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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O ensino religioso no fundamental I no município de Abreu e Lima: uma abordagem ecumênica

Bruno Junior Paz Barreto 25 March 2014 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, tem sido grande o trânsito religioso do catolicismo para as Igrejas evangélicas de matiz mais pentecostal que enfatiza a ação do Espírito Santo sobre os fiéis, curando-lhes as feridas do corpo e da alma. Entre as Igrejas pentecostais a que mais vem crescendo é a Assembleia de Deus, fundada pelos suecos Daniel Berg e Gunnar Vingren no século passado. A vinda dessa Igreja ao Brasil passa primeiramente por Belém-PA, espalhando-se logo depois pelo Brasil, sendo a cidade de Abreu e Lima (PE) a mais protestante do Brasil. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a questão do ensino religioso na cidade de Abreu e Lima em uma perspectiva ecumênica, analisando sobre tudo o desenvolvimento do movimento pentecostal na cidade. Tal movimento é puxado pela denominação pentecostal Assembleia de Deus que existe na cidade deste antes de sua fundação como cidade. A partir daí iremos compreender como tal denominação influencia na formação dos cidadãos com o ensino religioso no município. A metodologia utilizada foi a bibliográfica e documental. Como resultados, hoje 41% dos habitantes de Abreu e Lima são assembleianos, tendo elegido o pastor como atual prefeito da cidade. / In recent decades, there has been great religious transit from Catholicism to evangelical Pentecostal Churches that emphasizes the action of the Holy Spirit upon the faithful, healing their wounds of body and soul. Among Pentecostal churches is growing the fastest is the Assembly of God, founded by Swedes Daniel Berg and Gunnar Vingren last century. The coming of this church to Brazil was firstly Belém (PA), spreading soon after through across Brazil, being Abreu e Lima the most Protestant city in Brazil. This research aims to analyze the issue of religious education in the city of Abreu e Lima in an ecumenical perspective, analyzing everything about the development of the Pentecostal movement in the city. This movement is driven by the Assembly of God Pentecostal denomination that exists in this city before its foundation as city. From there we will understand how such a name influences in the formation of citizens with religious education in the city. The methodology used was the literature and documents. As results , today 41 % of the inhabitants of Abreu e Lima belong to Assembly Church, having elected the pastor as the current mayor of the city.

De Mar Babaï le Grand à Mar Denkha IV : la Déclaration christologique commune assyro-catholique de 1994 / From Mar Babai the Great to Mar Denkha IV : the Assyrian-Catholic common christological declaration of 1994

Khoshaba, Philippe 06 July 2017 (has links)
La Déclaration christologique commune signée à Rome en 1994 entre l’Église catholique et l’Église assyrienne témoigne d’une volonté réelle de retour à la foi une et commune entre les deux Églises. Elle met un terme à une séparation datant du Ve siècle, lors des querelles christologiques entre les deux patriarches Nestorius et Cyrille d’Alexandrie. L’Église de l’Orient vit, depuis toujours, un double isolement : l’un géographique, politique et culturel car située jadis en dehors des frontières de l’Empire romain, et l’autre dogmatique et ecclésiologique dû à sa défense de maîtres œcuméniques condamnés tels Nestorius et Théodore de Mopsueste. Elle exploite des termes anthropologiques kyana (nature), qnoma et parsopa (personne), de la langue syriaque, à la base des controverses et des incompréhensions sur la personne une du Christ. Dans ce débat, le rôle de Mar Babaï le Grand, au VIIe siècle, est capital, car il donne, dans son livre Liber de Unione, une définition précise de ces termes et systématise la théologie syro-orientale. Il est à l’origine de la confession christologique : deux natures, deux qnomé en une personne. La Déclaration christologique de 1994, révèle au monde ce qui unit les deux Églises : la personne du Christ. Elle est le fruit d’un travail concerté du Conseil pontifical pour la promotion de l’unité des chrétiens et de l’Église de l’Orient. Le désir de Mar Denkha IV, de signer un accord christologique avec Rome a rencontré celui d’André de Halleux, du côté catholique et de Mar Bawai Soro, du côté assyrien. Le Comité mixte assyro-catholique poursuit cette tâche en vue de l’unité, de 1995 à 2004, épaulé par la Fondation « Pro Oriente ». En 2005, le dialogue est suspendu avec le refus de la signature de l’accord sur les sacrements par les Assyriens. L’année 2007, laisse entrevoir une reprise possible du dialogue entre les deux partis. / The Common Christological Declaration signed in Rome in 1994 between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church testifies to a genuine desire for a return to the common faith between the two Churches. It puts an end to a separation dating from the 5th century, due to the Christological quarrels between the two patriarchs Nestorius and Cyril of Alexandria.The Church of the East has always had a double isolation: one geographical, political and cultural since it was formerly outside the borders of the Roman Empire, and the other dogmatic and ecclesiological due to its defense of ecumenical masters condemned such as Nestorius and Theodore de Mopsueste. It exploits the anthropological terms kyana (nature), qnoma and parsopa (person), of the Syriac language, at the basis of the controversies and misunderstandings on the one person in Christ. In this debate, the role of Mar Baba the Great in the seventh century is crucial, for in his book Liber de Unione he gives a precise definition of these terms and systematizes Syro-Oriental theology. He is at the origin of the Christological confession: two natures, two qnome in one person. The Christological Declaration of 1994 reveals to the world what unites the two Churches: the person of Christ. It is the result of a concerted effort by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the Unity of Christians and the Church of the East. The desire of Mar Denkha IV to sign achristological agreement with Rome met that of André de Halleux on the Catholic side and Mar Bawai Soro on the Assyrian side. The Assyro-Catholic Joint Committee continued this task with a view to unity, from 1995 to 2004, supported by the "Pro Oriente" Foundation. In 2005, the dialogue was suspended with the refusal of the Assyrians to sign the agreement on the sacraments. The year 2007, aims at resuming the dialogue between the two parties.

O ensino religioso no fundamental I no município de Abreu e Lima: uma abordagem ecumênica

Barreto, Bruno Junior Paz 25 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:12:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 bruno_junior_paz_barreto.pdf: 383549 bytes, checksum: 914d57c2dba962afd13017aaa2ceb572 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-25 / In recent decades, there has been great religious transit from Catholicism to evangelical Pentecostal Churches that emphasizes the action of the Holy Spirit upon the faithful, healing their wounds of body and soul. Among Pentecostal churches is growing the fastest is the Assembly of God, founded by Swedes Daniel Berg and Gunnar Vingren last century. The coming of this church to Brazil was firstly Belém (PA), spreading soon after through across Brazil, being Abreu e Lima the most Protestant city in Brazil. This research aims to analyze the issue of religious education in the city of Abreu e Lima in an ecumenical perspective, analyzing everything about the development of the Pentecostal movement in the city. This movement is driven by the Assembly of God Pentecostal denomination that exists in this city before its foundation as city. From there we will understand how such a name influences in the formation of citizens with religious education in the city. The methodology used was the literature and documents. As results , today 41 % of the inhabitants of Abreu e Lima belong to Assembly Church, having elected the pastor as the current mayor of the city. / Nas últimas décadas, tem sido grande o trânsito religioso do catolicismo para as Igrejas evangélicas de matiz mais pentecostal que enfatiza a ação do Espírito Santo sobre os fiéis, curando-lhes as feridas do corpo e da alma. Entre as Igrejas pentecostais a que mais vem crescendo é a Assembleia de Deus, fundada pelos suecos Daniel Berg e Gunnar Vingren no século passado. A vinda dessa Igreja ao Brasil passa primeiramente por Belém-PA, espalhando-se logo depois pelo Brasil, sendo a cidade de Abreu e Lima (PE) a mais protestante do Brasil. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a questão do ensino religioso na cidade de Abreu e Lima em uma perspectiva ecumênica, analisando sobre tudo o desenvolvimento do movimento pentecostal na cidade. Tal movimento é puxado pela denominação pentecostal Assembleia de Deus que existe na cidade deste antes de sua fundação como cidade. A partir daí iremos compreender como tal denominação influencia na formação dos cidadãos com o ensino religioso no município. A metodologia utilizada foi a bibliográfica e documental. Como resultados, hoje 41% dos habitantes de Abreu e Lima são assembleianos, tendo elegido o pastor como atual prefeito da cidade.

Die lewe en werk van ds Kálmán Papp II (geb 1924), met verwysing na die Hongaarse agtergrond, die Nederlandse periode en die Suid-Afrikaanse periode (Afrikaans)

Papp, Kalman Diederik 07 June 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Hierdie studie is onderneem om 'n biografie daar te stel van dominee Kálmán Papp II, predikant van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (sedert 1951) en stamvader van die familie Papp in Suid-Afrika. Daar sal uiteraard ook gekyk word na sy teologiese posisie as predikant en verkondiger van die Evangelie van die Here, Jesus Christus. Die studie val uiteen in vier hoofstukke. Die eerste hoofstuk skets die agtergronde waaruit Papp afkomstig is. Die geskiedenis, land en taal van die Hongaarse volk kom eerste aan die orde, vervolgens die geskiedenis van die Christendom en die geskiedenis en etos van die Hervormde Kerk van Hongarye, en laastens Papp se genealogiese agtergrond. Die tweede hoofstuk van hierdie studie beskryf Papp se kinder- en studentejare in Hongarye (1924-1946): sy geboorte en opwindende kleuter- en laerskooljare in Mándok, sy vaderlose hoërskooljare aan die Lévai Jószef Hervormde Gimnasium in Miskolc, sy bedrywige studentejare aan die Graaf Tissza István Universiteit in Debrecen, sy aangrypende ervarings tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, en sy vertrek na Nederland vir nagraadse studie. In die derde hoofstuk word Papp se verblyf in Nederland en sy studie van bykans twee jaar (1947-1949) aan die Universiteit van Utrecht beskryf, asook sy noodgedwonge emigrasie na Suid-Afrika. Papp se interessante lewensverloop in Suid-Afrika (1949-2008) word in die laaste hoofstuk van hierdie studie, wat uit ses afdelings bestaan, beskryf. Sy aankoms en vestiging in Suid-Afrika, studentetyd aan die Univer-siteit van Pretoria, toelating tot die evangeliebediening, afloswerk as proponent en huweliksbevestiging word in die eerste vier afdelings beskryf. Die vyfde afdeling beskryf Papp se voltydse bedieningstyd van veertig jaar in die gemeente Krugersdorp (1951-1991). Hierdie afdeling beslaan die grootste gedeelte van hierdie studie en is onderverdeel in vier afdelings wat elk 'n periode van ongeveer een dekade dek. Die eerste onderafdeling dek onder andere sy ontvangs in die gemeente, die kort maar aangename tydperk van sy eerste medeleraarskap, sy eerste publikasies en openbare optredes, die vreugdevolle geboorte van sy vyf kinders, die afstigting van die gemeentes Magaliesburg in 1953 en Krugersdorp-Oos in 1954, sy toegewyde betrokkenheid by die sinodale aktiwiteite van die kerk, onbaatsugtige hulpverlening aan en bediening van die Hongaarse vlugtelinge van 1956, lojale lidmaatskap van en betrokkenheid by die Paardekraal Feeskommissie, die ywerige bevordering van ekumeniese bande en die sewentigste verjaardagviering van die gemeente Krugersdorp. Die tweede onderafdeling beskryf Papp se deernisvolle betrokken-heid by die Jac van Belkum Kinderhuis te Krugersdorp, die periode van 'n ongelukkige tweede medeleraarskap, die noodgedwonge afstigting van 'n derde gemeente (Krugersdorp-Noord), sy sterk en entoesiastiese leiding met die oprigting van 'n nuwe pastorie en inrigting van 'n kerksaal, en die vreugdevolle viering van die gemeente Krugersdorp se 75ste bestaansjaar. In die derde onderafdeling word Papp se intensiewe betrokkenheid in die gemeenskap van Krugersdorp, by name by die Sterkfontein Hospitaal en Laerskool Burgershoop, en sy geesdriftige bearbeiding van die gemeente Outjo in die destydse Suidwes-Afrika onder andere beskryf, asook die viering van sy 25ste ampsjubileum, en die legitimasie en ordening van sy twee predikanteseuns en skoondogter. Die vierde onderafdeling dek onder andere die geboorte van Papp se eerste kleinkinders, sy aktiewe betrokkenheid by die 1983 Bybelfees en die ontvangs van verskeie familielede, gaste en besoekers uit die buiteland. Verskeie hoogtepunte in Papp se lewe word ook in hierdie onderafdeling beskrywe - sy amnestie, die eeufees van die gemeente Krugersdorp, wat met sy emeritaat saamgeval het, en die verskyning van Papp se gedenkalbum oor die geskiedenis van die gemeente Krugersdorp. Verskeie terugslae in Papp se lewe word ook in hierdie afdeling beskryf - die persoonlike probleme en egskeidings van sy kinders en die dood van verskeie familielede en vriende. Die laaste afdeling van hierdie studie beskryf Papp se aftreejare (1992-2008) - sewentien jare waarin verskeie hoogtepunte en terugslae mekaar voortdurend afgewissel het. Onder die hoogtepunte tel Papp se prominente deelname aan die Paardekraal Geloftefees, die erkenning van sy dienswerk aan die gemeenskap van Krugersdorp, die hertoelating van sy oudste seun en skoondogter as predikante, drie reise na Hongarye, die viering van sy tagtigste verjaardag, goue bruilof en 50ste ampsjubileum, en die toekenning van 'n ereprofessoraat. Onder die terugslae tel verskeie operasies en die tragiese dood van sy derde seun. Die studie word afgesluit met 'n samevattende teologiese evaluasie en ‘n waarderende beskrywing van Papp se sonderlinge gawes en unieke persoonlikheid. ENGLISH: The purpose of this study has been to compile a biography of the Reverend Kálmán Papp II, minister of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (since 1951) and progenitor of the Papp family in South Africa. Naturally his theological position as minister and preacher of the gospel of the Lord, Jesus Christ, will be looked at. The study consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, which deals with Papp's historical backgrounds, the history, land and language of the Hungarian nation, the history and ethos of the Reformed Church of Hungary, and the history of Papp's forefathers, with specific reference to the ministers of religion, are dealt with briefly. In more detail, the second chapter describes Papp's childhood and student years in Hungary (1924-1946): his exciting toddler and primary school years in Mándok, his fatherless high school years at the Lévai Jószef Gymnasium in Miskolc, his bustling student years at the Count Tissza István University of Debrecen, his gripping experiences during World War II, and his departure to the Netherlands for post graduate study. Papp's residence in the Netherlands, his two years at the University of Utrecht (1947-1949) and his hasty emigration to South Africa, are dealt with in chapter three. In the last chapter of this study, which consists of six sections, Papp’s interesting course of life in South Africa (1949-2008) is described. His arrival and settling in South Africa, student years at the University of Pretoria, admission to the ministry, temporary service as a candidate minister, and his marriage, are described in the first four sections. The fifth section deals with Papp's ministry of forty uninterrupted years in the Krugersdorp congregation of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk (1951-1991). This section forms the main part of this study and is subdivided into four subsections, each covering a period of approximately one decade. The first subsection covers Papp's reception in the congregation, the short but fulfilling period of his first joint ministry, his first publications and public appearances, the birth of his children, the formation of two new congregations (Magaliesburg in 1953 and Krugersdorp-Oos in 1954), his dedicated involvement in synodical activities of the church, unselfish assistance and support to the Hungarian refugees of 1956, the loyalty portrayed in his involvement in the cultural life of Krugersdorp, his diligent promotion of ecumenical relations and his part in the seventieth anniversary of the Krugersdorp congregation. The second subsection describes Papp's sympathetic involvement with the Jac van Belkum orphanage in Krugersdorp, the period of an unhappy second joint ministry in the congregation, the compelled forming in 1964 of a third new congregation (Krugersdorp-Noord) Papp's strong and enthusiastic guidance in the building of a new parsonage and the transformation of an old abattoir into a church hall, as well as the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of his congregation. In the third subsection Papp's intense involvement in the community life of Krugersdorp, more specifically with the Sterkfontein Psychiatric Hospital and Burgershoop Primary School, and his zealous work in the church's Outjo congregation in the former South West Africa are dealt with. Then there are also referred to the celebration of his twenty-fifth year in the ministry and the ordination of two of his sons and his daughter in law. The fourth subsection covers the birth of Papp's first grandchildren, his active involvement in the Bible Festival of 1983, and the reception and accommodation of various family members, guests and visitors from abroad. Several high lights of his life are also described in this section: his amnesty, the centenary celebrations of his congregation, which coincided with his retirement, and the publication of his album on the history of the Krugersdorp congregation. However, several set backs in Papp's life are also described in this section - the personal problems of his children, the failure of the marriages of both of his sons in ministry and the passing away of various family members and friends. The last section of this study describes Papp's seventeen years after retirement (1992-2008) - years in which several high lights and set backs occurred. Amongst the high lights were Papp's prominent part in the Day of the Covenant celebrations at Paardekraal, the acknowledgement of his service to the community of Krugersdorp, the re-admission of his eldest son and daughter in law into the ministry, three trips to Hungary, the celebration of his eightieth birthday, his fiftieth wedding anniversary and his fiftieth year in office as a church minister, and last but not the least, the conferment of a honorary professorate. Amongst the set backs were several illnesses and surgeries, and worst of all, the tragic death of his third son. The study concludes with a summarized theological evaluation and an appreciative description of Papp's exceptional gifts and unique personality. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Church History and Church Policy / unrestricted

Urbanistické řešení vybraného prostoru Brno-Kohoutovice / Urban design of the selected area in Brno - Kohoutovice

Pecháček, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The urban study of a selected area of the city of Brno Kohoutovice solves the existing unsuitable condition of the part of Kohoutovice near the Voříškova bus stop. A difficult area characterized by substantial building interventions of a past era and a very rugged field relief, it gave rise to a novel concept which tries, with unconventional solutions, to find the broken dialogue between the original historic buildings and socialist settlement. It attempts to define clearly the main public areas still missing here and bring logic to these areas. It divides the system of private property and public spaces. It deals with the problem of finding a solution to neighborhood full of high-rises. It intensifies the existing buildings and connects the individual parts, though separates traffic. It brings new value to the area in the form of an ecumenical center located in the unused space at a grade-separated crossroads and a newly designed head-axis which connects the old part of the village with the new development. The study also deals with the future of urbanism in the prospective period of thirty years. There was therefore some effort to engage contemporary technical and social trends, such as accommodation in mobile housing units.

«The Gospel is more than mere propositions» : genèse et développement de la coalition œcuménique Project North, 1975-1987

Csuzdi-Vallée, Antoine 08 1900 (has links)
Project North (PN) est une coalition œcuménique active de 1975 à 1987. À son apogée, elle est composée de 12 Églises chrétiennes. Formée dans la lignée d’un renouveau théologique et œcuménique, PN est un acteur central dans le Canada des années 1970 et 1980. Jamais explorée extensivement dans l’historiographie, PN s’inscrit à la jonction de quatre champs d’études : l’histoire du Nord, l’histoire autochtone, l’histoire religieuse et l’histoire des ressources naturelles. Au fil de son histoire, PN collabore avec plus d’une vingtaine d’organisations autochtones locales, régionales et nationales sur une multitude d’enjeux marquants de l’époque. En entretenant des liens de confiance avec celles-ci, PN contribue à la transmission et à la diffusion de leurs revendications à un large auditoire. Son rôle dans l’évolution d’enjeux nordiques a été essentiel et ne peut pas être mis en veilleuse, tout particulièrement dans le cadre de la Convention de la Baie-James et du Nord québécois, de la Commission Berger et de la Northern Native Rights Campaign. L’étude détaillée de son histoire administrative montre toutefois que PN agit selon une optique de nordicité religieuse, c’est-à-dire une vision chrétienne du Nord influencée par une théologie structurée et complexe. Le Nord de PN est un Nord chrétien, vierge de péchés sociaux et de vastes projets de développement de ressources naturelles. Ceci l’amène à entretenir des relations indifférentes, voire hostiles, avec certaines organisations autochtones dont les finalités souhaitées divergent de celles de la coalition. / Project North (PN) was an ecumenical coalition active from 1975 to 1987. At its peak, it comprised 12 different Christian churches. Formed in the wake of theological and ecumenical renewal, PN was a central player in Canada in the 1970s and 1980s. Never explored extensively in the historiography, PN stands at the junction of four fields of study: northern history, Indigenous history, religious history and natural resources history. Throughout its history, PN collaborated with more than twenty local, regional, and national Indigenous organizations on a multitude of pressing issues of the time. By maintaining a relationship of trust with these organizations, PN contributed to the transmission and publicization of their demands to a wide audience. Its role in the evolution of northern issues was essential and cannot be overlooked, especially during the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, the Berger Commission and the Northern Native Rights Campaign. A detailed study of its administrative history reveals, however, that PN acted according to a religious nordicity, that is a Christian vision of the North influenced by a structured and complex theology. PN's North was Christian, untouched by social sins and by vast natural resource development projects. This led the coalition to maintain indifferent, even hostile, relations with certain Indigenous organizations whose ends diverged from those of the coalition.


JOVIR ALCEU ZANUZZO 29 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] Por uma ética mais humana - uma reflexão sobre os referenciais éticos da pós-modernidade e a proposta ética da mensagem cristã aborda a sociedade pós-moderna neste tempo de constantes evoluções técnico-científicas, a hipermodernidade. As manifestações humano-sociais assumem uma configuração própria, conseqüência de um intenso processo de personalização. As frequentes inovações nem sempre produzem os frutos esperados. Muitas de suas conquistas são responsáveis por uma flagrante carência de valores e princípios éticos, por um indiferente subjetivismo e por um generalizado sintoma de vazio existencial. Cada vez mais vigoroso, o individualismo irresponsável torna-se uma real ameaça à sobrevivência humana. Essa situação interpela e desafia a todos, revelando a urgência de novos referenciais comportamentais que dinamizem novos relacionamentos e novas atitudes humanas, mais solidárias e mais responsáveis. Segundo Hans Kung, pelo poder de influência que ainda possuem, as grandes religiões são capazes de fomentar e dinamizar novos princípios e valores éticos. Para isso, é necessário buscar um consenso mínimo, sustentado no diálogo e no respeito mútuo. Levando em consideração a análise feita por Gilles Lipovetsky e a proposta ética ecumênica de Hans Kung, esta dissertação se propõe apresentar a mensagem cristã como uma autêntica proposta ética, capaz de dar uma significativa contribuição à humanidade nestes tempos de vulnerabilidade. Acreditamos que a Boa Nova do Evangelho se reveste de uma significativa preocupação com a dignidade humana e com a vida em todas as suas manifestações, oferecendo as bases fundamentais para edificar um mundo mais justo e mais humano. / [en] For a ethics more human - A reflection upon postmodernity ethical references and the ethical proposition of the Christian message presentes the postmodern society at times of constant technical-scientific evolution, the hypermodernity. Being subjected by constant technical-scientific evolution, postmodern society has achieved its summit. According to Gilles Lipovetsky, we have reached hypermodernity, in which the human-social manifestations take on a particular configuration, consequence of an intense process of personalization. This society characterizes itself by frequent innovations which don t always yield the pretended purpose. Many of its achievements are responsible for flagrant shortage of ethical values and principles, indifferent subjectivism and a generalized symptom of existential emptiness. While getting more vigorous, the irresponsible individualism becomes a real threat to human survival. This situation questions e dares everyone, revealing the urgency of new behavioral references that could stimulate new relationships and human attitudes, more solidary and responsible. As stated by Hans Kung, through the power of influence that they still possess, major religions are able to promote and stimulate novel ethical values and principles. Therefore, it is necessary to search for a minimum consensus, based on dialog and mutual respect. Reflecting upon the analysis accomplished by Gilles Lipovetsky and the ecumenical ethical proposition of Hans Kung, the present dissertation means to present the Christian message as an authentic ethical proposition, capable of bestowing a significant contribution to humanity in such vulnerable times. It is believed that Gospel s Good News overlays itself with significant worry towards human dignity and life in all its manifestations, offering the fundamental basis to build a more fair and human world.

'n Waardebepaling van die nie-amptelike, informele kerklied soos gesing in die erediens in gemeentes van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in die PWV / An evaluation of the unofficial, informal song as sung during worship by congregations of the Dutch Reformed Church in the PWV

Papenfus, Anna Francina 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation falls in line with work produced during the past fifteen years or so, aimed at improving our appreciation of late medieval/early Tudor English Drama. The approach is based especially on looking at the rapport likely to be achieved between audience and players (and via the players, with the playwrights), in actual performance. Attention is given to the permanent modes of human thought, that are unaffected by the ephemeralities of a particular period; attention is therefore drawn to the traps that may mislead the unwary twentieth-century critic, and some new insights are offered into the purposes of the playwrights. Several cycle plays are treated, together with two of the moralities and two interludes. The point is made that these playwrights showed a considerable mastery of the possibilities inherent in drama, as is demonstrated by the provision for achieving rapport with the audience / The reformed churches have theological and musicological criteria for their hymns, which, however, are not always unambiguous. After the introduction of the Jeugsangbundel (1984) an informal song, with informal accompaniment, entered the worship and forms a prominent part of the singing in Dutch Reformed Churches today. Some congregations compile their own volumes of songs. This study set out to identify these congregations by means of a questionnaire and evaluate the songs. Other relevant information was also required from congregations. 21 % of the respondent congregations sing unapproved songs. They have a larger percentage of young people than those singing official songs. Congregations prefer a balance of formal and informal hymns and both are sung with equal enthusiasm. The melody is the strongest characteristic of the informal song and edification the strongest of the formal hymn. The evaluation, however, shows that a considerable number of songs do not meet the required standard / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / M.A. (Musicology)

'n Waardebepaling van die nie-amptelike, informele kerklied soos gesing in die erediens in gemeentes van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in die PWV / An evaluation of the unofficial, informal song as sung during worship by congregations of the Dutch Reformed Church in the PWV

Papenfus, Anna Francina 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation falls in line with work produced during the past fifteen years or so, aimed at improving our appreciation of late medieval/early Tudor English Drama. The approach is based especially on looking at the rapport likely to be achieved between audience and players (and via the players, with the playwrights), in actual performance. Attention is given to the permanent modes of human thought, that are unaffected by the ephemeralities of a particular period; attention is therefore drawn to the traps that may mislead the unwary twentieth-century critic, and some new insights are offered into the purposes of the playwrights. Several cycle plays are treated, together with two of the moralities and two interludes. The point is made that these playwrights showed a considerable mastery of the possibilities inherent in drama, as is demonstrated by the provision for achieving rapport with the audience / The reformed churches have theological and musicological criteria for their hymns, which, however, are not always unambiguous. After the introduction of the Jeugsangbundel (1984) an informal song, with informal accompaniment, entered the worship and forms a prominent part of the singing in Dutch Reformed Churches today. Some congregations compile their own volumes of songs. This study set out to identify these congregations by means of a questionnaire and evaluate the songs. Other relevant information was also required from congregations. 21 % of the respondent congregations sing unapproved songs. They have a larger percentage of young people than those singing official songs. Congregations prefer a balance of formal and informal hymns and both are sung with equal enthusiasm. The melody is the strongest characteristic of the informal song and edification the strongest of the formal hymn. The evaluation, however, shows that a considerable number of songs do not meet the required standard / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Musicology)

Welt lieben : Perspektiven einer schöpfungstheologischen Weltanschauung für ökumenische Spiritualität / Loving the world : perspectives of a creation-theological worldview for ecumenical spirituality

Rehm, Christian Gregor 11 1900 (has links)
German text / Gelebte Ökumene wird, als Zeichen christlicher Glaubwürdigkeit, in unserer postmodernen und postsäkularisierten Gesellschaft gefordert. Die dogmenorientierten Bemühungen zur Ökumene scheinen in die Krise geraten zu sein. Es bedarf es der Suche nach Grundlagen für ökumenische Spiritualität, für die sich der Schöpfungsglaube, als von den großen Konfessionen geteiltes Glaubensgut, anbietet. Um Schöpfungstheologie und -spiritualität als zusammengehörige Elemente wahrnehmen zu können, wird in dieser Dissertation das Weltanschauungsmodell Wrights verwendet, welches durch Waaijmans Aspekt der Umformung ergänzt wird. Konfessionell geprägte Schöpfungstheologien werden in den Kategorien Story und Antworten auf weltanschauliche Schlüsselfragen analysiert. Dies bildet die Basis für eine Synthese, im Sinne der Hermeneutik des differenzierten Konsenses, zu einer ökumenischen Schöpfungstheologie. Konfessionelle Schöpfungsspiritualitäten werden in den Kategorien Symbol und Praxis dargestellt und in einem emergent-synthetischen Entwurf, auf der Basis der ökumenischen Schöpfungstheologie, zu Perspektiven für ökumenische Schöpfungsspiritualität weiterverarbeitet. Die so aufgezeigte schöpfungstheologisch-ökumenische Weltanschauung, bietet eine mögliche Grundlage für ökumenische Spiritualität. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Spirituality)

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