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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization, Modeling, and Applications of Novel Magneto-Rheological Elastomers

Sinko, Robert Arnold 24 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Eine skalenübergreifende Charakterisierung der Partikelstruktur von hartmagnetischen magnetorheologischen Elastomeren

Schümann, Malte 27 October 2020 (has links)
Magnetorheologische Elastomere sind eine Klasse von Smart Materials, welche elastische mit magnetischen Materialeigenschaften verbindet. Die Einbettung von magnetischen Mikropartikeln in eine Elastomermatrix führt zu einem komplexen, bisher nicht vollständig verstandenen Materialverhalten. Die Beeinflussbarkeit der mechanischen Eigenschaften mittels von außen applizierten Magnetfeldern stellt die herausragende und namensgebende Eigenschaft dieser Materialien dar. Das Verständnis der mikroskopischen Anordnung und der magnetisch induzierten Bewegung der eingebetteten Partikel bildet den zentralen Schlüssel zur Ergründung der komplexen makroskopischen Materialeigenschaften. Um sich diesem Ziel zu nähern, wurden unterschiedlichste breitgefächerte Messmethoden auf mikroskopische und makroskopische Aspekte eines einzigen Probenmaterials angewendet. So entstand eine umfassende und skalenübergreifende Charakterisierung eines magnetorheologischen Elastomers. Kern der Experimente bildete die Analyse der Anordnung und der magnetisch induzierten Bewegung der eingebetteten magnetischen Mikropartikel mittels Röntgen-Mikrotomographie. Die tomographisch erhobenen Bilddaten ermöglichten sowohl eine Auswertung der Partikelstruktur auf Basis der Partikelgesamtheit, als auch auf Einzelpartikelbasis mit Hilfe eines Particle-Tracking. So konnten neue Erkenntnisse über den magnetisch induzierten Kettenbildungsprozess der Partikel gewonnen und skalenübergreifende Zusammenhänge zwischen mikroskopischen Partikelbewegungen und makroskopischen mechanischen Materialverhalten aufgezeigt werden.:Danksagung v Inhaltsverzeichnis vii Symbolverzeichnis ix Abkürzungsverzeichnis xii 1 Einleitung 1 2 Grundlagen 8 2.1 Magnetorheologische Elastomere 8 2.1.1 Elastomermatrix 8 2.1.2 Magnetische Partikel 10 2.1.3 Magnetische Eigenschaften 11 2.1.4 Partikelstruktur und mechanische Eigenschaften 19 2.2 Mikrostrukturanalyse 22 2.2.1 Röntgentomographie 23 2.2.2 Digitale Bildverarbeitung 32 2.2.3 Statistik von Partikelverteilungen 37 3 Materialien und Methoden 39 3.1 Probenmaterial 39 3.1.1 Wahl geeigneter Materialien 39 3.1.2 Probensynthese 42 3.2 Messmethoden 44 3.2.1 Messkampagnen 45 3.2.2 Mechanische Charakterisierung 49 3.2.3 Mikrostrukturanalyse 52 3.2.4 Auswertung der Bilddaten 58 3.2.5 Vibrating Sample Magnetometrie 72 3.2.6 Begleitende Messmethoden 73 4 Ergebnisse 78 4.1 Makroskopische mechanische Eigenschaften 78 4.1.1 Elastomer 78 4.1.2 Komposit 79 viii Inhaltsverzeichnis 4.2 Partikelstruktur im Ausgangszustand 83 4.2.1 Datenlage 83 4.2.2 Geometrische Charakterisierung der Partikel 86 4.2.3 Räumliche Verteilung der Partikel 89 4.3 Partikelstruktur im Magnetfeldeinfluss 90 4.3.1 Ausrichtungsverhalten der Partikel im Magnetfeld 91 4.3.2 Einbindung der Partikel in die Matrix 93 4.3.3 Statistische Verteilung der Partikelwinkel 96 4.3.4 Partikelbewegung als Reaktion auf das lokale Feld 101 4.3.5 Partikelbewegung als Reaktion auf sukzessive Magnetisierung 114 4.3.6 Paarkorrelationsfunktionen der Partikelstruktur 123 4.4 Magnetische Eigenschaften 130 5 Zusammenfassende Diskussion 135 5.1 Gewonnene Erkenntnisse 135 5.2 Gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Partikelstruktur, magnetischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften 137 5.3 Grenzen der Messgenauigkeit und Fehlerbetrachtung 137 6 Abschließende Worte und Ausblick 140 Literaturverzeichnis I Abbildungsverzeichnis XIII Tabellenverzeichnis XVII

Microscopic theory and analysis of the mechanical properties of magneto-sensitive elastomers in a homogeneous magnetic field

Ivaneiko, Dmytro 08 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Magneto-sensitive elastomers (MSEs) establish a special class of smart materials, which are able to change their shape and mechanical behavior under external magnetic field. Nowadays, MSEs are one of the most perspective smart materials, since they can be used for design of functionally integrated lightweight structures in sensors, robotics, actuators and damper applications. MSEs typically consist of micron-sized magnetizable particles (e.g. carbonyl iron) dispersed within a non-magnetic elastomeric matrix. The spatial distribution of magnetic particles in MSEs can be either isotropic or anisotropic, depending on whether they have been aligned by an applied magnetic field before the cross-linking of the polymer. Depending on the magnetic properties of the particles, their shape, size and spatial distribution, the MSEs can exhibit different mechanical behavior. Most experimental studies show that MSEs with isotropic distribution of magnetic particles demonstrate a uniaxial expansion along the magnetic field. On the other side, it was shown experimentally that MSEs with anisotropic particle distributions demonstrate a uniaxial contraction along the magnetic field. Also, the experimental works show that the shear moduli of MSEs increase with increasing strength of the magnetic field and depend on the magnetic properties, volume fraction and spatial distribution of particles. Different analytical approaches were used in theoretical studies of the mechanical behavior of MSEs. They can be roughly classified as phenomenological, continuum-mechanics and microscopic approaches. In the phenomenological approaches, the expansion into a series of the shear modulus as a function of the strength of the magnetic field has been proposed, the coefficients of the expansion being considered as phenomenological fitting parameters. In the continuum-mechanics approach, an MSE is considered as continuous magnetic media. It allows us to determine the shape and the change in volume of a spherical MSE sample, placed in a uniform magnetic field. However, this approach is restricted to homogeneous particle distributions. The microscopic approach has a clear advantage, while a discrete particle distribution and pair-wise interactions between induced magnetic dipoles can be considered explicitly. The aim of the present work is to develop a microscopic theory, which properly describes the mechanical behavior of MSEs in the external magnetic field. The theory takes a microscopic structure, finite shape of the samples and magneto-mechanical coupling between particle positions and sample deformation explicitly into account.

Advanced Numerical Modelling of Discontinuities in Coupled Boundary Value Problems / Numerische Modellierung von Diskontinuitäten in Gekoppelten Randwertproblemen

Kästner, Markus 18 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Industrial development processes as well as research in physics, materials and engineering science rely on computer modelling and simulation techniques today. With increasing computer power, computations are carried out on multiple scales and involve the analysis of coupled problems. In this work, continuum modelling is therefore applied at different scales in order to facilitate a prediction of the effective material or structural behaviour based on the local morphology and the properties of the individual constituents. This provides valueable insight into the structure-property relations which are of interest for any design process. In order to obtain reasonable predictions for the effective behaviour, numerical models which capture the essential fine scale features are required. In this context, the efficient representation of discontinuities as they arise at, e.g. material interfaces or cracks, becomes more important than in purely phenomenological macroscopic approaches. In this work, two different approaches to the modelling of discontinuities are discussed: (i) a sharp interface representation which requires the localisation of interfaces by the mesh topology. Since many interesting macroscopic phenomena are related to the temporal evolution of certain microscopic features, (ii) diffuse interface models which regularise the interface in terms of an additional field variable and therefore avoid topological mesh updates are considered as an alternative. With the two combinations (i) Extended Finite Elemente Method (XFEM) + sharp interface model, and (ii) Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) + diffuse interface model, two fundamentally different approaches to the modelling of discontinuities are investigated in this work. XFEM reduces the continuity of the approximation by introducing suitable enrichment functions according to the discontinuity to be modelled. Instead, diffuse models regularise the interface which in many cases requires even an increased continuity that is provided by the spline-based approximation. To further increase the efficiency of isogeometric discretisations of diffuse interfaces, adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening techniques based on hierarchical splines are presented. The adaptive meshes are found to reduce the number of degrees of freedom required for a certain accuracy of the approximation significantly. Selected discretisation techniques are applied to solve a coupled magneto-mechanical problem for particulate microstructures of Magnetorheological Elastomers (MRE). In combination with a computational homogenisation approach, these microscopic models allow for the prediction of the effective coupled magneto-mechanical response of MRE. Moreover, finite element models of generic MRE microstructures are coupled with a BEM domain that represents the surrounding free space in order to take into account finite sample geometries. The macroscopic behaviour is analysed in terms of actuation stresses, magnetostrictive deformations, and magnetorheological effects. The results obtained for different microstructures and various loadings have been found to be in qualitative agreement with experiments on MRE as well as analytical results. / Industrielle Entwicklungsprozesse und die Forschung in Physik, Material- und Ingenieurwissenschaft greifen in einem immer stärkeren Umfang auf rechnergestützte Modellierungs- und Simulationsverfahren zurück. Die ständig steigende Rechenleistung ermöglicht dabei auch die Analyse mehrskaliger und gekoppelter Probleme. In dieser Arbeit kommt daher ein kontinuumsmechanischer Modellierungsansatz auf verschiedenen Skalen zum Einsatz. Das Ziel der Berechnungen ist dabei die Vorhersage des effektiven Material- bzw. Strukturverhaltens auf der Grundlage der lokalen Werkstoffstruktur und der Eigenschafen der konstitutiven Bestandteile. Derartige Simulationen liefern interessante Aussagen zu den Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen, deren Verständnis entscheidend für das Material- und Strukturdesign ist. Um aussagekräftige Vorhersagen des effektiven Verhaltens zu erhalten, sind numerische Modelle erforderlich, die wesentliche Eigenschaften der lokalen Materialstruktur abbilden. Dabei kommt der effizienten Modellierung von Diskontinuitäten, beispielsweise Materialgrenzen oder Rissen, eine deutlich größere Bedeutung zu als bei einer makroskopischen Betrachtung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zwei unterschiedliche Modellierungsansätze für Unstetigkeiten diskutiert: (i) eine scharfe Abbildung, die üblicherweise konforme Berechnungsnetze erfordert. Da eine Evolution der Mikrostruktur bei einer derartigen Modellierung eine Topologieänderung bzw. eine aufwendige Neuvernetzung nach sich zieht, werden alternativ (ii) diffuse Modelle, die eine zusätzliche Feldvariable zur Regularisierung der Grenzfläche verwenden, betrachtet. Mit der Kombination von (i) Erweiterter Finite-Elemente-Methode (XFEM) + scharfem Grenzflächenmodell sowie (ii) Isogeometrischer Analyse (IGA) + diffuser Grenzflächenmodellierung werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwei fundamental verschiedene Zugänge zur Modellierung von Unstetigkeiten betrachtet. Bei der Diskretisierung mit XFEM wird die Kontinuität der Approximation durch eine Anreicherung der Ansatzfunktionen gemäß der abzubildenden Unstetigkeit reduziert. Demgegenüber erfolgt bei einer diffusen Grenzflächenmodellierung eine Regularisierung. Die dazu erforderliche zusätzliche Feldvariable führt oft zu Feldgleichungen mit partiellen Ableitungen höherer Ordnung und weist in ihrem Verlauf starke Gradienten auf. Die daraus resultierenden Anforderungen an den Ansatz werden durch eine Spline-basierte Approximation erfüllt. Um die Effizienz dieser isogeometrischen Diskretisierung weiter zu erhöhen, werden auf der Grundlage hierarchischer Splines adaptive Verfeinerungs- und Vergröberungstechniken entwickelt. Ausgewählte Diskretisierungsverfahren werden zur mehrskaligen Modellierung des gekoppelten magnetomechanischen Verhaltens von Magnetorheologischen Elastomeren (MRE) angewendet. In Kombination mit numerischen Homogenisierungsverfahren, ermöglichen die Mikrostrukturmodelle eine Vorhersage des effektiven magnetomechanischen Verhaltens von MRE. Außerderm wurden Verfahren zur Kopplung von FE-Modellen der MRE-Mikrostruktur mit einem Randelement-Modell der Umgebung vorgestellt. Mit Hilfe der entwickelten Verfahren kann das Verhalten von MRE in Form von Aktuatorspannungen, magnetostriktiven Deformationen und magnetischen Steifigkeitsänderungen vorhergesagt werden. Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen anderen Modellierungsansätzen, stimmen die mit den hier vorgestellten Methoden für unterschiedliche Mikrostrukturen erzielten Vorhersagen sowohl mit analytischen als auch experimentellen Ergebnissen überein.

Study on magneto-sensitive solids : Experiments, Theory and Numerics / Etude théorique, éxperimentale et numerique sur des structures magnéto-elastiques

Psarra, Erato 07 December 2018 (has links)
Cette étude traite de la stabilité et la post-bifurcation des élastomères magnétorhéologiques isotropes (MRE). Les MRE sont des élastomères comprenant une fraction en volume fini de particules de fer magnétisables, réparties de façon aléatoire dans le volume. Plus précisément, un système de film/substrat magnéto-élastique non linéaire est exploité expérimentalement, numériquement et théoriquement pour obtenir un contrôle actif de la rugosité de la surface du film. L'interaction non-intuitive entre le champ magnétique et la déformation élastique est due au choix des matériaux et de la géométrie du système, à savoir un film composite de particules ferromagnétiques collé sur une fondation passive et compliante. La coopération de deux mécanismes qui sont par ailleurs indépendants, la pré-compression mécanique et le champ magnétique, permet de rapprocher la structure d'un état faiblement stable et puis de la rendre instable par des champs magnétiques ou mécaniques. Nous démontrons pour la première fois que le champ magnétique critique est une fonction décroissante de la pré-compression et vice versa. Les résultats expérimentaux sont ensuite sondés avec succès par des simulations à champs complets par éléments finis en grandes déformations et champs magnétiques. Une analyse théorique de bifurcation magnéto-mécanique sur un système magnéto-élastique infini est également utilisée pour explorer l'effet des propriétés combinées sur la réponse critique.Dans la perspective d'élargir l'activation de surface à de nouveaux motifs magnéto-mécaniques, nous étudions plus en détail la post-stabilité d'un bloc bi-couche entièrement magnétorhéologique. L'idée sous-jacente est de créer différents contrastes entre les couches de propriétés magnétiques/mécaniques et de déclencher une gamme de motifs de surface plus riche que celle déjà obtenue en utilisant un film MRE sur une fondation passive. Les calculs post-bifurcation des films MRE collés sur des substrats MRE permettent de mettre en évidence les modes morphologiques résultant de la (in)compatibilité des modes de champs indépendants. Le couplage magnéto-élastique permet le contrôle réversible marche/arrêt de la configuration de surface sous des champs magnétiques et mécaniques critiques ajustables et donc, cette étude constitue un premier pas vers des dispositifs haptiques et morphiques actifs. / The present work deals with the stability and post-bifurcation response of isotropic magnetorheological elastomers (MREs). MREs are elastomers comprising a finite volume fraction of magnetizable iron particles, distributed randomly in the volume. Specifically, a nonlinear magnetoelastic film/substrate system is experimentally, numerically and theoretically exploited to obtain active control of surface roughness. The non-intuitive interplay between magnetic field and elastic deformation owes to material and geometry selection, namely, a ferromagnetic particle composite film bonded on a compliant passive foundation. Cooperation of two otherwise independent loading mechanisms--mechanical pre-compression and magnetic field--allows to bring the structure near a marginally stable state and then destabilize it with either magnetic or mechanical fields. We demonstrate for the first time that the critical magnetic field is a decreasing function of pre-compression and vice versa. The experimental results are probed successfully with full-field finite element simulations at large strains and magnetic fields. A theoretical magnetomechanical bifurcation analysis on an infinite magnetoelastic system is further employed to explore the effect of the interlayer combined properties on the critical response and is compared with the available numerical results.  With the perspective of applying the principle of surface actuation to new magnetomechanically triggered patterns, we further investigate the post-bifurcation of an entirely magnetorheological bilayer block. The underlying idea is to create different interlayer contrasts of magnetic and mechanical properties allowing us to trigger a larger range of surface patterns than that already obtained when using a MRE film on a passive (magnetically insensitive) foundation. Post-bifurcation calculations of MRE films bonded on MRE substrates allow to reveal novel patterns that lead to significant curvature localisation and crinkling.  In all cases studied, the magnetoelastic coupling allows for the reversible on/off control of surface patterning under adjustable critical magnetic and mechanical fields for a single specimen and thus, this study constitutes a first step towards realistic active haptic and morphing devices.

Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von Elastomerkompositen auf Basis neuerer mikro- und nanoskaliger Füllstoffe

Uhl, Claudia 28 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In der Dissertation wurden Nanokomposite mit unterschiedlichen Kautschuken (HNBR, EPDM, MAH-g-EPDM) als Basismaterial sowie diversen modifizierten Schichtsilikaten als Füllstoff hergestellt und charakterisiert. Untersucht wurden die sich ausbildenden Strukturen bzw. die Morphologie (Aggregation, mögliche Orientierungen), die mechanischen Eigenschafte (Verstärkungswirkung) sowie die Füllstoff-Füllstoff-Wechselwirkungen und die Polymer-Füllstoff-Wechselwirkungen.

Rheological and Mechanical behaviour of Block copolymers, Multigraft copolymers and Block copolymer Nanocomposites

Thunga, Mahendra 07 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Block copolymers are commercially significant and fundamentally interesting class of polymeric materials. The ability to undergo interfacial thermodynamics-controlled microphase separation from a completely disordered state in the melt to a specifically defined ordered structure through self-organization makes the block copolymers based materials unique. Block copolymer are strongly replacing many of the commercially available polymers due to their unique microstructure and properties. The most practical interests of block copolymers lie in the area of thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs). The objective of the present thesis work is to developing novel roots for enhancing the physical and mechanical properties in block copolymer and multigraft copolymers. Initially the properties are tailored by controlling chemical architecture at synthesis level and by selective blending at production level. This gives an easy access for improvement of the material properties and this is one of my major tasks in the present research modules. Further the block copolymer based TPEs are cross-linked in presence of electron beam (EB) radiation for developing materials with superior properties. The electron beam radiation has the ability to alter material parameters at molecular level for enhancing the macroscopic properties. The desirable physical and chemical properties can be easily attained by varying the radiation beam parameters. In addition to that, controlling the material at nanometer scale is one of the greatest challenges for current nanocomposite research. In elastomeric materials it is very prominent to fill the rubber matrix with nano particles from carbon or silica by melt mixing technique for enhancing the material properties. Other than conventional melt mixing technique, sol–gel processing is also a versatile technique, which making it possible to produce a wide variety of materials and to provide existing materials with novel properties. A combination of in situ sol-gel reaction with electron beam cross-linking in TPEs from triblock copolymer has been demonstrated for the first time as one of the novel nanocomposite system in this work. The main advantage of this system lies in controlling the material behaviour by finely tuning the size of silica nano particle generated inside TPE during in situ sol-gel reaction. Finally, the various roots employed for enhancing the material behaviour in block copolymers in the above research module were secussfully employed on super elastic multigraft copolymers for improving their strength withour sacrificing the super elastic nature.

Tailoring the mesoscopic structure and orientation of semicrystalline and liquid-crystalline polymers : from 1D- to 2D-confinement

Odarchenko, Yaroslav 15 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Controlling the micro-structure of organic materials is crucial for a variety of practical applications such as photonics, biomedicine or the rapidly growing field of organic electronics. Recent studies have shown a possibility of tailoring the polymer structure on the nanoscale using supramolecular self-assembly under spatial confinement. Despite extensive studies already performed in this field, many questions remain open. In particular, it will be important to understand how different structure formation processes such as crystallization, LC-phase formation, microphase separation, and others occur under confinement. In the present work, we address the effect of 1D- and 2D-confinement on the structure formation for a variety of systems including segmented poly(ether-ester-amide) (PEEA) copolymers, main-chain liquid-crystalline (LC) polymers belonging to the family of poly(di-n-alkylsiloxane)s and liquid-crystalline/semicrystalline block copolymers formed through complexation of poly (2-vinylpyridine-b-ethylene oxide) (P2VP-PEO) with a wedge-shaped ligand, 4'-(3'',4'',5''-tris(octyloxy) benzamido) propanoic acid. In order to reveal the morphological diversity of the studied systems under confinement, the work was carried out on bulk materials and on thin films employing a battery of experimental methods. The main experimental techniques operational in direct and reciprocal space applied in my work are described in chapter 2. [...]

Novel Analytical Techniques For the Assessment of Degradation of Silicone Elastomers in High Voltage Applications

Sovar, Robert D. January 2005 (has links)
Over the last 20 years "composite" insulators have been increasingly used in high voltage applications as an alternative traditional materials. More recently, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) have been used as weather sheds on these composite insulators. The main attraction with PDMS is that the surface hydrophobicity can be recovered following pollution or surface discharges. Among the possible mechanisms for recovery the most likely is the migration of low molecular weight silicone oil (LMWS) from the bulk to the surface encapsulating pollutant particles. Although it is widely recognised that the migration of LMWS is the cause of this recovery of hydrophobicity, the mechanism of what actually occurs is not well understood. It is also not known for how long this process will continue. The main objective of this study program was to gain improved understanding of the surface hydrophobic recovery process that is unique to polydimethlysiloxane high-voltage insulators. Fundamental knowledge of this mechanism has been increased through the development of the Contact Angle DRIFT Electrostatic Deposition (CADED) novel analytical technique. This technique enabled study of the degradation of silicone elastomers subjected to high voltage environments by closely following LMWS migration from the bulk material to the surface and linking it to the contact angle measurements. The migration rate data showed that the aged material recovered faster that the virgin material. Differences in the rate and maximum surface levels of silicone were seen between materials from different manufacturers. This has significant implications for the life-time of these materials A model system has been developed to examine LMWS diffusion through the bulk material and into the interface of surface and pollutant. This was achieved by examining theoretical and empirically derived equations and using existing experimental data to better understand the mechanism of recovery. This diffusion was Fickian in the initial stages of recovery. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle measurements were used to substantiate the degree of degradation in in-field silicone insulators by quantifying the levels of the major degradation products: silica and silica-like material and alumina.

Estudo do Fluorelastômero Viton utilizado para revestimento da ponteira dos equipamentos endoscópicos. / Study of the Viton Fluorelastomer used for tip coating of endoscopic equipment.

LIMA, Vanessa Sena Correia. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-10T18:55:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VANESSA SENA CORREIA LIMA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPG-CEMat 2014..pdf: 2636512 bytes, checksum: 9ac482edb8899e0ace77f9887e1dd23e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T18:55:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VANESSA SENA CORREIA LIMA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPG-CEMat 2014..pdf: 2636512 bytes, checksum: 9ac482edb8899e0ace77f9887e1dd23e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-15 / Biomaterial é um termo usado para indicar os materiais que constituem as peças de implantes médicos, dispositivos extracorporais, e descartáveis que têm sido utilizados em medicina bem como em todos os aspectos de saúde do paciente. As aplicações dos biomateriais são muitas e variadas, incluindo desde dispositivos de uso prolongado, como veias e válvulas artificiais, a dispositivos de exames, como endoscópios. Endoscopia, que significa olhar por dentro, trata-se de uma especialidade médica que se utiliza de um equipamento chamado de endoscópio para diagnóstico e tratamento de enfermidades. Através da endoscopia podem-se diagnosticar enfermidades, efetuar biópsias de lesões, extrair corpos estranhos, realizar dilatações, fazer acompanhamentos após cirurgias, passar sondas ou cateteres, tratar sangramentos, retirar pólipos e acessar a via biliar para realizar procedimentos cirúrgicos. Os endoscópios flexíveis possuem em sua ponta flexível uma borracha conhecida como Fluoroelastômero Viton®. Os fluorelastômeros são elastômeros sintéticos fluorados, conhecidos como Borracha Fluorada para serviços em temperaturas elevadas e ambientes quimicamente agressivos. Baseado no exposto este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o fluorelastômero Viton® utilizado no revestimento de ponteiras dos equipamentos endoscópicos. Foram verificadas três grupos de amostras de ponteiras de endoscópios constituídas de Viton® denominadas G, M e P, em sua forma virgem e tratadas com álcool etílico e HCl, ambos concentrados, onde estas amostras foram caracterizadas por Microscopia Óptica (MO), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Espectroscopia na Região de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR), Espectroscopia por Energia Dispersiva de raios X (EDS), Difração de raios X (DRX), Ensaio de Ângulo de Molhabilidade e Ensaio de Citotoxicidade. Verificou-se para todas as amostras (G, M e P) uma superfície com morfologia granulada e irregular, com presença de elementos contaminantes e imperfeições, com bandas características de fluorelastômeros, difratogramas amorfos típicos de elastômeros, caráter hidrofílico e toxicidade em meio celular exceto para a amostra M. Observou-se que o tratamento com álcool etílico não provocou alteração estrutural no fluorelastômero agindo apenas como eliminador de impurezas superficiais. O tratamento com HCl provocou alterações na morfologia e estrutura química do elastômero. Verificou-se a necessidade de adaptação da rota de produção deste fluorelastômero para utilização como biomaterial. Foi proposta a utilização de revestimentos a base siloxanos que possam aumentar a vida útil do fluorelastômero Viton®. / Biomaterial is a term used to indicate the materials constituting the parts of medical implants, extracorporeal devices, disposable and which have been used in medicine as well as in all aspects of patients' health. The applications of biomaterials are many and varied, ranging from extended use devices such as artificial valves and veins, the devices exams such as endoscopes. Endoscopy, which means looking inside, it is a medical specialty that uses a device called endoscope for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. By endoscopy can be diagnosed illnesses, perform biopsies of lesions, extracting foreign bodies, perform dilations, do follow ups after surgery, spend probes or catheters, to treat bleeding, remove polyps and access to the surgical procedures biliary. Flexible endoscopes have in your flexible rubber tip one known as Viton® fluoroelastomer. The fluoroelastomers are synthetic fluorinated elastomers, known as Rubber Fluorinated services to high temperatures and chemically aggressive environments. Based on the above this work was to study the Viton® fluoroelastomer coating used on tips of endoscopic equipment. Three groups of samples from the tips of endoscopes consist of Viton® called L, M and P, in its virgin form and treated with HCl and ethyl alcohol, both concentrated where these samples were characterized by Optical Microscopy (OM), Electron Microscopy Were Verified (SEM), Spectroscopy in the Region of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDS), diffraction (XRD), test of Angle Wettability and Cytotoxicity Assay rays. It was found for all samples (L, M, P) and a surface irregular with granular morphology, presence of contaminants and imperfections, characteristic bands of fluoroelastomers, typical XRD of amorphous elastomers, hydrophilic, and toxicity in cell except for M. In the sample was observed that treatment with ethanol did not cause structural changes in the fluoroelastomer as scavenger only surface impurities. Treatment with HCl caused changes in the morphology and chemical structure of the elastomer. There was a need to adapt the production of fluoroelastomer route for use as a biomaterial. The use of coatings siloxanes base that can increase the life of Viton® fluoroelastomer was proposed.

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