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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Dual-Role Analysis of Game Form Misconception and Cognitive Bias in Financial and Economic Decision Making

Nwadiora, Chinedum D 19 May 2017 (has links)
The endowment and the framing effect are widely examined cognitive biases. The experimental economics literature, using choice data gathered through an elicitation device, commonly finds evidence of these biases. Recent work by Cason & Plott (2014) shows that the interpretation of choice data as consistent with biases related non-standard preference theory could also be consistent with confusion or misconception of the game type used to elucidate preferences. I use the Cason and Plott card auction framework to analyze offers of buyers and sellers in an experimental setting with subjects from the University of New Orleans simulating 97 sellers and 90 buyers. The two games have symmetric payoffs in order to examine cognitive biases given subjects’ misconception of the game form. Subjects of both games display misconception of game form that explains both endowment and framing effects by rational confused choice; however, buyers display a much greater dispersion of offers than sellers. I estimate card implied valuation of sellers and buyers given game form misconception and find no statistical endowment effect, but I do find valuation is more uncertain in the buyer’s game. The theory of Rational Inattention predicts this lack of offer symmetry is due to the additional cognitive steps necessary in calculating buyer offers.

Analýza financování nadačních fondů působících v oblasti lidských práv / Analysis of financing of endowment funds focused on human rights

Marková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of financing of endowment funds as one of the legal forms of non-governmental organizations. Specifically, it is focused on those that specialize in the human rights. The author specifies the environment and conditions under which the endowment funds work in general. The second chapter is focused on the characteristics of the group of the funds supporting human rights and evaluates their professionalism. The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the selected types of their revenues and economic indicators. It also shows the example of four endowment funds and the various attitudes to their financing. Part of this chapter also indicates some of the current problems and challenges of this specific group of endowment funds.

The 1986 National Endowment for the Arts Commission: An Introspective Analysis of Two Marimba Works

Fang, I-Jen 08 1900 (has links)
The marimba is rapidly achieving greater importance as a solo percussion instrument. Solo compositions for the marimba have been commissioned and performed only in the last sixty years. The 1986 National Endowment for the Arts Solo Marimba Commission is considered one of the most important commissioning projects in the history of marimba literature. Two compositions created through this project, Velocities by Joseph Schwantner and Reflections on the Nature of Water by Jacob Druckman have become two of the most influential works in contemporary marimba music. This thesis will focus on a historical perspective of the project, as well as theoretical aspects and performance issues related to these two compositions. The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) issued a consortium commissioning grant through the Percussive Arts Society (PAS) in 1986 to three internationally renowned marimbists, William Moersch, Leigh Howard Stevens and Gordon Stout. Three Pulitzer Prize winners were brought together to compose three new works for the marimba. The resulting pieces were: Reflections on the Nature of Water by Jacob Druckman, Velocities by Joseph Schwantner, and Islands from Archipelago: Autumn Island by Roger Reynolds. A brief history of the classical concert marimba and the development of solo marimba literature is provided in the second chapter. The fourth and fifth chapters provide individual information about the pieces, including concise biographical information about the composers and an analysis of the two compositions.

Návrh financování revitalizace bytového domu / Suggestion for the Financing of the Revitalizing of Dwellings

Koželuhová, Vendula January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is looking for how to solve the optimal financing of the revitalization of dwelling. It is looking for any options of financing, which are offered by financial market today. The thesis compares the offers of the financial institutions and the choices of financing the revitalization. It shows possibilities of savings in the form of endowments as a state guaranteed programs „Panel“ and „Zelená úsporám“.

Návrh financování revitalizace bytového domu v Náchodě. / Suggestion for the Financing of the Revitalizing of Dwellings in Nachod.

Effenberk, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the possible ways of financing the comprehensive revitalization of the apartment house. This diploma thesis contains calculations of the savings, selection of the implementer and assessment of the debt financing.

Die rechtsfähige unternehmensverbundene Verbrauchsstiftung

Vogel, Steffen 09 September 2019 (has links)
Eine unternehmensverbundene Verbrauchsstiftung liegt bei einer unmittelbaren (sog. Unternehmensträgerverbrauchsstiftung) oder mittelbaren (sog. Beteiligungsträgerverbrauchsstiftung) Verbindung zwischen Verbrauchsstiftung und Unternehmen zum Zwecke der Zweckverwirklichung (Zweckverwirklichungsbetrieb) oder zur Generierung von Erträgen (Dotationsquelle) vor. Zudem zeichnet sich die unternehmensverbundene Verbrauchsstiftung durch vielfältige Vorteile (z.B. geringe verbrauchbare Vermögensausstattung, fehlende Publizität, privilegierte Haftung) zu anderen Gesellschaftsrechtsformen (z.B. Verein, OHG, KG, GmbH, AG) aus. Die unternehmensverbundene Verbrauchsstiftung ist aufgrund der Veränderungen, infolge des Gesetzes zur Modernisierung des Stiftungsrechts und des Gesetzes zur Stärkung des Ehrenamtes grundsätzlich zulässig. Die Anerkennungsfähigkeit einer unternehmensverbundenen Verbrauchsstiftung bestimmt sich allein nach dem in § 80 Abs. 2 S. 1 und 2 BGB abschließend aufgezählten Tatbestandsvoraussetzungen.

Dobrá vůle v organizačním světě - případová studie profesionalizace v Nadaci Olgy Havlové / Good Will in The World of Organizations Professionalization of the Olga Havel Foundation: A Case Study

Horáková, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
The presented work aims to map the trends in the development and professionalization of foundations on the background of the civil society that was formed in the Czech Republic after 1989. It addresses the importance of endowment and appreciation of foundation assets in the long-term perspective and describes the circumstances that led to the creation of the Foundation Investment Fund (NIF). It also tries to follow the legislative and economic conditions for the development of the Czech endowment sector. In this sense the paper aims to bring some contribution to the civil society studies. Through a case study on The Committee of Good Will - The Olga Havel Foundation the thesis deals with the causes, effects and changes of the foundation's professionalization process. The research uses the means of internal and external document analysis, interviews with the foundation representatives and the method of participating observation. The effects of the professionalization process have manifested in personnel management changes (eg. recruitment of paid employees, hiring external professionals), project management changes and overall change in the scope of the foundation's activities. The foundation also took necessary steps towards better appreciation of its assets, proper care of its existing donors and...


吳奕霖, Wu, I Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討當前中國大陸城鎮職工與農民工等具有勞工性質的群體,其退休養老保險制度發展過程的政治經濟分析。所要回答的問題有三:一、中國大陸退休養老保險的歷史進程為何?有何特徵?二、中國大陸農民工與城鎮職工的退休養老保險制度現今運行情況為何?可能的整合方向是?三、中國大陸退休養老保險基金的財務當前運行情況是?有何隱憂?以上三點構成了本文的問題意識。 文中檢視中國大陸自1950年代所出臺的《中華人民共和國勞動保險條例》至今所有關於農民工與城鎮職工養老保險法規的演變,並比較2011年《社會保險法》出臺後,關於農民工與城鎮職工養老保險的實質發展。此外,本文以北京、上海、廣東、河南各省的「退休養老保險金的收支結餘」做為基礎,使用各省的「歷史債務」、「經濟發展水準」、「勞動力流動」等面向分析養老金區域失衡的原因與長期發展的隱憂,以歸納出當前中國大陸城鎮職工與農民工養老保險制度發展的個案省份分析。 本文發現,中國大陸農民工與城鎮職工養老保險的發展有著明顯的「路徑依賴」特徵,自《中華人民共和國勞動保險條例》出臺以降,關於中國大陸的社會保障歷經了單位保障到社會保險,最後則是具備中國特色的「社會統籌與個人帳戶相結合」制度的建立。關於中國大陸退休養老體制的改革過程是中國社會主義傳統下與改革開放後強調經濟發展相互激盪下的結果。 中共以戶籍制度作為區分城鄉勞工的主要手段,在社會福利制度上形成了差異化的現象。本文認為關於農民工的社會保障制度在過去的社會保險體系發展中乏善可陳,與受到政府保障的城鎮職工形成對比的現象。中共當局開始正視農民工的問題是在改革開放後所形成的龐大民工潮問題,隨著時間的推移,政府也必須替「第二代農民工」建設更公平的社會保障制度進而達成「城鎮化」的目標。 中國大陸的社會保障制度發展有著明顯的地域差異,其財政的制度也高度分權,具體反應在社會保障制度的改革上。北京、廣東與上海享受著改革開放以來的經濟成果,在吸引外來勞動人口上有著先天優勢,相對河南的人口外移有著明顯的對比。背後的意涵代表了富裕省份對於後發省份在社會保障資源上的「榨取」,不利於後發省份養老保險的長期發展。本文認為,2011年《社會保險法》出臺後,對於農民工的社會保障確實有所提昇,也使具有「穩定就業」身分的農民工納入到了城鎮職工養老保險體制內,不過仍然需要觀察其後具體的發展態勢。中國大陸之後的退休養老制度發展,本文認為應該要向實現「全國統籌」的目標邁進,也可以藉由中央分配養老金,使地區養老金收支不均的現象可以有效紓緩。 / This thesis aims to explore the characteristics of labor groups in China, which include urban workers and migrant workers. It also discusses the political economical analysis in the course of development for retirement pensions. There are three important questions that have to be addressed: First, what is the historical course on the Chinese retirement pension? What are the features? Second, how is the retirement pension run for urban workers and migrant workers today? What is the direction for integration? Third, what is the financial situation in running the pensions? Are there any concerns? Above three questions constitute the main issues that will be discussed in this thesis. It is evident that there are changes to today’s law and regulations of endowment insurance for urban and migrant workers. This thesis will use Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and Henan province for “Balance of Revenues and Expenditure in Endowment Pension Insurance” as a basis. Also use each province’s “Debt records”, “Standard Economic Growth” “Labor Mobility”, etc. to analyze. In this thesis it also indicates the development of the endowment insurance for migrant workers and urban workers appears to be having a “path dependency” feature. China’s social security has gone from a unit security to a social security. The social welfare system creates a phenomenon of discrepancy in the system. This thesis deems that in the past, migrant workers’ social security reform development is not effective compared to the government security the urban workers received. The government must help “Second generation migrant workers” create a fair social security system and reach “urbanization” as a goal. China’s social security growth has a noticeable regional difference; there is also a high separation of powers in the finance system, which reacts on the reform for social security. Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai enjoy the economic gain after the reform, and attract many foreign labors, gives them dominant advantage. In contrast, Henan, there is big difference in number for migrate workers. Behind this, there is an implication that prosperous provinces create an “extortion” of resources to those less prosperous, meaning there is no care for their endowment insurance growth. Overall this system still has potential for improvement.

Delningskonsumtion och ägandeskap : Hur ägandeskap påverkar konsumenters intention för adoption av korttidshyra inom olika produktkategorier

Mattsson, Lisa, Wenning, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Efterfrågan och konsumtionen av jordens naturresurser ökar ständigt (Lieder & Rashid 2016). Längs med ett konsumtionsmönster som präglas av en mentalitet där produkter används ett fåtal gånger under en begränsad tidsperiod kommer också konsekvenser (Belk 2014a). Ett gehör på detta har lett till att nya affärsmodeller har börjat uppmärksammas. En affärsmodell av cirkulär karaktär är delningskonsumtion som bland annat inkluderar korttidshyra (Armstrong & Park 2019a). Genom att dela resurser under en kort period kan konsumenter uppleva ekonomiska-, utilitariska- och miljömässiga fördelar utan att äga produkten (Barhdi & Eckhardt 2012; Griffiths & Hwang 2017; Martin 2016). Men är ägandeskap en vän eller fiende gällande mer hållbara konsumtionsmönster? Syftet med denna studie är att observera hur ägandeskap påverkar adopteringen av korttidshyra och vidare observera om olika produktkategorier påverkas på olika sätt. En kvantitativ enkätundersökning genomfördes och resultatet tyder på att ägandeskap har en tendens att påverka adopteringen av korttidshyra sett till de observerade produktkategorierna. Dessutom finns det en indikation på att möbler tillsammans med kläder inte nödvändigtvis är särskilt lämpliga för korttidshyra medan bostäder samt, till viss del, elektronik kan anses vara mera lämpliga. / The demand and consumption of the earth's natural resources is constantly increasing (Lieder & Rashid 2016). In combination with a consumption pattern that is characterized by a “take-make-waste” mentality we face anticipated consequences (Belk 2014a). As a response, a new set of business models has begun to get attention. One of these more circular models is collaborative consumption which includes short-term renting (Armstrong & Park 2019a). By sharing resources during a short period, the consumers are able to experience monetary-, utilitarian- and environmental benefits without owning the product (Barhdi & Eckhardt 2012; Griffiths & Hwang 2017; Martin 2016). But is ownership a friend or foe in regards to more sustainable consumption patterns? The purpose of this study is to observe how ownership affects the adoption of short-term renting and further to observe if different product categories are affected differently. By conducting a quantitative online survey, the result shows that there is a tendency for ownership to affect the adoption of short-term renting in the observed categories. Furthermore, there is an indication that furniture along with clothing might not be suitable for short-term renting whilst accommodation, and for some part electronics, might be more suitable due to the degree that ownership affects the intention for adoption.

台籍幹部適用兩岸退休金及資遣費制度之檢討_以勞資負擔與薪酬規劃為核心 / Review of pension and severance systems followed by Taiwan expatriates in China - Employee' & employers' burdens and the related salary package plan as the core subjects

龔汝沁, Kung, Elaine Unknown Date (has links)
台灣集團企業中到大陸工作的台籍幹部,因就業地點在大陸而需適用大陸基本養老保險制度及勞動合同法下的養老保險金及經濟補償金, 再因台籍幹部的指揮考核權在所謂集團總部的台灣而需適用台灣勞動基準法及勞工退休金條例下的退休金及資遣費,此舉除了加重勞資雙方的負擔外,也直接影響台籍幹部的就業機會.本論文係檢討台籍幹部適用兩岸退休金及資遣費制度而衍生出來的亂象,透過法律層面及實務運作的分析,提出針對台籍幹部職銜,薪酬及勞動契約之合法及合理規劃.

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