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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model-Based Fault Diagnosis For Automotive Functional Safety

Zhang, Jiyu January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Sustainable Solutions in the Aviation Industry : A scenario analysis of electrified aircrafts, sustainable aviation fuels and carbon offsetting

Jönsson, Niklas, Hillesöy, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Global warming is an issue that affects the entire world. The aviation industry accounts for around three percent of global emissions, and actions are needed to help steer the industry towards a sustainable transition with new technologies and alternative aviation fuels to reduce emissions. There are options today for passengers to compensate flight emissions through carbon offsetting. The purpose of this report is to investigate how the aviation and carbon offset industries are likely to develop in the future in order to provide knowledge that an air travel comparison site can use to adapt its carbon offset alternative to new market conditions. The empirical data in this study consist of interviews with stakeholders in the aviation and carbon offset industries as well as a politician. Industrial reports and a literature review were used in combination with the empirical data and analyzed with theories such as industrial dynamics, network innovation and scenario analysis to result in a possible future scenario of the industries. Further, conclusions with necessary actions in order to develop a more sustainable aviation industry and how carbon offsetting can be renewed due to a sustainable aviation transition. Additionally, managerial implications for an air travel comparison site followed with suggestions on how they can contribute to this transition. The conclusions from this study are to develop existing networks and establish new ones to share knowledge from many different stakeholders in the industry and use their capabilities to propose regulatory changes as well as prepare the industry for sustainable solutions in the future. Networks should also use their collective power to lobby for changes that will drive the transition towards a more sustainable aviation industry forward. The broad expertise that these networks possess can be used to provide customers with knowledge to make the option to carbon offset a flight more attractive. It is important that knowledge and marketing of carbon offsetting is transparent to inform customers of its effects on the climate. Biofuels and electrified aircrafts are sustainable solutions more suitable for the future due to the high price of biofuels and electrified aircrafts not ready to replace regular jet-aircrafts. Thus, carbon offsetting is the best option to reduce net emissions from a flight today. The short-term recommendations are for an air travel comparison site to be involved in the transition towards more sustainable aviation fuel by offering customers the option to purchase biofuel together with or as an alternative to carbon offset when booking a flight. An air travel comparison should also support organizations and firms working with sustainable solutions such as introduction of electrified aircrafts, through partnerships or investments to help steer the industry in a sustainable direction. The long-term recommendation for an air travel comparison site is to continuously stay updated with the latest research and knowledge expertise within the industry to adapt its carbon offset alternative to new conditions in the future. This study is to be considered as an informational foundation for an air travel comparison site to adapt its carbon offset alternative to a dynamic aviation industry. However, the study does not include empirical data from all stakeholders within the aviation industry hence the information used in this study is limited. / Global uppvärmning är ett aktuellt problem som påverkar hela världen. Flygindustrin står för runt tre procent av de globala utsläppen och åtgärder behövs för att styra industrin mot en hållbar utveckling med ny teknologi och alternativa flygbränsle för att minska utsläppen. Idag finns det möjlighet för passagerare att kompensera sina flygutsläpp genom klimatkompensation. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur flyg- samt klimatkompensationsindustrin troligtvis kommer att utvecklas i framtiden och hur företag inom flygindustrin kan tillämpa den kunskapen för att påverka utvecklingen mot en mer hållbar flygindustri. Med hjälp av kunskapen ska klimatkompensationsalternativ kunna anpassas utefter dem nya förutsättningarna i framtiden. Den empiriska data för denna studie består av intervjuer med intressenter från flyg- och klimatkompensationsbranscherna samt en politiker. Industrirapporter och en litteraturrecension har använts i kombination med empiriska data tillsammans med teorier såsom industriell dynamik, nätverksinnovation och scenario analys som resulterat i ett troligt framtidsscenario för industrierna. Vidare följer en slutsats samt ledningsliga implikationer och rekommendationer för en flygprisjämförelsesajt. Slutsatserna från denna studie är att utveckla redan befintliga samt etablera nya nätverk för att dela kunskap från många olika intressenter inom flygindustrin och använda sig av deras förmågor för att föreslå ändringar i lagstiftningen samt förbereda flygindustrin för hållbara lösningar i framtiden. Nätverk bör också använda deras samlade makt till att lobba för beslut som driver utvecklingen av en mer hållbar flygindustri framåt. Den breda expertisen som dessa nätverk besitter kan användas för att informera och förse kunder med kunskap om fördelarna med klimatkompensation och öka intresset för att klimatkompensera en flygresa. Marknadsföring och information om klimatkompensation behöver vara transparent för att kunder ska förstå effekterna det har på klimatet. Biobränslen och elektrifierade flyg är hållbara lösningar som är mer troliga för framtiden då priset på biobränslen är väldigt högt idag och elektrifierade flyg är långt ifrån redo att ersätta dagens jet-flyg. Därmed är klimatkompensation det bästa alternativet för att reducera nettoutsläpp idag. Kortsiktiga rekommendationer för en prisjämförelsesite är att vara involverande i övergången till mer hållbara bränslen genom att erbjuda kunder ett alternativ till att köpa biobränsle i kombination med att klimatkompensera. För att styra industrin i en mer hållbar riktning bör en flygprisjämförelsesite ge stöd i form av investeringar och samarbeten med organisationer och företag som arbetar med hållbara framtidslösningar som exempelvis utveckling av elektriska flygplan. Långsiktiga lösningar är att kontinuerligt hålla sig uppdaterade med den senaste forskningen och kunskapsexpertisen inom industrin för att anpassa sitt klimatkompensationsalternativ i framtiden. Denna studie ska betraktas som en informell grund för företag inom flygindustrin att påverka en övergång till en mer hållbar flygindustri samt utveckla sitt klimatkompensationsalternativ i framtiden. Studien innehåller ej empiriska data från alla intressenter inom flygbranschen och skall därför ses som begränsad.

Stationary charging infrastructure: Managing investment risks to enable charging possibilities : A case study of a future stationary charging hub in Stockholm South / Stationär laddinfrastruktur: Hanteringen av investeringsrisker för att möjliggöra laddning : En fallstudie om en framtida stationär laddningshubb i Stockholm Syd

Olsson, Anton, Notlöv, Vendela January 2022 (has links)
The electrification of heavy transport is considered a solution to climate change. Today, electrification is challenged by high investment costs for vehicles and charging, which hampers the conversion. The purpose is to investigate what investment risks occur when creating a stationary charging hub by focusing on three different charging possibilities (private, semi-public, and public) to examine the differences between them. The study is a case study with the study object Stockholm South, which is considered to be a future logistics area. The study is based on literature, documents, and interviews with actors linked to the study object. Moreover, to identify potential investment risks the study conducts a life cycle cost analysis of a stationary charging hub. The conducted interviews identified that several actors are positive to enable a charging hub, but are challenged by high investment costs, uncertainties regarding electricity network capacity, and future prospects linked to the technological development of electric trucks and charging technology. Moreover, the interviews also identified opportunities such as financial support, potential market advantages of being one of the firsts on the market, and contribution to a sustainable transport sector. The results of the cost analysis show that a stationary charging hub for heavy goods transport entails high investments and operating costs, which are affected by future aspects such as electricity prices, electricity networks, technology development, and utilisation rate. In addition, the choice of closed or open charging hub has an impact on the total cost. The analysis of the results indicates that collaboration between the involved actors can facilitate several of the identified challenges and risks. The study contributes to expanding the empirical data on stationary charging infrastructure for heavy freight transport. In addition, the study contributes with a cost analysis for a charging station that can provide inspiration and a basis for future investments. The theoretical contribution mainly concerns how new technologies in ecosystem theory are handled in relation to collaboration and business models. / Elektrifieringen av tunga transporter anses vara en lösning på klimatförändringarna. Elektrifieringen utmanas idag av höga investeringskostnader för fordon och laddning, vilket hämmar omställningen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka investeringsrisker som uppstår vid skapandet av en stationär laddhubb genom att fokusera på tre olika laddningsmöjligheter (privat, semi-publik och publik) för att undersöka skillnaderna mellan dem. Studien är en fallstudie där studieobjektet är Stockholm Syd som anses vara ett framtida logistikområde. Studien baseras på litteratur, dokument och intervjuer med aktörer kopplat till studieobjektet. För att kunna identifiera investeringsriskerna har en livscykelkostnadsanalys gjorts för en stationär laddhubb. De genomförda intervjuerna identifierade att flera aktörer är positiva till att skapa en ladd hubbmen att utmaningarna framförallt ligger i höga investeringskostnader, osäkerheter angående elnätskapacitet och framtidsutsikter kopplat till den teknologiska utvecklingen av ellastbilar och laddningsteknik. Däremot identifieras även möjligheter så som finansiella stöd, potentiella marknadsfördelar med att vara en av de första på marknaden och att bidra till en hållbar utveckling av transportsektorn. Resultatet av kostnadsanalysen visar att en stationär laddhubb för tunga godstransporter medför höga investerings- och operationskostnader som påverkas av framtida aspekter så som elpris, elnät, teknikutveckling samt utnyttjandegrad. Dessutom har val av stängd eller öppen laddstation inverkan på kostnaderna. Analys av resultatet tyder på att samarbete mellan involverade aktörer kan underlätta flera av de identifierade utmaningarna och riskerna. Studien bidrar till en utökad empiri kring stationär laddinfrastruktur för tunga godstransporter. Dessutom bidrar studien med en kostnadsanalys för en laddstation som kan ge inspiration och underlag för framtida investeringar. Det teoretiska bidraget berör främst hur nya tekniker ses på inom ekosystemsteorin i förhållande till samarbete och affärsmodeller.

Transportörer och transportköpares väg mot fullständig elektrifiering av tunga transporter : En fallstudie kring implementering och uppskalning / Carriers’ and transport buyers’ path towards complete electrification of heavy transports’ : A case study about implementation and scaling up

Jaktfalk, Linnéa, Arvidsson, Julia January 2024 (has links)
Transporter står idag för en stor andel av Sveriges koldioxidutsläpp. Det gör att logistikfrågor blir extra viktiga då vidareutveckling och omformning av logistiksystem kan göra stor skillnad. Elektrifiering av fordon är en framtida lösning på problemet. Däremot anses det fortfarande vara ett förhållandevis nytt och osäkert område och det finns idag få exempel på implementering av elektrifierade fordon. Transportören Renall och transportköparen Returpack är två framstående företag med starkt hållbarhetsfokus som agerar fallföretag för studien. De har högt uppsatta mål, däribland elektrifiering av en stor andel av sina fordonsflottor till 2030. Studiens syfte är därför formulerat som följande: Syftet är att utreda hur transportörer och transportköpare kan arbeta mot fullständig elektrifiering av tunga transporter. Studien är uppdelad i tre primära delar. Den första delen utvecklar en metodik för hur elektrifierade fordon ska implementeras i verksamheter för att sedan kunna skalas upp. Denna metodik har resulterat i tre primära delar. Den första delen är utformning av ett elektrifierat logistiksystem där större strukturförändringar i logistiksystemet måste göras med syfte att öka effektivitet, nyttjandegrad och förutsägbarhet. Den andra delen är utformning av fordonsflotta där beslut om lämpliga batterikapaciteter för varje enskilt fordon tas. Den tredje delen utformning av laddstrategi beslutar om lämplig laddstrategi utifrån fordons- och uppdragskarakteristik. Den utformade metodiken appliceras sedan på fallföretagens presenterade empiri för att resultera i rekommendationer för hur de bör utforma sina elektrifierade logistiksystem, fordonsflottor samt laddstrategier. Efter analys av lösningar som ämnar anpassa logistiksystemet till elektrifiering presenteras rekommendationer för fallföretagen utifrån deras specifika situationer. Det kan dock konstateras att en stark maktposition, ett välutvecklat systemstöd samt kompetens inom elektrifiering underlättar arbetet mot ett elektrifierat logistiksystem. Vid utformning av fordonsflottan presenteras det samlade resultatet av ekonomiska analyser samt bedömningar av genomförbarheten för respektive fordon. Resultatet påvisar att det för cirka hälften av fordonen är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt med ett mindre batteri men att detta oftast begränsas av brist på laddinfrastruktur och behov av flexibilitet vilket innebär behov av överdimensionering. Det samlade resultatet innebär att cirka 20% av fordonsflottan rekommenderas mindre batterier. Vid utveckling av laddstrategier är rekommendationerna liknande för fallföretagen vilket beror på att en laddstrategi är beroende av enskilda fordons karakteristik snarare än en aktörs roll. Fallföretagen rekommenderas att utveckla två primära laddstrategier: en return to base strategi för laddning mellan skift samt en on route strategi för laddning under pågående rutt. Därtill utvecklas även en kostnadsmodell för att kunna genomföra en kostnadsanalys av hur kostnader förändras vid byte från nuvarande bränsle till elektrifierad drivlina. Den visar att sänkning eller höjning av kostnader vid byte av drivlina varierar mellan olika fordonstyper och områden, men att lönsamhet kan uppnås i många fall. Däremot krävs ibland justeringar och förändringar av logistiksystemet. Främst ses att långa avtalsperioder och hög nyttjandegrad av fordonen är att föredra. Likaså ger minskade inköpspriser stort utslag på resultatet. / Transport related activities currently account for a significant portion of Sweden’s carbon dioxide emissions. This makes logistics issues particularly important, as further development and transformation of logistics systems can make a big difference. Electrification of heavy trucks is a future solution to the problem. However, it is still considered a relatively new and uncertain area, and there are currently few examples of the implementation of electrified heavy trucks. The carrier Renall and the transport buyer Returpack are two prominent companies with a strong sustainability focus, acting as case companies for the study. They have currently set ambitious goals, including electrifying a large portion of their heavy truck fleets by the year 2030. Therefore, the purpose of the study is formulated as follows: The purpose is to investigate how carriers’ and transport buyers’ can work towards complete electrification of heavy transports. The study is divided into three primary parts. The first part develops a methodology for implementing electrified heavy trucks in operations, with the goal of scalability. This methodology has resulted in three sub-parts. The first sub-part is the design of an electrified logistics system, where significant structural changes in the logistics system are necessary to increase efficiency, utilization, and predictability. The second sub-part involves designing the heavy truck fleet, including decisions on appropriate battery capacities for each individual heavy truck. The third sub-part focuses on designing a charging strategy based on truck and mission characteristics. The formulated methodology is then applied to the empirical data presented by the case companies, resulting in recommendations on how they should design their electrified logistics systems, heavy truck fleets, and charging strategies. Solutions aimed at adapting the logistics system to electrification are analyzed, which result in recommendations for the case companies based on their specific situations. However, it can be noted that a strong market position, well-developed system support, and knowledge in electrification can ease the transition to an electrified logistics system.In the design of the heavy truck fleet, the combined results of economic analyses and feasibility assessments for each vehicle are presented. The results indicate that for approximately half of the vehicles, it is economically advantageous to have a smaller battery. However, this is often limited by a lack of charging infrastructure and the need for flexibility, which necessitate overdimensioning. The combined result is that approximately 20% of the vehicle fleet is recommended to have smaller batteries.In the development of charging strategies, the recommendations are similar for the case companies, as a charging strategy depends on the characteristics of individual vehicles rather than the role of the operator. The case companies are recommended to develop two primary charging strategies: a return to base strategy for charging between shifts and an on route strategy for charging during the ongoing route. Lastly, a cost model is developed to conduct a cost analysis of how expenses change when transitioning from heavy trucks fueled by HVO or biogas to electrified heavy trucks. It shows that cost reduction or cost increase upon fuel conversion varies among different truck types and regions, but profitability can be achieved in many cases. However, adjustments and changes to the logistics system are sometimes necessary. Long contract periods and high vehicle utilization are particularly favorable. Similarly, reduced purchase prices have a significant impact on the outcome.

Development of an operation strategy for electrified auxiliaries in the power train of conventional vehicles

Heuer, Georg 03 January 2019 (has links)
In today's versatile requirements for reducing fuel consumption, a lot of different approaches are in development like hybridization, reducing the amount of cylinders with the same power as before or operating point-independent components and auxiliaries. Within this thesis, one of the approaches is shown: electrified auxiliaries including an operation strategy. Replacing conventional auxiliaries with electrified ones, the need of more electrical power becomes bigger. Due to the limits within the 12V power net, the 48V approach is the logical conclusion in terms of cost benefit and availability of the needed resources to use the electrified components. The 48V power net introduces new or modified parts to the vehicle including a new power net topology. Fuzzy logic was chosen to control the auxiliaries, because of the number of input variables, the flexibility of using it for different cars and being robust during the usage. The results showed a significant improvement of fuel consumption with the developed control strategy for the selected power net topology. This improvement was evident in all cycles, which were discussed within this thesis. In this thesis a new approach for reducing fuel consumption was shown, which includes several electrified auxiliaries and the operation strategy to control them within the vehicle during different cycles. The necessary models for the approach were developed including the auxiliaries, the controller and the needed parts for the power net. / In der heutigen Zeit mit den steigenden Ansprüchen zur Reduzierung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs sind viele verschiedene Ansätze und Technologien in der Entwicklung, wie zum Beispiel Hybridisierung, Zylinderreduktion mit der gleichen Leistungsausbeute wie zuvor oder auch vom Verbrennungsmotor unabhängigen Komponenten und Nebenaggregaten. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurde einer dieser Ansätze näher erläutert: elektrifizierte Nebenaggregate inklusive einer Betriebsstrategie. Durch den Austausch der konventionellen Nebenaggregate mit den elektrifizierten Nebenaggregaten steigt der Bedarf an mehr elektrischer Leistung. Durch die Limitierungen im 12V Bordnetz, ist der 48V Ansatz der nächste logische Schritt hinsichtlich des Kosten/Nutzen-Verhältnis und der Ressourcenverfügbarkeit für die Nutzung der elektrifizierten Komponenten. Das 48V Bordnetz benötigt neue bzw. modifizierte Komponenten inclusive einer neuen Bordnetztopologie. Fuzzy-Logik wurde zur Regelung der Nebenaggregate ausgewählt. Grund hierfür waren: Anzahl an Eingangsvariablen, Flexibilität in der Übertragung auf andere Fahrzeuge und dem robusten Verhalten in der Anwendung. Die Ergebnisse zeigten ein signifikantes Einsparpotential durch die Verwendung der entwickelten Betriebsstrategie für die ausgewählte Bordnetztopologie. Die Einsparung war in allen diskutierten Zyklen deutlich zu sehen. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuer Ansatz zur Verbrauchsreduktion gezeigt inklusive elektrifizierter Nebenaggregate und der benötigten Betriebsstrategie, um diese im Fahrzeug in verschiedenen Zyklen zu steuern. Die benötigten Modelle wurden entwickelt, wie zum Beispiel die Nebenaggregate, der Regler und den Bordnetzkomponenten.


Biswas, Atriya January 2021 (has links)
Energy management systems (EMSs), implemented in the electronic control unit (ECU) of an actual vehicle with electri ed powertrain, is a much simpler version of the theoretically developed EMS. Such simpli cation is done to accommodate the EMS within the given memory constraint and computational capacity of the ECU. The simpli cation should ensure reasonable performance compared to theoretical EMS under real-life driving scenarios. The process of simpli cation must be effective to create a versatile and utilitarian EMS. The reinforcement learning-based controllers feature pro table characteristics in optimizing the performance of controllable physical systems as they do not mandatorily require a mathematical model of system dynamics (i.e. they are model-free). Quite naturally, it can aspired to testify such prowess of reinforcement learning-based controllers in achieving near-global optimal performance for energy management system (supervisory) of electri ed powertrains. Before deployment of any supervisory controller as a mainstream controller, they should be essentially scrutinized through various levels of virtual simulation platforms with an ascending order of physical system emulating-capability. The controller evolves from a mathematical concept to an utilitarian embedded system through a series of these levels where it undergoes gradual transformation to finally become apposite for a real physical system. Implementation of the control strategy in a Simulink-based forward simulation model could be the first stage of the aforementioned evolution process. This brief will delineate all the steps required for implementing an reinforcement learning-based supervisory controller in a forward simulation model of a hybrid electric vehicle. A novel framework of loss-minimization based instantaneous optimal strategy is introduced for the energy management system of a multi-mode hybrid electric powertrain in this brief. The loss-minimization strategy is flexible enough to be implemented in any architecture of electrified powertrains. It is mathematically proven that the overall system loss minimization is equivalent to the minimization of fuel consumption. An online simulation framework is developed in this article to evaluate the performance of a multi-mode electrified powertrain equipped with more than one power source. An electrically variable transmission with two planetary gear-set has been chosen as the centerpiece of the powertrain considering the versatility and future prospects of such transmissions. It is noteworthy to mention that a novel architecture topology selected for this dissertation is engendered through a series of rigorous screening process whose workflow is presented here with brevity. One of the legitimate concern of multi-mode transmission is it's proclivity to contribute discontinuity of power-flow in the downstream of the powertrain. Mode-shift events can be predominantly held responsible for engendering such discontinuity. Advent of dynamic coordinated control as a technique for ameliorating such discontinuity has been substantiated by many scholars in literature. Hence, a system-level coordinated control is employed within the energy management system which governs the mode schedule of the multi-mode powertrain in real-time simulation. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Design and Analysis of An Integrated Electrohydraulic Axial Piston Machine

Shanmukh Sarode (6562655) 13 June 2023 (has links)
<p>Emission regulations and global policies to tackle climate change have forced industries and businesses to take measures to curb their impact on the environment. According to the United Nations Environment Program 2022 report on emissions [1], the transportation sector contributes to one-quarter of all energy-related CO2 emissions, and it is set to double by 2050. A recent report [2] suggests that off-road vehicles and equipment account for three-quarters of particulate matter and one-quarter of the nitrogen oxides emitted from mobile transportation sources in the US. The major challenge in decarbonizing or electrifying off-road machines is that they come in a wide range of sizes, weights, and functions, creating barriers to bringing down costs through economies of scale. Fluid power systems which are ubiquitous in these machines have been electrified in a compact and efficient manner to break even the costs of electrification. </p> <p>In off-road applications, where actuation systems heavily depend on hydraulics, there is a high demand for novel systems based on electric prime movers that can enable zero-carbon emission vehicles. An appropriate combination of electric prime movers and hydraulic machines commonly known as electrohydraulic units (EHUs) can help leverage the benefits of both these technologies. The integration of these two technologies in a single casing shaftless EHU can further maximize compactness and reduce cost. However, to achieve such an integrated EHU there is no standard procedure or recommended guidelines for equipment manufacturers owing to the interdisciplinary nature of the problem. </p> <p>This study proposes a generic design methodology to design electrohydraulic units (EHUs). As a starting point, a survey study was undertaken to compare different combinations of electric and hydraulic machines when designing an EHU. The different combinations were investigated for different operating drive cycles for their performance as well as other factors such as power-to-weight, cost, and the possibility of variable displacement. An axial piston machine (APM) was selected as a hydraulic machine (HM) to be integrated with a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) as the electric machine. </p> <p>The design methodology is demonstrated for an integrated electrohydraulic architecture with the APM housed inside the core of the PMSM. Such an architecture not only makes the overall integration much more compact but also allows for better thermal management of the EM. In such an architecture, the EM governs the overall power density of the integration and the total mass of the integration owing to inherent torque density differences. An EM design optimization is adopted for a predefined HM architecture to design the proposed EHU integration. The design optimization is used to quantify the effect of key EHU design specifications on the EM size and performance. EHU specifications such as sizing torque, operating voltage, aspect ratio, cooling efficacy, number of poles, and power-to-weight ratio have been studied to draw generic trends. These generic trends in the design specifications are used to outline clear guidelines on the impact of each of the EHU specifications for future EHU designers.</p> <p>Using the generic design trends, the design methodology is extended to size the EHU based on typical operating demands using the HM variable displacement, EM overload capability, and the EM flux weakening operation. These sizing studies allow the designers to size the EHU for the specific drive cycle operating demands and avoid oversizing the EHU. The EM flux weakening mode of operation allows the EM to be sized for a peak power level lower than the corner power of operation. The EM overload operation allows a reduction in the sustainable sizing torque lower than that of the maximum torque demand. The variable displacement in the HM can be used for improving overall EHU efficiency when selecting a low voltage or using a compact EM as well as to reduce the EM sizing torque. Two operation algorithms are proposed to define the EHU operation using variable displacement. Additionally, the sizing of a single EHU for multiple applications is also demonstrated. Such multi-utility EHU sizing can promote mass production and improve the rate of electrification in off-road machines.</p> <p>Finally, a prototype-tested EHU design based on the sizing study is demonstrated and the design considerations in such a design process are discussed. The prototype of the integrated EHU with a fixed displacement APM was able to reach the full capability of the reference APM. Thermal considerations are made on the EM sizing, to ensure the reliability of the designed EHU.  A novel self-sustained EHU architecture using the HM working fluid as a cooling fluid for the EM was designed. This was achieved by proposing a three-port valveplate design to divert part of the delivery stroke to cool the EM. A lumped parameter HM model was used to optimize this third port for an EHU prototype.</p>

Electrifying Agricultural Implements : A study of design implications of electrification

Magnusson, Jonatan, Eric, Pettersson January 2023 (has links)
As the world seeks to become less reliant on fossil fuels and use more electric energy instead new possibilities for development of agricultural implements opens. Major tractor manufacturers have recently announced tractors with over tenfold increases in electrical power. This promises to be the next step in lowering the reliance on fossil fuels in a crucial, carbon-intensive, sector. A new type of connector allows for standardizing connections, however, the implements taking advantage of this electrical power are still lagging. This thesis seeks to understand what implications this increase in electrical power has for the development of agricultural implements. This is done through a case study at a major agricultural implement manufacturer, following the development of a prototype electric cultivator tool fitted to a seed drill. The first question answered was which requirements impact electrified agricultural implements, and the second was what possibilities the different proposed electrical systems allow for. The knowledge was then applied to the creation of the final prototype. Throughout the development, it was found that while the electric technology allowed for much greater control, it came at a higher cost and requires more careful design. The trade-off between speed, force, and cost was at the centre of the development process. More development will be needed for motor controls and environmental exposure concerns such as vibrations, mechanical shocks, water ingress, etc. The study helps further understand the implications of electrification on agricultural implements' development. This further understanding will help in the design of a more efficient, user-friendly and less polluting implement of the future.


Shreyas Shanker (18136627) 03 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In this thesis, a MATLAB model was used to simulate a 2-vehicle platoon where the lead truck is a conventional class 8 vehicle while the key parameters of the following truck was tested in various road conditions to minimize Inter vehicular Distance (IVD) and maximize fuel savings while ensuring safety</p>

Modeling and Simulation for Power Loss Estimation in Electrified Drill Rigs

Chit, Ali January 2024 (has links)
This master's thesis aims to establish a foundation for model-based engineering of drill rigs through the development, evaluation, and utilization of simulation models. Specifically, the project focused on creating a simulation model of the hydraulic tramming system in the SmartRoc D65 surface drill rig. The uncalibrated model was validated against physical tests conducted on the SmartRoc T35 drill rig, and the results provided accurate predictions with some room for improvement. The model sets a basis for identifying power losses and future potential optimization through electrification. A modeling methodology was developed to aid in the development of other simulation models representing a physical system. The thesis highlights the strengths and limitations of a quasi-static model when applied to dynamic systems. The findings suggest areas for future improvement and underscore the importance of continuous model refinement to enhance calculation accuracy.

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