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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring Barriers towards Adoption within Electric Road Systems : A Case Study of the User Perspective / Utredning av Barriärer mot Övergång till Elvägar: : En fallstudie av Användarperspektivet

Borin, Frida, Tjernlund, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, Electric Road Systems (ERS) has emerged as a potential solution for sustainable road transport. However, early ERS commercialization has turned out to be challenging and it is needed to better understand what drives a user’s decision to adopt ERS. Previous studies have covered the technical aspects of ERS, but there is a gap in the current research about the user perspective regarding interests and barriers that influence ERS adoption. Moreover, prior research has defined the early adopters of ERS to be direct users that operate heavy vehicles on short repetitive routes. However, a problem with this user approach is that some important industry dynamics, which seems to make a significant impact on adoption, is disregarded. Therefore, this exploratory case study takes a wider approach and aims to analyze the barriers that exists for both direct and indirect users in ERS adoption. The study is based on the inductive, wireless ERS technology provided by ElectReon AB. Furthermore, the Swedish Transport Administration pilot project on highway 73 is used as an illustrative case to deepen the analysis and exemplify results. The data is primarily collected from interviews with the defined user types, as well as from interviews with some of Sweden’s leading experts within ERS. The interviews are complemented by written reports within the area of transportation and ERS. The analysis builds on two main user segments within the industry of transportation. The first segment is Passenger Transport, which includes the following two user types: Public bus transport and Commercial bus transport. The second segment is Transportation of Goods, which includes the following user types: Transport buyers, Transport providers, Freight forwarders and Logistic hubs. The results of the study show that the general interests for ERS are simple and mainly include an improved value proposition and profitable investments. However, the barriers are complex and multidimensional, and they originate from dependency in incumbent fuel technologies which creates lock-in effects hindering adoption. The study further shows that wireless ERS may open up for novel business models, which can minimize the experienced barriers for different users. Minimizing efforts for barriers can efficiently be evaluated based on a model with two variables: “risk in adoption” and “industry influence”. The main contribution from this study is that it illuminates the importance of taking a wider user approach and including indirect users and environmental aspects (such as market forces) in the analysis when evaluating ERS adoption. / Under de senaste åren har elvägar vuxit fram som en potentiell lösning för hållbara vägtransporter. Trots detta är det påtagligt att tidig kommersialisering av elvägar innefattar många utmaningar och det saknas djupare förståelse för de drivkrafter som påverkar användarnas beslut att övergå till tekniken i en tidig utvecklingsfas. Tidigare forskning har i stor utsträckning utrett de tekniska aspekterna inom elvägar, men det saknas forskning om användarperspektivet med avseende på intressen och barriärer som påverkar övergången till tekniken. Dessutom har föregående forskning definierat tidiga användare av elvägar till att vara någon form av operatör av tunga fordon på korta, repetitiva rutter - vilket därmed syftar till direkta användare. Problemet med detta angreppssätt är att det förbiser viktiga dynamiska aspekter i industrin som har stor inverkan på användarnas övergång till elvägar. Av denna anledning antar denna utforskande fallstudie ett bredare angreppssätt och analyserar barriärer som existerar både för direkta och indirekta användare för att övergå till elvägar. Studien är baserad på den induktiva elvägstekniken som ElectReon AB tillhandahåller. Dessutom används Trafikverkets pilotprojekt på riksväg 73 som en illustrativ fallstudie för att fördjupa analysen och exemplifiera resultat. Data är framförallt insamlad via intervjuer med de definierade användarna, men även från intervjuer med några av Sveriges ledande experter inom elvägssystem. Intervjuerna kompletteras med tillgängliga rapporter inom ämnet transport och elvägar. Analysen bygger på två identifierade användarsegment inom vägtransport. Det första segmentet är passagerartransporter, vilket inkluderar kollektivtrafik med buss och kommersiell busstrafik. Det andra segmentet utgörs av godstransporter, vilket inkluderar de följande användartyperna: transportköpare, åkare, speditörer och logistik-hubbar. Resultatet av studien visar att de intressen som driver användare till att övergå till elvägar är relativt simpla, och rör sig främst om ett förbättrat värdeerbjudande och sänkta kostnader. Däremot är barriärerna bevisligen mer komplexa och multi-dimensionella och uppstår då användare är beroende av den etablerade fordonstekniken, vilket skapar inlåsningseffekter som hindrar en teknisk övergång. Studien visar dessutom att trådlös elvägsteknik kan öppna upp för nya affärsmodeller som i sin tur kan minimera effekterna från barriärerna. Dessa effektminskningar kan utvärderas baserat på en modell uppbyggd av två variabler: risk och inflytande. Studiens viktigaste bidrag till utvecklingen av elvägar är att den belyser vikten av att ta ett bredare angreppssätt på användarperspektivet och även inkludera indirekta användare och de krafter som verkar inom användarmarknaden i analys av övergång till elvägar.

Designing a framework of KPIs to measure and evaluate electric road freight : A qualitative study of the market perspectives

Bengtsson, Linn, Gimbro Nielsen, Sara January 2022 (has links)
The electrification of the road freight sector has been visible in society during the last couple of years, where several companies have started to o↵er electric solutions. Further, this is due to an increased awareness of the negative impact of transport on the environment. However, Key Per- formance Indicators (KPIs) for evaluation and benchmarking have not kept up with the transition, creating a problem for new electric solutions to be communicated and understood.  The following study has been conducted with a Partner Company, which is a Swedish company that currently o↵ers electric transport. The Partner Company experiences a knowledge gap regarding which KPIs transport buyers follow up, whereas they want to know which KPIs are demanded when going electric. Therefore, a framework of KPIs could facilitate communication between stakeholders on the market and, with some adjustments, also be tailored to fit the Partner Company’s business. The purpose of the study is thus to design a framework of KPIs to measure and evaluate electric road freight and further adjust the framework to Partner Company. Developing a framework of KPIs requires structuring the constituent parameters to ease usability and practical applicability. The literature highlights that designing a framework can be done by determining KPIs, character- istics of the KPIs, and an appropriate categorization. Therefore, literature was studied regarding transport, KPIs, and processes of developing frameworks of KPIs. Together with the literature and the background, the process developed further acted as a basis for developing the study’s three Research Questions, aiming to ease answering the study’s overall purpose. The first Research Question is based on understanding traditional, fossil-driven road freight. The second Research Question aims to design a framework connected to electric road freight. When answering these questions, empirical data consisted of semi-structured interviews with transport buyers, transport providers, associated organizations, OEMs, and internal interviews at the Partner Company. The data collected was further analyzed to enable answering the Research Questions. Furthermore, the third Research Question intended to adjust the framework to fit the Partner Company, where a workshop with the Partner Company acted as empirical input and, together with an analysis of answers, further answered the last Research Question.  The framework developed was designed to facilitate communication between transport providers and transport buyers. Therefore, it was essential to capture transport buyers’ concerns, level of knowledge, and maturity regarding electric road freight and match the needs with the transport provider’s o↵ers.  After analyzing empirical data validated by literature, a cross-functional categorization of the framework could be made. KPIs were selected and assigned in the constituent categories of De- livery service, Costs, Operational electric, Planning and optimization, and Environmental impact. Furthermore, several characteristics were applied to each of the included KPIs, where important characteristics are; based on data, traceable, transparent, and market-oriented. In order to meet the study’s purpose, the framework was further adjusted to the Partner Company. The adjusted framework created a clear structure to facilitate when the Partner Company communicates KPIs with transport buyers. Several KPIs are recommended to be raised to solely build trust during the sales process. Other, more operational KPIs should be used by existing customers when following up the transport activity, and some KPIs should be written when the Partner Company contracts with new customers. In conclusion, the study’s purpose was achieved, as the framework developed is considered to facilitate the measuring and evaluation of electric road freight. The generalizability of the framework enables stakeholders in the market to further apply it within their businesses. The framework reduces the knowledge gap and increases communicability for improved benchmarking. Further, as the framework can act as a standard, the understanding of electric road freight can increase, something the study’s problematization was intended to facilitate.

System Stability of the Overhead Power Supply System used in the Electric Road System

Ferdoush, Md Asif January 2019 (has links)
This thesis presents the stability analysis of an Electric Road System (ERS), which is often abbreviated as eHighway, used for the electrification of the hybrid vehicle. The overall system modelling of the ERS, starting from the sub-station to the critical part of the Scania hybrid truck is performed in the MATLAB Simulink environment. The ERS consists of an overhead catenary line (OCL), where vehicles are electrified by using a pantograph mounted over the vehicle. The stability analysis of the power supply of the overhead line is done by taking into account several aspects of the system. The simulation results are validated with the real test track measurements and the deviations are shown. The frequency response of the system is considered to measure the stability margin. The resonance conditions are clarified and essential variable choke is proposed to damp them out. Also the harmonic components injected from the vehicle side, that are in the closer range of the resonance, are figured out and filtered. When multiple vehicles are electrified from the same catenary line, then there are interferences in between the vehicles. These disturbances both to the vehicles and the overhead power supply system are presented in the time domain. Finally, the results are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the variable choke to increase the stability margin in the overhead supply system. In the frequency domain results, it has shown that the resonance is shifted out of the system operating frequency. In the time domain results, it has shown that the high amplitude of the current and voltage signals are sufficiently damped out by variable choke implementation.

The potential of an Electric Road System from a value perspective : A case study in a Swedish municipality / Potentialen hos ett Elvägssystem från ett värdeperspektiv : En fallstudie i en svensk kommun

Dehlin, Camilla, Vik, Emil January 2022 (has links)
Electric Road System is an emerging infrastructure with potential of accelerating the transition towards electric vehicles. At the same time, Swedish municipalities are showing difficulties in electrifying their vehicle fleets. This study examines if an Electric Road System can be of value for a municipality, and if there are any challenges for an actor to establish a business model for such a system in the municipal context. Currently, there is a lack of previous studies in this area. This thesis addresses the topic of business models for Electric Road Systems in a municipal context through a single case study in a Swedish municipality. Six conclusions are drawn regarding opportunities for creating and capturing value from an Electric Road System with a municipal customer: 1) A combination of dynamic and stationary charging is probabl yneeded. 2) Extended possibilities for vehicle electrification can be provided. 3) Vehicle availability and reliability can be achieved. 4) Additional services should be evaluated thoroughly. 5) The pricing strategy should include a fixed price. 6) Major uncertainties exist regarding potential size of value capture. Additionally, three conclusions are drawn regarding challenges in the creation of a business model for a municipal Electric Road System: 1) The possibility of electrifying state roads is uncertain. 2) The national choice of ERS-technology will have an impact. 3) The uncertainty regarding prices of ERS-compatible vehicles presents a risk. With these conclusions, this study contributes with an increased knowledge on business models for Electric Road Systems in the municipal context. / Elvägssystem är en framväxande infrastrukturlösning med möjlighet att accelerera övergången till eldrivna fordon. Samtidigt visar svenska kommuner på svårigheter i elektrifieringen av sina fordonsflottor. Den här studien undersöker om ett elvägssystem kan vara av värde för en kommun och om det finns några utmaningar i att etablera en affärsmodell för ett sådant system i en kommun. För närvarande finns en avsaknad av studier som berör detta område. Detta examensarbete behandlar ämnet affärsmodeller för elvägssystem i kontexten av en kommun genom en fallstudie i en svensk kommun. Sex slutsatser dras gällande möjligheterna för skapande och fångst av värde från ett elvägssystem med en kommun som kund: 1) En kombination av dynamisk och stationär laddning behövs förmodligen. 2) Utökade möjligheter för fordonselektrifiering kan uppnås. 3) Tillgängliga och pålitliga fordon kan erhållas. 4) Tilläggstjänster bör utvärderas noggrant. 5) Prissättningsstrategin bör inkludera ett fast pris. 6) Stora osäkerheter finns gällande hur stort värde som kan fångas. Dessutom dras tre slutsatser gällande utmaningar i skapandet av en affärsmodell för ett elvägssystem i en kommun: 1) Möjligheten att elektrifiera statliga vägar är osäker. 2) Det statliga valet av elvägsteknik kommer att påverka. 3) Osäkerheten gällande priset på elvägsfordon utgör en risk. Med dessa slutsatser bidrar denna studie till en ökad kunskap om affärsmodeller för elvägar i kontexten av en kommun.

En elektrifiering av den interna busstrafiken på Stockholm Arlanda Airport

Zisimopoulos, Dimitrios January 2016 (has links)
Functional and cost effective systems for the full electrification of a bus network are areas of intense research and development. The electrification can be accomplished using different technological solutions, for example using opportunity charging or using an electric road system – ERS. Both opportunity charging and ERS have the potential to be integrated into already existing bus lines. With opportunity charging, the regular dwell time at the end stops is used for the bus to recharge its batteries and with an ERS the bus can charge dynamically along the road. The purpose of this report is to analyze how the existing Alfa- and Beta line at Stockholm Arlanda Airport, in a functional and cost effective way, can be electrified using either opportunity charging or an ERS. The tradeoff between required charging power, battery capacity and the necessity to change the existing running schedule is explained in detail. In addition, the impact on the electrical grid is analyzed based on different load profiles of different charging stations using different power levels. The analysis is based on real data from the Alfa – and Beta line with its existing buses, the electrical grid at Arlanda and data provided by both the leading (electrical) bus manufacturers and the leading charging infrastructure manufacturers.  The outcome of this report suggests that a full electrification of the existing Alfa- and Beta line has the potential to lower CO2-emissions and energy use at a functional and cost effective way.

Nätanslutning av en framtida elväg : En kartläggning av anslutningsmöjligheter för E4an mellan Gävle och Stockholm / Grid connection of a future electric road

Ekström, Amelie, Wänlund, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
The transport sector accounts for a third of Sweden’s total greenhouse gas emissions where cars and heavy trucks dominate the use of fossil fuels. The Swedish government is now intensifying the work for an electrified transport sector where electric roads could be an important part. Electric roads enable heavy vehicles to charge their batteries while driving, which is expected to contribute to environmentally friendly and time-efficient freight transports. To implement electric roads, availability of electric power along the electric roads will be required. This study presents a plan for connecting an electric road to the electricity grid in the electricity network area of Vattenfall Eldistribution. From the results, the idea was to present general conclusions from the experiences of the study, that could contribute in further implementation of electric roads.  The road that has been selected for the study was the E4 between Gävle and Stockholm. A model for calculating the power demand along the electric road has been modeled and connection possibilities to transformer stations has been investigated. The analysis was based on three scenarios where different degrees of strengthening of the existing electricity network were assumed. In addition, a forecast for 2030 and a cost estimation for each scenario has been carried out. The result of the study indicates that for road sections close to larger cities, there are a larger number of connection options in comparison to rural areas. Furthermore, the designed solution in the study required strengthening of the electricity grid and the investment cost was 362 million Swedish crowns.

Nätanslutning av en framtida elväg : En kartläggning av anslutningsmöjligheter för E4an mellan Gävle och Stockholm / Grid connection of a future electric road

Wänlund, Jessica, Ekström, Amelie January 2021 (has links)
The transport sector accounts for a third of Sweden’s total greenhouse gas emissions where cars and heavy trucks dominate the use of fossil fuels. The Swedish government is now intensifying the work for an electrified transport sector where electric roads could be an important part. Electric roads enable heavy vehicles to charge their batteries while driving, which is expected to contribute to environmentally friendly and time-efficient freight transports. To implement electric roads, availability of electric power along the electric roads will be required. This study presents a plan for connecting an electric road to the electricity grid in the electricity network area of Vattenfall Eldistribution. From the results, the idea was to present general conclusions from the experiences of the study, that could contribute in further implementation of electric roads. The road that has been selected for the study was the E4 between Gävle and Stockholm. A model for calculating the power demand along the electric road has been modeled and connection possibilities to transformer stations has been investigated. The analysis was based on three scenarios where different degrees of strengthening of the existing electricity network were assumed. In addition, a forecast for 2030 and a cost estimation for each scenario has been carried out. The result of the study indicates that for road sections close to larger cities, there are a larger number of connection options in comparison to rural areas. Furthermore, the designed solution in the study required strengthening of the electricity grid and the investment cost was 362 million Swedish crowns.

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