per tutto il ciclo di vita sfruttando dei dati amministrativa di grande scala provenienti dagli archivi dell'INPS. Osserviamo un aumento sostanziale della varianza del reddito degli individui di età compresa tra 50 e 60 anni. Tali risultati suggeriscono che questo aumento della varianza è guidato dall'aumento della varianza sia del componente transitorio che permanente della disuguaglianza di reddito. Tuttavia, l'accelerazione per gli individui sopra i 50 anni è causato dalla fluttuazione della varianza dei shock transitori. / This thesis is a collection of two chapters that investigate two different research topics in labor and education economics. In the first chapter, we study the causal effects of a new selective admission policy introduced in the Department of Economics at a leading private university located in the North of Italy. We find significant improvements in the academic outcomes of first year students who are exposed to this new admission policy in terms of reduction in the drop-out rate and increase in the average credits. In the second chapter of this thesis, on the other hand, we provide up-to-date evidence on the dynamic and autocovariance structures of Italian males' labor income and characterize labor income shocks over the life-cycle by exploiting a large-scale administrative data from the archives of Italian Social Security Administration (INPS). We observe a substantial increase in the variance of log-incomes of individuals between the ages of 50 and 60. Our results suggest that the latter increase in the variance is driven by the increases in the variances of both transitory and permanent components of income inequality. However, the accelerating pattern after age 50 is caused by the fluctuations in the variance of transitory shocks.

國中補校學生中輟原因及其因應策略之研究 / A Study on the Causes of Drop - out and the Corresponding Tactics of Students in the Middle School

蔡朝來 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中補校學生中輟的原因及其有關之變項;並對中輟原因的因應策略進行相關之研究。研究的方法採用文獻探討及問卷調查。研究的範圍為100至102學年度間,曾就讀補校且仍未復學之中輟生,由新北市境內辦理國中補習教育的30所國中,擇17所國中補效實施問卷。將實際收集的有效資料與以分析,得到下列幾項重要的發現及結論; 一、影響國中補校學生中輟的原因多元且複雜,以工作、家庭、自我能力認同、生理、心理及學校等因素居多。 二、國中補校學生中輟最主要原因,乃是工作及家庭因素。 三、學校因素在國中補校學生中輟原因中,在各因素之後。 四、不同個人背景變項之國中補校中輟生,其中輟原因與性別、年齡、婚姻及居住地區有關。 五、因應國中補校學生中輟生的策略,改善教師教學應被視為最重要且須立即進行之因應策略,並輔以加強學生輔導,改善環境與設備,調整課程與內容等策略。 六、在國中補校學生中輟的因應策略上,教師及學生的看法頗為一致。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the cause of dropouts among junior high school extention school (JHSES) students, their related variables and the coping strategies to such dropouts. Methology of research document analysis and questionnaires were performed in the 100-102 school year. Among 30 JHSES in New Taipei City, 17 enrolled in the questionnaire. Following important conclusions were obtained from data collected: 1. Factors influencing JHSES student dropout are diverse and complex, involving work, family, self-identity, physical, psychological and school, among others. 2. Most important factor of JHSES dropout is work and family. 3. School is least influential in the JHSES dropout. 4. JHSES dropout with different personal background is most effected by gender, age, marital status and residential areas. 5. Improvement of teacher instruction should be regarded as most important and immediate strategy, supplemented by strengthening student counseling, improving environment and equipment, adjusting curriculum content, etc. 6. Teacher and student views are consistent in the strategies to improve dropout in JHSES.

Les relations avec les enseignants, la motivation à apprendre et le désir de décrocher : analyse contrastée en fonction du milieu socioéconomique

Bergeron, Julie January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Předčasné ukončení ústavní léčby u pacientů se závislostí na návykových látkách / Drop-out of patients with substance dependence from in-patient treatment

Fiala, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Drop out for clients with addiction has an adverse effect on their abstinence - the probability of relapse is very high (Kalina, 2003). By contrast, treatment completion is associated with abstinence, lower criminal activity, fewer relapses and a higher employment rate (Brorson et al., 2013). For effective addiction treatment is crucial to minimize the number of drop outs. Risk factors appear not only on the client side, but also on the side of the service. The study focused on clients who planned to drop out, but at last they decided to stay. Anamnestic data and interviews with clients helped to identify common client traits and answer the questions about the client thinking process during the crisis, what they emphasize, how they evaluate their decision not to drop out and what motivational influences they identify. Frequent common traits of clients who overcame drop out tendencies were a higher age (90 %), criminal record (74 %), contact with psychiatry (84 %) and repeated addiction treatment (74 %). Interpersonal conflicts with staff and clients (50 %) and craving (22 %) were the most frequent reasons to drop out. Nearly 2/3 of clients appreciated the improved mental and physical health. The support from the others was the main reason for retention in treatment (31 % from relatives, 26 % from...

La dynamique des interactions au coeur d'un dispositif de formation à distance, vu comme un système complexe de communication : focus sur les représentations et les communications des acteurs / Core interaction dynamics in a distance learning organisation considered as a complex communication system : focusing on actors' representations ans communication

Réné, Lydie 17 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose de montrer comment les interactions vont influer sur le système complexe de communication d'une formation à distance, et en dévoiler les limites. L'objectif général est de montrer que, dans ce système, il est possible d'expliquer l'abandon par les pertes de prises qui se dessinent dans la dynamique entre les représentations et les communications des acteurs, et que certaines limites du système favorisent ces pertes de prise. La finalité de cette thèse est de cerner ces limites pour définir une catégorie d'abandon communicationnel. Cette recherche qualitative s'appuie sur la théorie de la communication pragmatique de Palo Alto, pour analyser les interactions entre les acteurs, et sur la théorie des représentations sociales, pour traduire en images l'évolution des représentations sur une année. Le concept de « prise » relie la situation communicationnelle à l'abandon. Il permet de confronter les repères communs aux acteurs et leurs perceptions personnelles des situations vécues, pour rendre compte de leur moyen d'agir et de s'engager. / The purpose of this thesis is to show how interactions can influence a complex system of distance training communication, and reveal its limits. The main aim is to show that dropping out can be explained by loss of grips from the representations and communication dynamics of involved actors, and how some limits of the system favor this loss of grips. The end purpose of this thesis is to number these limits by defining a category of communicational drop out. This qualitative research is based on the Palo Alto theory of pragmatic communication, to analyze interactions between actors, as well as the theory of social representations by translating the evolution of representations into images, over one year. The concept of “grip” creates a link between communicational events and dropping out. It confronts actors' shared landmarks with their personal perception of lived events, which in turn, accounts for their level of commitment and action.

Drop out inom svensk ridsport : En studie om faktorerna om varför man väljer att sluta med ridsport / Drop out in equestrian sports : A study on the factors why actives in equestrian sports choose to quit

Persson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Vad är det som gör att vissa väljer att sluta med en idrott? Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad som påverkar valet att sluta med ridsport i Sverige och om dessa faktorer skiljer sig något beroende på utövandenivå. Jag har också kollat vid vilken ålder det är vanligast med drop out inom ridningen och hur många som valt att återuppta idrotten igen. Uppsatsen är av kvantitativ karaktär och datainsamling gjort med hjälp av en enkätundersökning, där n=47 respondenter deltagit i undersökningen med olika åldrar och bakgrunder. Enkäten innehöll bakgrundsfrågor och ett frågeformulär som belyser åtta olika faktorer som kan ha betydelse för valet att sluta (Questionnaire of Reasonsfor Attrition, (Gould et.al.1982)). Dataanalysen utfördes med statistikprogrammet SPSS och uträkningar är gjorda utifrån medelvärden, typvärde, variation och t-test. Resultatet visade att de vanligaste orsakerna för drop out inom ridport är för höga kostnader, att det tar för mycket tid och att man hittar andra intressen som är roligare för gruppen som helhet. De som hade en bakgrund som tävlingsaktiv kände dock att de största anledningarna var brist på utveckling och framgång samt att det blev för stressigt/ansträngande att hålla på med. De som inte tävlade tyckte att bristande intresse och mindre socialt stöd var de främsta orsakerna. / What makes some choose to drop out of a sport? The purpose of this paper is to investigate what influences the choice to end participation in equestrian sports in Sweden and if these factors differ depending on the level of practice. I have also checked at what age it's most common with drop out in the equestrian sports and how many people have chosen to resume it again after a break. The essay is quantitative and data collection was done by a survey, where n = 47 respondents participated in different ages and backgrounds. The survey contained background questions and a questionnaire (Questionnaire of Reasons for Attrition, Gould et.al(1982) ) highlighting eight different factors that may affect the choice to end. Data analysis performed the SPSS statistics program and calculations were based on mean values, mode, variation and t-test. The result showed that the most common causes of drop out in equestrian are too high costs, it takes too much time and other interests are more fun for the group as a whole. Those who had a background as competitive activists knew, however, that the biggest reasons were lack of development and success, and that it was too stressful / strenuous to keep up with. Those who did not compete thought that lack of interest and less social support were the main reasons.

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