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News and Ideology : A discourse analysis of the American healthcare debate / News and Ideology : A discourse analysis of the American healthcare debateRobillard, Einar January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Colonialism and its Sociolinguistic Effects : A Comparison between Language Attitudes in Tanzania and AlgeriaTorkelsson, Anna-Cajsa January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Most of the former African colonies achieved their independence in the 1960's. However, the language of the colonizer often keeps a firm grip on culture and society even today. The aim of this essay is to examine attitudes towards the colonial languages English and French in Tanzania and Algeria. Are Tanzanians generally more positively inclined towards English than Algerians are towards French? In order to examine this, 15 informants from each of the two countries were chosen to participate in a small survey consisting of six questions. The results suggest that there is indeed a difference in attitudes: the Algerians seem more emotionally engaged in the French issue, while the Tanzanians tend to see English as an effect of globalization rather than colonialism. In both of the countries, the colonial language is generally perceived as the language of the successful.</p>
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Language Acquisition and the Errors We Make : A comparison between beginners and intermediate learnersFeltsen, Patrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of the study was to find out whether or not there is a difference in the type and number of errors made by L2 intermediate learners and beginners of English. Texts were gathered from two age groups, 9-10 year olds and 16-18 year olds, 16 texts from the younger beginner level learners and 9 from the older intermediate learners. From the errors made in the texts five categories were formed (six for the beginners): Grammatical errors, word missing errors, morpheme errors, word order errors and spelling errors that is unique to the beginners. It was found that intermediate learners make fewer errors overall but that they make the same types of errors as the beginners when they do make an error.</p>
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English Loanwords at Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet’s Websites : Variation across publication year, different sections and male and female reporters.Gideskog, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of the study was to investigate the degree of usage of 15 English loanwords atthe Swedish broadsheets Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet’s websites, during2002-2008. Three different aspects were investigated; total usage during 2002-2008,what kind of articles the loanwords occurred in and lastly, the gender of the journalistswho had written the articles containing any of these 15 loanwords. The result did notindicate any major usage of the 15 English loanwords; the highest usage was found insections like Sport and Culture & Entertainment and in the Economy section the usagewas very low. Some indications were found pointing at the idea that gender also plays apart in the frequency of usage of English loanwords with a greater use for men thanwomen.</p>
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Från Rysk Roulett till "riktigt söta historier" : Hur genus konstrueras i två läroböcker i engelska på gymnasienivå / From Russian Roulette to "really cute stories" : The construction of gender in two English textbooks for High SchoolNordström, Martina, Svensson, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Denna uppsats undersöker två läroböcker avsedda för gymnasiets A-kurs i engelskämnet,<em> Progress Gold A</em> (2003) och <em>Solid Ground </em>(2003), i syfte att se vad de kan kommunicera ur ett genusperspektiv. De frågeställningar som behandlas är följande: Hur konstrueras genus i texterna i dessa båda läroböcker? Då läsaren inkluderas exempelvis i ett "vi" eller "du", förutsätts läsaren då vara antingen man eller kvinna, eller har detta inte någon betydelse? Hur förhåller sig resultaten till läroplanens mål om jämställdhet?</p><p>Den teori och metod som ligger till grund för analysen har hämtats från det fält som kallas diskursanalys. Såsom den utformats i detta arbete kan metoden närmast beskrivas som en kvalitativ närläsning av materialet. Resultatet visar på att båda läroböckerna till stor del tycks reproducera genuskontraktets grundpelare, dikotomiseringen av manligt och kvinnligt samt hierarkin dem emellan som ger det manliga högre statuts än det kvinnliga. Huruvida texterna förutsätter att läsaren är man, kvinna eller om detta inte har någon betydelse skiljer sig mellan läroböckerna. <em>Solid Ground</em> påvisar genusneutralitet i det avseendet, medan det i <em>Progress</em> finns tillfällen där det allmängiltiga underförstått riktar sig till antingen män eller kvinnor. I förhållande till läroplanen framgår av resultatet att dessa båda läroböcker stämmer illa överens med läroplanens grundläggande värderingar om jämlikhet mellan män och kvinnor, samt läroplanens krav på att undervisningen ska återspegla både manliga och kvinnliga perspektiv.</p><p> </p>
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From Bliss to Tragedy : A Study of the Fates of Three of Thomas Hardy's Noble Dames / En studie av tre kvinnoöden i Thomas Hardys A Group of Noble Dames.Lindgren Hedberg, Erika January 2009 (has links)
<p>This essay explores the choices and fates of three women in Thomas Hardy’s A Group of Noble Dames. The lives of Betty Dornell, Emmeline Oldbourne and Barbara Grebe are all influenced by chance, choice and the interference of their parents and lovers. Despite the similar circumstances of their lives as young, upper-class women, it is shown that their fates vary widely as a result of both choice and chance. Ultimately, however, this essay claims that Hardy allows chance to have the final say in each dame’s destiny.</p>
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Making Gender Visible : Breaking down the narration in Stephanie Meyer's Breaking DawnArvidsson, Josefine January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay analyzes the difference between feminine and masculine narration in Stephanie Meyer's final novel in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. The methods used are Narratology, Reader-Response Criticism and Gender Theory. Breaking Dawn is divided into three different books and one of the main characters, Bella, is the narrator in the first and the last book, and the other main character, Jacob, is the narrator in the second book. Bella's and Jacob's narration styles are manifested in the title names and inside the text, and the analysis shows why Bella is a stereotypically female narrator and why Jacob is a stereotypically masculine narrator.</p>
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Fiction at the Intermediate Level - More Than Just ReadingSkagerström, Josefa January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose</strong>: Investigate how fiction can be used in the intermediate school in order to give the students a chance to reach goals in the curriculum and the syllabus.</p><p><strong>Question formulation</strong>: How is fiction used today in order to reach goals in the syllabus and curriculum? How can fiction be used to reach the goals?</p><p><strong>Method</strong>: I have read three fictional books which are used in the intermediate school at two schools today and analysed how these books can be useful to be able to reach goals considering democracy, equality and fair treatment. I did a small interview with two teachers in Swedish who uses these books in their teaching to see how the books are used at the moment and what goals the teachers have set up for their students to reach.</p><p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Seen to the analysis that I have made I find fiction to be very useful in school as a tool which can be used to reach goals in the syllabus and curriculum which is the foundation of our school today by using discussions as a method of making the students understand what they have read. Teachers who use fiction think that it is a good way of making the students aware of the different worldviews that exists.</p>
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Gendered Talk in World of WarcraftKristensen, Madeleine January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay is predominantly a qualitative piece of research by which I mean it is mainly based on my own observations and analysis of the material. To do this I will cover the theories of <em>communities of practice</em> together with gendered language and apply it to the community and language of the online game World of Warcraft.</p><p>Through using collected chat logs, I will analyse conversations held in World of Warcraft with a specific focus on gender and identity, I will then compare these to examples of face-to-face conversations. My analysis will draw on the works of theorists such as Holmes (2006), Sunderland and Litosseliti (2002), Eckert and McConnel-Ginet (1992) amongst others. This study will show that although Netspeak within World of Warcraft is written and not spoken, the strategies for creating gendered identities are not very different from real life discourse. The essay will be a general study of gendered language in a virtual community and will discover that there is an extremely nuanced language within the limited communication medium of <em>chat</em>, and lays the ground for more extensive research on the subject.</p>
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Comparison of two Learner’s Dictionaries regarding Delexical verbsCantmo, Kristoffer January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this essay is to find out which dictionary is the best for learners and how it can be improved even further, regarding delexical verbs.</p>
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