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Motivera elever till ökad kommunikation i engelska som andraspråk : Vad är framgångsrikt i klassrummet?Granath, Margaretha, Nyholm, Therese January 2021 (has links)
Detta arbete är en kunskapsöversikt över hur lärare kan motivera sina elever att hitta viljan attprata engelska i klassrummet med hjälp av sina engelsklärare. Syftet med denna studie är attta reda på vad forskningen säger om vilka metoder som är framgångsrika att använda iklassrummet, och mer specifikt, att besvara frågeställningarna: “Hur motiverar engelskläraresina elever att hitta viljan att prata engelska i klassrummet? samt “Vad är framgångsrikt attanvända i klassrummet? För att besvara frågeställningarna och uppnå studiens syfte har visystematiskt tagit fram, analyserat och sammanställt vetenskapliga studier om ämnet. Våracentrala begrepp i kunskapsöversikten är följande: engelska som andraspråk, WTC (Viljan attkommunicera), lärandemetoder, klassrumsmiljö och motivation.Vårt resultat mynnade ut iåtta stycken tematiserade underrubriker: WTC (Viljan Att Kommunicera), de sex faktorernasom påverkar språklärares WTC, kommunikationsstrategier, lärandemetoder, klassrumsmiljö,lärarkompetens, motivation/demotivation och elevinflytande. Vi kommer i vårtexaminationsarbete II att samla in empirisk data om hur elever i mellanstadiet årskurs 4-6undervisas i att prata engelska i klassrummet. Vi kommer med hjälp av intervjuer ochobservationer med både lärare och elever samla in ett underlag om vad de anser vara deviktigaste komponenterna i att finna motivation i att lära sig prata engelska i klassrummet.
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The Role of Songs for ELL in Extramural Contexts / Sångers betydelse för inlärning av engelska i extramurala sammanhangJohansson, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Investigations of the Swedish upper secondary school show that almost one fifth of the students struggle with low motivation. Hence, this paper concentrates on two different contexts in which increased motivation for ESL has been highlighted: contexts where songs and music are used, and extramural contexts. Nevertheless, there is a research gap in the combination of these two aspects. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the role of songs in extramural contexts regarding motivation and vocabulary acquisition. Moreover, the purpose is to investigate these contexts in the plurilingual and culturally rich country of South Africa and thereafter explore how this can be implemented in the Swedish ELL classroom. Hence, a student questionnaire and two qualitative interviews with youth leaders were used to answer the two research questions: To what extent does the use of songs in extramural contexts affect the perceived vocabulary acquisition among high school students and youth leaders in South Africa? Furthermore, how does extramural use of English songs affect the perceived motivation and joy for learning English as a second language? The results revealed a positive impact of songs in extramural contexts, where social media was the most common context, both regarding motivation and vocabulary acquisition. Nevertheless, the effects were stronger when using songs productively, and the genre that had most effect on the vocabulary was HipHop. Hence, there is much to bring into the Swedish ELL classroom from the song-based extramural contexts, which can fulfil and develop requirements from the Swedish National Curriculum.
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Extramural English Activities in the Swedish ESL Classroom / Fritidsengelska i engelska undervisningenAychan, Ibrahim January 2021 (has links)
This literature review explores the use of Extramural English in the classroom and its effects on students’ language acquisition. Through a systematic analysis of different studies on EE activities such as video games, the Internet, gaming, and other activities, this paper will investigate the possible positive or negative effects of EE activities on students’ performance. The results of this literature review show that students who are more exposed to EE activities have a better result with regard to the acquisition of English than their peers because the language of communication in Extramural activities is mainly English. The results also show that by incorporating EE in the classroom, teachers will be able to define the student’s strengths and weaknesses through eliciting the learning evidence when learning English as a second language.
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Implicit lärande - -En litteraturstudie om fritidsengelskans inflytande i skolans lågstadiumMourtada, Fatema January 2019 (has links)
Young children nowadays interact with a lot of extracurricular English through different activities. They learn the language in ways other than formal contexts. This study investigates how extracurricular English provides children with knowledge about the English language. Moreover, this study addresses how extracurricular English can develop children’s knowledge, if it is integrated with the formal English teaching in the classroom. Lastly, I discuss how teachers may approach various levels of English skills in a heterogenous classroom. Due to children’s exposure to extracurricular English, they have different English skills. I conclude that teachers need different teaching strategies to help pupils develop, regardless of level. This puts pressure on teachers who are required to develop their competence.
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Att kunna engelska är viktigt, eller? : En undersökning om högstadieelevers attityder till engelska och engelskundervisningen / It's important to know English, right? : A study on secondary school students' attitudes towards English and English studiesBexander, Ulrika January 2015 (has links)
Den här studien syftar till att undersöka elevers syn på skolans roll när de lär sig engelska och deras attityder till det engelska språket och engelskundervisningen. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en enkätundersökning, där 92 elever i årskurs 9 från två olika högstadieskolor deltog. Resultatet visar att eleverna är positivt inställda till det engelska språket och fritidsengelskan. Majoriteten av dem tycker att de inhämtar mer kunskap i engelska på fritiden än i skolan och knappt hälften tycker att de lär sig språket bäst själva, utan skolans hjälp. Resultatet visar också att en stor majoritet av eleverna anser att skolan har en viktig roll när de lär sig engelska och de inser vikten av att inhämta grammatiska kunskaper. Eleverna värderar den muntliga förmågan högt och många av dem anser att det är lättare att prata engelska på fritiden än i skolan. Majoriteten elever anser också att undervisningen behöver anpassas till att likna deras fritidsengelska mer och många elever ser gärna att det är mer arbete med film på lektionerna. Resultatet visar även att det förekommer en viss könsskillnad vid några av frågorna.
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Extramural engelska : En tillgång i engelskundervisningen?Link, Amanda, Kleman, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Under de senaste tio åren har den digitala teknikens omfattning ökat och är idag en källa där barn och unga möter engelska i princip varje dag. Många elever använder dagligen engelska i tal och skrift för olika mottagare och syften genom bland annat datorspel och sociala nätverk. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är således att granska extramural engelska och vad det kan tillföra engelskundervisningen i skolan. Med extramural engelska menas all den engelska en elev kommer i kontakt med utanför skolan. Studien är begränsad till att omfatta elever i årskurs 4-9, eftersom forskningsfältet är begränsat i de lägre årskurserna 4-6 behövdes även årskurs 7-9 inkluderas. Materialet består av vetenskapliga publikationer och samlades in genom fyra söktjänster som behandlar vetenskaplig litteratur. Resultatet visar att extramural engelska har en påverkan på elevernas olika språkliga förmågor. Det finns även vissa kopplingar mellan elevernas extramurala engelska och deras resultat på nationella prov och betyg i ämnet. Kopplingen mellan elevernas extramurala engelska och deras olika språkliga förmågor är betydligt starkare än kopplingen mellan extramural engelska och elevernas betyg i ämnet engelska. Ett flertal av de studier vi analyserat är överens om att elever som ägnar mer tid åt extramural engelska generellt har ett bättre betyg, men att det inte går att dra någon generell slutsats att det endast är extramural engelska som påverkar betyget. Vad gäller elevernas olika språkliga förmågor påverkar extramural engelska främst elevernas vokabulär men även läs- och hörförståelse samt muntlig och skriftlig förmåga.
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Att se till individen i engelskaundervisningenGoc, Egzona January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate whether the teaching of Enlish in grades 2-3 is individualized for different students conditions and needs and how teachers go about doing this. To answer this I prepared the following questions: What methods and tools do teachers use to design the teaching of English (grades 2-3) to meet students varying needs and conditions? What do the teachers think they do to vary thier english teaching? How do the teachers relate to the students who are at different levels in English? This is a qualitative study based on completed observations and interviews. I have interviewed and observed three different teachers in different schools. The study is based on Lundgrens and Stensmos thoughts about framefactors and how they affect the teaching process, it is also based on the theory of Zone of proximal development and scaffolding. The results show that the teaching is individualized by the teachers offering a varied teaching with varying approaches that can satisfy many learning styles. Furthermore, the results show that teachers adapt the tasks for students based on their level during the lesson.
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Gender differences in Swedish students’ written texts and students’ identification of female and male language featuresGyllgård, Lina January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to investigate if any linguistic differences between the sexes can be found in Swedish students’ compositions in English. My aim was also to investigate what features students perceive to be typically male or female. By studying a number of Swedish students’ English compositions, I was able to detect differences between boys’ and girls’ language and also compare my discoveries with earlier research. I investigated both the features that separate the genders in their writing and also what students identified as female and male language use. In my investigation, I found some linguistic differences between the sexes which were more distinct than others; for example their use of stative and dynamic verbs. But, on the other hand, I found no noticeable difference between boys’ and girls’ use of adjectives; words which are often said to be more commonly used by girls.</p>
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Young Swedish students' knowledge of English grammatical morphemesBergvall, Victoria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Research has shown that children who have English as a first language acquire grammatical morphemes in a predictable order. Many researchers claim that second language learners also follow a predictable pattern when learning English grammatical morphemes regardless of their linguistic background, and that the same mechanisms are responsible for both first and second language acquisition.</p><p>The aim of this paper was to study Swedish students’ knowledge of English grammatical morphemes, and to compare their knowledge with that of second language learners from other countries as well as with that of first language learners.</p><p>The results show that Swedish students seem to acquire morphemes in a similar way to that of second language learners in general and that they make errors similar to those made by first language learners. For example, the copula was almost fully acquired, while the third person regular and irregular constituted a problem for the students. The most notable exception was the possessive ´s, which Swedish students seem to acquire at an early stage compared to other second language learners.</p>
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Oral Feedback : Students' Reactions and OpinionsHulterström, Terése January 2006 (has links)
<p>In Sweden we come in contact with the English language almost daily; in television shows, radio commercials and at work. English is also mandatory in the Swedish curriculum; therefore it is important that the students learn as much as possible in school, to be able to use English in their daily life. Teachers use different methods to help students acquire the tools needed to learn English, or any other subject for that matter. One method is oral feedback, which is used to immediately encourage students or correct them when making an error. My aim in this study is therefore to investigate if students find oral feedback in the classroom valuable and if not, how they would like it to be changed. To investigate this I handed out a questionnaire to five classes. The questions were divided up into three categories: if the students had noticed oral feedback being given to them, what their experiences of oral feedback were and how they would like the feedback to be delivered. I also made observations and recorded three classes. The results of this investigation showed that the students were positive to oral feedback in the classroom. Most of the students had noticed oral feedback being given to them, and the teachers had mostly corrected the students’ grammar and pronunciation. These were also the areas where the students felt they had developed the most from oral feedback. In the questionnaire the students pointed out that they wanted the feedback to be delivered privately and that the teachers have to be careful how they give the feedback, they have to always remember to give positive feedback as well as corrective feedback.</p>
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