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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatic Parallelization of Equation-Based Simulation Programs

Aronsson, Peter January 2006 (has links)
Modern equation-based object-oriented modeling languages which have emerged during the past decades make it easier to build models of large and complex systems. The increasing size and complexity of modeled systems requires high performance execution of the simulation code derived from such models. More efficient compilation and code optimization techniques can help to some extent. However, a number of heavy-duty simulation applications require the use of high performance parallel computers in order to obtain acceptable execution times. Unfortunately, the possible additional performance offered by parallel computer architectures requires the simulation program to be expressed in a way that makes the potential parallelism accessible to the parallel computer. Manual parallelization of computer programs is generally a tedious and error prone process. Therefore, it would be very attractive to achieve automatic parallelization of simulation programs. This thesis presents solutions to the research problem of finding practically usable methods for automatic parallelization of simulation codes produced from models in typical equationbased object-oriented languages. The methods have been implemented in a tool to automatically translate models in the Modelica modeling language to parallel codes which can be efficiently executed on parallel computers. The tool has been evaluated on several application models. The research problem includes the problem of how to extract a sufficient amount of parallelism from equations represented in the form of a data dependency graph (task graph), requiring analysis of the code at a level as detailed as individual expressions. Moreover, efficient clustering algorithms for building clusters of tasks from the task graph are also required. One of the major contributions of this thesis work is a new approach for merging fine-grained tasks by using a graph rewrite system. Results from using this method show that it is efficient in merging task graphs, thereby decreasing their size, while still retaining a reasonable amount of parallelism. Moreover, the new task-merging approach is generally applicable to programs which can be represented as static (or almost static) task graphs, not only to code from equation-based models. An early prototype called DSBPart was developed to perform parallelization of codes produced by the Dymola tool. The final research prototype is the ModPar tool which is part of the OpenModelica framework. Results from using the DSBpart and ModPar tools show that the amount of parallelism of complex models varies substantially between different application models, and in some cases can produce reasonable speedups. Also, different optimization techniques used on the system of equations from a model affect the amount of parallelism of the model and thus influence how much is gained by parallelization.

För barnets bästa? : En kvalitativ undersökning om förskollärare och rektorers tankar kring sin anmälningsskyldighet

Tuovila, Sara, Ander, Rebecca January 2010 (has links)
We came across the discussion about the so-called duty to report (14 kap 1 § SoL) and we found some previous research, showing that preschool teachers are hesitant to report, and that they want real evidence that children are being mistreated, even though the duty to report clearly states that they have to report as soon as they suspect that a child is being mistreated. Our purpose became to study what tendencies and conditions preschool teachers and principals, placed in the municipalities of Hässleholm and Kristianstad, have to fulfil their duty to report according to the social services act, when there is a well founded suspicion that a child is being mistreated.  We split the purpose into the following research questions:     Do local guidelines about how preschool teachers should act when suspecting that a child is being mistreated exist, and are they being followed? To what degree does the staff has knowledge about these guidelines? How do preschool teachers experience the treatment from colleagues, principals and social welfare officers when they´ve done or wanted to do a report? How do preschool teachers experience the reactions of a report from custodians?   We did conversational interviews with two principals, one from the municipality of Hässleholm, and one from the municipality of Kristianstad. We also made focusgroup interviews with the staff, three persons each from one of their respective preschools. Our conclusion is that preschool teachers are unwilling to report mistreatment. They prefer to, together with the principal and other professional people in the municipality, attempt to solve the problems within the organization of the school. The teachers do not stand behind the report themselves, instead it´s the principal. Unless the principal, who´s not always around to see the children in first-hand, thinks that a report should be made, a report will not be done.  We also have seen that the view on reports is homogenous for all the staff within the same workgroup. The staff affects each other, thus creating a norm telling them how to act in situations concerning a mistreated child.

Och hur har Din helg varit? : En undersökning i livsberättelseform, om att på fritidshemmet möta socialt utsatta barn / How has Your weekend been? : An investigation in form of a lifestorymethod, about meeting children with social problems at the recreational center

Lindström, Anna Sofia January 2009 (has links)
Abstract This paper is about how recreational pedagogues need to do their work to be a good support for children who comes from families that have social problems. The paper is based on a life story method with a recreational pedagogue who has worked at a recreational center her whole career. The purpose of the paper is to contribute with knowledge about the experiences of working with socially vulnerable children as a recreational pedagogue. The investigation that took place in the home-environment of the pedagogue was then typed out and rewritten by me to a narrative story where the most relevant pieces have been pointed out. The subject of the investigation is about being a child in a family with a problem of abuse and the significance of working with the children from those families. The story also includes the duty to report and how you as a recreational pedagogue do the appraisal if the child is being treated badly in their home. The result of the interview has then been held up against the literature about the social services work, a scientific rapport in form of a quantitative investigation that shows facts of how the duty of reporting incongruity to social services is being handled in real life, other scientific research of socially vulnerable children and youth and a book made by family therapists and is about the roles of the pedagogues. The conclusions that I could show from the investigation was that there has not been much research done about the recreational centers and socially vulnerable children together. That the most important toll that a pedagogue has got to help these children is our language, our experiences and our commitment. Another conclusion I have made is that we are all individuals. Teachers, parents and pupils, we all have different needs and different basic conditions and therefore we have to have that in mind while we do our work.

Revisionspliktens avskaffande : - En kvalitativ studie om påverkan på den ekonomiska brottsligheten och Skatteverkets arbete

Lindskog, Oskar, Lagerlöf, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Problemdiskussion: För 25 år sedan infördes revisionsplikt i Sverige för samtliga aktiebolag. Idag diskuteras huruvida den lagen ska avskaffas och vilka bolag som ska kunna avsäga sig revision. Syfte: Författarna vill utreda om en avskaffad revisionsplikt kan leda till en ökning av den ekonomiska brottsligheten, därtill hur denna lagförändring kan påverka Skatteverkets arbete att bekämpa den. Metod: En kvalitativ studie har genomförts. Där den empiriska datainsamlingen bygger på intervjuer med tre regionchefer på skattverket. Den övriga datainsamlingen har skett via Internet, litteratur och via databaser vid Örebro universitet. Slutsats: För att den ekonomiska brottsligheten ska öka som en följd av revisionspliktens avskaffande krävs det att företaget anser att nyttan att frånsäga sig revision är större än den hjälp revisorn bistår med idag. Många bedömer att företag i framtiden kommer att använda sig av frivillig revision eftersom deras intressenter kommer att kräva detta. / Problem discussion: 25 years ago the Swedish government decided to introduce an audit duty for all limited companies in Sweden. Today the discussion are about however this law should be abolished or not and what companies who are able to use this possibility to choose audit. Purpose: The authors purpose are to investigate however the abolishing of the audit duty could lead to an increase of the economic crime and if it’s going to influence the national tax board (skatteverket) in there work to control the economic crime. Method: The authors have made a qualitative study. They got there empirical information collected from three personal interviews at the national tax board (skatteverket). The remaining information was collected from Internet, literature and computer database at the University of Örebro. Conclusion: The economical crime should not be increased by the abolishing of the audit duty unless the companies consider that the benefit from getting away from the audit duty will give them more profits than what the auditor can give theme in form of knowledge and practical advice.

The "Infernal World": Imagination in Charlotte Brontë's Four Novels

Cassell, Cara MaryJo 02 May 2007 (has links)
If you knew my thoughts; the dreams that absorb me; and the fiery imagination that at times eats me up and makes me feel Society as it is, wretchedly insipid you would pity and I dare say despise me. (C. Brontë, 10 May 1836) Before Charlotte Brontë wrote her first novel for publication, she admitted her mixed feelings about imagination. Brontë’s letter shows that she feared both pity and condemnation. She struggled to attend to the imaginative world that brought her pleasure and to fulfill her duties in the real world so as to avoid its contempt. Brontë’s early correspondence attests to her engrossment with the Angrian world she created in childhood. She referred to this world as the “infernal world” and to imagination as “fiery,” showing the intensity and potential destructiveness of creativity. Society did not draw Brontë the way that the imagined world did, and in each of Brontë’s four mature novels, she recreated the tricky navigation between the desirable imagined world and the necessary real world. Each protagonist resolves the struggle differently, with some protagonists achieving more success in society than others. The introduction of this dissertation provides critical and biographical background on Brontë’s juxtaposition of imagination/desire and reason/duty. Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar’s The Madwoman in the Attic supplies the basis for understanding the ways that the protagonists express imagination, and John Kucich’s Repression in Victorian Fiction defines the purposefulness of repression. The four middle chapters examine imagination’s manifestations and purposes for the protagonists. The final chapter discusses how the tension caused by the competing desires to express and repress imagination distinguishes Brontë’s style.

Road Slope Estimation

Larsson, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Knowledge about the current road slope can improve several applications in a heavy-duty vehicle such as predictive cruise control and automated gearbox control. In this thesis the possibility of estimating the road slope based on signals from a vehicles air suspension system has been studied. More specifically, the measurement consists of a pressure signal measuring the axle load, and a vertical distance sensor. A variety of suspension systems can be mounted on a Scania truck. During this thesis, two discrete-time models based on two different rear axle air suspension systems have been proposed. The models use the effect of alternating axle load during a change in the road slope and the estimates are computed using an extended Kalman filter. The first model is based on a rear axle suspension known as the 2-bellow system. This type of suspension is strongly affected by the driveshaft torque, which results in a behaviour where the rear end is pushed upwards and thus decreasing the rear axle load during uphill driving. A model was developed in order to compensate for this behaviour. Unfortunately, the estimates showed less promising results and all attempts to determine the error was unsuccessful. The latter model is based on the 4-bellow system. This suspension system is not affected by the driveshaft torque and a less complex model could be derived. The experimental results indicated that road slope estimation was possible and with a fairly accurate result. However, more work is needed since the estimate is affected by road surface irregularities and since the algorithm requires knowledge about the vehicles mass and the location of the centre of gravity. All the presented results have been estimated based on real data from a test track at Scania Technical Centre in Södertälje.

Informationsplikten   i försäkringsavtalslagen : Uppfylls syftet med informationen?

Nilsson, Jennie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis treats the information the insurance company is going to give the policyholders just before the insurance is to be concluded and soon thereafter. The purpose for the essay is to investigate whether the mentioned information can be considered to meet the purpose referred to its establishment. The investigation will also show if the penalty for not upholding this obligation is reasonable in relation to the aim the duty to inform the policyholders is meant to uphold. Information to be provided before the contract is concluded should facilitate the choice of insurance. The information to be given to the policyholders as soon as possible after the contract is concluded should be given as a form of confirmation and information on conditions that has not been stated before. The purposes that have been mentioned is for both the information to consumers and companies. The conclusion that can be made after the analysis is that the information is of great importance for the policyholder, both for consumers and companies. Some penalties can be regarded as a tad harsh against the insurance company, according to the author. If just policyholders have an interest to use the information their position would get better. The general purpose of the information has therefore been achieved. / Uppsatsen behandlar för- och efterköpsinformation som ska ges vid tecknande av konsument- och företagsförsäkring. Uppsatsens syfte har varit att utreda huruvida nämnda information kan anses uppfylla de ändamål som ställts vid dess tillkomst. Vidare utreds huruvida påföljderna vid försummelse av informationsplikten kan anses rimliga ställt mot de ändamål som informationen ska fylla. Förköpsinformationen ska lämnas innan försäkringen tecknas och på grundval av given information ska valet av försäkring underlättas för försäkringstagaren. Efterköpsinformationen är den information som snarast efter avtalsslut ska ges till försäkringstagaren som en form av bekräftelse. Efterköpsinformationen ska även innehålla upplysningar gällande vissa andra villkor om det inte tidigare har gjorts. Avseende konsumentförsäkring aktualiseras en civilrättslig påföljd om försäkringsbolaget underlåtit att ge efterköpsinformation, som innebär att försäkringsbolaget inte får åberopa avtalsvillkor som inte särskilt framhållits. Vid underlåtelse att ge förköpsinformation till konsument kan en marknadsrättslig påföljd bli aktuell, vilket innebär att försäkringsbolaget åläggs att utge information. Samma marknadsrättsliga påföljd aktualiseras för underlåtelse att ge både för- och efterköpsinformation avseende företagsförsäkring. Av den analys som gjorts är en slutsats att för- och efterköpsinformationen kan antas vara av stor betydelse för nämnda försäkringstagare. Avgörande för att syftena med informationen, både för och efterköpsinformation, ska uppfyllas är att ett intresse finns hos försäkringstagaren att ta del av dem, som bör motiveras av olika skäl. Författarens åsikt är att den civilrättsliga påföljden ger ett starkt skydd för konsumenten som inte kan anses rimligt mot informationens syfte. Dock kan anses den marknadsrättsliga påföljden utgöra ett för svagt skydd för försäkringstagarna.

Trusting the annual report of small business' : A case study from banks' perspective on trust

Lai, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
Background: The Swedish law require companies’ annual report to be audited. Due to that auditing have the effect of a quality stable to honest and reliable reports. Now the Swedish law is making exemption of the audit duty for small companies. This means that auditing is voluntary. Therefore, when small companies choose to take away auditing they will also choose to take away the quality stable in their annual report. The quality stable is of matter for creditors’ decision to supply financial resources, due to that the quality stable from auditing contributes to trust. With trust, small companies will get financial resources from banks. By taking away auditing will lead to less trust which affects the supply of financial resources.    Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine from banks’ perspective trust for company in relation to the annual report, and company´s possibilities of financial credit from banks.        Method: This study carried out the multiple case studies to gain richer understanding on trust. The case study aims to examine a small sample of the population. This method also generates answers to how as well as what and why. The author randomly chose three banks and carried out in-depth interviews with them. Theory: Auditing is the auditor’s statement of the annual report. It requires the auditor to be independent and have integrity when making the statement. The role of the auditor is to state the reliability of the annual report. Therefore, his role is vital to the contribution of trust. Driscoll (1978) and  (1988)  made research on trustee and trustor’s relationship. Their research bases on the several contributions to trust and the process of remaining trust between them. Which, in this study the reliability, audited annual report is main source that contributes to trust. The vital link in this trustee (company) and trustor (bank) relationship is the audited annual report. Conclusion: The study contributes to a lack in auditing reduces creditor’s (bank) trust in the annual report. The auditor’s statement of risk is vital for creditors in making decision upon financial support to small companies. Annual reports are main sources in credit decisions making, and therefore audited annual reports increases trust.

The efficiency of recruitment by R&D Substitute Military Service

E, YIN 21 August 2012 (has links)
R&D Substitute Military Service is the transformation of the Defense Industry Reserve Duty System, and early in the system conversion, the employing enterprise and the community had great expectations. The competent authorities and the organizers have also invested a lot of resources, greater use of space in the system at the surface, the character of the employer and the draftee demand. In this study, a qualitative analysis, through in-depth interviews with the the Rebate employing unit, a draftee, analysis of this system the enterprise of the recruitment and staffing management, organizational effectiveness of the shadow impact as the proposed future sophisticated.

A Study on the Effects of the Working Pressure and Job Satisfaction of District On-Duty Police Officers on Their Preference for the Change of Duties in Turn ¡V¡V Taking the Police Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government for Example

Wu, Cheng-Wen 21 June 2007 (has links)
Contents of Thesis and Abstract: In a highly democratic nation, a majority of the national affairs are determined by the opinions of civilians. All public departments work their utmost to pursue ¡§public satisfaction.¡¨ As one of the control bodies of the society, the police organization not only performs intervening and banning acts, but also has to pay attention to the quality of its service to the public. Between the roles the police should play, there exists an extremely great conflict. Undoubtedly, there creates additional burden to the work of the police, which was originally under high working pressure and high degree of tiredness. According to Clause 2 of the Police Act of Taiwan, ¡§The duties of the police are to maintain public order, protect social safety, prevent all the dangers and harms, and facilitate the welfare of people according to laws.¡¨ However, in practice, the complicatedness of duties of the police in Taiwan and the multiplicity of businesses the police involves can be considered of the highest level in the world. The district on-duty police officers, who always stand on the frontline and have frequent contacts with citizens, are just the most basic-level police officers implementing different kinds of administrative work of the police. In view of this, this paper finds out the factors affecting the working pressure and job satisfaction of district on-duty police officers as well as their extents, hoping to understand whether they have strong preference for the change of duties in turn. It is hoped that the study can help improve the quality of both the district on-duty police officers and the administrative work of the police. The study took 1,202 district on-duty police officers subordinating to the Police Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government as the research targets, and employed the way of questionnaire survey to carry out the research. There were 430 questionnaires sent out, and 405 valid questionnaires were returned. After using the statistical software, SPSS to undergo descriptive analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, related and regressive statistical analysis, the study acquires the following results: 1. Part of the facets of working pressure, job satisfaction and the preference for the change of duties in turn has significant difference if there is a difference in the statistical variables of part of the attributes of individuals. 2. Working pressure has significant negative relativity and significant negative effects on job satisfaction. 3. Job satisfaction has significant negative relativity to the preference for the change of duties in turn. The facet of ¡§internal satisfaction¡¨ has significant negative effects on the facet of ¡§preference for the change of duties in turn,¡¨ but has significant positive effects on the facet of ¡§perception for the change of duties in turn.¡¨ The facet of ¡§external satisfaction¡¨ has significant positive effects on the facet of ¡§perception for the change of duties in turn.¡¨ 4. Working pressure has significant positive relativity to the preference for the change of duties in turn. The ¡§personal factor of pressure¡¨ has significant positive effects on the preference for the change of duties in turn. ¡§External environmental pressure¡¨ has significant positive effects on the facet of ¡§preference for the change of duties in turn.¡¨ 5. When both working pressure and job satisfaction at the same time perform regressive statistics on the preference for the change of duties in turn, the results show that job satisfaction really has mediating effect. Keywords: district on-duty police officers, working pressure, job satisfaction, preference for the change of duties in turn

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