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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studying user experience: issues and problems of mobile services:– Case ADAMOS: User experience (im)possible to catch?

Arhippainen, L. (Leena) 28 April 2009 (has links)
Abstract User experience has become a popular term in research and industry. There has been a great attempt to study and design user experiences. This thesis gives a practical view to user experience studies and methods by reporting test settings and results of the ADAMOS case studies. The goal of the ADAMOS project was to investigate context- and action-sensitive services in terms of how users experience when the system can detect one’s location and actions, and then adjust according to this information. The aim of this thesis is to investigate problems and issues in studying user experiences of mobile services and to find out in which conditions the study of user experience is possible and meaningful. As a contribution this thesis provides practical information for conducting user experience studies and evaluating experiences. The first contribution is a framework (U2E-Frame), which I created and improved iteratively in each test case. The framework is method-independent and it can be used for planning and conducting tests. The second contribution of the thesis is the practical view to all methods that are created, applied, presented and evaluated in this thesis. Especially during this thesis work three novel methods (Mobile Feedback, 3E-Diary and SUE methodology) have been developed and evaluated. The evaluation of the research methods illustrates that the best practice to study user experience is to use several methods together. This enables deeper understanding of user experiences. As the third contribution of this thesis I introduce a proposal of ten user experience heuristics for design and evaluation of user experiences. The aim of these heuristics is to enable designers to understand what meaning user experience has in product design. Developers can use these heuristics for designing and evaluating user experience aspects in product design. This thesis presents the main challenges in user experience research: know what to study (comprehensive user experience), know how to study it (find appropriate methods) and know how to evaluate and design it (user experience heuristics). An answer to the research problem is that it is both possible and meaningful to study user experience when we know user experience targets, and features of the services we want to investigate, and we can use the most appropriate methods, ensure the participant’s commitment to the test and ensure analysing relationships between results collected with different methods.


Bengtson, Marit, Thor, Ylva January 2008 (has links)
Graviditetsförlust i form av tidiga missfall är en vanlig diagnos i sjukvården. En mer sällsynt diagnos är utomkvedshavandeskap som kan ha ett dramatiskt förlopp och vara direkt livshotande. Sjuksköterskan kan inom flera olika områden i sjuk-vården träffa på kvinnor som har råkat ut för någon av dessa förluster och behöver omvårdnad. Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att ta reda på vad eventuell forsk-ning visade angående kvinnors känslomässiga upplevelser vid graviditetsförlust samt att ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv belysa kvinnors reaktioner på vården. För att uppnå syftet gjordes en litteraturöversikt enligt Friberg (2006). Resultatet ledde fram till tre teman; Känslomässiga upplevelser, Hur dessa hanterades och Reak-tioner på omvårdnaden. Kvinnorna upplevde graviditetsförlusten olika men gemensamt för dem var att bemötandet från vårdpersonalen hade betydelse för hur de känslomässigt hanterade situationen. Om vårdpersonalen var sympatisk, enga-gerad och hade tid för dem klarade de av att hantera situationen på ett bättre sätt än när personalens bemötande upplevdes känslokallt och rutinmässigt. Resultatet diskuterades i förhållande till Travelbees omvårdnadsfilosofi. Kvinnorna behöver ges omvårdnad utgående från varje enskild individs unika situation. Det är en patientkategori som oftast har kort vårdtid vilket gör det till en utmaning för sjuk-sköterskor att i omvårdnaden hinna bemöta dem individuellt och uppfatta deras behov. / Pregnancy loss and early miscarriage are common adverse outcome in pregnancy. A more rare diagnosis is ectopic pregnancy that can be very dramatic and life-threatening. Nurses from different areas in hospitals meet women in need of care after such a loss. The purpose of this literature review was to find out what the research show about women’s emotional experience of pregnancy loss and from a nursing view find out how the women experienced the care they received. To reach the purpose, a literature review was done according to Friberg (2006). The results showed three different themes; Emotional experiences, How the women coped with the emotional experiences and How the women reacted to the care given. The women experienced the pregnancy loss differently but they had one thing in common: The way they handled the situation depended on how the health professional treated them. If the caregivers were sympathetic, compassionate and gave time to the women they coped a lot better than if the caregivers were insensi-tive, callous and showed a matter of fact attitude. The result is discussed in rela-tion to Travelbees nursing philosophy. The women need to be provided with targeted care. The care must be based on every woman’s individual needs. These patients often spend a very short time at the hospital with short time for treatment witch leads the nurses to a challenge of how to get the time to treat every woman individually. This would lead to a better understanding for the women’s needs

Emotion Experience to Expression: Influence of Psychopathy, Expression Suppression, and Working Memory

Monaghan, Keira 01 January 2020 (has links)
The intent of this thesis is to explore the perceived discrepancies between individual scores of psychopathy, particularly the division of primary and secondary psychopathy, and how such scores may moderate the relationship of one's emotional experiences with the corresponding emotional expression. There is evidence to consider that a person's working memory ability and/or volitional suppression of expression may also moderate this relationship and result in constricted emotional expression, a trait often found in primary psychopathy. Undergraduate participants completed the study online, and after exclusions, a final sample size of 126 participants (62.7% women) was used in analyses. An initial linear regression found that primary psychopathy severity showed a negative relationship with performance on a visuo-spatial n-back test of working memory. While age did not relate to expression, women reported a greater strength of expression for both negative and positive emotions than men. Using hierarchical linear regressions, a significant four-way interaction was found between primary psychopathy severity, working memory performance, degree of volitional expression suppression, and internal emotional experience, in predicting the strength of expressing negative emotions. Analysis of simple effects revealed that, for participants scoring higher in primary psychopathy (n = 63), there was a significant three-way interaction for experience of negative emotions, the use of emotional suppression, and working memory performance in predicting the strength of expressing negative emotions. Simple effects of this interaction showed that for a subgroup who were higher in primary psychopathy and volitional suppression of emotional expression (n = 25), there was significant negative relationship between the frequency of experiencing negative emotions and the strength of expressing those emotions. There were no significant interactions involving secondary psychopathy severity or variables relating to positive emotions in any regression. The findings of this study could be useful for future research on psychopathy as it relates to understanding the characteristics and functioning of individuals with psychopathy.

Toppar och dalar efter njurtransplantation : Njurtransplanterade patienters känslor och upplevelser: en litteraturöversikt / Highs and lows after renal transplantation : Kidney transplanted patients emotions and experiences: a literature review

Sandkvist, Adelina, Sörmdal Hellström, Elisa January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Njurtransplantation är det medicinskt bästa behandlingsalternativet vid terminal njursvikt. 'Quality of life’ ökar efter en transplantation men når inte upp till samma nivåer som hos en frisk befolkning. Mottagaren av en njure kan även uppleva ångest och depression. En djupare inblick i vad som orsakar dessa känslor, samt vilka andra känslor en njurtransplanterad patient kan uppleva, är av värde för att sjuksköterskan ska kunna bemöta och stötta dessa individer.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva känslor och upplevelser efter att ha genomgått njurtransplantation från en levande eller avliden donator. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt baserad på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar, med kvalitativ ansats, publicerade i PubMed eller CINAHL. Samtliga artiklar kvalitetsgranskas med SBU:s mall för kvalitativa studier och analyserades med en induktiv ansats. Resultat: Resultatet i denna litteraturöversikt baseras på 12 kvalitativa originalartiklar utförda i 7 olika länder. Tre huvudkategorier med 7 underkategorier återfanns. Huvudkategorierna var: 1. Den inre resans toppar och dalar, 2. En bergochdalbana av känslor gentemot donatorn, 3. Integrering och isolering i sociala relationer. Arbetet fann att deltagarna upplevde en bred variation av känslor som hopp, frihet, nedstämdhet och rädsla. Det var vanligt förekommande med komplexa känslor gentemot donatorn där både tacksamhet och skuld kunde existera samtidigt. I relation till omgivningen upplevde många avsaknad av stöd, medan andra kände stöd från familj, vänner eller andra njurtransplanterade. Slutsats: Njurtransplanterade patienter kan uppleva en bred variation av känslor. Återkommande utmaningar i livet efter transplantation kan vara förändringar kring ens identitet, rädslor för framtiden, skuld gentemot donatorn och upplevelser av att inte känna sig förstådd av omgivningen. Sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll i att bemöta och stötta dessa patienter. / Background: Kidney transplantation is the best medical treatment option for end-stage renal failure. Quality of life improves after a transplant but does not reach the same levels as in a healthy population. Kidney recipients may also experience anxiety and depression. A deeper understanding of the causes of these emotions, as well as the range of other emotions experienced by kidney transplant patients, is valuable for nurses to be able to address and support these individuals. Aim: The aim was to describe the emotions and experiences following kidney transplantation from a living or deceased donor. Method: A general literature review based on 12 scientific articles, using a qualitative approach, published in PubMed or CINAHL. All articles were assessed for quality using the SBU’s template for qualitative studies and analyzed using an inductive approach. Result: The findings in this literature review are based on 12 qualitative original articles conducted in 7 different countries. Three main categories with 7 subcategories were identified. The main categories were: 1. Highs and lows of the inner journey, 2. A rollercoaster of emotions towards the donor, 3. Integration and isolation in social relationships. The study found that participants experienced a wide range of emotions including hope, freedom, distress, and fear. Complex emotions towards the donor, where both gratitude and guilt could coexist simultaneously, were common. In relation to the surroundings, many experienced a lack of support, while others felt supported by family, friends, or other kidney transplant recipients. Conclusion: Kidney transplant patients may experience a wide range of emotions. Recurring challenges in life after transplantation can include changes in one’s identity, fears for the future, guilt towards the donor, and experiences of not feeling understood by others. The nurse plays a crucial role in acknowledging and supporting these patients.

“Vem tillät dig att bli arg? Du!”  Kvalitativ studie av psykoterapiprocesser i Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy / “Who allowed you to be angry? You!”  Qualitative Study of Psychotherapy Processes in Emotional Awareness and Expressive Therapy

Csikos, Ebba, Zackéusson, Elvira January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Studiens syfte var att undersöka psykoterapiprocesser innan och under känslomässig upplevelse (EE) i en en-sessionsbehandling av Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET), samt att beskriva hur vi kan förstå dessa. Ämnet valdes att studeras då det är eftersträvansvärt att undersöka hur processvariabler förhåller sig i interaktionella sekvenser. Dessutom har psykoterapiprocesser inte tidigare studerats i en EAET-behandling. Att förstå psykoterapiprocesser som föregår EE i en EAET-behandling kan generera hypoteser samt öka intresset för utforskandet av möjliga processer och mekanismer involverade i EE inom psykoterapi. Metod: Denna kvalitativa studies data samlades in från tio inspelade intervjuer som härstammade från KOSMOS-projektet, vilket var en vetenskaplig studie som studerade känslofokuserade digitala interventioner för patienter med medicinskt oförklarade kroppsliga symtom (MOS) med hög primärvårdskonsumtion. Samtliga deltagare genomförde Life-stress intervjun, vilket är en en-sessionsbehandling som fokuserar på att patienten berättar om, utforskar och uttrycker emotioner. För att urskilja EE i data användes kodningsinstrumentet Narrative-Emotion Process Coding System 2.0 (NEPCS 2.0), vilket spårar sekvenser där patienter upplever känslor, integrerar nya känslomässiga upplevelser och fångar reflekterande processer. Urskilda sekvenser transkriberades och analyserades med kvalitativ tematisk analys. Resultat: Resultatdel ett presenterade tio teman med tillhörande subteman i ett kodningsschema. Teman var Känslor, Frågor och reflektion, Tolkning, Förklaring, Upprepning, Bekräftelse, Visualisering, Motstridighet, Sammanfattning och Testa nytt beteende. Teman var olika återkommande och var olika gynnsamma utifrån studiens frågeställning. Resultatdel två presenterade samband mellan teman. Vi identifierade bland annat att subteman ofta följde efter varandra samt att teman stundtals var svåra att särskilja. Diskussion: I diskussionen förde vi ett resonemang gällande de urskilda psykoterapiprocesserna och dess eventuella koppling till EE, samt kring identifierade mönster inom och mellan de olika teman. Vissa teman identifierades vara eller likna vedertagna terapeutiska interventioner. Trots att inga kausala samband kunde dras från resultatet genererades hypoteser för framtida processforskning kring det potentiella sambandet mellan funna psykoterapiprocesser och EE. Med hänvisning till det nuvarande forskningsläget antas det viktigt att fortsatt undersöka detta. / Background: This study aimed to investigate psychotherapy processes before and during emotional experiencing (EE) in a single-session treatment with Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET), and to describe how we can understand these processes. The topic was chosen because it is desirable to examine how process variables relate in interactional sequences. Additionally, no previous studies have investigated psychotherapy processes in an EAET treatment. Understanding psychotherapy processes preceding EE in an EAET treatment can generate hypotheses and increase interest for future research exploring possible processes and mechanisms involved in EE within psychotherapy. Method: This qualitative study included data from ten recorded interviews which originated from the KOSMOS project, which studied emotion-focused digital interventions for patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) with high primary care consumption. All participants underwent the Life-stress interview, which is a single-session treatment focusing on the patient narrating, exploring, and expressing emotions. To identify EE in the data, the Narrative-Emotion Process Coding System 2.0 (NEPCS 2.0) was used. It tracks sequences where participants experience emotions, integrate new emotional experiences, and capture reflective processes. The identified sequences were transcribed and analyzed using qualitative thematic analysis. Results: The first part of the results presents ten themes with corresponding subthemes in a coding scheme. The themes were Emotions, Questions and reflection, Interpretation, Explanation, Repetition, Confirmation, Visualization, Contradiction, Summary, and Testing new behavior. The themes varied in occurrence and were considered differently favorable based on the study's research questions. The second part of the results presents connections between themes. Among other findings, we identified that subthemes often followed each other and that themes were sometimes difficult to distinguish from one another. Discussion: In the discussion, we reasoned about the distinguished psychotherapy processes and its possible connection to EE. We also discussed identified patterns within and between the different themes. Some themes were identified as being or resembling established therapeutic interventions. Although no causal relationships could be drawn from the results, we generated hypotheses for future process research about the potential relation between psychotherapy processes and EE. With reference to the current state of research, it is assumed important to continue investigating this.

Attention Style and Appreciation: The Differences between Gratitude and Indebtedness

Mathews, Maureen A. 01 January 2007 (has links)
Gratitude and indebtedness are construed as separate constructs in recent research.It is hypothesized by this thesis that self-focused attention affects feelings of gratitude and indebtedness. Focusing less attention on the self, thus turning attention resources outward, may allow for the experience of gratitude, whereas focusing inward may create feelings of indebtedness. Two studies examined how focusing one's attention inward may be related to indebtedness, whereas being focused outward may be related to gratitude. A correlational study showed that people who self-focus tend to feel more indebtedness and less gratitude. An experiment was designed to show that manipulating social anxiety, a specific type of self-focused attention, would increase feelings of indebtedness and decrease feelings of gratitude. However, no significant differences of indebtedness or gratitude were found between the experimental condition and control condition.

The moderating role of service design attributes in females' fear of crime in the underground

Kim, Hyunjin January 2015 (has links)
A great number of female passengers appear to feel fear of crime in underground railways and appear to be affected by the problem in terms of their frequency of use of the underground service, compared to males. However, although it has been dealt with as a problem to be ameliorated in the underground by Transport for London (TFL), how the service is designed to affect their fear and what factors should be taken into account in underground service design to alleviate fear of crime have not been fully answered to date. This research, therefore, aims to identify the influential factors of service design of the underground on female users’ fear of crime by investigating the features and their configurations of the London Underground service, which mediate the user groups’ fear. In order to identify the influential design attributes of the London Underground, which mediate female users’ fear of crime in situations, first, literature on emotion and fear, gender and sex, and service design and the elements of service are reviewed to find the intersection among the research domains. Based on the theoretical foundation, two user studies are designed to identify the role of female users’ gender in the underground and the influential factors of the underground service on the groups’ fear. Thirty one female user interviews are accordingly conducted and analysed in an ‘abductive’ manner. As a result, the mechanisms of female users’ fear of crime in the underground are revealed and the service design attributes in the mechanism are identified. Consequently, a conceptual model of the influential factors of service design on female users’ fear of crime is developed.

Mulheres na pris?o: Estudo Psicanal?tico sobre um document?rio Brasileiro / Women in Prison: Psychoanalytic Study About Brazilian Documentary

Chinalia, Maria Julia Souza 13 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Julia Souza Chinalia.pdf: 1204996 bytes, checksum: 3415a91dc589e9faca0acce1cc050392 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-13 / The present essay intends to investigate, in a psychoanalytic view, the emotional experience of women who are serving sentences after being judged under rule of law situations. It is justified as to achieve emotional comprehension over these people can shed some light on the way particular, adverse, oppressive conditions reflect themselves over individual subjectivities. The research is organized, methodologically, as a case study by means of the psychoanalytic approaching of a Brazilian documentary entitled "Hist?rias de Daluana" (2007). Successive exposure to the movie, accompanied by the audio transcription, allowed the interpretative production of the following affective-emotional sense fields, or relative unconscious: "Personal Value", "Bride-Girl", "Business Woman" and "Disconcerting Mother". We finished this research stablishing a dialog between Winnicot s theory about deprivation and delinquency. The overall picture points that the enterviewee's emotional experience is mainly based over the feeling of humiliation, from which she tries to defend herself in various ways, using more or less conservative imaginations. Within the limits imposed by the embraced investigative proceeding, this research carries comprehensive reflections and leads to questionings that can enlighten similar situations. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar psicanaliticamente a experi?ncia emocional de mulheres que est?o em cumprimento de pena ap?s julgamentos em situa??es de estado de direito. Justifica-se na medida em que a conquista de compreens?o emocional, sobre estas pessoas, pode lan?ar luz sobre o modo como condi??es concretas desfavor?veis e opressivas se refletem sobre subjetividades individuais. A pesquisa se organiza, metodologicamente, como estudo de caso, por meio da abordagem psicanal?tica de um document?rio brasileiro, intitulado Hist?rias de Daluana (2007). Sucessivas exposi??es ao filme, acompanhadas pela transcri??o do ?udio, permitiram a produ??o interpretativa dos seguintes campos de sentido afetivo-emocional, que se articulam indicando a centralidade da experi?ncia de humilha??o social: Valor Pessoal , "Menina-Noiva", Mulher de Neg?cios e M?e Desconcertante . Finalizamos estabelecendo uma interlocu??o com a teoria winnicottiana, para propor que a reconhecida vincula??o entre priva??o e delinqu?ncia deve ser completada, na compreens?o de casos an?logos ao aqui considerado, pela inclus?o da problem?tica da humilha??o social, na medida em que este ? o foco do sofrimento da entrevistada, que gera diferentes defesas, que utilizam elementos de imagin?rios mais ou menos conservadores. Nos limites impostos pelo procedimento investigativo adotado, essa pesquisa suporta reflex?es compreensivas e suscita indaga??es que podem iluminar situa??es an?logas.

A História da menina-morta: (des)esperança de adolescentes em situação de precariedade social / The history of the dead-girl: Hope(less) teens in a situation of precariousness

Barcelos, Tomíris Forner 26 May 2014 (has links)
Visamos, ao realizar a presente pesquisa, investigar psicanaliticamente a experiência emocional de adolescentes que defrontam-se com situações de morte de coetâneos com os quais convivem proximamente. A partir de uma rede de contatos institucionais, derivados de pesquisas anteriores, realizadas nos últimos cinco anos, obtivemos informação acerca da ocorrência de um acidente que vitimou uma adolescente. Contatamos a organização não governamental, dedicada ao cuidado de adolescentes de favelas, em que a vítima frequentava atividades grupais. Organizamos a investigação distinguindo, metodologicamente, procedimentos investigativos de configuração, registro e interpretação do acontecer com os participantes e procedimento investigativo de interlocução reflexiva. Configuramos dois tipos diferentes para esses encontros: visitas institucionais e entrevista coletiva estruturada ao redor do uso do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias com Tema. Elaboramos, posteriormente, narrativas transferenciais que, consideradas conjuntamente com os desenhos e histórias, permitiram a produção interpretativa de quatro campos de sentido afetivo-emocional ou inconscientes relativos: Quem será o próximo?, Preso no acontecer, Mais do mesmo e Por nossa conta e risco. Finalizando o trabalho, estabelecemos interlocuções reflexivas que nos levam a considerar que a experiência de morte de coetâneos tende a ser significada em sentido que reforça crenças na impossibilidade de futuro favorável e esperançoso. Tais crenças associam-se à percepção clara de sua inserção social desfavorecida em um país periférico do capitalismo globalizado. O quadro geral requer ações afirmativas, favorecendo a constituição de ambientes familiares e sociais que possam sustentar o amadurecimento pessoal segundo uma ética de respeito à vida humana / We aim, in this research, investigate psychoanalytically the emotional experience of adolescents that, from pronounced social precariousness, faced with death situations of peers with whom they live closely. From a network of institutional contacts, derived from previous research conducted in the last five years, we obtained information about the occurrence of an accident that killed a teenager. We contacted the non-governmental organization dedicated to the care of adolescents in slums, where the victim attended group activities. We organized this research distinguishing methodologically investigative procedures of configuration, registration and interpretation of inter-human occur. We configure two different types of meeting participants: institutional visits and press conference structured around the use of Thematic Story-Drawing. Elaborated later transference narratives which considered together with drawings and stories, allowed the production of four comprehensive field of affective-emotional sense or unconscious relative: \"Who will be the next\", Stuck in place, \"More of the same\" and \"By our peril.. Finishing work, we established reflective dialogues that lead us to consider that the experience of death in adolescents tends to be meant as evidence that reinforces belief in the impossibility of favorable and hopeful future. The overall picture demand a vehement criticism of all psychological reductionism. Moreover, it requires affirmative action favoring the formation of family and social environments that can sustain personal growth according to an ethic of respect for human life

Upplevelsen av att vänta på en organtransplantation / The experience of waiting for an organ transplantation

Dahl, Sandra, Jönsson Sträng, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Få områden inom dagens medicin står inför så många och svåra etiska problem som transplantationskirurgin. De svårt sjuka människor som får möjligheten att genomgå en transplantation får chansen till ett nytt liv. Det är viktigt att sätta sig in i hur patienten upplever väntan för att som vårdpersonal kunna ge ett bra bemötande och en god omvårdnad. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att ur ett patientperspektiv beskriva den känslomässiga upplevelsen av att vänta på en organtransplantation.Metod: Litteraturstudien bygger på åtta kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Att vänta på en organtransplantation beskrevs som smärtsamt samtidigt som det gav patienterna tid att förbereda sig. Sjukvården kunde hjälpa till att hantera väntan genom att anpassa informationen till varje individs tempo och behov. Stöd från familj,sjukvårdspersonal och medpatienter var viktigt för att orka vänta på transplantationen. Att bli placerad på transplantationslistan gav patienterna en ny chans och ett nytt hopp. Patienterna pratade om betydelsen av att göra varje dag meningsfull. Diskussion:Resultatet har knutits samman med Aaron Antonovskys hälsoteori KASAM som utgårfrån de tre centrala begreppen, Begriplighet, Hanterbarhet och Meningsfullhet. Slutsats:För att omvårdnaden kring transplantationspatienterna ska kunna utvecklas ochförbättras krävs det idag mer forskning. Forskningen är begränsad gällande patientensupplevelse av tiden före en organtransplantation.</p> / <p>Background: Few areas in medicine today are facing so many difficult ethical problems as transplant surgery. The seriously ill people who get the opportunity to undergo a transplant surgery will get the chance for a new life. It is important that health care professionals understand how patients experience waiting so that they can give good treatment and good care. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to describe the emotional experience of waiting for an organ transplant from a patient perspective. Method: The literature study was based on eight research articles with qualitative method. Result: To wait for an organ transplant was described as painful, but at the same time it gave the patients time to prepare. Health care professionals could help the patients deal with the wait by adapting the information to each individual's pace and needs. Support from family, medical staff and fellow-patients were important to get the energy while waiting for the transplantation. To be placed on the transplant list, gave the patients a new chance and new hope. Patients talked about the importance ofmaking each day meaningful. Discussion: The results have been linked together with Aaron Antonovsky’s health theory, KASAM wich is based on three key concepts: Comprehensibility, Manageability and Meaningfulness. Conclusion: Research is limited concerning how patients experience time before an organ transplant. To develop and improve the care to this patient’s requires further research.</p>

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