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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Functional Studies of Transfer RNA Interactions in the Ribosome

Walker, Sarah Elizabeth 10 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of 18F-FDG PET Agent in Cardiac Gated Imaging

Lin, Jonathan Lee 16 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Le contrôle qualité de la synthèse protéique comme cible pour le développement de nouveaux antibiotiques / Quality control of protein synthesis as a target for developing new antibiotics

Macé, Kévin 24 November 2016 (has links)
Le travail retranscrit dans cette thèse regroupe l'étude de différents processus biologiques impliqués dans la synthèse protéique bactérienne. Dans un premier chapitre, les origines de la synthèse protéique au temps du monde ARN sont traitées en guise d'introduction. Ce travail théorique se poursuit par la présentation d'une structure à haute résolution du facteur d'élongation G (EF-G) en complexe avec le ribosome par cryo-microscopie électronique à transmission (cryo-MET). Grâce aux avancées techniques de la cryo-MET, nous avons observé pour la première fois EF-G lié au ribosome en l'absence de tout inhibiteur. Cet état particulièr d'EF-G permet de visualiser une flexibilité de son doamine III. Cette étude permet aussi de rationaliser le fonctionnement de l'antibiotique acide fusidique. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés aux voies de sauvetage de la synthèse protéique et plus particulièrement de la trans-traduction. Ce mécanisme fascinant permet le recyclage des ribosomes bloqués sur un ARN messager défectueux. Cette voie de sauvetage est généralement vitale ou alors indispensable pour la virulence bactérienne. Nous avons réalisé une étude structurale préliminaire de la dégradation de l'ARNm défectueux durant ce processus. Après une revue traitant du sujet, nous présentons une étude de la trans-traduction comme cible pour le développement de nouveaux antibiotiques. Pour cela, nous avons mis au point un système rapporteur avec contrôle interne de l'activité trans-traductionnelle bactérienne. Après avoir mis au point ce système et validé son utilisation, nous l'avons exploité en testant des molécules ciblant la trans-traduction. / The current PhD work brings together various studies linked to bacterial protein synthesis. The first chapter is about the origins of protein synthesis at the time of the RNA world. This theoretical work continues with the presentation of a high-resolution structure of the elongation factor G (EF-G) in complex with the ribosome by cryo-electron transmission microscopy (cryo-TEM). We describe for the first time EF-G bound to the ribosome in the absence of any inhibitor. This particular structure of EF-G displays a yet unseen positioning of its third domain, which becomes very flexible. This study helps to understand the way the antibiotic fusidic acid blocks translation. The work then switches to a study of trans-translation, the main rescuing system of stalled ribosomes in bacteria. Trans-translation is generally vital or at least necessary for bacterial virulence. We conducted a preliminary structural study on the way faulty mRNAs are degraded during this process. This is why we present a study of trans-translation as a target for the development of new antibiotics. For this we developed and validated a reporter system for trans-translation, which is used to screen molecules targeting trans-translation.

Simulation multi-échelles par EF² de structures composites périodiques en régime viscoélastique-viscoplastique- endommageable avec couplage thermomécanique fort. / Multiscale FE² simulation of periodic composite structures in viscoelastic-viscoplastic-damageable regime with strong thermomechanical coupling

Tikarrouchine, El-Hadi 06 September 2019 (has links)
Une approche de simulation numérique multi-échelles EF2 fondée sur la théorie de l'homogénéisation périodique a été développée pour prédire la réponse globale couplée mécanique et thermomécanique fortement non linéaire des structures composites 3D. La stratégie de calcul intègre les effets de la microstructure périodique en introduisant l'architecture des renforts et les lois constitutives locales. Les lois de comportement des constituants utilisées obéissent aux lois de matériaux standards généralisées et sont formulées dans un cadre de la thermodynamique des processus irréversibles (TPI). Les équations caractéristiques (équilibre et lois de la thermodynamique) sont formulées sous l'hypothèse des petites déformations et rotations, et résolues simultanément de façon incrémentale aux deux échelles (microscopique et macroscopique). Sur le plan numérique, une implémentation au moyen de routines UMAT imbriquées (Méta-UMAT) a été développée et combinée à une technique de parallélisation dans le code de calcul Abaqus/Standard. La stratégie de calcul multi-échelles est appliquée pour simuler la réponse globale de structures composites 3D soumises à des trajets de chargement thermomécaniques complexes. Les structures composites sont constituées d’une matrice polymère thermoplastique viscoélastique-viscoplastic avec endommagement ductile et renforcées par différents types de renforcements (fibres courtes ou tissus). L’endommagement anisotrope dans les torons de tissu est modélisé à travers une approche micromécanique permettant de suivre l’évolution de la densité de micro-fissures transverses. Cette stratégie de calcul peut être déployée sur les structures en matériaux composites ayant une microstructure périodique et dont les phases présentent différents types des lois de comportement non linéaires (rhéologie, mécanismes d'endommagement et couplage thermomécanique). Les capacités de l'approche multi-échelles sont démontrées en comparant les prédictions numériques aux résultats expérimentaux en termes de réponse globale et de champs de déformation macroscopiques et microscopiques. Les performances de l'approche sont également illustrées à travers l'accès aux répartitions spatio-temporelles des variables internes à l'échelle de la microstructure ainsi que la dissipation intrinsèque dans les phases constitutives. / A multi-scale FE2 approach based on the periodic homogenization theory is developed to predict the overall response of nonlinear mechanical and fully coupled thermomechanical 3D composite structures. The computational strategy integrates the periodic microstructure effects by introducing the architecture of the reinforcement and the local constitutive laws.The considered constituents' constitutive laws obey generalized standard materials laws and are formulated within the framework of thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The characteristic equations (equilibrium and thermodynamics laws) are formulated under the assumption of small strains and rotations. They are solved simultaneously at both scales (microscopic and macroscopic) using an incremental scheme. For the numerical implementation, an advanced Meta-UMAT subroutine is developed and combined with a parallelization technique in the finite element commercial software Abaqus/Standard. The multi-scale computational strategy is applied to simulate the overall response of 3D composite structures under complex thermomechanical loading paths. The composite structures consist of thermoplastic polymer matrix with viscoelastic-viscoplastic behavior and ductile damage, reinforced by different types of reinforcements (short fibers or woven fabrics). The anisotropic damage within the yarns is modeled through a micromechanical approach to follow the transverse micro-cracks density evolution. This computational strategy is deployed on composite structures having periodic microstructure, whose phases exhibit different types of nonlinear behavior laws (rheology, damage mechanisms and thermomechanical coupling). The capabilities of the multi-scale approach are demonstrated (i) by comparing numerical predictions with experimental results in terms of global response, macroscopic and microscopic strain fields, and (ii) through the access to spatio-temporal distributions of internal variables at the microstructure scale as well as the intrinsic dissipation in the constitutive phases.

The 7Ms pedagogy model : instructional design for learners with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Sajadi, Samira Sadat January 2013 (has links)
This study presents a new framework for designing pedagogy in an informed and controlled way. It considers the importance of progression of pedagogy during a learning episode, so that an instructor can modify the pedagogical approach as well as the content in a lesson. The significance and novelty of this research lie in the proposals to provide support for ADHD learners and assist them to overcome their academic weaknesses/challenges through appropriate pedagogically sound interventions. Therefore, in order to contribute to the development of a suitable pedagogical approach for children who diagnosed with ADHD, issues of having ADHD are discussed within the scope of the research. In this respect, an aetiological model of ADHD has been developed to identify different levels of impairments as well as to clarify areas in which educational pedagogies must address the limitations of ADHD learners. Early stage results described here consider evidence to determine the viability of two literature-based models, named the ‘6Ms pedagogy model’ and the ‘aetiological model of ADHD’. In identifying the need to explore an accurate pedagogical model for ADHD children, two models have been evaluated. The analysis is based on a combination of secondary analysis, qualitative, and quantitative data analysis, which covered data, collected from expert advice, including that from professionals, coaches, and teachers and from those involved in the education of learners with ADHD and parents. Evidence from findings on ADHD is married to a new model of pedagogy named the ‘7Ms pedagogy model’. The ADHD pedagogical model is then evaluated by SEN teachers serves to facilitate well-informed and targeted design decisions about pedagogy, which could provide children with support and help them overcome academic limitations. Keywords: Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder; 6Ms Pedagogy Model; 7Ms Pedagogy Model; learning theories; aetiological model; typically developing learners (TDLs); and special educational needs (SEN).

Relationen mellan brister i exekutiva funktioner och ADHD hos barn i förskoleåldern : En systematisk litteraturstudie över det senaste decenniets forskning / The relation between executive functions deficits and ADHD in preschool-aged children : a systematic review

Waldekranz, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att redogöra för relationen mellan brister i exekutiva funktioner och ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) hos barn i förskoleåldern. Resultatet indikerar en stark relation främst mellan inhibering och ADHD, men även att barn med ADHD överlag har större svårigheter med exekutiva funktioner än andra barn. Resultatet indikerar även att tidiga insatser kan vara gynnsamma för att minska ADHD-symptom. Skattningar och test har i några studier visat olika resultat, och därför rekommenderar studierna mixed method för att få en så rik bild som möjligt. Resultatet är analyserat genom relational developmental system theory. Olika länder och olika forskningsfält har inte skilt sig åt utan samtliga har kommit fram till likvärdiga resultat. Jag menar att det är viktigt att denna kunskap lyfts fram då förskolan enligt skollagen (SFS 2012:109) ska utforma verksamheten så att barn som behöver särskilt stöd ska få den hjälp de behöver. För att kunna göra det på bästa sätt tror jag att kunskap kring relationen mellan bristande exekutiva funktioner och ADHD är väsentlig.

Étude de la tolérance aux dommages d'impact sur structure composite en zone de reprise de plis / Study of impact damage tolerance of composite structure at ply drop-off

Abdulhamid, Hakim 30 April 2015 (has links)
La tenue résiduelle à l'impact basse vitesse est un critère dimensionnant des structures composites minces pour l'aéronautique. La majorité des travaux réalisés jusqu'ici porte sur l'analyse du comportement en zone courante. Ce travail élargit le domaine d'étude aux zones de variation d'épaisseur. L'objectif est d'étudier la tolérance aux dommages d'impact d'un stratifié comportant une zone de reprise de plis (ZRP) dans le cadre d'un dialogue essai/ calcul, en menant en parallèle une campagne d'essais expérimentaux et l'adaptation d'un modèle numérique de l'endommagement des composites.Le volet expérimental étudie successivement l'impact, la compression et la fatigue à R=-l après impact (CAI et FAI) d'éprouvettes comportant une ZRP. L'analyse des essais d'impact a permis d'identifier la résistance à l'impact et le mécanisme d'endommagement des éprouvettes. Ensuite, un outillage d'essai adapté à la géométrie des éprouvettes a été conçu pour les essais de CAI et de FAI. Les essais de compression montrent une tenue résiduelle statique après impact similaire à celle des éprouvettes sans perte de plis. Les essais de fatigue menés à 60 070 de la tenue résiduelle statique montrent une propagation des délaminages d'impact (en dessous du BVID) qui mène à la rupture des éprouvettes pour un nombre de cycles relativement faible. Alors que la tolérance aux dommages d'impact des ZRP sous chargement statique est comparable à celle des zones courantes lisses, on constate une forte vulnérabilité de ces zones sous chargement de fatigue.Le volet numérique a permis de tester l'approche DPM (Discrete Ply Model), développé lors de travaux précédents, sur une configuration particulière. Un maillage spécifique a été réalisé pour tenir compte des discontinuités de la ZRP. Au niveau de la loi matériau, une formulation unifiée de la rupture de fibres en traction/compression a été implémentée. Les résultats de la simulation d'impact sont en bonne corrélation avec les données expérimentales. Le modèle est capable de prédire la réponse globale de l'éprouvette ainsi que l'étendu des dommages internes. La modélisation de la CAI a permis de confirmer les mécanismes de rupture identifiés lors des essais. Ces résultats numériques sont remarquables puisqu' aucune modélisation locale particulière n'a été faite pour les arrêts de plis. L'approche DPM s'est révélée suffisamment robuste et bien adaptée à la modélisation de l'endommagement des stratifiés unidirectionnels. / The residual strength after low velocity impact is a sizing criterion of thin composite structures in aeronautics. The majority of work on the subject is focused on the analysis of plain laminates. This study expands the field of interest to tapered area. The objective is to study the impact damage tolerance of a laminate with ply drop-off using an experiment/ modelling dialogue: on one hand carrying experimental test campaign and on other hand adapting numerical modelling of composite damage. The experimental part successively examines the impact, compression and fatigue R=-l after impact (CAI and FAI) of specimens with ply drop-off. Analysis of the impact results has enabled the identification of impact resistance and damage mechanism. Then, a testing tool for CAI and FAI was specially designed to suit the geometry of the specimens. Compression tests show a static residual strength after impact similar to plain laminates. Fatigue tests carried at 60% of CAI strength show a propagation of impact delamination (below B VID). Failure of specimens occurs after a relatively small number of cycles. While the impact damage tolerance of tapered laminates is comparable to plain laminates under static loading, high vulnerability is observed under fatigue loading. The numerical part allowed to test the Discrete Ply Model (DPM), developed in previous works, on a particular configuration. A specific meshing was realized to account for the discontinuities in the ply drop-off area. Regarding the material law, a unified formulation of the fiber breakage in tension/ compression is implemented. Impact simulation results correlated well with the experimental data. The model is able to predict the overall response of the specimen and internal damage. The modeling of the CAI enabled to confirm the failure mechanisms identified during tests. These numerical results are remarkable since no particular local modeling has been realized for the ply drop-off area. DPM approach has proven robust enough and well suited to damage modeling of unidirectional laminates.

O hormônio tiroideano induz reorganização do citoesqueleto dos somatotrofos de ratos hipotiroideos: potencial efeito sobre a estabilidade e tradução do mRNA do GH e secreção de GH. / Acute T3 administration induces reorganization of somatotroph\'s cytoskeleton of hypothyroid rats: potential effect on 6H mRNA stability and translation and 6H secretion.

Silva, Francemilson Goulart da 03 April 2008 (has links)
O T3 aumenta a poliadenilação e estabilidade do GH mRNA. O citoesqueleto (Cy) participa da estabilidade e tradução de mRNAs, pois fatores, como o EF 1a, ligam alguns transcritos a ele, aumentando sua estabilidade e tradução. Cy também participa dos processos secretores celulares. Observamos que no hipotiroidismo (Tx), há um desarranjo do Cy nos somatotrofos que é revertido pela administração aguda de T3. Neste estudo avaliamos a ligação do EF 1a e do GH mRNA ao Cy e, deste aos polissomos, na hipófise, e a expressão do IGF-I mRNA hepático, em ratos controle e Tx tratados com T3 ou salina, e sacrificados após 30 min. Observamos redução da F-actina, da ligação do EF 1a e GH mRNA a ela, do GH mRNA nos polissomos, e da expressão de IGF-I mRNA hepático, nos ratos Tx, o que indicou redução da síntese e secreção do GH. A administração de T3 estimulou esses processos, aumentando a estabilidade, tradução do GH mRNA e a secreção de GH, o que ocorreu em paralelo ao rearranjo do Cy, indicando uma ação não genômica do T3. / T3 increases GH mRNA poly-A tail and stability. Cytoskeleton (Cy) plays a part on mRNA stability and translation, since factors, like EF 1a, can bind some transcripts to it, improving stability and translation efficiency. Cy is also involved in cellular secretory process. We showed that somatotropes Cy is disrupted in hypothyroidism (Tx), and rearranged by acute T3 treatment. In this study we investigated the binding of EF 1a and GH mRNA to Cy and of GH mRNA to polysomes in pituitary, as well as the liver IGF-I mRNA content, in control and Tx rats treated with T3 or saline, and killed 30 min thereafter. We observed that Tx reduced F-actin content, EF 1a and GH mRNA binding to it, GH mRNA recruitment to polysomes, in pituitary, and IGF-I mRNA expression in liver, which indicates that GH synthesis and secretion are impaired. Acute T3 treatment stimulated all these process, indicating that stability, translation of GH mRNA and GH secretion were restored. These events occurred in parallel to the Cy rearrangement, which strongly indicates a non genomic effect of T3.

Handlingsplaner och diskussion : Samarbetsverktyg

Blank, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
This report discloses the implementation of a collaboration tool in the form of action plans and discussion functionality in behalf of the company ZonderaCom AB (Zondera). The current tool used for this purpose is inflexible, have a hard time meeting customer requirements and therefore needs to be replaced. The new application is part of a larger entity where user management and database schemas are already in place. The functionality of this application consists of issue management, chat/discussion, document management, notes, sharing and printing. For users with higher permissions a summary view will also be available. The application is implemented using ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework (EF) and SQL Server as the database engine. A SPA-based approach is used where the UI (User Interface) is dynamically rendered and loaded via Ajax and partial views. The source code for the application is largely omitted from this report due to business reasons. Interface’s and database schemas are used to display code and database structure. / Denna rapport behandlar implementeringen av ett samarbetsverktyg i form av handlingsplaner och diskussion till företaget ZonderaCom AB (Zondera). Det verktyg som använts tidigare i detta syfta är oflexibelt, har svårt att uppnå återkommande kundkrav och behöver därför bytas ut. Applikationen är en del av en större helhet där användarhantering och databas redan finns på plats. I applikationen ska funktionalitet för aktivitetshantering, chatt/diskussion, dokumentuppladdning, anteckningar, delning och utskrift implementeras. För användare med högre behörighet ska även en administrativ översikt finnas tillgänglig. Applikationen implementeras med hjälp av ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework (EF) och SQL Server som databasmotor. Ett SPA-baserat angreppsätt används där gränssnitt laddas dynamiskt via Ajax och partial views. Källkod för applikationen och implementering på detaljnivå har till största del utelämnats ur denna rapport av affärsmässiga skäl. Interface och databasscheman används för att visa kod- och databasstruktur.

Effects of EF-24 and Cisplatin on Cancer, Renal, and Auditory Cells

Hodzic, Denis 01 April 2019 (has links)
Cisplatin is a chemotherapy drug effective against several forms of cancer, but can also cause serious side-effects, including nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. Curcumin, a natural plant compound, can increase cisplatin’s anti-cancer activity and counteract cisplatin’s deleterious effect on the auditory and renal systems. Unfortunately, curcumin exhibits poor bioavailability, which has promoted interest in the development of synthetic curcumin analogs (curcuminoids) that are soluble, target cancer, and do not cause side effects. This study investigated whether the curcuminoid (3E,5E)-3,5-bis[(2-fluorophenyl) methylene]-4-piperidinone (EF-24) increases the anti-cancer effects of cisplatin against a human ovarian cancer cell line (A2780) and its cisplatin-resistant counterpart (A2780cis), while preventing cisplatin-mediated side effects in a human kidney cell line (HEK-293T) and a mouse auditory hybridoma cell line (HEI-OC1). The effect of cisplatin and EF-24 on cellular viability was measured using the colorimetric 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5- diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The expression and activity of signal transduction proteins in several apoptotic pathways was measured using caspase luminescence assays. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was also measured using flow cytometry. Our data suggest that cisplatin and EF-24 are effective against ovarian cancer cell lines, but both compounds may also have adverse effects on auditory and renal cells. This project provides relevant information that may improve our understanding of how these compounds function in different tissues, facilitating improved cancer treatment and circumvention of side effects commonly associated with cisplatin treatment.

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