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Design of a Cultivation Unit : Communicating the potential of reusing residual heat by using the design of a cultivation unitLindström Rignell, Ludvig, Nohlgård, Claudia January 2020 (has links)
Today, climate change is one of the world's greatest challenges. The main cause of this is humans' emissions of greenhouse gases, which for instance occur when burning fossil fuels. A prerequisite for meeting this challenge is that society change the way energy is produced and used. In the pursuit of fighting climate change, it is therefore crucial to create awareness among people regarding energy use. The purpose of this thesis project is to design a cultivation unit which uses residual heat. In this way, we aim to create awareness regarding the reuse of energy that would otherwise be wasted in society. To achieve this, we have used an established design process and creative methods, such as workshops, focus groups and prototyping. The thesis project resulted in a concept for a cultivation unit that in an innovative way brings attention to the reuse of residual heat. The work has been carried out in collaboration with Luleå Energi, an energy company that supplies Luleå with energy, and works to create conditions for more sustainable energy use. / Idag är klimatförändringar en av världens största utmaningar. Den främsta orsaken är människors utsläpp av växthusgaser, som bland annat förekommer vid förbränning av fossila bränslen. En förutsättning för att möta denna utmaning är att samhället förändrar det sätt energi produceras och används. En viktig del i strävan mot att bekämpa klimatförändringarna är därför att skapa en medvetenhet hos människor gällande energianvändning. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att utforma en odlingsenhet som använder sig av restvärme, för att på så sätt uppmärksamma återanvändningen av den energi som annars går till spillo i samhället. För att uppnå detta har ett designarbete genomförts genom en etablerad designprocess och kreativa metoder, såsom workshops, fokusgrupper och prototyper. Examensarbetet resulterade i ett koncept för en odlingsenhet som på ett innovativt sätt uppmärksammar återanvändningen av restvärme. Arbetet har genomförts i samarbete med Luleå Energi, ett energiföretag som förser Luleå med energi och som arbetar med att skapa förutsättningar för en mer hållbar energianvändning.
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Energy Visualization out of the Developer's perspective : A qualitative study of Stockholm developers' willingness to payKalström, Lovisa, Lindblad, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Residential energy visualization has increased in popularity during the past years, due to both legislation and an increased focus on the environmental impact of buildings. Meanwhile, the European energy efficiency directive has raised a debate on legislation on individual metering and charging (IMC), in which many negative voices among property owners and developers are being raised. The controversies bring interesting aspects to the analysis of energy visualization and its prerequisite IMC. This thesis will analyze the possibilities and barriers to implement residential energy visualization in new buildings in Stockholm, and the focus will be on local developers' perspective. The purpose of the thesis is to establish Stockholm developers' willingness to pay (WTP) for an IMC and energy visualization solution. The thesis defines perceived utility as the driving force for WTP, and accordingly the developer WTP is analyzed by evaluation of the developers' perceived utility of different technical aspects of an energy visualization solution. The solution has been modularized into three modules; IMC of hot water, IMC of heating and residential visualization. The hypothesis is that utility of the solution modules is perceived differently depending on developer ownership and developer business model; if the developer builds for property management or to sell. The empirical data has been collected through twelve in-depth interviews with developers in Stockholm. The developers were of different size, ownership and with different business models. When looking at the developers from an overall perspective, the analysis shows that there is some willingness to pay for IMC of hot water but none for IMC of heating. It can also be seen that residential visualization is something that the developers have some interest in although the overall WTP is considered low. Although environmental and fairness aspects are often mentioned by the developers in the context of IMC and energy visualization, operational and financial utility seem to be more influential in driving willingness to pay and as these utilities are not perceived, the overall WTP is low or non-existent for IMC and energy visualization. The hypothesis that developers would perceive utility differently depending on ownership or business model, if they build for property management of for sales, could not be proven. There are possibly tendencies for such differences but in this study such patterns were not clear enough to state the hypothesis as true. Additional to the WTP and developer groups, insights and takeaways are presented. The insights and takeaways are based on opportunities and risks that developers perceive with IMC and visualization, as well as requirements they have on the systems.
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Vytvoření metodiky zavádění systému managementu hospodaření s energií ve výrobním podniku / Development and implementation of energy savings and energy management methodology in an industrial enterpriseDudarev, Ivan Unknown Date (has links)
V současné době se problematika energetických úspor dostává do popředí zájmu jak na úrovni jednotlivých podniků, tak i na úrovni celého státu. Často bývá příčinou sporů ve vědeckých kruzích i mezi odborníky z praxe. Lidstvo tradičně začalo využívat energii z minerálních přírodních zdrojů, které však ve srovnání s obnovitelnými zdroji energie mají omezení. Výzkum a implementace moderních technologií jsou ztíženy otázkou investic a časově omezeny. Proto se evropská strategie energetické bezpečnosti zaměřuje na energetickou účinnost, která je jedním z nejefektivnějších způsobů zlepšení bezpečnosti spotřeby energie. Velké společnosti a podniky jsou jedním z hlavních spotřebitelů energie. Proto je tato vědecká práce zaměřena na problematiku úspor energie a zlepšování energetické účinnosti podniku. Těžiště práce spočívá ve vytvoření a zavedení metodiky pro úsporu energie a managementu hospodaření s energií ve výrobním procesu automobilového podniku. Dále je pro účely této práce vytvořen a popsán způsob vizualizace spotřeby energie v prostředí virtuální reality
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Visualisera energi i hushåll : Avdomesticeringen av sociotekniska system och individ- respektive artefaktbunden energianvändning / Visualizing Energy in Households : the De-domestication of Socio-Technical Systems and Individual- as well as Artefact-bound Energy UseLöfström, Erica January 2008 (has links)
Ett centralt problem i strävan efter att minska energianvändningen i hushåll genom beteendeförändringar är att energi till stora delar är en osynlig produkt. Avhandlingen strävar efter att utveckla kunskap som kan bidra till mer hållbar utveckling genom att analysera tre företeelser som på ett konkret sätt synliggör energi och energirelaterat beteende: ett lokalt värmesystem, en s.k. Power Aware Cord och en dagboksmetod. Hur människor förstår sin energianvändning analyseras med hjälp av en modifierad version av den domesticeringsteori som utvecklats av Silverstone et al (1992). I centrum står paradoxen att de visualiserande företeelserna riskerar att själva osynliggöras genom att de domesticeras. Värmesystemet har haft en bristande funktion, vilket har varit den faktor som mest effektivt visualiserat systemet. Solfångarnas visuella dominans i områdets arkitektur har bidragit till att medvetandegöra solen som energikälla. Ett teknikrum och olika experter har också medvetandegjort själva värmesystemets existens. Såväl systemet som helhet som hushållens egen del i detta har visualiserats. Power Aware Cord liknar en vanlig grendosa, men den visar elanvändningen (effekten) hos den utrustning som kopplas till den. Energin visualiseras med hjälp av ett blått ljus i sladden vars intensitet anpassas efter watttalet som passerar genom sladden. Power Aware Cords styrka ligger i att den bidrar till att apparaters energianvändning visualiseras. Tidsdagboken visualiserar hushållsmedlemmarnas vardagliga aktiviteter på ett bredare plan än enbart i relation till energianvändning. Analysen visar att den redan osynliga resursen energi, som blivit än mer osynliggjort genom domesticering, kan avdomesticeras genom olika former för visualisering. Visualiseringsformerna riskerar dock att själva domesticeras. För att dessa ska ha varaktig effekt behövs strategier för att undvika detta. / One problem in promoting sustainable energy use is that energy is taken for granted. Energy as resource needs to be made visible. This dissertation aims to develop knowledge that can contribute to more sustainable development by analyzing different ways to visualize domestic energy systems. Three different forms of visualization are analyzed: a locally situated heating-system, the Power Aware Cord, and a diary method. How people understand their energy use is analyzed using a modified version of domestication theory as developed by Silverstone et al. (1992). Another focus is the paradox that forms of visualization themselves risk becoming invisible by virtue of being domesticated. The heating system still does not function as intended, and the non-functioning of the heating system has been the most effective means of visualizing the system. The solar collectors are visible and are a dominant element of the area’s architecture; this has helped visualize, make people aware of, and confer an understanding of the sun as an energy source. A technical control room and technicians have also helped visualize the existence of the heating system. The system as a whole, and the households’ own parts of it, has been visualized. The Power Aware Cord is the general shape of an extendable power strip, with the additional integration of voltage-measuring electronics and electroluminescent wire. This additional wire contains a phosphor layer that glows when an altering current is introduced. The cords’ strength lies in visualizing the household energy use of particular electrical devices. The time diary method visualizes the household members’ individual and inter-related ctivity patterns in a broader, more general way. The analysis shows that the already invisible resource energy, which has been made doubly invisible through domestication, can be de-domesticated through the domestication of forms of visualization. At the same time, the forms of visualization themselves risk being made invisible by being domesticated; for forms of visualization to have any lasting effect, strategies for avoiding this must be developed.
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Development and Implementation of Energy Savings and Energy Management Methodology in an Industrial Enterprise / Development and Implementation of Energy Savings and Energy Management Methodology in an Industrial EnterpriseDudarev, Ivan January 2015 (has links)
V současné době se problematika energetických úspor dostává do popředí zájmu jak na úrovni jednotlivých podniků, tak i na úrovni celého státu. Často bývá příčinou sporů ve vědeckých kruzích i mezi odborníky z praxe. Lidstvo tradičně začalo využívat energii z minerálních přírodních zdrojů, které však ve srovnání s obnovitelnými zdroji energie mají omezení. Výzkum a implementace moderních technologií jsou ztíženy otázkou investic a časově omezeny. Proto se evropská strategie energetické bezpečnosti zaměřuje na energetickou účinnost, která je jedním z nejefektivnějších způsobů zlepšení bezpečnosti spotřeby energie. Velké společnosti a podniky jsou jedním z hlavních spotřebitelů energie. Proto je tato vědecká práce zaměřena na problematiku úspor energie a zlepšování energetické účinnosti podniku. Těžiště práce spočívá ve vytvoření a zavedení metodiky pro úsporu energie a managementu hospodaření s energií ve výrobním procesu automobilového podniku. Dále je pro účely této práce vytvořen a popsán způsob vizualizace spotřeby energie v prostředí virtuální reality
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