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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Balansakten mellan nationell försörjningstrygghet och global miljönytta : En studie av Sveriges elmarknad och utrikeshandel / The Balancing Act Between National Energy Security and Global Environmental Benefits : A Study of Sweden's Electricity Market and Foreign Trade

Ramström, Charlotte, Sandquist, Axel, Staberg, Philippa January 2024 (has links)
Sverige och Europa genomgår en omställning till högre andel förnybar el, samtidigt har Europas elpriser varit rekordhöga de senaste åren och den sammankopplade elhandeln i EU har bidragit till höga elpriser i Sverige. Litteraturstudien har avsett att redogöra för hur strategier som begränsar elhandeln mellan Sverige och EU påverkar Sveriges försörjningstrygghet, elpriser och konkurrenskraft samt hur miljön påverkas av dessa strategier. Studien kartlägger elhandeln i Sverige och Europa, både den fysiska och marknadsmässiga samt de legala faktorer som påverkar den. Balansen mellan försörjningstrygghet, miljö, ekonomiska faktorer och internationell elhandel undersöks. Dessutom introduceras några strategier för att begränsa och kontrollera den internationella elhandeln, de främsta var fysisk begränsning av elöverföringen samt olika prissättningsstrategier. Resultaten visar att en fysisk begränsning av gränsöverskridande elhandel inte är möjlig givet de regelverk som finns på plats men skulle drabba försörjningstryggheten samt medföra osäkerheter på lång sikt i ekonomiska faktorer som konkurrenskraft och elpriser i Sverige. Dessutom skulle en fysisk begränsning försvåra övergången till mer förnybar energi i Sverige och Europa och på så vis påverka miljön negativt. Det framstår därför som mer gynnsamt på kort sikt att istället kontrollera elhandeln med olika prissättningsstrategier såsom lägre priser för inhemska konsumenter, för att på så sätt dra nytta av inkomsterna och miljönyttan som internationell elhandel innebär utan att de nationella elpriserna drabbas i samma utsträckning. Beroende på prissättningsstrategi innebär det att den negativa påverkan på antingen hushållens eller industriernas elpriser reduceras, varav framför allt det senare innebär att konkurrenskraften inte påverkas lika negativt. Dock visar studien att en sådan modell kräver ytterligare forskning för att utvärdera dess genomförbarhet och potentiella effekter. Slutsatsen av studien indikerar att både bibehålla den nuvarande situationen och implementera alternativa strategier medför olika för- och nackdelar avseende försörjningstrygghet, elpriser, den svenska industrins konkurrenskraft och miljöpåverkan. För att identifiera den mest optimala strategin krävs ytterligare forskning samt en noggrann avvägning av de potentiella konsekvenserna. / Sweden and Europe are increasingly shifting towards renewable electricity. However, Europe has recently seen record-high electricity prices, with the interconnected electricity trade within EU contributing to high prices in Sweden. This literature review aims to elucidate the impacts of strategies restricting electricity trade between Sweden and the EU on Sweden’s energy security, electricity prices, competitiveness, and the environment. The study maps the physical and market dynamics of electricity trade in Sweden and Europe and examines the legal factors influencing it. It also explores the balance between energy security, environmental considerations, economic factors, and international electricity trade. Various strategies for limiting and controlling international electricity trade are introduced, focusing on physical restrictions on electricity transmission and different pricing strategies. The findings suggest that physically restricting cross-border electricity trade is not feasible under current regulations and would harm energy security, leading to long-term uncertainties in economic factors such as competitiveness and electricity prices in Sweden. Additionally, such restrictions would impede the transition to renewable energy in Sweden and Europe, adversely affecting the environment. Therefore, controlling electricity trade through various pricing strategies, such as lower prices for domestic consumers, seems more advantageous in the short run. This approach allows for leveraging the economic and environmental benefits of international electricity trade without significantly impacting national electricity prices. Depending on the pricing strategy, the negative impact on either household or industrial electricity prices is mitigated, with the latter primarily ensuring competitiveness remains less affected. However, further research is needed to evaluate the feasibility and potential effects of this model. The study concludes that both maintaining the current situation and implementing alternative strategies entail various advantages and disadvantages concerning energy security, electricity prices, the competitiveness of Swedish industry, and environmental impact. To identify the most optimal strategy, further research and a careful assessment of the potential consequences are required.

The optimal management of flexible nuclear plants in competitive electricity systems : the case of competition with reservoir / La gestion optimale des centrales nucléaires flexibles dans des systèmes électriques concurrentiels : le cas de la concurrence avec réservoir

Lykidi, Maria 28 March 2014 (has links)
L’énergie nucléaire, qui est une technologie de génération largement utilisée dans des systèmes électriques, est caractérisée par des coûts fixes élevés et des coûts variables bas. Pour amortir ses coûts fixes, le nucléaire est préférentiellement utilisé pour une opération en base inflexible, c’est-à-dire opérer à un niveau constant pour répondre à la partie non variable de la demande d’un système électrique et produire au maximum de sa propre capacité. En raison de cette spécificité, l’insertion de la production nucléaire dans les marchés concurrentiels d’électricité n’a pas été profondément étudiée jusqu’à présent. Par conséquent, même dans des marchés concurrentiels, la question de la gestion optimale d’un parc de production nucléaire n’a pas été soulevée parce que la production nucléaire est censée fonctionner en continu (pour couvrir la demande de base). Cependant, il y a des cas ou` la gestion de la production nucléaire semble plus complexe que ne le suggère cette vision simplifiée. En règle générale, lorsque la proportion de l’énergie nucléaire dans un parc de production est élevée, la production nucléaire doit s’adapter aux variations de la demande. Cela soulève la question de la façon optimale de gérer cette technologie de production dans ce contexte. Comme cette question n’a pas été étudiée jusqu’à présent, il est nécessaire de proposer un cadre théorique qui permet une analyse des situations comme celle de la France, avec un marché concurrentiel et où le nucléaire représente 80% de la production, c’est-à-dire beaucoup plus que ce qui serait nécessaire pour couvrir la demande de base. Nous nous plaçons dans un horizon à moyen terme de la gestion (1 à 3 ans) pour tenir compte de la variation saisonnière de la demande. A moyen terme, le gestionnaire d’un parc nucléaire très large (comme le parc français) doit ajuster sa production selon les variations saisonnières de la demande. Dans ce cadre, le stock de combustible nucléaire peut être analysé comme un réservoir puisque les centrales nucléaires s’arrêtent périodiquement (tous les 12 ou 18 mois) pour recharger leur combustible. La gestion de ce réservoir permet de profils différents d’usages de combustible nucléaire au cours des différentes saisons de l’année. Ainsi, nous nous pencherons sur cette question comme une analyse économique rationnelle de l’opération d’un “réservoir” de combustible nucléaire. Nous allons ensuite l’analyser dans un cadre général déterministe dynamique avec deux types de production : nucléaire et thermique non-nucléaire. Nous étudions la gestion optimale de la production dans un marché parfaitement concurrentiel. Ensuite, nous établissons un modèle numérique (basé sur les données du marché français) où les centrales nucléaires ne sont pas opérées à production constante, mais dans un cadre de placement flexible (comme le parc nucléaire français). […] / Nuclear power as a generation technology that is widely used in electricity production systems is characterized by high fixed costs and low variable costs. To amortize its fixed costs, nuclear is preferentially used for inflexible baseload operation, i.e. operate at a constant level to meet the non variable part of electricity demand of a system and produce at its maximum capacity. Because of this specificity, the insertion of nuclear production in competitive electricity markets has not been deeply studied so far. Therefore, even in competitive markets, the question of the optimal management of a nuclear generation set has not been raised because nuclear production is supposed to operate continuously (to cover baseline demand). However, there are cases where the management of nuclear generation seems more complex than suggested by this simplified view. Typically, when the proportion of nuclear energy in a production set is high, the nuclear generation output has to adjust to the variations in demand. This raises the question of the optimal way to manage this production technology in that kind of setting. As this question has not been studied so far, there is a need for a theoretical framework that enables an analysis of situations like the French one, with a competitive market and where nuclear represents 80% of generation, i.e. much more that what would be necessary to cover the baseload demand. We place ourselves in a medium-term horizon of the management (1 to 3 years) to take into account the seasonal variation of the demand level. In the medium-term, the manager of a large nuclear set (like the French set) has to set its seasonal variation of output according to the demand level. Since nuclear units have to stop periodically (from 12 to 18 months) to reload their fuel, we can analyze the nuclear fuel as a stock behaving like a reservoir. The operation of the reservoir allows different profiles of nuclear fuel use during the different demand seasons of the year. Thus, we will look at this question as a rational economic analysis of the operation of a nuclear fuel “reservoir”. We then analyze it within a general deterministic dynamic framework with two types of generation: nuclear and thermal non-nuclear. We study the optimal management of the production in a perfectly competitive market. Then, we establish a numerical model (based on data from the French market) with nuclear plants being not operated strictly as base load power plants but within a flexible dispatch frame (like the French nuclear set). [...]

Approche multi-agents pour la gestion des fermes éoliennes offshore / A multi-agent approach for offshore wind farms management

Paniah, Crédo 21 May 2015 (has links)
La raréfaction des sources de production conventionnelles et leurs émissions nocives ont favorisé l’essor notable de la production renouvelable, plus durable et mieux répartie géographiquement. Toutefois, son intégration au système électrique est problématique. En effet, la production renouvelable est peu prédictible et issue de sources majoritairement incontrôlables, ce qui compromet la stabilité du réseau, la viabilité économique des producteurs et rend nécessaire la définition de solutions adaptées pour leur participation au marché de l’électricité. Dans ce contexte, le projet scientifique Winpower propose de relier par un réseau à courant continu les ressources de plusieurs acteurs possédant respectivement des fermes éoliennes offshore (acteurs EnR) et des centrales de stockage de masse (acteurs CSM). Cette configuration impose aux acteurs d’assurer conjointement la gestion du réseau électrique.Nous supposons que les acteurs participent au marché comme une entité unique : cette hypothèse permet aux acteurs EnR de tirer profit de la flexibilité des ressources contrôlables pour minimiser le risque de pénalités sur le marché de l’électricité, aux acteurs CSM de valoriser leurs ressources auprès des acteurs EnR et/ou auprès du marché et à la coalition de faciliter la gestion des déséquilibres sur le réseau électrique, en agrégeant les ressources disponibles. Dans ce cadre, notre travail s’attaque à la problématique de la participation au marché EPEX SPOT Day-Ahead de la coalition comme une centrale électrique virtuelle ou CVPP (Cooperative Virtual Power Plant). Nous proposons une architecture de pilotage multi-acteurs basée sur les systèmes multi-agents (SMA) : elle permet d’allier les objectifs et contraintes locaux des acteurs et les objectifs globaux de la coalition.Nous formalisons alors l’agrégation et la planification de l’utilisation des ressources comme un processus décisionnel de Markov (MDP), un modèle formel adapté à la décision séquentielle en environnement incertain, pour déterminer la séquence d’actions sur les ressources contrôlables qui maximise l’espérance des revenus effectifs de la coalition. Toutefois, au moment de la planification des ressources de la coalition, l’état de la production renouvelable n’est pas connue et le MDP n’est pas résoluble en l’état : on parle de MDP partiellement observable (POMDP). Nous décomposons le POMDP en un MDP classique et un état d’information (la distribution de probabilités des erreurs de prévision de la production renouvelable) ; en extrayant cet état d’information de l’expression du POMDP, nous obtenons un MDP à état d’information (IS-MDP), pour la résolution duquel nous proposons une adaptation d’un algorithme de résolution classique des MDP, le Backwards Induction.Nous décrivons alors un cadre de simulation commun pour comparer dans les mêmes conditions nos propositions et quelques autres stratégies de participation au marché dont l’état de l’art dans la gestion des ressources renouvelables et contrôlables. Les résultats obtenus confortent l’hypothèse de la minimisation du risque associé à la production renouvelable, grâce à l’agrégation des ressources et confirment l’intérêt de la coopération des acteurs EnR et CSM dans leur participation au marché de l’électricité. Enfin, l’architecture proposée offre la possibilité de distribuer le processus de décision optimale entre les différents acteurs de la coalition : nous proposons quelques pistes de solution dans cette direction. / Renewable Energy Sources (RES) has grown remarkably in last few decades. Compared to conventional energy sources, renewable generation is more available, sustainable and environment-friendly - for example, there is no greenhouse gases emission during the energy generation. However, while electrical network stability requires production and consumption equality and the electricity market constrains producers to contract future production a priori and respect their furniture commitments or pay substantial penalties, RES are mainly uncontrollable and their behavior is difficult to forecast accurately. De facto, they jeopardize the stability of the physical network and renewable producers competitiveness in the market. The Winpower project aims to design realistic, robust and stable control strategies for offshore networks connecting to the main electricity system renewable sources and controllable storage devices owned by different autonomous actors. Each actor must embed its own local physical device control strategy but a global network management mechanism, jointly decided between connected actors, should be designed as well.We assume a market participation of the actors as an unique entity (the coalition of actors connected by the Winpower network) allowing the coalition to facilitate the network management through resources aggregation, renewable producers to take advantage of controllable sources flexibility to handle market penalties risks, as well as storage devices owners to leverage their resources on the market and/or with the management of renewable imbalances. This work tackles the market participation of the coalition as a Cooperative Virtual Power Plant. For this purpose, we describe a multi-agent architecture trough the definition of intelligent agents managing and operating actors resources and the description of these agents interactions; it allows the alliance of local constraints and objectives and the global network management objective.We formalize the aggregation and planning of resources utilization as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), a formal model suited for sequential decision making in uncertain environments. Its aim is to define the sequence of actions which maximize expected actual incomes of the market participation, while decisions over controllable resources have uncertain outcomes. However, market participation decision is prior to the actual operation when renewable generation still is uncertain. Thus, the Markov Decision Process is intractable as its state in each decision time-slot is not fully observable. To solve such a Partially Observable MDP (POMDP), we decompose it into a classical MDP and an information state (a probability distribution over renewable generation errors). The Information State MDP (IS-MDP) obtained is solved with an adaptation of the Backwards Induction, a classical MDP resolution algorithm.Then, we describe a common simulation framework to compare our proposed methodology to some other strategies, including the state of the art in renewable generation market participation. Simulations results validate the resources aggregation strategy and confirm that cooperation is beneficial to renewable producers and storage devices owners when they participate in electricity market. The proposed architecture is designed to allow the distribution of the decision making between the coalition’s actors, through the implementation of a suitable coordination mechanism. We propose some distribution methodologies, to this end.

Planejamento da expansão de sistemas de transmissão considerando análise de confiabilidade e incertezas na demanda futura /

Garcés Negrete, Lina Paola. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Rubén Augusto Romero Lázaro / Banca: Jose Roberto Sanches Mantovani / Banca: Anna Diva Plasencia Lotufo / Banca: Marcos Julio Rider Flores / Banca: Eduardo Nobuhiro Asada / Resumo: Nessa pesquisa tem-se por objetivo a análise teórica e a implementação computacional de duas propostas de solução ao problema de planejamento da expansão de sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica considerando diferentes fatores relacionados com a confiabilidade do sistema e a adoção dos novos modelos de mercados elétricos. É importante notar, que no planejamento básico não são levados em conta esses importantes aspectos. Dessa forma, uma primeira aproximação considera um critério de confiabilidade para expandir o sistema, de forma que ele opere adequadamente no horizonte de planejamento satisfazendo um nível de confiabilidade pré-definido. O índice de confiabilidade utilizado para exigir esse nível de confiabilidade é o LOLE, que corresponde ao número médio de horas/dias em um período dado (normalmente um ano) no qual o pico da carga horária/diária do sistema possivelmente exceder'a a capacidade de geração disponível. O problema de planejamento considerando a confiabilidade é, portanto, formulado como um problema de otimização que minimiza o investimento sujeito ao critério de confiabilidade. O índice de confiabilidade para o sistema de transmissão é calculado para cada configuração, subtraindo o índice de confiabilidade do sistema de geração do sistema composto geração-transmissão (bulk power system ). Para calcular o índice no sistema composto geração transmissão, utiliza-se uma curva de duração de carga efetiva para este sistema. Esta curva acumulada de carga é obtida de um processo de convolução de outras duas curvas que representam a função de distribuição de probabilidade (FDP) das saídas aleatórias dos componentes do sistema e a curva de duração de carga, respectivamente. A avaliação de confiabilidade no sistema de geração é feita usando um método que calcula o índice de confiabilidade por meio dos momentos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This work aims to the theoretical analysis and computational implementation of two proposals for the transmission expansion planning problem considering several factors such as system reliability and new electricity market structures. It is important to observe, that the basic planning does not consider these issues. Therefore, one first approach considers a reliability criterion to expand the system, so that it operates in adequate conditions in the horizon planning while satisfying pre-defined limits in the reliability index. Transmission system reliability criterion regards to LOLE, which refers to the number of hours/days in a specified period of time (normally one year), in which the hourly/daily peak load possibly will exceed the available generation capacity. So, the planning problem considering reliability is formulated as an optimization problem that minimizes the investment subject to probabilistic reliability criterion. Reliability index for the transmission system is calculated for each configuration by subtraction of generation and bulk power reliability indexes. A composite power system effective load curve is used for reliability analysis of the bulk power system. This accumulate curve is obtained convolving two curves, one of them corresponding to a probability distribution function of the random outages of the system components, and the other one corresponding to the load duration curve. Reliability assessment in the generation system is done using a method that calculates the reliability index through the statistics moments of the frequency distribution of equivalents loads. This curve is obtained by convolving the generation units which are dispached in merit order. The proposed model is solved using the specialized genetic algorithm of Chu-Beasley (AGCB). Detailed results on two test systems are analyzed and discussed. A second approach to the transmission expansion... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Economic Engineering Modeling of Liberalized Electricity Markets: Approaches, Algorithms, and Applications in a European Context / Techno-ökonomische Modellierung liberalisierter Elektrizitätsmärkte: Ansätze, Algorithmen und Anwendungen im europäischen Kontext

Leuthold, Florian U. 15 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation focuses on selected issues in regard to the mathematical modeling of electricity markets. In a first step the interrelations of electric power market modeling are highlighted a crossroad between operations research, applied economics, and engineering. In a second step the development of a large-scale continental European economic engineering model named ELMOD is described and the model is applied to the issue of wind integration. It is concluded that enabling the integration of low-carbon technologies appears feasible for wind energy. In a third step algorithmic work is carried out regarding a game theoretic model. Two approaches in order to solve a discretely-constrained mathematical program with equilibrium constraints using disjunctive constraints are presented. The first one reformulates the problem as a mixed-integer linear program and the second one applies the Benders decomposition technique. Selected numerical results are reported.

Sammanställning och fördjupning av begreppet Smarta elnät: En litteraturstudie / Sammanställning och fördjupning av begreppet Smarta elnät: En litteraturstudie

Rydman, Allan January 2014 (has links)
I dagsläget har världen en stadigt växande befolkning och där igenom en stadigt växande energiförbrukning. Med en växande energiförbrukning har det under de senaste åren uppenbarats diskussioner rörande samhällets hållbarhet och miljöpåverkan.  Samtidigt sker det en kontinuerlig teknikutveckling och människan är mer beroende av konstant elförsörjning än någonsin tidigare. Teknologiska framsteg, tillsammans med önskan att sträva mot ett mer hållbart samhälle med hög elleveranssäkerhet, har mynnat ett begrepp kallat smarta elnät. Till följd av att elnätet involverar en stor bransch råder det delad mening över vad som utgör ett smart elnät. Detta har lett till uppkomsten av olika definitioner och modeller av konceptet. I syfte att skapa en övergripande uppfattning har en litteraturstudie utförts för att sammanställa de huvudsakliga områden som utgör det smarta elnätet. För att skapa denna överblick har ett förslag på en övergripande definition framtagits enligt följande: Ett smart elnät är nästa steg i elnätets fortgående utveckling som sker till följd av samhällets ökande förlitlighet på konstant elförsörjning och önskan att begränsa människans miljöpåverkan. Målet är att med hjälp av kostnadseffektiva tekniska lösningar, effektiv teknik och ekonomiska drivkrafter främja införandet av ytterligare förnyelsebar elproduktion, en ökad elanvändning och ett effektivare utnyttjande av elnätet – ett elnät med låga förluster, hög elkvalitet och leveranssäkerhet med elkunder som är mer medvetna och delaktiga i sin elförbrukning än förr. Utifrån denna definition kan man summera smarta elnät till att omfatta två huvudsakliga intressen för samhället – hållbarhet och en ökad leveranssäkerhet. I framtiden förväntas därför elnätet hantera vidare utbredning av förnyelsebar elproduktion och en ökad elanvändning. För att möta denna förväntan har det dels konstaterats att nätkapaciteten behöver öka. Det har visats att en ökad nätkapacitet kan nås genom både tekniska lösningar som energilagring och effektivare komponenter men också icke-tekniska lösningar som politiska drivkrafter och incitament för elkunder att sänka sin maxförbrukning och elförbrukning i överlag i form av efterfrågeflexibilitet. I dagsläget finns inga uppenbara incitament för detta och det anses att reformer på vissa delar av elmarknaden kommer att krävas för att främja utvecklingen mot ett hållbart smart elnät. Samtidigt förväntas elnätet förse kunder med högre elkvalitet och leveranssäkerhet. Dagens elnät utgörs av många långlivade och, i många fall, gamla komponenter och investeringar kommer att behöva göras i moderna skyddssystem och kommunikationsnätverk i sinom tid ifall man vill uppnå nya förväntningar. Därtill förväntas det smarta elnätet omfatta olika typer av kommunikationsnätverk inom skyddssystem, övervakning och mätning. Därför har också information rörande relevanta kommunikationsprotokoll, -medier och -nätverk summerats där olika egenskaper lämpar sig för olika tillämpningar. / Currently the world has a steadily growing population and therefore steadily growing need of energy. With a growing need of energy, discussions regarding society’s sustainability and environmental impact have risen. At the same time modern technology has resulted in society being more dependent on a constant power supply than ever before. Technological advances, together with the desire to become a more sustainable society with high availability of power, have yielded a concept known as the smart grid. Due to the power grid being a huge industry there’s a divided perception regarding what a smart grid constitutes. This has resulted in the appearance of different definitions and models of the concept. Therefore a literary study was done with the purpose of creating an overall perception of the main aspects of the smart grid. To create this overview a proposed definition has been developed that describes the smart grid as mainly sustainable and available. The smart grid is the next step of the power grid’s ongoing development in response to society’s increasing reliability of a constant power supply and the wish for decreasing man’s environmental impact. With cost efficient technical solutions, efficient technology and economic forces the goal is to promote introduction of additional renewable electricity production, increased electricity utilization and a more efficient use of the power grid – a power grid with low losses, high power quality and availability with end-users that are more aware and involved in their power consumption than before. Based on this definition the smart grid can be summarized as two main interests for society – sustainability and a higher reliability. In the future the power grid is expected to cope with an increased introduction of renewable electricity production and an increased use of electrical applications. It has been concluded that the grid capacity has to increase in order to meet these expectations. It’s been shown that an increase in grid capacity can be achieved through technical solutions as energy storage and more efficient electrical components but also through non-technical solutions as political forces and incentives for end-users to lower their peak consumption and overall electricity consumption through demand response. At present there are no clear incentives for this and it’s considered that there is a need for reform of certain parts of the electricity market to promote the development towards a sustainable smart grid. The power grid is also expected to supply end-users with a higher power quality and reliability. The power grid of today consists of long lived and, in many cases, old components and investments in modern protection systems and communication networks are required in due time to meet new expectations. In addition, the smart grid is expected to include different types of communication network within protection systems, monitoring and metering. Information was therefore summarized regarding relevant communication protocols, media and networks where different properties are suitable for different applications.

Planejamento da expansão de sistemas de transmissão considerando análise de confiabilidade e incertezas na demanda futura

Garcés Negrete, Lina Paola [UNESP] 25 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:19:30Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 garcesnegrete_lpg_dr_ilha.pdf: 1723635 bytes, checksum: ec9b369023c0d16cf9bcbe29a4bc0ada (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Nessa pesquisa tem-se por objetivo a análise teórica e a implementação computacional de duas propostas de solução ao problema de planejamento da expansão de sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica considerando diferentes fatores relacionados com a confiabilidade do sistema e a adoção dos novos modelos de mercados elétricos. É importante notar, que no planejamento básico não são levados em conta esses importantes aspectos. Dessa forma, uma primeira aproximação considera um critério de confiabilidade para expandir o sistema, de forma que ele opere adequadamente no horizonte de planejamento satisfazendo um nível de confiabilidade pré-definido. O índice de confiabilidade utilizado para exigir esse nível de confiabilidade é o LOLE, que corresponde ao número médio de horas/dias em um período dado (normalmente um ano) no qual o pico da carga horária/diária do sistema possivelmente exceder´a a capacidade de geração disponível. O problema de planejamento considerando a confiabilidade é, portanto, formulado como um problema de otimização que minimiza o investimento sujeito ao critério de confiabilidade. O índice de confiabilidade para o sistema de transmissão é calculado para cada configuração, subtraindo o índice de confiabilidade do sistema de geração do sistema composto geração-transmissão (bulk power system ). Para calcular o índice no sistema composto geração transmissão, utiliza-se uma curva de duração de carga efetiva para este sistema. Esta curva acumulada de carga é obtida de um processo de convolução de outras duas curvas que representam a função de distribuição de probabilidade (FDP) das saídas aleatórias dos componentes do sistema e a curva de duração de carga, respectivamente. A avaliação de confiabilidade no sistema de geração é feita usando um método que calcula o índice de confiabilidade por meio dos momentos... / This work aims to the theoretical analysis and computational implementation of two proposals for the transmission expansion planning problem considering several factors such as system reliability and new electricity market structures. It is important to observe, that the basic planning does not consider these issues. Therefore, one first approach considers a reliability criterion to expand the system, so that it operates in adequate conditions in the horizon planning while satisfying pre-defined limits in the reliability index. Transmission system reliability criterion regards to LOLE, which refers to the number of hours/days in a specified period of time (normally one year), in which the hourly/daily peak load possibly will exceed the available generation capacity. So, the planning problem considering reliability is formulated as an optimization problem that minimizes the investment subject to probabilistic reliability criterion. Reliability index for the transmission system is calculated for each configuration by subtraction of generation and bulk power reliability indexes. A composite power system effective load curve is used for reliability analysis of the bulk power system. This accumulate curve is obtained convolving two curves, one of them corresponding to a probability distribution function of the random outages of the system components, and the other one corresponding to the load duration curve. Reliability assessment in the generation system is done using a method that calculates the reliability index through the statistics moments of the frequency distribution of equivalents loads. This curve is obtained by convolving the generation units which are dispached in merit order. The proposed model is solved using the specialized genetic algorithm of Chu-Beasley (AGCB). Detailed results on two test systems are analyzed and discussed. A second approach to the transmission expansion... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Alternativní zdroje energie a jejich integrace do konceptu Smart Grids / Alternative Energy Sources and Their Integration into the Concept of Smart Grids

Kopička, Marek January 2012 (has links)
This work deals mainly with electrical energy. In the first part is focused on alternative energy sources, and describes structure of consumption and production of electricity over the past few years, during which is focuses on renewable energy sources. In this context, assesses the conditions for alternative energy sources in the Czech Republic from the perspective of the legislative, as well as current status and potential of alternative energy sources and tries to predict the development of these issues. The next section describes the Smart Grids as a means to achieve these goals. There are presented the basic features of this system, its goals and challenges, a description of the integration of Smart Grids with other sources of electricity and the benefits of using Smart Grids both from the perspective of user and from the perspective of system. Other parts are focused on distributed control systems in the energy sector, its development and principle. The last part is devoted to consideration of the role of alternative energy sources and distributed generation in Smart Grids.

Economic Engineering Modeling of Liberalized Electricity Markets: Approaches, Algorithms, and Applications in a European Context: Economic Engineering Modeling of Liberalized Electricity Markets: Approaches, Algorithms, and Applications in a European Context

Leuthold, Florian U. 08 January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on selected issues in regard to the mathematical modeling of electricity markets. In a first step the interrelations of electric power market modeling are highlighted a crossroad between operations research, applied economics, and engineering. In a second step the development of a large-scale continental European economic engineering model named ELMOD is described and the model is applied to the issue of wind integration. It is concluded that enabling the integration of low-carbon technologies appears feasible for wind energy. In a third step algorithmic work is carried out regarding a game theoretic model. Two approaches in order to solve a discretely-constrained mathematical program with equilibrium constraints using disjunctive constraints are presented. The first one reformulates the problem as a mixed-integer linear program and the second one applies the Benders decomposition technique. Selected numerical results are reported.

Stochastic Modeling of Electricity Prices and the Impact on Balancing Power Investments / Stokastisk modellering av elpriser och effekten på investeringar i balanskraft

Ruthberg, Richard, Wogenius, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
Introducing more intermittent renewable energy sources in the energy system makes the role of balancing power more important. Furthermore, an increased infeed from intermittent renewable energy sources also has the effect of creating lower and more volatile electricity prices. Hence, investing in balancing power is prone to high risks with respect to expected profits, which is why a good representation of electricity prices is vital in order to motivate future investments. We propose a stochastic multi-factor model to be used for simulating the long-run dynamics of electricity prices as input to investment valuation of power generation assets. In particular, the proposed model is used to assess the impact of electricity price dynamics on investment decisions with respect to balancing power generation, where a combined heat and power plant is studied in detail. Since the main goal of the framework is to create a long-term representation of electricity prices so that the distributional characteristics of electricity prices are maintained, commonly cited as seasonality, mean reversion and spikes, the model is evaluated in terms of yearly duration which describes the distribution of electricity prices over time. The core aspects of the framework are derived from the mean-reverting Pilipovic model of commodity prices, but where we extend the assumptions in a multi-factor framework by adding a functional link to the supply- and demand for power as well as outdoor temperature. On average, using the proposed model as a way to represent future prices yields a maximum 9 percent overand underprediction of duration respectively, a result far better than those obtained by simpler models such as a seasonal profile or mean estimates which do not incorporate the full characteristics of electricity prices. Using the different aspects of the model, we show that variations of electricity prices have a large impact on the investment decision with respect to balancing power. The realized value of the flexibility to produce electricity in a combined heat and power plant is calculated, which yields a valuation close to historical realized values. Compared with simpler models, this is a significant improvement. Finally, we show that by including characteristics such as non-constant volatility and spiky behavior in investment decisions, the expected value of balancing power generators, such as combined heat and power plants, increases. / I takt med att fler intermittenta förnyelsebara energikällor tillför el i dagens energisystem, blir också balanskraftens roll i dessa system allt viktigare. Vidare så har en ökning av andelen intermittenta förnyelsebara energikällor även effekten att de bidrar till lägre men också mer volatila elpriser. Därmed är även investeringar i balanskraft kopplade till stora risker med avseende på förväntade vinster, vilket gör att en god representation av elpriser är central vid investeringsbeslut. Vi föreslår en stokastisk flerfaktormodell för att simulera den långsiktiga dynamiken i elpriser som bas för värdering av generatortillgångar. Mer specifikt används modellen till att utvärdera effekten av elprisers dynamik på investeringsbeslut med avseende på balanskraft, där ett kraftvärmeverk studeras i detalj. Eftersom huvudmålet med ramverket är att skapa en långsiktig representation av elpriser så att deras fördelningsmässiga karakteristika bevaras, vilket i litteraturen citeras som regression mot medelvärde, säsongsvariationer, hög volatilitet och spikar, så utvärderas modellen i termer av årlig prisvaraktighet som beskriver fördelningen av elpriser över tid. Kärnan i ramverket utgår från Pilipovic-modellen av råvarupriser, men där vi utvecklar antaganden i ett flerfaktorramverk genom att lägga till en länkfunktion till tillgång- och efterfrågan på el samt utomhustemperatur. Vid användande av modellen som ett sätt att representera framtida priser, fås en maximal över- och underprediktion av prisvaraktighet om 9 procent, ett resultat som är bättre än det som ges av enklare modellering såsom säsongsprofiler eller enkla medelvärdesestimat som inte tar hänsyn till elprisernas fulla karakteristika. Till sist visar vi med modellens olika komponenter att variationer i elpriser, och därmed antaganden som används i långsiktig modellering, har stor betydelse med avseende på investeringsbeslut i balanskraft. Det realiserade värdet av flexibiliteten att producera el för ett kraftvärmeverk beräknas, vilket ger en värdering nära faktiska realiserade värden baserade på historiska priser och som enklare modeller inte kan konkurrera med. Slutligen visar detta också att inkluderandet av icke-konstant volatilitet och spikkarakteristika i investeringsbeslut ger ett högre förväntat värde av tillgångar som kan producera balanskraft, såsom kraftvärmeverk.

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