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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The paradox of patronage politics: Biraderi, representation and political participation amongst British Pakistanis

Akhtar, Parveen January 2015 (has links)

Rinkiminės sistemos įtaka politinei sistemai: Ukrainos atvejo analizė / The effect of electoral system to political system. Ukraine case analisis

Petrusevičius, Tomas 17 June 2009 (has links)
Pastaraisiais metais Ukrainos vardas vis dažniau minimas tarp politologų ir politikos apžvalgininkų. Šios valstybės svarba Europai vis didėja, tiek kaip naftos importo kanalo, tiek kaip galimo strateginio partnerio. Tuo pačiu didėja ir Ukrainoje vykstančių procesų supratimo būtinybė. Dažniausiai Ukrainos dabartinis politinis nestabilumas aiškinamas pagal regioninio skilimo, ar tranzitologijos požiūrio taškus, kartais destabilizuojančiu išorės poveikiu, bet rezultatas aiškus – parlamento darbas didžiąją laiko dalį yra paralyžuotas tarpusavyje konkuruojančių dėl valdžios partinių blokų. Dėl to jau buvo rengiami ir preišlaikiniai rinkimai, bet padėtis nerodo pasikeitymų požymių, bent jau greitu laiku. Ukrainoje veikia daugybė skirtingų politinę sistemą nulemiančių faktorių, bet susitelksime į vieną – rinkiminę sistemą. Ukrainos rinkiminė sistema keitėsi net tris kartus. 1994 buvo mažoritarinė, 1998 ir 2002 – pusiau proporcinė, o 2006 ir 2007 – pilnai proporcinė. Rinkiminės sistemos parinkimas ir pokyčiais Ukrainoje ir davė pagrindą šiam darbui. Šių sprendimų radikalumas leidžia palyginti visas tris pagrindines rinkiminių sistemų rūšis vienoje valstybėje, kas kitur pasaulyje būtų beveik neįmanoma dėl to, kad rinkiminė sistema tradiciškai būna vienas iš stabilesnių politinės sistemos elementų it pokyčiai joje daromi tik išskirtinias atvejais. Ukrainoje trys rinkimų sistemos buvo išbandytos vieni po kitų sekusiuose rinkimuose. Aišku kokį efektą tai turėjo reikia tirti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In recent years, the name of Ukraine is increasingly referred to the political and policy observers. These state the importance of Europe is increasing, as well as the oil import channel, both as a potential strategic partner. At the same time, Ukraine is increasing and the need for understanding the processes. In most cases, the current political instability in Ukraine interpreted according to the regional breakdown, or tranzitologijos point of view, sometimes destabilizing external influence, but the result is clear - the business of most of the time of paralyžuotas are competing for a government party blocks. As a result, has already been drafted and preišlaikiniai elections, but the situation does not show signs of pasikeitymų, at least in the short term. Ukraine operates many different factors determine the choice of political system, but to concentrate on one - the electoral system. Ukraine's electoral system is changed, even three times. 1994 was mažoritarinė, 1998 and 2002 - a semi-proportional, and in 2006 and 2007 - a fully proportional. Electoral system of selection and the evolution of Ukraine and the basis for this work. Extremeness of these solutions allows you to compare all three main types of electoral systems in one country, what the world would be almost impossible because of the electoral system is traditionally one of the sustainable elements of the political system it changes it made only in exceptional cases. Ukraine, the three electoral system was... [to full text]

Análisis crítico Ley No. 19.884 transparencia, límite y control gasto electoral

Mena Quichel, Marcela, Olivera, Juan Marcelo January 2008 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / No autorizada por el autor para ser publicada a texto completo / El presente trabajo intenta realizar un análisis crítico a la Ley Nº 19.884 sobre Transparencia, Límite y Control del Gasto Electoral (LTLCGE), temática fundamental en una República Democrática como la constitucionalmente vigente en nuestro país, resultas de lo cual periódicamente el pueblo elector y soberano debe participar en las votaciones populares que la normativa constitucional taxativamente prevé, sea para elegir autoridades y representantes, sea para adoptar importantes decisiones plebiscitarias, y cuyo destino final suponga, en ambos casos, determinar las grandes directrices políticas de la nación estado y designar a sus conductores. Por lo demás, el tema propuesto toma particular relevancia en nuestro país por cuanto es en sede constitucional que se perfila el sistema electoral público. El gasto electoral, justamente, e influido el fenómeno por factores de diverso orden que tendremos la posibilidad de revisar, ha logrado un posicionamiento de opinión pública además de un ámbito de relevantes transferencias financieras y de dinero. Así, por ejemplo, el crecimiento económico sostenido que ha presentado nuestro país unido a la estabilidad de sus instituciones políticas, sociales y económicas; ocasiona la mayor confianza del inversionista y la correlativa generación de ingentes recursos económicos.

Flutuação do voto e sistema partidário: o caso de São Paulo / Vote fluctuation and party system: the case of São Paulo

Simoni Junior, Sergio 13 February 2012 (has links)
O tema deste estudo é o papel dos partidos políticos brasileiros no momento eleitoral sob o prisma da volatilidade eleitoral. A questão da volatilidade é um dos principais tópicos de análise na área eleitoral e, em especial, sobre sistema partidário e sua evolução. Diz respeito à estabilidade/mudança, no tempo, da direção partidária do voto por parte do eleitor. No Brasil, o debate se trava em torno da institucionalização do sistema partidário e da relação deste com o eleitorado. Argumenta-se, de modo geral, que os partidos brasileiros manteriam relação fluída com os eleitores, o que configuraria um quadro de competição eleitoral instável e volúvel. Os paradigmas teóricos mobilizados pela abordagem tradicional são inspirados na sociologia política e eleitoral, e apontam, em geral, a falta de correspondência sólida entre partidos e clivagens sociais. Busco apresentar nesta dissertação uma versão alternativa. A fundamentação do argumento se dá, do ponto de vista teórico, por meio da reconstrução do caminho percorrido pela noção de volatilidade eleitoral, tal como ele se desenvolve na academia européia, conjugada com um diálogo com outro conjunto de literatura, encontrado marcadamente na academia americana, de inspiração institucionalista e na escola da escolha racional, interessado na competição eleitoral. Esse embasamento possibilitará uma visão teórica e analítica diversa da literatura nacional sobre o fenômeno da volatilidade no Brasil. Do ponto de vista empírico, proponho uma mudança de foco em relação aos estudos tradicionais: enquanto esses analisam os pleitos legislativos, defendo que estudos centrados nos cargos executivos possibilitam uma visão mais acurada sobre volatilidade e sistema partidário, pois essas são as disputas mais importantes para os partidos e para os eleitores. O objeto empírico deste estudo são os resultados eleitorais para o estado de São Paulo, nas eleições para cargos do Executivo, ou seja, presidente, governador, e prefeito da capital, nos anos de 1982 a 2008, com foco no período pós-94. A hipótese da pesquisa é que a volatilidade eleitoral, mensurada pelo índice de Pedersen, tradicional na literatura, é causada, em grande medida, por estratégias dos partidos políticos, ao decidirem pelo lançamento e retirada de candidaturas, não se devendo, necessariamente, a debilidades do sistema partidário ou ao comportamento e preferências instáveis do eleitor. Obviamente, existem mudanças de preferências, mas procuro mostrar que em São Paulo os partidos apresentaram bases eleitorais definidas. / The central theme of this work is the role of Brazilian political parties and electoral volatility at the time of election. Volatility is one of the major topics of analysis concerning electoral studies and the evolution of party systems. It addresses the stability and change, during certain period of time, of the electors vote for any given party. In Brazil, the debate deals with the institutionalization of the party system and its relationship with the electorate. It is generally argued that Brazilian parties maintain a fluid relationship with voters, which configures an unstable and fickle electoral competition framework. The theoretical paradigms used by the main approach are inspired by electoral and political sociology, and they tend to indicate, in general, the lack of strong correspondence between parties and social cleavages. In this dissertation, I offer an alternative approach. Theoretically, the ground of my argument is given by reconstructing the discussion of electoral volatility, as it has developed in the European academy, combined with a dialogue with another set of literature, found notably in the American academy, inspired by institutionalist and rational choice school, interested in electoral competition. This foundation will enable a theoretical and analytical vision different from the traditional literature about electoral volatility in Brazil. I propose an empirical change of focus, from the analysis of legislative elections, as it was common in brazilian studies, to an executive-centered analysis. I argue that executive-centered studies enable a more accurate view of volatility and party system, since executive disputes are more importante both for parties and voters. The empirical object of this work are the election results of the state of São Paulo, in Executive elections, President, Governor and Mayor of capital, from 1982 to 2008, focusing on the post-94 period. My hypothesis is that electoral volatility, as measured by the Pedersen index, is largely caused by political parties strategies and decisions of who should and who should not be its candidates. Thus electoral volatility should not necessarily be caused by the weaknesses of brazilian party system or unstable behavior and preferences of voters. Obviously, there are changes in preferences, but I try to show that in São Paulo, parties had well defined constituencies.

Geografia eleitoral: volatilidade e tendências nas eleições presidenciais de 1989 a 2006 / Electoral geography: volatility and trends in presidential elections from 1989 to 2006

Zolnerkevic, Aleksei 14 September 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata do estudo da volatilidade eleitoral nas eleições presidenciais brasileiras no período de 1989 a 2006 na escala dos municípios brasileiros. Foi calculada a volatilidade eleitoral em quatro períodos: 1989/1994, 1994/1998, 1998/2002 e 2002/2006. Os cálculos foram feitos por meio do índice de volatilidade entre blocos de partidos (Bartolini e Mair 1990). A geografia eleitoral da volatilidade eleitoral municipal desses períodos é apresentada através de tabelas e mapas. Os municípios brasileiros são Identificados e classificados em cinco grupos pelo número de vezes em que eles apresentaram taxas altas de volatilidade no período de 1989 a 2006. Por fim é analisada a possível correlação entre essa classificação e algumas variáveis socioeconômicas. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que altas taxas de volatilidade eleitoral durante as eleições presidenciais nos municípios brasileiros estiveram correlacionadas a índices baixos de condição de vida e educacionais. / This dissertation is on the electoral volatility in Brazilian presidential elections between 1989 and 2006 on Brazilian municipalities scale. The electoral volatility of four periods was calculated: 1989/1994, 1994/1998, 1998/2002, and 2002/2006. The calculations were made using the inter-bloc volatility index (Bartolini and Mair, 1990). The electoral geography of municipal electoral volatility is presented through maps and tables. The Brazilian municipalities were identified and classified into five groups according to the incidence of high volatility in the period 1989 to 2006. Finally, there is an analysis of the possible correlation between this classification and some socioeconomic variables. The results indicate that high rates of electoral volatility during presidential elections in Brazilian municipalities were correlated with low rates of education and life condition.

Les deux corps du Front national : Étude contextualisée du vote Front national dans quatre communes ouvrières du Pas-de-Calais et des Bouches-du-Rhône / The Front National’s two bodies : Comparative study of the vote for the "Front National" in four cities of the Pas-de-Calais and the Bouches-du-Rhône

Huc, Arnaud 13 December 2017 (has links)
Régulièrement considérés comme le terreau du Front national, les espaces périurbains sont en France passés de la lumière à l’ombre. Voulant dépasser cette labellisation ordinaire et stigmatisante, cette thèse se propose d’étudier dans le détail le vote Front national dans le monde périurbain. À partir de quatre villes situées dans le Pas-de-Calais et les Bouches-du-Rhône et par un travail comparatif sont étudiées les sociologies des électeurs du Front national. À cette étude sociologique s’adjoint la volonté d’expliquer pourquoi certains espaces périurbains semblent créer un vote que certains qualifient de repli. Les différentes méthodes utilisées permettent de montrer que dans les espaces périurbains comme ailleurs, le vote Front national n’est pas une évidence, mais le résultat de trajectoires sociales, résidentielles et idéologiques particulières. Le vote FN présente par ailleurs un visage différent, voire contradictoire, dans le département du Pas-de-Calais ainsi que dans celui des Bouches-du-Rhône, et s’oppose ainsi un électorat populaire septentrional à un électorat plus aisé dans les départements méditerranéens. / Generally considered as a fertile ground for the Front national, the suburbs have moved in France from light to shadow. Wishing to overcome this ordinary and stigmatising labelling, this thesis intends to study in detail the Front national’s vote in the suburban space. This thesis offers to examine the sociology of the FN electorate in four cities located in Pas-de-Calais and Bouches-du-Rhône by a comparative methodology. Within this study is associated the will to explain why some suburbs seem to create a vote which some qualify as inward looking. The various methods we use allow us to show that in suburbs as elsewhere, voting for the Front national is not an obvious fact, but is the result of particular social, residential and ideological trajectories. Moreover, this voting shows a different - if not contradictory - face in the department of Pas-de-Calais than in the Bouches-du-Rhône. Therefore, are opposed a northern popular electorate and a wealthier one in the south.

O processo eleitoral na era da internet: as novas tecnologias e o exercício da cidadania / The electoral process in the internet era: the new technologies and the exercise of citinzenship.

Castanho, Maria Augusta Ferreira da Silva 08 May 2014 (has links)
O desenvolvimento das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) alterou profundamente o modo de governança e as formas de convívio social, produzindo efeitos sobre a participação política. A presente tese aborda o elo entre o processo eleitoral e a Internet e analisa os determinantes da participação eleitoral no Brasil. O estudo desenvolvido tem início com o estado da arte do Direito Eleitoral, abordando o papel de seus atores políticos e os procedimentos que envolvem a operação eleitoral, buscando compreender as contribuições trazidas pela Internet para essa dinâmica. Em seguida, analisamos a forma como a Internet vem sendo utilizada nos processos eleitorais pelos agentes políticos, seus limites e possibilidades, com o objetivo de verificar qual o potencial da Internet para revigorar a democracia e aprimorar o exercício da cidadania. Apresentamos, ainda, propostas de regulação para aperfeiçoar o aproveitamento das ferramentas e potencialidades da Internet, durante o processo eleitoral, indicando, por fim, algumas práticas dessa utilização em outros países. O quadro analítico proposto revela que a expansão da Internet e suas mídias sociais e a liberdade encontrada em seu espaço virtual possuem um efeito positivo sobre a participação eleitoral. / The development of digital information and communications technologies (ICT) profoundly changed governance and social interaction, producing effects on the political participation. This thesis approaches the relation between the electoral process and Internet, and observes the determinants of electoral participation. The study begins with the estate of art of Electoral Law, analysing the role of the political actors and the operating electoral procedures, seeking an understanding of the Internet contributions for this dynamics. Subsequently, we oulined the way Internet has been used by the political agentes in the electoral process, its limitations and possibilities, examining the Internet potential to revitalize democracy and improve the exercise of the citizenship. We will present, moreover, regulation proposals to improve the usage of Internet tools and potetialities during the electoral process, showing a few examples that take place in the international scenario. The analytical framework reveals that the spread of the Internet and its social media, and the freedom found in its virtual space produce a positive effect on the electoral participation.

El uso de las redes sociales en el marketing político electoral : el caso de los ppkausas

Rojas Suárez, Cristhian Moisés 04 May 2016 (has links)
La presente investigación proviene del interés de un comunicador que busca especializarse en el corto plazo en comunicación política, luego de haberlo hecho en la construcción de identidad y manejo de marcas en redes sociales. Por ello, el análisis de uno de los nuevos medios con mayor movimiento y en el que se centra mucha atención sobre su dinámica y efectividad por parte de publicistas y politólogos, es sumamente relevante para el desarrollo de futuras estrategias de comunicación en campañas electorales y de gobierno. / Tesis

The Electoral System of Myanmar

Kironská, Kristína 04 August 2011 (has links)
Myanmar, an isolated country in Southeast Asia, held general elections for the People¡¦s Assembly in 2010, the first in twenty years and the second in fifty years. The military junta that has ruled the country for decades has been facing strong criticism from the international community. This research has systematically examined the historical development of the electoral laws and the overall electoral system of the Union of Myanmar (since October 2010 officially known as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar) during the period of 18 June 1989 up until the latest elections on 7 November 2011. Why did the military bother organizing elections? The latest elections were meant to give the impression that they would create a legitimate government. In reality, they were designed to preserve military rule under a façade of democracy. The junta learned a valuable lesson from the last free elections in 1990, which ended in a fiasco for the pro-junta parties, and did not leave it to the people's will in 2010. In order to effectively extend military rule, in 2008 the junta used a flawed referendum to approve a supremacy constitution, according to which the military automatically receives 25% of the seats in parliament. This constitution helped the junta impose several severe limitations on parties willing to participate in the 2010 elections, thus ensuring that the military-backed political parties would win most of the seats at stake. This thesis attempts to show the powerlessness of the masses against a system based on the creation of self-serving laws used by the ruling junta to control the society.

Desperately Seeking Representation: An Investigation into Visible Minority Electability under Vancouver’s At-large Electoral System

Smith, Matthew G. 20 December 2011 (has links)
The results of Vancouver’s 2008 municipal election led to critiques that South Asian candidates, and possibly all visible minority candidates, face reduced electability under Vancouver’s at-large electoral system than they would under a different municipal electoral system. This thesis employs numerous quantitative research methods to assess whether visible minority candidates do face reduced electability under the at-large system compared to a ward system proposed for Vancouver in 2004. The extent that Vancouver’s 2008 election results fulfill three U.S. Supreme Court conditions for establishing minority vote dilution is also assessed as part of this thesis research.

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