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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den muntliga kommunikationens betydelse : - en studie i målspråksanvändning i ämnena engelska och spanska

Hansson, Caroline, García, Ingrig January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie är att försöka ge en bild av hur fyra lärare verksamma på högstadiet och gymnasiet arbetar och förhåller sig till målspråksanvändningen i ämnena engelska och spanska. Intentionen är att utifrån tre valda teman ur Ulrika Tornbergs teori om språkundervisning i mellanrummet (2000), se hur teorin om mellanrummet kommer till uttryck hos lärarna och deras språkundervisning.</p><p>Den metod som valts för att besvara studiens syfte är dels kvalitativ intervju och klassrumsbaserade observationer. Fyra intervjuer utfördes där samtliga lärare fick berätta om vilken uppfattning de har angående den muntliga kommunikationen på målspråket i språkundervisningen, språkundervisningens innehåll samt betoningen av den muntliga kommunikationen på målspråket i styrdokumenten.</p><p>Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att mellanrummet kommer till uttryck hos lärarna samt i de klassrum vi valt att observera. I resultaten framgår även en praktisk anknytning till teorin om mellanrummet i de klassrum vi har observerat. Att tala på målspråket har stor betydelse för samtliga lärare och är något alla fyra lärare strävar efter att förverkliga i sin undervisning. Grundtanken hos samtliga lärare är att övningarna skall vara utformade på ett sådant sätt att alla elever skall få möjligheten att tala på målspråket vid varje lektionstillfälle. När det gäller styrdokumenten och deras betoning av målspråksanvändning, visar resultaten på att de fyra lärarna är insatta i det som står i kursplanerna. Deras uppfattning angående denna betoning är positiv och samtliga lärare tycker att det är bra att den muntliga kommunikationen på målspråket i språkundervisningen understryks i styrdokumenten. I diskussionen kommenterar och diskuterar vi kring de resultat och slutsatser vi kommit fram till i vår undersökning utifrån teorin om mellanrummet.</p>

Nivågruppering i Engelska : En fallstudie på en gymnasieskola i en Stockholmsförort

Kiely, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this degree thesis is to investigate what the English teachers in an upper sec-ondary school, think about teaching students in ability grouped classrooms. The questions that I have set out to investigate include what the teachers think about ability grouping in English, the school’s current organisation of ability groups, the pros and cons of ability grouping in English, differentiation in teaching and if students get more individualized teaching with abil-ity groups, how the teachers cooperate and what would be the optimal teaching situation in an English learning classroom.</p><p>I did a lot of theoretical research on the subject and studied old essays on similar subjects. I also did some classroom observations to use as background information for my interviews. I interviewed five teachers of different sex, age, and teaching experience. The teachers clearly had different views on the pros and cons of ability grouping and how to deal with the stu-dents’ different levels of English. They all agreed on the advantages it creates for the teachers, the main advantages being the small groups and the students being on almost the same level. They also agreed on the difficulty of individualised teaching, even with ability groups. Most of them also agreed that the main problem with ability grouping is how to deal with the weak-est or most basic level. It’s important that they have good pedagogical teachers who want to teach them and know how to. It also leads to problems amongst the teachers, in deciding who should or wants to teach which group and how to teach on a certain level. The teachers all had different ideas on how to improve the organisation of English teaching, from small mixed groups or only two ability levels, to a rotation of teachers between the groups and the different areas of English. In conclusion, upper secondary students are used to different groups, since they have chosen not only schools, but programs and individual courses. If the goal is small groups in English, maybe ability grouping is a possible solution. But above all, it has to be a possibility for the students, not the teachers.</p>

In Control or In Despair : Protagonist Analysis of David Lurie in Disgrace and Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart

Andersson, Tove January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Hem- och konsumentkunskap som stödämne

Åkesson, Lena January 2008 (has links)
<p>Domestic science is an interdisciplinary subject. Furthermore domestic science is a combination of theory and practice. The basic competence, a recommendation from ‘The Swedish School Institution’ (Skolverket), is to enter the secondary school with minimum grade G, (godkänd) in the basic themes: Swedish, English and Mathematic. Today there are many pupils finishing their secondary school without grade in one or more basic themes; Swedish, English and Mathematic. The aim of this essay is to show if domestic science could be used as a complement to the basic themes which are suppose to help the pupils to get grades in the basic themes of Swedish, English and Mathematics. A question in the essay is; is it possible to combine theory and practice? The theoretical frame of this essay is constituted by the pedagogies of activities and work. The sources for research of this essay have been the course plan of ‘The Swedish School Institution’ (Skolverket). Comparisons have been made between the basic grades; domestic science and basic themes of Swedish, English and Mathematics. The results indicate that there is a possibility to build bridges between the basic themes and domestic science. Through the use of pedagogies of activities and work, letting the experience fortify knowledge and showing the connection between knowledge and action, will present new ways to inspire the curiosity and creativity of the pupils. </p> / <p>Hem- och konsumentkunskap är ett tvärvetenskapligt ämne, här kombineras teori och praktik i ett ämne. Många beröringspunkter bör finnas till andra skolämnen. Grundbehörigheten till gymnasiet är att ha godkänt i kärnämnena; svenska, matematik och engelska. Många ungdomar som slutar nian saknar betyg i ett eller flera kärnämnen. Går det att använda hemkunskapen som ett stödämne till kärnämnena? Syftet med denna uppsats är att se hur hem- och konsumentkunskapen kan användas som stödämne i skolans undervisning för kärnämnena, svenska, matematik och engelska. Den teoretiska ramen utgörs av aktivitets- och arbetspedagogik. Materialet har varit bl a Skolverkets kursplaner. Jämförelser har gjorts mellan uppnåendemålen i svenska, engelska och matematik med utgångspunkt i hem- och konsumentkunskap. Resultatet visar att det finns många utgångspunkter där det går att bygga broar mellan kärnämnena och hem- och konsumentkunskapen. Genom att använda aktivitets-och arbetspedagogik och låta upplevelsen befästa kunskapen och visa sambanden mellan kunskap och handling prövas nya vägar att nå elevernas inneboende nyfikenhet och kreativitet. </p>

Läsförståelse eller litterära föreställningsvärldar : Litteraturpedagogisk diskurs inom gymnasieämnet engelska / Reading Comprehension or Envisioning Literature : the discourse of literary instruction found in English lessons in Swedish Upper Secondary Schools

Hultkrantz-Bremler, Birgitta January 2010 (has links)
<p>Reading and analyzing literature has a long tradition of being an essential part of the teaching of English in Sweden. As the offers of entertainment have increased in popular culture with the introduction <em>of computer games, internet and other media, interest in reading novels has decreased. Literature is still a compulsory part of English teaching and the question is how teachers of today use literature and what kind of literary instruction they use.</em></p><p>The aim of this study is to explore and discuss the literary instruction discourse in pedagogical texts, lessons, created by and for English teachers of Swedish Upper Secondary Schools. The lessons have been collected from the site <em>lektion.se</em>, where teachers are able to share knowledge and lessons. The study uses an analytical method based on Norman Fairclough´s <em>Critical Discourse Analysis</em> in order to analyze the lessons. In the analysis aspects of language, intertextuality and assumptions are discussed. As a theoretical base, Louise M. Rosenblatt´s and Judith Langer´s ideas of reader centered literary instruction is used as well as Design Theory.</p><p>The result of the study shows that the overall discourse is text orientated and, with few exceptions, there is little room for students to contribute to a creative, personal experience of literature. Furthermore, it is shown that literary texts are often used as an exercise of reading comprehension and specific literary reading is scarce. The study postulates that more effort should be put into involving the students in the reading, and less effort on literary terminology.</p>

Deconstructing Sleeping Beauty : Angela Carter and <em>Écriture Feminine</em>

Karjalainen, Anette January 2010 (has links)
<p>When attempting to convey certain political or ideological agendas in literary texts maintaining specific writing strategies can work as a useful tool. From a feminist perspective the use of <em>écriture feminine</em> as a means of undermining patriarchy has been largely neglected as well as misunderstood by many feminists. However, as argued in this essay, <em>écriture feminine</em> is not only a useful tool for pursuing a feminist agenda, but is also something that needs to be discussed due to the many misunderstandings of it. Resting on the theoretical perspectives of Judith Butler, Hélène Cixous, Antonio Gramsci, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Richard Slotkin this essay investigates Angela Carter’s short story “The Lady of the House of Love” in relation to <em>écriture feminine</em> by exploring how the text rejects patriarchy and its idea of the gender binary. In this short story Carter re-works the classic Sleeping Beauty fairy tale and provides us with a feminist’s version of it. The main thesis of this essay is therefore that Carter challenges the gender binary by de-victimizing “woman” and by engaging in a style of writing that overturns western culture’s definitions of “woman” Carter provides a version of Sleeping Beauty that radically differs from the hegemonic/patriarchal versions.</p>

In Search of a Man : A Comparative Analysis of the Marriage Plot in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary

Widlund, Lina January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

A Journey of Racial Neutrality : the symbolic meaning of the Mississippi in <em>The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn</em>

ZHANG, HENG January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Assessing test Reliability : Comparing Two Versions of Reading Comprehension Testin the TOEFL test

ZHANG, HENG January 2010 (has links)
<p>This paper analyzes the two test forms used by TOEFL: IBT and PBT. The analysiswill focus on the reading comprehension section, its design features, content, andscoring results. The aim is to assess the reliability of the two test forms as well as toidentify factors influencing candidate performance in the reading comprehension test.Three factors are identified: test setting, test difficulty and scoring methods and results.The latter two will be focused on because test difficulty consistency directly decides thetest result consistency. And as the goal of the candidate is to achieve as high a score aspossible, and success is measured in terms of numbers, score reliability is a primaryconcern for both candidate and examining body alike.</p>

Prototypes in Europe and North America : How they reflect gender and cultural differences

Basile, Jennifer January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to find out whether Europeans and North Americans differ as to what they consider to be best examples of four categories; namely vehicles, clothes, vegetables, and furniture. I compared the two continents with each other and tried to find out to what extent the cultural differences really influence the best examples chosen by the research participants. Further, I briefly</p><p>compared the prototypes with European females and males and North American females and males and tried to point out some differences between the two genders. Moreover I tried to connect the differences to cultural and gender related factors. The results show the existence of some good and some bad examples that were the same no matter if we looked at the European list or the North American one. However, as we have found out through our research there seem to be strong cultural reasons for the best examples the participants chose. It is a natural behavior to choose prototypes of categories that are well known by the research participants. The best known items are those which are present in the lives of the participants. So, for example riding a bicycle does not seem to be very common among people in North America. They consider bicycle only a lower average example for the category vehicles, whereas Europeans for example seem to use bicycles much more often. They place it on rank four out of 17. People seem to choose things they know or are interested in.</p>

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