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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Håller läromedlet skrivet för Lgr11 när Lgr22 träder i kraft? : En studie om överensstämmelsen mellan läromedlet Champ och tilläggen i centralt innehåll för engelska i Lgr22

Alm, Lisa, Olofsson, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
This study aimed to analyze how the additions in the core content of the course plan for English in Lgr22 are covered in the teaching material Champ from Sanoma Utbildning. To analyze this matter the study contains two research questions. The first one asks which additions in the core content are most and least covered in Champ. The second question asks what type of texts and assignments the students encounter that correlates with the additions. The method for this study is a mix of content analysis and discourse analysis. The result of the study shows that the additions that in some ways were part of the curriculum for English in Lgr11 or that have been implicit before are better covered by Champ than the additions that were not. In the Champ workbooks the students mainly encounter writing and speaking exercises that correlate with the additions. There are only a few listening exercises. The reading is mainly covered by the texts in the textbooks. One of the main conclusions drawn from this study is that Champ is still viable for use but needs to be supplemented with other teaching materials to meet all additions from the core content.

En forskningsöversikt om World of Warcraft och vägen till bättre engelskkunskaper hos barn och unga

Gunnarsson, Jennifer January 2019 (has links)
The digital world that has been created in today’s society opens doors to possibilities that we could not have dreamed of twenty years ago. One of these possibilities is that children can learn new languages by interacting and communicating with people all around the world. Learning English as a second language is obligatory in Swedish schools. It is a part of the curriculum and as normalized as learning maths or science. However, that does not mean it is an easy task. Many students struggle with second language acquisition and need a helping hand to motivate or facilitate easier understanding of a second language. This essay presents a major influence on many second language learners in Sweden today: World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft is a major online game that is played by thousands of children around the world every day, including Sweden. It is a game that involves reading and understanding English, speaking and texting in English and being able to follow spoken and written instructions in English. All these traits are willingly practiced by motivated children all around Sweden today because of one common interest: the interest in the game itself. This essay is a research overview and it aims to bring light to the importance of communication between young learners in the gaming community, how the game contributes to facilitating a place and community where gamers can communicate and practice their gaming skills and second language acquisition. To complete this essay an extensive amount of research about second language acquisition and online games has been gathered and to answer three main questions. The results of this essay show that there is significant research to support the claims that second language acquisition is greatly advanced by participating in massive multiplayer online games and that the communication between players that is a part of these games is a great source of acquiring a second language.

ELEVERS MOTIVATION TILL SKOLENGELSKA : En kvantitativ studie om vad som kan motivera högstadieelever i skolämnet engelska

Nyman, Hanne January 2024 (has links)
Motivation hos eleverna är viktigt i engelskundervisningen men idag kan vi delvis se en minskad motivation hos elever som delvis kan bero på ett autenticitetsglapp mellan skolengelskan och fritidsengelskan som eleverna alltmer möter utanför skolan, så kallad extramural engelska. Syftet med den här studien är att bilda kunskap om högstadieelevers uppfattningar om vad som bidrar till ökad motivation i skolämnet engelska genom en enkätundersökning. Elevernas enkätsvar visar att engelska anses viktigt som ämne, men gentemot skolämnet engelska var eleverna mindre positiva. Elevernas svar visar att betydelsen av höga betyg samt variation av aktiviteter på lektionerna ökar motivationen. Studien identifierar faktorer som påverkar elevers motivation i skolämnet engelska och förslag på undervisningsaktiviteter för ökat intresse. Personliga reflektioner som lärare är behovet av att anpassa undervisningen efter dagens samhälle för att öka motivationen i engelskundervisningen.

Igenkännande läromedel? : En studie om hur engelska läromedel är anpassade till barn och ungas intresse / Recognizable teaching material? : A study on how English teaching materials are adapted to the interest of children and adolecents

Lindvall, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
Läromedel utgör idag stor del av undervisningen och utan en kvalitetssäkring av staten läggs stort ansvar på lärare att välja kvalitativa läromedel. Syftet med denna studie är att lyfta fram engelska läromedels relevans i form av hur väl elever kan sätta innehållet i relation till egna erfarenheter och intressen. Genom att synliggöra relevans i läromedel medför denna studie en del av motivation inom språkinlärning. Ett läromedels förmåga att relatera till barn och unga ökar möjligheten för goda resultatet och en framgångsrik inlärning. I bakgrunden redogörs barn och ungas intressen tillsammans med samhällets digitalisering. Fortsättningsvis i bakgrunden belyses motivation hos människan och i andraspråksinlärning samt definitionen av läromedel. Information baserat på studier om hur barn och unga tillbringar sin fritid kopplas ihop med motivation för att skapa kategoriseringen för datainsamlingen. Datamaterialet består av tre engelska läromedel för årskurs 6 som sedan analyserades utifrån förmåga att relatera till barn och unga. Studien innehöll en kvalitativ analysmetod för att identifiera egenskaper i läromedlen. Resultatet visade att läromedlen till viss del förhåller sig till barn och ungas intressen och sysselsättningar, med en förbättring och utveckling i läromedel med ett senare utgivningsår. Detta visade på att nyare läromedel i större utsträckning kan relatera till barn och ungas intressen och erfarenheter.

Lingvistisk osäkerhet hos svenska grundskollärare : En kvalitativ studie om lärares upplevelse av och inställning till det engelska språket / Linguistic insecurity among Swedish primary school teachers : A qualitative study on teachers’ experiences and attitudes towards the English language

Edin, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to research Swedish primary school teachers' experiences and attitudes towards the English language in general as well as the school subject. To answer the research purpose, four research questions were constructed: What is the teachers’ view on the English language? What is the best way to learn English according to the teachers? How do the teachers think that the teaching in English should look like? Do the teachers feel that they are affected by their own attitude towards English? To answer the study's research questions, a qualitative research method was used in the form of interviews. The sample consisted of six Swedish primary school teachers from the mid-Sweden. All teachers were qualified primary school teachers and all taught in the subject English. All interviews were recorded, transcribed and coded. To analyze the result, theories and research on linguistic insecurity, self-efficacy and social learning were used. The result showed that teachers felt that English was very important and teaching on the subject should be based on communication. Furthermore, the teachers presented a subjective picture of English where they examined their previous experiences, relationships and knowledge in English. The study may be of interest to the Swedish school system as the study provides insight into the Swedish primary school teachers' feelings and experiences. / Föreliggande arbetes syfte var att undersöka svenska grundskollärares upplevelse av och inställning till det engelska språket generellt såväl som till skolämnet. För att besvara syftet konstruerades fyra forskningsfrågor: Hur ser lärarna på det engelska språket? Hur upplever lärarna att man bäst lär sig engelska? Hur tycker lärarna att undervisningen i engelska ska se ut? Upplever lärarna att de blir påverkade av sin egen inställning till engelska? För att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor användes kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av intervjuer. Stickprovet bestod av sex stycken svenska grundskollärare från den mellersta delen av Sverige. Samtliga lärare var utbildade grundskollärare och alla undervisade i ämnet engelska. Alla intervjuer spelades in, transkriberades och kodades. För att analysera resultatet användes teorier och forskning om lingvistisk osäkerhet, self-efficacy och socialt lärande. Resultatet visade att lärare tyckte att engelska var väldigt viktigt och undervisningen i ämnet bör baseras på kommunikation. Vidare redogjorde lärarna för en subjektiv bild av engelska där de granskade sina tidigare erfarenheter, relationer och kunskaper inom engelska. Studien kan vara av intresse för det svenska skolsystemet då studien ger insyn i svenska grundskollärares känslor och upplevelser.

Swedish Blogs and English Borrowings : An Investigation / Swedish Blogs and English Borrowings : An Investigation into the Role of Swedish Blogs for Introducing and Establishing English Loans in Swedish

Westergren, My January 2009 (has links)
<p>This paper investigates the role of Swedish blogs as a channel for introduction and establishment of English loans. The direct loans, covering both single-word loans and phrasal loans, were collected from nine blogs at three points in time: 2000, 2004 and 2008. The dimensions of frequency, distribution, formal integration and establishment in Swedish normative dictionaries were used to analyze the samples as unintegrated, interim or established loans in accordance with Chrystal (1988). A newspaper corpus was used to compare the borrowings’ time of appearance to see whether the blogs have a more active role in introducing borrowings than newspapers have.      Of the single-word loans accounted for, 24 were unintegrated, 19 interim and 5 established. The phrasal loans showed 27 unintegrated, 30 interim and 1 established borrowing. When compared to the newspaper corpus, 10 single-word loans and 32 phrasal loans occurred only in blogs or in blogs before they occurred in the corpus, while 38 single-word loans and 26 phrases occurred in the corpus before or at the same time as in the blogs. Nine of the unintegrated or interim loans in the blogs were subsequently established in a Swedish dictionary. The results indicate that blogs do have a role in introducing and establishing borrowings in Swedish, but from this qualitative investigation it is not possible to determine the magnitude of their influence.</p>

Att stava rätt - hur svårt kan det va´? : En undersökning av de vanligaste svårigheterna i engelsk stavning jämfört med svensk stavning

Olby, Carina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Jag har kartlagt några av de svårigheter som finns i engelsk stavning jämfört med svensk stavning med hjälp av en kvantitativ undersökning i form av ett stavningstest. Jag ville ta reda på om det är svårare att stava på engelska än på svenska. I studien deltog 55 elever från 10 olika gymnasieprogram, som alla läste A-kursen i engelska. Testet, som utfördes på både engelska och svenska, utformades likvärdigt, så att jag kunde jämföra elevernas stavning av olika fonem och ord på de båda språken. Resultatet visade att de engelska orden var svårare att stava än de svenska, med undantag för dubbelteckningsfel, som förekom mer i undersökningens svenska ord. Färre elever stavade fel på de svenska flerstaviga orden än på de engelska enstaviga. Eleverna hade problem med fler engelska konsonanter än svenska. Det var nästan bara de engelska vokalerna som vållade stavningssvårigheter. Det gick att utläsa flera orsaker till varför vissa språkljud eller bokstäver är svåra att stava, t.ex. om fonemet stavas med två eller fler bokstäver eller om fonemet har många stavningsalternativ. Undersöknings resultat stödjer teorin som bl.a. Spencer (2000, 2001)har lagt fram om att ett språk är svårare att stava ju mindre transparant det är. Min undersökning visar också vilka stavningsregler och vilka fonem vars stavning eleverna kan behöva träna på.</p>

Teachers’ interpretations regarding the revisions coming with Lgr22 : A study about the 2022 revision of the English syllabus, and the interpretations that English teachers have regarding the changes / Lärarnas tolkningar av de ändringar som kommer med Lgr22

Lidbäck, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
Some teachers see the curriculum as a guide that has to be followed, while others see it as a document of recommendations that support the teacher in his or her profession if needed. Changes to a curriculum will be interpreted in different ways depending on the individual. This study aims to investigate the revisions made to the English syllabus in Lgr11 coming in 2022, as well as to study how four English teachers working in compulsory school interpret these changes. This information is achieved through a qualitative study based on document analysis and interviews. Research has shown that Swedish teachers have experienced periods in which they have had the opportunity to teach the way they like, but also times when they have felt restrained by the steering documents. The results of this study show that the changes in the syllabus mostly concretise the document, making it easier to understand. The general meaning of the document remains the same, but the focus will shift from the aspect of abilities to the aspect of knowledge. The teachers interpret the changes to the syllabus as positive, because they believe that they will have more free space in their teaching as well as a more concrete and easily understood syllabus to work with. The conclusion of this study is that the changes that will be made to the English syllabus are not going to change the general meaning of the document, but will make the document clearer and more easily understood. Another conclusion is that the teachers do not believe that their work situation will change to any large extent, but they do think that the changes will make assessment a fairer process. / Vissa lärare ser läroplanen som en guide som skall följas, andra ser det som ett dokument som innehåller rekommendationer som stöttar läraren i dennes yrke om så behövs. Läroplansändringar kommer att uppfattas olika beroende på vem det är som tolkar ändringarna. Denna studie ämnar undersöka ändringarna som görs på den engelska läroplanen i grundskolan och som träder i kraft 2022. Studien skall även undersöka hur fyra engelsklärare i grundskolan uppfattar dessa ändringar. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ studie som inkluderar dokumentanalys och intervjuer. Forskning har visat att svenska lärare genom tiden har uppfattat sin yrkesroll som öppen och fri, där de kunnat lära ut det som önskats, men även stunder där de känt sig begränsade och låsta av styrdokumenten. Studiens resultat visar att ändringarna i läroplanen leder till att den blir mer konkret och enklare att förstå. Dokumentets generella mening ändras dock inte, men fokus kommer att ändras från förmågor till kunskaper i dokumentet. Lärarna uppfattar ändringarna som positiva då de tror att dokumentet kommer att bli enklare att förstå och att de dessutom kommer att få mer friutrymme och på så sätt kunna lita mer på sin erfarenhet och profession. Uppsatsens slutsats blir att den engelska läroplanen inte kommer att ändras i någon större utsträckning, mer än att den blir förenklad. En annan slutsats blir att lärarna inte tror att deras arbetssituation kommer att förändras märkvärt, men de tror däremot att ändringarna kommer att bidra till att bedömning kommer att kunna göras på ett mer rättvist sätt.

Adaptation and Original in the EFL-classroom : An Analysis of Different Versions of The Handmaid's Tale

Toubia, Carmen January 2020 (has links)
This qualitative study aims to examine the differences between Margaret Atwood’s novel and Bruce Miller’s adapted version of The Handmaid’s Tale by the application of adaptation, as well as, feminist theory. An additional aim is to investigate the didactic potential of using both the original version and the TV series adaptation in the EFL-classroom, this in relation to the Curriculum for English at upper secondary level. The two research questions addressed in this study were: What are the main differences between the adapted version and the original version? and, in relation to the EFL-classroom and the subject English 7, what can be gained by working comparatively with the original version and the TV series adaptation? The essay is examined by using adaptation theory and feminist theory. The findings of the analysis presented in this study show for example that the television adaptation features a more feminist portrayal of the female characters than the original story. In addition, the findings of this study suggests that by using both texts in the EFL-classroom, one can get the opportunity to highlight prominent themes within the two media which were discovered in this study. For example, discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation. Therefore, by comparing the two texts, students may become aware of differences between how the two texts are able to portray such indifferences as mentioned above. In an educational setting this is useful since by working with questions which aims to compare both texts in the EFL-classroom, students also get the chance to deal with various living conditions and attitudes in relation to both the historical and contemporary English-speaking world (Skolverket 2011, p. 4).

Global English and Listening Materials : A Textbook Analysis

Eggert, Björn January 2009 (has links)
<p></p><p>This paper focuses on listening materials used in English language teaching in Sweden, especially in respect to the concept of global English. Global English could briefly be described as the linguistic, cultural, politic, and economic influence of English in the world. This influence concerns two aspects of English, namely the usage of English as a lingua franca in international communications, as well as the great range of English varieties that are used today. The purpose of this research is to study how varied listening materials are and how, when and why they are used in the classrooms. I conducted a two-part investigation to study these matters. The first part of the investigation focuses on teachers’ usage of listening materials and is based on a questionnaire handed out to five teachers. I found that the teachers varied much in their usage of listening materials. In the second part of the investigation I compare the listening materials provided by two Swedish textbooks on English, one from 1994 and one from 2003. Here I focus on the speakers’ varieties, rate of delivery, and instructions given for listening exercises. I found that both books featured a majority of speakers from the British Isles and America, and very few non-native speakers. The more recent book featured a larger degree of varieties outside the areas of Britain and the USA, as well as a larger degree of American English when dividing the varieties by the time these were spoken. RP (Received Pronunciation) and GA (General American) were also less dominating in the textbook from 2003. The rate of delivery was generally slower in the older textbook. The results from this investigation suggest that some changes seem to have occurred between the publishing of the two books. However, a focus on English as a lingua franca, where the aim is proficiency in efficient cross cultural communication rather than in the English spoken by native speakers,  does not seem to have influenced the textbooks studied here. It is difficult to appreciate whether or not changes like these have taken hold in Swedish classrooms, as teachers use many different listening materials and in many different ways.</p><p> </p>

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