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Structural and electrical characterization of novel layered intergrowth compounds / [(MSe)1+delta]m[NbSe2]n ferecrystals with M = Pb and SnGrosse, Corinna 11 February 2016 (has links)
Die untersuchten Ferekristalle sind neuartige Verwachsungs-Schichtverbindungen aus m Monolagen von Niobdiselenid (NbSe2), die wiederholt mit n atomaren Bilagen von Bleiselenid (PbSe) oder Zinnselenid (SnSe) geschichtet sind. Niobdiselenid als Volumenmaterial besitzt eine Schichtstruktur und ist ein Supraleiter. Aufgrund ihrer gezielt einstellbaren atomar geschichteten Struktur können Ferekristalle als Modellsysteme für geschichtete Supraleiter dienen. In dieser Arbeit werden ihre strukturellen und elektrischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie wird ihre turbostratisch ungeordnete, nanokristalline Struktur nachgewiesen. Die atomare Struktur innerhalb der einzelnen Schichten ist ähnlich wie in den Volumenmaterialien NbSe2, PbSe und SnSe, wobei die kristallographischen c-Achsen parallel zur Stapelrichtung der Ferekristalle zeigen. Eine quantitative Analyse unter Verwendung eines Zwei-Schicht-Modells für den spezifischen Widerstand, Hall-Koeffizienten und Magnetwiderstand liefert ähnliche Ladungsträgersorten, -dichten und –beweglichkeiten in den NbSe2-Schichten, wie sie für isolierte Einzellagen von NbSe2 berichtet wurden. Diese unterscheiden sich von denen des Volumenmaterials NbSe2. Erstmals wurde ein Übergang der Ferekristalle in den supraleitenden Zustand nachgewiesen. Die Sprungtemperaturen sind dabei in etwa auf die Hälfte der Sprungtemperaturen der jeweiligen nicht turbostratisch ungeordneten Misfit-Schichtverbindungen reduziert. Diese Reduzierung kann der turbostratischen Unordnung der Ferekristalle zugeordnet werden. Das Verhältnis zwischen der schichtsenkrechten Ginzburg-Landau-Kohärenzlänge und dem Abstand zwischen den supraleitenden Schichten ist bei den Ferekristallen kleiner als bei den nicht ungeordneten Misfit-Schichtverbindungen, was Ferekristalle zu vielversprechenden Kandidaten für (quasi-)zweidimensionale Supraleiter macht. / The investigated ferecrystals are novel layered intergrowth compounds consisting of m monolayers of niobium diselenide (NbSe2) stacked repeatedly with n atomic bilayers of lead selenide (PbSe) or tin selenide (SnSe). Bulk NbSe2 is a layered compound showing superconductivity. Due to their artificially atomic-scale layered structure, which is tunable on the atomic scale, ferecrystals can serve as model systems for layered superconductors. In this study, their structural and electrical properties are investigated. Using transmission electron microscopy their turbostratically disordered, nanocrystalline structure is revealed. The atomic structure within the individual layers is similar as for bulk NbSe2, PbSe and SnSe, with the crystallographic c-axes parallel to the stacking direction in the ferecrystals. A quantitative analysis using a two-layer model fit for the electrical resistivity, Hall coefficient and magnetoresistance yields a similar carrier type, density and mobility in the NbSe2 layers as reported for isolated NbSe2 monolayers. These values differ from those of bulk NbSe2. For the first time, a normal-to-superconducting transition has been detected in ferecrystals. The transition temperatures of the ferecrystals are reduced to about a half of those of analogous non-disordered misfit layer compounds. This reduction in transition temperature can be correlated to the turbostratic disorder in ferecrystals. The ratio between the cross-plane Ginzburg-Landau coherence length and the cross-plane distance between the NbSe2 layers for the ferecrystals is lower than for non-disordered misfit layer compounds, making ferecrystals promising candidates for (quasi-)two-dimensional superconductors.
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Conception, suivi de fabrication et caractérisation électrique de composants haute tension en SiC / Design, fabrication and electrical characterization of SiC power devices with a high breakdown voltageHuang, Runhua 30 September 2011 (has links)
Les composants actifs en électronique de puissance sont principalement à base de Silicium. Or, le silicium a des limites en termes de température d’utilisation, fréquence de commutation et de tenue en tension. Une alternative au Si peut être les semi-conducteurs à grand gap tels que le SiC-4H. Grâce aux travaux de plusieurs équipes de chercheurs dans le monde, les performances s’améliorent d’année en année. Le laboratoire AMPERE conçoit, réalise et caractérise des composants de puissance en SiC-4 H. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans les projets SiCHT2 et VHVD du laboratoire. Le travail réalisé au cours de cette thèse repose sur la conception la fabrication et la caractérisation électrique de composantes haute tension en SiC-4H. Les paramètres de protection pour la diode bipolaire 6500V sont optimisés à l’aide des simulations à base d'éléments finis. Les paramètres du SiC pour les modèles utilisés pour la simulation sont développés par des travaux précédents. Ensuite, le masque est dessiné. La diode est réalisée chez IBS. La première caractérisation est effectuée avant le recuit post-métallisation en directe et inverse sans passivation finale. Après le recuit post-métallisation la résistance de contact est plus faible. La caractérisation de la tenue en tension a été effectuée à AMPERE puis à l’ISL à très haute tension. A l’aide de simulations à base d'éléments finis, les paramètres tels que la résistance de contact et la durée de vie des porteurs ont été affinés à partir des caractérisations électriques obtenues par l’expérience. Les autres travaux portent sur la conception, les optimisations et les fabrications des diodes 10 kV et transistors 6500 V. / The power devices are mainly based on silicon. Silicon devices have limitations in terms of operating temperature, switching frequency and breakdown voltage. An alternative can be semiconductor wide band gap devices such as 4H-SiC. Through the work of several teams of researchers around the world, the performance of the power devices in 4H-SiC improve year by year. At ampere laboratory, design, fabrication and electrical tests of 4H-SiC devices are performed. The work done in this thesis is the design, fabrication and electrical characterization of 4H-SiC power devices with a high breakdown voltage. The parameters of the edge termination are optimized using simulations based on finite elements method. The parameters of 4H-SiC during the simulation are based on previous works. Then the mask is drawn. The diodes are manufactured by IBS. First the characterization in forward and reverse mode is done before the ohmic contact annealing. The diode passivation is a single SiO2 layer. After ohmic contact annealing, the contact resistance is lower. The characterization of the breakdown voltage is performed at AMPERE and at ISL for very high voltage. Parameters such as contact resistance and carrier lifetime are estimated by fitting measured electrical characteristics with results of finite element simulation. The design of the diodes 10 kV and bipolar junction transistor 6500 V is also part of this work. This work has been performed for 2 different projects VHVD with ANR for the financial support and SiCHT2 with DGCIS for the financial support.
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Carrier profiling of ZnO nanowire structures by scanning capacitance microscopy and scanning spreading resistance microscopy / Profilage porteur de structures de nanofils ZnO par microscopie à capacité de balayage et microscopie à dispersionWang, Lin 28 April 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'application des techniques Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM) et Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy (SSRM) pour la caractérisation électrique de nanofils de ZnO avec l'objectif d'en déterminer le dopage par profilage des porteurs libres suite à des essais de dopage de type p. Afin de pouvoir utiliser un référentiel planaire nécessaire à ces mesures par sonde locale, un procédé de remplissage par dip-coating et de polissage a été spécialement développé sur des champs de nanofils quasi-verticaux. De plus, dans le but de parvenir à un étalonnage des mesures SCM et SSRM, nous avons conçu et fait fabriquer des échantillons étalons de dopage de type n, contenant des niveaux de Ga en escalier de densité variable de 2×10^17 à 3×10^20 cm^-3. Les mesures sur des coupes transversales de ces deux de structures multicouches ont permis, pour la première fois sur ZnO d'établir un étalonnage des mesures SCM et SSRM et de déterminer le dopage intrinsèque électriquement actif de couches 2D nanométriques, résultat difficilement atteignable par d'autres techniques d'analyse. Des résultats inattendus de concentration résiduelle de porteur de l'ordre de 2×10^18 et 3×10^18 cm^-3 ont été trouvés sur les nanofils de ZnO crus par MOCVD et par CBD respectivement. Outre la caractérisation électrique microscopique des nanofils par SCM et SSRM, des techniques macroscopiques classiques ont été utilisées pour caractériser des assemblées importantes de nanofils de ZnO. L'origine de la difference entre les résultats de deux genres de technique a été discutée. Nous avons aussi étudié les effets des dopages ex-situ par diffusion du phosphore (procédé SOD) et des dopages in situ par incorporation d'antimoine (Sb) pendant la croissance MOCVD. Les résultats majeurs sont obtenus pour l'antimoine, en utilisant des couches ZnO: Sb 2D et des nanofils cœur-coquille ZnO/ZnO: Sb, ou l'hypothèse d'une compensation partielle du dopage n résiduel par un centre accepteur créé par le dopage Sb semble pouvoir être établie raisonnablement. / Based on atomic force microscope (AFM), scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) and scanning spreading resistance microscopy (SSRM) have demonstrated high efficiency for two dimensional (2D) electrical characterizations of Si semiconductors at nanoscale and then have been extensively employed in Si-based structures/devices before being extended to the study of some other semiconductor materials. However, ZnO, a representative of the third generation semiconductor material, being considered a promising candidate for future devices in many areas, especially in opto-electronic area, has rarely been addressed. Recently, extensive research interests have been attracted by ZnO NWs for future devices such as LED, UV laser and sensor. Therefore, a good understanding of electrical properties of the NWs is in need. In this context, this thesis work is dedicated to the 2D electrical characterization of ZnO NWs with the focus of carrier profiling on this kind of nanostructure in the effort of their p-type doping. For this purpose, a planarization process has been developed for the NWs structure in order to obtain an appropriate sample surface and perform SCM/SSRM measurements on the top of the NWs. For quantitative analysis, Ga doped ZnO multilayer staircase structures were developed serving as calibration samples. Finally, residual carrier concentrations inside the CBD and MOCVD grown ZnO NWs are determined to be around 3×10^18 cm^-3 and 2×10^18 cm^-3, respectively. The results from SCM/SSRM characterization have been compared with that from macroscopic C-V measurements on collective ZnO NWs and the differences are discussed. In addition to carrier profiling on NWs structure, applications of SCM/SSRM on some other ZnO-based nanostructures are also investigated including ZnO:Sb films, ZnO/ZnO:Sb core-shell NWs structure, ZnO/ZnMgO core-multishell coaxial heterostructures.
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Structural, Optical And Electrical Studies On Aurivillius Oxide Thin FilmsKumari, Neelam 07 1900 (has links)
The present research work mainly focuses on the fabrication and characterization of single and multilayer thin films based on Bismuth Vanadate (BVO) and Bismuth Titanate (BTO). The multi-target laser ablation technique was used to fabricate single layer thin films of BVO, BVN and BTO; and multilayers composed of BVO and BTO in different structures. The fabricated thin films exhibited dense microstructure and a sharp interface with the substrate. The lattice strain, surface roughness and grain size could be varied as functions of composition and individual layer thickness in different structure fabricated. The optical properties were studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical transmission spectra. The various models that were used for ellipsometric data analysis gave an excellent fitting to the experimental data. The optical constants were determined through multilayer analyses of the films. The band gap of these films was studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical transmission. The optical studies carried out on BVO-BTO bilayer indicated the presence of an interfacial layer in between the BVO and BTO layer, whose refractive index was different from that of the individual layers and is attributed to different nature of the interfacial layer. The ferroelectric nature of BVO films was confirmed by P-E hysteresis loop studies under different applied fields and at various probing frequencies. The same was corroborated via the C-V measurements of these BVO films which exhibited butterfly shaped C-V characteristics. Fatigue studies in these films indicated that the switchable polarization is essentially constant through 105 cycles, after which it starts increasing probably due to the ionic conduction in BVO thin films. The dielectric response of undoped and Nb doped BVO as well as BVBT ML thin films were studied over a wide range of temperatures. The BVO films exhibited remarkable dielectric dispersion at low frequencies especially in the high temperature regime. Further, the frequency and temperature dependence of the dielectric, impedance, modulus and conductivity spectra of these films were investigated in detail. The ac conductivity was found to obey well the double power law in case of ML, indicating the different contributions to the conductivity, the low frequency conductivity being due to the short range translational hopping and the high frequency conductivity is due to the localized or reorientational hopping motion. DC leakage conduction in BVO, BVN and BVBT ML thin films was studied over a wide range of temperatures and applied electric fields. The experimental data were analyzed in light of different models to investigate the dc conduction mechanism in these films which were broadly classified into electrode limited and bulk limited conduction processes. In the case of BVO thin films the dc leakage current exhibited an ohmic nature at low electric fields followed by an onset of the space charge limited conduction (>1). Further in case of BVN films, three distinct regions were observed in I-V characteristics signifying different types of conduction processes in these films. In case of BVBT ML thin films, bulk limited PF mechanism was found to determine the conduction behavior at moderate electric fields. At higher electric fields, a trap filled region was observed which was followed by SCL conduction at higher fields. Therefore the present observation indicates the presence of more than one bulk limited conduction process in BVBT ML thin films. BVO thin films exhibiting good structure and dense morphology were successfully prepared on p-type Si by chemical solution decomposition technique. The C-V characteristics were evaluated for Au/BVO/Si MFS structure which showed a typical high frequency feature of a conventional MFIS structure.
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Carrier Mobility And High Field Transport in Modulation Doped p-Type Ge/Si1-xGex And n-Type Si/Si1-xGex HeterostructuresMadhavi, S 03 1900 (has links)
Modulation doped heterostructures have revolutionized the operation of field effect devices by increasing the speed of operation. One of the factors that affects the speed of operation of these devices is the mobility of the carriers, which is intrinsic to the material used. Mobility of electrons in silicon based devices has improved drastically over the years, reaching as high as 50.000cm2/Vs at 4.2K and 2600cm2/Vs at room temperature. However, the mobility of holes in p-type silicon devices still remains comparatively lesser than the electron mobility because of large effective masses and complicated valence band structure involved. Germanium is known to have the largest hole mobility of all the known semiconductors and is considered most suitable to fabricate high speed p-type devices. Moreover, it is also possible to integrate germanium and its alloy (Si1_zGex ) into the existing silicon technology.
With the use of sophisticated growth techniques it has been possible to grow epitaxial layers of silicon and germanium on Si1_zGex alloy layers grown on silicon substrates. In tills thesis we investigate in detail the electrical properties of p-type germanium and n-type silicon thin films grown by these techniques. It is important to do a comparative study of transport in these two systems not only to understand the physics involved but also to study their compatibility in complementary field effect devices (cMODFET).
The studies reported in this thesis lay emphasis both on the low and high field transport properties of these systems. We report experimental data for the maximum room temperature mobility of holes achieved m germanium thin films grown on Si1_zGex layers that is comparable to the mobility of electrons in silicon films. We also report experiments performed to study the high field degradation of carrier mobility due to
"carrier heating" in these systems. We also report studies on the effect of lattice heating on mobility of carriers as a function of applied electric field.
To understand the physics behind the observed phenomenon, we model our data based on the existing theories for low and high field transport. We report complete numerical calculations based on these theories to explain the observed qualitative difference in the transport properties of p-type germanium and ii-type silicon systems. The consistency between the experimental data and theoretical modeling reported in this work is very satisfactory.
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Electrical Switching And Thermal Studies On Certain Ternary Telluride Glasses With Silicon Additive And Investigations On Their Suitability For Phase Change Memory ApplicationsAnbarasu, M 10 1900 (has links)
The Phase Change Memories (PCM) based on chalcogenide glasses are being considered recently as a possible replacement for conventional Non Volatile Random Access Memories (NVRAM). The main advantages of chalcogenide phase change memories are their direct write/overwrite capability, lower voltages of operation, large write/erase cycles, easiness to integrate with logic, etc. The phase change random access memories work on the principle of memory switching exhibited by chalcogenide glasses during which a local structural change (between amorphous and crystalline states) occurs due to an applied electric field.
The development of newer phase change materials for NVRAM applications is based on synthesizing newer glass compositions and investigating their electrical switching characteristics by applying current/voltage pulses of different waveforms. The thermal studies on chalcogenide glasses which provide information about thermal stability, glass forming ability, etc., are also important while selecting a chalcogenide glass for PCM applications.
The present thesis work deals with electrical switching and thermal studies on certain silicon based ternary telluride glasses (As-Te-Si, Ge-Te-Si and Al-Te-Si). The effect of network topological thresholds on the composition dependence of switching voltages and thermal parameters such as glass transition temperature, specific heat capacity, non-reversing enthalpy, etc., of these glasses has been investigated.
The first chapter of the thesis provides an introduction to various properties of chalcogenide glasses, including their applications in phase change memories. The fundamental aspects of amorphous solids such as glass formation, glass transition, etc., are presented. Further, the concepts of rigidity percolation and self organization in glassy networks and the influence of local structural effects on the properties of glassy chalcogenides are discussed. Also, a brief history of evolution of phase change memories is presented.
The second chapter deals with the experimental techniques employed in this thesis work; for sample preparation and for electrical switching studies, Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetry (ADSC), Raman spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, etc.
The third chapter discusses the electrical switching and thermal studies on As30Te70-xSix (2 ≤ x ≤ 22) and As40Te60-xSix (2 ≤ x ≤ 17) glasses. The composition dependence of electrical switching voltage (VT) and thermal parameters such as glass transition temperature (Tg), crystallization temperature (Tc), thermal stability (Tc-Tg), etc., reveals the occurrence of extended rigidity percolation and chemical thresholds in As30Te70-xSix and As40Te60-xSix glasses.
Chapter 4 presents the electrical switching and thermal studies on Ge15Te85-xSix glasses (2 ≤ x ≤ 12). These glasses have been found to exhibit memory type electrical switching. While Ge15Te85-xSix glasses with x ≤ 5 exhibit a normal electrical switching, an unstable behavior is seen in the I-V characteristics of Ge15Te85-xSix glasses with x > 5 during the transition to ON state. Further, the switching voltage (VT) and initial resistance (R) are found to increase with addition of Si, exhibiting a change in slope at the rigidity percolation threshold of the Ge15Te85-xSix system. The ADSC studies on these glasses indicate the presence of an extended stiffness transition and a thermally reversing window in Ge15Te85-xSix in the composition range of 2 ≤ x ≤ 6.
The fifth chapter deals with electrical switching investigations, thermal and structural studies on Al15Te85-xSix glasses (2 ≤ x ≤ 12). These glasses have been found to exhibit two crystallization reactions (Tc1 and Tc2) for compositions with x < 8 and a single stage crystallization is seen for compositions above x = 8. Also, a trough is seen in the composition dependence of non-reversing enthalpy (ΔHNR), based on which it is proposed that there is a thermally reversing window in Al15Te85-xSix glasses in the composition range 4 ≤ x ≤ 8. Further, Al15Te85-xSix glasses are found to exhibit a threshold type electrical switching at ON state currents less than 2 mA. The start and the end of the thermally reversing window seen in the thermal studies are exemplified by a kink and saturation in the composition dependence of switching voltages respectively. 27Al Solid State NMR measurements reveal that in Al15Te85-xSix glasses, Al atoms reside in 4-fold as well as 6-fold coordinated environments. Unlike in Al-As-Te glasses, there is no correlation seen between the composition dependence of the fraction of 4-fold and 6-fold coordinated aluminum atoms and the switching behavior of Al-Te-Si samples.
Chapter 6 provides a comparison of the properties of the three glassy systems studied (As-Te-Si, Ge-Te-Si and Al-Te-Si), made to identify the system better suited for phase change memory applications. It is found that the Ge-Te-Si glassy system has better electrical/thermal properties for phase change memory applications.
The seventh chapter describes easily reversible SET-RESET processes in Ge15Te83Si2 glass which is a promising candidate for phase change memory applications. This sample exhibits memory switching at a comparatively low threshold electric field (Eth) of 7.3 kV/cm. The SET and RESET processes have been achieved with 1 mA triangular current pulse for the SET process and 1 mA rectangle pulse (of 10 msec width) for RESET operation respectively. Further, a self-resetting effect is seen in this material upon excitation with a saw-tooth/square pulse. About 6.5x104 SET-RESET cycles have been achieved without any damage to the device.
In chapter 8, results of in-situ Raman scattering studies on the structural changes occurring during the SET and RESET processes in Ge15Te83Si2 sample, are presented. It is found that the degree of disorder in the glass is reduced from OFF to SET state. The local structure of the sample under RESET condition is similar to that in the OFF state. The Raman results are found to be consistent with the switching results which indicate that the Ge15Te83Si2 glass can be SET and RESET easily. Further, Electron Microscopic studies on switched samples indicate the formation of nanometer sized particles of cSiTe2.
A summary of the results obtained and the scope for future work are included in the chapter 9 of the thesis.
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Cu(Ag)-Legierungsschichten als Werkstoff für Leiterbahnen höchstintegrierter Schaltkreise / Herstellung, Gefüge, thermomechanische Eigenschaften, ElektromigrationsresistenzStrehle, Steffen 04 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel, Cu(Ag)-Dünnschichten als potentiellen Werkstoff für Leiterbahnen in der Mikroelektronik zu untersuchen. Für die Beurteilung dieses Materialsystems wurden vier Schwerpunkte bezüglich der Schichtcharakterisierung definiert: Herstellung, Gefüge, thermomechanische Eigenschaften, Elektromigrationsresistenz. Grundlage sämtlicher Untersuchungen ist eine geeignete Probenpräparation. In Anlehnung an Technologien, die zur Zeit bei der Herstellung von reinen Cu-Leiterbahnen Anwendung finden, erfolgte die Beschichtung der Cu(Ag)-Schichten (Dicke bis 1 µm) galvanisch aus einem schwefelsauren Elektrolyten unter Additiveinsatz auf thermisch oxidierten Siliziumwafern. Hierbei war nicht nur die Abscheidung von ganzflächigen Dünnschichten, sondern auch die Beschichtung auf strukturierte Substrate von Interesse. Die erzeugten Schichtproben werden in ihren Gefügeeigenschaften, vergleichend zu reinen Kupferschichten, charakterisiert. Hierzu zählen Korngrößen und -orientierungen, thermisches Gefügeverhalten, Einbau, Verteilung und Segregation von Silber und Fremdstoffen sowie die elektrischen Eigenschaften. Von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung für das Elektromigrationsverhalten und damit für die Zuverlässigkeit und das Leistungsvermögen sind die thermomechanischen Eigenschaften. Diese werden an ausgedehnten Schichten mit der Substratkrümmungsmessung bis zu Temperaturen von 500°C beschrieben. Die Diskussion des mechanischen Schichtverhaltens umfasst sowohl thermische als auch temporale Charakteristika. Die Untersuchungen geben einen Einblick in die wirkenden Mechanismen des Stofftransports und des Spannungsabbaus. Den Abschluss der Arbeit stellen erste Experimente zum Elektromigrationsverhalten der Cu(Ag)-Dünnschichten dar. Den Kern dieser Analysen bilden Messungen an sog. Blech-Strukturen (Materialdriftexperimente). Hierbei werden geeignete Technologien für die mikrotechnologische Herstellung von derartigen Cu(Ag)-Strukturen vorgestellt. Anhand erster Messungen wird das Elektromigrationsverhalten von Cu(Ag)-Metallisierungen in seinen Grundcharakteristika beschrieben.
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Alterações eletroquímicas e sua relação com a produção de gás metano em solos alagados por barragens / Electrochemical changes and their relation to the production of methane in soils flooded by damsSousa, Daniel Vieira de 30 May 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-30 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / The emission of gases of the greenhouse effect has increased dramatically since the geological era until the present days. Currently the use of fossil fuels and the changing of the use of the Earth are most responsible for the emission of these gases to the atmosphere.The carbon in the soil represents more than three times the carbon in the terrestrial biomass and about two times the carbon in the atmosphere, been a potential source of CO2 and CH4.The biogeochemical process that occurs in the soil or sediments for the emission of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane are controlled by process like the reduction of mineral compounds mainly oxides and amorphous and poor crystalline in anaerobic environment. These process leads to the formation of a favorable habitat suitable to the population grows of Methanogenic bacteria consequently with the production of gases of greenhouse effective. Nowadays there are several projects that defend that the hydroelectric dam offers a great contribution to the emission of the effective of greenhouse gases. This project has the purpose of study what the characteristics has more influence for the production of the emission of greenhouse effective in flood soils in hydroelectric lakes. The chapter one is dedicated to literature review where are addressed the more relevant topics. The chapter II had the purpose of studying the electrochemical dynamics of the soil at Zona da Mata mineira subject to flood due to the construction of hydroelectric. As a result we obtained that how bigger is the of Fe, bigger will be reduction of the soil, which lead us to establish the habitats proper for the establishment of the growth of Methanogenic bacteria‟s. population. The contents of Fe, CO and N have more influence in the ox reduction of flood soil. The chapter III had the purpose of studying dynamics and reactivity of the soil organic carbon (SOC) such as it is also dedicated to estimate the production of CH4 in soils flooded by hydroelectric dams lake with the purpose of identifying which characteristics has more influence in the production of methane comes from an eventually flooded of soils. As a result were obtained that the reactivity of SOC receives influence of the texture of the soil, and the finer is the texture greater is the presence of free fractions. The N shows an important factor to be analyzed due to its relation with the degradation of organic compound and microbial activity. / As emissões de gases do efeito estufa (GEE) têm aumentado vertiginosamente desde eras geológicos até os dias atuais. Atualmente a utilização de combustíveis fósseis, e alterações no uso da Terra, são as maiores responsáveis pelas grandes emissões destes gases para a atmosfera. O carbono contido no solo representa mais de três vezes o carbono contido em toda a biomassa terrestre e cerca de duas vezes o carbono contido na atmosfera, sendo, dessa forma, uma potencial fonte emissora de CO2 e CH4. Os processos biogeoquímicos que ocorrem em solos e ou sedimentos para emissão de gases como o dióxido de carbono e metano, são controlados por processos como a redução de compostos minerais, principalmente óxidos, amorfos e mal cristalizados em ambientes anaeróbios. Estes processos levam a formação de um habitat propício para o crescimento populacional de bactérias metanogênicas, com a conseqüente produção de gases do efeito estufa. Atualmente há diversos trabalhos que defendem que barragem de usinas hidroelétricas oferece uma grande contribuição na emissão de gases do efeito estufa. Nesta pesquisa objetivou-se estudar quais as características do exercem mais influencia para a produção de gases do efeito estufa em solos alagados em lagos de hidroelétricas. O capítulo I é dedicado a revisão de literatura, onde são abordados temas que se julgam relevantes. No capítulo II se objetivou estudar a dinâmica eletroquímica de solos da zona da mata mineira passíveis de serem submetidos a alagamento devido a construção de hidroelétricas. Como resultado obteve-se que quanto maior for a atividade de Fe, maior será o potencial de redução do solo, o que leva ao estabelecimento de habitats, apropriados para o estabelecimento de populações de bactérias metanogênicas. Os teores de Fe, CO e N, são os que mais exercem influencia no processo de oxiredução de solos alagados. O capítulo III teve por objetivo estudar dinâmica e reatividade do carbono orgânico do solo (COS), bem como dedicado a estimar a produção de CH4 em solos alagados por lagos de usinas hidroelétricas, com o intuito de identificar quais características exerce mais influência na produção de metano, provinda do eventual alagamento dos solos. Como resultados foram obtidos que a reatividade do COS recebe influencia da textura do solo, sendo que quanto mais fina a textura maior a presença de frações livres. O N total se mostra um importante fator a ser analisado devido sua relação com a degradação de compostos orgânicos e atividade microbiana.
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Degradace epoxidových pryskyřic s různými plnivy slunečním zářením / Degradation of epoxy resins vith various aditives by solar radiationŠkarabelová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on the study of chemical and physical properties of dielectric materials with main focus on epoxy resins. It includes possible processes that can influence the properties of epoxy resins, both processes that improve polymer properties and processes that cause material degradation. Next part of the thesis is a description of diagnostic methods suitable for measurement of basic electrical quantities of material and design of a suitable method for measuring properties of epoxy resins with different additives, influencing the samples by solar radiation. At the end, the work includes an experiment dedicated to the degradation of epoxy resins with various additives by solar radiation and the evaluation of the experiment.
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Cu(Ag)-Legierungsschichten als Werkstoff für Leiterbahnen höchstintegrierter Schaltkreise: Herstellung, Gefüge, thermomechanische Eigenschaften, ElektromigrationsresistenzStrehle, Steffen 12 March 2007 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel, Cu(Ag)-Dünnschichten als potentiellen Werkstoff für Leiterbahnen in der Mikroelektronik zu untersuchen. Für die Beurteilung dieses Materialsystems wurden vier Schwerpunkte bezüglich der Schichtcharakterisierung definiert: Herstellung, Gefüge, thermomechanische Eigenschaften, Elektromigrationsresistenz. Grundlage sämtlicher Untersuchungen ist eine geeignete Probenpräparation. In Anlehnung an Technologien, die zur Zeit bei der Herstellung von reinen Cu-Leiterbahnen Anwendung finden, erfolgte die Beschichtung der Cu(Ag)-Schichten (Dicke bis 1 µm) galvanisch aus einem schwefelsauren Elektrolyten unter Additiveinsatz auf thermisch oxidierten Siliziumwafern. Hierbei war nicht nur die Abscheidung von ganzflächigen Dünnschichten, sondern auch die Beschichtung auf strukturierte Substrate von Interesse. Die erzeugten Schichtproben werden in ihren Gefügeeigenschaften, vergleichend zu reinen Kupferschichten, charakterisiert. Hierzu zählen Korngrößen und -orientierungen, thermisches Gefügeverhalten, Einbau, Verteilung und Segregation von Silber und Fremdstoffen sowie die elektrischen Eigenschaften. Von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung für das Elektromigrationsverhalten und damit für die Zuverlässigkeit und das Leistungsvermögen sind die thermomechanischen Eigenschaften. Diese werden an ausgedehnten Schichten mit der Substratkrümmungsmessung bis zu Temperaturen von 500°C beschrieben. Die Diskussion des mechanischen Schichtverhaltens umfasst sowohl thermische als auch temporale Charakteristika. Die Untersuchungen geben einen Einblick in die wirkenden Mechanismen des Stofftransports und des Spannungsabbaus. Den Abschluss der Arbeit stellen erste Experimente zum Elektromigrationsverhalten der Cu(Ag)-Dünnschichten dar. Den Kern dieser Analysen bilden Messungen an sog. Blech-Strukturen (Materialdriftexperimente). Hierbei werden geeignete Technologien für die mikrotechnologische Herstellung von derartigen Cu(Ag)-Strukturen vorgestellt. Anhand erster Messungen wird das Elektromigrationsverhalten von Cu(Ag)-Metallisierungen in seinen Grundcharakteristika beschrieben.
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