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Histoire alternative des origines du roman : promenades interculturelles dans un monde sans épopée / An alternative history of the origins of the novel genre Intercultural wanderings around a world with no epicsToren, Orly 04 December 2010 (has links)
Que signifie repenser l’Histoire littéraire et l’Histoire du roman comme Histoire culturelle ? Le point de départ de notre questionnement sur les formes de représentation adoptées par l’Histoire littéraire porte sur la doxa critique selon laquelle il existe une relation génétique entre l’épopée et le roman, dont la source se trouve dans ce qu’il est convenu de voir comme le texte fondateur de la littérature, l’épopée d’Homère et celui de la théorie littéraire, la Poétique d’Aristote. Si l’épopée homérique est une œuvre de la tradition orale, quelle est sa relation avec le roman, issu, lui, de la scripturalité et de l’émergence de la prose ? Si les récits en prose narrative de fiction apparaissent dans des civilisations sans épopée, quelle est la condition nécessaire pour leur émergence ? Si, de plus, l’apparition d’une prose narrative de fiction est précédée de plusieurs siècles de celle d’une historiographie et que ce phénomène se répète aussi bien dans la Grèce classique qu’au Moyen Âge européen, ou encore en Chine, quelle est la condition nécessaire pour l’essor du roman ? Nous présentons ici l’ébauche d’une Histoire alternative des origines du roman dans la Weltliteratur, en relation avec l’émergence de la scripturalité et la prose et l’essor de l’historiographie À la croisée de plusieurs disciplines académiques, notamment entre les sciences humaines et sociales, notre recherche fait appel d’une part à la théorie et à l’Histoire de la littérature, d’autre part à l’Histoire de l’historiographie, ainsi qu’à la théorie et la philosophie de l’Histoire. / Is it possible to rethink Literary History and in particular the History of the Novel as Cultural History which seeks to differentiate between an historical object and it’s representation? Considering the critical doxa, according to which, there exists a genetic link between epics and the novel, leads to one of Western thinking’s most stubborn myths. If epics, and particularly Homer’s, is seen as the novel’s ascendant , although it belongs to oral tradition, how does it explain the fact that as Ancient civilizations as Egypt or China or Israel developed sophisticated prose narratives without having epics? Moreover, if Western literary history refers to Aristotle’s Poetics as it’s foundational text, although by the time it was written, fictional prose didn’t exist yet, and was only to develop a few centuries later, shouldn’t we seek for the missing link between the oral tradition and the rise of the novel? As against this hegemonic and unhistorical representation that considers the novel genre as a Western invention, and as opposed to the historical circumstances that gave birth to the novel, we consider that the key to understanding this phenomenon lies in the emergence of literacy and prose. Indeed, in all civilizations that developed fictional prose writing, it was systematically preceded, not by epics, but by historiography. Our PHD dissertation presents an alternative History of the novel, whose angle is intercultural and interdisciplinary, aiming at recreating a new chronology of the emergence of the novel as a an inevitable historical genre in world’s literature.
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Les verbes latins signifiant « combattre » dans la poésie épique, d’Ennius aux poètes flaviens (IIIe s. av. J.-C. – Ier s. ap. J.-C.). Approche sémantique, morphologique et syntaxique / A Study of the Latin Verbs Meaning “Fight” in Epic Poetry from Ennius to the Flavian Poets (IIIrd b. C. – Ist a. D.). A Semantic, Morphological and Syntactic ApproachTaous, Tatiana 02 December 2013 (has links)
La thèse étudie les dénominations du procès de combattre en latin et montre que l’évolution des signes linguistiques est corrélative des realia historiques et politiques. Cette étude sémantique articule différentes approches et propose un éclairage linguistique et anthropologique sur les verbes signifiant « combattre » dans la poésie épique latine. Au vu des problématiques liées à tout sujet onomasiologique, une partie préliminaire se concentre sur l’établissement du corpus de verbes. Les première et seconde parties confrontent l’approche sémantique aux approches morphologique et syntaxique. Les lexèmes retenus sont décrits plus précisément afin de déterminer s’ils adoptent des tendances morphologiques et rectionnelles particulières, rattachables à leur signifié. La première partie permet, à travers l’étude des radicaux, des morphèmes (temps – personne) et des préverbes, de dégager des spécificités morphosémantiques en relation avec les trois types morphologiques isolés (verbes simples, locutions et préverbés). La seconde partie étudie, dans une perspective sémantico-syntaxique, les rôles sémantiques et les types rectionnels et crée des zones d’intersection entre lexèmes, qui ne rejoignent pas toujours les trois types morphologiques. Ces nouveaux recoupements permettent d’opposer les lexèmes et de déterminer les motivations (littéraires ou anthropologiques) de leurs emplois. La thèse en arrive à l’idée que la perpétuation ou le renouvellement des signes linguistiques pour dénoter le procès « combattre » a partie liée avec des données culturelles et anthropologiques et que le genre épique est un genre littéraire vivant, qui suit la mouvance et les idéologies de son temps. / This study of Latin verbs meaning “to fight” in epic poetry shows that the evolution of linguistic signs and lexical units reflects extralinguistic phenomena. It is a semantic study which, by combining several approaches, sheds new light, both linguistic and anthropological, on the verbs meaning “to fight” in Latin epic poetry. The preliminary chapter (after the introduction) presents the selected verbs belonging to the corpus. In the first and second sections of the work, the contrast is drawn between a fundamentally semantic approach to the verbs and a more morphological and syntactical approach. The first section analyses the verbs’ synchronic radicals, their tenses, their personal morphemes, and their preverbs, in order to show their semantic specificities in the context of the three morphological types in which they may be found: simple verbs, verbal phrases and preverbed verbs. In a semantic-syntactic approach, the second section deals with the participant roles and syntactic environments and creates new intersections between lexemes. These links shed light on the oppositions that exist between the individual lexemes and determine the – literary or anthropological – motivations in the use of the selected verbs. The conclusion makes two important points. Firstly, we see that the continuation or the renewal of linguistic signs and lexical units denoting the process of fighting also depend on cultural and anthropological factors. Secondly, it is made clear that the epic literary genre in Latin is not frozen throughout the historical periods studied here, since it is continually evolving and adapting to the changes and ideologies of the times.
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彝族的源流史詩 / Epics of Yi’s Origin黃季平, Huang, Chi Ping Unknown Date (has links)
一、Approche: 文獻大彙整與地圖套疊
源流史詩展現民族的歷史觀,足以反映及代表民族的思維,因此源流史詩可以說是文學史與民族史交集下的結晶。因此,筆者將「源流史詩」做為檢驗「彝族」的一種標準。經過這麼多層的討論後,證據是傾向「彝族」是「由多民族組成的一個民族集團」而非「擁有眾多支系的一個民族」。這一個結論,可以讓我們重新拿來檢驗現有的關於「彝族」的「民族史」與「文學史」,同時可以用來檢驗「彝族民族識別」之後的「彝族認同」過程。 / The focus of the thesis is on the “epics of Yi’s origin” By studying them, we may have a closer examination of whether the Yi can be categorized as one “ethnos.”
A. The approach: Compiling documents and putting maps together
The contents of an ethnos’ epics of origin are mainly legends, heroes, ethnic origin, immigration and ancestor veneration, which are not entertaining. The occasions to chant the epics, such as seasonal worshiping and funerals, make the epics solemn. That lets a group of people identify themselves with their own epics. The thesis observes and explains Yi via its epics of origin since people of a same ethnos are supposed to have the same texts which make them feel the same. The texts include the philosophy view of “creation,” identification with the history of one’s “ethnic origin,” and religious experience of “ancestor veneration.”
First, I reorganized 108 epics out of scattered documents and systemize them. Both for ethnological or anthropologic field observations and for the overall description of an ethnos’ history of literature or ethnohistory, the systemization is of broader consolidation. Second, the thesis produces 21 maps and puts them together in three map overlay modes. That adds the concept of “space” to the presentation of the epics and creates the “space” in which Yi’s “language varieties” and “branches” can meet, letting us able to search for the meanings of the relationships among the three – epics, language varieties, and branches – in the space. These are what the forerunners on the study haven’t given any definition for.
The three map overlay modes are “Yi’s branches vs six language varieties vs distribution of Yi’s epics of creation,” “Yi’s branches vs six language varieties vs distribution of three main narrative systems of Yi’s epics of creation,” and “Yi’s epics of ethnic origin vs six language varieties vs distribution of the branches from the six forefathers.” We can see the distributions of the epics, language varieties and branches of Northern Yi and Eastern Yi match. But in Yunnan, the result of map overlay appears in a state of disarray. The main cause may be Yi’s branches in Yunnan are complicated, which underlines the belonging issues in the epics and language varieties. Actually, these issues are something the thesis wants to explore to find out if Yi is “an ethnos with many branches” or “an ethnic group made up of several ethnos.”
B. The values of the epics of Yi’s origin and history:
The epics of Yi’s origin and history can be categorized into epics of creation, epics of ethnic origin, and epics for ancestor veneration. All of them reflect Yi’s religion based on worshiping ancestral spirits and also connect closely with the history of Yi. The thesis tries to study 108 epics of Yi’s origin systematically.
(a) Yi’s epics of creation can be divided into three narrative systems.
With the self-made “scenario plates” units, I analyze 39 epics of creation and categorize them into three narrative systems – the Lewo Teyi System in Sichuan, the System of the Birth and Changes of the Universe in Guezhou, and the System of Changing Human Races in Yunnan. In Yi’s multi narrative systems, we can see many different styles and features. It’s very rare for an ethnos to have all of the characteristics. Thus, we can conclude that Yi can at least be divided into three different ethnos.
(b) Yi’s epics of ethnic origin are centered on family histories.
Yi’s epics of ethnic origin which are based on Yi’s family pedigrees built on the patronymic linkage naming system are recorded and edited by bimos. There are 21 well-organized epics of ethnic origin which mainly distribute in Bijie, Guezhou and Wuding, Yunnan. The core of the epics is the branching story of the six ancestries. In Yunnan, the story is not complete and also in a state of disarray. It might be caused by the communication factor. In terms of centralized development, the story of Dumu and the branching of the six ancestries is exclusive in the Eastern Yi region. The thesis explores seven contemporary works on Yi’s history and finds out that “Dumu and Yi’s six forefathers” has departed from Yi’s “legendry” and transformed into part of Yi’s “history.”
(c) Long poetry for ancestor veneration sufficiently presents Yi’s beliefs of ancestral spirits.
A big chunk of Yi’s ancient religious books are those for remembering the dead whose contents are mainly expressing veneration in the form of long poetry. After reorganization, there are 64 long poems for expressing veneration and most of them (36 in total) are the chi lu ching, scripture of leading the road. The thesis tries to find the differences among the groups of Yi’s language varieties in the aspects of the “concept of ancestral spirits,” “funerary and burial customs,” and “ancestor veneration.” I think that the concept of the immortal soul is prevailing among the Yi. The idea of returning to the ancestry is particularly obvious in the Northern Yi region and can be found in part of the Eastern Yi region. The idea is hardly found in other Yi regions but the traces of the idea are left in part of the rites there.
C. Yi is more like an “ethnic group” made up of “several ethnos.”
The three sets of overlaid maps of Yi’s epics of creation prove the relationships among Yi’s branches and language varieties are in a state of disarray, causing the epics not really match with the branches. The most complicated area is Yunnan. On the other hand, the epics and branches have some sort of correlation in Sichuan of Northern Yi and Guezhou of Eastern Yi.
As for Yi’s epics of ethnic origin, the three sets of overlaid maps show that the epics, branches, and language varieties are related. The situation can be seen in Nori and Nasu groups of Eastern Yi. However, there isn’t any epic of ethnic origin in other language variety regions. Thus I assume Nori and Nasu groups have become main groups of Yi and their family histories have thus become important parts of Yi’s ethnohistory.
Long poetry for ancestor veneration aims to clarify the common historical memories of the Yi in terms of the concept of time. Via the linking of the patronymic linkage naming system and the chi lu ching, based on the religious concept of ancestral spirits, and with the help of bimos, Yi’s branches seem to connect together under the influence of “religion.”
An ethnos’ epics of origin demonstrate the historical view of the ethnos and represent the thoughts of the ethnos. Therefore, epics of origin of an ethnos can be regarded as something bred by the ethnos’ history of literature and its ethnohistory. Thus, I use “epics of ethnic origin and history” as a criterion to explore “Yi.” Through multi analyses, it is obvious that Yi is “an ethnic group made up of several ethnos” rather than “an ethnos with many branches.” This conclusion can be used to re-examine the existing issues on Yi’s ethnohistory and its history of literature and to review the ethnic identification process of the Yi after Yi was certified as an ethnos.
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La danse des temps dans l'épopée, d'Homère au Roland / Dancing with Tenses in Epic, from Homer to the Song of RolandLakshmanan-Minet, Nicolas 21 November 2017 (has links)
Les épopées d’Homère et de Virgile, la Chanson de Roland sont marquées par une alternance qui peut paraître capricieuse. En fait, on la saisit beaucoup mieux dès lors qu’on prend en compte la présence des corps : ceux du jongleur, de l’aède, du récitant ; le corps du public. Postures, gestuelle, mouvements, regard, souffle, musique s’articulent à cette alternance pour en faire une véritable danse. Cette thèse étudie d’abord comment dansent chacun des temps principaux du récit dans ces épopées, en accordant la priorité à Homère et au Roland ; puis elle étudie comment cette danse des temps prend corps dans chacune des petites pièces dont nous décelons que sont composées les épopées anciennes comme le Roland : les laisses. / The Homeric and Virgilian epics, as well as the Chanson de Roland are full of tenseswitching, the use of which might seem capricious to the modern reader. It is in fact much better understood when bodies’ presence is taken into account — these bodies being the bard’s one as well as the audience’s. Postures, gestures, moves, eyes, breath, music are joint partners to tenseswitching, so that tenses really dance in epics. This study is firstly about how each one of the main narrative tenses dances in Homer and the Roland, and also in the Æneid. Then it studies the way tenses dance in each of the small pieces we find in the classical epics as well as in the Roland : the laisses.
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<p>In this dissertation, I investigate the authentic learning experiences of students participating in the Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) program at Purdue University within the framework of authentic education. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the study assesses the performance of new and returning students across five key outcomes that measure authentic learning during a single semester. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant main effects for time of assessment and type of student on performance, with an overall improvement in all outcomes observed from mid-term to final evaluations and returning students typically outperforming new students. Interaction effects between time and type were also examined, revealing subtle yet complex dynamics in students’ learning trajectories. The findings hold implications for enhancing authentic learning, especially in engineering design contexts, and offer insights to guide future implementation of and improvements to authentic education initiatives, particularly the EPICS program. Despite certain limitations, the research opens avenues for future investigations into diverse aspects of authentic education in STEM and beyond. </p>
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Epos o Zimrī-Lîmovi / The Epic of Zimrī-LîmVálek, František January 2022 (has links)
The presented master's thesis deals with the Epic of Zimrī-Lîm, a text from the ancient city of Mari from the beginning of the 18th century BC. The text of the epic is included in transliteration (based on the edition by Michaël Guichard from 2014) and in English translation. The epic has also been published online as the first entry of NERE (Near Eastern Royal Epics) project on ORACC (Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus). In addition to the text itself, the thesis includes a broader historical-cultural commentary. There, selected elements of the ancient text are portraited as well-set within the lived cultural-political environment of the ancient Near East, with particular attention to the time of Zimrī-Lîm. Most of the space is devoted to the religious aspect of the work, especially the role of the deities. Last but not least, the composition is discussed within the context of other royal epics of the ancient Near East. Key Words Zimrī-Lîm, Mari, TellHariri, epic, royal epics, Akkadian literature, narrative, royal ideology, religion, ancient Syria, ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Near East, Middle Bronze Age
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The Medieval Reception of Firdausī's Shāhnāma: The Ardashīr Cycle as a Mirror for PrincesAskari, Nasrin 02 August 2013 (has links)
Based on a broad survey of the reception of Firdausī’s Shāhnāma in medieval times, this dissertation argues that Firdausī’s oeuvre was primarily perceived as a book of wisdom and advice for kings and courtly élites. The medieval reception of the Shāhnāma is clearly manifested in the comments of medieval authors about Firdausī and his work, and in their use of the Shāhnāma in the composition of their own works. The production of ikhtiyārāt-i Shāhnāmas (selections from the Shāhnāma) in medieval times and the remarkable attention of the authors of mirrors for princes to Firdausī’s opus are particularly illuminating in this regard.
The survey is complemented by a close textual reading of the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma in comparison with other medieval historical accounts about Ardashīr, in order to illustrate how history in the Shāhnāma is reduced to only a framework for the presentation of ideas and ideals of kingship. Based on ancient Persian beliefs regarding the ideal state of the world, I argue that Ardashīr in the Shāhnāma is represented as a Saviour of the world. Within this context, I offer new interpretations of the symbolic tale of Ardashīr’s fight against a giant worm, and explain why the idea of the union of kingship and religion, a major topic in almost all medieval Persian mirrors for princes, has often been attributed to Ardashīr. Finally, I compare the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma with nine medieval Persian mirrors for princes to demonstrate that the ethico-political concepts contained in them, as well as the portrayal of Ardashīr, remain more or less the same in all these works.
Study of the Shāhnāma as a mirror for princes, as this study shows, not only reveals the meaning of its symbolic tales, but also sheds light on the pre-Islamic roots of some of the ethico-political concepts presented in the medieval Perso-Islamic literature of wisdom and advice for kings and courtiers.
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The Medieval Reception of Firdausī's Shāhnāma: The Ardashīr Cycle as a Mirror for PrincesAskari, Nasrin 02 August 2013 (has links)
Based on a broad survey of the reception of Firdausī’s Shāhnāma in medieval times, this dissertation argues that Firdausī’s oeuvre was primarily perceived as a book of wisdom and advice for kings and courtly élites. The medieval reception of the Shāhnāma is clearly manifested in the comments of medieval authors about Firdausī and his work, and in their use of the Shāhnāma in the composition of their own works. The production of ikhtiyārāt-i Shāhnāmas (selections from the Shāhnāma) in medieval times and the remarkable attention of the authors of mirrors for princes to Firdausī’s opus are particularly illuminating in this regard.
The survey is complemented by a close textual reading of the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma in comparison with other medieval historical accounts about Ardashīr, in order to illustrate how history in the Shāhnāma is reduced to only a framework for the presentation of ideas and ideals of kingship. Based on ancient Persian beliefs regarding the ideal state of the world, I argue that Ardashīr in the Shāhnāma is represented as a Saviour of the world. Within this context, I offer new interpretations of the symbolic tale of Ardashīr’s fight against a giant worm, and explain why the idea of the union of kingship and religion, a major topic in almost all medieval Persian mirrors for princes, has often been attributed to Ardashīr. Finally, I compare the Ardashīr cycle in the Shāhnāma with nine medieval Persian mirrors for princes to demonstrate that the ethico-political concepts contained in them, as well as the portrayal of Ardashīr, remain more or less the same in all these works.
Study of the Shāhnāma as a mirror for princes, as this study shows, not only reveals the meaning of its symbolic tales, but also sheds light on the pre-Islamic roots of some of the ethico-political concepts presented in the medieval Perso-Islamic literature of wisdom and advice for kings and courtiers.
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