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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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29 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] A falta de critérios ambientais na ocupação do território pode trazer danos de longo prazo aos cidadãos e ao patrimônio natural da cidade. O objetivo do trabalho é identificar áreas aptas para ocupação urbana, considerando os aspectos geotécnicos do suporte e aqueles ligados à manutenção dos processos naturais, como base para a gestão e o desenho da cidade. Com o apoio de um sistema geográfico de informação é feita a análise e avaliação dos atributos biofísicos de uma área em processo de expansão urbana, o bairro de Vargem Pequena, na zona oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. No local, uma parte significativa do território é constituída de espaços livres de ocupação. A análise e a avaliação do suporte biofísico estão calcadas em uma proposta metodológica interdisciplinar que reconhece os espaços livres como sistema, com um papel protagonista dentro da estrutura urbana e potencial para ordenar a ocupação do território. O núcleo das informações acerca do suporte biofísico da área é a correlação pedológico-geotécnica feita sobre o levantamento de solos do município. O PEDOGEO contém, além dos dados pedológicos de cada classe de solo, informações gerais sobre as principais características do meio físico. Os elementos definidos para análise são: cobertura; solo; hidrologia; e relevo. As avaliações mostram que a utilização de informações biofísicas é pertinente na caracterização da realidade espacial urbana para os fins propostos, indicando, contudo, ainda pouca disponibilidade de dados, de fontes confiáveis e em escalas adequadas, para este tipo de análise. / [en] This thesis deals with the analysis of the biophysical characteristics of areas in urban expansion process with the support of a geographic information system. We highlight the importance of studying the physical reality of territories for urban development in line with environmental values and sustainability principles. The objective of this work was the development of a synthesis map that can determine‒through gradation values and within established criteria‒suitable areas for occupation that do not conflict with the continuity of the natural processes of the territories. To this end, we propose to analyze and evaluate the biophysical attributes of an area in the City of Rio de Janeiro. In this location, within the urban structure, there are spaces that can be characterized as free of occupation, whether in the form of urban infrastructure, roads or buildings. From available data, the use of geo-processing resources in the characterization of urban space reality will be assessed in order to elaborate a basis for management and design of the city. The growth dynamics of a city like Rio de Janeiro does not often comply with the most well-intentioned plans. When cities grow without any planning, it is very common to observe the occurrence of events that cause direct damage to the population, such as landslides and floods. In other occasions, the plans ignore the basic reality of the territory by not considering in depth the potential impact of their deployment. In both cases, the lack of consistent and accessible information on the physical characteristics of the territory results in failing to apply environmental criteria in the process of occupation. This makes the population vulnerable and can cause long-term damage to the environmental heritage of the city. Although environmental sustainability issues are related to almost any kind of human activity, it is in the cities where they occur in a more evident way. While these issues have grown in scale in recent decades and their solutions have become more and more urgent, the search for integration and balance between the natural and urban environments has definitely been incorporated to urban thinking. Information processing techniques that have emerged with the development of computational systems led to the development of tools such as the Geographic Information System and the Computer Aided Design, which represent a new milestone in the understanding of the physical world, which is necessary to deal with urban and environmental issues within the scale they are placed nowadays. Authors, who deal with the topic of environmental spatial analysis from several approaches, provide the basis of the theoretical foundation of this work. The urban approach regards concepts linked to ecological urbanism and, in this context, the role of the system of open spaces in the urban structure. Concepts relating to biophysical support are reviewed, in an approach to the elements found in the area of study, especially those related to analysis and evaluation. In the case of geographical information systems, we make a summary of their peculiarities, main functions and foundations, and their application in the analysis of the territory. The analysis and evaluation of biophysical support are based on an interdisciplinary methodological proposal of the System of Open Spaces and the Territorial Project. These recognize the free spaces as systems, with a protagonist role within the urban structure and potentialities for territory restructuring. At the same time, they consider the guidance of a future occupation which does not conflict with the maintenance of natural support processes. In the adaptation of the original methodology for the purposes of this thesis, we considered that some criteria and conditions used for the definition of the areas that must be kept free of occupation, within the concept of open spaces system, could also define, in counterpoint, the spaces with better potential for occupation. In this way, the best evaluated areas in this study, from their biophysical characteristics, would be those whose urban occupation would avoid damage to ecosystems, contributing to the maintenance or recovery of the open spaces system. The area of study is defined by the administrative boundaries of Vargem Pequena neighborhood, located in the west zone of the City of Rio de Janeiro, with a total area of 1,443.83 ha. The neighborhood occupies a stretch of the Baixada de Jacarépaguá plain and part of the southern slope of the Maciço da Pedra Branca, which is an important area of environmental protection. The area can be considered one of the city s growth boundaries, limited by natural and urban environments, threatened by a series of unmanageability in its occupation process. In Vargem Pequena, the occupation is characterized by farms and low density residential urbanization of middle and upper-middle classes, also with the occurrence of irregular settlements and slums. The bucolic surroundings and proximity of nature attracts real estate investments with a trend to slopes occupancy. The open spaces lose their original identity, becoming isolated spaces without an effective participation in urban conformation. They are environmentally protected, but threatened by the urban pressure and a rapid process of dismantling with higher occupation of the plain and slopes. The main source of specific data used in the analysis of biophysical support is the PEDOGEO of Vargem Pequena. It is a geo-referenced digital map containing the classification of soils within the administrative boundaries of the neighborhood. The basis of its contents is the soil survey of the City of Rio de Janeiro, which began in the 1960s, in the former State of Guanabara, and was revised and supplemented up to 2009. Another essential source of information is the work carried out by specialists, dealing with the relationship between pedology and geotechnics. The biophysical attributes analyzed were: vegetation; soil; relief; and hydrology. In the research, we used data available and already converted to the Geographic Information System environment, enabling their immediate application. In the organization of information plans, analysis and generation of maps, we used the ArcGIS Desktop 10, ESRI, application package. In the complementation of planimetric information, we used the AutoCAD 2012, Autodesk, application. The geo-processing followed the current methodology in this environment, consisting basically of two steps: construction of a geo-referenced database; and spatial analyses and evaluations for the objective set. Structure of the geo-referenced database a) Scale of final product: 1:2000 b) Projection: UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) c) Datum: SAD 69 d) Resolution: 1 m e) Information plans: coverage, soil, declivity, water bodies Procedures adopted in the construction of the geo-referenced database: 1. Collection of data and materials 2. Data conversion 3. Classification of coverage from images interpretation techniques 4. Creation of the digital terrain model 5. Classification of hillsides and declivity layer generation Procedures adopted in the analyses and spatial assessments: 1. Definition of the variables values 2. Operation between matrices 3. Final classification Information plans were created with the cropping of the area defined by the boundaries of the neighborhood. The coverage map was done with image interpretation techniques applied to orthorectified aerial images taken in 2009. The map represents the neighborhood surface through the following layers: vegetation; exposed soil; rocks; and urbanized area. The vegetation is classified on the basis of the criteria for analysis of the elements that constitute the system of open spaces, as a mosaic of ecosystems of different scales, considering their internal relationships and those with the surroundings. The urbanized area is divided into built, paved and public spaces. In the soil map, there is information available in the PEDOGEO regarding the pedological and geotechnical characteristics of each type of soil, in addition to data on the physical environment in which they are inserted. The declivity map, generated from the digital elevation model, and the map of water bodies, derive from the digital cartography of the city. The map records: the quota of altitude of the terrain through isograms every 1 m; and the existing water courses through polylines. Areas situated above 100 m altitude, which are part of the SPECIAL ZONE 1 for the preservation of the city, and areas with declivity greater than 30 per cent, or situated at 30 m from the banks of rivers, which form part of Permanent Protection Areas, protected by federal laws, are classified as areas of legal constraint for occupation. After the variables of each information plan were mapped, they were rasterized and reclassified, assigning the same value for each variable. According to the biophysical criteria set and the help of experts who knew the phenomena and situations assessed, we assigned grades 1 to 10 to each variable, from the smallest to the largest suitability of each area for occupation. We assigned grade zero to not classified areas: due to the lack of information; constituting legal restriction areas; or because they had already been urbanized. The matrices were then combined algebraically, resulting in the evaluation map, whose chromatic gradient reflects the degree of suitability for occupation, according to the criteria defined. The map produced with geo-processing resources shows that the biophysical criteria used are relevant in the characterization of the urban space reality for the management and design of the city. The work scale and the classification process of coverage allowed tracing a considerably updated and accurate picture of the urbanized area and the free spaces existing in the neighborhood. However, the final map has some inconsistencies, in part due to the lack of more precise information. The methodology used is simple and could be improved in future works, for example, by applying a mathematical logic more suited to environmental complexity, as the Weighted Average or Fuzzy logic. At the same time, the field biophysical information would be supplemented with the help of experts. Although the theoretical framework of ecological urbanism and technical data surveys on the environment have progressed in the last few decades, the objective information available in this area is still restricted. At first, the immediate experience could lead to the conclusion that this lack occurs more sharply in countries with many problems to face in the direction of effective development. However, according to the point of view of current authors in the field of geo-processing, it is possible to observe that worldwide research on the environment is just starting. In countries with environmental heritage‒like for example in Brazil‒there is a great need for appropriate surveys and processing of information about natural environments. It is expected that this work will contribute, albeit to a limited extent, with the practice of environmental analysis as a preliminary step for planning and the elaboration of urban projects. At the same time, it will contribute to the use of the Geographic Information System, at the level of users, as a current tool for professionals in the field, as for example the Computer Aided Design, whose use has been consolidated for a long time.


ANDREA ARAUJO DE VASCONCELLOS 27 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] A dissertação tem por objetivo utilizar os conceitos da infraestrutura verde – tida como o estado da arte do planejamento ecológico da paisagem – como instrumento ao planejamento urbano sustentável. A teoria da infraestrutura verde defende o argumento de que a conservação, restauração e manutenção do funcionamento dos sistemas naturais não apenas protegem os valores e as funções ecológicas, mas também promovem diversos benefícios econômicos, sociais e culturais. Primeiramente, analisa a evolução do pensamento ambiental e a forma como ele foi sendo incorporado ao planejamento da paisagem, até chegar à infraestrutura verde. Em seguida, aborda o tema da infraestrutura verde, expondo seus princípios, funções, benefícios e aplicações. Por fim, aplica seus conceitos e métodos na elaboração de um Plano Básico de Ocupação para uma área específica do município de Nova Friburgo (RJ): a Bacia Ambiental do Córrego D Antas, cuja escolha teve por motivação as trágicas consequências decorrentes das intensas chuvas de janeiro de 2011 na Região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, que representaram um exemplo importante de como desastres naturais tomam proporções maiores devido à falta de planejamento e aos erros das ocupações humanas, muitas vezes situadas em áreas indevidas e suscetíveis a riscos. A aplicação do estudo de caso na Bacia Ambiental do Córrego D’Antas tem por objetivo demonstrar a importância da compreensão dos processos ecológicos da paisagem para o planejamento das ocupações humanas. Parte-se do princípio de que entendendo-se o funcionamento dos sistemas naturais, consegue-se direcionar a ocupação com muito mais segurança. O planejamento da rede de infraestrutura verde para a Bacia Ambiental do Córrego D Antas se dá a partir do mapeamento do suporte biofísico natural, com a identificação das áreas importantes ao funcionamento dos processos naturais da paisagem, classificadas como prioritárias à preservação e como elementos fundamentais à rede. Simultaneamente à identificação das áreas que deverão integrar a rede de infraestrutura verde, é feito o direcionamento da ocupação urbana, a partir da definição das áreas propícias à ocupação. Assim, a dissertação apresenta uma proposta metodológica de análise da paisagem para o planejamento da ocupação urbana, baseada nos conceitos da infraestrutura verde e alcançando como resultado final um Plano Básico de Ocupação para a Bacia Ambiental do Córrego D Antas. / [en] This dissertation examines the concepts of green infrastructure – taken as the state of the art in ecological landscape planning – as instruments for sustainable urban planning. The theory of green infrastructure holds that conservation, restoration and maintenance of the functioning of natural systems not only protect ecological values and functions, they also promote many economic, social and cultural benefits. Green infrastructure is a new expression, first used in Florida (USA) in 1994 in a report directed to the American government on strategies to preserve the environment, with the intention of reflecting the notion that natural systems are just as or even more important than the components of conventional (gray) infrastructure to the functioning and development of a community. However, although the expression green infrastructure is relatively new, its concept is not, because it is based on studies of landscape design and the interactions between man and nature dating back more than 150 years. In summary, green infrastructure is a response to the new paradigm of sustainable urbanization, based on the promotion of ecological services and natural landscaping in constructed environments, to enable urban development in harmony with environmental and socio-cultural concerns. Among the possible applications of green infrastructure is the planning of a green infrastructure network in broader scales (municipal, state, regional or even national), based on protection and rehabilitation of natural areas that are interconnected, to promote natural ecological processes. Green infrastructure should be designed so that an area s natural ecological patterns are replicated and appropriate starting and ending points are provided for the connections of the landscape. In short, the green infrastructure network connects ecosystems and landscapes in a system composed of hubs and links, which vary in size, function and domain. The hubs are the origin or destination of the animals, people and ecological processes that move through the system, functioning as anchor spaces of the network, while the links interconnect the system, functioning as ecological corridors, which are fundamental for the maintenance of ecological processes. Planning a green infrastructure network implies defining which areas will integrate the system and what their functions will be in the network. This definition is intrinsically related to the definition of the land use and occupation, since incompatible uses can compromise the network s functioning. Defining the areas that will be included in the network also entails choosing which areas must be protected and hence not occupied. Therefore, planning a green infrastructure network results, among other outcomes, in the definition of land use and is a useful planning too for sustainable urban planning. The aim of this dissertation is to demonstrate that the planning of a green infrastructure network can be an effective instrument not only for sustainable urban planning, but also can reduce the risks to the population by preventing tragedies from natural disasters, besides favoring enhanced natural landscapes and preservation of the environment. This dissertation is divided into five chapters, as follows: The first, the introduction, briefly sets the context of the worsening urban problems and the negative impacts generated by cities, such as the occurrence of increasingly frequent extreme natural events (floods, heat and cold waves, strong hurricanes, blizzards, landslides and droughts) and the destruction of ecosystems and biodiversity, with the consequent loss of ecological benefits, and touches on the urgent need for solutions that seek to conciliate urban development with the environment. The second chapter, Green infrastructure, summarizes the theoretical framework underpinning the dissertation s theme. It first provides a brief retrospective of the concepts and practices that served as the base for developing the idea of green infrastructure and then presents its definition, principles, functions, benefits and applications, focusing on the green infrastructure construct as an instrument for land occupation planning. The main academic work utilized in examining the theme was the book Green Infrastructure – Linking Landscapes and Communities, by Mark A. Benedict and Edward T. McMahon, published in 2006, from where the concepts, principles and applications presented in this paper were drawn. Mark A. Benedict is recognized as the main proponent of green infrastructure in the United States. He founded the Conservation Fund s Green Infrastructure Program and helped develop the Fund s tools and training programs to support planning of development so as to preserve green spaces. The third chapter, Green infrastructure applied to urban occupation in Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, brings an application of the concepts and methods of green infrastructure to the formulation of a Basic Occupation Plan for a specific area in the municipality of Nova Friburgo (Rio de Janeiro state): The D Antas Stream Environmental Basin. This basin covers an area of 5,820 hectares and is under pressure from urban expansion but is still suitable for planned occupation. It is also one of the areas that were hard hit by the tragic landslides and flooding in the mountain region of Rio de Janeiro in January 2011 (the main reason for choosing it as a case study). As such, it serves as an example of how errors of urbanization and lack of proper land use planning aggravate the consequences of natural disasters. The case study of the D Antas Stream Environmental Basin aims to demonstrate the importance of understanding the ecological processes of the landscape for planning human activities. A first important step in planning occupation is to identify the areas that should not be occupied, and the basis of this is understanding the landscape as a network of ecological processes that are reflected in the structure of this landscape, defined as type of snapshot of the distribution of matter and energy according to the ecological processes at a determined point in time. The underlying principle is that comprehending the functioning of natural systems permits more secure direction of land occupation. The definition of the Basic Occupation Plan for the D Antas Stream Environmental Basin is based on the planning of a green infrastructure network. The methodology indicated which areas are most important to the maintenance of environmental functions and should thus be protected by restricting occupation. This restriction was defined mainly by selecting the biophysical indicator parameters (terrain, hydrology and plant cover), with the objective of characterizing the natural landscape – the main conditioner of the Plan. These restrictions are presented and analyzed in maps. The factors restricting occupation are divided into two general themes: physical restrictions and biological restrictions. The presence of Permanent Protection Areas was also a parameter restricting occupation, because besides being required by law, these areas are coherent with the preservation of natural systems due to their varied environmental functions. The next step was to define the areas favorable and unfavorable for occupation in light of the restrictions established, resulting in a map of the study area with classification into three categories: areas fully suitable for occupation, areas suitable for low occupation, and areas unsuitable for any occupation. This classification relied on the results of the diagnostic step and provided the bases for defining the green infrastructure network of D Anta Stream Environmental Basin. These last areas, considered as having priority for protection, restoration or reclamation, must compose the network, even over the long term, exercising the function of hubs or links. Development of the methodology applied to D Antas Stream Environmental Basin used as references the publications Espaços Livres: sistema e projeto territorial, by the architect and urbanist Raquel Tardin (2008), and Planejamento Ambiental: teoria e prática, by the biologist Rozely Ferreira dos Santos (2004). The fourth chapter, Green infrastructure types for the local scale, brings suggestions for multifunctional types of green infrastructure that can be applied at the local level, a scale that was not directly addressed in the case study proposal, but that is considered just as important as the planning scale of the green infrastructure network. The fifth and concluding chapter presents a summary of the main findings and evidence obtained during the work and also contains some recommendations. To recapitulate, this dissertation presents a methodological proposal for analysis of the landscape for urban occupation planning, based on the concepts of green infrastructure, with the final result being a Basic Occupation Plan for the D Anta Stream Environmental Basin.

Public Involvement in the U.S. Forest Service

Hoover, Katherine N. 17 May 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines how the U.S. Forest Service implements and uses public involvement during the agency's planning processes as mandated by the National Environmental Policy Act. Focused from the perspective of the agency personnel leading the process, this study is informed by both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Chapters two and three report the results of a web-based survey completed by 489 Forest Service employees. Chapter two shows that these employees most commonly view public involvement as a means for obtaining substantive information that could be used to improve the management decision. Chapter two also reveals that agency personnel who view public involvement as only a procedural requirement tend to achieve less positive process outcomes, but those who explicitly create opportunities for interactive dialogue with the public tend to achieve more positive outcomes, including more positive perceptions of the public involvement process and agency-public relationships. Chapter three shows that agency employees commonly believe more public influence should and does happen during the earlier stages of the planning process, but that agency employees also desire more public influence throughout the process. Chapter four uses qualitative interviews with 16 of the survey respondents to build upon the insights from chapter three. By exploring what may be constraining public influence from occurring at the desired levels, chapter four describes how agency personnel can impact how much public influence happens. The final chapter highlights the importance of looking beyond the specific public involvement technique employed during the process to the nature of the agency-public interactions. Agency personnel who are willing to engage in extra effort to translate public values into substantive management concerns generally achieve more desirable forms of public influence. They also help satisfy the public's desires to communicate their visions for the management of the National Forests. Key barriers include heavy workloads, negative views of the public, and over-reliance on minimum procedural requirements. Conversely, strong normative beliefs about the positive role of the public in agency planning, leadership commitment, and a recognition of the discretion afforded planning personnel can lead to higher levels of desired public influence. / Ph. D.

<b>Advancing the quantitative assessment of transportation equity for planning</b>

Rajat Verma (19165507) 18 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The passing of the Equity Executive Order by the US government in 2021 and the Equity Action Plan developed by the US Department of Transportation have made addressing equity a priority in transportation planning projects. The Equity Action Plan recognizes socio-economically disadvantaged (SED) and rural communities as overburdened and underserved in transportation services and highlights the need to provide basic equality of opportunities and a fair distribution of burdens in transportation. In response, several transportation planning agencies have proposed their own criteria, methods, metrics, and tools to quantify equity issues and use them in planning. However, transport equity is a multi-faceted phenomenon and its quantification faces challenges due to a lack of standards and a comprehensive assessment framework.</p><p dir="ltr">The first objective of this dissertation is to develop a nuanced understanding in three key aspects of transport equity – (i) accessibility to opportunities, (ii) environmental burden, and (iii) health outcomes – based on the concept of ‘compound disadvantage’. A detailed assessment of prominent accessibility measures reveals a substantial measurement bias in the current measures, which can result in inappropriate conclusions such as an overestimating accessibility to opportunities for SED neighborhoods on average by 16%. Despite this, spatial accessibility is found to be high for compact, urban areas which also tend to have higher concentration of SED communities. However, there are significant modal differences in accessibility that reveal a substantial lack of utilization of infrastructure for alternate modes of travel – public transit, walking, and bicycling.</p><p dir="ltr">Evaluation of inequalities in environmental and health outcomes shows substantial disadvantage faced by SED communities, particularly poor people and people of color. A proposed emission equity index shows that low-income and racial minority neighborhoods of Indiana’s largest cities disproportionately experience vehicular pollution from travelers residing in high-income, White-majority areas passing through their neighborhoods. Similarly, essential workers living in low-income areas are observed to have experienced significantly worse COVID-19 infection rates than in high-income areas in Chicago and New York City, and this effect was mediated by their ‘mobility vulnerability’. Together, these results suggest a strong compounding of disadvantage by the current transportation systems for already disadvantaged communities despite their higher accessibility to opportunities owing to their predominantly urban residences.</p><p dir="ltr">The second objective of this dissertation is to integrate the equity measures in an interactive screening tool for identifying the vulnerable and priority areas for investment. ‘Indiana Equity Atlas’, an equity-screening dashboard tool, is developed to allow transportation planners and analysts to identify priority areas in terms of compound disadvantage of two selected indicators of socio-economic, accessibility, environmental burden, and health disadvantage. With this tool and the associated data and metrics, this work seeks to provide a comprehensive framework for identifying vulnerable regions to formally capture equity issues in transportation and urban planning and analysis.</p>

Parcel-Level Green Stormwater Management Policy: What New Orleans Can Learn from Philadelphia’s Parcel-Based Utility Fee

Riggs, Spence 18 December 2014 (has links)
The Greater New Orleans Urban Water Plan promotes the ideology of integrating green infrastructure into the City’s water management strategy to cultivate resiliency. In order to develop enough green infrastructure to have a significant impact on the hydrological functioning of the area, New Orleans officials are investigating different options for encouraging property owners to manage their stormwater on-site. Philadelphia Water Department’s parcel-based stormwater utility fee has been offered as a model for working within the constraints of the municipal government’s regulatory authority to increase the water retention capacity of individual properties. This thesis provides an analysis of Philadelphia Water Department’s stormwater utility policy and offers recommendations to other cities, like New Orleans, that are considering adopting a similar policy in their jurisdiction.

Alternativas jurídicas, institucionais e de procedimentos para implantação da Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica no Brasil / Legal, institutional and procedures for implementation of the strategic environmental assessment alternatives in Brazil

Oliveira, André Luiz 22 April 2014 (has links)
A consideração da variável ambiental nos processos decisórios de Políticas, Planos e Programas vem se mostrando um fator importante na busca pela sustentabilidade. A Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica se apresenta como o principal instrumento de planejamento para esta finalidade, em especial nos países que já possuem uma estrutura jurídica e institucional sólidas, além de tradição na prática de planejamento. A experiência internacional abordada pela pesquisa (Nova Zelândia, Inglaterra e Portugal) evidencia que arranjos institucionais já consolidados, dentre outros fatores, possibilita a utilização da AAE mediante a adequação de suas etapas às especificidades do contexto onde será adotada, em face de sua flexibilidade, ainda que aplicável a realidades distantes. Apesar de possuir uma estrutura de planejamento frágil, o Brasil apresenta iniciativas institucionais para operacionalização da AAE, no entanto, desfocadas em virtude de ausência de marcos conceituais claros e procedimentos definidos, ao contrário do que ocorre no cenário internacional. Através da análise integrada dos cenários internacional e nacional, este trabalho discute e investiga, a partir da experiência observada nos países selecionados, alternativas jurídicas, institucionais e de procedimentos para a incorporação da AAE em sua estrutura interna, incluindo a relação desta ferramenta com instrumentos da Política Nacional de Meio Ambiente. A pesquisa evidenciou que o Brasil não apresenta ações efetivas e práticas no sentido de tutelar os recursos naturais, embora haja previsões neste sentido tanto na Constituição Federal quanto na Política Nacional de Meio Ambiente. A experiência internacional retratou que a utilização da AAE pode se mostrar importante para mitigar este quadro, mediante o estabelecimento de um sistema que possibilite integrar os diversos níveis estratégicos de planejamento, incorporando o valor ambiental em todas as suas agendas e influenciando a tomada de decisão. Este trabalho apresenta, então, alternativa para que, tanto a aplicação da AAE quanto outras ferramentas (Licenciamento Ambiental e Estudo de Impacto Ambiental) não sejam objeto de submissão ou pressão imposta pelo poder econômico, concluindo que a eventual adoção formal da AAE no Brasil necessita de regras jurídicas claramente definidas que permitam implementar uma estrutura de planejamento participativo transparente e que possibilite a participação popular. / The environmental variable in the decision processes of Policies, Plans, and Programmes has been taken in consideration as an important factor in the pursuit of sustainability. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is presented as the main planning instrument for this purpose, particularly in countries with tradition in the planning practice and solid legal and institutional structures. This research addresses an international experience (New Zealand, England, and Portugal) which shows that, among other factors, established institutional arrangements enables the use of SEA once their steps are adjusted, taking its flexibility into account, to the specificities of the context where it will be adopted, even when dealing with distant realities. Brazil, despite its fragile planning structure, presents institutional initiatives to operationalize the SEA, however, such initiatives are blurred due the lack of clear conceptual frameworks and well defined procedures which are already internationally established. By analyzing both national and international scenarios, this research discusses and investigates, based on the experiences observed in the selected countries, legal, institutional, and procedural alternatives for the incorporation of the SEA in its internal structure, what includes the relationship of this device to National Environmental Policy instruments. The research also shows that Brazil doesn\'t offer effective and practical actions to protect the natural resources, even in a scenario where such protection is planned by the Federal Constitution and the National Environmental Policy. The international experience demonstrates that the use of SEA may mitigate this scenario by establishing a system that allows the integration of the varied strategic levels of planning, adding environmental value and influencing the decisions. This research then presents an alternative so that the use of SEA and other devices may be free of submission or pressure imposed by the economic power, concluding that any formal adoption of SEA in Brazil requires clearly defined legal rules that allow to implement a transparent participatory planning structure that enables citizen participation.

"Histórico da evolução do uso do solo e estudo dos espaços livres públicos de uma região do município de Piracicaba, SP" / Storical evolution of the land use and publics open spaces of a municipal district area of the Piracicaba, SP.

Barbin, Henrique Sundfeld 26 January 2004 (has links)
O uso de vasto material cartográfico, como fotografias aéreas dos anos de 1962, 1972, 1978, 1995 e 2000, levantamento planialtimétrico cadastral, georreferenciado a uma rede cadastral, carta geológica e pedológica do Município, Legislação Federal, Estadual e Municipal e com o apoio do software Spring, possibilitou estudar a evolução de uma região representada pelos Bairros Santa Teresinha, Vila Sônia e Parque Piracicaba, todos do Município de Piracicaba, SP, apresentava características rurais até meados de 1960, quando passou a ter suas terras loteadas e transformadas em área urbana. Sendo um dos vetores de crescimento do Município, a velocidade com que as áreas foram modificadas foi bastante grande e em pouco tempo o que era rural passou a ter problemas de grandes cidades. Inúmeros loteamentos de formas e padrões variados foram aparecendo e a urbanização foi realizada sem obedecer a nenhum critério técnico, exceto as leis vigentes. A implantação de loteamentos de interesse social contribuiu para o grande adensamento de lotes na área. Quanto às áreas destinadas ao lazer da população, quase todas foram implantadas segundo a legislação vigente na época da aprovação de projeto, porém, como não houve uma severa fiscalização por parte de poder público e pelos moradores, do total de áreas destinadas a sistema de lazer, apenas 22,3% estão disponíveis para uso e 37,07% foram utilizadas indevidamente. O uso indevido constituiu na construção de centros comunitários, unidades de saúde, escolas e principalmente invasões, sendo estas últimas transformadas em favelas o que piorou ainda mais as condições de lazer existentes no local. Analisando as áreas de sistema de lazer, quanto à classificação, foram aplicadas duas metodologias distintas, sendo selecionadas pelo fato de ser a mais citada pela literatura (Jantzen) e outra por ter sido proposta no Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento de Piracicaba (PDD) e os resultados, no caso de Jantzen, trazem uma discordância entre os costumes brasileiros e legislação vigente. No caso do proposto no PDD, um pouco mais próxima aos costumes de nosso país, porém apresenta alguns problemas de ordem técnica. As áreas de preservação permanente referentes a drenos intermitentes, existentes na área estudada, foram praticamente ignoradas, até a atualidade, tendo sido quase toda aterrada para a locação de lotes. A população passou de 1.130 habitantes a 38.850 habitantes em um prazo de 40 anos e a densidade populacional apresenta grandes concentrações, em várias partes da área em estudo, principalmente no Bairro Vila Sônia, que chega a apresenta densidade de 361hab/ha, maior que a de alguns bairros da região central do Município de São Paulo. Os índices de áreas verdes encontrados estão bastante aquém do exigido por vários autores, porém semelhantes a muitos municípios onde foram aplicados os cálculos seguindo a mesma metodologia. Com os dados levantados, elaboraram-se propostas para a ocupação do solo das áreas peri-urbanas, quanto à locação de novos parques e à proteção de áreas de preservação permanente. Na área já urbanizada, realizou-se proposta de prioridade na implantação de sistemas de lazer. / The use of vast cartographic material, as aerial pictures of the years of 1962, 1972, 1978, 1995 and 2000, rising cadastral planialtimétrico, georreferenciado to a cadastral net, geological and pedologic letter of the Municipal district, Federal Legislation, State and Municipal and with the support of the software Spring, made possible to study the evolution of an area represented by the neighborhood Santa Teresinha, Vila Sônia and Parque Piracicaba, all of the Municipal district of Piracicaba, SP, presented rural characteristics even middles of 1960, when he/she started to have your lotted lands and transformed in urban area. Being one of the vectors of growth of the Municipal district, the speed with that the areas were modified it was quite big and in little time that was rural he/she started to have problems of great cities. Countless divisions into lots in ways and varied patterns went appearing and the urbanization was accomplished without obeying her/it any technical criterion, except the effective laws. The implantation of divisions into lots of social interest contributed to the great adensamento of lots in the area. With relationship to the areas destined to the leisure of the population, almost all were implanted at that time according to the effective legislation of the project approval, however, as there was not a severe fiscalization on the part of being able to public and for the residents, of the total of areas destined to leisure system, 22,3% are only available for use and 37,07% were used improperly. The improper use constituted in the construction of community centers, units of health, schools and mainly invasions, being these last ones transformed at slums that it still worsened more the existent leisure conditions in the place. Analyzing the areas of leisure system, with relationship to the classification, they were applied two different methodologies, being selected by the fact of being the more mentioned by the literature (Jantzen) and other for it being proposed in the master plan of Development of Piracicaba (PDD) and the results, in the case of Jantzen, bring a disagreement between the Brazilian habits and effective legislation. In the case of the proposed in PDD, a little closer to the habits of our country, however it presents some problems of technical order. The areas of permanent preservation referring to intermittent drains, existent in the studied area, they were practically unknown, until the present time, having been almost all terrified for the lease of lots. The population passed from 1.130 inhabitants to 38.850 inhabitants in one period of 40 years and the population density presents great concentrations, in several parts of the area in study, mainly in the neighborhood Vila Sônia, that arrives her it presents density of 361hab/ha, larger than the one of some neighborhoods of the central area of the Municipal district of São Paulo. The indexes of green areas found are quite on this side of the demanded by several authors, however similar to many municipal districts where were applied the calculations following the same methodology. With the lifted up data, proposals were elaborated for the occupation of the soil of the peri-urban areas, with relationship to the lease of new parks and the protection of areas of permanent preservation. In the area already urbanized, he/she took place priority proposal in the implantation of leisure systems.

Proposta de diretrizes para planejamento e gestão ambiental do transporte hidroviário no Brasil. / Propose of the directives for the environmental planning and management of Brazilian inland waterways.

Santana, Walter Aloisio 17 December 2007 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é propor diretrizes pró-ativas para o planejamento e gestão ambiental das hidrovias brasileiras, no que tange ao transporte comercial de cargas. O trabalho começa com uma abordagem panorâmica sobre o transporte hidroviário no Brasil, as vantagens deste modal, os dados sobre extensões hidroviárias, os entraves ao desenvolvimento do sistema hidroviário e o problema a ser resolvido. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória buscando informações técnicas e ambientais, além de se embasar no arcabouço jurídico dos órgãos intervenientes na gestão ambiental do transporte hidroviário. O trabalho foi dividido em elementos, fases, etapas e níveis hierárquicos de gerenciamento para um sistema hidroviário. Os elementos analisados foram vias, veículos, terminais, cargas e controles. O projeto hidroviário foi dividido em etapas de planejamento, implantação, operação, manutenção e desativação/descarte. A partir destes elementos foram identificados ações, atividades, os aspectos ambientais, os impactos ambientais associados a estes, e foram propostas medidas mitigadoras para minimizar tais impactos ambientais. O trabalho, ainda, teve outras divisões, bem como aquela que o divide em fases de Planejamento e de Gestão Ambiental. E com relação à hierarquia de gerenciamento, o trabalho foi dividido em estratégico, tático e operacional. Na fase específica de gestão ambiental são propostas duas alternativas de implantação de Sistema de Gestão Ambiental, uma que propõe a aplicação de planos e programas ambientais para assuntos e quesitos ambientais de maior relevância, sem se preocupar em certificações ambientais, e outra, que é a aplicação da Norma ISO 14001 para os sistemas hidroviários. Com isso, como contribuição, este trabalho preocupou-se em propor planos, programas e diretrizes para o planejamento e gestão ambiental de elementos que compõem a infra-estrutura do transporte hidroviário interior no Brasil, porém termina fazendo proposições de políticas públicas, baseadas nas reais necessidades do setor. / The main objective of this work is to propose proactive directives for the environmental planning and management of Brazilian inland waterways, as for as the commercial transport of cargo is concerned. The work starts with a panoramic approach to the inland waterway transport in Brazil, the advantages of this modal, the data about inland waterway extensions, the restraints to the development of the inland waterway system and the problem to be solved. With this objective, we made an exploratory investigation searching for technical and environmental information, besides finding support in the juridical framework of the organs related to the environmental management of inland waterway transport. The work was divided into elements, phases, stages and hierarchical levels of management for a waterway system. The elements analyzed were rivers, vehicles, terminals, cargoes and control. The waterway project was divided into planning stages, implementation, operation, maintenance and deactivation/discard. From these elements, we identified actions, activities, environmental aspects and environmental impacts associated to them, proposing mitigating measures to minimize such environmental impacts. The work also had other divisions, such as the one that divides it into the Environmental Planning and Environmental Management phases. In relation to management hierarchy, the work was divided into strategic, tactic and operational. In the specific environmental management phase, we propose two alternatives for the Environmental Management System implementation, one suggesting the application of environmental plans and programs for environmental issues and queries of greater relevance, without concerns about environmental certifications, and another one, which is the application of the ISO 14001 Standard on waterway systems. Therefore, as a contribution, this work is concerned with proposing plans, programs and directives for the environmental planning and management of elements which constitute the facilities of the inland waterway transport in Brazil, but it also makes propositions of public policy, based on the real necessities of the sector.

Análise e planejamento da floresta urbana enquanto elemento da infraestrutura verde: estudo aplicado à Bacia do Córrego Judas / Maria Joaquina, São Paulo / Analysis and planning of the urban forest as part of the green Infrastructure: study applied to the watershed of the Stream Judas / Maria Joaquina at São Paulo City, Brazil.

Rotermund, Renier Marcos 11 May 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho desenvolve uma proposta de desenho da Infraestrutra Verde da bacia do córrego Judas / Maria Joaquina - São Paulo, SP - como forma de promover aumento da cobertura arbórea, das áreas verdes públicas e promover a conexão entre as áreas que prestam serviços ecossistêmicos. Para alcançar este objetivo, foi realizado um estudo da Floresta Urbana da bacia, o principal componente da Infraestrutura Verde. Este procurou analisar dois aspectos da floresta: a sua cobertura, distribuição e relação com o entorno nos diferentes setores da bacia; a arborização em vias públicas e sua relação com o espaço e funções do sistema viário. A análise da cobertura arbórea da bacia com o uso de imagem de satélite mostrou que esta é hoje de 28,6 %, um valor alto se comparado a outras áreas estudadas. Entretanto, esta cobertura é desigual em relação aos seis setores amostrados. O mesmo ocorre com os elementos construídos e espaços livres de construção. Este fato aponta para a necessidade de políticas diferenciadas de gestão da Floresta Urbana em cada setor. As vias públicas são elementos chaves para o desenvolvimento da cobertura arbórea. A análise da espacialização desta cobertura em vias públicas mostrou que ela se encontra aquém do possível e do desejável em termos de quantidade e qualidade. A largura insuficiente de calçada, o planejamento inadequado em relação à posição dos equipamentos e outras interferências físicas não só restringem o acesso de pedestres, como impedem o plantio de árvores em muitos locais. Um novo desenho da via, com uso da pista de rolamento compartilhada para o plantio de árvores e trânsito de pedestres, a realocação de equipamentos e outras interferências, podem resultar em ganho da cobertura arbórea, com melhoria da acessibilidade. O trabalho desenvolve e propõe um plano de Infraestrutura Verde que incorpora as diretrizes e propostas de manejo apresentadas nos estudos da floresta urbana e as do sistema viário, e desenvolve uma rede de espaços multifuncionais composta por áreas verdes, corredores e estruturas destinadas à drenagem sustentável. Ele organiza as várias escalas de análise e intervenção na paisagem em torno de um desenho geral, que por sua vez se relaciona com o restante da matriz urbana. / This dissertation develops a design proposal of the Green Infrastructure of the São Judas / Maria Joaquina\'s stream watershed, as a way to promote the increase of the tree cover, and of the public green spaces as well as the connectivity between areas that provide ecosystem services. A study of the Urban Forest - the main component of the Green Infrastructure at the watershed - has been conducted to achieve this goal. Two aspects of the forest have been analyzed: 1) the coverage, distribution and relation with its surroundings in the different sectors of the watershed; 2) street trees and their relation with space and functions of the road system. The analysis that has been made of the watersheds\' tree coverage, using a satellite image, shows that it attained 28,6%, which is a high value compared to the analysis of other areas. However, this coverage is different to the six sampled areas. The same happens to the built elements and open space construction, which points out the need for differentiated policies of the Urban Forest management in each sector. Public roads are critical elements to the development of the tree cover. In terms of quantity and quality the tree cover on public roads fells far short. Many places have narrow sidewalks, inadequate planning of equipment, that do not only restrict the pedestrians\' accessibility but also prevents the planting of trees. A new design of the right-of-way that includes shared roadways for planting and pedestrian traffic, as well as the relocation of elements and interferences, could improve accessibility and tree cover. In this dissertation we propose and put forth a Green Infrastructure plan which utilizes the guidelines and management proposals presented in the analysis of the urban forest and the road system and develops a network of multifunctional spaces that include green areas, corridors and structures for sustainable drainage. It organizes the various scales of analysis and actions upon the landscape around a general design which, in turn, is related to the rest of the urban matrix.

Plano de recursos hídricos como instrumento de planejamento ambiental: um estudo de caso na bacia do Sorocaba/Médio Tietê, SP / Water resources plan as an instrument of environmental planning: a case study at the basin of Sorocaba /Médio Tietê, SP

Bernal, Thalita Alice 09 August 2012 (has links)
O planejamento ambiental é vinculado à organização do trabalho de uma equipe por meio de fases interativas, tendo como objetivo a harmonização das ações humanas sobre o ambiente de tal modo que os impactos resultantes sejam identificados e incorporados às estratégias e planos de ação estabelecidos. Dentre os diferentes instrumentos de planejamento que têm relação intrínseca com o aspecto ambiental das decisões envolvidas, é possível visualizar o potencial do Plano de Recursos Hídricos (PRH) como um dos mais importantes instrumentos de planejamento ambiental uma vez que, orientados para a gestão da água, organiza os elementos técnicos de relevância e estabelece os objetivos, diretrizes, critérios e intervenções fundamentais para o gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos, tendo em vista o uso sustentável. Diante deste contexto, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar em que medida o PRH pode ser descrito como um instrumento de planejamento ambiental, a partir da confrontação entre elementos conceituais e aplicados, e valendo-se de um estudo de caso para o Plano de Recursos Hídricos da Bacia do Sorocaba e Médio Tietê (UGRHI 10) no Estado de São Paulo. A análise dos aspectos conceituais oferece campo para o enquadramento do PRH como um instrumento de planejamento ambiental e, por sua vez, o estudo de caso demonstrou a existência de deficiências no âmbito do planejamento para elaboração do PBH na UGRHI 10 que fragilizam a utilização do mesmo como um instrumento de planejamento ambiental. / The environmental planning is bound to a team organization of work through interactive phases. The environmental planning is bound to a team organization of work through interactive phases. Having as objective the harmonization of human actions on the environment in a way that the resulting impacts are identified and incorporated into strategies and established action plans. Among the different planning tools which has an intrinsic relationship with the environmental aspect of the decisions involved, is possible to view the potential of the Water Resources Plan as one of the most important instruments of environmental planning since it, focusing on water management, organizes the technical elements of relevance and establishes the objectives, guidelines and fundamental interventions to the management of water resources in view of the sustainable use. Given this context, this research aimed to determine to what extent the water plan can be described as an instrument of environmental planning, from the confrontation between conceptual and applied elements, using how case study the water resources plan of the basin Sorocaba and Médio Tietê UGRHI 10 at the São Paulo state. The analysis conceptual provides fields for the water resources plan framework as a tool for environmental planning and, in turn, the case study demonstrated the existence of deficiencies in the planning for the development of river basin plan at the UGRHI 10 that weaken its use as environmental planning tool.

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