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ARROW-Based On-Chip Alkali Vapor-Cell DevelopmentHulbert, John Frederick 22 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The author presents the successful development of an on-chip, monolithic, integrated rubidium vapor-cell. These vapor-cells integrate ridge waveguide techniques with hollow-core waveguiding technology known as Anti-Resonant Reflecting Optical Waveguides (ARROWs). These devices are manufactured on-site in BYU's Integrated Microelectronic Laboratory (IML) using common silicon wafer microfabrication techniques. The ARROW platform fabrication is outlined, but the bulk of the dissertation focuses on novel packaging techniques that allow for the successful introduction and sealing of rubidium vapor into these micro-sized vapor-cells. The unique geometries and materials utilized in the ARROW platform render common vapor-cell sealing techniques unusable. The development of three generations of successful vapor-cells is chronicled. The sealing techniques represented in these three generations of vapor-cells include high-temperature epoxy seals, cold-weld copper crimping, variable pressure vacuum capabilities, indium solder seals, and electroplated passivation coatings. The performance of these seals are quantified using accelerated lifetime tests combined with optical spectroscopy. Finally, the successful probing of the rubidium absorption spectrum, electromagnetically induced transparency, and slow light on the ARROW-based vapor-cell platform is reported.
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Praseodymium Oxide and Organic Modified Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles for Electrodeposition of Nickel-Ceramic Nanocomposites to Enhance Corrosion Protection and Mechanical PropertiesSanders, Stephen 05 1900 (has links)
There is a consistent need in many industries, especially oil and gas, to develop coatings which have higher corrosion resistance and better hardness to extend the lifetime of equipment when it is exposed to hostile environments. Electrodeposition has been a favorable method in the synthesis of metal coatings because of its low cost, convenience, ability to work at low temperatures, and ability to control surface morphology and structure. The inclusion of ceramic nanoparticles in metal matrix composites has previously been investigated as a technique to not only increase the corrosion resistance of the native metal but also to improve the hardness and mechanical properties. Cerium oxide nanoparticles were modified through the grafting of organic groups with increasing hydrophobicity for use in nickel coatings on stainless steel to further improve the corrosion properties while maintaining the hardness of the nanocomposite coatings. The process of modifying the cerium oxide nanoparticles involved the use of aryl diazonium salts and resulted in multilayers forming on the surface of the nanoparticles. Praseodymium oxide nanoparticles were also investigated as additives to nickel coatings, since praseodymium oxide has not yet been studied as a possible corrosion protection enhancement in coatings. These coatings were evaluated for composition and corrosion using many different types of instrumental and electrochemical techniques. With the addition of both the modified cerium oxide nanoparticles and the praseodymium oxide nanoparticles into nickel coatings, an increase in coating hardness and corrosion resistance was observed over pure nickel, resulting in an improvement of the lifetime of these coatings.
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Diffusion-Controlled Growth of Phases in Metal-Tin Systems Related to Microelectronics PackagingBaheti, Varun A January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The electro–mechanical connection between under bump metallization (UBM) and solder in flip–chip bonding is achieved by the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds (IMCs) during the soldering process. These IMCs continue to grow in the solid–state during storage at room temperature and service at an elevated temperature leading to degradation of the contacts. In this thesis, the diffusion–controlled growth mechanism of the phases and the formation of the Kirkendall voids at the interface of UBM (Cu, Ni, Au, Pd, Pt) and Sn (bulk/electroplated) are studied extensively.
Based on the microstructural analysis in SEM and TEM, the presence of bifurcation of the Kirkendall marker plane, a very special phenomenon discovered recently, is found in the Cu–Sn system. The estimated diffusion coefficients at these marker planes indicate one of the reasons for the growth of the Kirkendall voids, which is one of the major reliability concerns in a microelectronic component. Systematic experiments using different purity of Cu are conducted to understand the effect of impurities on the growth of the Kirkendall voids. It is conclusively shown that increase in impurity enhances the growth of voids.
The growth rates of the interdiffusion zone are found to be comparable in the Cu–Sn and the Ni–Sn systems. EPMA and TEM analyses indicate the growth of a metastable phase in the Ni–Sn system in the low temperature range. Following, the role of Ni addition in Cu on the growth of IMCs in the Cu–Sn system is studied based on the quantitative diffusion analysis. The analysis of thermodynamic driving forces, microstructure and crystal structure of Cu6Sn5 shed light on the atomic mechanism of diffusion. It does not change the crystal structure of phases; however, the microstructural evolution, the diffusion rates of components and the growth of the Kirkendall voids are strongly influenced in the presence of Ni. Considering microstructure of the product phases in various Cu/Sn and Cu(Ni)/Sn diffusion couples, it has been observed that
(i) phases have smaller grains and nucleate repeatedly, when they grow from Cu or Cu(Ni) alloy, and (ii) the same phases have elongated grains, when they grow from another phase.
A difference in growth rate of the phases is found in bulk and electroplated diffusion couples in the Au–Sn system. The is explained in AuSn4 based on the estimated tracer diffusion coefficients, homologous temperature of the experiments, grain size distribution and crystal structure of the phase. The growth rates of the phases in the Au–Sn system are compared with the Pd–Sn and the Pt–Sn systems. Similar to the Au–Sn system, the growth rate of the interdiffusion zone is found to be parabolic in the Pd–Sn system; however, it is linear in the Pt–Sn system. Following, the effect of addition of Au, Pd and Pt in Cu is studied on growth rate of the phases. An analysis on the formation of the Kirkendall voids indicates that the addition of Pd or Pt is deleterious to the structure compared to the addition of Au. This study indicates that formation of voids is equally influenced by the presence of inorganic as well as organic impurities.
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Etude multi-échelle des mécanismes d'élaboration de revêtements d'alliage zinc-nickel à base d'électrolytes alcalins : germination, complexation et structures cristallines / Multi-scale approach of alkaline zinc-nickel electroplating mechanisms : nucleation, complexation and crystallographic structureFedi, Baptiste 17 March 2016 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire ont pour but d’approfondir la compréhension des mécanismes d’élaboration de revêtements électrolytiques de zinc-nickel obtenus à partir d’électrolytes alcalins. Les dépôts de zinc-nickel contenant entre 12% et 16%de nickel, connus pour leur performances anti-corrosion, nécessitent l’utilisation d’agents complexants afin de d’obtenir des formes solubles et réductibles du nickel dans un électrolyte à base de zincates à haut pH. Une étude des mécanismes de complexation a permis d’améliorer la compréhension du rôle respectif des agents complexants et de leurs interactions sur la stabilité des mélanges, ainsi que sur la morphologie de la structure cristalline des revêtements obtenus. Les phases cristallines d’alliages de zinc-nickel électro déposés,contenant entre 1% et 20% de nickel ont été quantifiés par déconvolution de courbes d’oxydation potentio dynamique et par DRX. Cette approche donne accès à une cartographie précise des phases d’alliages obtenus en fonction de la teneur en nickel du dépôt. La stabilité thermique des différentes phases à également pu être évaluée et quantifiée par cette méthode. La formulation des électrolytes ainsi que les paramètres des procédés peuvent modifier les cinétiques de germination des revêtements. Une étude fondamentale des mécanismes de germination par chrono ampérométrie couplée à des méthodes d’identification paramétrique a permis de quantifier l’évolution de certains paramètres de germination d’éléments simples en fonction du potentiel d’électrodéposition. L’étude de la germination d’alliage a mis en évidence que des réactions de décomplexation d’espèces modifient les cinétiques de nucléation, sans permettre d’aboutir à un modèle descriptif complet. / The present work aims to deepen the understanding of the mechanisms of zinc-nickelelectrodeposition in alkaline baths. Zinc-nickel deposits containing between 12% and 16%nickel known for their anti-corrosion performance. Complexing agents are required toobtain soluble and reactive nickel forms, and to stabilize the electrolytes. A study ofthe complexing mechanisms has improved the understanding of their respective role andbehavior, and their influence on the stability and the morphology and crystalline structureof the coatings obtained. The crystalline phases of electroplated zinc-nickel alloys in therange from 1% to 20% nickel content were quantified by deconvolution of potentiodynamicoxidation curves and XRD. This approach has led to a precise mapping of the alloyphases obtained as a function of the nickel content. The thermal stability of the differentphases has also been evaluated and quantified by this method. The formulation of theelectrolytes and the process parameters may modify the kinetics of coating germination. Afundamental study of the mechanisms of germination by chronoamperometry coupled witha parametric identification allows the quantification of parameter evolution in relation tonucleation phenomenon of simple elements. The study of alloy germination has shownthat decomplexing reactions are able to modify nucleation kinetics, without achieving acomplete comprehensive modeling.
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Caracterização espectroeletroquímica de polímeros condutores preparados a partir de monômeros bifuncionais / Spectrolectrochemical characterization of conductive polymers prepared from difunctional monomersCintra, Elaine Pavini 24 October 2003 (has links)
O poli(5-amino 1-naftol) é um polímero que pertence à classe dos polímeros condutores e pode ser obtido através da oxidação do monômero bifuncionalizado, 5-amino 1-naftol, que possui dois grupos funcionais: -NH2 e -OH. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo dos polímeros provenientes do referido monômero quando polimerizado na presença de diferentes ácidos. As influências do meio eletrolítico na eletrodeposição, na morfologia e nos processos redox dos filmes, são estudadas. As transformações eletrocrômicas, conseqüência dos diferentes estados de oxidação dos filmes, são acompanhadas por experimentos espectroeletroquímicos na região do visível. É realizado um completo estudo espectroscópico, utilizando técnicas in situ e ex situ como Raman Ressonante, Infravermelho e Espectroscopia Fotoeletrônica de Raios-X, que permite a elucidação das distintas estruturas formadas durante a polimerização e a identificação das espécies encontradas nos diferentes estados de oxidação do filme. São também realizados testes para verificar a potencial aplicação do poli(5-amino 1-naftol) como componente na construção de biossensores, fazendo uso do grupamento funcional -OH que não participa do processo de polimerização e permanece livre na cadeia polimérica. / Poly(5-amino 1-naphthol) (poly(5-NH2 1-NAP)) is a polymer that belongs to the conducting polymer class obtained by the oxidation of a bifunctional monomer, 5-amino 1-naphthol, which presents two bifunctional groups: -NH2 e -OH. In this work it is showed a study about polimerization of 5-amino 1-naphthol and their polymer formed in different electrolytic acid medium. Influences of the electrolyte in the electrodeposition, morfology and the redox process are studied. Electrochromic transformations that appear as consequences of different films oxidation states are followed by spectroelectrochemical experiments in the visible range. An entire spectrocopic study using ex situ and in situ techniques as Resonante Raman Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy is carried out. It allows the elucidation of distint structures formed during the polimerization and the identification of species in different oxidation states. Experiments are also carried out in order to verify the potential aplication of poly(5-amino 1-naphthol) as biosensor component. Poly(5amino 1-naphthol) is a candidate as polymeric matrix beca use of the -OH groups doesnt take part in the polymerization process and it remais free in the polymeric chain.
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Etude et développement de matériaux micro/nano structurés pour l’ingénierie des bandes interdites dans les dispositifs électro-acoustiques à ondes de surface / Investigation of micro and nano structured materials for acoustic band gaps engineering in electro-acoustic devicesDu, Yu 05 October 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l’étude de matériaux micro/nano structurés permettant l’ingénierie des structures de bande dans le domaine des ondes élastiques. Nous nous sommes intéressés en particulier à l’intégration de ces matériaux dans les dispositifs électro-acoustiques et l’étude de l’interaction avec les ondes acoustiques de surface.La démarche consiste à mener des simulations par la méthode des éléments finis, pour calculer les structures de bande et les spectres de transmission. Nous avons étudié l’effet des paramètres géométriques et élastiques des micro-plots sur les branches acoustiques représentant les modes de surface. Nous avons ensuite discuté l’effet de la symétrie de l’arrangement sur la polarisation des modes de surface. Nous avons également étudié l’effet de la symétrie sur la sensibilité des modes de surface à une variation de température.Sur le plan expérimental, Nous avons élaboré des transducteurs inter-digités sur un substrat piézoélectrique de LiNbO3. Nous avons intégré divers cristaux phononiques composés de micro-plots de Ni, obtenues par électrodéposition. Les spectres de transmission ont été mesurés à l’aide d’un analyseur de réseau et comparés aux résultats theoriques.En dehors des cristaux phononiques basés sur des plots du nickel, d’autres structures ont également été présentées dans ce travail, incluant des matériaux bidimensionnels à base de nanoparticules magnétiques auto-assemblées et des nanofils du nickel électrodéposés à travers des membranes nano-poreuses d’alumine. / This work concerns the study of micro/nano structured materials for the engineering of band structures in the field of elastic waves. We were interested in particular to the integration of these materials in electro-acoustic devices and the study of the interaction with the surface acoustic waves.The approach is to carry out the simulation using the finite element method to calculate the band structures and the transmission spectra. We studied the effect of geometrical and elastic parameters of micro-pillars on acoustic branches representing surface modes. Then we discussed the effect of the symmetry of the arrangement on the polarization of the surface modes. We also investigated the effect of the symmetry on the sensitivity of surface modes with the variation of temperature.Experimentally, we have developed interdigital transducers on a piezoelectric substrate of LiNbO3. We have fabricated various phononic crystals composed of nickel micro-pillars, obtained by electrodeposition. The transmission spectra were measured by a network analyzer and compared with the theoretical results.Besides the phononic crystals based on nickel pillars, some other periodic micro/nano structures were also involved in this work, such as two dimensional materials based on self-assembled magnetic nanoparticles and nickel nanowires electroplated through nano-porous alumina membranes.
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Contribution à l'ordonnancement des ateliers de traitement de surface avec deux robots / Contribution to Hoist Schelduling Problems with two transport resourcesKharrat, Samah 13 December 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons principalement à l’étude du fonctionnement cyclique mono-produit des ateliers de traitement de surface. Notre contribution porte sur le problème d’ordonnancement associé connu dans la littérature sous le nom Cyclic Hoist Scheduling Problem (CHSP). L’objet de cette thèse est de proposer des méthodes efficaces pour la résolution des problèmes de traitement de surface dans le cas où les produits à traiter sont du même type. Nous traitons en particulier le cas où le nombre des robots présents sur la ligne est égal à deux, ce qui augmente le nombre des contraintes du problème, sachant que dans le cas mono robot, ce problème a été prouvé NP-Complet. Pour cela, nous proposons une méthode qui combine deux heuristiques et un programme linéaire mixte. Cette méthode permet notamment d’affecter les mouvements de transport à l’un des deux robots tout en gérant les risques de collision entre eux, lorsque la gamme opératoire des produits à traiter suit l’implantation des cuves.Par la suite, nous proposons une extension du modèle au cas de lignes complexes. Enfin, nous étudions le cas d’un fonctionnement mixte, pour lequel il est nécessaire de traiter dans une même installation des produits différents et des rafales de produits identiques. Dans ces conditions, la solution la plus intéressante pour les industriels est de pouvoir alterner des modes de production dynamiques et cycliques. Pour cela, nous proposons une méthode efficace permettant de résoudre le problème d’ordonnancement associé à la phase transitoire relative à ce type de fonctionnement. Elle consiste en particulier à chercher les dates d’entrée au plus tôt des produits. La principale difficulté identifiée consiste ici à passer du mode dynamique au mode cyclique, c’est-à-dire à rejoindre un cycle à partir d’une solution courante donnée, en supposant que ce cycle est connu à priori. Les méthodes élaborées dans les divers cas traités sont validées par des tests sur des benchmarks de la littérature. / In this thesis, our interest is focused on the Cyclic Hoist Scheduling Problem (CHSP) in automated electroplating lines. The aim of this study is to propose an algorithm to solve the two-hoists cyclic scheduling problem. This one consists in finding a repetitive sequence of hoists’ moves, while avoiding collision between the hoists which share a common track. The objective is to minimize the period of this repetitive cycle for single part-type production. This problem was proved to be NP-complete for lines with a single hoist. The fact that two hoists are available on the line increases the number of constraints of the problem. Then we propose a solving method combining two heuristics and a Mixed Integer Linear Program. It enables us to solve both assignment and sequencing problems, while considering spatial constraints related to hoist’moves.Subsequently, we propose an extension of the model which is adapted to complex lines. Finally, our interest is focused on solving a HSP for which it is necessary to treat in the same facility a batch of various products and a batch of identical products. Under these conditions, the most interesting solution for manufacturers is to be able to alternate the production of two batches. For this goal, we propose an efficient method to solve the scheduling problem associated. Finally, our proposed methods are validated by experimentations based on benchmarks from the literature.
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Caracterização espectroeletroquímica de polímeros condutores preparados a partir de monômeros bifuncionais / Spectrolectrochemical characterization of conductive polymers prepared from difunctional monomersElaine Pavini Cintra 24 October 2003 (has links)
O poli(5-amino 1-naftol) é um polímero que pertence à classe dos polímeros condutores e pode ser obtido através da oxidação do monômero bifuncionalizado, 5-amino 1-naftol, que possui dois grupos funcionais: -NH2 e -OH. Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo dos polímeros provenientes do referido monômero quando polimerizado na presença de diferentes ácidos. As influências do meio eletrolítico na eletrodeposição, na morfologia e nos processos redox dos filmes, são estudadas. As transformações eletrocrômicas, conseqüência dos diferentes estados de oxidação dos filmes, são acompanhadas por experimentos espectroeletroquímicos na região do visível. É realizado um completo estudo espectroscópico, utilizando técnicas in situ e ex situ como Raman Ressonante, Infravermelho e Espectroscopia Fotoeletrônica de Raios-X, que permite a elucidação das distintas estruturas formadas durante a polimerização e a identificação das espécies encontradas nos diferentes estados de oxidação do filme. São também realizados testes para verificar a potencial aplicação do poli(5-amino 1-naftol) como componente na construção de biossensores, fazendo uso do grupamento funcional -OH que não participa do processo de polimerização e permanece livre na cadeia polimérica. / Poly(5-amino 1-naphthol) (poly(5-NH2 1-NAP)) is a polymer that belongs to the conducting polymer class obtained by the oxidation of a bifunctional monomer, 5-amino 1-naphthol, which presents two bifunctional groups: -NH2 e -OH. In this work it is showed a study about polimerization of 5-amino 1-naphthol and their polymer formed in different electrolytic acid medium. Influences of the electrolyte in the electrodeposition, morfology and the redox process are studied. Electrochromic transformations that appear as consequences of different films oxidation states are followed by spectroelectrochemical experiments in the visible range. An entire spectrocopic study using ex situ and in situ techniques as Resonante Raman Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy is carried out. It allows the elucidation of distint structures formed during the polimerization and the identification of species in different oxidation states. Experiments are also carried out in order to verify the potential aplication of poly(5-amino 1-naphthol) as biosensor component. Poly(5amino 1-naphthol) is a candidate as polymeric matrix beca use of the -OH groups doesnt take part in the polymerization process and it remais free in the polymeric chain.
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Performance do processo de coagulação/floculação no tratamento do efluente líquido gerado na galvanoplastia / Performance process coagulation/flocculation in the treatment of effluent generated in electroplatingVaz, Luiz Gustavo de Lima 17 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The process of electroplating effluents with high levels of heavy metals and large amounts of dissolved and suspended materials, resulting in high values of color and turbidity, respectively. Because of these characteristics, the effluent of electroplating industries require efficient processes to achieve the levels of concentration and physical and chemical parameters recommended by the environmental legislation. In this context we evaluated the efficiency of organic coagulants (seeds of Moringa oleifera Lam, chitosan, Tanfloc SG and Acquapol C1) and inorganic (aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride) in the first stage of wastewater treatment of electroplating through a planning saturated Plackett and Burman (PB12) followed by a central composite rotational design (DCCR). The following variables were studied: concentration (C), velocity of rapid mixing (VMR) and slow (VML) and time of rapid mix (TMR) and slow (TML), with 30 min of sedimentation, and the response variables analyzed for each coagulant: color, turbidity, settleable solids and COD. Among the agents coagulants/flocculants tested after the completion of PB12, the best combination of results for the removal of the studied parameters occurred with chitosan. The operating conditions were optimized by the statistical program: TMR of 100 rpm, TML of 20 rpm, VMR and VML of 6 and 30 min, respectively, concentration of 12.67 ppm and sedimentation time of 30 min. These conditions it is expected to remove 89.44% of color, 96.87% of turbidity and 35.81% of COD. Based on the results obtained chitosan presented a promising coagulant to the wastewater treatment of electroplating. / Os processos de galvanização geram efluentes com elevados teores de metais pesados e grande quantidade de materiais dissolvidos e suspensos, ocasionando altos valores de cor e turbidez, respectivamente. Devido a estas características o efluente das indústrias de galvanoplastia requerem processos eficientes para alcançar os níveis de concentração e parâmetros físico-químicos recomendados pela legislação ambiental. Neste contexto o presente trabalho avaliou a eficiência de coagulantes orgânicos (sementes de Moringa oleifera Lam, quitosana, Tanfloc SG e Acquapol C1) e inorgânicos (sulfato de alumínio e cloreto férrico) na primeira etapa de tratamento de efluente de galvanoplastia, por meio de um planejamento de Plackett e Burman (PB12) seguido de um Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR). As seguintes variáveis foram estudadas: concentração (C), velocidade de mistura rápida (VMR) e lenta (VML) e tempo de mistura rápida (TMR) e lenta (TML), com 30 min de sedimentação, sendo as variáveis de resposta analisadas para cada coagulante: cor, turbidez, sólidos sedimentáveis e DQO. Dentre os agentes coagulantes/floculantes testados, após a realização do PB12, a melhor combinação de resultados para a remoção dos parâmetros estudados ocorreu com a quitosana. As condições operacionais otimizadas pelo programa estatístico foram: TMR de 100 rpm, TML de 20 rpm, VMR e VML de 6 e 30 min, respectivamente, concentração de 12,67 ppm e tempo de sedimentação de 30 min. Nestas condições espera-se remover 89,44% de cor, 96,87% de turbidez e 35,81% de DQO. Com base nos resultados obtidos a quitosana se apresentou um coagulante promissor para o tratamento do efluente de galvanoplastia.
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Conception, réalisation et caractérisation d’inductances intégrées haute fréquence / Design, fabrication and characterization of high frequency integrated inductorsHaddad, Elias 23 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte d’alimentation des systèmes électroniques portables à faible puissance (1W environ) et fonctionnant sous faible tension. Avec la demande croissante pour la conversion d’énergie dans ces systèmes, l’intégration et la miniaturisation du convertisseur DC-DC devient une zone d’intérêt fort. Des recherches récentes ont montré des convertisseurs avec des fréquences de commutation pouvant atteindre 100 MHz. Pour de faibles niveaux de tension (1 V) et des puissances aux environs du Watt, les valeurs d’inductance de lissage de ces convertisseurs envisagées sont de l’ordre d’une centaine de nanoHenry. Ceci relance l’intérêt d’étudier l’intégration des composants passifs de dimensions millimétriques au sein d’un même boîtier avec les parties actives. Dans ce contexte, les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit sont abordés par la conception d’inductances planaires en forme de spirale avec un noyau magnétique. Les simulations ont permis d’analyser les liens entre les paramètres géométriques et les paramètres électriques de l’inductance pour établir une structure d’inductance optimale en fonction de la limite de la technologie de réalisation. Une inductance planaire prise en sandwich entre deux couches de matériau magnétique est proposée. Les simulations ont montré l’intérêt de réaliser un tel composant. Sa structure présente plusieurs avantages, elle permet d’augmenter considérablement la valeur d’inductance tout en gardant le même encombrement par rapport à une inductance sans noyau magnétique. Elle permet également de réduire les perturbations électromagnétiques avec les composants environnants. Un procédé technologique de réalisation des inductances, basé sur la croissance électrolytique de cuivre à température ambiante, a été développé et optimisé pour valider les modélisations précédentes. Ce procédé est reproductible et permet une fabrication collective de composants. Un banc de caractérisation impédance métrique a également été conçu afin de déterminer les limites du fonctionnement fréquentiel des composants réalisés et de valider les performances de ces derniers. Ce travail propose une solution pour la réalisation de la puce active sur l’inductance dans le cadre d’un SOC (System-On-Chip). Il souligne par ailleurs l’importance de l’intégration pour l’électronique de faible puissance / The work in this thesis contributes to the domain of low power (1W approximately) portable electronic systems. These systems require integrated and miniaturized of DC-DC converters. Recent studies have demonstrated converters with high switching frequency as high as 100 MHz, requiring smaller passive components. For low voltage values (1V approximately) and 1 watt output power, the inductance value of these converter filters is about a hundred nanoHenry. Such inductors can be integrated on a millimetric scale in the same package as the active die. In this context, the work presented in this thesis starts with the design of planar spiral inductors with a magnetic core. Simulations allowed to analyze the relation between geometrical and electrical parameters of the inductor in order to design an optimal inductor. A planar inductor sandwiched between two layers of magnetic material is proposed. Simulations showed the advantages of fabricating of such component. Its structure allows to increase the inductance value without modifying the inductor’s surface compared to a coreless inductor. It also allows to reduce the electromagnetic interferences with the rest of the circuit. A technological process for the fabrication of the inductors has been developed and optimized in order to valid the previous design. This process is based on copper electroplating technique which is compatible with a repeatable and a mass fabrication of inductors. A characterization bench was also developed in order to determine the operating frequency limits of the fabricated components as well as to validate their performance. This work offers a solution for the realization of the active chip on the inductor (SOC, System- On-Chip). It also emphasizes the importance of the integration for low power electronics
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