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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetskraftens rörlighet och klusterdynamik. : En studie av IT- och telekomklustren i Kista och Mjärdevi / Labour mobility and cluster dynamics. : A study of ICT clusters in Kista and Mjärdevi, Sweden.

Bienkowska, Dzamila January 2007 (has links)
Labour mobility can in theory be an efficient channel for knowledge transfer between cluster firms, thus contributing to growth and competitiveness. In the thesis labour mobility in two Swedish ICT clusters is studied. The purpose of the thesis is to develop an understanding of processes of labour mobility in clusters and to investigate whether mobility can be regarded as a cluster advantage. Both interview data and extensive registry data are used in order to analyse processes of mobility at three levels: individual, firm and cluster level. The results show that labour mobility can to some extent be considered a cluster advantage for Swedish ICT firms, since cluster firms are likely to experience a higher level of labour mobility. It is also shown how mobility to and from the clusters contributes to the upgrading of formal competencies within cluster firms. However, the firms themselves are shown to rather focus on staff retention than turnover. To some degree, labour mobility in the Swedish clusters in focus is presumably constrained by the formal institutional framework, as well as by informal rules and agreements between cluster firms. It is argued nonetheless that the sheer potential for mobility and the viability of informal hiring practices in clusters may be viewed as cluster advantages, besides the actual extent of labour mobility.

Ledarskap och personalomsättning inom mäklarföretag med franchisestruktur : kan HRM bidra till minskad personalomsättning?

Modin, Klas, Christin, Pettersson January 2012 (has links)
Syfte Vi vill undersöka om och beskriva hur Human Resource Management kan bidra till minskad personalomsättning inom franchisedrivna fastighetsmäklarorganisationer.   Huvudfrågor: Hur upplever anställda och före detta anställda fastighetsmäklare att personalomsättning påverkar branschen och deras arbetssituation? Hur skulle en mer omfattande organisationsstyrning med inriktning på HRM kunna minska personalomsättning inom fastighetsmäklarorganisationer styrda enligt franchisestruktur? Metod I arbetet hålls ett Hermeneutiskt synsätt. Ämnet personalomsättning och dess orsaker har tidigare behandlats i uppsatser som berör fastighetsmäklarbranschen och vi ser vårt arbete som en vidareutveckling i denna fråga. För att få en uppfattning om hur medarbetare ser på ledarskap och personalomsättning, används den kvalitativa intervjumetoden. Resultat & Slutsats De svar som framkom av intervjuerna med anställda och före detta anställda, visar att det finns en stark oro för personalomsättningen inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Detta påverkar anställda mäklares redan höga arbetsbelastning. Mäklarna känner även en oro över att personalomsättningen kan komma att urholka förtroendet för branschen om detta fortsätter. Ett exempel på detta är att kunder drabbas då det byts personal under pågående försäljningsuppdrag.  Huvudmotivet för användande av HRM i franchisestyrda fastighetsmäklarorganisationer bedömer vi vara möjligheten att bevara organisationens anseende både som attraktiv för anställda samt att de fortfarande har kvar kundernas förtroende. Förslag till fortsatt forskning För att få en bredare syn inom berört område kan fortsatt forskning ur ledarens perspektiv kring ledarskap och personalomsättning undersökas. Även en studie på just lämpligheten av franchiseformen inom denna bransch, där humankapital är enda tillgången, skulle vara intressant att forska vidare kring. Ett annat ämne som organisationer bör uppmärksamma är hur fastighetsmäklarrollen kan anpassas för att kunna behålla personal som blir äldre och skaffar barn? Varför har anställda synen att de inte kan vara kvar inom yrket när de bildar familj? Uppsatsens bidrag Uppsatsen bidrar till att påvisa de faktorer mäklare upplever som hinder för att stanna kvar inom branschen. Genom dessa ges organisationerna ett verktyg för att arbeta fram personalpolitik och strategier för att minska personalomsättningen utifrån ett HRM-perspektiv. / Aim We want to examine if and describe how Human Resource Management can contribute to lowered employee turnover within franchise based real estate organizations. Main questions: How do real estate agents and former real estate agents experience the impact of employee turnover in the sector and in their work situation? How would a more extensive organizational steering with a focus on HRM lower employee turnover within franchised based real estate organizations? Method In the thesis a Hermeneutic approach is used. The subject of employee turnover and its impact has been discussed earlier in other thesis that covers the real estate sector and therefore we view our assignment as a further study on this subject. To get an understanding on how the view of the sector’s employees are regarding leadership and employee turnover, qualitative interviews are used. The main motive to use HRM in franchise based real estate organizations we assess that the possibility should be to maintain the reputation, both as attractive for employees as well as keeping the client’s trust. Result & Conclusions The answers from the questions in the interviews with employees and former employees show that there is a strong concern regarding employee turnover within the real estate sector. It affects the employed real estate agent’s already heavy workload. The real estate agents feel that the employee turnover can weaken the trust for the real estate sector should it continue. One example of this is that clients are affected when employees are exchanged during a sales process. We assess the main motiv for the usage of HRM in franchise controlled real estate organizations to be the possibility to preserve the organizations’ reputation as attracttive for employees as well as keeping the clients’ trust. Suggestions for further research To get a broader view within the chosen subject, further research from a leader’s perspective on leadership and staff turnover can be made. A study regarding the suitability of franchise as organizational form within the sector, where human capital is the only asset, would be interesting to explore.  One important subject that should be observed by organizations is that how the role of the real estate agent can adapt to keep older employees and employees starting families. Why have employees the view that they can’t stay within the profession when they start having families?  Contribution of the thesis The contribution of the thesis shows the factors the real estate agent experiences as obstacles to stay within the sector. Through this the organization is given tools to work up an employee policy and strategies to lower the staff turnover by the use of a HRM.

Job design and wellness in New Zealand Contact Centres: a paradigm shift or same old management? : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the postgraduate degree of Master of Business Studies, Human Resource Management at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Boyte, Karen-Ann January 2009 (has links)
The impact of the Contact Centre workplace upon employee satisfaction or wellness is attracting the attention of researchers across the globe. Over 10 years of research has resulted in recommendations about how Contact Centres should be managed and how the jobs of Contact Centre agents should be designed. There is growing concern that the current practices result in significant psychosocial risk factors which are ultimately harming the Contact Agents and less obviously the bottom line of their organisations through emotional exhaustion, stress, employee absenteeism and turnover. The aim of this study was to explore whether Contact Centre managers were aware of these recommendations, in particular those relating to the design of motivating, satisfying and “healthy” jobs. Using an expanded Job Characteristic Model, this descriptive study explored the level of awareness of New Zealand Contact Centre managers (n=20) regarding the recommendations about the design of jobs, and what changes, if any, have occurred as a result. Where changes have not been forthcoming, the study explored the constraints which were preventing or limiting change. The results of this study indicated that there is a low level of awareness of the research recommendations, that approaches to improving the management and design of Contact Centre agents roles are ad hoc, and that there is a level of resistance in providing agents with autonomy to manage their day to day roles. Some efforts to increase task and skill variety have been made but these are also ad hoc rather than built into the job. As a result of this study, it appears that Contact Centres in New Zealand are still adopting a mass production model of management. This study has implications for Contact Centre managers and senior organisational managers, these are discussed. Limitations of the research, implications for Contact Centre Managements are highlighted and areas for further research are highlighted

Rotatividade, qualidade do emprego e autopercepção da saúde

Jesus, Cleber Souza de 09 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Creuza Silva (mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-14T17:15:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese. Cleber Souza de Jesus. 2015.pdf: 2337242 bytes, checksum: bab24b22993157113734c77182819fe2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Creuza Silva (mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-18T12:39:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese. Cleber Souza de Jesus. 2015.pdf: 2337242 bytes, checksum: bab24b22993157113734c77182819fe2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-18T12:39:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese. Cleber Souza de Jesus. 2015.pdf: 2337242 bytes, checksum: bab24b22993157113734c77182819fe2 (MD5) / Introdução: A rotatividade no trabalho consiste na movimentação de entrada e saída de uma empresa, organização ou condição de ocupação em um determinado intervalo de tempo. Representa, portanto, a dinâmica de participação dos indivíduos no mercado de trabalho. A rotatividade pode ocorrer por iniciativa do trabalhador, o qual se reinsere em um novo emprego rapidamente, ou por término de contrato ou demissão, neste caso é comum o acúmulo de períodos de desemprego. A qualidade do emprego e a qualificação dos trabalhadores são apontados como determinantes para a rotatividade e autopercepção da saúde, independentemente. As condições de emprego e trabalho têm sido reconhecidos como determinantes sociais da saúde, entretanto, as relações entre estes e a saúde ainda são inconclusivas. Objetivos: Esta tese teve por objetivos: 1) identificar fatores sociodemográficos, de saúde e trabalho associados à rotatividade no trabalho; 2) identificar fatores associados à autopercepção negativa da saúde, considerando a rotatividade no trabalho, condições de emprego e trabalho e analisando homens e mulheres separadamente; e 3)verificar a existência de mediação da rotatividade para associação entre a qualidade do emprego e a autopercepção negativa da saúde. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com amostra probabilística domiciliar por conglomerado, de estágio único, com residentes da cidade de Salvador, Bahia, em 2000. A população elegível para o estudo foi de trabalhadores ativos e ocupados com idade entre 18 e 64 anos. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionários individuais. A rotatividade no trabalho nos últimos 12 meses foi categorizada em: sem rotatividade; rotatividade tipo 1, com uma ou mais mudanças e período curto de desemprego; e tipo 2, pelo menos uma e tempo de desemprego acima de seis meses. Foram realizadas análises descritivas com frequências simples e relativa, estimaram-se as medidas de associação entre as covariáveis e a rotatividade no trabalho. Em seguida, realizou-se análise para identificação dos preditores potenciais para autopercepção negativa da saúde. Para verificação do efeito de mediação da rotatividade na associação entre a qualidade do emprego e a autopercepção da saúde foi elaborado um modelo teórico e realizadas análises com equações estruturais. Resultados: A população do estudo compreendeu 3.227 trabalhadores, dentre os quais a prevalência geral de autopercepção negativa da saúde foi de 11,1%. A proporção de trabalhadores com rotatividade tipo 1 foi de 13,4% e do tipo 2 de 11,4%. A proporção de trabalhadores com rotatividade diminuiu com o aumento da idade. Trabalhadores que tiveram rotatividade do tipo 2 foram os que receberam salário abaixo do mínimo (ORadj = 2,24; IC 95%: 1,63 – 3,07), não tinham carteira assinada (ORadj= 2,24; IC 95%: 1,62 – 3,10) e seguro de acidente de trabalho (ORadj= 2,38; IC 95%: 1,52 – 3,73), ajustados por sexo, idade e ter filhos menores de 6 anos. Os principais preditores para a autopercepção negativa da saúde foram sexo feminino, idade ente 44 e 64 anos, ausência de apoio social, ter faltado ao trabalho por doença e possuir uma baixa qualificação ocupacional. Na análise separada por sexo, apenas entre as mulheres, ter idade acima de 44 anos (ORadj = 1,43; IC95%: 1,06 – 1,94) e a ausência de apoio social da família (ORadj = 1,71; IC95%: 1,29 – 2,27) foram preditores de autopercepção negativa da saúde. Por fim, a rotatividade, independentemente do tipo, não foi mediadora da associação entre a baixa qualidade do emprego e a autopercepção negativa da saúde. Todavia, emprego de menor qualidade foi diretamente associado com a rotatividade tipo 2 (β= 0,641) e também com a autopercepção negativa da saúde (β= 0,241). A baixa qualificação do trabalhador se associou diretamente com emprego de menor qualidade e também com a autopercepção negativa da saúde. Conclusões: A rotatividade no trabalho, do Brasil, é uma das maiores do mundo, pode ser decorrente das condições de precariedade do emprego e também da saúde do trabalhador. Dentre os fatores ocupacionais, a baixa qualidade do emprego e a pouca qualificação ocupacional foram mais importantes que a rotatividade para predizer a autopercepção negativa da saúde, em ambos os sexos. Para as mulheres, acrescenta-se a falta de apoio no cuidado da família, o que pode representar sobrecarga de trabalho. Os trabalhadores inseridos em empregos de baixa qualidade apresentaram mais comumente rotatividade com episódios de desemprego prolongado. Entretanto, esta não apresentou papel de mediação no efeito sobre a autopercepção negativa da saúde. A redução de rotatividade no trabalho, sobretudo do tipo 2, requer investimentos na melhoria da qualidade do emprego e aumento da qualificação dos trabalhadores, iniciativas nesse sentido poderão repercutir em melhores condições de vida, trabalho e saúde.

Vi vill att du är med oss på lång sikt : En fallstudie om Clas Ohlsons låga personalomsättning,motivationsstrategier och medarbetarnas motivation. / We want you to be with us in the long term: A case study of low employee turnover, motivation strategies and employee motivation at Clas Ohlson.

Håkansson, Linn, Rydberg, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utvärdera om ett företags låga personalomsättning kan vara ett resultat av företagets motivationsstrategier och anställdas motivation på arbetet. Frågeställningar: Ser företaget både fördelar och nackdelar med sin låga personalomsättning? Vilka strategier har företaget för att motivera sina anställda? Upplever medarbetarna motivation utifrån dessa motivationsstrategier? Metod: Genom en fallstudie utifrån Clas Ohlson genomförde vi triangulering utifrån en HRpartner, tre butikschefer samt medarbetare. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer samt kvantitativ enkätundersökning samlade vi in empiriskt material som sedan analyserades kvalitativt. Studien genomfördes genom ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt och deduktiv ansats. Studiens teoretiska referensram består av modeller, teorier, vetenskapliga artiklar och facklitteratur. Slutsats: Vi kan utifrån denna studie visa att majoriteten av de medverkande medarbetarna inom Clas Ohlson till största del känner motivation på arbetet och trivs på sin arbetsplats. Om företagets låga personalomsättning är ett resultat av företagets motivationsstrategier och anställdas motivation visar sig inte tydligt i studien. Studien visar dock att anställda känner motivation utifrån det som företaget erbjuder sina anställda för att stanna i företaget och majoriteten av de medverkande ser sig själva arbeta inom Clas Ohlson i framtiden. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate if Clas Ohlson employee turnover can be a result of the company's motivation strategies and the employee motivation. Research questions: Does the organization see both advantages and disadvantages with their low turnover? What strategies does the organization and management have regarding employee motivation? Does the employees experience motivation based on these strategies? Method: Through a case study on Clas Ohlson we did a triangulation using a HR-partner, three store managers and employees. Through qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys, the collected empirical material was analyzed qualitatively. The study was conducted through a hermeneutic and deductive approach. The theoretical reference framework is based on models and theories as well as scientific articles and literature. Conclusions: The study show that most of the participators of employees of Clas Ohlson do feel motivated at work and their workplace. If the company low turnover is a result of the company's motivation strategies is not shown clearly in the study. However, the study does show that the employees do feel motivated to stay in the company and the majority see themselves work at Clas Ohlson in the future.

Revisor - en yrkesroll i förändring : En kvalitativ studie ur tre perspektiv; blivande, nuvarande och före detta medlemmar i revisorsprofessionen

Edman, Sofie, Eriksson, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Revisorsprofessionen står inför en stor utmaning i och med en hög personalomsättning och närliggande pensionsavgångar. Förutsedda konsekvenser är en försämrad kvalitet på arbetet, sämre expertis, ifrågasatt oberoende samt ökad arbetsbelastning för kvarvarande revisorer. Tidigare studier visar att icke överensstämmande förväntningar påverkar revisionsmedarbetarnas intentioner att byta yrkesinriktning. Examensarbetet ämnar således identifiera och skapa förståelse för vilka förväntningar som finns på yrkesrollen samt hur den upplevs i realiteten. För att besvara syftet har intervjuer utförts med framtida, nuvarande och före detta medlemmar i revisorsprofessionen. Således kan vi kartlägga förväntningar, åsikter kring arbetet i praktiken samt anledningar till valet att byta yrkesinriktning. Examensarbetet är kvalitativt för att kunna skapa förståelse för hur individer tolkar verkligheten. Vi har sedan använt oss av ett interpretativt synsätt, vilket innebär att vi är tolkande vid analysen av vår empiri. Intervjuerna visade att deltagarna förväntade sig att arbetsbelastningen skulle vara hög och ingångslönen låg, men revisionsmedarbetarna uttryckte samtidigt att de blev förvånade över hur pass låg ingångslönen var samt att arbetsbelastningen var betydligt högre än vad de förväntade sig. Detta var även den vanligaste anledningen till att de före detta anställda valde att sluta och lämna revisorsprofessionen. Det visade sig även att de allra flesta deltagarna egentligen inte hade några förväntningar angående vad en revisor gör, och en anledning till detta är att kommunikationen mellan universiteten och revisionsbyråerna är bristfällig. Revisionsbranschen är på väg att förändras och studien indikerar att sociala egenskaper värderas högre än traditionella egenskaper såsom analysförmåga och noggrannhet. Branschens rörelse mot affärsverksamhet riskerar att förminska betydelsen av professionalitet och därmed ifrågasätta förtroendet för branschen. / The accounting profession is facing a huge challenge due to high employee turnover and retirements. Impaired quality, poorer competence and increased workload are predicted consequences. Previous research shows that a mismatch between expectations and reality creates intentions to leave the profession. Therefore, this study aims to identify expectations regarding the accounting profession and how it is perceived. It also aims to create an understanding of perceptions that future, present and former audit staff have about the accounting profession. To answer the purpose of the study we have interviewed students, audit staff and former audit staff. Thus, we can identify expectations, perceptions of work in practice and reasons for not continuing an employment. The study is qualitative to create an understanding of how individuals interpret the reality. Interviews revealed that the participants associated the audit profession with a high workload and a low initial salary, but they were still surprised over required hours and an even lower salary than expected. This expectation-reality gap was the most common reason why former employees decided to quit. It also turned out that most of the participants did not have expectations regarding which assignments an auditor would have, because the communication between universities and audit firms is perceived as inadequate. The audit industry is about to change, and the study indicates that social characteristics are valued higher than characteristics such as analytical ability and accuracy. The movement towards a more businesslike approach downplays the importance of professionalism and is also jeopardizing the confidence in the audit industry.

Rotatividade dos profissionais de enfermagem durante a fase de implementação de uma Instituição de saúde de alta complexidade / Turnover of nursing staff during the implementation of a highly complex health institution

Wania Regina Mollo Baia 24 October 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O desenvolvimento desta pesquisa aborda as questões relacionadas à rotatividade dos profissionais de enfermagem durante a fase de implementação de uma Instituição oncológica. Objetivos: Subsidiar, após o reconhecimento situacional, um plano factível de retenção de pessoal de enfermagem. Método: Trata-se de pesquisa de abordagem quanti-qualitativa do tipo Estudo de Caso, composto por duas etapas: quantitativa, em que foi calculada a taxa de rotatividade e de variação do quadro dos profissionais de enfermagem, por categoria profissional, nos anos de 2008 a 2011 e; qualitativa, em que foi realizada a análise das 598 entrevistas de desligamento, referentes ao mesmo período. A análise e a interpretação dos dados tiveram como base a análise de conteúdo segundo Bardin. Os dados qualitativos foram subsidiados por duas grandes vertentes, sendo que a primeira vertente compreendeu as seguintes Categorias Analíticas: condições de trabalho; remuneração e benefícios; chefia e treinamento e desenvolvimento. A segunda vertente de análise, composta pelas Categorias Empíricas, advindas dos discursos das entrevistas de desligamento: dinâmica de trabalho; condições de trabalho; capacitação e treinamento; relacionamento com colegas de trabalho e relacionamento da chefia com subordinado. Resultados: Os resultados permitiram, segundo a análise quantitativa verificar que as taxas de rotatividade acumuladas, no período de 2008 até 2011, foram elevadas, podendo-se ressaltar que o déficit de pessoal, a cada ano, se tornou evidente, visto que as admissões eram realizadas, porém não se alcançava a meta de contratação do número de profissionais programado por ano, devido aos constantes desligamentos dos profissionais de enfermagem. A análise qualitativa das 598 entrevistas de desligamento (442 de profissionais demissionários e 156 de demitidos) mostrou que entre os principais motivos dos desligamentos destacam-se a insatisfação referentes à: remuneração e benefícios; transferência de setor; promoção interna e de plano de carreira e relacionamento da chefia com subordinados. A análise das Categorias Empíricas permitiu resgatar, além dos itens já destacados nas Categorias Analítícas, outros motivos/causas de desligamento, sendo: nova proposta de trabalho; carga horária; horário de trabalho e dinâmica de trabalho, sendo que, neste último item, os discursos revelaram que os profissionais sentem dificuldades e sofrem para se adaptarem à rotina de um hospital oncológico. Os discursos relacionados à sobrecarga de trabalho e à pressão no cuidado do paciente oncológico foram descritos como fatores geradores de estresse e, considerados como relevantes e determinantes dos desligamentos. Conclusão: Este estudo, além de explicar o ônus que a rotatividade de pessoal de enfermagem traz para a Instituição, para a gerência e para a assistência, mostra, também, como o profissional percebe e sofre com essa problemática decidindo, em última instância, pelo seu desligamento da Instituição. Com os dados encontrados será possível subsidiar um plano factível de retenção de profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital oncológico / Introduction: This research addresses issues related to the turnover of nursing staff during the implementation of an oncology institute. Aims: Subsidize, after situational awareness, a feasible plan for retaining the nursing staff. Method: This is a Case Study based on the quantitative-qualitative approach, comprising two stages: quantitative, in which the nursing turnover and variation rates have been calculated by the professional category for the period from 2008 to 2011; and qualitative, in which 598 exit interviews related to the same period have been analyzed. Data have been analyzed and interpreted according to Bardins Content Analysis. Qualitative data were subsidized by two major strands, being the first one comprised by the following Analytical Categories: work conditions; compensation and benefits; management; and training and development. The second analytical strand was comprised by Empirical Categories, resulting from discourses of exit interviews: work dynamics; work conditions; capacity building and training; relationship among coworkers; and manager-employee relationship. Results: Based on a quantitative analysis, the results showed that the accumulated turnover rates for the period from 2008 to 2011 were high, demonstrating a deficit of personnel at each year, since there were admissions, but the hiring goal was not achieved due to constant employment terminations of the nursing staff. The qualitative analysis of 598 exit interviews (442 professionals resigned and 156 were dismissed) showed that the main reasons for employment termination were dissatisfaction related to: compensation and benefits; relocations to other departments; internal promotion and career plan and manager-employee relationship. The analysis of Empirical Categories allowed to identify, in addition to the items highlighted under Analytical Categories, other reasons/causes for employment termination, such as: new work proposal; workload; working hours and work dynamics, and in this last item, discourses revealed that employees face difficulties and it is hard for them to adapt to the routine of an oncology hospital. Discourses related to work overload and to the pressure in the care of oncology patients were described as factors that cause stress and considered relevant drivers for employment terminations. Conclusion: This study, in addition to explaining the burden that the turnover of nursing staff brings to the institution, the management and the assistance, also shows how professionals perceive and suffer with this problem, deciding, ultimately, to end their employment relationship. With the findings, it will be possible to subsidize a feasible plan for retaining the nursing staff of an oncology hospital.

Návrh změn systému odměňování a hodnocení pracovníků ve vybrané společnosti / Proposal of Changes in the Employee Evaluation and Remuneration System in a Selected Company

Skoupá, Monika January 2015 (has links)
Aim of this diploma thesis is to propose changes in evalutation and remuneration of employees in a selected company. The thesis consists of two parts: a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part is focused on summarizing basic facts related to evaluation, remuneration and motivation of employees. The practical part provides analyses of company’s current situation, its competition and a labour market. The diploma thesis also contains a questionnaire research. The conclusion brings the very proposals for improving the employee evaluation and remuneration system.

Analýza fluktuace v mezinárodní firmě / Analysis of fluctuation in an international company

Jedličková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The goal of my diploma thesis is to find out the reasons of real and latent fluctuation of a specific team in an unknown international company. To reach the target I am linking up theoretical conclusions about employee's fluctuation and about other areas connected with that theme (i.e. company culture or selected personal processes) together with empirical research in the specific team. The reasons of real fluctuation are examined on former and leaving employees. Reasons of the latent fluctuation -- connected with gradual alienation leading to dissatisfaction and possible leave of the employee -- are examined thanks to five partial goals (selection of employees and psychological agreement; motivation and leadership; education and development of employees; reward system and career options). The real reasons of selected employees leaving the company are insufficient career options. Summary of findings about real and latent fluctuation and recommendations for team management are explained at the end of the study using SWOT analysis.

Firemní kultura a její vliv na efektivitu práce ve společnosti Ikea Brno s.r.o / The Company Culture and its Influence on Work Effectivity in Ikea Brno Ltd.

Logara, Vanja January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the identification of cultural values in IKEA Brno, compared to a situation in a small campany Lino s.r.o. The research is based on a detailed analysis of situation in the company and its company culture with subsequent interrogation methods, namely by VSM94 method, minds maps and personal interview. The output of this diploma thesis should be a list of concrete steps, which is possible to implement in IKEA Brno.

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