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Tabletop Role-playing Games (TRPG) and Group Coherence / Rollspel och gruppkoherens : En enkät- och intervjustudieDanielsson, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Tabletop role-playing games (TRPGs), also known as Pen-and-Paper role-playing games(PnP-RPGs), are games that can be described as a mix between board games and improvisationaltheatre. Each player takes on the role of a single character, while the game’s leader(GM or DM) is in charge of both simulating the game world, acting out all remainingcharacters and facilitating the game rules. The games are often played in campaigns,continual stories told over several gameplay sessions. This thesis investigates whetherplayers’ types/characteristics and preferences affect the enjoyment of play, and in particularwhether being coherent with the rest of the role-play group in these respects affects theenjoyment of TRPG play. The research questions were addressed primarily by a surveyamong TRPG players that received 1,982 completed questionnaires. These were thenanalysed by correlation and factor analyses in order to find connections between responses.The thesis work shows that the length and depth of previous experiences have almost nocorrelation to the level of enjoyment. Some aspects of the game itself contributed to theenjoyment, but a clearer factor was that of group coherence – if the player perceives thegroup to have the same or similar stances as him/herself on game preferences.Keywords: tabletop role-playing game, pen-and-paper role-playing game, groupcoherence, game enjoyment, satisfaction / Bordsrollspel (TRPGs), även känt som penna-och-papper-rollspel (PnP-RPGs), är en typ avspel som kan beskrivas som en blandning mellan brädspel och improvisationsteater. Varjespelare antar rollen av en karaktär, medan spelledaren (GM eller DM) ansvarar för simuleringenav spelvärlden, agerandet av resterande karaktärer samt ansvar för regelhållningen.Denna uppsats undersöker om spelartyper (egenskaper) och deras preferenser påverkarspelglädjen, och i synnerhet huruvida det är viktigt att ha samma uppfattning som den övrigagruppen i dessa frågor (gruppkoherens). Forskningsfrågorna besvarades huvudsakligengenom en enkätundersökning bland TRPG-spelare som gav 1982 komplett ifyllda enkätsvar.Dessa analyserades sedan med korrelations- och faktoranalyser för att hitta kopplingarmellan svaren. Uppsatsen visar att längden och djupet av tidigare spelupplevelser nästan intehar något samband med nivån av spelglädje. Några aspekter av själva spelet bidrog däremottill spelglädjen, och den tydligaste faktorn var gruppens koherens – om spelaren uppfattar attgruppen har samma eller liknande ståndpunkter som sig själv när det gäller spelpreferenser.Nyckelord: bordsrollspel, penna- och papper-rollspel, gruppkoherens, spelglädje, nöjdhet
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Examining the impact of expert modeling videos on nursing students' simulation competencyDodson, Tracy Michelle 28 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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La Revendication du plaisir littéraire : autour de Jean Renart et Raoul de Houdenc (XIIe–XIIIe siècles) / The Claim to Literary Enjoyment : around the work of Jean Renart and Raoul de Houdenc (12th–13th centuries)Dupraz-Rochas, Hélène 19 March 2016 (has links)
Le présent travail étudie un moment d’histoire littéraire et culturelle en langue française – à la charnière des XIIe et XIIIe siècles, autour de Jean Renart et Raoul de Houdenc – sous l’angle du plaisir littéraire. Les œuvres en vers de ces deux auteurs actifs au début du XIIIe siècle, qui révèlent une conscience auctoriale aiguë et que sous-tend une réflexion métadiscursive faisant la part belle au principe du delectare, sont révélatrices des jugements divergents que le Moyen Âge porte sur cette notion problématique. En effet, l’expression littéraire du plaisir se situe à la croisée de plusieurs champs discursifs qui en précisent le sens et éclairent ses enjeux sous des jours contrastés. La poésie se fait d’une part l’écho du discours dominant de l’Église et illustre la complexité de l’attitude des théologiens et des moralistes devant le plaisir littéraire, entre condamnation virulente et légitimation conditionnelle. Elle atteste – et accompagne – également l’épanouissement d’une autre idéologie, aristocratique et profane, bien plus favorable au plaisir puisque l’imaginaire courtois accorde au deduit littéraire une valeur à la fois éthique, sociale et politique. Elle reflète enfin la conception médiévale du Beau littéraire formalisée par les arts poétiques médiolatins qui en établissent le canon et dont le plaisir est le signe. Lieux de confrontation de ces discours souvent discordants, les œuvres littéraires du temps de Jean Renart et Raoul de Houdenc témoignent de la revendication nouvelle d’un plaisir présenté comme une valeur et une exigence. C’est une certaine conception de la littérature en langue vulgaire qui voit le jour autour de 1200. / This work focuses on a short period in French-language literary and cultural history—at the turn of 12th and 13th centuries, around the work of Jean Renart and Raoul de Houdenc—from the standpoint of literary enjoyment. The poetic output of these two early 13th-century authors, who display a keen authorial consciousness underpinned by a meta-discursive reflection that gives more than its due to the principle of delectare, testifies to the diversity of judgements that the Middle Ages pass on this controversial notion. The literary expression of enjoyment is indeed located at the crossing of several discursive fields that specify its meaning and shed contrasting lights on its stakes. Poetry both echoes the dominant views of the Church and epitomizes the complexity of attitudes of theologians and moralists towards literary enjoyment, between outright condemnation and conditional legitimiza-tion. It also bears witness to—and accompanies—the flowering of another ideology, aristocratic and secular, far more favourably disposed towards enjoyment, since the courtly imaginative world grants literary deduit a value that is at the same time ethical, social, and political. Lastly, it reflects the medieval conception of literary Beauty, as formalized by the ars poetica of Medieval Latin, which sets the canons and takes enjoyment as a sign. As a battlefield for these often discordant views, the literary works from the era of Jean Renart and Raoul de Houdenc testify to the appearance of a new claim to pleasure, considered both as an ethical standard and an entitlement. A certain conception of literature in the vernacular was thus born around year 1200.
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Stavba v krajině - Winery / Architecture in Landscape – WineryNováková, Natalie January 2017 (has links)
Urbanist concept in the cadastral area of Strachotín village is based on spiral inspirations. The village is located on the banks of Novomlýnské nádrže and offers a wonderful view of Pálava. Therefore, for me, the most powerful motif has become the nature, which is cyclical, but does not repulse. The spiral has been applied to the driveway to a selected location offering the best view and communicating with the village. The function of the winery was supplemented by a small recreational riding complex. The functional solution offers the possibility of visiting, family recreation or organizing corporate events and presentations. When embedding functions, it was considered the most convenient mode of transport that would capture that function. This was further refined by the creation of public spaces that link to the various sites and the whole area. The actual mass solution of objects is inspired by Pálava itself, which is hard but delicate. For my most important objects, it "crystallized" and encouraged them to cover the greenery with the least important visitor.
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Stavba v krajině - Centrum ekologické výchovy / Architecture in landscape - Environmental Education CenterSáčková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the task was to design a building situated in South Moravia near the Nové Mlýny dam with a view of Pálava hills. The house is designed with respect to the environment as extremely efficient building. Part of the ecological concept is also water management and purification. The primary function of this object is an environmental education aimed at primary schools and its students. There are two classrooms available, both of them designed for 27 children, and a lecture hall for 66 students. There is an accommodation for 60 persons including dining room arranged in the object. Also there is room for cultural events in the area, a separate building that provides refreshment and bicycle or boat rental.
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Characterization: A Content Analysis of Pulitzer-Awarded and Traditional FeaturesTobler, Linda Janet 09 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Characterization in Pulitzer-awarded features and traditional features was measured using a characterization typology developed by the author. Although some of the results were statistically constrained by a small n, those results which were statistically significant reflect that what separates Pulitzer-winning features from regular features are those elements of characterization particular to scene: a character's distinctive physical characteristics, clothing and possessions; the setting and environment as it defines a character; a physical description of character that is not lineament nor habitual posture or expression but bodily appearance in the immediate moment; a character's movements and actions, facial expressions, words, and thoughts. In an era when the predicted demise of newspapers is more fact than fiction, the reader's experience with newspapers is paramount. Crucial to the news reading experience is the reader's enjoyment: how "I" experienced a story through empathy, parasocial interaction, and/or identification. Perhaps a solution to newspapers' loss of readership is scene: within scene, fear, anguish, exhilaration, and joy are not only the experiences of the characters, but also that of the reader's.
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Gamification Use Intention : Examining the technology acceptance factors that define gamification use intentionde Kok, Michiel, Klaiber, Mark January 2022 (has links)
During the past years, gamification has become an influential trend in technology and the promises are widespread. The definition of gamification is known as the implementation of game elements (leaderboards, badges, points) within a non-game context. The term emerged as a result of business digitalization showing potential in increasing employee engagement and productivity. As a result of its infancy, little is known about the factors that define the use intention of a prospective user. Moreover, the role that different demographic backgrounds might have on the use intention of potential users is largely unknown. This study has specifically sought to uncover these factors by subjecting the constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model within the context of gamification. The study investigates the factors that define the intention of users to engage in platforms based on gamification. Furthermore, by exploring the link between demographic factors and gamification use intention, this study contributes to filling an important research gap. Where prior research has predominantly focused on examining the effects of age and gender, this study has aimed to propose new findings on the factors of educational background and IT literacy. This research has employed a quantitative research method based on the collection of survey responses. For data collection, an online survey was conducted within the organizational context of Volvo CE, 93 survey responses have been taken into consideration for the analysis. The data analysis method of choice is based on PLS-SEM, with the analysis performed through the software programmes SmartPLS and SPSS. Through this method, the relevance of the constructs to Gamification Use Intention (GUI) could be investigated, whilst the controlling effect of demographics was also uncovered. The conclusions indicate that the two main defining technological acceptance factors for gamification use intention are perceived enjoyment, and perceived usefulness. Additionally, perceived ease of use has materialized as an indirect indicator of GUI through its positive effect on enjoyment and usefulness. In the case of the demographic factors, gender was found to have no effect, age decreases GUI as individuals are older, individuals with higher IT literacy experience higher GUI, and higher GUI is found for individuals with lower educational backgrounds.
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No description available.
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Does teacher affective support matter? An investigation of the relationship among perceived teacher affective support, sense of belonging, academic emotions, academic self-efficacy beliefs, and academic effort in middle school mathematics classroomsSakiz, Gonul 22 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of Trained Facilitation of Learning-Oriented Feedback on Learner Engagement, Performance, Self-Efficacy, and EnjoymentJamison, Kathleen 29 April 2004 (has links)
The level of learner engagement, performance, self-efficacy, and enjoyment on a knot-tying task by college students who received positive verbal and non-verbal learning-oriented feedback by trained facilitators was examined. Secondary learner outcomes were learner perception of engagement and learner perception of facilitator support. Facilitator variables were attitude and competency.
Changes in facilitators" attitudes toward (1) flow theory (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997), (2) systematic feedback (Ilgen, Fisher, & Taylor, 1979; Liden & Mitchell, 1985; Locke & Latham, 1985), and (3) hands-on learning (Joplin, 1995; Kolb, 1984; Pfieffer & Jones, 1985; Williamson, 1995) were examined. Facilitators" competence in (1) delivering learning-oriented feedback, (2) using verbal learning-oriented feedback to increase learner engagement, and (3) using nonverbal learning-oriented feedback to increase learner engagement was measured.
One hundred twenty-six college students from an introductory human development class were randomly selected and randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups as facilitators, learners, or timekeepers for a knot-tying task. Twelve psychology majors, members of an independent study group in the same class, were trained as observers and randomly assigned to one of the three treatment groups. The treatment was the administration of learning-oriented feedback by trained facilitators during a knot-tying task.
The primary findings were that learning-oriented feedback provided by trained facilitators increased learner engagement, learner self-efficacy, learner task enjoyment, learner perception of facilitator support, and learner perception of personal engagement in the task. Learner performance was not affected by the administration of learning oriented feedback. Facilitators showed significant change in their attitude toward flow theory, systematic feedback, and hands-on learning.
It can be concluded that facilitators who received training in learning-oriented feedback had a greater effect on the affective side of learning (engagement, self-efficacy, enjoyment) than those who did not receive training. However, the training of facilitators in the use of learning-oriented feedback had no effect on learner performance. Further, teaching a task using facilitated verbal and nonverbal cues positively affects how facilitators feel about flow theory, hands-on learning, and feedback. Further research to verify effects of learning-oriented feedback on learner engagement using other tasks is suggested. Additional research to examine the attitudes of facilitators is suggested. / Ph. D.
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