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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifika práce s dětmi cizinců v běžné mateřské škole / The specifics of working with children of foreign parents in a regular kindergarten

Knapová, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is about education and integration of children - foreigners in the field of pre-school education. This thesis specifies the specifics of working with these children in standard kindergarten. The goal of this work is to find forms, methods and ways how to work with children - foreigners before starting compulsory schooling. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part the thesis clarifies the work and basic terminology, which includes a comparison of the terms child - foreigner and child with a different mother tongue. Furthermore, the thesis covers topics as communication, education, integration of children - foreigners into the environment of standard kindergartens and describes forms and methods of working with them. Within the practical part dominates a research focused on finding methods and forms of working with children - foreigners in pre-school facilities. This research was conducted in a selected kindergarten and it is based on research questions which were set. Data collection was conducted in the way of observation of kindergarten classes and interviews with school staff. Gathered data helped to find the answers to the research questions. These answers became the baseline for the evaluation. The conclusion of the thesis is an...

The influence of English on mother-tongue in learning and teaching in secondary schools (Fet Band) with specific reference to Sepedi in Mankweng Circuit in the Limpopo Province

Montjane, Raesibe Oniccah January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (MA. (Translation Studies and Linguistics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2013 / The study sought to investigate the challenges that the learners and educators encountered in learning and teaching when they use English as a medium of instruction. The study reveals that African languages, along with their culture are being dominated by English. Most of Pedis’ learners cannot speak Sepedi without mixing it with English, and most of African people usually read English books and neglecting the Indigenous books. In addition, the study shows that learners performed better when they were taught in Sepedi than in English. The educators’ responses showed that learners have difficulties in understanding English as the medium of instruction and that they code-switch from English to Sepedi to enhance understanding.

Study and measure of the mechanical pressure exerted by the tongue on the complete denture during the production of speech and swallowing / Étude et mesure de la pression mécanique exercée par la langue sur une prothèse adjointe au coirs de la production de la parole et lors de la déglutition

Mirchandani, Bharat 09 July 2019 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est l'étude des interactions mécaniques entre la langue et le palais dans la production de parole et la déglutition. Cette interaction est cruciale car elle détermine la morphologie de la langue et son évolution dans le temps avant et après les contacts. Elle ne peut cependant pas être étudiée avec des approches cinématiques conventionnelles, car l'amplitude des mouvements est trop faible. La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à la conception d'un dispositif expérimental permettant de mesurer ces interactions sans perturber l'appareil vocal. La première particularité est que le dispositif est utilisé sur des patients édentés appareillés. Nous utilisons un duplicata de la prothèse complète maxillaire pour insérer des capteurs miniatures à jauges de contrainte dont les caractéristiques de réponse sont optimisées et qui permettent de mesurer la pression mécanique exercée par la langue sur le palais. La seconde particularité est qu’il existe une procédure d'étalonnage, associée aux capteurs, qui utilise une Colonne d’Eau Sèche. Elle applique une pression sur le capteur via une membrane en latex déformable, capable de simuler le comportement visco-élastique de la langue sur le palais. La deuxième partie de la thèse décrit le protocole de recherche clinique visant à (1) caractériser l'interaction langue-palais au cours de la prononciation et de la déglutition normales sur des individus édentés que nous considérons adaptés à leur prothèse complète (Cohorte 1), (2) observer l'adaptation dans une étude longitudinale des patients édentés nouvellement appareillés (Cohorte 2). Ce projet comprend, pour les deux cohortes, la description des objectifs, le protocole expérimental, la description fine des paramètres pertinents et la méthode statistique de traitement des données. Toutefois, le processus de rédaction et de soumission de ce protocole à un Comité de Protection des Personnes (CPP) a été plus long que prévu et l’étude clinique n’a pu être menée dans le cadre de cette thèse. C’est pourquoi, dans la troisième partie de la thèse, nous avons utilisé les données enregistrées dans l’étude de faisabilité, auprès d'un adulte édenté francophone. Les résultats montrent que notre dispositif permet d'explorer des hypothèses théoriques cruciales dans la parole comme l'existence de cibles virtuelles au-dessus du palais ou le rôle du palais dans la mise en forme du conduit aérien des consonnes fricatives. Les résultats des données enregistrées lors de la déglutition sont moins clairs, mais l'enchaînement temporel précis des contacts peut être décrit, ce qui permet de préciser comment les mouvements ondulatoires de la langue pendant la phase orale de la déglutition exploitent les contacts avec le palais. Les retombées cliniques de cette thèse permettent une meilleure connaissance du rôle fonctionnel des prothèses complètes et d’envisager la conception de prothèses qui seraient adaptées aux spécificités de chaque patient, notamment pour la rééducation des sujets traités chirurgicalement après des cancers de la langue, dans le cadre des taches de production de parole et de déglutition / The aim of the thesis is the study of the mechanical interaction between tongue and palate in speech production and swallowing. This interaction is crucial since it determines the shape of the tongue and its time evolution before and after contacts occur. Yet it cannot be studied with conventional kinematic approaches, since magnitude of movements is too small. The first part of the thesis was devoted to the design of an experimental setup to measure this interaction without perturbing the vocal tract. The first specificity is that the setup is used on subjects who are edentulous and wear a complete denture. We use a duplicate of the complete denture to insert miniature strain gauge sensors with enhanced response characteristics, that enable the measure of the mechanical pressure exerted by the tongue in different locations of the palate, without altering the shape of the palatal arch. The second specificity is that the calibration procedure uses a Dried Water Column (DWC) that applies pressure on the sensor via a deformable latex membrane, that simulates the way tongue touches the palate. The second part of the thesis enabled the design of an experimental protocol aiming at (1) providing a characterization of the tongue-palate interaction in normal speech production and swallowing based on edentulous subjects whom we consider to have adapted to their complete denture (cohort 1), (2) observing the adaptation process in a longitudinal study of edentulous subjects who are new users of complete denture (cohort 2). This work includes for two cohorts the design of the subject inclusion criteria, the motor tasks and the statistical method for the data analysis. However, unforeseen long delays were faced in the application process for the ethical approval and no data were collected in this context. Hence the third part of the thesis used data recorded in our most recent pilot study, with a French speaking edentulous adult. It is shown that our setup makes possible to tackle crucial theoretical questions in speech production such as the existence of virtual targets above the palate in stops or the role of the palate in the air channel shaping in fricatives. Results of swallowing tasks are less clear, but it is shown that precise time sequencing of contacts can be described, making possible the specification of how the ondulatory movements of the tongue in the oral phase of swallowing takes advantage of palatal contacts. In conclusion implications of this thesis are presented for a functional assessment of complete dentures, and the design of dentures that would be adapted to each subject’s specificities

A Study of Ghanaian Kindergarten Teachers' Use of Bilingual and Translanguaging Practices

Bronteng, Joyce Esi 14 June 2018 (has links)
The importance of mother tongue-based bilingual medium of instruction in bilingual and multilingual classrooms has been evidenced in ample studies in different parts of the world including Ghana. However, studies on how bilingualism is carried out with respect to classroom displays in bilingual education is very scant and even none, as far as I know, in Ghana. Also, there is emerging research on teachers’ translanguaging practices in other parts of the world including South Africa but research on instructional use of translanguaging is yet to be conducted in Ghana. Therefore, this study examined kindergarten teachers’ bilingual practices with regard to classroom displays as well as their translanguaging practices at morning assembly in some selected schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis in the Central Region of Ghana. The study used the Ghanaian part of a secondary data that was sponsored by the New Civics Grants from the Spencer Foundation in the USA. Joint research team from the USA and Ghana collected these data in six kindergarten classrooms in each of the two countries. Even though the initial purpose of the study was to examine how classroom wall displays connected with young children's roles as apprentice citizens, repurposing it for this study was suitable because all the classrooms photographed are public schools that use the NALAP in their ECE classrooms. However, four schools participated because they used the local languages that I can read and write. Guided by the purpose, two research questions and two different data (photographs of classroom wall displays and video of morning assembly) were used. I used qualitative design through visual research method and Barbara Rogoff’s (1990, 2003) socio-cultural theory as my theoretical lens. The photo data was analyzed semiotically (Chandler, 2007, Semetsky, 2010, 2017) and used discourse analysis with the big “D” for the analysis of the video data (Gee, 2014, Gee & Handford, 2012). The findings indicated that all the schools except one had bilingually labeled displays among their classroom displays (though bilingual labeling was given less attention) with the major language pair for the bilingual labeling being English and Mfantse languages. It also came out that most of the bilingually labeled displays were posted within the eye level of the students. More so, with regard to the sign type, most of the bilingually labeled displays were iconic. Regarding the teachers’ translanguaging practices at morning assembly, the findings indicated that all the participating schools and teachers translanguaged during the conduct of their respective morning assembly. It was revealed that aside from using translanguaging as comprehension enhancer, it was also used as a downtoner as well as alienation tool linguistically. However, the findings showed that English only displays far dominated both the bilingual labeling and translanguaging practices of the teachers. Based on the findings, the study recommended that ECE colleges of education in Ghana should include knowledge and skills for bilingual labeling in their pre-service preparation since the nation is a multilingual state. Also, pedagogical use of translanguaging should be included in teacher education curriculum so that teachers would be intentional about its usage in instruction delivery. In addition, higher education like University of Cape Coast (UCC) and University of Education, Winneba (UEW) which are the main trainers of teacher educators in the country need to develop curriculum for bilingual teaching with attention to effective design and use of bilingual labeling and training manuals for ECE teachers on the effective use of bilingual labeling and pedagogical use of translanguaging in Ghanaian ECE education. More so, there should professional development on the effective use of bilingual classroom display as well as translanguaging for in-service teachers in Ghana so to promote the academic achievement of the bi/multilingual students Ghanaian schools serve.

"Det ingår liksom att anstränga sig lite" : En studie om pedagogers förhållningssätt och tankar om språkstimulerande arbetssätt för flerspråkiga barn i förskolan.

Cleve, Linn January 2010 (has links)
<p>Den här studien syftade till att belysa hur några pedagoger med olika typ av bakgrund, verksamma i ett homogent svensktalande respektive ett mer mångkulturellt område, tänker om och arbetar med flerspråkiga barn i förskolan. Frågeställningarna rörde pedagogernas syn på hur en språkstimulerande miljö bör utformas, positiva samt negativa aspekter i arbetet med flerspråkiga förskolebarn, samt om skillnader i uttalanden hos de olika yrkesrollerna kunde utrönas. Jag ville också ta reda på om barnens modersmål talades i verksamheten eller om dess ursprung lyftes fram på något annat vis. Jag använde mig av intervjuer som forskningsmetod.</p><p>Min resultatanalys visade att samtliga pedagoger betonar användandet av ett nyanserat, rikt och benämnande språk i det vardagliga talet, under alla situationer i verksamheten. För barn med annat modersmål än svenska blir det extra viktigt med stöd i form av bilder och konkret material, enligt pedagogerna. Problematiska aspekter med att tala flera olika språk i verksamheten, som lyftes fram var dels organisatoriska - att erhålla pedagoger med en viss flerspråkig kompetens - och dels att hålla en sund balans där också det svenska språket ska betonas. På två av förskolorna talar pedagogerna andra språk än svenska i den dagliga verksamheten. De gör detta med hänvisning till de positiva kognitiva effekter barnet får. Tvärtemot detta har en förskollärare på en annan förskola valt att inte tala flera olika språk i verksamheten. Hon menar att detta sänder ut negativa signaler till de barn vars modersmål inte talas av någon av pedagogerna. Generellt sett framkom en ståndpunkt hos pedagogerna om att problem och svårigheter ingår i yrket, det ingår att anstränga sig, varför exempelvis språkförbistringar egentligen inte anses vara jobbigt.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to shed light on how some teachers with different backgrounds, in a homogenous Swedish-speaking and a more multicultural area, think about and work with multilingual children in preschool. My research questions concerned the teachers’ vision of how a language stimulating environment should be designed. If multilingual children need a particular design - plus positive and negative aspects of the work with multilingual preschool children, as well as if there’s differences between the statements of the various professional roles. I also wanted to find out whether children's mother tongue was spoken in the everyday praxis or not - or if the child’s origins were highlighted in other ways. Interviews were used as my reasearch metod.</p><p>My results showed that all teachers stress the use of a nuanced, rich and naming language in everyday praxis. For children with a mother tongue other than Swedish, it becomes more important with language aid, like pictures and concrete materials, according to teachers. Problematic aspects of speaking several languages in preschool were partly organizational - to obtain staff with multilingual skills - and partly to keep a balance in also emphasizing Swedish. In two of the preschools’ everyday activity, teachers speak languages other than Swedish. They do this referring to the positive cognitive effects on the child. Contrary to this, a preschool teacher at another preschool chose not to speak other languages in everyday activity. She feels that this sends out negative signals to the children whose first language is not spoken by any of the teachers. In general, there was a position with the teachers that problems and difficulties are in the profession, making an effort forms a part of the occupation.</p>

Textens väg : om förutsättningar för texturval i gymnasieskolans svenskundervisning

Lundström, Stefan January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis looks at conditions for selections of fictional texts in the Swedish subject in the upper secondary school. Three different empirical materials have contributed to the understanding of what conditions there are for the texts to enter the classroom. The first material consists of national policy documents from 1970 to 2005. Here there is a tendency that the student goes from being an object for knowledge to becoming a subject that creates his/her own knowledge. With this development the contents and the given aims with the subject become more abstract, which leads to the framework of the curriculum becoming wider and more difficult to interpret. Simultaneously the focus is moved from mediation of given knowledge, to the development of an identity for the individual.</p><p>The second material consists of debate and method articles from Svenskläraren, a magazine for members, published by an organisation of Swedish teachers. The study comprise articles from the same period of time as the national curricula. In the articles there are three tendencies reflecting the changes in the discourse of the Swedish subject. The first tendency shows how the overall ideological debate on the subject disappears during this period. The second tendency shows how discussions about the conceptions of the subject is replaced by more and more concrete examples of methods. The third tendency depicts that the concrete text selections have moved from being partly predetermined during the seventies to become debated during the eighties, to finally during the nineties end up in a situation where some texts has a sufficient cultural capital not to need justifications, whereas others need it.</p><p>The third material consists of interviews with, and observations of, four active teachers, in order to find what conditions there are for text selections in their rhetoric and practice. The results show a clear impression of informal institutional factors and of the school culture. However, this seems to decrease with experience. There are big differences in how the teachers speak about text selections and text use and what the result becomes in practice. Here professionalism in form of knowledge in subject didactics could have a vast impact.</p>

Against the Odds : The challenges of bilingualism in a monolingual environment

Keresztes, Réka January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study has been to describe the reasoning of five immigrant parents with Swedish partners who raise their child to become bilingual. Having interviewed the informants, three central themes became apparent: bilingualism, identity and the environment. All five families reason that they raise their child with the mother tongue of the mother and the mother tongue of the father and that it is natural. Discussions about identity and culture are made in specific reference to the surrounding monolingual environment, which is often perceived as an obstacle to bilingualism.</p> / <p>Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att beskriva fem individers resonemang kring tvåspråkig barnuppfostran. Efter att ha intervjuat informanterna blev det tydligt att uppsatsen hade tre centrala teman: tvåspråkighet, identitet och miljön. Alla fem familjer anser att deras barn blir uppfostrad med moderns och faderns modersmål och att det är naturligt. Diskussioner om identitet och kultur är direkt knutna till den omgivande enspråkiga miljön, som ofta upplevs som ett hinder för tvåspråkighet.</p>

Hur skapas läslust bland högstadieelever med annat modersmål än svenska? : En undersökning gjord på en prisbelönad högstadieskola i en Stockholmsförort

Mikalides, Michline January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med min uppsats är att redogöra för och diskutera hur en lärare arbetar med läslust och språkutveckling, samt hur hennes elever upplever denna undervisning. Läslust handlar om mycket mer än att bara tycka om att läsa böcker, såväl i skolan som på fritiden. Elever med läslust kan ta upp en bok att läsa som avkoppling, lika gärna som de kan se på tv.</p><p>För att undersöka mitt syfte har jag studerat en klass i en Stockholmsförort. Jag har intervjuat en lärare, samt fyra av hennes elever, för att ta reda på hur läraren arbetar med att skapa och upprätthålla läslusten hos eleverna, och hur eleverna uppfattar lärarens undervisning kring läslust. Jag har även gjort en enkätundersökning med alla elever i klassen, för att ta reda på hur de upplever läslust, och vad de tycker om lärarens arbetssätt för att skapa läslust.</p><p>Resultaten av min undersökning visar att det är skillnad mellan flickors och pojkars läsning. Oftast är det flickor som läser mest, vilket kan bero på flera faktorer. En anledning är att flickor har fler läsande förebilder och att många pojkar uppfattar läsning som omanligt, och de väljer därför bort det. Jag har även upptäckt att läraren inte medvetet arbetar med läslust, och att hennes elever inte upplever att läraren uppmuntrar dem till läsning.</p><p>Det är väldigt viktigt att elever har goda läsande förebilder som kan motivera och skapa nyfikenhet till läsning. Även att tidigt börja med läsning i skolan, samt att läraren har god bokkännedom och kan föra givande boksamtal efter att ha avslutat en bok, är viktigt. Det är betydande att läraren kan övertyga läsovana elever till att läsning är ett nöje, och att läraren hittar rätt bok till rätt elev.</p> / <p>My study’s aims are to describe and discuss how a teacher work with reading-inclination and language acquisition, and how her pupils perceive this teaching. Pupils that have reading-inclination can take a book and read it at home, as well as they can turn on the TV.</p><p>To achieve my aim I have studied a multilingual class in a suburb to Stockholm. I have interviewed one teacher and four of her pupils. I have also done a questionnaire-investigation with all the pupils in her class. I want to know if the teacher is aware of how she is working with the pupils to make them have reading-inclination while they are reading books. I would also like to know what the pupils think of reading-inclination and if they like to read.</p><p>The results of my study show that there is a large difference between the girls’ and the boys’ reading. The girls like to read more than the boys. One reason can be that girls have more reading models and that boys think reading is something feminine. I have also discovered that the teacher is not deliberately working with reading-inclination and her pupils don’t feel like she is encouraging them to read.</p><p>It’s very important with good role models that can justify and make the pupils curious about reading. It’s important for the pupils to start reading early in school, and for the teacher to have a good book-knowledge and lead profitable book-conversation after finishing a book. It’s also important for the teacher to convince pupils that are unaccustomed book-readers that reading is a pleasure, and to find the right book too the right pupil.</p>

The influence of interfaces on the understanding of Mathematics in secondary schools in Afghanistan

Mojadadi, Abdul Rahman January 2010 (has links)
<p>he focus of this research is to establish whether there is a difference in the way the genders perceive the visualization of mathematics, with specific reference to set theory. The influence of the computing experience of students on their perceptions was also investigated. Interfaces were created for the teaching of set theory for learners in the first class of secondary school. Since the mother tongue of most the pupils is Dari the interface was made available in both Dari and English. The interfaces were used to gather the data for the researc</p>

Hur skapas läslust bland högstadieelever med annat modersmål än svenska? : En undersökning gjord på en prisbelönad högstadieskola i en Stockholmsförort

Mikalides, Michline January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med min uppsats är att redogöra för och diskutera hur en lärare arbetar med läslust och språkutveckling, samt hur hennes elever upplever denna undervisning. Läslust handlar om mycket mer än att bara tycka om att läsa böcker, såväl i skolan som på fritiden. Elever med läslust kan ta upp en bok att läsa som avkoppling, lika gärna som de kan se på tv. För att undersöka mitt syfte har jag studerat en klass i en Stockholmsförort. Jag har intervjuat en lärare, samt fyra av hennes elever, för att ta reda på hur läraren arbetar med att skapa och upprätthålla läslusten hos eleverna, och hur eleverna uppfattar lärarens undervisning kring läslust. Jag har även gjort en enkätundersökning med alla elever i klassen, för att ta reda på hur de upplever läslust, och vad de tycker om lärarens arbetssätt för att skapa läslust. Resultaten av min undersökning visar att det är skillnad mellan flickors och pojkars läsning. Oftast är det flickor som läser mest, vilket kan bero på flera faktorer. En anledning är att flickor har fler läsande förebilder och att många pojkar uppfattar läsning som omanligt, och de väljer därför bort det. Jag har även upptäckt att läraren inte medvetet arbetar med läslust, och att hennes elever inte upplever att läraren uppmuntrar dem till läsning. Det är väldigt viktigt att elever har goda läsande förebilder som kan motivera och skapa nyfikenhet till läsning. Även att tidigt börja med läsning i skolan, samt att läraren har god bokkännedom och kan föra givande boksamtal efter att ha avslutat en bok, är viktigt. Det är betydande att läraren kan övertyga läsovana elever till att läsning är ett nöje, och att läraren hittar rätt bok till rätt elev. / My study’s aims are to describe and discuss how a teacher work with reading-inclination and language acquisition, and how her pupils perceive this teaching. Pupils that have reading-inclination can take a book and read it at home, as well as they can turn on the TV. To achieve my aim I have studied a multilingual class in a suburb to Stockholm. I have interviewed one teacher and four of her pupils. I have also done a questionnaire-investigation with all the pupils in her class. I want to know if the teacher is aware of how she is working with the pupils to make them have reading-inclination while they are reading books. I would also like to know what the pupils think of reading-inclination and if they like to read. The results of my study show that there is a large difference between the girls’ and the boys’ reading. The girls like to read more than the boys. One reason can be that girls have more reading models and that boys think reading is something feminine. I have also discovered that the teacher is not deliberately working with reading-inclination and her pupils don’t feel like she is encouraging them to read. It’s very important with good role models that can justify and make the pupils curious about reading. It’s important for the pupils to start reading early in school, and for the teacher to have a good book-knowledge and lead profitable book-conversation after finishing a book. It’s also important for the teacher to convince pupils that are unaccustomed book-readers that reading is a pleasure, and to find the right book too the right pupil.

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