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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low Speed Energy Conversion from Marine Currents

Thomas, Karin January 2007 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is research on the performance of very low speed direct drive permanent magnet generators for energy conversion from marine and tidal currents. Various aspects involved in the design of these generators and their electromagnetic modelling using the finite element simulations are presented. For a detailed study, a 5 kW prototype generator has been designed and constructed based on finite element based simulations. Several experiments were conducted on the prototype generator. The experimental results were compared with the corresponding case simulations on the designed generator. The differences between the results predicted by the simulations and those predicted by the measurements were less than 10%. The part and overload performance of the generator has been investigated and it is found from both simulations and measurements that the generator is capable to efficiently operate at varying speeds. The tests on the experimental generator were made for speeds between 2 and 16 rpm and for load variations of 0.5 to 2 per unit. In this thesis it is shown that it is possible to design a very low speed direct drive generator for more or less any given marine current site and this is beneficial for projects aiming to develop a technical and economical viable marine current energy conversion system.

Electromagnetic transformer modelling including the ferromagnetic core

Ribbenfjärd, David January 2010 (has links)
In order to design a power transformer it is important to understand its internal electromagnetic behaviour. That can be obtained by measurements on physical transformers, analytical expressions and computer simulations. One benefit with simulations is that the transformer can be studied before it is built physically and that the consequences of changing dimensions and parameters easily can be assessed. In this thesis a time-domain transformer model is presented. The model includes core phenomena as magnetic static hysteresis, eddy current and excess losses. Moreover, the model comprises winding phenomena as eddy currents, capacitive effects and leakage flux. The core and windings are first modelled separately and then connected together in a composite transformer model. This results in a detailed transformer model. One important result of the thesis is the feasibility to simulate dynamic magnetization including the inhomogeneous field distribution due to eddy currents in the magnetic core material. This is achieved by using a Cauer circuit combined with models for static and dynamic magnetization. Thereby, all magnetic loss components in the material can be simulated accurately. This composite dynamic magnetization model is verified through experiments showing very good correspondence with measurements. Furthermore, the composite transformer model is verified through measurements. The model is shown to yield good correspondence with measurements in normal operation and non-normal operations like no-load, inrush current and DC-magnetization. / QC20100708

Modeling, Control and Protection of Low-Voltage DC Microgrids

Salomonsson, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
Current trends in electric power consumption indicate an increasing use of dc in end-user equipment, such as computers and other electronic appliances used in households and offices. With a dc power system, ac/dc conversion within these loads can be avoided, and losses reduced. AC/DC conversion is instead centralized, and by using efficient, fully controllable power-electronic interfaces, high power quality for both ac and dc systems during steady state and ac grid disturbances can be obtained. Connection of back-up energy storage and small-size generation is also easier to realize in a dc power system. To facilitate practical application, it is important that the shift from ac to dc can be implemented with minimal changes. Results from measurements carried out on common household appliances show that most loads are able to operate with dc supply without any modifications. Furthermore, simple, and yet sufficiently accurate, load models have been derived using the measurement results. The models have been used for further analysis of the dc system, both in steady state and during transients. AC microgrids have gained research interest during the last years. A microgrid is a part of power systems which can operate both connected to the ac grid, and autonomously in island mode when the loads are supplied from locally distributed resources. A low-voltage dc microgrid can be used to supply sensitive electronic loads, since it combines the advantages of using a dc supply for electronic loads, and using local generation to supply sensitive loads. An example of a commercial power system which can benefit from using a dc microgrid is data center. The lower losses due to fewer power conversion steps results in less heat which need to be cooled, and therefore the operation costs are lowered. To ensure reliable operation of a low-voltage dc microgrid, well-designed control and protection systems are needed. An adaptive controller is required to coordinate the different resources based on the load-generation balance in the microgrid, and status of the ac grid. The performance of the developed controller has been studied and evaluated through simulations. The results show that it is possible to extend use of the data center dc microgrid to also support a limited amount of ac loads close to the data center, for example an office building. A protection-system design for low-voltage dc microgrids has been proposed, and different protection devices and grounding methods have been presented. Moreover, different fault types and their impact on the system have been analyzed. The type of protection that can be used depends on the sensitivity of the components in the microgrid. Detection methods for different components have been suggested in order to achieve a fast and accurate fault clearing. An experimental small-scale dc power system has been used to supply different loads, both during normal and fault conditions. A three-phase two-level voltage source converter in series with a Buck converter was used to interconnect the ac and the dc power systems. Together the converters have large controllability, high power quality performance, and allow bi-directional power flow. This topology can preferably be used together with energy storage. The tests confirm the feasibility of using a dc power system to supply sensitive electronic loads. / QC 20100908

Nätnyttomodellens fall och framtidens reglering av eltransmissionstariffer : Tidigare meningsskiljaktigheter samt undersökning av förutsättningar för framtida reglering

Lindström, Erik January 2010 (has links)
The main ambition of this degree project is to illustrate the fundamental problems of today’s electric tariff regulation and the usage of the analyzing tool; The Network Tariff Model. There is a further discussion of potential problems and clear improvements of the 2012 years proposed network tariff regulation. Interviews have been conducted with specific network companies and Energimarknadsinspektionen. The proposed regulation of 2012 is discussed from the government’s proposition. This paper clearly shows that the authority´s work has been conducted in a very unprofessional manner during the period of The Network Tariff Model. Transparency has been missing at the same time when quality control has been almost nonexistent from the authority. The regulation itself and the usage of The Network Tariff Model generated substantial criticism. Disagreement about the model was mostly about the use of methods and parameter settings. The new regulation of beforehand assessment of network tariffs is scheduled to be commissioned during 2012. This regulation has certain advantages compared to today’s for once because it counts for the actual costs for the corporations. At the same time this particular approach will demand a lot of resources of the authority. When the regulating models of the future are being developed legitimacy to all parties must be ensured. The regulations must at the same time be adjusted to the resources available for the grid authority. Likewise the process and nature of putting forward new regulations should be based on continuity to greater extent.

Förslag till övervakningslösning med värmekameror för Magnetgärdets transformatorstation / Suggestion for a monitoring solution with infrared cameras in the substation Magnetgärdet

Carse, Eddie, Garsallawi, Naman, Wennström-Juslin, Christina January 2010 (has links)
Magnetgärdets transformatorstation är belägen i Ludvika och ägs av Västerbergslagens Energi AB. Transformatorstationen är nyligen ombyggd och nu mer placerad inomhus, vilket gör att påkänningar från väder och vind minskar. För att minimera behovet av personlig tillsyn och öka tillgängligheten behövs dock någon form av tillståndsövervakning. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka om det med hjälp av värmekameror är möjligt att tillståndsövervaka de kritiska punkterna i transformatorstationen. För att fastställa detta har teori kring tillståndsövervakning, termografering och värmekameror sammanställts tillsammans med utförda mätningar och tester. Resultaten har sedan diskuterats för att se om ett möjligt lösningsförslag kan presenteras. Viktiga kriterier för att möjligöra tillståndsövervakning med hjälp av värmekameror har tagits fram. Slutsatsen är att det är möjligt, men kräver en komplicerad systemlösning. Lösningsförslaget bygger på flera samspelande delar och bör bli ett kraftfullt övervakningssystem. Huruvida värmekameror är det bästa och enda verktyget är dock tveksamt. Det anses därför väsentligt att även undersöka andra övervakningsmöligheter, som exempel termistorgivare. / The substation called Magnetgärdet is located in Ludvika, Sweden and it is owned by Västerbergslagens Energi AB. The substation has recently been renovated and is now placed indoors, which reduces the influence of weather on the station. To decrease the need for personal supervision and increase the availability of the station a monitoring solution is needed. The purpose of this degree thesis is to examine if it is possible to monitor the condition of critical items in the station with infrared cameras. To determine this, theory on condition monitoring, thermography and thermal imaging cameras has been compiled together with relevant measurements and tests. The results are then discussed to see if a possible solution can be presented. Important criteria for making condition monitoring with infrared cameras possible have also been formulated in this degree thesis. The conclusion is that it is possible, but a complicated system is required. The solution we have given is based on different parts interplaying with each other and it should become a powerful monitoring system. It is however uncertain whether infrared cameras are the only and best tools, therefore other tools should be considered. It might be possible to use thermistors with, or instead of infrared cameras.

50 kVA eller 100 kVA : En teknisk och ekonomisk jämförelse av distributionstransformatorer / 50 kVA or 100 kVA : A technical and economic comparison of distribution transformers

Andersson, Carl Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
Rapporten utreder om distributionstransformatorer med märkeffekten 50 kVA i Vattenfall Eldistribution AB:s elnät kan avskaffas till förmån för märkeffekten 100 kVA. Transformatorer med märkeffekten 50 kVA förekommer vid nedtransformering av spänningen från 22 kV och 11 kV till hushållens huvudspänning 0,4 kV. 50 kVA-transformatorer skiljer inte särskilt mycket från transformatorer med den högre märkeffekten i fråga om storlek och pris, och de bedöms kunna bytas ut utan större praktiska svårigheter. Fördelen med 100 kVA är att de elektriska belastningsförlusterna blir lägre i och med den högre märkeffekten. Dessutom innebär ett byte vissa elkvalitetsförbättringar. Nackdelarna med 100 kVA är att de elektriska tomgångsförlusterna är högre och att inköpspriset är högre än för 50 kVA. I övrigt kan kostnaderna likställas för de två alternativen. Endast kostnader för aktiva effektförluster berördes i rapporten då de ekonomiska kostnaderna för reaktiva effektförluster kunde försummas för de aktuella transformatorerna. För att nå ett svar på frågan om det kan vara lönsamt att avskaffa 50 kVA-transformatorerna studerades fem verkliga fall i Vattenfalls svenska elnät. Dessutom studerades eventuella elkvalitetsvinster med ett byte. Svaret blev att inte för något av de fem studerade fallen var det lönsamt med ett byte till 100 kVA-transformator. Rörande elkvalitetsaspekten blev svaret att ett byte visserligen innebär en skillnad men att andra faktorer oftast har större betydelse. Rapportens rekommendation blev att behålla 50 kVA-transformatorn i distributionsnätet.

Planering, förutsättningar ocheffekter av implementering avsolceller i stadsutvecklingsprojekt.

Juhlin, Henrik January 2011 (has links)
Today, buildings utilize 40 % of the total energy consumption. New energyrestrictions and directives have entered the construction industry. Photovoltaic is asustainable, clean and quiet solution that integrates well in the urban environment buthave not yet reached a breakthrough on the Swedish market. The conditions for solarenergy production are often set in the early planning stages where they rarely arebeing prioritized.This master of engineering project focuses on identifying problems regardingimplementation of photovoltaic in city development projects and giving suggestions topossible improvements in the planning- and construction process. It also givesrecommendations on how the conditions for energy production can be optimized inthe early zoning stage.By conducting simulations with PVsystV5.21, on three ongoing city developmentprojects in Umeå, Malmö and Stockholm and by carry out and analyzing interviewswith city planners, constructors and architects, some conclusions have been made.Several improvements, both politically, with changes in the subsidization systemand/or instatement of a new law with feed-in tariffs, and within the solar- andconstruction industry itself, with better communication between different parts of theprocess as well as better use of experience, can be made. By including photovoltaic inthe local plan it is possible to give a region large areas with orientation toward south,increasing the solar energy potential with up to 50 % which also increase themotivation for implementing photovoltaic in the project. These are essential for asignificant increase of photovoltaic in city development.

Wind Farms Influence on Stability in an area with High Concentration of Hydropower Plants

Engström, Staffan January 2011 (has links)
The number of large-scale wind farms integrated to the power system in Sweden is increasing. Two generator concepts that are widely used are Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) and Full Power Converters (FPC). The study is of a quantitative character and the aim of the Master thesis is to compare DFIG-models with FPC-models integrated in an area with high concentration of hydropower. Then it is possible to examine how the dynamics in the power system change depending on the selection of technology (DFIG or FPC) when connecting a wind farm. The power system is simulated during a summer night, i.e., a low load is connected. The Master thesis covers stability analysis of the power system by using rotor angle stability that are split into small-signal stability and transient stability (time-domain simulations) and finally voltage stability to see how the hydropower generators react when varying the power production in the wind farm. The Master thesis concludes that independently of wind turbine technique, integration of a wind farm has slight impact on the stability in the power system compared to a power system without a wind farm, even though the load is low. Further, an integration of a wind farms affects the reactive power production in neighbouring hydropower plants. Finally, when increasing the size of the wind farm the neighbouring hydropower station consume less reactive power which can induce problem with the voltage stability.

Investeringar i småskalig vattenkraft vid befintliga dammar : - En studie av teknik-, ekonomi- och miljöfrågor / Small scale hydro power investments at existing dams : - An inventory of technology and economic and environmental aspects

Lees, Sven January 2006 (has links)
In this thesis a method for evaluating investments in small scale hydro power is presented. An analysis of the future position that small scale hydro production will have on the Nordic electricity market is also carried out. This is done by an inventory of technology and economic and environmental aspects. The inventory is also a guide as to how the project should be implemented. Hydrolyzer is the name of the Excel tool developed to evaluate investments. The tool requests input data from the user and then evaluates the investment and generates a sensitivity analysis. Several projects or scenarios can be entered and are then ranked after profitability. For example a major repair can be compared to a new power station and tailrace excavations are possible to evaluate. The profitability of small scale hydro power investment mainly depends on the size of the initial investment. The power generation costs average among the lowest among possible future power plants. This trend applies to comparisons between renewable and fossil production plants. Electricity prices will probably not fall back to historic levels, due to fuel shortage and increasing environmental concerns. Price prognosis therefore indicates that investments, which on calculation seem profitable, will also be so. Small scale hydro investments at existing dams are socio-economically and environmentally sound. The investments contribute with clean power but have local environmental impacts. At existing dams this damage is already done and expensive to undo if at all possible. The environmental impacts can be dramatically reduced by construction of fish passages etc. In the thesis an example shows that economic resources for environmental constructions often depend on electricity certificates and that residual flows aren’t greater than necessary. An investment project should start by evaluating possible scenarios that the hydro power permit may result in. The transmission capacity should also be investigated at an early stage. Materials should be chosen with care and evaluated with a star diagram. A synchronous generator without a speed increaser should be considered for the hydro investment. The turbine type should be suggested by the manufacturer who also has to be able to guarantee efficiencies and cavitation resistance. Submersible turbines should be considered as they significantly reduce building costs. Involved persons need to be experienced and the tenders should be lump sums except for costs which are difficult to determine. / I detta examensarbete presenteras en metod för att enkelt kunna göra en bedömning av om det är lönsamt att investera i småskalig vattenkraft. Det undersöks också hur den småskaliga vattenkraftens förutsättningar på den framtida elmarknaden ser ut. Detta görs genom en inventering av teknik, ekonomi och miljöaspekter. Inventeringen ger också svar på hur ett investeringsprojekt ska genomföras. Hydrolyzer kallas excelverktyget som utvecklats för att göra lönsamhetsbedömningen. Det fungerar så att indata matas in och sedan beräknas investeringens lönsamhet och en känslighetsanalys genereras. I verktyget kan olika investeringsalternativ läggas in som sedan beräknas och rangordnas. Exempelvis kan en större reparation jämföras med att bygga en helt ny station eller rensningar utvärderas. Småskalig vattenkrafts lönsamhet och produktionskostnader beror till största del på hur stor grundinvesteringen blir. Produktionskostnaden är i snitt bland de billigaste produktionsslagen som kan komma att byggas i framtiden. Trenden gäller vid jämförelse både bland förnybara och bland övriga produktionsslag. På elmarknaden pekar det mesta på att priset inte kommer att sjunka tillbaka till historisk nivå. Detta då bränslena är bristvara och att en allt större miljöhänsyn krävs vilket pressar upp priset. Prisutvecklingen talar för att om ett investeringsbeslut tas där kalkylen visar lönsamhet så kommer detta också att infalla. Investeringar i småskalig vattenkraft vid befintliga dammar bedöms vara samhällsekonomiskt och miljömässigt fördelaktigt. Småskalig vattenkraft producerar ren el men ger miljöstörningar lokalt. Vid befintliga dammar är dock denna skada redan skedd och väldigt kostsamt att återställa om det överhuvudtaget är möjligt. Miljöproblemen kan dock kraftigt minskas genom byggnation av fiskpassager m.m. Möjligheten att bygga vid befintliga dammar kan vara beroende av elcertifikat om de lokala förutsättningarna är dåliga. I rapporten visas också genom ett exempel att ekonomin för miljöförbättrande åtgärder oftast är beroende av elcertifikat och att mintappningar inte är större än nödvändigt. Investeringsprojektet bör börja med att ta fram scenarion att utvärdera utifrån hur vattendomen kan tänkas bli. Elnätets kapacitet ska också undersökas tidigt. Materialen ska väljas med omsorg och utvärderas med stjärndiagram. En synkron generator utan växel ska övervägas till kraftverket. Turbintypen ska föreslås av tillverkaren och denna ska kunna garantera verkningsgrader och kavitationsmotstånd. Dränkbara turbiner ska övervägas då dessa kräver väsentligt mindre byggnationsarbeten. Inblandade i projektet ska ha rätt kunskaper och anbuden ska tas in som klumpsummor där visst ansvar tas för svårbestämda kostnader.

Voltage Source Converters with Energy Storage Capability

Xie, Hailian January 2006 (has links)
<p>This project deals with voltage source converters with energy storage capability. The main objective is to study the possible benefits of energy storage to a power system with a VSC as the interface between them.</p><p>First of all, a converter control system is proposed for a two level VSC. In the conventional converter control, the control system usually takes the voltage measured at the point where the converter is connected and calculates the reference voltage for the converter; with a modulation system the converter then produces the required 'average voltage'. In this project, a novel flux modulation scheme, combined with the deadbeat current control strategy, is proposed. The current controller is capable of controlling both positive and negative sequence current components. With flux modulation, the control system measures the bus flux and commands the converter to generate the required flux.</p><p>Based on the proposed control strategies, several application studies have been carried out.</p><p>The first application study investigates the effect of energy storage on the power quality at the point of common coupling when a system is subject to load disturbances. The voltage at PCC in a weak network is very sensitive to load changes. A sudden change in active load will cause both a phase jump and a magnitude fluctuation in the bus voltage, whereas reactive load changes mainly affect the voltage magnitude. With the addition of energy storage to a StatCom, it is possible to compensate for the active power change as well as providing reactive power support. In this thesis, some effective active power compensation schemes are proposed. Simulations and experiments have been performed to verify the compensation schemes. The results show that a StatCom with energy storage can significantly reduce phase jumps and magnitude deviations of the bus voltage.</p><p>pact of the energy storage on the performance of weak systems under fault conditions has been investigated. The investigation was done by studying an example system. The system model was established based on a real system, in which some induction motors driving pumps along a pipeline are fed from a radial transmission line. Studies show that for a weak system with induction motor loads, a StatCom with certain energy storage capacity will effectively improve the system recovery after faults. Although this incurs extra cost for the increasing dc voltage rating and size of the dc side capacitor, the overall rating of the converter can be reduced by utilization of the proposed active power compensation scheme.</p><p>The last case study investigates the possible use of a StatCom with energy storage to improve the power quality at the point of common coupling where a cyclic load is connected. Studies show that by providing both fast reactive and fast active power support to the network, not only the voltage magnitude can be well controlled, but also the voltage phase jump can be reduced significantly.</p>

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