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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Häufigkeit der proximalen myotonen Myopathie (PROMM/DM2) im Vergleich zur Myotonen Dystrophie (DM1) in der deutschen Bevölkerung / Frequency of proximal myotonic myopahty (PROMM/DM2) compared to myotonic dystrophy (DM1) in germans population

Neumayr, Annette January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit Abschätzung der Häufigkeit der proximalen myotonen Myopahtie (PROMM/DM2) in der deutschen Bevölkerung. Zugrunde liegend sind Daten aus dem Institut für Humangenetik der Universität Würzburg von 1993 bis 2006, sowie Daten der deutschlandweiten Diagnostik anbietenden Zentren aus den Jahren 2005 und 2006. Die Auswertung der Daten der Humangenetik in Würzburg bestätigte die Vermutung, dass die myotone Dystrophie (DM1) und die proximale myotone Myopathie (PROMM/DM2) gleich häufig sind. Aus dem Wissen heraus, dass frühere Angaben für die Häufigkeit der DM1 nicht nur diese Erkrankung erfasst haben, sondern auch Fälle mit PROMM/DM2, kann man davon ausgehen, dass damalige Häufigkeitsangaben anteilig beide Erkrankungen gemeinsam erfasssen. Das Ergebniss spricht für eine Inzidenz von 2,75/100.000 Einwohnern in Deutschland. / The central question of this work was, to asses the frequency of proximal myotonic dystrophy (PROMM/DM2) in germanys population. Based on data of the years 1993 to 2006 from institute for human genetics at the university of wuerzburg and data from laboratories all over germany offering genetic testing for proximal myotonic myopathy, the assumption of having both, proximal myotonic myopathy and myotonic dytsrophy, the same frequency has been confirmed. We know that data refering to the frequency of myotonic dystrophy must also have includet cases of proximal myotonic dytsrophy. Proceeding that previous data includes both malaties and that they are both, same often, we can say that the incidence of proximal myotonic dystrophy must be 2,75/100.000 inhabitans.

Efeito do uso da ankle-foot orthosis na biomecânica da marcha de pacientes com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne / Effect of use of ankle-foot orthosis on the gait biomechanics of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Souza, Mariana Angélica de 05 December 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do uso noturno ou diurno da ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) na biomecânica da marcha de pacientes com DMD. Foram avaliados 20 pacientes deambuladores, do Ambulatório de Miopatias Infantis do CER do HCFMRP-USP, com diagnóstico de distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD), com idades entre 4 e 12 anos. Foi realizada a avaliação inicial (Av1) em todos os pacientes e, 7 pacientes foram reavaliados após 6 meses (Av2). Na Av1, os pacientes foram agrupados conforme o uso da órtese: grupo sem órtese (SO; n=7), grupo órtese noturna (ON; n=7), grupo órtese diurna (OD; n=6). Na Av1 e na Av2 foram obtidos dados de massa corporal, altura, composição corporal pela bioimpedância elétrica, escore funcional pela escala medida da função motora, amplitude passiva de movimento articular, força muscular isométrica pelo dinamômetro Handheld e avaliação biomecânica da marcha, na velocidade habitual do paciente. Os pacientes que faziam uso da órtese diurna foram avaliados sem e com órtese, sendo denominados grupos ODs e ODc, respectivamente. Os dados foram analisados de três formas: duas transversais e uma longitudinal. Nas análises transversais, foram realizados dois procedimentos: (i) comparando dados dos grupos SO x ON x ODs; (ii) comparando dados dos grupos SO x ON x ODc. Nestas, foi utilizado o teste ANOVA, considerando um nível de significância de 5%. Na análise longitudinal, foi realizada a análise descritiva comparando os dados obtidos na Av1 e Av2, individualmente para os 7 pacientes reavaliados. Transversalmente, o grupo ODc apresentou maiores picos do ângulo de dorsiflexão e do momento dorsiflexor, menor ângulo de flexão plantar e menor geração de potência de tornozelo (p<0,05) que o grupo SO. Porém, ao caminhar sem a AFO (grupo ODs) estes resultados não foram observados (p>0,05). Em relação ao grupo ON, o grupo ODc obteve menores picos do ângulo de flexão do quadril, de absorção de potência de quadril, do ângulo de flexão plantar e maior pico do momento dorsiflexor (p<0,05), sendo que ao retirar a AFO (ODs) essas diferenças não foram observadas (p>0,05). E ainda, o grupo ON obteve maior pico do ângulo de flexão do joelho e menor momento flexor de quadril (p<0,05) em relação ao grupo ON. Na comparação dos dados entre os grupos SO e ON, o grupo ON obteve maior pico do ângulo de flexão do joelho e maior absorção de potência de quadril (p<0,05). Na análise longitudinal individual foi observado que os 2 pacientes que iniciaram precocemente e mantiveram o uso noturno da AFO apresentaram na Av2 maior velocidade da marcha, maiores momentos extensor de quadril e flexor plantar e maior geração de potência de tornozelo, contrariamente aos paciente que interromperam o uso (noturno ou diurno) da AFO. Conclui-se que o uso diurno da AFO acarretou alterações positivas na biomecânica da marcha, minimizando compensações típicas da DMD na articulação do tornozelo. O uso noturno da AFO, quando iniciado precocemente, também afetou positivamente a marcha dos pacientes. Assim, sugere-se o início precoce e contínuo do uso diurno e noturno da AFO aos pacientes com DMD. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) during nocturnal or daytime usage of the gait biomechanics in patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Twenty ambulant patients from the Myopathies Infant Ambulatory of CER - HCFMRP-USP, were diagnosed with DMD between the ages of 4 and13 years and were evaluated. The initial evaluation (Ev1) was performed in all patients, and 7 patients were reevaluated after 6 months (Ev2). In Av1, patients were grouped according to orthosis use: group without orthosis (NoO, n = 7), group with nocturnal orthosis (NiO, n = 7), group with daytime orthosis (DO, n = 6). In Ev1 and Ev2 data were obtained according to the weight, height, body composition (bioelectrical impedance), functional score (Measure scale of motor function), passive joint range of motion, isometric muscle strength (dynamometer Handheld) and biomechanical gait analyses (usual velocity for the patient). Patients who used the daytime orthosis were evaluated with and without bracing, respectively. The data were analyzed in three ways; the first two were cross-sectional and the other one was longitudinal. In the cross-sectional analyzes, an exploratory analysis of the data from each evaluation was performed, and subsequently, the variables were compared between groups, considering the means and standard deviations. ANOVA test was used, and it was considered a significant level of 5%. In the longitudinal analysis, the description of the data obtained in the evaluation 1 compared to the data obtained in the evaluation 2 was individually performed in the 7 patients who were reevaluated. A cross-sectional analysis compared the data between NoO x NiO x DO groups considering the gait analysis data from the DO group without the orthosis (barefoot), being named DOno. The other cross-sectional analysis compared the data between NoO x NiO x DO groups considering the gait analysis data from the OD group with orthosis, being named DOwith. In individual longitudinal analysis, it was observed that patients who had started early and kept the nocturnal usage of AFO which has been already showed, in six months, an increment of gait velocity, hip extensor and plantar flexor moments and also the increment of ankle power generation, which is the opposite of the patient who has discontinued the AFO usage (daytime or nocturnal). In the cross-sectional analyzes it was observed that, compared to the NoO group, the DOwith group had a higher dorsiflexion angle peak and higher dorsiflexor moment peak (p<0.05). However, when they walked without the device these results were not maintained. There was no difference (p>0.05) between DOno and NoO groups for the kinematic parameters. And, the DOno group had lower plantar flexor moment maximum peak than the SO group (p>0.05). It was concluded that AFO daytime use cause positive changes in gait biomechanics, minimizing typical compensation of DMD in the ankle joint. The night use of AFO, when started early, also positively affected the gait of patients. Thus, it is suggested early prescription of daytime and nocturnal usage of AFO for DMD patients.

Análise de expressão da distrofina, miostatina, tgf-&#946; e nf-kappa &#946;, durante a fase embrionária e fetal no modelo canino GRMD (Golden Retrivier Muscular Dystrophy) / Expression analysis of dystrophin, myostatin, tgf-&#946; and nfkappa &#946;, during the embryonic and fetal phase in the GRMD canine model (Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy)

Oliveira, Daniela Moraes de 23 August 2017 (has links)
A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma doença genética neuromuscular hereditária, ligada ao cromossomo X, sendo encontrada em humanos do sexo masculino. Esta doença muscular é descrita em outras espécies. O modelo de estudo pré-clínico GRMD (Golden Retrievier Muscular Dystrophy) apresenta sintomas clínicos fenotipicamente característicos da DMD em humanos e, por esta razão, tem sido amplamente utilizado como modelo de estudos pré-clínicos. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar o tecido muscular, no modelo canino distrófico, ao longo da gestação. Quatro fêmeas, portadoras do gene distrófico, foram inseminadas com sêmen fresco de cães distróficos. No 25&ordm; dia, pós-inseminação, as fêmeas foram submetidas a exames de ultrassonografia para confirmar a gestação. As fêmeas gestantes passaram por uma ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH) para a retirada dos embriões e fetos nos seguintes períodos gestacionais: 28&ordm; , 33&ordm; , 38&ordm; e 42&ordm; dias. Em seguida fragmentos de tecido muscular foram analisados macroscopicamente e microscopicamente. Para verificar expressões proteicas, amostras de tecido foram submetidas a técnicas imunológicas, e PCR para distrofina, miostatina, e utrofina. Aos, 33&ordm; e 38&ordm; dias de gestação, no grupo distrófico, foram observadas características teciduais que corroboram com desenvolvimento tardio do tecido muscular. Os resultados para detecção proteica sugerem que, a distrofina, miostatina e utrofina foram expressas igualmente nos grupos controle e distrófico, durante todos os períodos do desenvolvimento gestacional analisado. Por fim, os dados sugerem que animais distróficos apresentam músculo sadio durante a fase gestacional, o que pode ser benéfico para testes farmacológicos em idade precoce. / Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a hereditary neuromuscular genetic disease linked to the X chromosome, being found in male humans. This muscle disease is described in other species. The pre-clinical GRMD (Golden Retrievier Muscular Dystrophy) study model presents phenotypically characteristic clinical symptoms of DMD in humans and,for this reason, has been widely used as a model for preclinical studies. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the muscular tissue, in the dystrophic canine model, throughout the gestation. Four females, carriers of the dystrophic gene, were inseminated with fresh semen from dystrophic dogs. On the 25th day, post-insemination, the females were submitted to ultrasonography to confirm the pregnancy. The pregnant females underwent an ovariosalpingohisterectomy (OSH) for the removal of the embryos and fetuses in the following gestational periods: 28&ordm;, 33&ordm;, 38&ordm; and 42&ordm; days. Then fragments of muscle tissue were analyzed macroscopically and microscopically. To verify protein expression, tissue samples were submitted to immunological techniques, and PCR for dystrophin, myostatin, and utrophin. At the 33 and 38th days of gestation, tissue characteristics were observed in the dystrophic group, which corroborate the late development of muscle tissue. The results for protein detection suggest that dystrophin, myostatin and utrophin were also expressed in the control and affected groups, during all periods of the gestational development analyzed. Lastly, the data suggest that dystrophic animals present healthy muscle during the gestational phase, which may be beneficial for pharmacological tests at an early age.

Validação de modelo biomecânico de marcha para uso em testes pré-clínicos com células tronco / Validation of biomechanical model of gait for use in preclinical test with stem cell

Rodrigues, Elaine Aparecida Fernandes 20 December 2011 (has links)
A distrofia muscular de Duchenne constitui um distúrbio genético de caráter recessivo e caracteriza-se pela deficiência ou ausência da proteína distrofina na superfície da membrana da célula muscular, podendo acometer a musculatura cardíaca e o sistema nervoso. O cão da raça Golden Retriever afetado pela distrofia muscular (GRDM), é considerado um excelente modelo para o estudo, devido às muitas similaridades entre cães afetados e meninos com distrofia muscular de Duchenne. Sabe-se que os animais do modelo GRMD apresentam fraqueza muscular progressiva, o que gera adaptações importantes na sua marcha. O conhecimento destas adaptações na ausência da musculatura esquelética pode esclarecer a evolução da doença neste modelo, bem como contribuir com uma nova ferramenta de avaliação quantitativa de futuros tratamentos da DMD. Portando este estudo abordou as variáveis da marcha do cão GRDM com o objetivo de estabelecer uma ferramenta de avaliação quantitativa da marcha neste modelo experimental que possa contribuir para futuras pesquisas terapêuticas além de colaborar com o conhecimento e aplicabilidade da biomecânica na marcha animal. Foram utilizados seis animais distróficos selecionados da colônia de cães GRMD Brasil. Foram feitas mensuração dos segmentos corporais, analise cinemáticas através da utilização de imagens e análise dinâmica resultando da utilização de uma plataforma de força. Nos resultados da biometria obtivemos a média dos segmentos corporais dos seis animais estudados: braço: 16,69cm; antebraço 17,12cm; carpo 5,16cm; coxa 18,91cm; perna 19,03cm; tarso 10,98cm; tórax 67.54cm; altura 52,14cm; e peso 20,44kg. Nos resultados referentes à análise cinemática obtivemos o grau de flexão e extensão das seguintes articulações: escapuloumeral (flexão: 121.44° e extensão 152.76°), umeroradioulnar (flexão 121.68° e extensão 153.24°), carpo (flexão 122.2° e extensão 152.84°), coxofemoral (flexão 122.08° e extensão 153.96°), femortibiopatelar (flexão 121.2° e extensão 151.64°), tarso (flexão 121.48° e extensão 153.44°). Na análise dinâmica obtida através da plataforma de força obtivemos a média dos valores dos picos de força de reação ao solo de cada um dos animais: Biz 141N, Gaspar 128N, Lola 180N, 183N, 150N, 135N. Com esses resultados podemos concluir que a articulação femortibiopatelar foi a que teve um grau de amplitude maior em relação às outras articulações; os picos de flexão e extensão articular variam de acordo com cada articulação; os picos de flexão e extensão variam mais no membro pélvico do que no membro torácico. Os resultados obtidos podem ser úteis em avaliações pré-clinicas utilizando o modelo canino GRMD. / Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder with a recessive trait and is characterized by a deficiency or absence of dystrophin protein on the membrane surface of muscle cells, affecting the heart muscles and nervous system. The dog Golden Retriever affected by muscular dystrophy (GRDM) is considered an excellent model for the study because of the many similarities between affected dogs and boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. It is known that the animal model GRMD have progressive muscle weakness, which leads to major changes in their gait. Knowlege of these adaptations in the absence of skeletal muscles can account for disease progression in this model as well as helping with a new tool for quantitative evaluation of future treatments for DMD. Porting this study addresses the variables of walking the dog GRDM in order to establish a tool for quantitative assessment of gait in this experimental model that may contribute to future therapeutic research and collaborate with the knowledge and applicability of animal gait biomechanics. We used six dystrophy animals selected from the colony of dogs GRMD Brazil. Analysis was carried out of the body segments of biometrics, using kinematic and dynamic analysis of resulting from image and use of a force platform. The results obtained from the average of the biometrics body segments of the six animals studied: arm: 16,69cm; forearm17,12cm; carpus 5,16cm; thigh18,91cm; leg 19,03cm; tarsus 10,98cm; chest 67.54cm; height 52,14cm; e weight 20,44kg. In the kinematic analysis results obtained regarding the degree of flexion and extension of the following joints: escapuloumeral (flexion: 121.44° and extension 152.76°), umeroradioulnar (flexion 121.68° and extension 153.24°), carpo (flexion 122.2° and extension 152.84°), coxofemoral (flexion 122.08° and extension 153.96°), femortibiopatelar (flexion 121.2° and extension 151.64°), tarsus (flexion 121.48° and extension 153.44°). In dynamic analysis obtained from the force plataform the average values of peak groun reaction force of each animal were: Biz 141N, Gaspar 128N, Lola 180N, Luck 183N, Monstra 150N, Winner135N. Whith these results we conclude that the join femortibiopatelar was the one whith a degree of magnitude higher than in the other joints; peak flexion and extension vary according to each joint; peak flexion and extension vary more in the hind limb when comapred to the fore limb. The results obtained can be useful in pre-clinical evaluation using a canine model.

Acompanhamento clínico e morfológico da distrofia muscular do cão Golden Retriever (GRMD) / Monitoring clinical and morphological of muscular dystrophy of the Golden Retriever dog (GRMD)

Brolio, Marina Pandolphi 01 September 2008 (has links)
o cão GRMD (Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy) é um excelente modelo de estudo sobre a ação da terapia celular para aplicação a DMD - Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne, que ocorre em humanos, devido à similaridade clínica entre ambos. Estas doenças têm em comum a herança recessiva ligada ao cromossomo X; e são causadas pela ausência de uma proteína chamada distrofina, a qual está presente no sarcolema das fibras musculares. O ponto da estrutura da mutação no gene da distrofina é responsável pelo fenótipo GRMD; e é possível encontrarmos indivíduos com características clínicas bem diferentes uns dos outros. Atualmente não existe um tratamento específico para a distrofia muscular de Duchenne; e os estudos sobre o desenvolvimento clínico e morfológico da distrofia muscular visam, através de avaliações constantes, estabelecer uma padronização fenotípica para estes animais com vistas a controlar resultados pré-clínicos adequadamente e assegurar-Ihes uma boa qualidade de vida; para que tenham condições de ser submetidos aos protocolos de terapia celular em desenvolvimento no canil GRMD Brasil; e, com isto, conhecer claramente a ação efetiva da terapia celular versus desenvolvimento morfológico desta doença degenerativa progressiva dos cães. Realizou-se o acompanhamento clínico e morfológico. de 12 cães GRMD, 06 fêmeas e 06 machos, do nascimento aos 12 meses de idade. Avaliando-se o aparelho locomotor, notou-se que entre a primeira (cinco meses de idade) e última avaliação (12 meses), houve uma piora com evolução significativa na assimetria postural, aumento do ângulo do tarso e carpo, adução dos membros, dissociação da cintura pélvica, além de alterações na mobilidade ativa dos joelhos durante a atividade de marcha. A avaliação andrológica dos cães distróficos indicou maiores taxas de anormalidade espermática (defeitos maiores e menores) comparada à de cães normais aos 12 meses de idade; ao passo que as fêmeas manifestaram maturidade sexual aos 09 meses. O acompanhamento hematológico mensal mostrou valores próximos do ideal para cães saudáveis, sendo que os exames realizados com os animais entre seis e doze meses de idade foram aqueles que indicaram maiores alterações em relação aos valores de referência para a espécie. Concentrações médias para hemácias, hemoglobina e hematócrito foram menores que a média para esta faixa etária. Quanto às avaliações bioquímicas séricas, CK é uma ferramenta importante para diagnóstico e acompanhamento da distrofia muscular em cães, devido às suas oscilações e aumentos indiscutíveis em indivíduos doentes. AL T e AST também demonstraram aumentos muito acima dos valores normais durante todas as faixas etárias avaliadas. Finalmente, os parâmetros cardíacos avaliados nos cães distróficos foram significantemente diferentes comparados àqueles encontrados em cães sadios normais, porém sem deficit à fisiologia cardíaca nos GRMOs / The dog GRMD (Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy) is an excellent model to study the action of cell therapy for application to DMD - from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which occurs in humans; clinic due to the similarity between the two. These diseases have in common the legacy recessive linked to chromosome X, and are caused by the absence of a protein called dystrophin, which is present in sarcolema of muscle fibers. The point of the structure of mutation in the dystrophin gene is responsible for the phenotype GRMD, and you can find individuais with c1inical features quite different from each other. Currently there is no specific treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and the studies on the c1inical development of muscular dystrophy and morphological aim, through constant assessments, establish a standardized phenotypic for these animais in order to monitor pre-clinical results properly and maintain a good quality of life for them so that they have conditions to be submitted to the protocols of cell therapy being developed as kennel GRMD Brazil, and with it, knowing clearly the effective action of cell therapy versus the morphological development of this progressive degenerative disease of dogs. It was checked the c1inical and morphological of 12 dogs GRMD, 06 females and 06 males, from birth to 12 months of age. Judging by the locomotive system, it was noted that among the first (five months old) and last assessment (12 months), there was a worsening trend with significant asymmetry in posture, increasing the angle of the tarsus and carpus, adduction of the members, decoupling of the pelvic belt, as well as changes in the mobility of active knees during the activity running. Reproductive assessment of dystrophic dogs indicated higher rates of abnormal sperm (defects larger and smaller) compared to normal dogs at 12 months of age, while females expressed sexual maturity to 09 months. The monthly blood monitoring showed values close to ideal for healthy dogs, and the examinations performed with the animais between six and twelve months of age were those who indicated major changes in relation to the baseline for the species. Average concentrations for red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit were lower than the average for this age group. As for serum biochemical assessments, CK is an important tool for diagnosis and monitoring muscular dystrophy in dogs, due to its indisputable fluctuations and increases in individuais patients. AL T and AST also showed increases greatly above the normal values for ali ages evaluated. Finally, the cardiac parameters measured in dystrophics dogs were significantly different compared to those found in normal healthy dogs, but without the deficit in cardiac physiology GRMDs

Distrofia muscular de cinturas em crianças: caracterização clínica, histológia e molecular / Limb-Girdle muscular dystrophy in Brazilian children: clinical, histological and molecular characterization

Albuquerque, Marco Antonio Veloso de 04 October 2013 (has links)
Introdução: As distrofias de cinturas representam um grupo de miopatias progressivas, geneticamente determinadas, envolvendo 16 formas de herança autossômica recessiva e oito dominantes, sendo as formas recessivas mais comuns, particularmente em crianças. Caracterizam-se por fraqueza muscular progressiva de predomínio proximal em cinturas escapular e pélvica, existindo desde formas graves de início na infância a formas leves de início em adultos. A biópsia muscular, com estudo histológico e imunoistoquímico, é fundamental para o diagnóstico, porém o exame molecular é o teste padrão ouro para o diagnóstico de certeza. Objetivos: Determinar a freqüência dos diferentes subtipos de distrofia de cinturas em crianças na nossa população, descrevendo os aspectos clínicos, histológicos e moleculares. Resultados: Fizeram parte deste estudo 39 crianças provenientes do ambulatório de doenças neuromusculares do HC-FMUSP, sendo a proporção entre o sexo feminino e masculino de 3:1. A idade de início da doença variou de dois a 13 anos, com média de 7,5 anos. Os sinais e sintomas na apresentação clínica incluíram: quedas frequentes (22 casos), dificuldades em subir escadas (13 casos), marcha digitigrada (2 casos) e dificuldades para se levantar do chão (2 casos). Os níveis de CK foram elevados em todos os pacientes, sendo maiores naqueles com diferlinopatia e algumas formas de sarcoglicanopatias. Dentre os 39 pacientes, 37 foram classificados como LGMD. Destes, 15 (40,5%) receberam o diagnóstico de sarcoglicanopatia (LGMD2C-F), cinco (13,5%) de disferlinopatia (LGMD2B), cinco (13,5%) de calpainopatia, dois (5,5%) de LGMD1B, dois (5,5%) de LGMD2I, um (2,5%) de caveolinopatia (LGMD1A), e em sete (19%) não foi possível identificar o subtipo específico. A biópsia muscular mostrou um padrão distrófico em todos os casos, sendo mais acentuado nas sarcoglicanopatias e na LGMD2I. A presença de inflamação foi incomum na LGMD2B, e a presença de fibras lobuladas foi um achado marcante na LGMD2A. Conclusões: O diagnóstico do subtipo específico de LGMD em crianças é um desafio. Este estudo em crianças brasileiras provenientes de um centro de doenças neuromusculares de um grande hospital da rede pública mostrou alta frequência de sarcoglicanopatias, seguida por LGMD2A e LGMD2B. Já a LGMD2I parece ser incomum no Brasil / Background: Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD) are a heterogeneous group of genetic muscular dystrophies, involving 16 autosomal recessive subtypes and eight autosomal dominant subtypes. Autosomal recessive dystrophy is far more common than autosomal dominant dystrophy, particularly in children. The clinical course in this group is characterized by progressive proximal weakness, initially in pelvic and after in shoulder-girdle musculature, varying from very mild to severe degree. Significant overlap of clinical phenotypes, with genetic and clinical heterogeneity, constitutes the rule for this group of diseases. Muscle biopsies are useful for histopathologic and immunolabeling studies, and DNA analysis is the gold standard to establish the specific form of muscular dystrophy. Objectives: The aim of this study was to characterize the clinical, histological and molecular aspects in children with LGMD who attend a big public neuromuscular centre in our country to determine the frequency of different forms. Results: Thirty seven patients were classified as LGMD and included in this analysis. The study period extended from 2009-2012. The female to male ratio was 3:1. The age of onset ranged from two to 13 years, mean 7,5 years. Onset in the first decade was seen in 90%. The initial clinical signs included: frequent falls (22 cases), difficulty in climbing stairs (13 cases), walk on tip toes (2 cases), difficulty in rising from the floor (2 cases) and difficulty on walking (1 case). The serum CK levels were high in all cases. Among the 37 patients, 15 (40,5%) were classified as sarcoglycanopathies (LGMD2C-F), five (13,5%) as dysferlinopathy (LGMD2B), five (13,5%) as calpainopathy (LGMD2A). Mutations in LMNA gene (LGMD1B), FKRP gene (LGMDI) and caveolin gene (LGMD 1C) were identified in two (5,5%), two (5,5%) and one patient (2,5%), respectively. In seven of 37 cases (19%) it was impossible to determine specific diagnosis. Calf hypertrophy, scapular winging and scoliosis were the most characteristic signs in sarcoglycanopathies. In LGMD2I calf hypertrophy is also observed. Atrophy of posterior compartment of thighs is frequent in children with LGMD2B and could suggest the diagnosis. In LGMD2A winging of scapulae and contractures in Achilles tendons were important findings. Muscle biopsy showed a dystrophic pattern in all cases, more intense in sarcoglycanopathies and LGMD2I. Differently from adult\'s patients, inflammation changes in dysferlinopaties were uncommon. Lobuled fibers were characteristic changes in calpainopathies in children. Conclusions: A definitive diagnosis among various subtypes of LGMD in children is challenging. Our series was a large study on LGMD in Brazilian children and showed high frequency of sarcoglycanopathies followed by LGMD2A, LGMD2B, LGMD2I, LGMD1B and LGMD1C

Caracterização da dor em pacientes com distrofia facioescapuloumeral / Characterization of pain in patients with facioescapuloumeral dystrophy

Cruz, Camila de Aquino 29 May 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A distrofia facioescapuloumeral (DFEU) é uma desordem muscular de origem genética, que afeta primariamente músculos faciais, estabilizadores da escápula e músculos proximais dos membros superiores. A prevalência de dor na DFEU é elevada, entretanto, não há estudos que descrevam de forma mais detalhada esse sintoma. Estudo realizado em 2014 no nosso serviço constatou que a dor é um sintoma frequente e pode estar associada ao aumento de fadiga e incapacidades. OBJETIVOS: Realizar análise detalhada da dor em pacientes com DFEU e correlacionar os achados de intensidade da dor com dados demográficos, clínicos e laboratoriais. METODOLOGIA: Estudo observacional analítico transversal. Foram aplicadas ferramentas para caracterização clínica e de capacidade funcional desses pacientes, além de instrumentos específicos para avaliação de dor. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 25 pacientes, sendo o grupo com dor composto de 19 pacientes (76%) e o grupo sem dor composto de 6 pacientes. Houve uma predominância de mulheres no grupo com dor (84,2%). Não houve diferença entre a quantificação da força e os valores de creatinaquinase sérica (CK) nos grupos com e sem dor. Foi alta a prevalência de depressão e ansiedade associadas à DFEU. A pontuação na escala de fadiga e os escores associados às incapacidades foram maiores no grupo de pacientes com dor, entretanto não foi possível estabelecer uma relação entre essas variáveis. Constatou-se a presença de dor de moderada intensidade e com interferência também moderadamente importante nas atividades de vida diária. CONCLUSÕES: A dor é um sintoma relevante na DFEU, de caráter predominantemente focal e mais prevalente no sexo feminino. Há uma clara interferência da dor nas atividades de vida diária, entretanto, esse sintoma não se correlaciona com os demais parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais (tempo de evolução da doença, força muscular, grau de incapacidade física e valor da CK). / BACKGROUND: Facioescapuloumeral dystrophy (DFSH) is a genetic muscle disorder, which primarily affects facial muscles, scapula stabilizers and proximal muscles of the upper limbs. The prevalence of pain in DFSH is high, but there are no studies that describe this symptom in more detail. Study conducted in 2014 in our service found that pain is a frequent symptom and may be associated with increased fatigue and disability. OBJECTIVES: To perform a detailed analysis of pain in patients with DFHS and to correlate the findings of pain intensity with demographic, clinical and laboratory data. METHODOLOGY: Cross-sectional observational study. Tools were applied for clinical characterization and functional capacity of these patients, in addition to specific instruments for pain evaluation. RESULTS: Twentyfive patients were included, the pain group being composed of 19 patients (76%) and the painless group composed of 6 patients. There was a predominance of women in the pain group (84.2%). There was no difference between the quantification of strength and serum creatine kinase (CK) values between groups. The prevalence of depression and anxiety associated with DFSH was high. Fatigue and disability scores were higher in the group of patients with pain, but it was not possible to establish a relationship between these variables. It was observed the presence of moderate intensity pain and also moderately important interference in the activities of daily living. CONCLUSIONS: Pain is a relevant symptom in DFSH, which is predominantly focal and more prevalent in females. There is a clear interference of pain in the activities of daily living, however, this symptom does not correlate with other clinical and laboratorial parameters (time of disease evolution, muscle strength, degree of physical disability and CK value

Targeting Myotonic Dystrophy with Small Molecules

Coonrod, Leslie, Coonrod, Leslie January 2012 (has links)
Myotonic dystrophy (DM) is one of the most common forms of muscular dystrophy, characterized by its hallmark symptom myotonia. DM is an autosomal dominant disease caused by a toxic gain of function RNA. The toxic RNA is produced from expanded non-coding CTG/CCTG repeats, and these CUG/CCUG repeats sequester a family of RNA binding proteins. The Muscleblind-like (MBNL) family of RNA binding proteins are sequestered to the expanded CUG/CCUG repeats. The MBNL proteins are regulators of alternative splicing, and their sequestration to the toxic RNA leads to mis-splicing events, which are believed to cause the symptoms observed in DM patients. A previously reported screen for small molecules used to identify compounds that could disrupt MBNL from binding the toxic CUG repeats found that pentamidine was able to rescue splicing defects associated with DM. Herein, we present a new class of molecules (phenolsulphonphthaleins) that inhibited MBNL1/CUG repeat complex formation in a competitive electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). Additionally, one of these molecules, bromophenol blue (BPB), acted in a synergistic manner with the previously described inhibitor pentamidine. We also demonstrated that the halogenation of the phenolsulphonphthalein dyes is an important factor for activity. Moreover, we presentant analysis of a series of methylene linker variants of pentamidine that revealed heptamidine (an analog of pentamidine) could reverse splicing defects in a DM1 tissue culture model and rescue myotonia in a DM1 mouse model. Finally, we report on a new crystal structure of CUG repeats, crystallized in the context of a GAAA tetraloop/receptor which facilitated ordered packing within the crystal. This structure was consistent with previous structures showing that the repeats are essentially A-form RNA, despite having a U-U mismatch every third base pair. We also identified six types of U-U mismatch in the context of the 5'CUG/3'GUC motif, suggesting that the interactions between the uridines are dynamic. This structure also contains the highest resolution GAAA tetraloop/receptor structure (1.95 Å) reported to date. This dissertation includes previously unpublished co-authored material.

Alterações atencionais na distrofia muscular de duchenne / Attentional disturbance in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Moura, Maria Clara Drummond Soares de 03 April 2009 (has links)
A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma doença de herança genética recessiva que gera um quadro de fraqueza muscular progressiva muitas vezes associada à deficiência mental. A atenção, considerada como o mecanismo cerebral que permite o processamento de uma informação em detrimento de outras, poderia estar alterada na doença contribuindo pelo menos em parte para o comprometimento cognitivo global observado. OBJETIVO: Investigou-se o desempenho atencional de meninos portadores de DMD utilizando-se testes psicofísicos específicos. MÉTODOS: Testou-se 30 meninos com DMD (GD) e 30 meninos saudáveis (GC), com idade entre 10 e 16 anos, em uma tarefa de tempo de reação de escolha, que consistia em responder o mais rapidamente possível a um estímulo alvo visual lateralizado com mão do mesmo lado. Antes do aparecimento deste estímulo, orientava-se a atenção automática do participante por meio de um estímulo visual periférico não-informativo espacialmente ou então sua atenção voluntária, por meio de um estímulo visual central que informava o local de maior probabilidade de aparecimento do estímulo alvo. RESULTADOS: Os tempos de reação (TR) foram maiores para o GD do que para o GC tanto no teste de atenção automática (p<0,001) quanto no teste de atenção voluntária (p<0,001). Os TR no teste de atenção voluntária foram menores do que no teste de atenção automática no caso do GD (p<0,001) mas não no caso do GC (p=0,20). O efeito atencional (diferença entre o TR na condição oposta/inválida e o TR na condição mesma/válida) não diferiu entre os dois grupos no caso da atenção automática (p=0,846), mas foi maior no GD do que no GC no caso da atenção voluntária (p<0,001). Não foram observadas quaisquer assimetrias interlaterais. DISCUSSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que os meninos com DMD apresentam prejuízo na capacidade de orientar a atenção no tempo e também gerenciam de modo anômalo para a idade a atenção espacial voluntária. O grande efeito atencional apresentado por eles é compatível com um atraso na maturação do seu sistema atencional. / OBJECTIVE: Considering the divergence in the literature regarding the base of the cognitive deficits in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) patients, the objective of this work was to investigate their attention performance using psychophysical tests. METHODS: 25 boys with DMD (GD) and 25 healthy boys (GC), which were 10 to 16 years old, were tested in a choice reaction time task. They were instructed to respond as fast as possible to a lateralized visual target stimulus with the same side hand. Attention was automatically oriented by a peripheral spatially non-informative prime stimulus or, alternatively, voluntarily oriented by a central spatially informative cue. RESULTS: Reaction times (RT) were higher for GD than for GC in both automatic attention (p<0,001) and voluntary attention tests (p<0,001), as expected. RTs in voluntary attention tests were smaller than on automatic attention tests for GD (p<0,001) but not for GC (p=0,200). The attentional effect (difference between RT in the opposite/invalid condition and RT in the same/valid condition) was found not to differ between the two groups in the case of automatic attention (p=0,846); however it was greater for GD than for GC in the case of voluntary attention (p<0,001). Interlateral asymmetries have not been observed. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that patients with DMD are less efficient to allocate both automatic and voluntary attention. The lack of the expected motor preparation by the patients when the peripheral prime stimulus was used suggests a disturbance of temporal attention. The larger cost and benefit observed when the endogenous visual cue was used suggests a delay in maturation of the executive functions necessary to adequately allocate voluntary attention.

Living With Muscular Dystrophy: Sexual Education

Beers, Leanne 01 January 2018 (has links)
Sexual pleasure and intimacy are fundamental and innate human needs. Individuals with physical disabilities often find it difficult to meet these needs because of such factors as impaired mobility and lack of knowledge about sexual health. People with physical disabilities are often seen as asexual and not capable of having sex, and sexuality is often not considered a concern among this population. These misconceptions can result in individuals with physical disabilities not receiving basic sex education or advice and guidance when issues arise. Not receiving this attention may impede disabled individuals' sexual potential and personal relationships. This study's focus was on the unique challenges individuals with muscular dystrophy (MD) face regarding sexual pleasure and intimacy. Humanistic psychology and the human rights theory provided the theoretical framework for this study. Using a qualitative multiple case study approach, 4 individuals with MD were asked what sexual education, if any, they received, and if they did receive sexual education, whether it met their needs. Data were analyzed using open and axial coding. Key findings were that there is an overarching theme of sexual silence and lack of sex education for people with MD. These findings can help inform efforts to provide more inclusive education for people with MD and individuals with other types of physical disabilities. Study findings contribute to social change by showing the importance of the need for more inclusive sexual education. Providing such education will better meet the basic human needs of an often undeserved and stigmatized population and end the silence that individuals with physical disabilities have regarding sexual health and intimacy.

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