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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asociación entre tiempo de abandono y falla terapéutica en adultos inmigrantes venezolanos con infección por el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana que reinician Terapia Antirretroviral de Gran Actividad atendidos en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza durante 2014 – 2018 en Lima, Perú / Association between treatment interruption and treatment failure in Venezuelan immigrant with Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection who reinitiate highly active antiretroviral therapy at the Hospital National Arzobispo Loayza during 2014 - 2018 in Lima, Peru

Rebolledo Ponietsky, Kirbeliz Estefania 31 January 2021 (has links)
Objetivo: Evaluar si existe asociación entre el abandono con la falla terapéutica en inmigrantes venezolanos con infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) que reinicien tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA). Métodos: Llevamos a cabo una cohorte retrospectiva en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Incluimos pacientes que reiniciaron tratamiento TARGA. La variable de resultado fue la falla terapéutica (FT), compuesta por falla inmunológica (FI), virológica (FV) y clínica (FC). La variable de exposición fue el abandono terapéutico, aquellos que no recibieron tratamiento por 30 días, de 30 días a seis meses y de seis meses a más. Las variables control fueron el sexo, la orientación sexual, el nivel de instrucción, la edad y comorbilidades. Utilizamos modelos lineales generalizados de Poisson con errores estándar robustos para calcular riesgo relativo a nivel crudo (RR) y ajustado por criterio estadístico (RRa1) y epidemiológico (RRa2). Resultados: Incluimos 294 pacientes, 47,7% de ellos abandonaron TARGA, 32,7% abandono menos de seis meses, 15% abandonó mas de seis meses y el 27,9% tenían FT. Comparado con aquellos que no abandonaron, un abandono menor a 6 meses [RRa1: 1,98 (IC95%: 1,27 a 3,09);] y de seis meses a más [RRa1: 3,17 (IC95%: 2,02 a 4,95);] incrementó el riesgo de FT. El abandono de hasta seis meses [RRa1: 2,32 (IC95%: 1,40 a 3,84)] y de seis meses a más [RRa1: 3,93 (IC95%: 2,39 a 6,45)]; aumentó el riesgo de FV. En el caso de la FC [RRa1: 1,96 (IC95%: 0,67 a 5,79)] y la FI [RRa1: 2,99 (IC95%: 0,87 a 10,30)] no encontramos evidencia estadística de asociación con el abandono terapéutico. Conclusiones: El abandono del TARGA incrementa el riesgo de FT y FV en pacientes inmigrantes venezolanos. Dentro de la valoración integral que los pacientes con VIH debe explorarse el abandono como una variable de alta a importancia. / Objective: To evaluate the association between antiretroviral treatment interruption with the treatment failure in adults with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection that reinitiates (HAART). Methods: We carried out a retrospective cohort study at the Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. We included immigrant patients who reinitiate HAART. The outcome was treatment failure (TF) may be immunological (IF), virological (VF), and clinical (CF) failure. The exposure variable was antiretroviral treatment interruption. The control variables measured were sex, sexual orientation, educational level, age, and comorbidities. We performed linear Poisson models with robust standard errors to calculate relative risk at the crude level (RR) and adjusted by statistical and epidemiological criteria. Results: We included 294 in the analysis. 47.7% of them defaulted treatment, 32.7% abandoned less than six months, 15% abandoned more than six months and 27.9% did TF; 24.6% VF; 6.8% IF, and 6.4% CF. A treatment interruption less than 6 months [aRR: 1.98 (95% CI: 1.27 to 3.09);] and from six months to more [aRR: 3.17 (95% CI: 2.02 to 4.95)] increased the risk of TF. Likewise, treatment interruption of up to six months [aRR: 2.85 2.32 (95% CI: 1.40 to 3.84)] and from six months to more [aRR: 3.93 (95% CI: 2.39 to 6,45)]; increased the risk of VF concerning patients who did not abandon treatment. In the CF [aRR: 1,96 (IC95%: 0,67 a 5,79)] and IF [aRR: 2,99 (IC95%: 0,87 a 10,30)] case, we did not find statistical evidence of an association with the abandonment time. Conclusions: The HAART treatment interruption is associated with the development of therapeutic and virologic failure. Treatment interruption should be explored as a variable of high importance in the assessment of patients with HIV. / Tesis

Utvandrarnas pappersspår : En produktionsstudie av Sveriges dyraste film / The Emigrants' paper trail : A production study of Sweden's most expensive film

Lederman Greis, Noah January 2023 (has links)
Kandidatuppsatsens syfte är att genom arkivstudie utföra en historiserande kontextuell analys av Utvandrarna (1971) och Nybyggarna (1972) med produktionsstudie som metod. Filmerna gjordes samtidigt och hade en inflationsjusterad budget på sjuttiofyra miljoner kronor, vilket gör inspelningen till den största satsningen inom svensk film på hela 1900-talet. Hur planerades och genomfördes en produktion av sådan storlek? Ända från de tidigaste idéerna kartläggs processen i syfte att dra slutsatser kring dåtidens svenska kulturklimat, filmsamhälle och tekniska utveckling. Arkivmaterialet hämtas från Svenska Filminstitutets biblioteksarkiv och delas in trefaldigt: Manussamlingen, Bengt Forslunds personarkiv och Bildarkivet. Utifrån detta material återges händelseförloppet i detalj, kompletterat med senare vittnesmål från skådespelare och filmteam. Produktionen värdesatte framför allt verklighetstrogenhet och i stort sett alla scener filmades på plats vid historiska kvarlämningar eller ute i naturen, ofta med lokala amatörskådespelare i de mindre rollerna. Dessutom studeras Jan Troells roll som regissör, fotograf och klippare utifrån Bill Nichols teori om dokumentära representationsperspektiv, med fokus på Troells användande av drag från observerande och deltagande dokumentärfilm för att öka verklighetsintrycket. Slutsatsen blir att filmerna å ena sidan har en tydlig bakgrund i den svenska guldålderns litterära tradition, å andra sidan estetiskt och produktionsmässigt i mångt och mycket tillhör det sena 60-talets nyskapande kulturella våg. / The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to contextualize and historicize the production of The Emigrants (1971) and The New Land (1972), through arhival material. The films were made simultaneously and had a budget of 74 million Swedish Krona, adjusted for inflation, making them the Swedish film industry's biggest investment of the 20th century. How was a production of such scope planned and executed? The process is mapped out in order to draw conclusions around Sweden's cultural climate at the time, its film world and its technological developments. The archival material is taken from Svenska Filminstitutets biblioteksarkiv (The Swedish Film Institute's Library archive) and can be divided threefold:  Manussamlingen (the script collection), Bengt Forslund's personal archive, och Bildarkivet (the image archive). Using this material the events of the production are narrated in detail, completed by additional oral history given by the films' cast and crew. The production valued fidelity to reality above all and almost all scenes were shot on location, at historical sites or in nature, often with local amateur actors playing the minor parts. In addition, Jan Troell's role as director, photographer and editor is studied through Bill Nichols' theory of documentary modes, focusing on Troell's use of traits from the observational and participatory documentary modes to strengthen the impression of reality. In conclusion, the thesis finds that while the films are evidently a part of the literary tradition that goes back to the Swedish Golden Age, their aesthetics and means of production are closely tied to the innovative cultural wave of the late 60s.

The immune response to yellow fever vaccination in aged individuals

Schulz, Axel 19 July 2016 (has links)
Mit zunehmendem Alter verringert sich die Fähigkeit des menschlichen Organismus Infektionen erfolgreich zu bekämpfen und, z.B. nach Impfung, einen protektiven Schutz aufzubauen. Es wird vermutet, dass die Alterung des Immunsystems eine Rolle dabei spielt. Wichtige Ergebnisse liefern dazu vor allem tierexperimentelle Studien, welche jedoch die Komplexität menschlicher Immunität nur bedingt abbilden. Nur ansatzweise erforscht ist der Einfluss immunologischer Alterungsprozesse auf die primäre Immunantwort im Menschen. Um ein besseres Verständnis über primäre Immunantworten im Alter zu erlangen, haben wir junge (n=11, Med=26 Jahre) und ältere (n=12, Med=60 Jahre) Erwachsene mit einem viralen Erreger experimentell infiziert und die akute Immunreaktion und Entwicklung langlebiger Protektion eingehend untersucht. Dafür verwendeten wir den attenuierten Lebendimpfstoff gegen Gelbfieber, der ein hervorragendes Modelsystem darstellt um anti-virale Primärantworten im Menschen zu erforschen. Wir konnten zeigen, dass ältere Impflinge weniger Gelbfiebervirus-(GFV)-neutralisierende Antikörper produzierten, schwächere GFV-spezifische CD8+ T-Zellantworten erzeugten und quantitativ als auch qualitativ veränderte GFV-spezifische CD4+ T-Zellantworten generierten. Zudem wiesen ältere Impflinge häufiger eine vergleichsweise späte Virämie auf. Unsere systembiologische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die niedrige Zahl von frisch aus dem Thymus ausgewanderten naiven CD4+ T Zellen, sogenannten CD4+ Recent thymic emigrants, sowie der Mangel an dendritischen Zellen vor bzw. am Beginn der Infektion ausschlaggebend für die schlechtere Immunreaktion und niedrigere Langzeit-Immunität bei Älteren war. Daraus schließen wir, dass in älteren Menschen die Verfügbarkeit eines breiten Repertoires naiver CD4+ T-Zellen und eine effektive Induktion des angeborenen Immunsystems in der frühen Phase einer primären Infektion kritisch für die akute Abwehr viraler Erreger und die Ausbildung protektiver Immunität ist. / The immunological competence to fight infections and to generate protective immunity, for example upon vaccination, progressively declines with advancing age. Although the aged immune system has been extensively studied at steady state and in aged animal models, there is only rudimentary understanding on how aging affects the immune response to a primary infection in humans. Involving complex individual systemic immune properties, such investigations have been very challenging particularly with the given restrictions of experimental infections in humans. In our study, we explored age-related changes in human immunity during experimental, primary immunization with live-attenuated yellow fever (YF) vaccine. In 11 young (median age: 26 years) and 12 elderly (median age: 60 years) vaccinees, we assessed individual viral burden and compared humoral and cellular immunity by advanced flow cytometric analysis over the entire course of the acute infection and up to 3 years after it. We discovered that aged subjects developed fewer neutralizing antibodies, mounted diminished YF-specific CD8+ T-cell responses and showed quantitatively and qualitatively altered YF-specific CD4+ T-cell immunity. A comparatively late peak in YF viremia suggested impaired infection control and viral clearance in the elderly. Among numerous immune signatures, low in vivo numbers of naive CD4+ recent thymic emigrants (CD4+ RTE) prior immunization and peripheral dendritic cells (DCs) in the early phase of the innate response phase were indicative for reduced acute responsiveness and altered long-term persistence of human cellular immunity to YF vaccination in the elderly. Thus, we reveal by this study that essential elements of immune responses such as CD4+ RTEs and DCs affect productive immunity in the elderly, explaining conclusively diminished responsiveness to vaccination with neo-antigens and infection with de novo pathogens in aged people.

Rethinking notion of journalism ethics in the reportage of 2008 xenophobic attacks: the case of Sowetan and Daily Sun newspapers

Bakare, Sunday Adegboyega 11 1900 (has links)
This study aims to draw on some of the ethical guidelines enshrined in the South African Press Code (SAPC 2007:10). This SAPC states that “the press shall be obliged to report news truthfully, accurately, fairly and in a balanced manner, without any intentional or negligent departure from the facts”. This insight is used in order to analyse the way in which the 2008 xenophobic attacks were reported in South Africa by the Sowetan and Daily Sun newspapers. Overall, the findings show that the two newspapers adhered to the South African Press Code (2007), and were ethical in their 2008 news reports. This specifically contradicts the dominant perception of most mainstream newspaper readers, who thought that, the Daily Sun is just a tabloid newspaper which “represents the lowest standard of journalism” (Wasserman 2012:1), because of its sensational crime and sex stories. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication)

Rethinking notion of journalism ethics in the reportage of 2008 xenophobic attacks: the case of Sowetan and Daily Sun newspapers

Bakare, Sunday Adegboyega 11 1900 (has links)
This study aims to draw on some of the ethical guidelines enshrined in the South African Press Code (SAPC 2007:10). This SAPC states that “the press shall be obliged to report news truthfully, accurately, fairly and in a balanced manner, without any intentional or negligent departure from the facts”. This insight is used in order to analyse the way in which the 2008 xenophobic attacks were reported in South Africa by the Sowetan and Daily Sun newspapers. Overall, the findings show that the two newspapers adhered to the South African Press Code (2007), and were ethical in their 2008 news reports. This specifically contradicts the dominant perception of most mainstream newspaper readers, who thought that, the Daily Sun is just a tabloid newspaper which “represents the lowest standard of journalism” (Wasserman 2012:1), because of its sensational crime and sex stories. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication)

Tyskar i Kalmartrakten : En etnologisk studie av berättelser om historia, identitet och tillhörighet

Johnsson, Barbro January 2009 (has links)
The study deals with the life stories of six women and four men who were born in Germany and who now live in Sweden.  Its purpose is to examine the histories of those who grew up in Germany during and after the Nazi era, their descriptions of their lives and experiences during childhood and adolescence, and how they regard their encounters with Swedish people, and the ways in which these encounters have affected their ways of describing the growth of their attachment to this country. The main approach is a narrative analysis focussing on the interview interaction and the wider social and political contexts of their life stories. When speaking of their lives in the two countries they show varying degrees of attachment to the places involved. This is why I use the term “travellers” when describing how their feelings of “belonging” change. The theoretical concepts used are those of habitus and capitals derived from Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of practice, and Marianne Horsdal’s view that people often refer to the idea of a “good life” when relating their life stories. This concept can of course vary widely from one person to another. Nine of the group emigrated to Sweden voluntarily; the remaining one came here as a refugee after the end of the second World War.  The older ones - born between 1920 and 1940 - have memories of their early years in Nazi Germany and of the wartime period. The younger ones, born after 1950, have differing memories of childhood and adolescence spent in East and West Germany. Some of them lost close relatives during the war.  Those who came to Sweden during the late 1940s and the 1950s were met with very negative attitudes from some Swedes, while the later immigrants were treated with respect. / Tyskland i Sverige och Sverige i Tyskland

Canada, inc. the relevance of ideology to the emergence of a capitalist social formation in Rupert's Land and the Indian territories of British North America, 1852 TO 1885

Sanders, Storm Lee 22 December 2010
This thesis looks at the relevance of ideology to the emergence of capitalist social formation in Ruperts Land and the North West between 1852 and 1885 in two contexts: 1) as a mechanism of transforming the mercantilist social formation - the economy, state, and society - that arose to oversee the fur trade in Ruperts Land and the Indian Territory between 1670 and 1870; and 2) its role in establishing capitalist social formation in the North West up to 1885. I focus on the social processes by which ideology is transmitted and its significance to the emerging formation. I attempt to explain how a diverse group of politicians, bankers, investors, merchants, and industrialists took control of vast, resource-rich, and occupied territories like Ruperts Land and the North West and completely transformed the existing social arrangements according to their worldview. This thesis engages Marxist theory to examine the ideas of John A. Macdonald, Alexander Mackenzie, and Edward Blake as heads of the eastern polity, state, central government, and official opposition, and the representatives of commercial, financial, and industrial factions of the bourgeoisie. Over six hundred primary samples of their discourses in the form of political speeches, historical debates, and personal correspondence were reviewed in this research. The major themes emerging from the analysis pertain to the ideological underpinnings of a capitalist worldview in terms of the relevance of law and Christianity to the colonization and civilization of emigrant and indigenous peoples in the North West. It was also found that while politicians disseminate the worldview of their class and faction, they rely significantly on the support of capital and the producing classes to implement their ideas and establish, legitimize, and reproduce the conditions and relations of capitalism. When Macdonald and Mackenzie failed to rally consent for capitalism among local peoples in the North West, ideological coercion became the means of transforming the necessary social, economic, and political structures. I suggest that the use of force (rather than cooperation) to organize agricultural society in Saskatchewan has had long-term consequences for emigrant and indigenous peoples alike.

Canada, inc. the relevance of ideology to the emergence of a capitalist social formation in Rupert's Land and the Indian territories of British North America, 1852 TO 1885

Sanders, Storm Lee 22 December 2010 (has links)
This thesis looks at the relevance of ideology to the emergence of capitalist social formation in Ruperts Land and the North West between 1852 and 1885 in two contexts: 1) as a mechanism of transforming the mercantilist social formation - the economy, state, and society - that arose to oversee the fur trade in Ruperts Land and the Indian Territory between 1670 and 1870; and 2) its role in establishing capitalist social formation in the North West up to 1885. I focus on the social processes by which ideology is transmitted and its significance to the emerging formation. I attempt to explain how a diverse group of politicians, bankers, investors, merchants, and industrialists took control of vast, resource-rich, and occupied territories like Ruperts Land and the North West and completely transformed the existing social arrangements according to their worldview. This thesis engages Marxist theory to examine the ideas of John A. Macdonald, Alexander Mackenzie, and Edward Blake as heads of the eastern polity, state, central government, and official opposition, and the representatives of commercial, financial, and industrial factions of the bourgeoisie. Over six hundred primary samples of their discourses in the form of political speeches, historical debates, and personal correspondence were reviewed in this research. The major themes emerging from the analysis pertain to the ideological underpinnings of a capitalist worldview in terms of the relevance of law and Christianity to the colonization and civilization of emigrant and indigenous peoples in the North West. It was also found that while politicians disseminate the worldview of their class and faction, they rely significantly on the support of capital and the producing classes to implement their ideas and establish, legitimize, and reproduce the conditions and relations of capitalism. When Macdonald and Mackenzie failed to rally consent for capitalism among local peoples in the North West, ideological coercion became the means of transforming the necessary social, economic, and political structures. I suggest that the use of force (rather than cooperation) to organize agricultural society in Saskatchewan has had long-term consequences for emigrant and indigenous peoples alike.

"Sea Kaffirs" ou "Brancos Coloniais" : a marcha contra o crime e os paradoxos da presença portuguesa na Africa do Sul

Silva, Marcos Toffoli Simoens da 31 August 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Omar Ribeiro Thomaz / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T23:45:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_MarcosToffoliSimoensda_M.pdf: 12468726 bytes, checksum: 9c596867d33a718098fa3a1eaf404d2e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: A eleição de Nelson Mandela à Presidência da República, em 1994, conduziu ao fim do sistema segregacionista sul-africano, iniciando o processo de reconstrução nacional em bases não-raciais. As alterações políticas não significaram, no entanto, a destituição da categoria colonial "raça" dos processos de identificação e definição dos indivíduos, o que significa dizer que o passado colonial africano continua presente nas relações sociais e entre Estado e sociedade civil. Assim, "ser branco" é associado com o passado de privilégios e opressão, ao mesmo tempo em que "ser negro" é associado à luta pela liberdade e comprometimento com o governo. Nesse contexto, analisamos os dilemas da comunidade portuguesa da África do Sul e seus significados no novo regime político. Com isso, exploramos a complexidade do processo sul-africano, através de um debate constante entre passado e futuro, apartheid e desracialização, colonialismo e democracia / Abstract: Nelson Mandela's election to the South African presidency, in 1994, put an end to the apartheid regime and started a non-racial national re-building processo The political changes, however, didn't imply that the identification processes and the individual definitions abolished the colonial category "race", which means that the African colonial past is still alive in the social relationships and in the debate between the government and the civil society. In this sense, "being white" is associated to a past of privilege and oppression; "being black", at the same time, is linked to the struggle for freedom and the commitment to the government. In this context, we studied the dilemmas of the Portuguese community of South Africa and their meanings for the new political regime. In short, we explored the post-apartheid complexities, through the constant debate between past and future, apartheid and non-racialism, colonialism and democracy / Mestrado / Mestre em Antropologia Social

Od lingvistických anomálií k subverzi moci: Narušování jazyka moci a vyjádření vykořeněnosti skrze střídání a míšení jazyků v literatuře / From Linguistic Aberration to the Subversion of Power: Literary Code-switching and Code-mixing as Tools for Upsetting the Language of Power and Expressing Expatriation

Zelenková, Alena January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores literary code-switching, i.e. multilingual aspects within a single speech, as a key polyphonic structural element in the selected works. First, it analyzes Gloria Anzaldúa's Borderlands: The New Mestiza = La Frontera (1987) as a work, where the author seeks to establish a literary tradition that would reflect the life in borderlands and the given community through a new language. Secondly, the language of photography and multilingual speech patterns in W. G. Sebald's The Emigrants (1992) are considered as vital elements of the authenticity play. The following chapter deals with Franz Kafka's short stories, where gestures form an essential part of, if not the whole stories, and determine the fragmentary nature of such writing. Finally, the importance of language of power, the discourse of social realism altogether with their emergence into private and intimate discussions through repetitions and variations is commented upon in Václav Havel's play The Garden Party (1963).

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