Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elessons"" "subject:"fewlessons""
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En projektanalys och dess lärdomar inom gamification projekt : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker projektgenomförandet och dess lärande från projektetRiddarström, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ett gamification projekt har planerats och genomförts samt att ta fram lärdomar från projektet. Genom att undersöka vilka strategier som används samt vilka insikter som framkom efter projektet är denna studie betydelsefull för projektledare eller projektdeltagare som är intresserad av erfarenhetsbaserat lärande. Studien lyfter fram lärdomar utifrån ett projekt som pågick i 5 år där det innefattade tre aktörer, högskola, mediehus och tech-företag som jobba tillsammans för att leverera en produkt som handlar om gamification inom nyhetsmedier. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer som sedan transkriberades. Analysen av det insamlade materialet genomfördes med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att ta fram teman till resultatet. Resultatet som presenteras har tre teman som framkom som de mest väsentliga i studien, första temat är, Vi gick utan karta, som tar upp vikten av att gemensamt inom projektet ta fram en tydlig projektplan för att utifrån det använda sig av en projektmodell som passar projektet och dess unika genomförande. Andra temat som framkom i resultatet var, Såg inte den gemensamma bilden. Under detta tema skapas en förståelse kring projektets syn och förväntan på projektet utifrån de olika aktörerna där det framkom att visionen och målbilden inte var tydlig och definierad för deltagarna. Tredje temat är, Rollfördelningen som går förlorad, som tar upp vikten av att ha tydliga roller och ansvarsområden inom projektet för att enkelt ta projektet framåt. Detta saknades i projektet och resulterade i att krav, beslut och ansvar inte genomfördes på bästa sätt där ovisshet fanns kring var projektets riktning var på väg och skulle sluta. Studien riktar sig till publik med intresse för erfarenhetsbaserat lärande och vad som kan förbättras till kommande projekt. Det inkluderar chefer, projektledare, projektdeltagare och ansvarig för projektgrupper. / The aim of the study was to investigate how a gamification project has been planned and implemented and to draw lessons from the project. By examining which strategies are used and what insights emerged after the project, this study is important for project managers or project participants who are interested in experience-based learning. The study highlights lessons from a project that continues for 5 years where it includes three actors, a university, media houses and tech companies that work together to deliver a product that is about gamification in news media. The method used was a qualitative method in the form of interviews which were then transcribed. The analysis of the collected material was carried out with the help of a qualitative content analysis to arrive at the end. The result presents three themes that emerged as the most important. The first theme is, define and clear project model, which addresses the importance of jointly within the project to develop and clear project plan to use a project model that suits the project. and its unique implementation. The other theme that emerged in the development was, creating a common image and vision. Under this theme, an understanding is created about the project's view and expectation of the project based on the various actors where it emerged that the vision and goal picture were not clear and defined for the participants. The third theme is, ensures the division of roles in the project, which addresses the importance of having clear roles and areas of responsibility within the project to easily take the project forward. This was missing in the project and resulted in demands, decisions and responsibilities not being implemented in the best way where there was uncertainty about where the project direction was heading and would end. The study is aimed at audiences with an interest in experiential learning and what can be improved for future projects. This includes managers, project managers, project participants and those responsible for project groups.
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2 + 2 = 5: Argumentieren in den Fächern Deutsch und Mathematik am Außerschulischen LernortFischer, Tom 29 November 2018 (has links)
Mathematik- und Deutschunterricht gelten traditionell als wesensverschiedene Schulfächer. Auf Basis der Bildungsstandards für beide Fächer wird in dieser Arbeit der Versuch unternommen, konkrete Schnittmengen für fächerübergreifenden Deutsch- und Mathematikunterricht zu entwickeln. Exemplarisch wird für die in beiden Fächern zentrale Argumentationskompetenz ein Workshop an einem außerschulischen Lernort entworfen, didaktisch-methodisch begründet und dessen Durchführung im Frühjahr 2018 abschließend ausgewertet.
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An analysis of policy to practice developments in nursing, midwifery and allied health professions within Scotland from 2005 to 2010Shuai, Ziying January 2015 (has links)
In the new millennium the Scottish government has been seeking effective practice developments in Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (NMAHPs) through setting up numerous policy initiatives to improve patient care both directly and indirectly. Despite the fact that many of these initiatives have been subject to individual commissioned evaluations, to date, no systematic integrative study has been carried out in Scotland. This thesis addresses this deficit with the aim of constructing better understanding of key lessons and issues in regard to policy contexts, processes and outcomes. Based on a constructivist approach and case study methodology, this study consists of: critical review of literature in relevant cognate areas; critical review of selected commissioned reports and other documentary analysis; case studies of four selected policy initiatives using twenty four in-depth semi-structured interviews; and integrative analysis and synthesis featuring framework analysis and application of relevant theoretical perspectives to enable explanation. At micro level this has provided insight into how and why selected policy initiatives were developed and implemented, based mainly on the perspectives of the various participants involved in the policy initiatives. At macro-level, cross case study enabled identification of key generic lessons such as policy internal and external alignment, good leadership at all levels and effective communication. In doing so the thesis also illuminates relationships between clusters of policy initiatives and their continuous development. In particular, a new explanatory model of policy to practice change has also been developed in this thesis, building from relevant theoretical perspectives and empirical research. The thesis suggests that the new model will be useful for the analysis of policy through to practice both from ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ perspectives. Finally, the findings have significant implications for future policy, education, practice and research. The thesis concludes with a summary of its contributions and related recommendations.
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Actual and Ideal Roles of Music Teachers in Community Schools of the Arts Pertaining to Community, School, and the ProfessionFischler, Gail January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of the study was:1. To develop an inventory of music teacher roles which pertained to the setting, community schools of the arts (CSAs).2. To discover how music teachers perceive their actual job roles vs. their ideal job roles in CSAs.An instrument was structured using the roles found in the work of Onderdonk (1995), Barnes (1972), Moller (1981), White (1964), and input from experts. Roles were categorized into three areas: community, school, and professional. The population of teachers was drawn from member schools of the National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts (NGCSA) for the year 2005-2006. The final study population consisted of 139 CSA teachers from 16 schools across the USA.Overall, teachers indicated that roles in the professional category were and should be performed more often than community and school roles. The school and community categories were deemed equal to each other (actually and ideally). Teachers indicated that community, school, and professional roles in CSAs were complex, consisting of 31 roles (7 community, 10 school, and 14 professional). A ranked and tiered inventory of the 31 valid roles and a portrait of the CSA music teacher were created. As an aggregate, teachers ideally desired to increase the frequency with which they performed the following roles: Advocate, Attendee of Faculty/Committee Meetings, Attendee of School Activities, Performer/Demonstrator/Coach, and Student/Lifelong Learner. As an aggregate, teachers desired to decrease the frequency with which they performed the role of School Leader. Teachers indicated balance in regard to modeling, performing, parental education, discipline, tradition, and leadership.Implications for CSA administrators, personnel of the National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts, teacher educators and trainers, and future research include: finding paths to develop part-time leaders, developing content for coursework and professional development specific to CSA teachers, and promoting awareness that investment in current/future teachers should be given similar value and energy to fundraising efforts. In order to educate/train future CSA teachers, coursework which includes preparation as instrumental/pedagogical experts, as well as content which provides training in educational philosophy, history, curriculum development, role modeling, culture, and technology were recommended.
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Keramikos užsiėmimų vaidmuo neformaliojo meninio ugdymo įstaigose / The role of ceramics lessons at institutions of non-formal art educationŠmelkova, Julija 29 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: atskleisti keramikos užsiėmimų vaidmenį neformaliojo meninio ugdymo įstaigose. Mokslinio darbo eigoje stengiausi aptarti neformaliojo meninio ugdymo plėtotės nuostatas, apžvelgti keramikinės veiklos ypatumus. Tyriamojoje dalyje pasistengiau ištirti keramikos užsiėmimų dalyvių požiūrį į keramikos užsiėmimų vaidmenį neformaliojo meninio ugdymo įstaigose. Padariau išvadas, kad neformaliojo meninio ugdymo plėtra yra svarbi ne tik žmogui, moksleiviui, kuris domisi menu, bet svarbi yra ir visai visuomenei, šalies kultūriniam gyvenimui. Keramikos menas prasidėjo nuo molinių buitinių dirbinių. Su kiekvienu amžiaus laikotarpiu ji tobulėjo. Jeigu senaisiais laikais keramikos dirbiniai buvo dažniausiai pritaikomi tik buityje, tai dabar jie puošia interjerus. Keramikai dalyvauja paroduose, keramikos dirbiniai vertinami ne tik kaip “daiktas, prekė”, bet ir kaip “meno kūrinys”. Ugdyme keramika užima svarbią vietą. Užsiimdamas keramikine veikla, dalyvis mokosi matyti, jausti, vertinti ir kūrti pagal grožio įstatymus. Dalyviai vysto savo prigimtinius meninius gabumus. Meninių priemonių pagalba išmoksta išreikšti savo mintis ir jausmus. Dirbdami su moliu ugdo darbinius įgūdžius, kruopštumą, atkaklumą, savarankiškumą. Pradeda labiau domėtis menu, kultūra. Išmoksta pastebėti ir saugoti grožį aplink save. / The aim of the thesis: To disclose the role of ceramics lessons at institutions of non-formal art education.
In the course of this work, I discuss provisions for the development of non-formal art education and present an overview of the specifics of activities in ceramics. The research part explores the attitude of those who attend ceramics lessons and the role of ceramics lessons at institutions of non-formal art education.
The conclusion is made that the development of non-formal art education is important not only to a person or a pupil interested in art, but also to society at large and the cultural life of the country.
The earliest ceramics were pottery made from clay and used for domestic purposes. Ceramic works improved over the ages. In ancient times, ceramics were used exclusively for domestic needs, and now they also have a decorative function for interior design. Ceramics artists participate at exhibitions and ceramic works are valued not only as things/goods, but also as pieces of art.
Ceramics play an important role. The participant engaged in ceramics lessons learns to see, feel, evaluate, and create according to the laws of aesthetics. This is how the innate artistic skills of the participants are developed. With the help of artistic means, they learn how to express their thoughts and feelings. Working with clay, they develop their work skills, accuracy, tenacity, and independence. They become interested in art and culture and learn to notice and preserve... [to full text]
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Mokinių fizinio aktyvumo ir mokymosi pasiekimų sąsajos su mokinių bei mokytojų bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo ypatumais per kūno kultūros pamokas / Students of physical activity and learning outcomes link with students and teachers communication and collaboration features of PE lessonsJanuševičiūtė, Sandra 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – mokinių fizinis aktyvumas, mokymosi pasiekimai ir mokinių bei mokytojų bendravimo bei bendradarbiavimo ypatumai per kūno kultūros pamokas.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti mokinių fizinį aktyvumą, mokymosi pasiekimus, mokinių ir mokytojų bendravimo bei bendradarbiavimo ypatumus bei jų tarpusavio sąsajas.
1. Ištirti mokinių fizinį aktyvumą lyties, amžiaus ir mokymosi pasiekimų aspektais.
2. Nustatyti mokinių mokymosi pasiekimus lyties ir amžiaus aspektais.
3. Nustatyti mokytojų ir mokinių bendravimo bei bendradarbiavimo ypatumus.
4. Nustatyti mokinių fizinio aktyvumo, mokymosi pasiekimų bei bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo su mokytojais ypatumų sąsajas.
1. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad 30,9 proc. mokinių yra fiziškai aktyvūs, o 69,1 proc. – fiziškai pasyvūs, nustatyta, kad vaikinai buvo 1,8 karto aktyvesni už merginas (p<0,05). Statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai tarp skirtingo amžiaus mokinių nenustatyti (p>0,05). Mokinių patiriamas fizinis aktyvumas tarp skirtingų mokinių mokymosi pasiekimų grupių statistiškai reikšmingai nesiskyrė (p>0,05).
2. Nustatyta, jog geriau mokėsi merginos ir jaunesnio amžiaus mokiniai (p<0,05).
3. Mokiniai dažniausiai savo kūno kultūros mokytoją apibūdina kaip supratingą, paslaugų, neabejingą ir vadovaujantį. Teigia, jos juos mokytojas išklauso, yra kantrus, draugiškas, turi humoro jausmą ir supranta pokštus, dirba pasitikinčiai, kalba entuziastingai, yra geras lyderis. Visos šios savybės atspindi mokytojų ir mokinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research – students physical activity, learning outcomes and student and teacher communication and cooperation within the peculiarities of PE lessons.
The aim of research – determine students physical activity, learning outcomes, student and teacher communication and collaboration features, and interactions between them.
1. Investigate the students physical activity by gender, age and learning aspects of achievement.
2. To identify students learning achievement by gender and age aspects.
3. To identify teachers and students communication and collaboration features.
4. To identify students in physical activity, learning outcomes and communication and collaboration with teachers features interfaces.
1. The analyses of physical activity of students, showed, that 30.9 percent of students are physically active, while 69.1 percent – physically passive. The analyses deduced, that boys were 1.8 times more active than girls (p<0,05). Statistically significant interrelations between students of different ages undetected (p>0.05). Students experienced physical activity among different groups of students learning outcomes did not differ significantly (p> 0.05).
2. The analyses deduced, that the better studied the girls and younger students (p<0.05).
3. Students usually your physical education teacher describes how an understanding, helping, leadership and not uncertain. Students claim, that your physical education teacher listens, is patient... [to full text]
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Motyvacijos ir kūno kultūros pamokų lankomumo sąsaja / Motivation and physical education lessons attendance interfaceTitenytė, Ingrida 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – motyvacijos ir kūno kultūros pamokų lankomumo sąsajos.
Darbo tikslas: Nustatyti mokinių sportavimo/mankštinimosi motyvaciją bei jos sąsajas su kūno kultūros pamokų lankomumu.
1. Nustatyti ir palyginti mokinių motyvaciją ir jos lygį lyties aspektu.
2. Nustatyti ir palyginti mokinių subjektyvią nuomonę apie kūno kultūros pamokų lankomumą lyties aspektu.
3. Nustatyti ir palyginti mokinių motyvacijos bei jos lygio ir kūno kultūros pamokų lankomumo sąsajas lyties aspektu.
Tyrimo rezultatai:
1. Tiek berniukų tiek mergaičių motyvacijoje dominuoja vidine motyvacija. Mergaitėms labiau nei berniukams būdingas išorinis reguliavimas, o berniukams identifikavimas (p<0,05). Penktadaliui abiejų lyčiu mokiniu būdingos kelios dominuojančios motyvacijos, o introjekcija pasižymi labai maža mokiniu dalis.
2. Tiriamieji, tiek berniukai tiek mergaitės (tiriant jų subjektyvią nuomone apie pamokų lankymą), vienodai linkę lankyti kūno kultūros pamokas. Daugiau nei puse jų (59 proc. mergaičių ir 65 proc. berniukų) nepraleidžia pamokų.
3. Mokiniai (ir berniukai ir mergaites) turintis vidine motyvacija labiau nei kiti linkę lankyti kūno kultūros pamokas (p<0,05). Berniukai su identifikavimo motyvacija labiau nei mergaitės linkę lankyti kūno kultūros pamokas (p<0,05). Mergaitės kurioms būdingas išorinis reguliavimas labiau nei berniukai linkusios dažnai praleidinėti kūno kultūros pamokas (p<0,05). Visi mokiniai turintis introjekcijos motyvacija, nors jų skaičius labai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research – Motivations and physical education class attendance interface.
The aim of research – Determine students in sports/exercise motivation and its relation with physical education lesson attendance.
1. Identify and compare students motivation and motivation level in the perspective of gender.
2. Identify and compare children subjective opinion about the attendance of physical education classes.
3. Determine and compare students motivation, motivation level and physical education lessons attendance interfaces by gender.
1. Analysis showed that dominating motivation of boys and girls is internal motivation. Girls more than boys is motivated by external regulation, and boys by identification (p<0,05). One fifth of students of both genders is characterized by several dominant motivation and introjection has a very small proportion of pupils.
2. Both boys and girls (with their subjective opinion about school attendance) is equally likely to attend physical education classes. More than half of them (59 perc. of girls 65% and boys) is more likely to non attend in physical education class.
3. Pupils (boys and girls) with intrinsic motivation is more likely than others to attend physical education classes (p <0.05). The boys with the motivation of identification is more likely to attend physical education classes than girls (p <0.05). Girls are characterized by external regulation more often than boys, they tend to skip physical... [to full text]
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The U.S. Navy Submarine Hydrodynamics/Hydroacoustic community: a case study in strategic planning for a decentralized, multi-organizational, military community / United States Navy Submarine Hydrodynamics/Hydroacoustic communityStout, Margaret C. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The United States Navy Submarine Hydrodynamic/Hydroacoustic community is a decentralized, multiorganizational, geographically distributed enterprise. Strategic planning and management, whether formal or ad hoc, is necessary for effective functioning of any organization. However, formal strategic planning is particularly difficult in multi-organizational, geographically diverse enterprises. Enterprise-wide performance measurement and a shared understanding of enterprise performance is necessary to devise compelling and effective strategies. During the Cold War, the U.S. Navy submarine force had a clear mission and compelling goals, with resulting clarity on performance metrics. The Submarine Hydrodynamic/Hydroacoustic workforce was focused on helping the submarine force achieve these goals. In the post-Cold War era, the submarine force mission in the integrated battle space is less defined. The percentage of the military budget that can be spent on discretionary spending is decreasing. The Submarine Hydrodynamics/Hydroacoustic community has been directly impacted by the recent lack of focus and budget reductions. The purpose of this thesis is to research the past processes used to perform strategic planning for the Submarine Hydrodynamic/Hydroacoustic community, identify current strategic issues for the community, and document strategic lessons learned that can be identified through the evaluation of product successes and failures. / Civilian, United States Navy
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Integrating Knowledge through Project Lessons Learned: A Case Study of Global NPD Projects in Company X in the Automotive IndustryDIAZ QUINTANA, EDNA BEATRIZ, MOSQUERA LOPEZ, FERNANDO ANDRES January 2016 (has links)
Knowledge integration is a fundamental capability for Global New Product Development(NPD) success that allows exploiting windows of opportunity and foster innovation.Although Global NPD projects are recipients of project management methodologies,literature emphasizes a gap in how project management tools can support a knowledgeintegration capability. Therefore, this study aims to explore how project lessons learned,a project management tool, can enable knowledge integration in a global NPD context. To this extent, this study presents the case study of Company X, applying a qualitativemethod which follows an interpretivist philosophical stance and an inductive approach.The case study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with project managersand team members from two Research & Development (R&D) Centers. The datacollected was analyzed using a template analysis and matrix display. The literature review of this study introduces knowledge integration as a capability forglobal NPD, its mechanisms and influencing organizational factors. Project lessonslearned are presented as a project management tool that encompass experiences fromprojects and hence serve as a source of knowledge. This results in a theoretical frameworkfor knowledge integration and project lessons learned as an enabler of this capability,which works as a foundation for the empirical research. The findings of the applied methodology confirmed the elements of the theoreticalframework, and contributed to develop a framework that illustrates how project lessonslearned enable knowledge integration capability. Moreover, the findings explored theorganizational context of Global NPD projects, the tacit and explicit mechanisms tointegrate knowledge in and between projects and the different levels on which theorganizational factors influence the knowledge integration process. Recommendationsfor an effective knowledge integration are suggested for both academics and practitioners,as well as potential areas of research to continue extending the knowledge on this field.
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An Examination of the Presence of Schön's Concept of "Reflective Conversation" as a Defining Component in the Applied Studio Music LessonMurphy, Vanissa B. (Vanissa Braswell) 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the presence of Schön's concept of reflective conversation as a defining component in the applied studio music lesson. The research problems were (1) to determine the presence of complete and incomplete reflective conversations; (2) to determine the verbally exhibited knowledge base within complete conversations in relationship to conversation length; and (3) to establish an instructional profile of stable behaviors based on reflective conversation as a distinguishing characteristic among selected teachers. Videotapes of twenty-six applied studio music lessons of thirteen university teachers were analyzed according to problem solving, on-the-spot experimentation, and evaluation. An observation form was developed and was a reliable tool to collect information concerning number and type of reflective conversations, conversation length, and the teachers' verbally demonstrated knowledge base. Knowledge base was obtained by using the procedural model of Flanagan's critical incident technique. Reflective conversations existed and were a distinguishing characteristic of the teachers. With the exception of two teachers, a stable use of both number and length of reflective conversations, and knowledge base areas, was found. A discernible difference in the teachers' knowledge base within conversation length existed, and thus established instructional profiles for the teachers. Complete reflective conversations ranged from one-sixth to over half of total lesson time. Within instrument categories, teachers generally revealed a dissimilar knowledge usage. Some teachers exhibited fast-paced problem solving, in one minute or less, and named one or two knowledge areas. Others had longer conversations, up to five minutes, with more deliberate problem solving, and as many as twelve knowledge areas named. Results indicated that a practically significant situation can be examined by establishing teacher instructional profiles based upon reflective conversation. Methods employed in this study could be used to document teacher problem-solving and teacher knowledge in a variety of settings.
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