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Μελέτες επί της τροποποίησης της ενζυμικής δραστικότητας του ριβοενζύμου ριβονουκλεάση Ρ / Studies on the modification of the enzymatic activity of the ribozyme ribonuclease PΤουμπέκη, Χρυσαυγή 28 May 2013 (has links)
Η RNase P είναι το ένζυμο που ωριμάζει το 5΄ άκρο των πρόδρομων μορίων tRNA, ενώ έχει βρεθεί και στις τρεις φυλογενετικές περιοχές, καθώς και σε υποκυτταρικά οργανίδια. Είναι ριβονουκλεοπρωτεϊνικής φύσεως στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις, ενώ έχουν βρεθεί και ένζυμα RNase P αποκλειστικά πρωτεϊνικής φύσεως. Η υπομονάδα RNA των βακτηριακών ολοενζύμων είναι καταλυτικά ενεργή απουσία πρωτεϊνικών παραγόντων in vitro, καθιστώντας την ένα πραγματικό ριβοένζυμο. Η ικανότητα της RNase P να αναγνωρίζει συγκεκριμένες δομές στα μόρια των υποστρωμάτων της και όχι αλληλουχίες, δημιούργησε τη δυνατότητα χρήσης αυτού του ενζύμου ως ενός μοριακού εργαλείου για τη στόχευση πολλών ιικών και παθολογικών μορίων RNA in vitro και in vivo, καταστέλλοντας την έκφραση των μορίων αυτών, μέσω της τεχνολογίας των μορίων EGS (external guide sequence) και των ριβοενζύμων M1GS.
Η RNase P, σύμφωνα με πολλές μελέτες, έχει δειχθεί ότι αποτελεί στόχο πολλών φαρμακευτικών παραγόντων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων πολλών γνωστών αντιβιοτικών, οι οποίοι κατά κύριο λόγο αναστέλλουν τη δραστικότητα του ενζύμου. Πρόσφατα δείχτηκε, μέσω αναλυτικής κινητικής μελέτης, ότι ένα μακρολίδιο, η σπιραμυκίνη, ενεργοποιεί σημαντικά τη δραστικότητα της βακτηριακής RNase P και του M1 RNA κατά ένα δοσοεξαρτώμενο τρόπο, λειτουργώντας έτσι ως μη-ειδικός ενεργοποιητής μικτού τύπου. Μέχρι σήμερα, στη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία, δεν έχει αναφερθεί άλλη ουσία η οποία προκαλεί θετική επίδραση στη δραστικότητα της RNase P. Στην παρούσα μελέτη, αρχικά μελετήθηκε η ενεργοποίηση της δραστικότητας της βακτηριακής RNase P και αποκαλύφθηκε ότι η σπιραμυκίνη δεν αλληλεπιδρά με ιοντικούς δεσμούς με το μόριο Μ1 RNA, αλλά προκαλεί αλλαγή διαμόρφωσης στο δομικό στοιχείο P10/11 του ριβοενζύμου. Το δομικό αυτό στοιχείο εμπλέκεται στην αναγνώριση του υποστρώματος, αποτέλεσμα το οποίο έρχεται σε συμφωνία με τις τιμές KD που προσδιορίστηκαν για το σύμπλοκο ριβοενζύμου–υποστρώματος, απουσία και παρουσία σπιραμυκίνης.
Με δεδομένο ότι η σπιραμυκίνη δεν επηρεάζει την πρωτεϊνοσύνθεση ή τη δραστικότητα της RNase P των ευκαρυωτικών κυττάρων, κατασκευάστηκε ένα ριβοένζυμο M1GS, ώστε να ελεγχθεί η επίδραση του αντιβιοτικού στη δραστικότητα αυτού του ριβοενζύμου in vivo, σε καλλιεργούμενα ανθρώπινα κύτταρα ΗΕΚ293. Ως στόχος του συγκεκριμένου M1GS, επιλέχτηκε ο μεταγραφικός παράγοντας Ets2 λόγω της μεγάλης κλινικής σημασίας του, εφόσον έχει συσχετιστεί με αρκετούς τύπους καρκίνου και παθολογικές καταστάσεις, καθώς και με διαδικασίες διαφοροποίησης. Ο σπουδαίος ρόλος του Ets2, σε συνδυασμό με τα ελλιπή δεδομένα σχετικά με την έκφρασή του, είχαν αποτρέψει μέχρι σήμερα την αποτελεσματική στόχευσή του με τη χρήση των υπαρχουσών μεθοδολογιών που βασίζονται στο RNA, όπως το RNAi.
Μετά από ανάλυση της δευτεροταγούς δομής του Ets2 mRNA, σχεδιάστηκαν δύο οδηγοί αλληλουχίες. Οι αλληλουχίες αυτές, αρχικά, δοκιμάστηκαν ως εξωτερικές οδηγοί αλληλουχίες (EGS) σε συνδυασμό με το βακτηριακό ολοένζυμο της RNase P. Η EGS303 (το νούμερο υποδεικνύει το νουκλεοτιδικό κατάλοιπο του στόχου που δρα η RNase P), εμφάνισε τη μεγαλύτερη ικανότητα να επάγει τη δράση της RNase P in vitro. Η οδηγός αυτή αλληλουχία, στη συνέχεια κλωνοποιήθηκε στο 3΄ άκρο του M1 RNA, παράγοντας το ριβοένζυμο M1GS303, το οποίο είναι δραστικό έναντι του μορίου–στόχου του in vitro. Η δραστικότητα του συγκεκριμένου ριβοενζύμου ενεργοποιείται εντυπωσιακά κατά 160% παρουσία σπιραμυκίνης. Προκειμένου να ελεγχθεί η δραστικότητα αυτού του ριβοενζύμου in vivo, το μόριο–στόχος και το ριβοένζυμο εκφράστηκαν ελεγχόμενα σε κύτταρα E. coli, προκαλώντας μείωση της έκφρασης του μορίου–στόχου από το M1GS303 κατά 95% μετά από 12 ώρες έκφρασης των μορίων. Μείωση στα ίδια επίπεδα ανιχνεύτηκε μόλις μετά από 4 ώρες έκφρασης εφόσον στα κύτταρα είχε προστεθεί σπιραμυκίνη, γεγονός που υποστηρίζει την εντυπωσιακά θετική επίδραση της σπιραμυκίνης επί της δραστικότητας του ριβοενζύμου.
Η ίδια σειρά πειραμάτων επαναλήφθηκε σε ευκαρυωτικά κύτταρα, με έκφραση του ριβοενζύμου σε HEK293 κύτταρα. Η δραστικότητα του ριβοενζύμου προσδιορίστηκε ποιοτικά και ποσοτικά, από την έκφραση της χιμαιρικής φθορίζουσας πρωτεΐνης Ets2–EGFP (μόριο–στόχος), σε διαφορετικούς χρόνους έκφρασης. Παρατηρήθηκε ότι το M1GS δρα αποτελεσματικά έναντι του μορίου–στόχου του και σε ευκαρυωτικά κύτταρα in vivo, προκαλώντας μείωση στην έκφραση του Ets2, η οποία αυξάνεται επιπλέον παρουσία σπιραμυκίνης. Τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα δείχνουν τη σημαντική ενεργοποίηση της δραστικότητας του M1GS σε ανθρώπινα κύτταρα και καθιστούν τη σπιραμυκίνη ένα σημαντικό ενεργοποιητή στη χρήση των ριβοενζύμων M1GS ως εργαλεία γονιδιακής αποσιώπησης. Ο συνδυασμός βελτιωμένων ριβοενζύμων M1GS με την παρουσία σπιραμυκίνης αυξάνει ακόμα περισσότερο την πρακτική χρήση της συγκεκριμένης τεχνολογίας τόσο in vitro όσο και in vivo, επιτυγχάνοντας ακόμα πιο αποτελεσματική αποσιώπηση της γονιδιακής έκφρασης. / RNase P is the enzyme that endonucleolytically cleaves the precursor tRNA transcripts to produce their mature 5΄ ends. It has been found in all three phylogenetic domains of life, as well as in subcellular organelles. In most cases, it has been described as a ribonucleoprotein complex. However, few RNase P enzymes that are exclusively proteinaceous have been also reported recentrly. The RNA subunit of bacterial holoenzyme is catalytically active in the absence of protein factors in vitro, making it a true ribozyme. The ability of RNase P to recognize specific structures in its substrate molecules instead of specific sequences, allowed the use of this enzyme as a molecular tool for targeting pathological and viral RNA molecules in vitro and in vivo, by suppressing gene expression through the technology of EGS (external guide sequence) and M1GS ribozymes.
RNase P, according to numerous studies, has been the target of several pharmaceutical agents, including most of the mainstream antibiotics. It has been shown recently, through analytical kinetic studies that the macrolide spiramycin significantly enhances the activity of bacterial RNase P and M1 in a dose dependent manner, acting as a non-specific mixed-type activator. Until now, no other compound has been reported to induce a positive effect on RNase P activity. In the present study, the enhancement of bacterial RNase P activity by spiramycin was tested initially, and it was revealed that spiramycin does not interact with the M1 RNA molecule through ionic bonds. On the contrary, it induces a conformational change of the P10/11 structural element of M1 RNA, which is mainly responsible for substrate recognition. The above results are in agreement with the KD values determined for the ribozyme-substrate complex, in the absence or in the presence of spiramycin.
Since spiramycin does not affect eucaryotic protein synthesis or eucaryotic RNase P activity, an M1GS ribozyme was constructed, in order to examine the effect of spiramycin on the ribozyme activity in vivo, using human HEK293 cells. The target of this M1GS was the transcription factor Ets2, a factor with great clinical importance, since it has been associated with several types of cancer and disease, as well as essential processes during differentiation. The important role of Ets2 in combination with the lack of data on Ets2 expression, had hitherto prevented its effective targeting by using the existing methodologies based on RNA, such as RNAi.
After analysis of the secondary structure of Ets2 mRNA, two guide sequences were designed. These sequences were originally tested in trans as external guide sequences (EGS), in combination with the bacterial RNase P. The EGS303 (the number indicates the nucleotide residue cleaved by RNase P), showed an ability to induce RNase P activity in vitro. The guide sequence was then cloned and fused into the 3' end of M1 RNA ribozyme, thus producing the M1GS303 ribozyme, which was found to be effective against the target molecule. The activity of this specific ribozyme is impressively enhanced by 160% in the presence of spiramycin. In order to examine the activity of this ribozyme in vivo, the expression of the target molecule and the ribozyme were induced in E. coli cells. After 12 hours of expression, a reduced level of the target molecule was detected, because of the M1GS303 activity (about 95%). Reduction to similar levels was observed after only 4 hours from the induction of both molecules expression, in the presence of spiramycin. This observation strongly supports spiramycin’s striking positive effect on the ribozyme activity.
The same set of experiments was repeated in human HEK293 cells. The activity of the ribozyme was determined qualitatively and quantitatively, by the determination of the expression of the chimeric fluorescent protein Ets2-EGFP (target molecule) at different times of expression. The M1GS ribozyme cleaves efficiently the target molecule in human cells as well in vivo, resulting in a reduction in the expression of Ets2, which is further increased in the presence of spiramycin. This result indicates the significant activation of M1GS activity in human cells, making spiramycin an important activator in using M1GS ribozymes as tools in gene silencing. The combination of improved M1GS ribozymes in the presence of spiramycin, further increases the practical utilization of this technology both in vitro and in vivo, thus achieving an even more effective suppression in gene expression.
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The Effect of Salts on the Conformational Stability of ProteinsBeauchamp, David L 13 April 2012 (has links)
It has long been observed that salts affect proteins in a variety of ways, yet comprehensive explanations for different salt effects are still lacking. In the work presented here, the effect of salts on proteins has been investigated through three different effects: the hydrophobic effect; their conformational stability; the hydrogen bonding network of water in a protein’s hydration shell. UV-vis absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy were used to monitor changes in two model systems, the phenol-acetate contact pair and the model enzyme ribonuclease t1. It was shown that salts affect the hydrophobicity of the contact pair according to their charge density, induced image charges play an important role in the observed salt-induced increase of ribonuclease t1 stability, and that salts affect ribonuclease t1 activity through modulation of the hydrogen bonds of water in the enzyme’s hydration shell. This work contributes a greater understanding of the effect of salts on proteins.
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The Effect of Salts on the Conformational Stability of ProteinsBeauchamp, David L 13 April 2012 (has links)
It has long been observed that salts affect proteins in a variety of ways, yet comprehensive explanations for different salt effects are still lacking. In the work presented here, the effect of salts on proteins has been investigated through three different effects: the hydrophobic effect; their conformational stability; the hydrogen bonding network of water in a protein’s hydration shell. UV-vis absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy were used to monitor changes in two model systems, the phenol-acetate contact pair and the model enzyme ribonuclease t1. It was shown that salts affect the hydrophobicity of the contact pair according to their charge density, induced image charges play an important role in the observed salt-induced increase of ribonuclease t1 stability, and that salts affect ribonuclease t1 activity through modulation of the hydrogen bonds of water in the enzyme’s hydration shell. This work contributes a greater understanding of the effect of salts on proteins.
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Estudo do desenvolvimento muscular e enzimático inicial do jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) com alimentos de origem animal e vegetal / Muscular development and enzymatic study initial of jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) with origin animal and vegetal foodRossato, Suzete 27 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this study was to evaluate the viability of using diets composed of ingredients of plant and animal origin in the feeding of post-larvae jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) and its influence on the development of animals. Experiments were carried out where it is tested in the first (E1) the total replacement (30%) and partial (15%) of the liver poultry for fish meal (FJ) and / or protein soy concentrate (CPS) on the standard diet containing 30% liver poultry. In the second (E2) substitution levels (5; 10; 15; 20 and 25%) of the liver by FJ and third (E3) of the liver levels for CPS replacement (15, 20, 25 and 30%) supplemented with taurine (CPST). Performance parameters were analyzed (weight, total length, condition factor, specific growth rate, daily weight gain, survival and product weight versus survival), muscle development (fiber diameter, number of fibers / mm² and total number of fibers ) and enzymatic activity (trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, amylase and maltase). The best performance of jundiá post-larvae was from 15FJ diets (E1 and E2) and 15CPST (E3). In the muscle development is found larger diameter and total number of fibers with the above mentioned diets. The development of the digestive system was not affected by the diets provided to post-larvae in this study. The enzymes assessed were already present and active at the first feeding. The enzyme activity varied during all experimental periods, with reduced activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin for diets with higher percentages of CPST over those with a lower percentage. According to the results we conclude that the combination of the sources of animal and plant improved the diet, helping improve the development of post-larvae of jundiá. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade da utilização de dietas compostas por ingredientes de origem animal e vegetal na alimentação de pós-larvas de jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) e sua influência no desenvolvimento dos animais. Foram realizados três experimentos onde testou-se no primeiro (E1) a substituição total (30%) e parcial (15%) do fígado de aves por farinha de peixe (FJ) e/ou concentrado proteico de soja (CPS) na dieta padrão contendo 30% de fígado de aves. No segundo (E2) níveis de substituição (5; 10; 15; 20 e 25%) do fígado por FJ e no terceiro (E3) níveis de substituição do fígado por CPS (15; 20; 25 e 30%) suplementado com taurina (CPST). Foram analisados parâmetros de desempenho (peso, comprimento total, fator de condição, taxa de crescimento específico, ganho em peso diário, sobrevivência e produto peso versus sobrevivência), desenvolvimento muscular (diâmetro da fibra, número de fibras/mm² e número total de fibras) e atividade enzimática (tripsina, quimotripsina, lipase, amilase e maltase). O melhor desempenho das pós-larvas de jundiá foi a partir das dietas 15FJ (E1 e E2) e 15CPST (E3). No desenvolvimento muscular encontrou-se maiores diâmetros e número total de fibras com as dietas citadas acima. O desenvolvimento do sistema digestório não foi prejudicado pelas dietas fornecidas às pós-larvas neste estudo. As enzimas analisadas já estavam presentes e ativas no momento da primeira alimentação. A atividade das enzimas oscilou durante todos os períodos experimentais, apresentando redução da atividade da tripsina e quimotripsina para as dietas com maiores percentuais de CPST em relação aquelas com menor percentual. De acordo com os resultados concluimos que a combinação das fontes de origem animal e vegetal aprimorou a dieta, contribuindo para melhorar o desenvolvimento das pós-larvas de jundiá.
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Tratamentos físicos em pós-colheita de atemoia ‘Thompson’ / Physical treatments in post-harvest atemoia 'Thompson'Vieira, Geraldo Henrique Martins 24 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geraldo Henrique Martins Vieira (ghmv01@gmail.com) on 2018-07-12T00:31:16Z
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FINAL DOUTORADO 05072018 - Com ficha catalográfica 1.pdf: 2325445 bytes, checksum: 2445b13dd935fbff7327e11915a11a09 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Lucia de Grava Kempinas (algkempinas@fca.unesp.br) on 2018-07-12T12:31:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
vieira_ghm_dr_botfca.pdf: 2933387 bytes, checksum: 2a083c6095e1a59c182c064b51813574 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-12T12:31:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-05-24 / Este trabalho, objetiva estudar a atemoia, cultivar ‘Thompson’, em três diferentes tratamentos de pós-colheita: uso de ácidos orgânicos, atmosfera modificada ativa e irradiação ionizante (60Co). Os frutos foram selecionados e armazenados em câmara fria nas condições de 15 ± 0,2ºC e 90 ± 2% de UR. Para cada experimento houve três repetições e dois frutos por repetição. Foram seis tratamentos realizados, sendo dois ácidos orgânicos (ascórbico e cítrico); nas concentrações de 1%, 2% e 3% cada tratamento submerso em sua solução de ácido orgânico por 10 minutos e posteriormente seca à sombra. Na atmosfera modificada ativa, foram quatro tratamentos, sendo eles: T0 - 21% de O2, 0,03% CO2 e 78% de N2 (ambiente);T1 - 4% de O2, 5% CO2 e 91% de N2, T2 - 4% de O2, 6% CO2 e 90% de N2, T3 - 4% de O2, 7% CO2 e 89% de N2 e T4 - 4% de O2, 8% CO2 e 88% de N2. No experimento de irradiação ionizante (60Co), foram utilizados os tratamentos T0= Sem irradiação (controle), T1=0,2kGy, T2=0,4kGy, T3=0,6kGy, T4=0,8kGy, T5=1,0kGy e T6= 1,2kGy. Em todos os comparativos de todos os experimentos as amostras foram analisadas a cada três dias até dezoito dias de armazenamento. No tratamento controle os frutos foram lavados em água corrente e posteriormente imersos em solução clorada a 150 mg L-1, por 10 minutos e posteriormente secos à temperatura ambiente; exceção feita ao tratamento controle de irradiação ionizante, o qual não recebeu este tratamento. Em todos os tratamentos, foram realizadas as análises: cromatologia de casca e polpa, perda de massa fresca, sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), pH, ácido ascórbico (AA), açucares redutores, taxa respiratória, atividade específica da polifenoloxidase (PPO) e peroxidase (POD), atividade antioxidante total e compostos fenólicos totais. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado (D.I.C.), em esquema fatorial (tratamento x armazenamento), compostos pelos tratamentos dos diferentes experimentos e oito tempos de armazenamento. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade e fez-se regressão, para as análises no período de armazenamento. Os resultados demonstraram pico respiratório, na atemoia, no sexto dia para ácido cítrico a 1% e 3% e para atmosfera modificada ativa com 4% de O2 e 8% de CO2 no 9° dia para a dose 1,2kGy.
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Seleção precoce e indireta para eficiência no uso de nitrogênio em milho / Early and indirect selection for nitrogen use efficiency in maizeCaixeta, Débora Santos 29 November 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:39:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-11-29 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / The development of maize cultivars with higher nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) can be one of the great contributions of plant breeding for sustainable agriculture. Several studies evaluating the nutrient use efficiency in the early stages have been made to accelerate the selection process. However, there are no scientific reports about the ideal stage and what are the characters at each stage that show high relationship with the NUE, at the end of the cycle. Thus, the objective was to identify the phenological stages and the secondary characters that maximize the accuracy in the early and indirect selection for nitrogen use efficiency in maize. Three maize inbred lines were evaluated in completely randomized design with five replications in three way factorial scheme (lines x N levels x phenological stage) in two contrasting nitrogen doses, low and high nitrogen. The plants were evaluated in five growth stages being: nine fully developed leaves (V9), fourteen fully developed leaves (V14), tasseling (VT), flowering (R1) and physiological maturity (R6). In these stages, the plants were evaluated for the following characters: nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE), absorption (NAbE), use (NUE) and translocation (NTrE), activity of nitrate reductase (NR, mmoles of NO2 - h-1 g-1 MF), glutamine synthetase activity in shoots (GSa, mmoles of GHD h-1 g-1 MF) and root (GSr, mmoles of GHD h-1 g-1 MF), lateral root length (CRLat, cm) and axial (CRAxi, cm), specific root area (ARe, cm² g-1), chlorophyll content (SPAD, mg cm-2), number of leaves (NF), plant height (AP, cm) , stem diameter (DC, cm), phosphorus content (TP, dag kg-1) and potassium content (TK, dag kg-1). Later, the analyzes of variance (ANOVA) were performed: individual (for each level of N, within each stage), the joint for each stage and the joint general involving all three factors (3 lines x 2 levels of N x 5 phenological stages). Then, in low availability of N, the phenotypic correlations were fractionated through path analysis in direct and indirect effects of characters: CRLat, CRAxi, ARe, NR, GSa, GSr, SPAD, NF, AP, DC, TP, TK, NTrE (explanatory variables) on the character NUE and its components NAbE and NUtE (dependent variables) according to their significance at each stage whose plants were evaluated. Finally, the gains were estimated with the direct (GSd) and indirect selection (GSi) of the explanatory variables on the dependent variables in both levels of N. Considering the estimates of direct and indirect gains under NAbE at R6 stage, it is concluded that the activities of glutamine synthetase, at stages V9 and V14, allow the indirect early selection for nitrogen use efficiency in maize under conditions of low and high availability of N, respectively. / O desenvolvimento de cultivares de milho com maior eficiência no uso de nitrogênio (EUN) pode ser uma das grandes contribuições do melhoramento vegetal para agricultura sustentável. Diversos trabalhos avaliando a eficiência no uso de nutrientes em estádios precoces já foram feitos, visando acelerar o processo de seleção. No entanto, não há relatos científicos sobre o estádio ideal e quais os caracteres em cada estádio que apresentam maior correlação com a EUN no final do ciclo. Assim, o objetivo foi identificar os estádios fenológicos e os caracteres secundários que maximizam a acurácia na seleção precoce e indireta para a eficiência no uso de nitrogênio em milho. Foram avaliadas três linhagens endogâmicas de milho em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições, em esquema fatorial triplo (linhagens x níveis de N x estádio fenológico), em duas doses contrastantes de nitrogênio, baixa e alta. As plantas foram avaliadas em cinco estádios fenológicos, quais sejam: nove folhas completamente desenvolvidas (V9), 14 folhas completamente desenvolvidas (V14), pendoamento (VT), florescimento (R1) e maturidade fisiológica (R6). Nesses estádios, as plantas foram avaliadas quanto aos seguintes caracteres: eficiência na utilização (EUtN), na absorção (EAbN), no uso (EUN) e na translocação de nitrogênio (ETrN), atividade da nitrato redutase (NR, μmoles de NO2 - h-1 g-1 MF), atividade da glutamina sintetase na parte aérea (GSa, μmoles de GHD h-1 g-1 MF) e raiz (GSr, μmoles de GHD h-1 g-1 MF), comprimento de raiz lateral (CRLat, cm) e axial (CRAxi, cm), área de raiz específica (ARe, cm² g-1), teor de clorofila (SPAD, μg cm-2), número de folhas (NF), altura de planta (AP, cm), diâmetro de colmo (DC, cm), teor de fósforo (TP, dag kg-1) e potássio (TK, dag kg-1). Posteriormente, foram feitas as análises de variância (ANOVA) individuais (para cada nível de N, dentro de cada estádio), as conjuntas para cada estádio e a conjunta geral envolvendo todos os três fatores (três linhagens x dois níveis de N x cinco estádios fenológicos). Em seguida, para baixa disponibilidade de N, foram feitos os desdobramentos das correlações fenotípicas por meio da análise de trilha, em efeitos diretos e indiretos dos caracteres: CRLat, CRAxi, ARe, NR, GSa, GSr, SPAD, NF, AP, DC, TP, TK, ETrN (variáveis explicativas) sobre o caracter EUN e seus componentes EAbN e EUtN (variáveis dependentes), de acordo com suas significâncias em cada estádio cujas plantas foram avaliadas. Por fim, foram estimados os ganhos com a seleção direta (GSd) e indireta (GSi) das variáveis explicativas sobre as variáveis dependentes, nos dois níveis de N. Considerando os ganhos diretos e indiretos estimados sob a EAbN no estádio R6, conclui-se que as atividades da glutamina sintetase, nos estádios V9 e V14, permitem a seleção precoce e indireta para eficiência no uso de nitrogênio em milho, nas condições de baixa e alta disponibilidade de N, respectivamente.
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Análise bioquímica e funcional de uma metaloprotease PI (BpMPII) isolada da peçonha de Bothrops pauloensisAchê, David Collares 29 July 2013 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Proteases are enzymes widely found in all five life being kingdoms. These proteolytic enzymes have been studied and can be used as therapeutic tools due to their actions on physiopathologic events. Metalloproteinase are hydrolytic zinc-binding dependent enzymes which interfere in physiological processes. Snake venom metalloproteinase are widely studied animal toxins. They are divided into classes (PI, PII and PIII) and PI metalloproteinase are composed of a pro-domain and a catalytic domain in its structure. In the present work, we demonstrated the biochemical and functional characteristics of a PI- metalloproteinase (BpMP-II) isolated from B. pauloensis venom. BpMP-II was purified in three chromatography steps on cation exchange resin CM-Sepharose Fast flow, filtration Sephacryl S-300 and anion exchange Capto-Q. The isolated enzyme was homogeneous on SDS-PAGE under reduction and non-reduction conditions, with a molecular weight of 23kDa determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The isoeletric focalization demonstrated a slight acid pI (6,1) of BpMP-II. The partial sequence of protein was determined by MS/MS (MALDI-TOF/TOF) and showed high structural similarity with others SVMPs as well as a significant score match. BpMP-II showed high proteolytic activity upon azocasein and bovine fibrinogen and was inhibited by EDTA, 1,10 phenantroline and β-mercaptoethanol. Moreover, this enzyme showed stability at neutral and alkaline pH and it was inactivated at temperatures higher than 60oC. Concentrations higher than 20μg of BpMP-II was able to decrease tEnd cells viability. A slight increase in creatine kinase (CK) levels was noticed when BpMP-II was administrated an intramuscular route on mice. Therefore, the present work permitted the identification and characterization of a molecule with great therapeutic potential. / Proteases são enzimas abundantemente encontradas em todos os cinco grandes reinos de seres vivos. Essas enzimas proteolíticas provenientes da natureza têm sido alvos de estudos com a finalidade de buscar ferramentas de uso terapêutico por atuarem em diversos processos fisiopatológicos. Metaloproteases são enzimas proteolíticas da classe das hidrolases que dependem da ligação de um metal em seu sítio ativo (geralmente o zinco) para exercer suas atividades. Essas enzimas participam de diversos eventos fisiológicos e patológicos. As metaloproteases de peçonha de serpentes (SVMPs) estão entre as toxinas animais mais estudadas. Elas são divididas em classes (PI, PII e PIII) de acordo com a composição estrutural e a presença de domínios. As metaloproteases da classe PI contêm um pró-domínio e o domínio catalítico em sua estrutura. No presente trabalho, nós descrevemos as características bioquímicas e funcionais de uma metaloprotease da classe PI denominada Bothrops pauloensis Metalloproteinase-II (BpMP-II), isolada da peçonha da serpente Bothrops pauloensis. BpMP-II foi purificada utilizando-se três passos cromatográficos em resinas de troca catiônica CM-Sepharose Fast Flow, coluna de gel filtração Sephacryl S-300 e resina de troca aniônica HisTrap Capto-Q. A enzima isolada apresentou-se homogênea em eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida SDS-PAGE 12,5% sob condições redutoras e não-redutoras, com uma massa molecular de 23kDa determinada por espectrometria de massas MALDI-TOF. O ensaio de focalização isoelétrica resultou em um pI levemente ácido de 6,1 para a BpMP-II. A sequência parcial da proteína determinada por MS/MS (MALDI TOF/TOF) apresentou alta similaridade estrutural com outras SVMPs com score bastante significativo. BpMP-II mostrou alta atividade proteolítica sobre azocaseína sob diferentes condições experimentais e sobre o fibrinogênio bovino com variação de dose, pH. BpMP-II foi inibida por EDTA, 1,10 fenantrolina (agentes quelantes) e β-mercaptoetanol (agente redutor ligação S-S). Além disso, esta protease apresentou estabilidade em pH neutro ou alcalino e foi inativada em temperaturas elevadas (60ºC). BpMP-II mostrou ser citotóxica para células tEnd em concentrações acima de 20μg/μL. Um leve aumento nos níveis de creatina quinase (CK) foi observado quando injetada intramuscularmente em camundongos. Assim, o presente trabalho permitiu identificar e caracterizar uma molécula com grande potencial de aplicação terapêutica. / Mestre em Genética e Bioquímica
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Développement de nouveaux chromophores basés sur le groupement tricyanofurane pour différentes applications en biologie / Development of new chromophores based on the tricyanofurane moiety for different biological applicationsIpuy, Martin 14 November 2014 (has links)
Le tricyanofurane est un groupement extrêmement électro-attracteur grâce à trois groupements nitriles conjugués. Cette caractéristique électronique nous a permis de synthétiser de nouvelles sondes fluorescentes intéressantes pour l’imagerie biologique : de petites molécules possédant un caractère dipolaire très marqué qui leur confère une fluorescence très décalée vers le rouge.Une première application de ce genre de molécules est la détection du pH intracellulaire à l’aide de groupement phénol conjugué au tricyanofurane. Grâce à une rétro-synthèse judicieuse, il a été possible de développer une famille complète possédant une très large gamme de pKa couvrant tous les pH intracellulaires possibles. En fonctionnalisant ces sondes, il est possible de cibler certains organites tels les mitochondries. En remplaçant le groupement hydroxyle par un ester pinacolboronique, ces sondes sont sensibles au peroxyde d’hydrogène. Ce type de sondes est appelé OFF/ON car la sonde est initialement non-fluorescente et la fluorescence est restaurée par l’action du peroxyde d’hydrogène. Une étude de la fluorescence à l’état solide a aussi été menée sur des molécules présentant une émission intense dans le rouge. Celles-ci ont été utilisées pour créer des sondes enzymatiques solubles en milieu physiologique qui libèrent un fluorophore insoluble après activité enzymatique. Ce fluorophore, après précipitation émet une fluorescence non présente avant activation. / Tricyanofuran is a strong electro-withdrawing group due to its three conjugated nitrile groups. This electronic characteristic was used to synthetize new fluorescent probes for biological imaging: small molecules owing a strong dipolar behavior that strongly shifts the fluorescence to the red. A first application of this kind of molecules is intracellular pH detection with a phenol moiety conjugated to the tricyanofuran. Thanks to a convenient retro-synthesis, a large family was developed displaying a large range of pKa spanning all the possible intracellular pHs. When these probes are functionalized, it is possible to target organelles such as mitochondria. When the hydroxyl group is replaced by a pinacolboronic ester, it is possible to detect hydrogen peroxide. This kind of probe is called turn-on probe because the probe is initially non-fluorescent and emission is restored by the reaction with hydrogen peroxide.Solid-state fluorescence was also studied on molecules presenting a strong and red fluorescence. This kind of molecules has then been used to design enzymatic probes soluble in physiological medium. After enzymatic cleavage, a non-soluble fluorophore is liberated and, after precipitation, leads to a strong emission.
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Análise da diversidade genética em populações de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum / Analysis of genetic diversity in populations of Sclerotinia sclerotiorumNASCIMENTO, Lucas Breseghelo do 31 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-31 / The fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is among the most successful pathogens, omnivores, and without specific hosts, is considered one of the most important fungal pathogens in the world. Is distributed in all producing regions, temperate, subtropical or tropical. The fungus produces resistant structures called sclerotia on the surface and within tissues colonized, they returned to the soil with crop residues and are responsible for the survival of the fungus in the same area for up to eight years. The objectives of this study were to quantify the variability within and between populations of the fungus S. sclerotiorum in bean and soybean crops in different producing places of those varieties. 46 isolates were collected of S. sclerotiorum in six locals of grain production in different regions of Brazil. The sites chosen were Monte Carmelo-MG, Formosa-GO, Lucas do Rio Verde-MT, Montividiu-GO, Londrina, PR and Santo Antonio de Goiás-GO. All areas of the original host of the gathering was the bean with the exception of Londrina-PR in which the host was soybeans. A population study of the fungus through RAPD markers using 13 primers was carried out for the analysis of genetic variability of the fungus. In parallel, tests were also made for the the Mycelial compatibility groups among isolates and test production of hydrolytic enzymes. The statistical analysis was performed using the Arlequin software, which indicated variability among populations of 16.94% and 83.06% within populations. Were found 10 mycelial compatibility groups without specific populations .Enzyme activities performed indicated significant differences within the populations of all enzymes, a comparison between populations also showed significant differences among populations in polygalacturonases, 1,3-β-glucanase and xylanase. The results indicate a high level of variability within populations and low variability among populations / O fungo Sclerotinia sclerotiorum está entre os fitopatógenos mais bem sucedidos, onívoros e sem hospedeiros definido, é considerado um dos patógenos fúngicos mais importantes no mundo. Está distribuído em todas as regiões produtoras, sejam elas temperadas, subtropicais ou tropicais. O fungo produz estruturas de resistência denominadas escleródios, na superfície e no interior dos tecidos colonizados. Estes retornam ao solo com os resíduos da cultura e são responsáveis pela sobrevivência do fungo na mesma área por até 8 anos. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram quantificar a variabilidade intra e inter populacional do fungo S. sclerotiorum em culturas de feijão e soja de diferentes localidades produtoras dessas espécies. Para isso foram coletados 46 isolados de S. sclerotiorum de seis locais de produção de grãos em diferentes regiões do Brasil. Os locais escolhidos foram Monte Carmelo-MG, Formosa-GO, Lucas do Rio Verde-MT, Montividiu-GO, Londrina-PR e Santo Antonio de Goiás-GO em todas as áreas o hospedeiro de origem da coleta foi o feijoeiro, com exceção de Londrina-PR, na qual o hospedeiro foi soja. Foi feito um estudo populacional do fungo através de marcadores do tipo RAPD com a utilização de 13 primers para a análise da variabilidade genética do fungo. Paralelamente também foram feitos testes para a formação de grupo de compatibilidade micelial entre os isolados e testes de produção de enzimas hidrolíticas. A análise estatística dos dados se deu através do programa Arlequin, o qual indicou variabilidade de 16,94% entre populações e 83,06% dentro de populações. Foram formados 10 grupos de compatibilidade micelial sem especificidade de populações. As atividades enzimáticas realizadas indicaram diferenças significativas dentro de populações de todas as enzimas. A comparação entre populações também indicou diferenças significativas entre populações nas enzimas poligalacturonases, 1,3-β-glucanase e xilanase. Os resultados indicaram baixo nível de variabilidade entre populações e alta variabilidade dentre as populações.
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Fungos patogênicos a insetos-praga Monalonium annulipes do cacaueiro e Hypothenemus hampei do cafeeiro, no Território da Transamazônica e Xingu, PA, e seu potencial biotecnológicoMoreira, Simone Maria Costa de Oliveira 03 September 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Alisson Mota (alisson.davidbeckam@gmail.com) on 2015-07-10T20:24:13Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-09-03 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Interest in the use of entomopathogenic microorganisms in agriculture have increased significantly in recent years, faced with problems of inadequate use of pesticides, the accumulation of waste on the environment and ecological imbalances. Currently, the research institutions are concerned to identify a greater number of microorganisms with potential use in biological control of pests that are adapted to the local ecosystem. On economic issues, has increased the demand for technologies that contribute to sustainable agriculture and in response, microbial control, more precisely with entomopathogenic fungi is a promising alternative. Cacao is the main crop of the Trans Territory and Xingu, Pará, and the municipality of Medicilândia the largest Brazilian producer. The coffee is a crop that had great expression in the region, especially Coffea canephora cv. Conilon, and has the potential to become important culture due to availability of culturable areas. In this context, the study aimed to identify naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungi that could be used in biocontrol of insect pests of cultivated plants, seeking the lowest imbalance to the environment. The specific objectives aimed to: i) collect, isolate, identify and characterize the occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi in insect pest of coffee and cocoa, ii) evaluate the effectiveness of microbial agents identified as the pathogenicity and virulence under controlled conditions and iii) testing the production of chitinase enzymes, pectinases, amylases, cellulases and lipases in the isolates obtained and identify them by molecular and classical methods. The work began with several hits on pastures, barns and crops of cocoa and coffee in the municipalities of Altamira, Brazil and New Medicilândia. The parasitized insects were coffee borers (H. hampei) one insect of the order Hemiptera, unidentified, and M. annulipes (monalônio) in cocoa, all colonized by fungi. Where were found parasitized insects, soil was collected for possible identification of entomopathogenic isolates, except where it was found monalônio. We found 14 isolates of fungi colonizing insects, being the main species Verticillium spp., Penicillium citrinum, Hiphopichia burtonii and Fusarium sp. and soil Rhinocladiella sp., Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Verticillium sp. and Pseudallescheria boydii. The analysis of enzymatic activity observed that soil isolates showed the largest degradation of substrates. In
bioassay performed against coffee berry borer, with 7 isolates, which have shown highest mortality two H. burtonii, and Icaf 5 were the most pathogenic. Monalônio against the isolated Fusarium sp, colonized 96% of the insects in the ten-day trial. Thus, it is considered that the strains showed significant potential to be introduced in biocontrol programs, with prospects promising results for microbial control of insect pests and enzyme activity. / O interesse pelo uso de microrganismos entomopatogênicos na agricultura vêm aumentando significativamente nos últimos anos, diante dos problemas inerentes à inadequada utilização de agrotóxicos, pelo acúmulo de resíduos no ambiente e desequilíbrios ecológicos. Atualmente, as instituições de pesquisa estão preocupadas em identificar um maior número de microrganismos com potencial de utilização no controle biológico de pragas que sejam adaptados ao ecossistema local. Por questões econômicas, tem aumentado a procura por tecnologias que contribuam para uma agricultura sustentável e como resposta, o controle microbiano, mais precisamente com fungos entomopatogênicos é uma alternativa promissora. O cacaueiro é a principal cultura do Território da Transamazônica e Xingu, Pará, sendo o município de Medicilândia o maior produtor brasileiro. O cafeeiro é uma cultura que teve grande expressão na região, especialmente Coffea canephora cv. Conilon, e apresenta potencial para se tornar grande cultura devido a disponibilidade de áreas. Neste contexto, o trabalho teve como objetivo a identificação de fungos entomopatogênicos de ocorrência natural que poderão ser utilizados no biocontrole de insetos-praga de plantas cultivadas, visando o menor desequilíbrio ao meio ambiente. Como objetivos específicos propôs-se a: i) coletar, isolar, identificar e caracterizar fungos entomopatogênicos de ocorrência em insetos-praga das culturas do cafeeiro e cacaueiro; ii) avaliar a eficácia de agentes microbianos identificados quanto à patogenicidade e virulência em condições controladas e; iii) testar a produção de enzimas quitinases, pectinases, amilases, celulases e lipases nos isolados obtidos e identificá-los por métodos clássico e molecular. O trabalho teve inicio com várias visitas em áreas de pastagens, capoeiras e lavouras de cacaueiros e cafeeiros nos municípios de Altamira, Brasil Novo e Medicilândia. Os insetos parasitados encontrados foram brocas-do-café (Hypothenemus hampei), no cafeeiro, um inseto da ordem Hemiptera, não identificado, e monalonium (Monalonium annulipes), no cacaueiro, todos colonizados por fungos. Nos locais onde foram encontrados os insetos parasitados, coletou-se solos para possível identificação de isolados entomopatogênicos, exceto onde foi encontrado o monalônio. Foram encontrados 14 isolados de fungos colonizando insetos, sendo as principais espécies Verticillium spp., Penicillium citrinum, Hiphopichia burtonii e Fusarium sp. e no solo Rhinocladiella sp.,
Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Verticillium sp. e Pseudallescheria boydii. Na análise da atividade enzimática observou-se que os isolados do solo apresentaram as maiores degradações dos substratos testados. No bioensaio realizado contra broca-do-café, com 7 isolados, os que apresntaram maior índice de mortalidade foram H. burtonii, e Icaf 5, com 96, 94 e 62%, respectivamente, sendo os mais patogênicos. Contra o monalônio, o isolado Icac 3, Fusarium sp, colonizou 96% dos insetos nos dez dias de avaliação. Assim, considera-se que os isolados estudados demonstraram potencial importante para serem introduzidos em programas de biocontrole, com perspectivas de resultados promissores para controle microbiano de insetos-praga e atividade enzimática.
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